May Bear Facts - Alcester-Hudson School District 61-1

May 2015
Alcester-Hudson High School
Box 198 Alcester, SD 57001
Senior Prophecy
As Predicted by the Juniors
Maverick Steen: Still talking to his girl
friend on Google Plus
Danika Taylor: Living in Seattle, she now
has rainbow colored hair
Colin Walth: Last seen escaping the
country with his wife and triplets.
Forced to flee the country due to his under-
ground rollerblade business
Josh Beck: Last seen living in a van down
by the river.
Nick Beck: A musician, currently the
Eric Berg: Last seen being a headline
opening act for Taylor Swift.
dancer for Chippendales.
Tashena Osterkamp: working with
refugees in Zimbabwe
Lance Sogn: Gets really caught up in the
2020’s and no one ever sees him again
Cheyenne Sorlie: living in France as a
renowned artist
Jaylen Dickau: Working with a low level
pro wrestling firm in Louisiana. Known for
his finisher “the gator roll”. He currently has
lost only three and half fingers.
Chris Klemme- Found his true calling in
competitive eating. Holds the world record
for eating 62 eggplants in 3 mins. 37secs
Marcus Ireland- Co teaching an
animation class with Jeanne Bitz. Trying to
make a film about how oysters find love and
make a pearl.
Abigale Farley: Become the first female
Pope. She legally changed her name to be
called by her middle name Margaret Francis.
Amber Hanzlik: Devoted her life to
hunting Leprechauns, resides in
Anytime, USA.
Lyle Laframboise: Became really outspoken
after high school. Has a career in giving
motivation speeches to Mongolian immigrants.
Ashton Liston: Changed his name to
“Woodrow But Don’t Have a Paddle” to get
constant chuckles by those around him.
Nick Malmberg: Still without a real car, he
drives a car like Fred Flintstone. Has 47
tickets for driving too slow on the interstate.
Steve McNeil: Started a tricycle gang
known as “Steve’s Demons”. They go around
the streets of Toronto wreaking havoc
by throwing moldy carrots on unsuspecting
Alyssa Borchers: Working as Secretary of
State for the state on Utah. Her first act was to •
outlaw the production of garlic jelly beans.
Preston Dooley: Dairy farm owner,
currently experimenting on expanding his
product line in cat milk.
Hannah Norseen: Covered in tattoos, she
is a hit woman that targets seal clubbers in
the Atlantic.
Sierra McConnell: Struggling to get over
Domenick Wilson: Prescribed an
experimental drug, the side effect made him
grow horns. He is now fighting for
dominance in a pack of big horn sheep
around Flagstaff, Arizona.
Eden Hemmingson- Leading a group of
backwoods comrades against the tyranny of
the nation.
Samantha Heiman: Loving her job
working at the PINK factory.
the breakup she experienced in high school
over quiz bowl.
Emily Myers: Found a job being a nurse at
a hospital in New York. She married Mackl
emore and is living the life of luxury.
Survival 101
By Gavin Doering
Your plane has crashed. You need food, water,
and shelter ASAP. Unfortunately the only thing you
know about survival you learned from Bear Grylls on
the Discovery Channel years ago. This situation could
be detrimental and result in imminent death. However,
the 10th, 7th, and 6th graders here at Alcester-Hudson
have armed themselves with primitive survival skills
that just might save their skins in a situation like this!
The past few months these students have embarked
on a journey through the dangers of the wilderness and
have been presented with challenges of survival. They
have pooled their intellect and problem solving skills together to tackle these natural dangers. Some of the challenges have included; Shelter, collecting water, filtering
water, gathering food, first aid and signaling help. They
practiced the skills involved with tackling these challenges and trekked to Sioux Falls to compete against other
teams from the surrounding area. The 10th graders swept
the high school division. The 7th and 6th graders also
performed well, with a team from 6th grade placing 2nd.
This project has been exciting and engaging for students. It gives them a chance to plunge their hands into a
project and begin to form solutions through research and
deductive reasoning. It also arms them with skills that can
help them in real-life situations and potentially save lives!
Summer Activities
By Nick Johannsen
10. Summer Sports
9. Fishing
8. Makin Bank (Money)
7. Avoiding Teachers
6. Swimming
5. Vacations
4. Outdoor parties
3. Walks
2. “Suns out guns out”.
1. Avoiding School.
By Kinzi DeBruin
Fun fact for you: People who have more birthdays are likely to live longer…HAHAHA. As another school year reaches the
end, most every student at AHHS is excited for the care free summer
days ahead. As for our seniors they too will be enjoying a summer
looking forward to attending college in the fall. Before we go we
have many students with birthdays in the last two months of school
this year. Let’s make sure to wish them a very Happy Birthday!
To start off with our seniors who will be headed off to new opportunities, we give them best wishes and wish them all a happy birthday.
The first senior on the list is Lyle Laframboise who celebrates a birthday with his friends on April 5th. On thel ast day of April, Emily Myers
celebrates her birthday. Seniors Josh Beeck and Stevan McNeil enjoy
their birthday two days apart on May 16th and 18th. Lance Sogn on
April 21st, has a long awaited birthday enjoyed with family and friends.
High school birthdays may not be as exciting as elementary
school, but every opportunity to celebrate should be taken. Emily
Ronning takes advantage and celebrates on April 4th. With joint
birthdates freshman Tyler Nelson and Heidi Renken have a birthday on the 13th of April. Another freshman, Jordyn Huber, spends
her birthday hanging with her friends on the 22nd. The following day Trent Rus has a 17th birthday on the 23rd. Seventh and
eighth graders Elizabeth Halloway and CJ Carlson celebrate on the
25th and 26th of April. Junior Kevin Hedeen and freshman Madison Gray both enjoy a birthday on April 7th, turning 17 and 15.
April Birthdays now passed and celebrated, a new wave of
birthday are on their way in May. 8th grade double duo Kendra Jensen
and Sarah Cotton party on the 4th and 7th of May. On May 14th Luke
Hummel will enjoy a very exciting birthday. Along-side Luke, sophomore Kassidy Walth celebrates on the 30th. Seventh grader Samuel
Bakker the next day turns 13 on the 31st. Freshman Augustine LaFramboise is excited for a fun filled 16th birthday on May 19th, Emily
Busch has a birthday on the 18th and John Kemner has his on the 21st.
Have a great day!
Bear Facts
Eden Hemmingson
Kinzi DeBruin
Senior Reporters
Samantha Heiman
Cheyenne Sorlie
Eric Berg
Lyle LaFramboise
Sierra McConnell
Christopher Klemme
* We welcome signed Letters
to the Editor. Letters may be
* Opinions expressed in The
Bear Facts are not necessarily
those of the entire staff.
* The Bear Facts is published
during the school year.
Kathy Johannsen
Jr. Reporters
Grant Johnson
Mitchell Johnson
Zachary Ronning
Cassie Schiefen
Brianna Walth
Marshall Christensen
Sam Brandt
The Road So Far...
By Eric Berg
As the final days at AHHs go
by, it makes us remember what we all
have been through over the years as
we’ve grown up,starting with preschool.
Some of us went to preschool at the
high school, while some went to the elementary school, we played in the sand,
sang songs, and got dirty all the time.
Going into kindergarten, there were
only eleven of us who stayed until our
senior year. We enjoyed play time, and
recess while Mrs. Merrick tried her best
to get us under control. Learning our
first words like “the”, “is”, and “what”
was a challenge for us back then. Literally bouncing off the walls, we had
nap times to regain our energy. Learning all the letters in the alphabet, we
started to put those letters into words.
Our class kept growing and growing,
as we went to first grade. We learned a
valuable skill, telling time. We added
three new students who stayed with
us till our senior year, Jaylen Dickau,
Hanna Norseen, and Amber Hanzlik.
Second grade year we learned all about
frogs and their lifestyles.Third grade was
the year when we all learned about multiplying and dividing, and some of us
joined wrestling. It’s also when we took
our first Dakota step test, basically hours
of torture every morning for a week, but
on the brightside we got free breakfast.
In fourth grade, some of us started the
sport of basketball for the first time. That
year we all learned and read about Laura
Ingalls Wilder. We even took a trip to see
the house where she lived. Only one new
student in fourth grade stayed with us
until our senior year, Sierra McConnell.
In fifth grade year, we had Mrs. Anderson who was recovering from her
cancer and who had to where a wig to
class every day. We gained two new
students who stayed with us, Abbey
Farley and Lyle Laframboise. Sixth grade year we had a teacher
that only taught at the elementary for
two years, Mr. Ripperda. We had three
new students that year, Josh Beeck,
Nick Beeck, and Domonick Wilson.
We played the game of football for the
first time, and although we were very
small we managed to perform very well.
Seventh and eighth grade was the year
some of us got to take the driver’s ED class.
Most of us were scared at the time, but as
we passed the test and drove more, We
managed to get our driver’s licenses. Emily Myers joined in seventh grade and Nick
Malmberg joined our class in ninth grade.
Freshmen year was scary as we got
to play some varsity for the first time
on volleyball, football, basketball, and
track. Sophomore year Marcus Ireland and Steve McNeil joined our class.
Sophomore year was the year the
choir and band kids went on their trip
to New York City, which was one of
the best moments of the entire year.
Our last student to join our class was
Alli Borchers, who joined our class our senior year, and will be graduating with us.
By Cheyenne Sorlie
Ella is about to discover what it truly means to be
courageous and kind after the tragic death of her mother
and father. Ella is then left to live with her wicked Stepmother and selfish stepsisters and to pacify her Stepmother she must complete all of the housework and live out her
days in her family’s dreary attic. But with the help of her
fairy godmother her life is going to be changed forever.
After the death of her father, Ella’s stepmother is now in
control of Ella’s family estate, the place that once brought Ella
happiness and laughter now gives brings misery. But whenever
Ella feels like giving in and lashing back at her new family she
refrains, she remembers the words her mother told her “be courageous and kind”. After an encounter with a strange girl in the
woods, Prince Kit announces that there will be a party for all
the people of the kingdom to attend, hoping that the girl from
the woods will attend. When news of the party reaches Ella’s
home her stepmother and stepsister scurry around the house to
arrange things before the big night. Ella hopes she can enjoy
this night as well, but her horrible stepmother quickly tells her
By Samantha Hieman
It’s weird to think that just yesterday I was
in the seventh grade and now I will be graduating
soon. To ask me what some of my favorite moments from high school are is pretty hard considering I have had a pretty good high school experience. Would I do it again? No, but I’m glad that I
got to spend these last years with some good people
and make memories that I will remember forever.
My all-time favorite memories are the
nights and mornings I have shared with my friends. There was that time at Amber’s house when we had
a water gun fight in her basement, or when we were
hitting fruit with baseball bats in the streets. The
times when all we girls would hop into Lance’s truck
and blare the radio while cruising the dirt roads or
go mudding (we got stuck multiple times). There
was the time when we took a bunch of couches and
chairs out of the dumpsters and set up our mini
home on Main Street and stayed there till midnight
when the cops kicked us out. The best memories
are the times you didn’t plan and thought you just
end up hurt or in trouble. I remember doing cookies in Amber’s car on gravel, and everyone in the
car got sick. I remember building massive torches
at a bonfire and running around town. I remember
at Amber’s house the power went out and we lit
about forty candles, which wax ended up all over
the rug. Who could forget the awkward junior high
dances and the endless hours preparing for prom.
I will always remember the bonfires, movie
nights, fishing days, concerts, the field trips, nights
walking around town, cruising around, the hangouts at Amber’s house, and everything in between. I’m so thankful for the time I have had at AlcesterHudson High School with some amazing people. The people that I grew up with are going to be hard
to leave behind and I hope I’ll be friends with these
people forever, As I prepare for college, I know
that I am ready to make some new fun memories. that she is not allowed to attend. When the night of the party
arrives, Ella is left at her home all alone, until she meets her
fairy godmother. With the help of her fairy godmother Ella is
able to attend the party, but only until the last stroke of midnight then the magic will be gone. At the party Prince Kit is
reunited with his mystery girl, but is shocked to discover that
she has to leave so soon. The clock is striking midnight and
the magic is wearing off, but the adventure has only begun.
This movie really surprised me because I didn’t expect
to enjoy it as much as I did. The cast was fantastic for in their
roles, Lily James was a fantastic Cinderella, and you can’t help
but swoon at the Prince’s dashing smile. The costumes in the
movie were so enchanting and the score really made the film
feel like a fairytale. The film overall was a beautiful rendition of the beloved classic tale, and I believe it is a must see.
Be kind and courageous enough to give the movie a watch.
By Sigmund Brandt
With winter sports are all wrapped up, it’s time for
golf, and the golfers are getting into the “swing” of
things. With the weather not cooperating it’s getting hard to get out on the courses. The golfers are
doing all they can to work on their game. Most are
working on their short game indoors and when we
can get on the golf course. “Very successful season,
I think many young golfers have learned the traits of
the game.” said junior Nick Johannsen. “I’m looking
forward to this opportunity to play on varsity.” said
sophomore Holly Van Wyk
This year we have a lot of boys out for golf but not
many girls. With returning state qualifiers juniors
Grant Johnson and Zach Ronning leading the team
we’re looking for them to show the younger golfers
the ropes. With the younger golfers learning the basics, the older players are tweaking their swing and
learning how to do things the right way. With one
open spot on varsity some of the younger guys are
looking to fill it. Some of the golfers are new to the
sport so they’re starting from scratch and learning all
the simple basics.
Our varsity team has had beautiful weather for
golf and had several competitions. The boys team
consists of Zach Ronning, Grant Johnson, Nick
Johannsen and Mitchell Johnson. The girls’ varsity
consists of Holly Van Wyk, Callie Constence, and
Emily Ronning. The golfers will compete at the TriValley Conference meet on May 7 at Yankton’s Fox
Run Golf Course and Regions on May 11 also at Fox
Run in Yankton.
By Brianna Walth
Spring is here and so is the 2015 track season! The track team is
led by lone Senior, Chris Klemme, along with head coaches Brian Haak
and Jeff Sebern. Mr. Sebern is new to the Alcester-Hudson Track Team,
and it is his first time as a track coach. “I am really enjoying my first season as a track coach. We have a lot of potential in this team.” said Coach
Sebern. The track team began practice on March 13th and ran their first
meet on March 31st in Centerville. All of the hard practices and new techniques that Mr. Sebern brought to the team was shown at the first meet.
There were strong showings from the girls track team. Junior
Cassie Schiefen placed 3rd in the 1600 meter run. Sophomore Kassidy
Walth placed 2nd in the 100 hurdles and placed 4th in long jump. Freshmen Amelia Stene placed 2nd in the 300 hurdles while sophomore Julie
Dickau placed 5th in long jump. 8th grader Kendra Jensen placed 5th in
the 1600 m run while Tori Rasmussen placed 6th in the 400 m dash. The
relay teams were also very successful as the 800m relay, consisting of
Stene, Walth, Jensen and Dickau placed 2nd, and the 1600m relay of the
same team placed 4th. The medley relay also placed well with 5th with a
team of Brianna Walth, Jackie Halloway, Karlee Nygard, and Schiefen.
The boys’ team also placed very well at the Centerville Early Bird.
Junior Grant Johnson took home the gold with 1st place in the 300m hurdles, along with Zach Ronning placing 3rd in the 400m dash. Sophomore
Gavin Doering placed 4th in the discus. Their relays also placed high during the meet. The 800m relay placed 5th with a team of Sam Jensen, Eli Skogland, Logan McConnell, and Zach Ronning. The 1600m relay consisting
of Johnson, Ronning, Klemme and Jensen placed 4th. While the Medley
Relay placed 1st, with a team of Skogland, McConnell Klemme and Jensen.
The teams will complete their seasons at the region track
meet which will be held on May 21st in Gayville. Both
the boys and girls are hoping for many state qualifiers.
Dual Sports
By Grant Johnson
The choice between Track and Golf can be a difficult decision for some students. So instead of choosing one or
the other some students choose to do both. This is a great decision because this way you don’t miss out on a great sport.
When Track and Golf meets start things can get very
hectic. Many times when a golf or track meet happens students
will miss out on the majority of a school day. Then when you
have multiple meets in a week you can fall behind. However the
few pupils that do both sports are well above average students.
The scholars that do both are always on the higher end of their
grade. They are able to handle the challenge of juggling school
and sports with relative ease. “Doing golf and track school
can be stressful but it is worth it,” said Junior Grant Johnson.
Track and Golf are some of the only sports that you are
pretty much on your own. Both sports hinge on the work that you
put in. You can be successful in both sports in a season instead of
just one. It is a great feeling if you are able to compete in two state
meets in one year. Plus, an added bonus is all of the spare time
that you get to spend with friends at meets. During the course of a
track meet you are not constantly running, jumping, or throwing.
During that down time you are able to roam the meet and either
support your teammates or just relax and watch various events with
them. The same can be said for golf when you are finished golfing.
By Zach Ronning
When it comes to playing spring sports, it can be
hard to choose between Track and Golf, so a few individuals decide to participate in both. There are good things about
participating in both track and golf, but there are also some
negatives to being a dual-sport student-athlete in the spring.
In the spring, the school year is coming to an end,
and students tend to slack off when it comes to schoolwork.
This has to be the exact opposite for dual-sport spring athletes. Whether it’s a track meet or a golf meet, there usually always something these student-athletes have to be out of
school for. This means that they have to spend a large portion of their free time working on the homework that they
missed while they are gone at these activities. If you add
a job on top of that, it leaves very little time to yourself.
Some people may also wonder, if you’re in two sports in
the same season, how do you practice for both? Well the answer
is very simple. When it comes to track practices, the workouts
vary from day to day, while golf practice consists of playing a
few holes or hitting a bunch of balls from a certain distance, so
the dual-sport athlete usually goes to track practice, and at the
conclusion of practice heads off to the golf course to get some
work in there. On a good day, these athletes will get off of the
course and finally be able to head home at about 6:15 PM. These
can make for long days and leaves less time to relax at night.
Goodbye Seniors
By Emily Myers
Graduating seniors are making their final plans as the end of the year is quickly approaching. Although, there are six
people who are still undecided about their future including Joshua Beeck, Lyle LaFramboise, Nicholas Malmberg, Maverick Steen, and Danika Taylor-Peterson; there are many seniors who have their plans for this coming fall figured out. Nicholas Beeck is planning to attend the Regional Technical Education Center located in Yankton for welding. Eric Berg plans to
gain his college education at USD for Social Work. Alyssa Borchers, who also plans to attend USD, wants to go for Criminal Justice. Jaylen Dickau will attend Southeast Technical Institute for Automotive Technologies. Abigale Farley is planning
on going to SDSU for Secondary Education in English and Samantha Heiman will also attend SDSU for Physical Therapy.
Amber Hanzlik is going to Dakota State University this fall for her general studies. Eden Hemmingson will attend USD
for Journalism and Creative Writing. Marcus Ireland will attend USD for Political Science. Christopher Klemme plans to
join the US Air Guard and also attend SDSU for his general studies. Ashton Liston will go to USD for English . Emily Myers plans on attending Stewarts in Sioux falls and Sierra McConnell will attend USD for Nursing. Steven McNeil plans to
get into the Job Corp while Hanna Norseen plans to attend STI for Nursing. Tashena Osterkamp plans to attend SDSU and
gain a degree in Social Work, Colin Walth also plans to attend SDSU for pharmacy. Lance Sogn has decided that he will
stick with farming. Cheyenne Sorlie will attend USD for art and Domenick Wilson plans to attend STI for computer security.
Tashena Jean Osterkamp
Tashena was born on June 6th. Her family members are Rod Osterkamp,
Nancy Tsinnie, Tim, Natalia, and Austin. In high school she is involved in
volleyball, FFA, cheer, and band. After high school she plans on attending
SDSU for Human Development and Social Work. Her perfect day would be going to Taco Bell, walk the back roads, star
gaze, and sing out loud and off pitch with her best friend, Ariyanna. In her spare time, she likes to spend time with her second family the
Millers. If she won the lottery she would donate all the money to research
for Leukemia. Something people don’t know about Tashena is that she often dreams
about shaving her head because she hates hair that much! She would also
write a book about the life of a hobo. Her favorite song is “Take me to church”, by Hozier. Her advice for underclassmen is, “Let ‘em talk, you just do you-KTTU.”
Marcus Daniel Ireland
Marcus was born on June 16th, 1996. His family members are Callie and
Tim Rhead, Patrick and Tanya Kosmicki, and his sisters are Kendra, Veronica,
Jonni, and Jordan. In high school Marcus is involved in, cheerleading, oral interp, stats for volleyball, FCCLA, Voice of Democracy, student council, tutoring, cross country,
band, choir, musical, play, and Boys State. After high school, Marcus plans on majoring in Economics and Political Science and then go to law school. If Marcus won the lottery he would invest in his education and set up trust
funds to provide for his family and community. His dream date would be on
April 25th, because it’s not too hot, not too cold, and all you need is a light
jacket. In his spare time, he likes to read law books and go on incline walks. Something people don’t know about Marcus is that he has a six octive vocal range. His favorite song is “Emotions”, by Mariah Carey. His advice for underclassmen is, “Put your heart into something you actually care about.”
Nicholas Sherman Malmberg
By Samantha Heiman
Nicholas was born on January 3rd to parents Marnie and John. He
has two brothers, Charles and Wayne, and one sister, Jayne. In high
school Nicholas is involved in L.A.M.E Club and “Be the Change”.
After high school he plans on going to school to become
Guard. If he won the lottery, Nicholas would move to the woods, invest all
his money in gold and bury it in multiple places. His dream date would
be with Scarlett Johansson because she is awesome and beautiful. In his spare time, he likes to play the guitar, drums,
wheelers. Something people don’t know about Nicholas is that all
of his teeth are really sharp even his molars and wisdom teeth. His favorite song is “I want you around” by the Ramones. His advice for underclassmen is, “Spending time to do your work now
will make all your future work twice as easy. Just take the time to do it.”
Stevan Allen McNeil
By Samantha Heiman
Steven was born on May 18th. His family members are Tonya, Danny, Robert, Christina, Miranda, Katie, Daniel, Joe, David. In high
school, Steven is involved in “Be the Change” and Spanish Club. After high school Steven plans to join the Job Corp. If he won
the lottery, Steven would spend it all on his friends and family. His dream date would be with Taylor Swift. In his spare time Steven
likes to spend time with people and play video games. Something people don’t know about Steven is that he hates being alone and he is afraid
of silence. His favorite song is “Centuries.” By Fall out Boy. His advice to underclassmen is. “I don’t know is not an answer, it’s an excuse.”
Maverick Joel Steen
By Samantha Heiman
Maverick was born on January 14th, 1996. Georgia and Corey are his mom and dad. He has two sisters, Shiloh and Dakota, and he has two brothers, Chance and Dylan. In high school he was involved in choir. After high
school Maverick plans on going to SESDAC or WIT.
If he won the lottery, Maverick would go out to good places to eat. His dream date would be to take Kate Hudson out. In
bowling. Something people don’t know about Maverick is he likes model cars. His favorite song is, “Shooting Star” by Owl City. His advice for underclassmen is, “Have someone check your work before handing it in.”