2015 Alabama COWBOY CAMPS Hargis Retreat Center Chelsea, Alabama Preteen: June 18-21 Youth: June 22-25 AFCC // P O Box 513 // Waxahachie, Texas 75168 phone 972-937-9979 // fax 972-937-9943 // www.americanfcc.org DEADLINES APRIL 1, 2015 Postmark deadline for Advance Registration Form and deposit in the amount of $50 per camper (a deposit may be transferred to a new camper, but not refunded); mail to AFCC P O Box 513 Waxahachie TX 75168 May 1, 2015 Deadline for Criminal and Sexual Misconduct Records Check Authorization form (for each sponsor) and Church Registration form to be mailed, faxed or emailed Fax # 903-842-2828 Email [email protected] MAY 1, 2015 Postmark deadline for full payment in advance at the discounted rate of $185 per camper; NO REFUNDS ALLOWED AT THIS RATE; mail to AFCC P O Box 513 Waxahachie TX 75168 TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO CAMP All adds, drops, and changes to the original Church Registration form must be faxed or emailed to Connie Fax # 903-842-2828 Email [email protected] CAMP DAY Final payment at the rate of $200 per camper due at camp --------------------------------------------------------------------------You may pay for some of your campers at the discounted rate and the remaining campers when you arrive at camp. For example: You have 30 campers/sponsors preregistered ($50 deposit paid for each). You feel confident that 25 of those will be at camp, so you pay for those campers at the discounted rate of $185 each by May 1. Youʼre not sure about the remaining 5 campers, so you pay for those campers at the full rate of $200 each when you arrive at camp. FEBRUARY 1. PRAY THE PROCESS STEP-BY-STEP 2. Find a member of your team that is a good organizer and GET SOME HELP 3. Create and copy a “camp packet” for each camper Cover sheet with this info (run this on colored paper): Camp location and dates Camp fee (you may want to add a transportation cost to the camp cost) Your name and contact information Due dates for forms & payments (leave yourself a few days to organize paperwork) Place and time to meet the morning you leave for camp Time you expect to return from camp Then, add these forms from this registration packet: Camper Rules and Information (run this on colored paper) Camper Registration form (run this on white paper) Food Allergy & Medication forms (run this on white paper) ***When you staple your camp packets together, make sure the Camper Registration, Allergy & Medication forms are at the back of the packet. That way, you can remove those forms and the parents can keep and use the colored information pages. Follow the same steps for your sponsor packets. Add the Criminal and Sexual Misconduct Records Check Authorization form. Don’t forget the Allergy and Medication forms. 4. Promote camp Show 2014 camp video and/or share student testimonies about camp 5. Make a list of potential campers and sponsors 6. Begin collecting campers’ deposits and registration forms and don’t forget to check for parent and student signatures; then keep a record of deposits and forms MARCH 1. PRAY 2. Continue promoting camp and collecting deposits and forms 3. Complete the Advance Registration form and mail it and your deposit to AFCC, P O Box 513, Waxahachie TX 75168. This form must be postmarked by April 1, 2015 in order to guarantee your church a spot at the camp of your choice. APRIL 1 POSTMARK DATE FOR ADVANCE REGISTRATION FORMS THAT GUARANTEE YOUR CHURCH A SPOT AT THE CAMP OF YOUR CHOICE APRIL 1. KEEP PRAYING 2. Continue collecting camp payments and forms 3. Verify that each sponsor has completed and signed a Criminal and Sexual Misconduct Records Check Authorization form. 4. Fax or email the Criminal and Sexual Misconduct Records Check Authorization form for EVERY SPONSOR and the Church Registration Form by May 1, 2015. Fax # 903-842-2828 Email [email protected] After May 1st you may only replace a boy with another boy or a girl with another girl. A fifty dollar ($50.00) non-refundable deposit is required for each person. This is a good time to start a list of students that may want to come to camp, but did not meet the signup deadline and a list of students that signed up, but are unable to come. MAY 1 POSTMARK DATE FOR FULL PAYMENT AT THE DISCOUNTED RATE OF $185 PER CAMPER; CHURCH REGISTRATION FORM AND CRIMINAL RECORDS CHECK FORMS DUE MAY 1. KEEP PRAYING 2. Continue collecting camp payments and forms JUNE 1. KEEP PRAYING 2. Fax or email all adds, drops, and changes two weeks before camp to Connie Fax # 903-842-2828 Email [email protected] 3. Check the camper and sponsor registration forms for signatures (both camper and parent/guardian). 4. Make one copy (for you) of the completed forms. 5. Make sure each sponsor has completed the Child Protection Training course. Training is available at lathamsprings.com. If you need assistance with this training, please contact Connie. 6. Collect all money and bring one check from your church with the total amount owed. BRING TO CAMP 1. Individual Registration forms for all campers and sponsors (original for camp; copy for you) and a copy (for camp) of each sponsorʼs Child Protection Training certificate 2. Prescription medicines in original containers 3. Your final camp payment 4. STUDENTS AND SPONSORS READY FOR A GREAT TIME FILLED WITH LEARNING ADDITIONAL INFORMATION All forms may be downloaded from the AFCC Website at www.americanfcc.org. Be sure that you use the camp forms for the specific camp you plan to attend as forms are different for each camp. AFCC address: " " " " " " " " " American Fellowship of Cowboy Churches PO Box 513, Waxahachie TX 75168 Phone contact: " Connie Sanford, 903-571-7119 Fax number:" 903-842-2828 (for camp only) " Email address: "" [email protected] Requirements for all Sponsors You must have at least one adult sponsor for every ten students of each gender. If you bring fewer than ten students of each gender, you still MUST bring one sponsor for each gender. For example: if you bring six girls and seven boys you must bring one female sponsor and one male sponsor. If you bring 16 girls and 23 boys, you must bring two female sponsors and three male sponsors. Must be 21 or older Must complete the Criminal and Sexual Misconduct Records Check Authorization form (by May 1st) Must complete the Child Protection Training Course for the camp you will be attending. Have your pastor or church staff member sign all sponsor forms where required. Keep the original Certificate of Completion on file at your church and bring a copy to camp. ALABAMA CAMP Hargis Retreat Center Chelsea, Alabama CAMP CHECK IN and CHECK OUT TIMES Preteen Camp (3rd-6th grades) Check in on June 18th from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. Check out and leave on June 21st at appx. 9:00 a.m. Youth Camp (7th-12th grades) Check in on June 22nd from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. Check out and leave on June 25th at appx. 9:00 a.m. CAMPER RULES AND INFORMATION Wha’cha Need to Bring PLEASE LABEL ALL ITEMS (FIRST AND LAST NAME) Bible notebook pens or pencils sleeping bag or twin sheets and blanket pillow toothpaste/toothbrush soap/shampoo/hairbrush shower shoes (flip-flops) towels/washcloths sunscreen and/or a cap or hat insect repellent shorts and/or jeans (may get muddy) shirts/underwear/socks (may get muddy) comfortable tennis shoes or boots modest swimsuit plastic bag for dirty clothes medication (in original prescription bottle; to be dispensed by the camp nurse) flashlight spending money for snacks and souvenirs (appx $20.00) snacks in single-serving size or reclosable bags camera to capture the fun DO NOT BRING excessive money expensive jewelry electronic games weapons Wha’cha Can an’ Can’t Wear This Dress Code applies to all students and sponsors attending AFCC Cowboy Camps and will be enforced by camp staff and host camp staff. Remember, AFCC camps are Christian camps and we should seek to represent Jesus Christ in every aspect of the camp experience including the way we dress. Dress Code ★ Shorts must be modest in length. No short shorts. ★ All pants, jeans, shorts must have waistbands. ★ Shirts must cover the entire torso and not allow midriffs or bellybuttons to show even when arms are raised. ★ Sleeveless shirts are allowed but must cover the entire shoulder. ★ No spaghetti straps or tank tops. ★ Swimsuits must be modest. ★ Undergarments must be worn underneath clothing and cannot show through clothing or rise above the waistband of pants. ★ All clothing must be appropriate and cannot advertise any alcohol or tobacco products. ★ Clothing that represents things contrary to Christianity (i.e. satanic shirts, shirts with inappropriate language, etc.) cannot be worn. ★ Sleep wear must be modest and may not be worn out of the cabins. ★ All campers are to be fully dressed in accordance with the dress code any time they are outside their cabins. Wha’cha Can an’ Can’t Wear, cont. Enforcement of Dress Code Group leaders are asked to review the dress code with all campers and their parents before leaving for camp. We ask that group leaders and adult sponsors lead by example in following the dress code. Wha’cha Can an’ Can’t Do AFCC Cowboy Camps are Christian camps, and all rules are designed to help us conduct ourselves in ways that reflect Christ in all we do. ★ Alcohol, illegal drugs, tobacco, knives, guns, pets, skateboards, fireworks, or MP3 players ARE NOT PERMITTED. Such items will be confiscated and may be returned at departure. ★ Cell phone usage is permitted only during free time or in case of emergency. ★ Please respect all camp properties. We ask you to assist in keeping the grounds clean of trash. Cans are provided. ★ If property or equipment is damaged, your group will be held responsible for any cost incurred for repair or replacement. ★ If the dorm room is excessively filthy during your stay or upon departure, your church will be assessed a fine of $100.00. ★ Shaving cream fights, water fights, etc. will not be tolerated. ★ All clothing must meet dress code. ★ Shoes must be worn at all times unless the camper is in the swimming pool. ★ All Camp activities are closed unless camp staff is present. ★ Meals must be eaten in the dining hall unless otherwise prearranged with camp staff. ★ Students are not allowed to leave the camp grounds while attending Cowboy Camp. ★ Students must attend scheduled activities. ★ Students are not allowed to enter the dorms of the opposite sex for ANY reason. ★ PDA (Public Display of Affection) will not be tolerated. ★ Students are not allowed to share any medication belonging to them with any other student—all medication must be checked in with the camp nurse. ★ Students are not allowed to ride livestock and/or tend to livestock without camp staff present. For emergencies please call: Alabama Camp: Hargis Retreat Center (205-678-6512) 5 1 0 S 2 M R O F P M A C 2015 Alabama COWBOY CAMPS Hargis Retreat Center Chelsea, Alabama Preteen: June 18-21 Youth: June 22-25 Registration Fees • To reserve bunks at the camp of your choice, a $50.00 deposit per student and sponsor is due with this Advance Registration Form • A deposit may be transferred to a new camper if a camper backs out, but there will be no refund issued once a deposit is paid. • Cost $185 for each person paid in full by May 1, 2015 (NO REFUNDS) • Cost $200 for each person paid in full on the first day of camp Packet Information Registration Packets can be found on our website: americanfcc.org Mail a separate form for each camp and your deposit by April 1, 2015 Number of Sponsors + Number of Students = Total Campers x Deposit per Camper $50.00 = DEPOSIT DUE circle ALABAMA CAMP attending PRETEEN YOUTH Contact ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone _____________________________________________ Email __________________________________________________ Church Name _______________________________________ Pastor__________________________________________________ Church Address _____________________________________ City/State/Zip ____________________________________________ AFCC // P O Box 513 // Waxahachie, Texas 75168 phone 972-937-9979 // fax 972-937-9943 // www.americanfcc.org Criminal & Sexual Misconduct Records Check Authorization Form AFCC Camp you will be attending: Alabama Camp DUE BY MAY 1, 2015 Preteen_____ Youth_____ LAST NAME THIS FORM IS REQUIRED EACH YEAR FOR EACH SPONSOR FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME DATE OF BIRTH SOCIAL SECURITY DRIVER’S LICENSE STREET NUMBER STREET NAME (NO PO BOXES) APARTMENT NUMBER CITY STATE ZIP PHONE NUMBER NAME OF CHURCH By signing this form I authorize Hargis Retreat Center and/or the American Fellowship of Cowboy Churches (AFCC), their staff, and/or volunteers to make an independent investigation of my background, references, character, criminal or police records to obtain information which may or may not qualify me as a volunteer at any AFCC Cowboy Camp. SIGNATURE DATE Child Protection Policy (the training is valid for two years) I have proctored a State of Texas approved Child Protection Training Course for the above-named AFCC Cowboy Camp sponsor applicant. The above applicant scored a grade above 80 on the final exam. Therefore, I have issued this sponsor applicant a 2015 Certificate of Completion. A copy of this Certificate will be brought to camp and will be readily available upon request. Child Protection Training is available online at www.lathamsprings.com. Check One: I will provide a copy of the 2014 or 2015 Certificate of Completion No copy of 2014 Certificate of Completion, but sponsor took the training provided by AFCC Camp attended last year Church Group Leader Signature__________________________________________ Date ____________ e Du by y Ma 15 0 ,2 1 Alabama Camp Church Registration Form Church Name, City ______________________________________________ Please send a separate form for each camp Check one: Preteen: June 18-21 ___ Youth: June 22-25 ___ Camper or Sponsor Name (please list all campers first; make copies as needed) Male Camper ***For changes made after the ORIGINAL REGISTRATION FORM has been mailed, please indicate the type of change in the last column below and resend the form.*** Female Camper Male Sponsor Female Sponsor T-Shirt Size (state youth or adult size) Correction, Addition or Deletion 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 TOTALS (on 1st page only for all pages) TOTAL CAMPERS AND SPONSORS ATTENDING CAMP ____________ T-shirt Order: youth med _______ youth lg _______ youth xlg _______ adult sm _______ adult med _______ adult lg _______ adult xlg _______ adult 2X _______ adult 3x ______ adult 4x ______ Registration/Medical Form Updated Jan. 2013--Required for students and sponsors Name Gender: [ ] Male [ ] Female Phone Number Email Address Address City Sponsor or Grade Completed: State Current Age (SPONSORS MUST BE 21 YEARS OLD OR OLDER) Zip Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY) Church City T-Shirt Size: Youth M L Emergency Contact Home Phone XL Adult S M L XL Name 2XL 3XL 4XL Relationship to Camper Cell Phone Email Alternate Contact Name Relationship to Camper Home Phone Cell Phone Email Is camper current on all immunizations? [ ] Yes [ ] No List Relevant Medical History/Condition(s) that would help us meet the campers needs Known Allergies Current Medications (List and Instructions) Fill in the contact information below if presently under a Doctor's care. Doctor's Name Address Phone City State Zip Please list any special instructions to help meet the needs of the camper. AUTHORIZATION I have read and understand the camp rules. I agree that my child (or I) will abide by them while at the AFCC Cowboy Camp at <0&$+DUJLV5HWUHDW&HQWHU. If my child (or I) does (do) not abide by these rules, I understand that they (or I) could be sent home at my expense at the discretion of the camp director and camp administration. I also consent & give permission for the use of photographs of my child (or myself) taken while at camp to be used in the promotion of AFCC Cowboy Camps. Parent/Guardian: I hereby give my consent for the above named camper to take part in activities such as Ropes Challenge Course, Rifle Range, Archery and other activities occurring within the camp program. If in the event of an emergency, I cannot be reached, I hereby give my consent for camp administration or church leadership to sign for emergency medical care should it be necessary. I understand that every effort will be made to provide the safest environment possible at camp, but that accidents can and do occur. I agree not to hold liable the AFCC, the camp staff, or Hargis Retreat Center in the case of an unforeseen event. I hereby give consent to the Camp Health Officer to administer the following non-prescription drugs as needed: (Place a check mark after each medication that you authorize) Aspirin [ ] Tylenol [ ] Ibuprofen [ Signature Date ] Benadryl [ ] Parent/Guardian - Adult Sponsor (Please circle one) AL. FOOD ALLERGY & SPECIAL DIET NEEDS Please Use Separate Page for Each Person Fax Completed Form to 903-842-2828 Two Weeks Prior to Arrival Name of Camp: ______________________________ Dates: _________________________ Camper Name: ______________________________ Age: _____________ Church: ______________________________________________________ Parents Name: ____________________________ Phone #: ___________________________ Is parent attending camp with child? ________, If not, please list name of adult sponsor ___________________________________________ List allergies or explain special dietary needs: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Is camper aware of his/her allergies? ______ Is camper able to monitor his/her own food requirements? _______ Is child bringing some of his/her own food? ________ if so please list below: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ MEDICATION FORM For the safety of each camper, all medication (prescription or non-prescription drugs) will be held at the camp nurse’s station and administered by camp-approved, certified medical personnel who are on duty 24 hours a day. If you need to send medication to camp, please place it and the completed form below in a zip-lock bag. Please DO NOT send any medication that is not absolutely necessary. EACH MEDICATION MUST BE IN ITS ORIGINAL CONTAINER FROM THE PHARMACY. NO BLANK PILL BOTTLES OR DAILY MEDICATION BOXES. BE SURE TO MAKE THE FORM VISIBLE IN THE BAG. PLACE THIS FORM IN THE ZIP-LOCK BAG ALONG WITH THE MEDICINE THIS MEDICINE BELONGS TO ___________________________________________ CAMPER’S CHURCH ___________________________________________________ MEDICINE ____________________________ DOSAGE _______________________ MEDICINE ____________________________ DOSAGE _______________________ MEDICINE ____________________________ DOSAGE _______________________ MEDICINE ____________________________ DOSAGE _______________________ MEDICINE ____________________________ DOSAGE _______________________ PARENT’S NAME ______________________________________________________ DAY PHONE ______________________NIGHT PHONE _______________________ DOCTOR’S NAME _______________________ PHONE _______________________
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