M A Y Celebrating May Staff & Council 2 Pastor’s Message 3 Prayer & Vision Statement 4 Announcements 5-6 Bishop’s Message 7 Parish Paper 8-9 Worship Group Schedule 10 Scripture Reading 11 May Calendar 12 Pastor Alan’s Message on…… “Being There” Pg. 3 ALL SAINTS LUTHERAN CHURCH 314 S. Spruce Street Spokane, WA 99201 509-838-4409 [email protected] www.allsaintsgather.com Facebook: All Saints Gather SUNDAY WORSHIP 9:00am Bible Study 10:30am Worship 11:45am Fellowship Hour 2 0 1 5 Church Staff CELEBRATE MAY!!!!! Pastor Alan B. Eschenbacher Visitation Pastor George Taylor Organist Nisha Coulter Substitute Organist Ty Peterson Office Administrator Teresa Freund Custodians Robert Chenault John Holzendorf BIRTHDAYS 8 13 14 15 21 Willie Graf Kiernan McKinley Pam Shoemaker Dee Priest John Hill Bobbie Furshong Luella Eschenbacher Council Members President Stacey Winkle Vice President Karen Bryant Secretary Maynard Ross Treasurer Eleanor Olson Verna Bagby Leona Chenault Bryce Eschenbacher John Holzendorf Ryan McKinley Dee Priest Larry Ray Financial Secretary Cora Jelinek ANNIVERSARIES 3 6 24 ALL SAINTS GATHER NEWSLETTER SUBMISSIONS Rick & Patty Skocilich Dave & Cora Jelinek Wally & Camilla Phillipson Email items to: [email protected] OR place ar ticles & submissions on the desk in the office. Deadline for the June Issue: TUESDAY, MAY 26th 2 “Being There” friend, others will be introduced to someone and make friends, still others will work into it by happenstance. The beauty of it all is that God, the Holy Spirit and the eternal Christ will be part of the process. When we make the commitment to come alongside folks in need, and if we do it within the bounds of Christ’s love, the time spent together will be blessed! The time together may be peaceful and comfortable or it may be anxious and tense, but we must trust that it will be fruitful in God’s sight. Even in the midst of disorder and misery lies God’s unfathomable agenda and we all should come to accept it and indeed relish it. It seems counter intuitive to accept anything less than order and the striving for perfection but the reality of our place in the universe is NOT one of order and certainly nothing is perfect. The biggest problem we have as Christians is our resistance to the mystery of the cross. God took what was the worst possible thing of that time, crucifixion, and turned it into the best possible thing, our salvation. The seemingly meaningless tragedy was transformed, death became life, and we are the beneficiaries of that new life! By Pastor Alan Eschenbacher In April and May, flowers and trees and grass bring all the delights of spring rushing toward our senses, the beautiful colors and greenery and along with them the pollen! This has been a really good year for early spring allergies or bad year, depending on how you look at it I suppose! But good or bad, allergies or not, spring is moving on and will culminate in summer and then fall and winter, the cycle goes on year after year, and we are part of the cycle, changing a little each year until we, eventually, cease to go on and return to dust. The dust into which water was added to make clay, which the Creator then breathed life into to make that human that is uniquely you. The circle of life represented in each of us is gently held in place by the power of the Creator and the Spirit and the eternal Christ. Spring is the time of year when I most feel the connection to the circle, and know that my circle intersects many other circles in the place that is called Spokane. It is these many points of connection with all of you and others that makes me most aware of my gifts and my need to share those gifts. We all come into this thing called life with no road map or blueprints on how to make it work, but with love from other humans and grace from the Creator we learn how to navigate the surface and plumb the depths of daily living. I am more and more impressed and blessed by the gifts of my brothers and sisters each day, as I learn new and exciting ways to interact and “be there” for others. The “ other” may be someone I have known for many years or it may be a new friend, either way I am seeing and living into new ways of coming alongside them. This is the beauty of the mental health companions program, brothers and sisters, some of who may be at the lowest point of their life, in desperate need, can be shown the love of Christ in a fellow human being. No pushing or pulling or coercing but simply, a friend with the love of Christ in their hearts and the will to “ be there”. The Spokane Community Mental Health Companions just finished its first series of trainings. Our first cohort is excited, alive and well and ready to go forth with newfound love and care for their fellow human beings. Each of those volunteers will, in their own way, come alongside and care for a fellow human being in a variety of settings. Many will find their own people to be3 PRAYER AT ALL SAINTS For the guidance of the Holy Spirit in the future of All Saints For Pastor Alan Eschenbacher as he serves All Saints "People of Christ, living in community, working in partnership, doing the stuff of local ministry" For Bishop Martin Wells and the Synod Staff For ELCA presiding Bishop Elizabeth A. Eaton For divine guidance for our country Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same spirit, and there are varieties of service, but the same LORD, and there are varieties of workings, but it is the same GOD who inspires them all in every thing. 1 CORINTHIANS 12:4-6 Brian Dickerson, Craig Davenport, Judy Shoaf, Dara Evans, Cindy Shepherd, Carol Bagby, Beau & Robert Chenault, Dillon Brown, Francis Sola, Ethan Sundheim, Connie Miles, Arlene O’Brien, Leona Chenault, Gladys Reitan, Susan Ballinger, Karl Antonson, Maynard Ross, Carla Ross, Solveig Shepherd, Roxie Bryant Love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your mind ... love your neighbor as yourself. MATTHEW 22:37-40 Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the FATHER, and of the SON, and of the HOLY SPIRIT, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you, and remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. MATTHEW 28:19-20 For our Members in the Military Paul Billings, Ben Coles, Robert Guyton, Aaron Jelinek 4 SPOKANE COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH COMPANIONS WHAT HAS BEEN DONE SINCE LAST SUMMER? Last September, All Saints Lutheran Church received a 1 year grant from Empire Health Foundation to create a mental health companion program for Spokane. Here is what has been accomplished in less than 10 months! 20 lay volunteer companions have been trained (Dec. 2014-April 2015) All Saints now can train future companions (another group will start in September!) We have created effective connections that lets companions start to volunteer in existing locations (West Central Mission, Women’s Hearth, All Saints Dinners, Eastern Washington State Hospital, Mental Health Court) Our approach can be copied by others to provide individual, regular and safe companion ship to individuals in the highest need areas of Spokane We adapted successful model (Seattle Mental Health Chaplaincy) to Spokane Our efforts can be documented by easy forms. And most important of all, we have started to companion with those with mental health concerns! 5 HOUSE CHURCH BIBLE STUDIES WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY Women’s Bible Study/Potluck Group meeting Thursdays at 6pm. 2627 N Market St. #55 Please contact Dustie Hope if you have any questions. 509-362-5911 Will meet on Wednesday, May 13th at 11am in the Fellowship Hall at All Saints. Happy Springtime! We trust that you all had wonderful Easter celebrations! The kids learned some more about what Easter is all about and they had their annual Easter Egg Hunt. Our fundraising event was a huge success. We want to thank Sue Luppert and her crew for feeding us a wonderful brunch. The total is still not final, but we received nearly $7,000 in gifts and pledges. Thank you from the bottoms of our hearts for helping us support the children and families of our neighborhood. We are making plans for our summer program, including a community garden! Two of our neighbors, Debbie Kohal and Peggy Piland have offered and have permission from the land owner, to start a community garden just around the corner from the SPEAR Center. They will be supervising the kids and “managing” the garden. They have plans for raised, organic keyhole gardens. Their goal, and ours, is to not only to teach the kids about gardening, but to teach them where their food comes from and to let them take food home that they raised. They need some supplies: kid-sized gloves, short handled rakes (3), short handled shovels or trowels (3), shears (2 pair small sized for trimming and 1 pair for medium trimming), 2 each hoses, spray nozzles and sprinklers, 1 Gorilla cart, 1 wheelbarrow, 3 sets of hand tools, and 3 (5-gallon) buckets (for tool totes). We will also need 1 bale of peat moss, 1 large bag of perlite, 4 bags composted steer manure and/or composted garden soil, wood pallets (as many as we can get), stakes for marking out garden beds, 3 rolls (4 mil) plastic film, gray pvc pipe for making greenhouse tops for the gardens, chicken wire and hog wire for hanging and vertical gardens, markers to make the garden beds, raspberry, blackberry and grape starts (if you are cleaning out your beds), cardboard (for lining the garden beds) rain gutter and rebar (for strawberry gardens), straw bales for various uses. If you can help us with any of these items, we would love it. And, of course, if you would like to volunteer help for the gardens, we would love that, too. Come by often to see our garden grow! We have our gateway account set up with Thrivent to accept donations of stocks and bonds or a large one-time gift, if you would like to support SPEAR with such gifts. The gateway account will allow you to make a tax-deductible gift where we can sell the stock and put the money to work in a Thrivent product for SPEAR. We have some more changes to the Board of Trustees – we have a couple of new members again, Carol Nelson of St. Marks, and Diane Pointer Miller, a former SPEAR kid from SPEAR’s early days. Thank you to Carol and Diane! If you are interested in serving on the Board, please let us know, or come to any of our meetings – we meet on the second Monday evening of each month at 6:30 pm for visiting and 6:45 pm for business. New members are always welcome – we can have up to 11 members on the Board and we have room for 3 more at this time. Please consider making a difference in the lives of our kids and their families by serving on the Board. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your support for the SPEAR program! We cannot thank you enough for all of your support and helping hands. And if you would like to get involved with SPEAR, call Claudia Holtz at 244-2479 for more information, or email her at [email protected] And check us out on Facebook! Search for SPEAR Spokane. 6 7 8 9 May 3, 2015 Greeters/Ushers ............... Mark Wasmund & Bryce Eschenbacher Altar Guild ............... Cora & Dave Jelinek Coffee Hour ............... Eschenbacher & Wasmund Families Mother’s Day—May 10, 2015 Greeters/Ushers ............... Pat & Bobbie Furshong Altar Guild ............... Angie McKinley Coffee Hour ............... Fellowship Committee & Diane Ogren May 17, 2015 Greeters/Ushers ............... Don & Karen Bryant Altar Guild ............... Angie McKinley Coffee Hour ............... Jeremy & Stacey Winkle May 24, 2015 Greeters/Ushers ............... Mark Lane & Connie Miles Altar Guild ............... Angie McKinley Coffee Hour ............... Pat & Bobbie Furshong, Laurel Gittings May 31, 2015 Greeters/Ushers ............... Mark Lane Altar Guild ............... Cora & Dave Jelinek Coffee Hour ............... Don & Karen Bryant Worship Group #2 for May consists of: Dave & Cora Jelinek, Ryan & Angie McKinley, Bryce & Keely Eschenbacher, Erik Eschenbacher, Laurel Eschenbacher, Mark & Bekah Wasmund, Mark Lane, Laurel Gittings, Lawney Deasy, Alicia Lyons, Jerry Jacholkowski, Don & Karen Bryant, Connie Miles, Pat & Bobbie Furshong, Jeremy & Stacey Winkle, Diane Ogren 10 Friday—May 1st: Psalm 22:25-31/Amos 8:11-13/Acts 8:9-25 Saturday—May 2nd: Psalm 22:25-31/Amos 9:7-15/Mark 4:30-32 Fifth Sunday of Easter—May 3rd Acts 8:26-40/Psalm 22:25-31/1 John 4:7-21/John 15:1-8 Monday—May 4th: Psalm 80/Isaiah 5:1-7/Galatians 5:16-26 Tuesday—May 5th: Psalm 80/Isaiah 32:9-20/James 3:17-18 Wednesday—May 6th: Psalm 80/Isaiah 65:17-25/John 14:18-31 Thursday—May 7th: Psalm 98/Isaiah 49:5-6/Acts 10:1-34 Friday—May 8th: Psalm 98/Isaiah 42:5-9/Acts 10:34-43 Saturday—May 9th: Psalm 98/Deuter onomy 32:44-47/Mark 10:42-45 Sixth Sunday of Easter—May 10th Acts 10:44-48/Psalm 98/1 John 5:1-6/John 15:9-17 Monday—May 11th: Psalm 93/Deuter onomy 7:1-11/1 Timothy 6:11-12 Tuesday—May 12th: Psalm 93/Deuter onomy 11:1-17/1 Timothy 6:13-16 Wednesday—May 13th: Psalm 93/Deuter onomy 11:18-21/Mark 16:19-20 Ascension of Our Lord—Thursday—May 14th: Acts 1:1-11/Psalm 47 or Psalm 93/Ephesians 1:15-23/Luke 24:44-53 Friday—May 15th: Psalm 47/Exodus 24:15-18/Revelation 1:9-18 Saturday—May 16th: Psalm 47/Deuter onomy 34:1-7/John 16:4-11 Seventh Sunday of Easter—May 17th Acts 1:15-17, 21-26/Psalm 1/1 John 5:9-13/John 17:6-19 Monday—May 18th: Psalm 115/Exodus 28:29-38/Philippians 1:3-11 Tuesday—May 19th: Psalm 115/Number s 8:5-22/Titus 1:1-9 Wednesday—May 20th: Psalm 115/Ezr a 9:5-15/John 16:16-24 Thursday—May 21st: Psalm 33:12-22/Genesis 2:4b-7/1 Corinthians 15:42b-49 Friday—May 22nd: Psalm 33:12-22/Job 37:1-13/1 Corinthians 15:50-57 Saturday—May 23rd: Psalm 33:12-22/Exodus 15:6-11/John 7:37-39 Day of Pentecost—May 24th Acts 2:1-21 or Ezekiel 37:1-14/Psalm 104:24-34, 35b Romans 8:22-27 or Acts 2:1-21/John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15 Monday—May 25th: Psalm 104:24-34, 35b/Joel 2:18-29/1 Corinthians 12:4-11 Tuesday—May 26th: Psalm 104:24-34, 35b/Genesis 11:1-9/1 Corinthians 12:12-27 Wednesday—May 27th: Psalm 104:24-34, 35b/Ezekiel 37:1-14/John 20:19-23 Thursday—May 28th: Psalm 29/Isaiah 1:1-4, 16-20/Romans 8:1-8 Friday—May 29th: Psalm 29/Isaiah 2:1-5/Romans 8:9-11 Saturday—May 30th: Psalm 29/Isaiah 5:15-24/John 15:18-20, 26-27 The Holy Trinity—May 31st Isaiah 6:1-8/Psalm 29/Romans 8:12-17/John 3:1-17 11 Unless otherwise noted, ASLC Office is open 9:00am-3:30pm Monday-Friday Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 8 9 Pr. Alan’s Day Off MEMORIAL DAY MAY 25TH OFFICE CLOSED MAY 10TH 3 9am Bible Study 10:30am All Saints Worship w/Comm 11:45am Fellowship Hour 4 7 10 5pm Community Dinner 11 6:30pm Mar tial Ar ts 7pm Al West Bible St 12 6:30pm Al West Bible Study 6:30pm Council Meeting 8pm Addicts in Action 5pm Community Dinner 17 18 13 14 15 16 Pr. Alan’s Day Off 9am NW Har vest Delivery 6:30pm Mar tial Ar ts 7pm Al West Bible St 19 9pm AA Meeting 9am Quilter s 11am House Chur ch Bible Study 9am Bible Study 10:30am All Saints Worship w/Comm 11:45am Fellowship Hour 12-4pm Ger mans from Russia 8am-Noon Homeless Coalition 6:30pm Al West Bible Study MOTHER’S DAY Synod-All Day— Conference Room 9am Quilter s 20 Synod-All Day— Conference Room 9pm AA Meeting 21 22 23 29 30 Pr. Alan’s Day Off 6:30pm Al West Bible Study 5pm Community Dinner 8pm Addicts in Action 24/31 9am Bible Study 10:30am All Saints Worship w/Comm 11:45am Fellowship Hour Worship Group 3 meets—May 24th 6 Pr. Alan’s Day Off 8pm Addicts in Action 9am Bible Study 10:30am All Saints Worship w/Comm 11:45am Fellowship Hour 5 9pm AA Meeting 25 Synod-9am-1pmConference Room Synod-10am-3pm— Conference Room 6:30pm Mar tial Ar ts 9am Quilter s 26 27 28 Pr. Alan’s Day Off Memorial Day Office Closed 6:30pm Al West Bible Study 8pm Addicts in Action 9pm AA Meeting Newsletter Submissions Due 5pm Community Dinner 6:30pm Mar tial Ar ts 7pm Al West Bible St 9am Quilter s 9pm AA Meeting
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