Chapter 21 A Hyper-heuristic with Learning Automata for the Traveling Tournament Problem Mustafa Misir, Tony Wauters, Katja Verbeeck, and Greet Vanden Berghe Abstract In this paper we propose a new learning hyper-heuristic that is composed of a simple selection mechanism based on a learning automaton and a new acceptance mechanism, i.e., the Iteration Limited Threshold Accepting criterion. This hyper-heuristic is applied to the challenging Traveling Tournament Problem. We show that the new hyper-heuristic method, even with a small number of low-level heuristics, consistently outperforms another hyper-heuristic without any learning device. Moreover, the learning hyper-heuristic method, although very general, generates high-quality solutions for the tested Traveling Tournament Problem benchmarks. 21.1 Introduction Boosting search with learning mechanisms is currently a major challenge within the field of meta-heuristic research. Learning is especially interesting in combination with hyper-heuristics that try to lift the search on a more general, problem independent level [6]. When using a hyper-heuristic, the actual search takes place in the space of domain applicable low-level heuristics (LLHs), rather than in the space of possible problem solutions. In this way the search process does not focus on domain specific data, but on general qualities such as gain of the objective value and execution time of the search process. A traditional perturbative choice hyper-heuristic consists of two sub-mechanisms: A heuristic selection mechanism to choose the best LLH for generating a new (partial or complete) solution in the current optiMustafa Misir, Tony Wauters, Katja Verbeeck, Greet Vanden Berghe KaHo Sint-Lieven, CODeS, Gebroeders Desmetstraat 1, 9000, Gent and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, CODeS, Department of Computer Science, Etienne Sabbelaan 53, 8500, Kortrijk, Belgium e-mail: [mustafa.misir,tony.wauters,katja.verbeeck,greet. vandenberghe] 325 326 Mustafa Misir, Tony Wauters, Katja Verbeeck, and Greet Vanden Berghe mization step and a move acceptance mechanism to decide on the acceptance of the new solution. In this paper we propose a new learning based selection mechanism as well as a new acceptance mechanism. For the selection mechanism, we were inspired by simple learning devices, called learning automata [26]. Learning Automata (LA) have originally been introduced for studying human and/or animal behavior. The objective of an automaton is to learn taking optimal actions based on past experience. The internal state of the learning device is described as a probability distribution according to which actions should be chosen. These probabilities are adjusted with some reinforcement scheme corresponding to the success or failure of the actions taken. An important update scheme is the linear reward-penalty scheme. The philosophy is essentially to increase the probability of an action when it results in a success and to decrease it when the response is a failure. The field is well-founded in the sense that the theory shows interesting convergence results. In the approach that we present in this paper, the action space of the LA will be the set of LLHs and the goal for the learning device is to learn selecting the appropriate LLH(s) for the problem instance at hand. Next, we also introduce a new move acceptance mechanism called Iteration Limited Threshold Accepting (ILTA). The idea is to only accept a worsening solution under certain conditions, namely 1) after a predefined number of worsening moves has been considered and 2) if the quality of the worsening solution is within a range of the current best solution. Our new hyper-heuristic is tested on the challenging Traveling Tournament Problem (TTP). We show that the method consistently outperforms the Simple Random (SR) hyper-heuristic even with a small number of LLHs. In addition, the simple yet general method easily generates high quality solutions for known TTP benchmarks. In the remainder of this paper we briefly describe the TTP in Section 21.2. Then, we give detailed information about hyper-heuristics, with motivational explanation in Section 21.3. Next, we introduce the LA based selection mechanism and the new acceptance criterion in Sections 21.4 – 21.6, while our experimental results are shown and discussed in Section 21.7. We conclude in Section 21.8. 21.2 The Traveling Tournament Problem The TTP is a very hard sport timetabling problem that requires generating a feasible home/away schedule for a double round robin tournament [18]. The optimization part of this problem involves finding the shortest traveling distance aggregated for all the teams. In small or middle-size countries, such as European countries, teams return to their home city after away games. However in large countries, cities are too far away from each other, so that returning home between games is often not an option. Generally, solutions for the TTP should satisfy two different constraints: (c1 ) a team may not play more than three consecutive games at home or away and (c2 ) 21 A Hyper-heuristic with Learning Automata for the Traveling Tournament Problem 327 for all the teams ti and t j , game ti –t j cannot be followed by game t j –ti . In order to handle them and optimize the solutions to the TTP, we used five LLHs within the heuristic set. Brief definitions of the LLHs are: SwapHomes: Swap home/away games between teams ti and t j SwapTeams: Swap the schedules of teams ti and t j SwapRounds: Swap two rounds by exchanging the games assigned to ri with those assigned to r j SwapMatch: Swap games of ti and t j for a given round r SwapMatchRound: Swap games of a team t in rounds ri and r j The TTP instances1 that we used in this study were derived from the US National League Baseball and the Super 14 Rugby League. The first group of instances (NL) � consists of 8n=2 2n teams and the second set of instances (Super) involves a number � of teams that ranges from 4 to 14 ( 7n=2 2n). Table 21.1: The distance matrix of instance NL8 as an example t1 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 0 745 665 929 605 521 370 587 t3 745 0 80 337 1090 315 567 712 t3 665 80 0 380 1020 257 501 664 t4 929 337 380 0 1380 408 622 646 t5 605 1090 1020 1380 0 1010 957 1190 t6 521 315 257 408 1010 0 253 410 t7 370 567 501 622 957 253 0 250 t8 587 712 664 646 1190 410 250 0 In Table 21.1, an example of an 8-team TTP instance with the traveling distances between teams (ti ) is given. In the benchmarks that we worked on, the distance data are symmetric. This means that the distance between two teams is not depending on the travel direction. The problem data does not include anything but distance information. An example solution is given in Table 21.2. In this table, the games between 8 teams during 14 rounds (# of rounds = 2 × (n − 1) for n teams) are given. For instance, the entry for t2 in Round 7 shows that t2 will play an away game at t5 ’s location (away games are characterized by a minus (−) sign). The objective function that � we used to measure the quality of the TTP solutions is determined by f = d × (1 + 2i=1 wi ci ). f should be minimized whilst respecting the constraints. In this equation, d is the total traveling distance, ci is constraint i, wi is the corresponding weight. In this study, we opted for setting all the weights to 10. 1 An up-to-date TTP website which includes the TTP benchmarks and their best solutions with lower bound values is . 328 Mustafa Misir, Tony Wauters, Katja Verbeeck, and Greet Vanden Berghe Table 21.2: An optimal solution for NL8 t1 Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Round 7 Round 8 Round 9 Round 10 Round 11 Round 12 Round 13 Round 14 5 4 6 -7 -6 -8 3 2 -3 -2 -4 8 7 -5 t2 -6 -7 -8 4 5 7 -5 -1 8 1 3 -4 6 -3 t3 -4 -8 -7 5 7 -6 -1 -5 1 8 -2 6 4 2 t4 3 -1 -5 -2 8 5 7 -8 -7 -6 1 2 -3 6 t5 -1 6 4 -3 -2 -4 2 3 -6 -7 -8 7 8 1 t6 2 -5 -1 8 1 3 -8 -7 5 4 7 -3 -2 -4 t7 -8 2 3 1 -3 -2 -4 6 4 5 -6 -5 -1 8 t8 7 3 2 -6 -4 1 6 4 -2 -3 5 -1 -5 -7 21.3 Hyper-heuristics In [7], a hyper-heuristic is defined as “a search method or learning mechanism for selecting or generating heuristics to solve hard computational search problems.” In the literature, there are plenty of studies that try to generate more intelligent hyperheuristics by utilizing different learning mechanisms. These hyper-heuristics are divided into two classes, namely online and offline hyper-heuristics [7]. Online learning hyper-heuristics learn while solving an instance of a problem. In [15], a choice function that measures the performance of all the LLHs based on their individual and pairwise behavior was presented. In [27], a simple reinforcement learning scoring approach was used for the selection process and in [9] a similar scoring mechanism was combined with tabu search to increase the effectiveness of the heuristic selection. Also, some population based techniques such as genetic algorithms (GA) [14] and ant colony optimization (ACO) [8, 13] were used within hyper-heuristics. These studies relate to online learning. On the other hand, offline learning is training based learning or learning based on gathering knowledge before starting to solve a problem instance. It was utilized within hyper-heuristics by using case-based reasoning (CBR) [11], learning classifier systems (LCS) [31] and messy-GA [30] approaches. The literature provides more examples regarding learning within hyper-heuristics. A perturbative choice hyper-heuristic consists of two sub-mechanisms as it is shown in Figure 21.1. The heuristic selection part has the duty to determine a relationship between the problem state and the LLHs. Thus, it simply tries to find or recognize which LLH is better to use in which phase of an optimization process related to a problem instance. The behavior of the selection process is influenced by the fitness landscape. The idea of a fitness landscape was first proposed by Wright [35]. It can be defined as a characterization of the solution space by specific neighboring relations. 21 A Hyper-heuristic with Learning Automata for the Traveling Tournament Problem 329 Fig. 21.1: A perturbative hyper-heuristic framework (after Ozcan and Burke [28]) For a fitness landscape, mainly a representation space, a fitness function and a neighborhood are required [21]. A representation space refers to all the available solutions that are reachable during a search process. A fitness (evaluation) function is used to quantify the solutions that are available in the representation space. A neighborhood combines all the possible solutions that can be generated by perturbing a particular solution according to its neighboring relations. Hence, any modification to these three main parts alters the fitness landscape. Some search strategies involve only one neighborhood and thus do not change the landscape. That is, they perform search on a single fitness landscape. On the other hand, each LLH under a hyper-heuristic generates a fitness landscape itself. Each simple LLH refers to a neighborhood and, therefore, the heuristic selection process is basically changing fitness landscapes by selecting different LLHs during the search process. In addition, move acceptance mechanisms are required to construct perturbative hyper-heuristics. They have a vital influence on the performance of hyper-heuristics since they determine the path to follow in a fitness landscape corresponding to a selected LLH. They generally involve two main characteristics, intensification for exploitation and diversification for exploration. Simulated annealing (SA) [23] is a good example of a move acceptance mechanism that provides both features at the same time. However, it is also possible to consider move acceptance mechanisms that do not consist of any diversification feature. An example is the only improving (OI) [15] move acceptance, which only accepts better quality solutions. Also, it is possible to find acceptance mechanisms without any intensification and diversification, such as all moves (AM) [15] accepting. It should be noticed that these two features are not only corresponding to the move acceptance part. Heuristic selection mechanisms can provide them too. Swapping LLHs turns out to act as a diversification mechanism since it enables leaving a particular local optimum. 21.4 Simple Random Heuristic Selection Mechanism Simple Random (SR) is a parameter-free and effective heuristic selection mechanism. It is especially useful over heuristic sets with a small number of heuristics. Usually heuristic search mechanisms only provide improvement during a very lim- 330 Mustafa Misir, Tony Wauters, Katja Verbeeck, and Greet Vanden Berghe ited number of iterations (approaches that spend too much time for a single iteration are excluded). Hence, if the heuristic set is small, the selection process does not significantly harm the hyper-heuristic by selecting inappropriate heuristics. In the literature, some papers report on experiments concerning hyper-heuristics with SR. In [2], SR with a number of new move acceptance mechanisms was employed to solve the component placement sequencing problem. Compared to some online learning hyper-heuristics, experiments showed that the hyper-heuristics with SR were superior in the experiments. In [22], a hyper-heuristic with SR generated competitive results over the channel assignment problem. In [3], SR is combined with SA move acceptance. The results for the shelf space allocation problem showed that the proposed strategy performs better than a learning hyper-heuristic from the literature, and a number of other hyper-heuristics. In [1], SR is employed for the selection of heuristics. The proposed approach reached the state of the art results for some TTP instances. In [5], SR appeared to be the second best heuristic selection mechanism among seven selection mechanisms over a number of exam timetabling benchmarks. For the same problem, in [10], a reinforcement learning strategy for heuristic selection was investigated. It was presented that SR can beat the tested learning approach for some scoring schemes. In [29], SR and four other heuristic selection mechanisms, including some learning based ones, with a common move acceptance were employed. The experimental results for the exam timetabling problem indicated that the hyper-heuristic with SR performed best. On the other hand, in [15], the best solutions were reached by the learning hyper-heuristics for the sales summit scheduling problem. However, choice function (CF)-OI hyper-heuristics performed worse than the SR-OI hyper-heuristic. In [16], the same study was extended and applied to the project presentation scheduling problem. The experimental results showed that a CF with AM performed best. In the last two references, the possible reason for explaining a poorly performing SR is related to weak diversification strategies provided by the move acceptance mechanisms. For instance, expecting a good performance from the traditional SR-AM hyper-heuristic is not realistic. Since AM does not decide anything about the acceptability of the generated solution. Thus, the performance of such hyper-heuristics mainly depends on the selection mechanism. In such cases, a learning based selection mechanism can easily perform better than SR. SR can be beaten by utilizing (properly tuned) online learning hyper-heuristics or (efficiently trained) offline learning hyper-heuristics. Giving the best decision at each selection step does not seem possible by randomly selecting heuristics. That is, there is gap between selecting heuristics by SR and the best decisions for each step. Nevertheless, it is not an easy task to beat a hyper-heuristic involving SR and an efficient move acceptance mechanism on a small heuristic set by using a learning hyper-heuristic. Due to its simplicity, SR can be used to provide an effective and cheap selection mechanism especially over small-sized heuristic sets. 21 A Hyper-heuristic with Learning Automata for the Traveling Tournament Problem 331 Fig. 21.2: A learning automaton put into a feedback loop with its environment [34] 21.5 Learning Automata Based Selection Mechanisms Formally, a learning automaton is described by a quadruple {A, β , p,U}, where A = {a1 , . . . , an } is the action set the automaton can perform, p is the probability distribution over these actions, β (t) ∈ [0, 1] is a random variable representing the environmental response, and U is a learning scheme used to update p [34]. A single automaton is connected with its environment in a feedback loop (Figure 21.2). Actions chosen by the automaton are given as input to the environment and the environmental response to this action serves as input to the automaton. Several automaton update schemes with different properties have been studied. Important examples of linear update schemes are linear reward-penalty, linear rewardinaction and linear reward-ε -penalty. The philosophy of these schemes is essentially that the probability of an action is increased when it results in a success and decreased when the response is a failure. The general update scheme (U) is given by: pi (t + 1) = pi (t) +λ1 β (t)(1 − pi (t)) − λ2 (1 − β (t))pi (t) (21.1) if ai is the action taken at time step t p j (t + 1) = p j (t) −λ1 β (t)p j (t) + λ2 (1 − β (t))[(r − 1)−1 − p j (t)] (21.2) if a j �= ai with r the number of actions of the action set A. The constants λ1 and λ2 are the reward and penalty parameters, respectively. When λ1 = λ2 , the algorithm is referred to as linear reward-penalty (LR−P ), when λ2 = 0 it is referred to as linear rewardinaction (LR−I ) and when λ2 is small compared to λ1 it is called linear reward-ε penalty (LR−ε P ). In this study, actions will be interpreted as LLHs, so according to Equations (21.1) and (21.2), the selection probabilities will be changed based on how they perform. The reward signal is chosen as follows: When a move results in a better 332 Mustafa Misir, Tony Wauters, Katja Verbeeck, and Greet Vanden Berghe solution than the best solution found so far, we update the probabilities of the corresponding LLHs with a reward of 1. When no better solution is found, we use 0 reward. This simple binary reward signal uses only little information. Nevertheless, we will see that it is powerful for selecting heuristics. Fig. 21.3: Solution samples from a hyper-heuristic with SR on a TTP instance (NL12) Additionally, in order to investigate the effect of forgetting previously learned information about the performance of LLHs, we used a restart mechanism, which at some predetermined iteration step, resets the probabilities (pi ) of all the heuristics (hi ) to their initial values (1/r). The underlying idea is that in optimization problems, generating improvements is typically easier at the early stages of the optimization process. Solutions get harder to be improved in further stages. This is illustrated in Figure 21.3, which shows the evolution of the quality of the best solution for a hyper-heuristic with SR, applied to a TTP instance. Even if this fast improvement during early iterations can be useful for determining heuristic performance in a quick manner, it can be problematic during later iterations. The circumstances in which better solutions can be found may change during the search. Thus, the probability vector that evolved during early iterations can be misleading due to the characteristic changes of the search space. Therefore, it can be useful to restart the learning process. 21 A Hyper-heuristic with Learning Automata for the Traveling Tournament Problem 333 21.6 Iteration Limited Threshold Accepting ILTA is a move acceptance mechanism that tries to provide efficient cooperation between intensification and diversification. The pseudo-code of ILTA is given in Algorithm 21.1. It works by comparing the objective function values of the current and newly generated solutions. First, when a heuristic is selected and applied to generate a new solution S� , its fitness objective function value f (S� ) is compared to the objective function value of the current solution f (S). If the new solution is a non-worsening solution, then it is accepted and it replaces the current one. However, when the new solution is worse than the current solution, ILTA checks whether this worsening move is good enough to accept. Usually move acceptance mechanisms that use a diversification method, may accept a worsening solution at any step. ILTA will act much more selective before accepting a worsening move. In ILTA, a worsening move can only be accepted after a predefined number of consecutive worsening solutions (k) was generated. For instance, if 100 consecutive worsening moves (w iterations = 100) were generated, it is plausible to think that the current solution is not good enough to be improved. It makes sense to accept a worsening move then. In that case, a worsening move is accepted given that the new solution’s objective function value f (S� ) is within a certain range R of the current best solution’s objective function value f (Sb ). For example, choosing R = 1.05 means that a solution will be accepted within a range of 5% from the current best objective function value. R was introduced for preventing the search to go to much worse solutions (the solutions that can be found during earlier iterations). Algorithm 21.1: ILTA move acceptance Input: k ≥ 0 ∧ R ∈ (1.00 : ∞) if f (S� ) < f (S) then S ← S� ; w iterations = 0; else if f (S� ) = f (S) then S ← S� ; else w iterations = w iterations + 1; if w iterations ≥ k and f (S� ) < f (Sb ) × R then S ← S� and w iterations = 0; end end The motivation behind limiting the number of iterations regarding accepting worsening solutions is related to avoiding a local optimum that a set of fitness landscapes have in common. In addition, the search should explore neutral pathways or plateaus [33] (solutions that have the same fitness values) efficiently in order to discover possible better solutions. As we mentioned in the hyper-heuristics part, each LLH generates a fitness landscape itself and each solution available in one landscape is available in the others (supposed that the representation spaces are the same for 334 Mustafa Misir, Tony Wauters, Katja Verbeeck, and Greet Vanden Berghe different LLHs), but the neighboring relations differ. In Figure 21.4, the relations between solutions in different landscapes are visualized. The solution � in the left landscape is possibly at a local optimum, but the same solution is no longer located in a local optimum in the right landscape. In such a situation, changing landscapes or selecting other LLH, is a useful strategy to escape from the local optimum. Note that the solution � in the second landscape is now in a local optimum. That is, this problem may occur in any fitness landscape, but in different phases of the search process. Fig. 21.4: Part of imaginary fitness landscapes corresponding to two different LLHs Obviously, a very simple selection mechanism such as SR, can be sufficient to overcome such problems. Suppose that the current solution is a common local optimum of both landscapes, e.g., solution ⊗. In such situations, swapping landscapes will not be helpful. Accepting a worsening solution can be a meaningful strategy for getting away. Unfortunately, fitness landscapes do not usually look that simple. Each represented solution has lots of neighbors and checking all of them whenever encountering a possible local optimum would be a time consuming process. Instead, we suggest to provide a reasonable number of iterations for the improvement attempt. If after the given number of iterations, the solution has not improved, then it is quite reasonable to assume that the solution is at a common local optimum. It makes then sense to explore the search space further by accepting worsening moves. 21.7 Experiments and Results All experiments were carried out on Pentium Core 2 Duo 3 GHz PCs with 3.23 GB memory using the JPPF grid computing platform.2 Each hyper-heuristic was tested ten times for each TTP instance. We experimented with different values of λ1 , namely {0.001, 0.002, 0.003, 0.005, 0.0075, 0.01} for the LA based 2 Java Parallel Processing Framework: 21 A Hyper-heuristic with Learning Automata for the Traveling Tournament Problem 335 selection mechanism of the hyper-heuristic. The LA were restarted once after 107 iterations. The minimum number of consecutive worsening solutions k in ILTA was set to 100 and the value of R in the ILTA mechanism was set to {1.2, 1.2, 1.04, 1.04, 1.02, 1.02, 1.01} for the NL4 �→ NL16 and {1.2, 1.2, 1.1, 1.02, 1.015, 1.01} for the Super4 �→ Super14 instances. Also, different time limits as stopping conditions were used for different TTP instances, namely 5 minutes for the NL4–6 and the Super4–6 instances, 30 minutes for the NL8 and Super8 instances and 1 hour for the rest (NL10–16 and Super10–14). The R and k values were determined after a number of preliminary experiments. The restarting iteration value was based on the rate of improvement corresponding to the first 107 iterations as shown in Figure 21.3. We did not tune the value of the learning rates beforehand, because we wanted to employ different values to see the effect of the learning rate on the hyper-heuristic performance. We aim to discover that it is possible to construct a simple and effective hyper-heuristic without any training nor intensive tuning process. 21.7.1 Comparison Between LA and SR in Heuristic Selection The following tables present the performance of the tested hyper-heuristics for each TTP instance. In the tables, we consider AVG: Average Objective Function Value, MIN: Minimum Objective Function Value, MAX: Maximum Objective Function Value, STD: Standard Deviation, TIME: Elapsed CPU Time in seconds to reach to the corresponding best result, ITER: Number of Iterations to reach to the corresponding best result. Table 21.3: Results of the SR hyper-heuristic for the NL instances SR AVG MIN MAX STD TIME ITER NL4 NL6 NL8 NL10 NL12 NL14 NL16 8276 23916 39813 60226 115320 202610 286772 8276 23916 39721 59727 113222 201076 283133 8276 23916 40155 61336 116725 205078 289480 0 0 181 468 1201 1550 2591 ˜0 0.314 8 2037 2702 2365 2807 9,00E+00 1,39E+05 2,73E+06 5,17E+08 4,95E+08 3,17E+08 2,95E+08 In Tables 21.3 and 21.4, the results for the NL instances are given. For all the instances, the L R-I or LR R-I performed better than the SR hyper-heuristic. This situation is also valid for the Super instances as can be seen from the results in Tables 21.5 and 21.6. However, the learning rate (λ ) of each best LA hyper-heuristic (LAHH) for finding the best solution among all the trials may differ. These cases are illustrated in the last rows of the LAHHs tables. This situation also occurs regarding the average performance of the hyper-heuristics. In Tables 21.7 and 21.8, the results 336 Mustafa Misir, Tony Wauters, Katja Verbeeck, and Greet Vanden Berghe Table 21.4: Best results among the L R-I and LR R-I (L R-I + Restarting) hyperheuristics for the NL instances (in the λ row; B: Both L R-I & LR R-I, R: LR R-I) LA AVG MIN MAX STD TIME ITER λ NL4 NL6 NL8 NL10 NL12 NL14 NL16 8276 23916 39802 60046 115828 201256 288113 8276 23916 39721 59583 112873 196058 279330 8276 23916 40155 60780 117816 206009 293329 0 0 172 335 1313 2779 4267 ˜0 0.062 0.265 760 3508 1583 1726 1.90E+01 1.34E+03 8.23E+04 1.94E+08 6.35E+08 2.14E+08 1.79E+08 ALL 0.002(B) 0.002(B) 0.001 0.003 0.002 0.0075(R) Table 21.5: Results of the SR hyper-heuristic for the Super instances SR AVG MIN MAX STD TIME ITER Super4 Super6 Super8 Super10 Super12 Super14 71033 130365 182626 325888 472829 630751 63405 130365 182409 322761 469276 607925 88833 130365 184581 329789 475067 648648 12283 0 687 2256 1822 13908 3.063 0.016 10 756 3147 2742 1.90E+01 2.11E+03 2.85E+06 1.81E+08 5.42E+08 3.50E+08 Table 21.6: Best results among the L R-I and LR R-I (L R-I + Restarting) hyperheuristics for the Super instances (in the λ row; B: Both L R-I & LR R-I, R: LR RI) LA AVG MIN MAX STD TIME ITER λ Super4 Super6 Super8 Super10 Super12 Super14 71033 130365 182975 327152 475899 634535 63405 130365 182409 318421 467267 599296 88833 130365 184098 342514 485559 646073 12283 0 558 6295 5626 13963 ˜0 0.031 1 1731 3422 1610 8.00E+00 9.41E+02 1.49E+05 3.59E+08 5.12E+08 2.08E+08 ALL 0.01(B) 0.003(B) 0.002 0.005 0.001 can be seen when looking at the ranking (MS Excel Rank Function) results. The rank of each hyper-heuristic was calculated as the average of the all ranks among all the TTP benchmark instances. It can be seen that using a fixed learning rate (λ1 ) is not a good strategy to solve all the instances. It can even cause the LAHHs to perform worse than SR as presented in Table 21.7. Therefore, the key point for increasing the performance of LAHHs is determining the right learning rates. As mentioned before, learning heuristic selection can be hard due to the limited room for improvement when using a small number of heuristics. A similar note was raised concerning a reinforcement learning scoring strategy for selecting heuristics 21 A Hyper-heuristic with Learning Automata for the Traveling Tournament Problem 337 in [10]. It was shown that SR may perform better than the learning based selection mechanism with poor scoring schemes. For learning automata, a similar issue can be raised concerning the learning rate. The experimental results show that SR may perform better than LA with respect to the heuristic selection. It may be due to employing inappropriate learning rates for a problem instance. Additionally, a restarting mechanism can further improve the performance of pure LAHHs. The proposed restarting mechanism provides such improvement even if it is quite simple. Again in Tables 21.7 and 21.8, the learning hyper-heuristics with restarting (LR R − I) are generally better than the pure version with respect to average performance. The underlying reason behind this improvement is that the performance of a heuristic can change over different search regions. Thus, restarting to learn for different regions with distinct characteristics can provide easy adaptation under different search conditions. Therefore, restarting the learning process more than once or using additional mechanisms based on the local characteristic changes of a search space can be helpful for more effective learning. Also, in Table 21.9, the result of a statistical comparison between the learning hyper-heuristics and the hyper-heuristic with SR is given. The average performance of the hyper-heuristics indicates that it is not possible to state a significant performance difference between the LA and SR hyper-heuristics based on a T-Test within 95% confidence interval. Even if there is no significant difference, it is possible to say that LA in general perform better as a heuristic selection than SR. On the other hand, the T-Test shows a statistically significant difference between LA and SR with respect to the best solutions found out of ten trails. 21.7.2 Comparison with Other Methods When we compare the hyper-heuristic results to the best results in the literature, we notice that they are equal for the small TTP instances (NL4–8 and Super4–8). Our results on larger instances are not the best results in the literature. However, the results that we provided in this paper were produced using small execution times compared to some of the other approaches that are included in Tables 21.10 and 21.11. Finally, we separately compare our results to those obtained by other TTP solution methods. Hyper-heuristic approaches have been applied to the TTP before [1, 13, 20]. As can be seen from Table 21.11, the best results were generated by these hyper-heuristic techniques. The SR as a heuristic selection mechanism and SA as a move acceptance criterion were used to construct a hyper-heuristic structure in [1]. Actually, the paper does not mention the term hyper-heuristic, but it matches the definition. The authors from [1] and [20], which is the extension of [1], generated the state of the art results for most of the NL instances. Compared to our approach, they have a complex move acceptance mechanism that requires quite some parameter tuning, and their experiments took much more time than ours. For instance, in [1], the best result for NL16 was found after almost 4 days, be it with 338 Mustafa Misir, Tony Wauters, Katja Verbeeck, and Greet Vanden Berghe Table 21.7: Ranking corresponding to the average results among the hyper-heuristics with L R-I, LR R-I (L R-I + Restarting) and SR heuristic selection mechanisms for the NL instances (lower rank values are better) λ1 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.005 0.075 0.01 λ1 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.005 0.075 0.01 L R-I AVG STD AVG STD AVG STD AVG STD AVG STD AVG STD NL4 8276 0 8276 0 8276 0 8276 0 8276 0 8276 0 NL6 23916 0 23916 0 23916 0 23916 0 23916 0 23916 0 NL8 39808 183 39802 172 40038 307 39908 288 39912 210 39836 252 NL10 60046 335 60573 738 60510 727 60422 541 60606 644 60727 965 NL12 115481 947 115587 918 115828 1313 116174 1867 116286 1125 117256 854 NL14 201505 2916 201256 3093 202762 3838 203694 2100 204712 3097 205294 2305 NL16 288491 3513 289220 2299 290719 3675 290009 3681 288205 2929 293704 1615 LR R-I AVG STD AVG STD AVG STD AVG STD AVG STD AVG STD NL4 8276 0 8276 0 8276 0 8276 0 8276 0 8276 0 NL6 23916 0 23916 0 23916 0 23916 0 23916 0 23916 0 NL8 39836 252 39813 181 40097 303 39848 283 39895 224 39770 136 NL10 60563 714 60449 1066 60295 631 60375 716 60454 721 60503 696 NL12 115469 957 116141 862 115242 592 115958 1895 115796 945 115806 386 NL14 201234 3296 201984 1911 202092 3644 202584 2642 203060 2334 203429 3593 NL16 288881 3370 285319 3580 288040 4431 289355 3399 288113 1928 288375 3366 NL4 8276 0 NL6 23916 0 NL8 39813 136 NL10 60226 696 NL12 115320 386 NL14 202610 3593 NL16 286772 3366 SR AVG STD RANK 4.57 6.14 9.00 8.86 9.43 10.36 6.07 5.64 5.57 7.29 7.00 6.57 4.50 slower PCs than ours. We are aware that it is not fair to compare the results that were generated using different computers, but the execution time of 4 days is probably more than 1 hour (our execution time for NL16). Another hyper-heuristic for the TTP was proposed in [13]. A population based hyper-heuristic that uses ACO was applied to the NL instances. It reached the best results for the NL4-6 and good enough feasible solutions for the rest. Compared to [1], the execution times were smaller. Our results are better than those in [13]. As a whole, these results show that hyper-heuristics have a great potential for solving hard combinatorial optimization problems like the TTP. 21 A Hyper-heuristic with Learning Automata for the Traveling Tournament Problem 339 Table 21.8: Ranking corresponding to the average results among the hyper-heuristics with L R-I, LR R-I (L R-I + Restarting) and SR heuristic selection mechanisms for the Super instances (lower rank values are better) λ1 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.005 0.075 0.01 λ1 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.005 0.075 0.01 L R-I AVG STD AVG STD AVG STD AVG STD AVG STD AVG STD Super4 71033 12283 71033 12283 71033 12283 71033 12283 71033 12283 71033 12283 Super6 130365 0 130365 0 130365 0 130365 0 130365 0 130365 0 Super8 182615 346 183629 27 182975 558 182533 274 183585 1551 182699 428 Super10 327268 4836 327152 6295 327588 4605 327599 6753 327604 5012 327523 3116 Super12 476371 5618 477237 5900 481131 12226 475899 5626 480109 6688 478001 5570 Super14 634535 13963 626643 12918 630109 14375 629428 17992 635947 11880 646711 16954 LR R-I AVG STD AVG STD AVG STD AVG STD AVG STD AVG STD Super4 71033 12283 71033 12283 71033 12283 71033 12283 71033 12283 71033 12283 Super6 130365 0 130365 0 130365 0 130365 0 130365 0 130365 0 Super8 182615 346 183255 989 182938 552 182727 411 182787 713 182953 807 Super10 325961 5327 325379 5562 325407 1896 327033 5941 324098 2041 326273 3863 Super12 476084 3519 475779 3028 475980 5777 473861 2478 477943 5857 477175 2906 Super14 625490 12591 615274 9147 622210 15024 629087 8345 632881 3083 629564 12415 Super4 71033 12833 Super6 130365 0 Super8 182626 687 Super10 325888 2256 Super12 472829 1822 Super14 630751 13908 SR AVG STD RANK 7.25 8.00 9.33 6.17 10.50 8.83 5.08 5.17 5.33 5.67 7.00 7.33 5.33 21.7.3 Effect of the Learning Rate (λ1 ) LA perform better than random selection for LLHs with appropriate learning rates. Therefore, it may be useful to look at the probabilistic behavior of LLHs under different learning rates (λ1 ). In Figure 21.5, we show how the probability vector for NL16 with λ1 = 0.01 changes over time as an example among all the probability vectors. Regarding their probabilities (performance), we can rank the LLHs as H2, H1, H4, H5, H3 from the best to the worst. In addition, the probabilities belonging to the best two heuristics are very far from the rest, so we can say that some heuristics 340 Mustafa Misir, Tony Wauters, Katja Verbeeck, and Greet Vanden Berghe Table 21.9: T-Test results for the learning hyper-heuristics and the SR based hyperheuristic on the NL and Super instances AVG | BEST NL4 NL6 NL8 NL10 NL12 NL14 NL16 Super4 Super6 Super8 Super10 Super12 Super14 T-TEST LAHH SR 8276 8276 23916 23916 39770 39813 60046 60226 115242 115320 201234 202610 285319 286772 71033 71033 130365 130365 182533 182626 324098 325888 473861 472829 615274 639751 2,64E-01 LAHH SR 8276 8276 23916 23916 39721 39721 59583 59727 112873 113222 196058 201076 279330 283133 63405 63405 130365 130365 182409 182409 318421 322761 467267 469276 599296 607925 3,13E-02 Table 21.10: Comparison between the best results obtained by the learning automata hyper-heuristics (LAHHs) and the current best results (LB: Lower Bound) TTP Inst. NL4 NL6 NL8 NL10 NL12 NL14 NL16 Super4 Super6 Super8 Super10 Super12 Super14 LAHH 8276 23916 39721 59583 112873 196058 279330 63405 130365 182409 318421 467267 599296 Best Difference (%) 8276 0,00% 23916 0,00% 39721 0,00% 59436 0,25% 110729 1,88% 188728 3,88% 261687 6,74% 63405 0,00% 130365 0,00% 182409 0,00% 316329 0,66% 463876 0,73% 571632 4,84% LB 8276 23916 39721 58831 108244 182797 249477 63405 130365 182409 316329 452597 557070 perform much better than some others. That is, by using LA, we can easily rank and classify LLHs. In Figure 21.6, the behavior of the same heuristics to the same problem instance but with a different learning rate λ1 = 0.001 is presented. The ranking of the heuristics is the same as the previous one. However, now there is no strict distinction or huge gap between the probabilities of the LLHs. The reason behind this experimental result is obvious. Using a smaller learning rate (λ1 ) will decrease the convergence speed. This conclusion can be a meaningful point to determine the value of λ1 based on running time limitations. That is, if there is enough time to run the LA on a problem, a smaller learning rate can be chosen. In the case of being in need of a quick 21 A Hyper-heuristic with Learning Automata for the Traveling Tournament Problem Author(s) Easton et al. [18] Method Linear Programming (LP) Benoist et al. [4] A combination of constraint programming and lagrange relaxation Cardemil [12] Tabu Search Zhang [36] Unknown (data from TTP website) Shen and Zhang [32] ‘Greedy big step’ Meta-heuristic Lim et al. [25] SA and Hillclimbing Langford [24] Unknown (data from TTP website) Crauwels and Oud- ACO with Local Imheusden [17] provement Anagnostopoulos et SA al. [1] Gaspero and Schaerf Composite Neigh[19] borhood Tabu Search Approach Chen et al. [13] Ant-Based Hyperheuristic Van Hentenryck and Population-Based Vergados [20] SA This Paper Learning Automata Hyper-heuristics with ILTA 341 NL4 NL6 NL8 NL10 NL12 NL14 NL16 8276 23916 441113 312623 8276 23916 42517 68691 143655 301113 437273 8276 23916 40416 66037 125803 205894 308413 8276 24073 39947 61608 119012 207075 293175 39776 61679 117888 206274 281660 8276 23916 39721 59821 115089 196363 274673 59436 112298 190056 272902 8276 23916 40797 67640 128909 238507 346530 8276 23916 39721 59583 111248 188728 263772 59583 111483 190174 270063 8276 23916 40361 65168 123752 225169 321037 110729 188728 261687 8276 23916 39721 59583 112873 196058 279330 Table 21.11: TTP solution methods compared, adapted from [13] result, employing a higher learning rate will increase the speed of convergence and help to find high quality results in a quicker way. Based on this relationship, an efficient value for a learning rate can be determined during the search. In addition to the effect of the total execution time, a learning rate can be adapted based on the performance of the applied heuristics and the changes regarding the evolvability of a search space [33]. 21.8 Discussion Hyper-heuristics are easy-to-implement generic approaches to solve combinatorial optimization problems. In this study, we applied learning automata (LA) hyperheuristics to a set of TTP instances. We saw that hyper-heuristics are promising 342 Mustafa Misir, Tony Wauters, Katja Verbeeck, and Greet Vanden Berghe Fig. 21.5: Evolution of the probability vector for NL16 with λ1 = 0.01 Fig. 21.6: Evolution of the probability vector for NL16 with λ1 = 0.001 approaches for the TTP as they perform well on different combinatorial optimization problems. In this paper, we introduced both a new selection mechanism based on LA and an acceptance criterion, i.e., the Iteration Limited Threshold Accepting (ILTA). Based on the results of the experiments, it can be concluded that LA gives more meaningful decisions for the heuristic selection process and reach better results in less time than Simple Random (SR) heuristic selection, which seemed to be effective especially for small heuristic sets. The new hyper-heuristic method consistently outperforms 21 A Hyper-heuristic with Learning Automata for the Traveling Tournament Problem 343 the SR hyper-heuristic using a small set of low-level heuristics (LLHs). Moreover, the simple general method easily generates high-quality solutions for the known TTP benchmarks and the recently added Super instances.3 The new move acceptance mechanism tries to provide an efficient trade-off between intensification and diversification. If the aim is to study the effectiveness of a heuristic selection, a mechanism that accepts AM can be employed. But if the aim is to observe the performance of a move acceptance mechanism in a hyper-heuristic, then the best option is to combine it with SR heuristic selection. AM and SR are the blindest approaches that can be used in hyper-heuristics. The results of the hyperheuristic that consists of SR heuristic selection and ILTA move acceptance for the NL and Super instances are very promising. Using LA instead of SR with ILTA provides further improvements. In future research, we will apply the learning hyper-heuristics to other hard combinatorial optimization problems to verify their general nature. For learning automata, an adaptive learning rate strategy based on the evolvability of the search space will be built. Next, an effective restarting mechanism will be developed to temporarily increase the effect of the local changes on the probability vector. Also, we will focus on fitness landscape analysis for hyper-heuristics to make decisions more meaningful and effective. 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