Regulation In A Free Society
Is Law A Limitation On Freedom Or A Fundamental Condition Of It?
Comparative Views And Case Studies From Europe And The United States
May 12 & 13, 2015
Tuesday May 12, 2015, 14.30-15.45, CESES, Celetná 20
1. Law and Public Policy: Introduction and Philosophical Underpinnings
Kipling, Mill, Hobbes, Locke, Lincoln
France: Declaration of the Rights of Man
USA: Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights
Case Studies: Free Speech and Privacy
Spanish case involving Google and the right to be forgotten, public commentary on
religion, internet and data protection, government access to personal records
Tuesday May 12, 2015, 16.00-17.15, CESES, Celetná 20
2. Public Policy and the Role of the State
Continue talk no. 1 and open discussion: What conduct should be regulated? Methods,
effectiveness and ethical considerations
Case Studies: Personal Health Decisions
Legalization of cannabis and medical marijuana – Colorado case
Wednesday May 13, 2015, 14.30-15.45, Jinonice, J3019
3. Legislative Process
Three branches of government in the USA, role of American courts
Case Studies: Affirmative Action and Discrimination
University of Michigan cases, Texas case, immigration protests pro and con in Europe
Wednesday May 13, 2015, 16.00-17.15, Jinonice, J3019
4. Public Policy and the Role of the State
Continue talk no. 3 and open discussion: What conduct should be regulated? Methods,
effectiveness and ethical considerations
Case Studies: Personal Health Decisions
Assisted suicide and the right to die
PURPOSE: The speaker Wendell Goddard is deeply interested in questions of what
conduct should be regulated in a free society, how such limitations should be imposed,
how they are actually regulated, and whether such regulation is effective. Wendell plans
these talks at Charles University because he wants to encourage an exchange of ideas on
how public policy is determined and enacted in different countries and cultures. He hopes
to promote a continuing discussion on alternative ways to address concerns common to
all people. Wendell also hopes to ask some provocative questions and present some
illuminating case studies to connect real-life situations in both Europe and the United
States to abstract ideas of what it means to be free in the world today.
SPEAKER: Wendell Goddard, American lawyer and litigator/barrister
Over his career, Wendell has handled many kinds of disputed cases in the San Francisco
Bay Area, where he works and lives with his family. He attended Yale University (B.A.),
where he studied European History, the Arts and Letters, and law school at the University
of California at Berkeley (J.D.), where he was a member of the California Law Review.
He then served as law clerk to United States District Judge Whitman Knapp in New
York, and for the past 40 years he has practiced law in California. He has previously
lectured in California and Thailand.