Juan Ignacio (Iñaki) Aldasoro Curriculum vitae (Apr. 2015)

Juan Ignacio (Iñaki) Aldasoro
Contact &
Curriculum vitae (Apr. 2015)
| Birth: 18/01/1982
Graduate School of Economics, Finance and
| Citizenship: Argentinean
| Status: Married (one child)
Goethe Universität Frankfurt
| T: +49-0157-871-26905
House of Finance
| B: [email protected]
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 3, Office 2.54
| [email protected]
60629 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
| Web: www.aldasoro.me
Macroeconomics, Monetary Economics, Systemic Risk, Networks in Economics, Econometrics, Financial Stability
GSEFM, Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Ph.D. Candidate in Economics
September 2010 to present
• Average grade (courses and seminars): 1.5 (highest grade: 1.0)
• Major field: Macroeconomics; Minor fields: Econometrics, International Trade
and Development
• Advisors: Prof. Ester Faia, Ph.D (Main); Prof. Dr. Jan Pieter Krahnen.
Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Kiel, Germany
Advanced Studies Program
August 2008 to May 2009
• Average grade: A
University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Magíster en Economía (M.Sc. in Economics) March 2007 to March 2011
• Average grade: 4.58/5 (highest grade: 5)
Licenciado en Economía (Licentiate in Economics)
March 2001 to July
• Average grade: 8.3/10 (Magna cum Laude)
Chair in Monetary and Fiscal Policy, Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt
am Main, Germany
Research Assistant
June 2012 to present
Research assistant (75% position) to Prof. Ester Faia, Ph.D.
International Monetary Fund, Washington D.C., United States
Intern (Fund Internship Program)
July 2013 to September 2013
Statistics Department, Government Finance Division
European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Junior Consultant
January 2013 to June 2013
Directorate General Financial Stability
Bruegel, Brussels, Belgium
Research Assistant
September 2009 to August 2010
Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Kiel, Germany
Student Assistant
January to May 2009
Melconian & Santangelo Consultores
(Economic Consulting), Buenos Aires, Argentina
July 2006 to May 2008
Fundación de Investigaciones Económicas Latinoamericanas (FIEL)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Statistics Assistant
February 2005 to June 2006
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Aldasoro, I. and I. Angeloni (2015). Input-Output-based measures of systemic importance. Quantitative Finance, 15:4, 589-606. Also SAFE Working Paper n◦ 29.
Aldasoro, I., P. Nunnenkamp and R. Thiele (2010). Less Aid Proliferation and
More Donor Coordination? The Wide Gap Between Words and Deeds. Journal of
International Development . 22, 920-940, Oct. 2010. (Also Kiel Institute WP 1516)
Aldasoro, I., D. Delli Gatti and E. Faia (2015). Bank Networks: Contagion, Systemic Risk and Prudential Policy (2015). CEPR DP10540, CESifo WP 5182, SAFE
WP 87. Under Review.
Aldasoro, I. and M. Seiferling (2014). Vertical Fiscal Imbalances and the Accumulation of Government Debt. IMF WP 14/209, November 2014. Also SAFE WP 61.
Aldasoro, I. and V. Žd’árek (2009). Inflation Differentials in the Euro Area and
their Determinants: an Empirical View. The William Davidson Institute Working
Paper Series.Working Paper 958, April 2009.
Other Working Aldasoro, I. and I. Alves. Multiplex Interbank Networks and Systemic Importance
Papers / Work - An Application to European Data (in progress).
in Progress /
Aldasoro, I. Macroprudential Policy and Spillovers Within the Euro Area: A GVAR
Approach (Apr. 2012).
Aldasoro, I. and E. Faia. The Fiscal Compact and Government Debt: One Law,
Multiple Statistics. SAFE Policy Letter n◦ 22 (March 2014).
Conference &
Bundesbank/DIW Berlin/ESMT/CFS conference Achieving Sustainable Financial
Stability (Berlin, Germany, 1-2 October 2014).
Financial Risk & Network Theory (Cambridge, U.K., 23 September 2014).
European Economic Association annual congress (Toulouse, France, 25-29 August
Society for Economic Measurement inaugural conference (Chicago, U.S.A., 18-20
August 2014).
ECB Macroprudential Research Network (MaRs) closing conference (Frankfurt, Germany, 23-24 June 2014).
Frankfurt Institute for Risk Management and Regulation Workshop (Mainz, Germany, 5 June 2014).
INET workshop “Interlinkages and systemic risk” (Ancona, Italy, 4-5 July 2013)
Money and Macro Brown Bag Seminar, Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt am
Main, Germany (May 2013)
Statistics Department Brown Bag Seminar, IMF, Washington DC, U.S. (Sept. 2013).
MS Office- Powerpoint, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word; LATEX
Econometric Programs: E-Views, Stata, Matlab, Dynare, JMulti.
Spanish: mother tongue. English: native or bilingual proficiency. Portuguese: basic
oral. German: basic written, intermediate oral.
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Other Courses Postgraduate course in Econometrics (seminar of the PhD in Economics), Catholic
University of Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina (September-December 2006)
Ph.D. mini-course on Financial Network Analysis taught by Dr. Kimmo Soramäki,
Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany (January-February
Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
September 2012
• Pre-semester course in Macroeconomics (Ph.D. level)
Summer Semester 2012
Teaching Assistant
• Teaching assistant to Prof. Michael Binder, International Money and Finance
(Master level)
University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
March-July 2005
Teaching Assistant
• Teaching assistant to Prof. Pablo Fajfar, Applied Mathematics for Economists
(Bachelor level)
Scholarships /
2014-2015, Frankfurt Institute for Risk Management and Regulation grant, part of
the team of invetigators.
Scholarship for first year PhD studies, GSEFM, Goethe Universität Frankfurt, 2010/2011.
Scholarship for second year PhD studies, GSEFM, Goethe Universität Frankfurt,
Tuition Fee waiver for Advanced Studies Program in International Economic Policy
Research, Kiel Institute for the World Economy, 2008/2009.
Journal of Network Theory in Finance, Complexity Economics
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