] 30 April 2015 QUARTERLY ACTIVITIES REPORT March 2015 Highlights Coal During the quarter 228,624 tonnes of coal produced from the Delta Coal mine – Altura share 76,208 tonnes. Focus continues on lowering costs via reductions in stripping ratio and mining costs. The Indonesian Government benchmark price for coal sales was 5% higher in March 2015 as compared with December 2014. Corporate Restructure Shareholder approval obtained for the sale of the Mt Webber iron ore joint venture interest for A$24m with settlement occurring on 17 February 2015, and for the Singapore listing of the Indonesian coal assets into a new separate coal focused entity. Future corporate profile of Altura Mining Limited (ASX: AJM) is that of a company with a controlling interest in a Singapore listed coal investment entity, a developer of the World Class Pilgangoora lithium deposit and a provider of mining services. Capital Raising Altura conducting a non-renounceable rights issue to raise A$3.12 million (before issue costs). The rights issue is partially underwritten to an amount of A$2.4 million. Shareholders can purchase 2 New Shares for every 3 Existing Shares held, and will also receive 1 free attaching New Listed Option for every 2 New Shares acquired. Lithium Altura continues search for a strategic investment partner to develop the world class Pilgangoora project. Capital raising will allow for completion of feasibility studies and progression of the mining lease towards grant. Altura is encouraged with progress to date having gained a better understanding of the concentrated nature of the Chemical Grade Lithium supply market. The Chemical Grade Lithium market continues to demonstrate encouraging long term fundamentals. Altura Mining Limited – Quarterly Activities Report March 2015 COAL DELTA COAL MINE (East Kalimantan – Indonesia) Thermal Coal (33⅓% AJM) Mine Operations Production and sales for the quarter were as follows: Saleable coal production (100% terms) Coal sold (100% terms) Saleable coal production (Altura 33⅓% share) Coal sold (Altura 33⅓% share) March 2015 Quarter March 2014 Quarter 12 months to March 2015 Tonnes Tonnes Tonnes 228,624 254,903 354,206 321,873 1,155,758 1,252,854 76,208 84,968 118,069 107,291 385,253 417,618 Production at Delta Coal during the 3 months to 31 March 2015 was below the previous quarter with monthly average coal production of 76,208 tonnes (monthly average December quarter 2014 of 120,106 tonnes). Production in the March quarter 2015 was also below the corresponding quarter in 2014. The reduction in coal production can partially be attributable to adverse weather conditions however a significant proportion of the result is from reduced equipment availability and productivities. These factors coupled with the required re-allocation of equipment to new mining areas in order to meet coal marketing requirements has produced a lower than forecast result. Delta Coal management are engaging with its contractors in order to sustain the required production level and cost. In order to assist with these items management have entered into an arrangement with the neighbouring tenement holder to allow for mining of coal right up to the western boundary of the Delta Coal tenement. The joint operation will require removal of the overburden on the adjacent tenement in order to access the coal up to the Delta Coal boundary. The adjacent tenement holder will then be provided access to the continuation of the coal into their own tenement. These works will form an extension of the existing Pit 37 which is located in the north-west of the Delta Coal tenement and contains some of the thickest coal seams at the lowest strip ratio on site (see map overleaf). It is anticipated that this agreement will unlock for Delta Coal approximately 800,000 tonnes of coal at a strip ratio ranging between 8:1 and 9:1. The Delta Coal site team anticipate being in a position to commence mining the Pit 37 Extension area as early as May 2015. During the quarter the mine operations experienced 50 rainfall affected days for a total of 868 millimetres which is above the overall December quarter total rainfall (December quarter - 45 rainfall affected days for a total of 715 millimetres). Page 2 of 10 Altura Mining Limited – Quarterly Activities Report March 2015 The March quarter average coal price received was US$38.83 (equated to FOB basis) per tonne (marginal increase from US$37.56 in December 2014 quarter) for coal ranging from 4,400 kcal /kg to 4,800 kcal/kg (GAR). Sales for the quarter were based on 45% of 4,800 kcal/kg and 55% of 4,400 kcal/kg products. Delta Coal is currently mining five (5) separate pits within the concession; these are identified as Pit 21N, Pit 21S, Pit 37, Pit 38 and Pit 43. Operations in Pit 2N ceased during the quarter after exhausting all recoverable coal. The coals from these pits can vary in both quantity and quality which is taken into consideration by the mine according to their marketing requirements. Each of these pits can also operate under a different cost mechanism determined by a mix of strip ratio and waste haulage distance. Coal Pricing The Indonesian Coal Reference Price or HBA for March 2015 was US$67.76 per tonne representing a 5% increase to the US$64.65 price for December 2014. The HBA represents the Indonesian Government set benchmark pricing for coal sales and is based on GCV (GAR) 6,322 kcal/kg, Total Moisture (arb) 8.00%, Sulphur (arb) 0.80% (arb) and Ash Content (arb) 15.00%. Therefore price adjustments (based on quality) are performed in order to equate to Delta’s range of coal specifications from 4,400 – 5,000 kcal/kg (GAR) products. Delta Coal Mine – Map of Mine Layout Pit 37 Extension About Coal Coal is a plentiful natural source of energy. Thermal coal provides a reliable fuel for electricity generation with Indonesia now the world’s largest exporter of thermal coal products. Higher value PCI (pulverised coal) and coking coal are used in the production of steel. Page 3 of 10 Altura Mining Limited – Quarterly Activities Report March 2015 TABALONG COAL JOINT VENTURE (South Kalimantan – Indonesia) - 70% AJM Project Approvals Altura advised on 30 September 2014 that it had received the In-Principle Forest Area approval from the Indonesian Minister for Forestry for its 70% owned Suryaraya Permata Khatulistiwa (SPK) IUP in the northern area of the Tabalong Coal Project in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. The initial approval area of 465.29 hectares allows for the mining pit, waste dumps, mine infrastructure and haul road with the survey and compliance documentation (including marking out of the area). During the quarter the company continued preparations to complete work program required to gain formal issue of the Borrow and use of Forest Area Permit (Ijin Pinjam Pakai Kawasan Hutan). Recent post- election changes in the Indonesian Government has resulted in some delays, however the Company believes these delays are temporary and will enable a smooth progression of the formal issue document. Upon conclusion of the coal asset listing process in Singapore it is anticipated that the additional funds raised will enable a fast-tracking to production at Tabalong. Tabalong Coal Project JV – Location Map About the Tabalong Coal Project The Tabalong Coal Project consists of five (5) Mining Licences (IUPs) in the province of South Kalimantan on the island of Borneo. All five (5) IUPs are granted for Operation Production and Altura is seeking the necessary Forestry Land Use approvals to allow mining to proceed. Page 4 of 10 Altura Mining Limited – Quarterly Activities Report March 2015 CORPORATE Shareholder Approval for Changes to Corporate Structure Late in 2014, the Company announced the following proposed changes to its corporate structure: The sale of its interest in the Mt Webber iron ore joint venture (see ASX release on 24 December 2014); and The sale of Indonesian coal assets into a Singapore-based entity, Merida Corporation Pte Ltd, (Merida) proposed to be listed on the Singapore Exchange (see ASX release on 18 November 2014). Both of these changes required shareholder approval under the ASX Listing Rules, and at a General Meeting held on 12 February 2015, Altura received overwhelming approval for the two resolutions (see ASX release on 12 February 2015). Following the divestment of Mt Webber and subject to completion of the Singapore listing of the Indonesian coal assets (see below), Altura’s corporate profile will be that of a company with a controlling interest in a coal investment entity, a developer of the Pilgangoora lithium deposit and a provider of mining services. Singapore Listing of Indonesian Coal Assets Altura is progressing the consolidation of its Indonesian coal assets into a new Singapore-based entity to be listed on the Singapore Exchange. These existing investments comprise: (a) a 33⅓% interest in the Delta coal mine in East Kalimantan, Indonesia (the Delta Project); and (b) a 70% interest in three Mining Permits (“SPK”, “SCC” and “SP”) and a 56% interest in two Mining Licences (“KM” and “MBM”) that form the Tabalong coal project in South Kalimantan, Indonesia (the Tabalong Coal Project). As part of the planned listing, funds will be raised in Singapore to fund the development of the Tabalong project through to production, strengthen the balance sheet for the existing Delta mine and progress the exploration programs for both projects. Whilst Altura will no longer have majority ownership of the Tabalong project, it will however retain a controlling interest by holding two of the five board positions, including the Chairman’s role. The process is targeting completion as early as possible in 2015. The shareholder group (including Altura) has continued to complete the pre-requisite documentation including audits, legal due diligence and technical reports (including valuation reports). Finalisation of the technical reports (including revised JORC Reserve and Resource estimates) is dependent on completion of independent peer reviews. The prevailing coal market conditions have provided challenges and contributed to some revisiting of these technical reports. Pleasingly, Altura has seen scope for reductions in significant cost items such as fuel and contracting rates to offset reductions in coal pricing with both current and long term forecasts. Page 5 of 10 Altura Mining Limited – Quarterly Activities Report March 2015 CAPITAL RAISING CAPITAL RAISING – NON-RENOUNCEABLE RIGHTS ISSUE Subsequent to the end of the quarter, Altura announced on 23 April 2015 that it is seeking to raise up to A$3.12 million (before issue costs) through a non-renounceable rights issue to existing shareholders. Under the offer up to approximately 311,874,787 New Shares will be issued at a price of 1.0 cents per New Share and 155,937,394 free attaching New Listed Options on the basis of two (2) New Shares and one (1) New Listed Option for every three (3) Existing Shares held. The funds raised under the pro rata offer will be used for the completion of feasibility studies and progression of the mining lease towards grant at the Pilgangoora Lithium Project, and for working capital requirements. The key terms of the rights issue are: Shareholders on the company’s register as at close of business on Wednesday 29 April 2015 (the “Record Date”) will be able to participate in the offer. Shareholders can purchase 2 New Shares for every 3 Existing Shares held, and will also receive 1 free attaching New Listed Option for every 2 New Shares acquired. The purchase price has been set at 1 cent per share. The rights issue opens on Friday 1 May 2015, and closes on Friday 15 May 2015. The New Listed Options will be exercisable at 2 cents each, and have an expiry date of 30 June 2016. Shareholders can apply for additional shares in excess of their entitlement (in the event that not all rights are taken up). Such additional shares will be allocated at the discretion of the Company and the Underwriter. The New Shares will rank equally from allotment with Existing Shares in all respects. The issue is partially underwritten up to an amount of A$2.4 million by Bizzell Capital Partners Pty Ltd. Page 6 of 10 Altura Mining Limited – Quarterly Activities Report March 2015 LITHIUM ALTURA LITHIUM – Pilgangoora (Western Australia - 100% AJM) Altura has previously identified a world class lithium deposit located in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Following the completion of a project scoping study (see ASX release on 19 November 2012) the Company believes there is strong potential for the deposit to be mined and to be able to recover a highly saleable spodumene concentrate. Internal work on a pre-feasibility study is ongoing and will be accelerated upon successful completion of the current Rights Issue with funds raised to be predominantly directed to rapid progression of this project. Altura is continuing to identify a suitable off-take and equity partner for this project. LITHIUM CORPORATION (Nevada, USA & British Columbia, Canada - 15% AJM) Lithium Corporation had previously announced the execution of an Asset Purchase Agreement with Pathion Inc. to sell its interests in the BC Sugar flake graphite property, as well as the San Emidio and Fish Lake Valley lithium-brine properties. The completion date was extended until 31 December 2014 but was terminated during the quarter after failing to complete. The Company also signed a Letter Of Intent (LOI) with Kingsmere Mining Ltd. which is the preliminary step whereby Kingsmere or their appointee may choose to buy or option Lithium Corporation’s lithium brine properties in Nevada. The letter allows for a due diligence and election period until 1 April 2015 with closing extended to 31 May 2015. The terms of the arrangement are to be finalised should Kingsmere elect to move forward. Please refer to the Lithium Corporation website for further information. About Lithium Lithium (Li) is recovered from the mineral spodumene and lithium-rich brines. It is used in a range of products such as ceramics, glass, batteries and pharmaceuticals. Lithium use has expanded significantly in recent years due to increasing use in rechargeable batteries in portable electronic devices and in batteries and electric motors for hybrid and electric cars. Page 7 of 10 Altura Mining Limited – Quarterly Activities Report March 2015 IRON ORE MT WEBBER (Pilbara – Western Australia) 30% Altura Mining Limited, 70% Atlas Iron Limited Residual Royalty Rights Post the sale of Mt Webber to Atlas Iron, Altura retains the following residual royalty rights: 1% FOB sales royalty on iron ore sold from the Mt Webber production tenements (M45/1209 and M45/1197) up to the equivalent of Altura’s current remaining share (8.44 million DMT), but only payable for the months in which the average CFR 62% Fe index is greater than A$95; and 0.3% FOB sales royalty on iron ore sold from the undeveloped Mt Webber exploration tenements (E45/2244, E45/2268, E45/2288, E45/2312 and E45/2346), but only payable for the months in which the average CFR 62% Fe index is greater than A$95; Altura notes the decision by Atlas Iron Limited on 10 April 2015 to suspend its mining operations at its Pilbara mines, including the Mt Webber mine which was the subject of the joint venture with Altura. Altura advises that the royalty arrangements on iron ore at Mt Webber are based on Altura’s proportion of the defined resource, and continue until such time as the remaining share is mined and sold with no sunset clause in effect. Page 8 of 10 Altura Mining Limited – Quarterly Activities Report March 2015 SCHEDULE OF MINING TENEMENTS The following mining tenements were held by the Company at the end of the quarter: Location Tenement Interest Pilbara, Western Australia E 45/2277 E 45/2287 E 45/3488 P 45/2758 M 45/1230 M 45/1231 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Mt Shoobridge, Northern Territory EL 29549 MCN 60 MLN 296 MLN 544 100% 100% 100% 100% Tanami, Northern Territory ELA 26626 ELA 26627 EL 26628 EL 29828 100% 100% 100% 100% Delta, East Kalimantan PT Delta Ultima Coal 33⅓% Tabalong, South Kalimantan PT Suryaraya Permata Khatulistiwa PT Suryaraya Cahaya Cemerlang PT Suryaraya Pusaka PT Kodio Multicom PT Marangkayu Bara Makarti 70% 70% 70% 56% 56% Catanduanes, Philippines COC 182 (Area 3) - Catanduanes 100% The following mining tenements were relinquished during the quarter: Location Tenement Interest Pilbara, Western Australia E 45/2244 E 45/2268 E 45/2288 E 45/2312 E 45/2346 M 45/1209 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 30% Page 9 of 10 Altura Mining Limited – Quarterly Activities Report March 2015 About Altura Mining Limited (ASX:AJM) “Aggressively building independently sustainable businesses that deliver profitability, liquidity and growth in coal and non-ferrous mining and exploration” - The Altura Vision Altura is a multi-faceted miner with significant coal and lithium projects in Indonesia and Australia, a diverse minerals exploration portfolio, and a profitable mining services arm that provides drilling, geophysical and project development services. With experienced leadership and a strong and supportive shareholder base, Altura’s success is further underpinned by its solid suite of exploration and development projects. The Company’s main focus is coal production from the Delta Coal project in Indonesia, and the Tabalong Coal project which is in the final stages of approvals before mining commences. Key Projects and Prospects: • Coal: a 33⅓ % interest in the Delta coal mine currently targeting production 1.5 million tonnes per annum rate in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. • Coal: Mine construction planned at Tabalong upon receipt of final regulatory approvals. • Coal: Exploration tenement at Catanduanes on the eastern seaboard of the Philippines. • Lithium: Prefeasibility at Pilgangoora WA, one of the world’s largest high grade deposits. • Uranium: Exploration stage of key targets in Hayes Creek region, Mt Shoobridge NT. • Base/Precious Metals: Exploration stage for lead, copper, zinc, gold and silver prospects - Shoobridge NT, Pilbara WA, Tanami NT. For further information, please visit www.alturamining.com or phone James Brown, Managing Director on + 61 7 3814 6900. Page 10 of 10
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