LIN-AUDITED & PROVISIONAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT For the 3rd quarter ended 31 March-2}I5 of ALHAJ TEXTILE MILLS LIMITED ALHAJ TEXTILE MILLS LIMITED Statement of financial position (Un-Audited) For the 3"d Ouarter ended 3l March 2015 PARTICULARS Assets Notes 31 March 2015 Amount in Taka 30 June 2014 Amount in Taka & pronerties: Non-current assets: Net tangible fixed assets (at cost less accumulated depreciation) Investment (at cost) Sch-A/l 25 Deferred expenses 124,128,516 5,000,841 135,253,548 5,000,941 2,646,933 Total non current assets (A) Current assets: 131,776,190 140254,389 104,829,429 Inventories 26 154,505,883 Debtors 27 28 29 30 1,888,493 1,ggg,4g3 63,119,557 142,539,581 60,894,994 171,916,290 6.428.401 Advance, deposit and prepayments Investment in FDR Cash and cash equivalents Total current assets (B) = Total assets & properties C= g,33g,go1 370,392,415 (A+B) 502,168,605 345,957,606 486211,995 Equitv & liabilities Shareholders' equity: Share capital Reserve and surplus Tax holiday reserve 152,302,100 19,489,721 Retained earnings/(loss)-as per profit Total shareholders' equity :(D) Non-current liabilities & loss 126,918,420 20,931,161 10,747,334 10,747,334 18.495.684 201,034,839 30,233,454 188,830J69 31 139,123,633 14,849,910 153,973,543 139,123,633 14,849,910 153,973,543 348,575 349,433 32 33 2,519,822 2,519,822 100,729,173 102,520,390 AiC : Long term loan Deferred tax (liabilities) Total non current liabilities =(E) Current liabilities and provisions: Advance against sales Security and other deposits Other current liabilities Current tax liability Provision for other liabilities and Provision for taxes Bank charses overdraft Workers' profit participation fund Total current liabilities (F): Total liabilities G:(E+F) Total capital & liabilit*r 11:(D+G) Net assets value per share (NAVPS) Number of shares used 34 35 36 1,683,911 1,683,91I 4,659,721 14,324,429 18,772,080 4,579,019 4,123,512 147,160,223 9,703,202 19,772,090 3,282,227 143,409,093 297,391,626 4g6,2ll,gg5 13.20 14.88 t5,230210 12,691,842 w=- Chairman ALHAJ TEXTILE MILLS LIMITED Comprehensive Income Statement (Un-Audited) For the 3d Quarter ended 31 March 2015 Note 9months PARTICULARS |uly,ltt-Marc[15 laly,7TMarch,14 Amount in Taka Amount in Taka Revenue (Turnover) Cost of Sales Selling & Dishibution Expenser 3'd quarter January,'l5-March,'l5 January,14-March,14 Amount in Taka Amount in Taka 222,080,079 65,703,351 91,218,911 (132,366,548) (191,737,530) (58,123,782) (80,346,099) 20,585,687 30,348,549 7,579,569 10,872,812 38 (12,514,158) (13,438,884) (3,850,320) (4,522,'t65) 39 (698,423) (579,440) (332,800) (217,497) 113,2',12,58',11 (14,018,3241 (4,183,1201 (4,733,662) 7,373,106 16,330,225 3,396,449 6,139,150 7,373,106 16,330,225 3,396,449 6,139,150 45,'1,67 240,208 g,gg2,3og 4,174,774 2,834,738 1,222,950 116,400 1,000 1,250,000 L,250,000 10,293,876 5,665,982 2,949,738 1,222,950 17,666,982 21,996,207 6,346,187 7,362,100 37 Operating Expenses: Administrative Expenses 3'd quarter 152,952,235 Gross Profit Total Operating Expenses Operating Profit Financial Expenses 9months : Interest on C.C loan Interest on long term loan Net Operating Profit Bank Interest Received on STD A/C Interest received on investment in FDR Other Income Dividend Received from CDBL Net profit before Tax & WPPF Less:Workers Profit Participation Fund @ 5% Net profit before Tax Provision for Income Tax (841,285) 16,825,697 (4,627,2_27) Add. Deferred tax a) Net Profit After Tax b) Earning per Share(Per value Taka 10 )(EPS) c) Number of Shares used ('1,,047,439) 20,948,768 (3,742,315) 1 15,000 (302,200) 6,043,987 (1,351,539) (350,576) 7,011,524 (1,051,7 _29) 1.,203,333 12,204,470 19,009,796 4,692,U8 5,959,796 0.80 1.25 0.31 0.39 15,230,210 15,230,210 15,230,210 15,230,210 Chairman ALHAJ TEXTILE MILLS LIMITED Statement of Chanses in Eouitu fun-Audited) For the 3'd Ouarter ended 31 March 2015 Particulars 30 June 2014 Net Profit after Tax of 3 1-03-201 Share Tax Holidav Caoital Reserve Amount lTk.l Amount lTk l 126,918,420 10,747,334 & Reserves Surplus Amount lTkl 20,931,161 5 Dep.on Revaluation of fixed asset (1,441,440) Bonus share 20Yo of share capital 152,302,100 Earninss Total ITkl Amount lTk.l 30,233,454 188,830,369 12,204,470 12,204,470 Amount 1,441,440 (25,383,680) 2s.383.680 3l March 2015 Retained 10,747334 19,489,721 18.495.684 201.034.839 Statement of Changes in Equity (Un-Audited) For the Particulars 30 June 2013 3"d Ouarter ended 3l March 2014 & Share Tax Holidav Capital Reserve Surplus Earninss Amount lTk.l Amount lTk.l Amount lTk l Amount lTk.l 101,534,740 10,747,334 25,583,890 30,007,953 167,973,917 19,009,796 19,009,786 604 604 312,936 312,936 Reserves Net Profit after Tax of 3l-03-2014 Retained Total Amount lTkl Previous year's adjustment for: Mill telephone bill Foreign currency exchange against export sale Dep. On Revaluation of fixed asset Bonus share25%o of share capital 3l March 2014 (1,634,246) (2s.383.680) 25.383.680 126,919.420 1,634,246 10,747,334 23.949.644 25.581.745 Chairman 187,197,143 ALHAJ TEXTILE MILLS LIMITED Cash flow statement fUn-Audited) For the 3'd Ouarter ended 3l March 2015 PARTICULARS 31 March 2015 31 March 2014 Amount in Taka Amount in Taka 153,905,036 223,951,771 (196,593,596) (175,536,731\ CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES: Collections from turnover & others Payment for cost and expenses Advance income tax otal cashflow from o activities A CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES: Interest received 4,4l4,ggl 8,927,476 Acquisition of fixed assets Investment in non-current assets (FDRs) Encashment of non-current assets (FDRs) (1,248,259) (455,810) (31,747,000) (69,105,961) 68,720,949 20,283,562 Dividend received from CDBL Total cash flow from investinq activities B CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES: Long term loan (repaid) / increase Bank overdraft (repaid)/increase Cash loan Total cash flow from financins activities C Net cash inflow/(outflow) for the : (A+ l8 1.91 9,021,591 I Net operating cash flow Der share Number of shares used 3.76 15,230,210 12,691,942 t\[ l\\^/L Chairman Explanatorv Notes: I 2 3 4 These financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention and going concem basis. 3l March 2015. No interim dividend paid during the interim period ended on Last years 3'd quarterly's figures were rearranged where considered necessary to conform to current 3'd quarterly's presentation. Figures appearing in the financial statements have been rounded offto the nearest Taka. Note: The details with selected notes of the published 3rd quarterly's financial statements can be available in the website of the Company SELECTIVE NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE 3RD OUARTER ENDED ON 31.03.15 Note No I General information Alhaj Textile Mills Ltd. owns and operates a cotton yam manufacturing plant and manufacture, distribute and sale its product (yarn), in local and foreign markets. It is a 'company' incorporated on March 3'd. 1961 under the Companies Act, l9l3 (subsequently amended in 1994) as a private limited company and subsequently it was converted as a public limited company by share on October 7th 1967. Its shares are listed in the Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited. Its registered office and principal place of business is situated at 66, Dilkusha Commercial Area, Dhaka-I000. The factory is located at Ishurdi, Pabna, Bangladesh. Going Concern: The Financial Statements of the Company have been prepared on the basis of a going concem concept. These Interim Financial Statements were approved for issue on ,, April 29, 2015. Basis of nreparation These condensed Interim Financial Statements for the 3rd quarter ended 3l March 2015 have been prepared in accordance with BAS 34, 'lnterim Financial Reporting'. The condensed interim financial statements should be read in conjunction with the annual financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2014, which have been prepared in accordance with BFRS. 3 Accountins policies The accounting policies adopted are consistent with those of the previous financial year except as described below. Taxes on income in the interim periods are accrued using the tax rate that would be applicable to expected total annual earnings. 4 Measurement basis used in preparing the Financial Statements: Amounts in Financial Statements (except Fixed Assets) have been measured on "Historical Cost" basis, which are the most commonly adopted basis as provided in " The Framework for the preparation and presentation of financial statements" issued by the International Accounting Standards committee (IASC-l) 5 Estimates Risk and Uncertainties for use of Estimates in Prenaration of Financial Statements: The Preparation of financial statements in conformity with the Bangladesh Accounting Standards (BAS) requires managements to make estimates and assumptions for disclosure of provisions etc. at the date of the financial statements and revenues and expense during the period under report.Actual results may differ from those estimates. 6 Materialitv and Aggresation : Each material item has been presented separately in company's financial statements. Immaterial amounts have been aggregated with the amounts of similar nature of function. As on 31 March,2015 Particulars 7 Net Tangible Fixed Assets (at cost less accumulated depreciation) As on 30 June, 2014 124,128,516 135,253,548 5,000,841 5,000,841 Fixed assets have been shown at cost including revaluation less accumulated depreciation in accordance with 845-16. Land & Land Development, Building & Other Construction , Plant & Machinery of earlier Unit No. 1 were revalued in the year 1988. Total land owned by Company is 57.42 acres. Title deed of land for 50.41 acres has been lying with the Agrani Bank Ltd., Ishurdi Br., and Title deed for 7.01 acres purchased at Valuka under Jamirdia Mauja of Mymensingh District are with the company. During the period, fixed assets have been increased by Tk.1,248,259 .00 for Purchase of Air Compressure Machine,Mobile Set Wooden chowki , Books qnA (-raoltoriac 8 anrl nrrlloriaa orn Investments in Shares (at cost): During the period, investment in shares remained same as before. 9 Deferred Expenses:- 2,646,833 Deferred Expenses is existing in relation to major replacement of 4 Nos Compressure Machine for Tk.112,530 And Top Overhaulming of Gas Generator. For Tk.2,534,303 This amount has been taken into deferred for three years and two and half years respectively.As per certification given by the Technical expert by the Mill. 10 Current Assets Inventories IBAS-2] Debtors Advance, deposit and prepayments Investment in FDR Cash and cash equivalents (excluding bank overdrafts) 154,505,993 104,829,428 1,ggg,4g3 1,888,493 63,119,557 60,894,994 142,539,581 171,916,290 8.338.901 6.428.40r 370.392.4r5 34s.9s7.606 The growth of current assets compared to previous year has been increased by 7 .06% due to mix of increase and decrease effect off. Decrease Inventories Advance,deposit and Investment in Cash and cash ll prepayment FDR equivalent Increase 47.39% 3.650/o 17.09o/o 29.72% Current Liabilities and Provisions Advance against sales Security and other deposits Other current liabilities Current tax liability 349,575 349,433 2,519,922 2,579,922 100,729,173 102,520,390 l,6g3,g1l 1,683,911 4,659,721 4,579,019 Provisions for other liabilities and charees Provision for Taxes 14,324,429 9,703,202 Bank overdraft 18,772,090 18,772,090 4.t23.512 3.282.227 147.160.223 143.408.083 Worker's profit participation fund 6 Current Liabilities and Provisions compared to previous year has been increased by 2.62%.Details of the same are as follows:- Decrease Provision for other liabilities and charges Other cunent liabilities 1.75% Provision for Taxes Worker's profit participation fund t2 Increase 1.76% 47.63% 25.63% Non-current Liabilities Long term loan 139,123,633 Deferred Tax assets/(liabilities) 139,123,633 14.849.910 14.849.910 153.973.543 153.973.543 Long term loan has not been paid by the Company. As the company has already filed Writ Petition No.5 129 of 2009, claiming interest on Special Fund created by the mill against the bank with Honorable High Court. The Honorable High Court passed judgement on 15.02.201I directing the Agrani Bank Ltd. to pay company's deposit in Special Fund together with interest at prachalita hare on such deposit. In this context Agrani Bank Ltd. has filed an appeal against the order to the Honorable Supreme Court.Appellate Division. The Honorable Appellate Division Passed Judgement on 20.01.2014 that'In the instant case the interest to be calculated on long term FDR. The Leave-petitioner is,therefore, directed to pay interest on the FDR as per the rate ol interest applicable to long term FDR within l(one) month of the availability of the certified copy of this order. Thereafter, passing the stipulated period, we filed an application for issuence of Supplimentary Rule. After hearing the same the Honorable High Court Division fixed the original application for hearing and now the matter awaiting for final hearins. l3 Shareholders' Equitv Ordinary share capital A) Reserve and surplus Tax holiday reserve Retained earnings B) 152,302,100 126,918,420 lg,4gg,72l 20,931,161 10,747,334 10,747,334 18.495.684 30.233.454 201.034.839 188.830.369 The growth rate of shareholders equity considered as follows: A) Reserve and surplus: Opening balance Less.Dep.during the period 20,931,161 (.1.441.440\ '1914891721 B) Retained earninss: Opening balance Add.Profit (July,l4 to March,l5) Depreciation of revaluation of fixed asset Issue of Bonus Share 20% (20 13-20 | 4) 30,233,454 12,204,470 1,441,440 (25.383.680.) 18.495.684 Retained earnings Retained earnings recorded atTk.12,204,470 during 3rd period ending March 31,2015. as against Tk. 19,009,786 March,3 | 2014. Which have been decreased bv 35.80% on Particulars t4 Turnover AS on AS on 3l March 2015 31 March 2014 152,952,235 222,080,079 132,366,548 191,731,530 10,293,876 5,665,982 Depreciation on revalued fixed asset of the same period of last year (Tk.l,634,246), year to date 3l March 20l5,depreciation has decreased by l 1.80% 1,441,440 1,634,246 Provision on income Tax 4,621,227 3,142,315 Compared to tumover of the same period of last year (Tk.222,080,079),yearto-date 3l March 2015,tumover has decreased by 31.13%. 15 Cost of Sales Compared to cost of Sales of the same period of last year (Tk l9l,73l ,530), year-to-date 3 I March, 20 I 5 cost of Sales has decrease d by 30.96%. l6 Financial Expense No financial expense is charged during 3rd quarter ended 3l March 2015 of current year on existing bank overdraft of Tk. 18,772,079.78. This has happened due to pending legal action continuing against Agrani Bank Ltd.referred under Note No I I above. t7 Non-operating lncome Compared to non-operating income 5,665,982), year-to-date 8t.68%. 18 l9 3l of the same period of last year (Tl March 2015 non-operating Income has increased b1 Depreciation on revalued fixed asset. Income Tax expense is recognized based upon 15% during the period on operating income ,37 .50oA on interest of FDR and STD A/C , other income and20o/o on Dividend income upto 3l March 2015. This provision may be re calculated latter on in the lisht of actualto be required. 20 Seasonal or cyclical variations in total sales in industries where significant seasonal or cyclica variations in total sales are not exDerienced durine the reporting period. The company operates 2l Seqment reportins The company has no reportable segments as per requirement of BAS-14. 22 Events after the Balance Sheet Date There is no significant event to the end of the interim period that has to reflected in the financial statements for the interim period. 23 be Related partv transaction The company is not connected to any related party as such no related partl transaction iq involved 24 Continsent Liabilities a) Contingent liability is existing in relation to interest on unsettled Long Term Loan and Bank Overdraft under writ petition No. 5129 I 2009 as referred under Note No. I I above.The amount has not been quantified as company's claim is much higher than the liabilities. b) Contingent liability for Tk 1,72,58,235.00 is existing in relation to incorrecl claim of VAT on purchase of Raw Cotton during November 2010 to June 2012 by National Board of Revenue against which a Writ pettition No. 7764 of 2013 is loudged by the company. 25.00 Investment : Investment in share of AJML lnvestment in share of CDBL -equity Investment in share of CDBL -bonus share Total Inventories : Raw Cotton Raw Cotton in Transit Work in Process Finished Goods Stores and Spares Store in Transit Stock at Electric Section Wastage Stock | Tk I 3l March 2015 30 June 2014 Amount in Amount in Tk 841 841 1,000,000 1,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,841 5,000,841 | Tk I 3l March 2015 30 June 2014 Amount in Amount in Tk 6,tt3,973 11,847,421 1,730 4,528,383 rr9,925,347 5, I 85,654 61,118,494 18,942,403 2r,687,875 3,s29,8r0 3,529,091 738,336 733,854 1)',' \\1 730,383 Total 27.00 Debtors 104,829,428 : Trade debtors (export sales): 1,627,379 Accrued income (lnterest in FDR lien with PGCL) 26t.tt4 261.114 18,200 39,000 6,000 Total 28.00 Advance. deposits and prepavment Advances: Advance against Advance against Advance against Advance against salary & : wages TA/DA purchase company income tax Other advances & prepayment Advance against supply 25,760 837,828 277,599 47,486 7,956,104 758,902 9,042 10,419,598 8,816,534 153,965 50,761,093 140,225 50,761,093 34,290 4,000 34,290 4,000 g,260,2ll Deposits: Custom deposit Deposit at Agrani bank against BTMC liabilities(Principal) Bank guarantee of Agrani Bank ltd Against oxygen cylinder Against telephone Against telephone (CDBL) Security deposits against gas connection. 13,300 13,300 49,600 734,948 49,600 51,751,196 51,737,456 Prepayment: 948.763 Prepaid insurance 948,763 63,119,551 Total 29.00 lnvestment in FDR: Prime Bank Ltd. (FDR) Principal Interest 341.004 341,004 60,994, 31 March 2015 Amount in Taka 30 June 2014 Amount in Taka 21,541,074 20,000,000 2,755,409 22,755,409 Bangladesh Development Bank Ltd. (FDR) 10,000,000 368,675 10,368,675 Sonali Bank Ltd. (FDR) 50,000,000 4,249,542 54,248,542 51,414,406 Eastern Bank Ltd. (FDR) 10,000,000 597,816 10,597,816 36,735,353 1,195,457 1,195,457 21,764,559 20,000,000 Mutual Trust Bank (FDR) lien with PGCL. |,195,457 Janata Bank 20,000,000 1,164,559 BRAC Bank 21,747,000 462,123 Tota 22,209,123 20,000,000 142.539.581 150.886.290 30.00 Cash & cash equivalents: 31 March 2015 30 June 2014 Amount in Tk Amount in Tk Cash in Hand 104,455 2,004,274 3,519 Janata Bank, L/O, Dhaka, STD A/C No-000887 Sonali Bank, Dhaka. CD A/C No-242 (33000969) Agrani Bank ISD A/C NO. CD-1085 Agrani Bank, Dhaka A/C NO. CD-1532 Janata Bank, Ishurdi -CD-373 Agrani Bank CD A/C No-1773 Agrani Bank STD A/C No-152 Janata Bank CD AIC 33066246 9,218 512,876 3,519 503 503 7,605 1,51 I 7,605 5,685 12,241 782 5,685 12,241 Prime Bank,lBB DilkushaCD AIC 60031045 Prime Bank,lshurdi,Pabna CD A/C 60008502 Eastern Bank Ltd.SDT AlC20314258 5,020,625 5,544,647 Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd. STD AIC -5122 I,170,985 1,51 I 782 4,ggg 1,818 _qs291_ 329,820 6,428,401 31.00 Long term loan fund: The above balance is made of the followins: Particulars Agrani Bank principal : Ltd. Amount in Tk Amount in Tk Amount in Tk Amount in Tli 31 March 2015 3l March 31 March 2015 30 June 2014 Total Total 2015 Industrial loan. lst BMRE Opening balance Add: Received from Asrani Bank 2nd BMRE 36,340,940 50,471,3_7 | 86,812,311 86,812,311 36,340,940 50,471,371 86,812,311 86,912,311 39,538,958 12,772,364 52,311,322 52,311,322 39,538,958 12,772,364 52,311,322 52,311,322 39,538,958 12,772,364 52,311,322 52,311,322 Less: Payment Total: Asrani Bank Ltd. industrial loan-interest Opening balance Less: Payment Add: Provision for interest Total: Total long term loan fund Total: (A) 63,243,735 Agrani Bank Ltd., Ishurdi Branch, Pabna in its bank account statement has shown the following balances - - as on 30.06.2013. This is same as of previous year ending 30th June 2012. Agrani Bank Ltd. Industrial loan-principal : Principal Interest Total Excess shown by the bank (B) C=(B-A) lst BMRE 2nd BMRE Total 30 June, 2013 30 June,2013 30 June, 2013 Amount in Tk 46,002,622 Amount in Tk 50,821,371 77,553.404 23.168.s74 73,989,945 r0,746.210 r23.ss6.026 47.676.128 l0 Amount in Tk 96,823,993 100.72r.978 197,545,971 58,422,338 ffiffit 32.00 Security and other deposites: Homes Enterprise Bhai Bhai Traders Banga Yam Trading Rubican Insect Control Co. 10,000 5,000 2,500,000 10,000 5,000 2,500,000 4,822 Total 33.00 Other current liabilities : Trade creditors 31 March 2015 30 June 2014 Amount in Tk Amount in Tk 16,445,918 18,459,463 9,710 9,710 243,606 Creditors (staff & officer) Liabilities for VAT Un-paid salary & wages Income tax deduction from parties Sramik kallan tahabil Other sundry creditors Advance received against Legal claim ) 23,430 55,051 <<\ 1A\ r 2,555,745 81,125,002 tJ -tJJJt 100,729,173 102,520,390 : 3l March Salary & wages clearing account Provision for other finance Total 35.00 Provision for taxes 49,393 81,125,002 Total 34.00 Prov. for other liabilities and charses 335,310 49,393 149,107 59,998 2015 30 June 2014 Amount in Tk Amount in Tk 2,250,734 2,407,987 2,297,302 2,280,716 4,658,721 4,578,018 2,190,896 2,712,130 2,190,996 2,712,130 4,800,176 : Provision for accountin g y ear 20 1 I -20 12 Provision for accounting year 2012 -2013 Prov. for accounting year 2013 -2014 Prov. for accounting year 2014 -2015 4,800,176 14,324,429 Total 36.00 Bank overdraft: Agrani Bank -cash credit (hypothecation) - A/C-60 Agrani Bank - cash credit (pledge) - AIC-07 37,032,249 (l 8,260, I 69) Total 18,772,080 1l 9,703,202 37,032,249 (I 8,260, 169) 19,772,090 31 March 2015 Amount in Taka 5,185,654 141,145,796 4,571,388 Work in process (opening) Raw materials consumed Waste cotton consumption Work in process (closing) Wastage recoverable Stores & & allowances 37.01 37.02 spares 37.03 Other factory overhead Factory salary & allowance 15,799,376 61.rr8.494 10,268,982 25,249,625 3.630.480 201,662,168 35.387.541 237,049,709 119,925,347 Finished 37.01 Factorv wases 14,706,790 9,711,321 22,207,299 191,173,401 Stock of Finished goods (opening) of (4,623,729) (4,351,762) 37.04 Cost of production Stock (4,528,383) (4,579,214) t@lt@[Fl Total consumption Factory wages 31 March 2014 Amount in Taka 6,252,297 145,142,993 4,293,906 & allowances: Wages and allowances 13,931,149 15.068.106 3,010,677 4,204,723 234,398 918,221 37,839 4,2gg,006 4,307,274 217,578 157,257 76,763 775,641 731,270 _!4J06J2!_ _!sJee376 Bonus Total 37.02 Store & spares: Spare parts Packing materials Lubricants Electrical materials B uilding maintenances materials Other maintenances materials Roof maintenances materials Bobbin and shuttle exDenses 193,021 787,447 33,214 87,885 Total 425.000 g,7ll,32l _r0268982 15,583 15,337 3,200,152 3,969,543 3,4og,116 3,966,497 12,511,384 37.03 Other factory overhead: Carriage inward Electricity and power Gas bill for generator Depreciation charges Depreciation charges of rev.of fixed asset Rent,rate and taxes Insurances premium Printing and stationery Postage & telephone Gas generator operating expenses Canteen subsidy Repairs and maintenance of Boundary Wall Repairs and maintenance of fire fighting equip. Repairs and maintenance of machinery (outside parties) Repairs and maintenance of electric equipment Raw cotton testing fee Total t2 10,600,194 1,441,440 24,000 1,275,733 44,013 1,634,246 14,035 9,163 r,509,607 32,000 71,875 1,326,592 36,000 76,500 1,327,403 61,105 3,000 358,774 400 840 22,207,299 722,402 25,249,625 37.04 31 March 2015 Amount in Taka 3,513,350 PARTICULARS Salary and allowances 38.00 Administrative expensess: Salary and allowances Bonus Leave pay Directors remuneration Chairman's honorarium Board Meeting Fee Audit Committee Meeting Fee Purchase Committee Meeting Fee Repairs of vehicles Printing and stationery 63.73s 3,630,480 4,652,949 309,294 4,349,136 494,361 82,099 900,000 405,000 600,000 370,000 430,000 39,877 900,000 405,000 450,000 170,000 440,000 75,256 290,163 6,000 51,730 495,023 62,544 566,946 42,705 331,658 236,430 192,005 Uniform Medical expenses Rent, rates and taxes Travelling and conveyances Petrol for car Electricity & power Depreciation Telephone, Postage and Courier Entertainment expenses Licence renewal fee Legal fee and charges lnventory audit fee Accounts audit fee Annual subscription Newspaper and magazine Bank charges 211,745 189,434 9,000 10,301 365,625 78,581 550,630 49,714 353,634 145,699 124,628 l4l,g l g 553,000 116,958 1,400,500 38,750 25,000 140,370 2,250 26,250 36,832 13r,965 2,350 109,057 5,504 Miscel laneous expenses Advertisement expenses 66,957 7,160 443,450 42,495 71,550 245,183 66,216 72,900 Annual fee for CDBL Water and gas supplies expenses Sanitation expenses Annual general meeting expenses Repairs and maint. for outside parties r,075 650 76,399 6,020 22,500 31,150 112,345 55,860 35,450 361,390 gl,5g7 612,617 9,900 18,000 170,100 30,355 737,083 \) )15 Annual religious festival expenses r-t- Car parking expenses Legal expenses expenses Dish line connection exp. Garage rent Service charge ofhead office Other servicing (office equipment) Celebrating expenses of independent day Website installation expenses t r 20,000 9,100 13,500 16,000 _lag4,ls!_ Total 39.00 Selline & distribution expenses: Salary Bonus 3,566,745 _3Js2Js0_ Total VAT 31 March 2014 Amount in Taka & allowances 315,797 24,672 Delivery & distribution expenses Sales promotion expenses 322,6:69 Total l3 166,950 94,755 20,000 5,500 _13,43&gg_ 209,286 21,504 35,295 336,675 11.975 _698,A3_ 579,440 h* F bI) (/) a o q p0 I o a o I *
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