American Institute of Kenpo Personal Forms Assignments AIK Personal Forms Assignments As a Black Belt in American Kenpo, you will be required to create (3) personal forms as follows: Personal Short Form (Form 7) Required for Senior Second Degree Black Belt (9) Technique Minimum (A-Symmetrical Form) Personal Long Form (Form 8) Required for Senior Third Degree Black Belt (9) Technique Minimum (Symmetrical Form) (1) Isolation Minimum Personal Weapon Form (Form 9) Required for Senior Fourth Degree Black Belt (9) Technique Minimum (choice of Symmetry) (1) Isolation Minimum Weapon Must NOT be native to Kenpo Personal Video Project Required for Senior Fifth Degree Black Belt Submitted video - Sets, Forms 1-9, & Weapons In order to complete ANY of these forms, you will need to understand the whole of the personal form project. Each form that you have learned in American Kenpo has a theme and teaches specific concepts and principles to progress the student’s learning and understanding. For example, Short Form Three teaches contact manipulation, all techniques are “dead attacks” (grab, holds, hugs, locks, & chokes). Your instructor can assist you in learning the themes for all the forms (Lee Wedlake’s books are also a valuable tool in this endeavor). Once you have a solid understanding of the forms and their themes, we can move on to a basic overview of the WHOLE project’s intended outcome. The forms (1-4 short & long where appropriate) provide the foundations of the American Kenpo System. Forms 5 and 6 are specialized studies (Form 5 Takedowns, Form 6 Weapons). There were forms 7 & 8 - created by Ed Parker’s Senior Black Belts (Twin Club & Twin Knife Forms). However, these forms are arguably NOT Ed Parker’s because they did not get his final approval and personal revisions. As such, in AIK’s curriculum they may be taught in a specialty seminar but will not be included in the base curriculum. I mention this because if you converse with other EPAKS Black Belts and mention forms 7 & 8, they will be thinking about the knife and club forms (not the personal forms that AIK calls forms 7-9). AIK’s decision to have each student “complete” his / her own system with the creation of personal forms 7-9 is no small endeavor! This must be taken on with great focus, personal study, and a constantly evolving (and revising) attitude. Like Ed Parker did; you should revise your forms as your understanding expands until you feel that your personal forms (each & all of them) represent you and complete your personal Kenpo System. However, (ALWAYS REMAIN AWARE) that there is NO true “completion” for any of us. That said, lets explore the process for choosing the techniques that will make up your forms. The Technique List (Alphabetical): 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) 8.) 9.) 10.) 11.) 12.) 13.) 14.) 15.) 16.) 17.) 18.) 19.) 20.) 21.) 22.) 23.) 24.) 25.) 26.) 27.) 26.) 27.) 30.) 31.) 32.) 33.) 34.) 35.) 36.) 37.) 38.) 39.) 40.) 41.) 42.) 43.) 44.) 45.) 46.) 47.) 48.) Aggressive Twins Alternating Maces Attacking Mace Back Breaker Bear & The Ram Begging Hands Blinding Sacrifice Bow of Compulsion Bowing to the Buddha Broken Gift Broken Ram Broken Rod Brushing the Storm Buckling Branch Calming the Storm Captured Leaves Captured Twigs Capturing the Rod Capturing the Storm Charging Ram Checking the Storm Circle of Doom Circles of Protection Circling Destruction Circling Fans Circling the Horizon Circling the Storm Circling Windmills Circling Wing Clipping the Storm Clutching Feathers Conquering Shield Courting the Tiger Crashing Wings Cross of Death Cross of Destruction Crossed Twigs Crossing Talon Crushing Hammer Dance of Darkness Dance of Death Darting Leaves Darting Mace Deceptive Panther Defensive Cross Deflecting Hammer Defying the Rod Defying the Storm Delayed Sword Two Hand Front Push Two Hand Front Push Straight Right Punch Right Flank, Step Through Right Punch Right Front Punch and Rear Bear Hug, Arms Free, Two Men Front Two Hand Grab to Wrists Front Two Hand Grab or Choke Front Wrist Lock Against Opponent’s Chest Front Roundhouse Kick (While Kneeling) Handshake Front Tackle Rear Right Hand Pistol Right Flank Overhead Club Front Straight Left Kick Right Front Roundhouse Club Flank Finger Lock Rear Bear Hug with Arms Pinned Right Front Pistol (Against Your Chest) Right Front Overhead Club Front Tackle Right Front Overhead Cub Right Straight Front Kick Right Step Through Overhead Right Punch Left Step Through Left Punch Right and Left Front Straight Punch Combination Right Front Step Through Right Punch Right Overhead Club Attack, Close Range Front Two Hand Push Followed by a Right Punch Rear Two Hand Choke with Arms Bent Right Front Thrusting Club Left Hand Hair Grab Left Front Stiff Arm Lapel Grab Left and Right Arms Grab by two Men Low Rear Bear Hug with Arms Free Front Two Hand Cross Choke Rear Two Hand Choke Rear Two Hand Grab to Wrists Right Front Crossed Wrist Grab Rear Bear Hug Arms Pinned Right Front Kick followed by a Right Punch Straight Right punch (from Form 4) Front Two Hand Wrist Grab Right Front Snap Kick (low) and Right Roundhouse (high) Right Front Snap Kick Right Front Thrust Kick Right Front Pistol Right Front Roundhouse Club Right Lapel Grab 49.) 50.) 51.) 52.) 53.) 54.) 55.) 56.) 57.) 58.) 59.) 60.) 61.) 62.) 63.) 64.) 65.) 66.) 67.) 68.) 69.) 70.) 71.) 72.) 73.) 74.) 75.) 76.) 77.) 78.) 79.) 80.) 81.) 82.) 83.) 84.) 85.) 86.) 87.) 88.) 89.) 90.) 91.) 92.) 93.) 94.) 95.) 96.) 97.) 98.) Desperate Falcons Destructive Fans Destructive Kneel Destructive Twins Detour from Doom Dominating Circles Encounter with Danger Entangled Wing Entwined Lance Entwined Maces Escape from Darkness Escape from Death Escape from the Storm Evading the Storm Falcons of Force Fallen Cross Falling Falcon Fatal Cross Fatal Deviation Five Swords Flashing Mace Flashing Wings Flight to Freedom Gathering Clouds Gathering of the Snakes Gift in Return Gift of Destiny Gift of Destruction Glancing Lance Glancing Salute Glancing Spear Glancing Wing Grasp of Death Grasping Eagles Grip of Death Gripping Talon Heavenly Assent Hooking Wings Hoping Crane Hugging Pendulum Intellectual Departure Intercepting the Ram Kneel of Compulsion Leap from Danger Leap of Death Leaping Crane Locked Wing Locking Horns Lone Kimono Mace of Aggression Marriage of the Rams Front Two Hand Grab to Wrists Flank Right Punch with opponent’s Right Leg Forward Right Front Step Through Punch Two Hand Front Choke while Pulling In Right Front Roundhouse Kick Right Front Shoulder Grab with Right Hand Front Two Hand Push Front Arm Lock Front Knife Thrust Right and Left Front Punch, opponent’s Left Leg Forward Right Punch from Left Rear Flak Rear Right Arm Choke Right Flank Overhead Right Club Right Front Overhead Club Left and Right Shoulder Grab by Two Men Rear Two Hand Choke Right Front Direct Lapel Grab Front Two Hand Attempted Low Grab or Push Right and Left Punch with opponent’s Right Leg Forward Right Front Roundhouse Punch Right Straight Front Punch Right Straight Front Punch Rear Hammerlock Right Straight Front Punch Left Rear Punch and Right Rear Punch by Two Men Handshake Handshake Handshake Right Front Knife Thrust with Arms Down Right Hand Cross Punch Right Front Direct Left Wrist Grab Left Front Uppercut Punch Left Flank Headlock Right Front Lapel Grab and Rear Arm Grab by Two Men Left Flank Headlock Left Front Direct Wrist Grab Two Hand Front Choke with Arms Straight Front Two Hand Push Low (from Form 5) Right Front Side Kick Right Front Kick Front Tackle Right Step Through Flank Right Punch Rear Two Hand Push Right Front Straight Punch Right Front Step Through Punch Right Rear Hammerlock Front Headlock Left Front Lapel Grab Front Two Hand Lapel Grab while Pulling In Right and Left Shoulder Grabs (close) by Two Men 99.) 100.) 101.) 102.) 103.) 104.) 105.) 106.) 107.) 108.) 109.) 110.) 111.) 112.) 113.) 114.) 115.) 116.) 117.) 118.) 119.) 120.) 121.) 122.) 123.) 124.) 125.) 126.) 127.) 128.) 129.) 130.) 131.) 132.) 133.) 134.) 135.) 136.) 137.) 138.) 139.) 140.) 141.) 142.) 143.) 144.) 145.) 146.) 147.) 148.) 149.) Menacing Twirl Obscure Claws Obscure Sword Obscure Wing Obstructing the Storm Parting of the Snakes Parting Wings Piercing Lance Prance of the Tiger Protecting Fans Raining Claw Raining Lance Raking Mace Ram & the Eagle Repeated Devastation Repeating Mace Reprimanding the Bears Retreating Pendulum Returning Storm Reversing Circles Reversing Mace Rotating Destruction Scraping Hoof Securing the Storm Shield and Mace Shield and Sword Shielding Hammer Sleeper Snakes of Wisdom Snaking Talon Snapping Twig Spiraling Twig Spreading Branches Squatting Sacrifice Squeezing the Peach Striking Serpent’s Head Swinging Pendulum Sword and Hammer Sword of Destruction Taming the Mace Thrust into Darkness Thrusting Lance Thrusting Prongs Thrusting Salute Thrusting Wedge Thundering Hammers Triggered Salute Tripping Arrow Twin Kimono Twirling Death Twirling Hammers Left Hand Rear Belt Grab Right Flank Left Hand Shoulder Grab Right Flank Left Hand Shoulder Grab Right Flank Left Hand Shoulder Grab Right Overhead Club Right Front Punch and Rear Attempt by Two Men Front Two Hand Push Right Front Knife Thrust with Arms Up Right Flank Step Through Right Uppercut Punch Left and Right Front Punch Combo Left Leg Forward Right Front Uppercut Punch Right Front Overhead Knife Front Two Hand Lapel Grab while Pulling In Right Front Punch and Left Rear Collar Grab by Two Men Full Nelson Left Front Hand Push Right Front Punch and Rear Bear Hug (arms free) Two Men Right Front Rear Kick Right Roundhouse and Backhand Club Left Roundhouse Kick followed by a Left Punch Left Step Through Punch Right Front Snap Kick and Left Spinning Back Kick Combo Full Nelson Right Front Roundhouse Club Right Front Step Through Punch Left Front Straight Punch Left Front Hooking Punch Right Front Straight Step Through Punch Left and Right Shoulder Grab by Two Men Front Two Hand Push Left Hand Chest Push Rear Bear Hug Arms Free Rear Bear Hug Arms Pinned Rear Bear Hug Arms Free Rear Bear Hug Arms Pinned Front Bear Hug Arms Free Right Front Roundhouse Kick Left Hand Shoulder Grab Left Front Hooking Punch Right Front Step Through Punch Right Front Punch from Rear Right Front Knife Thrust with Arms Free Front Bear hug with Arms Pinned Right Front Straight Kick Front Two Hand (high) Push Right Front Straight Punch Right Front Direct Push Front Bear Hug with Arms Free Front Two Hand Lapel Grab Push Out Rear Two Hand Choke Left Front Step Through Punch 150.) 151.) 152.) 153.) 154.) 155.) 156.) 157.) 158.) Twirling Sacrifice Twirling Wings Twist of Fate Twisted Rod Twisted Twig Unfolding the Dark Unfurling Crane Unwinding Pendulum Wings of Silk Full Nelson Left Rear Shoulder Grab Front Two Hand Push Right Front Pistol Front Direct Right Wrist Lock Left Step Through Punch from the Right Rear Flank Right and Left Punch with opponent’s Right Leg Forward Right Front Kick followed by a Right Punch Rear Two Arm Armlock Use the Ed Parker’s (Web of Knowledge) breaking the techniques into the following (9) categories: Striking: 1.) Pushes 2.) Punches 3.) Kicks 4.) Weapons Grappling: 5.) Tackles 6.) Grabs 7.) Holds & Hugs 8.) Chokes & Locks Multiple Attacks: 9.) Combination of the above (grab with a punch, kick-punch, etc.) You will then need to break them down further into the 18 Family Groupings as follows: The 18 Family Groups: 1.) Pushes 2.) Punches 3.) Kicks 4.) Weapons - Gun 5.) Weapons - Knife 6.) Weapons - Stick 7.) Tackles 8.) Grabs - Wrist 9.) Grabs - Shoulder/Lapel 10.) Grabs - Hair 11.) Grabs - Belt 12.) Holds & Hugs - Hand 13.) Holds & Hugs - Full Nelson 14.) Holds & Hugs - Bear Hug 15.) Chokes & Locks - Chokes 16.) Chokes & Locks - Locks 17.) Multiple Attacks - One Man 18. ) Multiple Attacks - Two Man On a side note, further study of these categories will lead you into the awareness and study of Technique Families & Family Related Techniques. To aid you further, you should consider the following complementary characteristics when looking at and comparing Kenpo Techniques: Forward - Reverse (example: Falling Falcon - Delayed Sword) Inside - Outside (example: Gripping Talon - Glancing Spear) Above - Below (example: Gift In Return - Broken Gift) Front - Back (example: Encounter With Danger - Leap From Danger) Right - Left (example: Five Swords - Flashing Wings) Linear - Circular (example: Thundering Hammers - Twirling Hammers) Striking - Grappling (example: Obscure Sword - Obscure Claws) Empty Hand - Weapon (example: Crossing Talon - Obstructing The Storm) Hard - Soft (Example: Leap of Death - Destructive Kneel) Offense - Defense (example: Intercepting The Ram - Charging Ram) Clockwise - Counterclockwise (example: Broken Rod - Twisted Rod) Hand - Foot (example: Alternating Maces - Aggressive Twins) Push - Pull (example: Obscure Sword - Obscure Wing) Direct - Indirect (example: Triggered Salute - Glancing Salute) Major - Minor (example: Conquering Shield - Darting Mace) The two types of Technique Relationships are - Blood Relation: Characterized by a direct application of motion & Marriage Relation: Characterized by a direct application of concepts and / or principles. A study of ALL the above will reveal the Master Key Techniques of American Kenpo. The Master Key Techniques combined with Ed Parker’s Equation Formula are how the system of American Kenpo was created in its current form. A basic description of the Equation Formula is as follows: Equation Formula: To any given base technique you can (1) Prefix - add a move or moves before it, (2) Suffix - add a move or moves after it, (3) Insert - add a simultaneous move with the already established sequence, (4) Re-arrange - change the sequence of the moves, (5) Alter - (a) the weapon (b) the target (c) both weapon & target, (6) Adjust - (a) the range (b) the angle of execution (c) both angle of execution and range, (7) Regulate (a) the speed (b) the force (c) both speed & force (d) intent & speed, (8) Delete - exclude a move or moves from the sequence. This will give you tremendous insights into the Kenpo System if you take the time to break down the categories that have been given to you. DO NOT simply read this and think you have “got the gist of it” - DO YOUR HOMEWORK! Complete understanding is not required to begin your personal forms (Get to work & learn as you go!) Once you have the techniques down into the 18 Family Groups, you may remove the following techniques and exclude them from your personal forms. 1.) The Yellow Belt Techniques (they are basic and most are simplified versions of later techniques). AIK Yellow Belt Techniques: 1.) Delayed Sword 2.) Alternating Maces 3.) Aggressive Twins 4.) Sword of Destruction 5.) Deflective Hammer 6.) Captured Twigs 7.) Spreading Branches 8.) Grasp of Death 9.) Twirling Death 10.) Checking the Storm 11.) Mace of Aggression 12.) Attacking Mace 13.) Sword and Hammer 14.) Intellectual Departure 2.) The Two-Man Techniques (they are expressed in AIK’s Mass Attack) AIK’s Mass Attack: 1.) Falcons of Force 2.) Reprimanding the Bears 3.) The Ram & The Eagle 4.) The Bear & The Ram 5.) Gathering of the Snakes 6.) Marriage of the Rams 7.) Snakes of Wisdom 8.) Courting the Tiger 9.) Parting of the Snakes 10.) Grasping Eagles 3.) All techniques found in the base forms (short & long 3, Form 4, Form 5, Form 6) Short Form 3: 1.) Destructive Twins 2.) Crashing Wings 3.) Twirling Wings 4.) Circling Wings 5.) Crossing Talon 6.) Scraping Hoof 7.) Fatal Cross 8.) Grip of Death 9.) Locked Wing 10.) Crossed Twigs 11.) Wings of Silk 12.) Conquering Shield 13.) Striking Serpent’s Head Long Form 3: 1.) Destructive Twins 2.) Crashing Wings 3.) Tripping Arrow / Dominating Circles 4.) Parting Wings 5.) Glancing Spear 6.) Crossing Talon 7.) Thrusting Wedge 8.) Blinding Sacrifice 9.) Wings of Silk 10.) Repeated Devastation 11.) Scraping Hoof 12.) Desparate Falcons Form 4: 1.) Protecting Fans 2.) Praying Mantis / Darting Leaves 3.) Unfurling Crane 4.) Destructive Kneel 5.) Flashing Wings 6.) Gathering Clouds 7.) Circles of Protection 8.) Dance of Darkness 9.) Thundering Hammers 10.) Unwinding Pendulum 11.) Reversing Circles 12.) Snaking Talon 13.) Circling Fans 14.) Circling Windmills 15.) Defensive Cross 16.) Bowing to the Buddha 17.) Prance of the Tiger 18.) Shield and Mace 19.) Five Swords 20.) Twirling Hammers Form 5: 1.) Destructive Fans 2.) Dance of Death 3.) Leap of Death 4.) The Back Breaker 5.) Hopping Crane 6.) The Sleeper 7.) Brushing the Storm 8.) Falling Falcon 9.) Circling the Horizon 10.) Leaping Crane Form 6: 1.) Glancing Lance 2.) Unfurling Crane/Lance 3.) Clipping the Storm/Lance 4.) Thrusting Lance 5.) Raining Lance 6.) Capturing the Storm 7.) Circling the Storm 8.) Escape from the Storm 9.) Entwined Lance/Rod 10.) Capturing the Rod 11.) Broken Rod 12.) Defying the Rod 13.) Twisted Rod Should the theme of your form(s) require the use of one of these techniques you may still use a few of them. Simply remember the goals of the entire project and attempt to avoid redundancy. Believe it - or not... This will leave a large number of techniques remaining (some in abundance, some with few - compared with other categories) You may then begin to look at Family Related Techniques to further assist you in selection (based upon your form’s theme). For example: Repeating Mace, Reversing Mace, and Circling Destruction are similar enough that you may choose to include only one of the three. In order to further your in-depth study of American Kenpo we have included the following breakdowns of the techniques: Symbolic meanings of terms in a Technique Techniques (Directional) Techniques by Attack By viewing the techniques in different ways, you will begin to discover the interconnections that exist throughout the system. Do not under estimate the time necessary to digest all of this information! Upon completion of your entire system of Kenpo (forms 1-9), you should express almost every American Kenpo Technique (or principle and concept thereof). You should also focus and hone your specific strengths (& improve any deficiencies) to bring balance to your expression of Kenpo. Seek the guidance of your Instructor and remain a true student of the art until the last day - Oss! Symbolic Meanings of Terms in a Technique Bow - Involves Techniques that work from a Kneeling Position 1.) Bow of Compulsion 2.) Bowing to the Buddha Branch - Refers to the Leg 1.) Buckling Branch 2.) Spreading Branches Circles or Circling - Refers to the Circular Blocks or Strikes 1.) Circling the Horizon 2.) Circling Destruction 3.) Circles of Protection 4.) Circle of Doom 5.) Dominating Circles 6.) Reversing Circles 7.) Circling windmills Claws - Refers to the Finger Tips 1.) Raining Claw 2.) Obscure Claws Crane - Involves One Legged Maneuvers 1.) Leaping Crane 2.) Unfurling Crane Cross - Refers to the Arms Being Used in a Crossed Fashion 1.) Cross of Destruction 2.) Fallen Cross 3.) Fatal Cross 4.) Defensive Cross Danger - Involves Falling or Ground Techniques 1.) Encounter with Danger 2.) Leap from Danger Dark or Darkness - Refer to attacks for the Rear 1.) Thrust into Darkness 2.) Dance of Darkness 3.) Unfolding the Dark 4.) Escape for Darkness Death - Refers to Potential Fatal Attacks or Defenses 1.) Grasp of Death 2.) Dance of Death 3.) Grip of Death 4.) Leap of Death 5.) Escape for Death 6.) Cross of Death 7.) Twirling Death Fan or Fans - Refer to Circular Parries 1.) Circling Fans 2.) Protecting Fans 3.) Destructive Fans Feathers - Refers to the Hard 1.) Clutching Feathers Gift - Refers to a Threatening Handshake 1.) Gift of Destruction 2.) Gift in Return 3.) Gift of Destiny 4.) Broken Gift Hammers - Refer to using the Hammer Portion of the Fist 1.) Deflecting Hammer 2.) Shielding Hammer 3.) Crushing Hammer 4.) Thundering Hammers 5.) Twirling Hammers Kimono - Refers to Grabs to the Shirt 1.) Lone Kimono 2.) Twin Kimono Kneel - Involves Techniques that Force on to Kneel 1.) Kneel of Compulsion 2.) Destructive Kneel Lance - Refers to Knife Attacks 1.) Raining Lance 2.) Glancing Lance 3.) Thrusting Lance 4.) Entwined Lance 5.) Piercing Lance Leaves - Refers to the Fingers 1.) Captured Leaves Mace - Refers to the Fist 1.) Alternating Maces 2.) Mace of Aggression 3.) Attacking Mace 4.) Reversing Mace 5.) Repeating Mace 6.) Darting Mace 7.) Raking Mace 8.) Shield and Mace 9.) Flashing Mace 10.) Taming the Mace 11.) Entwined Maces Marriage, Courting and the Plurals - Bears, Eagles, Falcons, Snakes - Refer to Two-Man Attacks 1.) Falcons of Force 2.) The Bear and the Ram 3.) Courting the Tiger 4.) Gathering of the Snakes 5.) Grasping Eagles 6.) Parting of the Snakes 7.) Snakes of Wisdom 8.) Marriage of the Rams 9.) The Ram and the Eagle 10). Reprimanding the Bears Peach - Refers to the Testicles 1.) Squeezing the Peach Pendulum - Refers to a Downward Block Strike 1.) Swinging Pendulum 2.) Hugging Pendulum 3.) Retreating Pendulum 4.) Unwinding Pendulum Prongs - Refers to the Thumbs 1.) Thrusting Prongs Ram - Refers to a Tackle 1.) Charging Ram 2.) Broken Ram 3.) Intercepting the Ram Rod - Refers to Gun Attacks 1.) Capturing the Rod 2.) Defying the Rod 3.) Twisted Rod 4.) Broken Rod Sacrifice - Refers to the Lack of Checks when executing the technique 1.) Squatting Sacrifice 2.) Twirling Hammers 3.) Blinding Sacrifice Salute - Refers to the Heel Palm 1.) Triggered Salute 2.) Glancing Salute 3.) Thrusting Salute Storm - Refers to Club Attacks 1.) Checking the Storm 2.) Evading the Storm 3.) Calming the Storm 4.) Obstructing the Storm 5.) Defying the Storm 6.) Returning the Storm 7.) Brushing the Storm 8.) Capturing the Storm 9.) Securing the Storm 10.) Clipping the Storm 11.) Escape for the Storm 12.) Circling the Storm Sword - Refers to the Edge of the Hand 1.) Delayed Sword 2.) Sword of Destruction 3.) Sword and Hammer 4.) Five Swords 5.) Obscure Sword 6.) Shield and Sword Talon - Refers to a Grab 1.) Crossing Talon 2.) Snaking Talon 3.) Gripping Talon Twins - Involves using Two Hands 1.) Destructive Twins 2.) Aggressive Twins Twig - Refers to the Arm 1.) Captured Twigs 2.) Twisted Twig 3.) Snapping Twig 4.) Spirling Twig 5.) Crossed Twigs Wing - Refers to the Elbow 1.) Locked Wing 2.) Obscure Wing 3.) Crashing Wings 4.) Twirling Wings 5.) Parting Wings 6.) Circling Wings 7.) Hooking Wings 8.) Flashing Wings 9.) Entalgled Wings 10.) Wings of Silk 11.) Glancing Wing Techniques that Describe the Occurrence 1.) Locking Horns 2.) Scraping Hoof 3.) Striking Serpent’s Head 4.) Sleeper 5.) Flight to Freedom 6.) Begging Hands 7.) Repeated Devastation 8.) Thrusting Wedge 9.) Tripping Arrow 10.) Gathering Clouds 11.) Twist fo Fate 12.) Heavenly Ascent 13.) Menacing Twirl 14.) Conquering Shield 15.) Detour from Doom 16.) The BackBreaker 17.) Rotating Destruction 18.) Glancing Spear 19.) Deceptive Panther 20.) Desparate Falcons 21.) Falling Falcon 22.) Prance of theTiger 23.) Fatal Deviation 24.) Intellectual Departure Techniques (Directional) The techniques below are broken down into the following categories: 1.) Grabs & Tackles FRONT FLANK REAR 2.) Pushes FRONT REAR 3.) Push / Punch 4.) Punches RIGHT FRONT RIGHT FLANK RIGHT REAR LEFT FRONT LEFT FLANK LEFT REAR COMBINATIONS - LEFT AND RIGHT COMBINATIONS - RIGHT AND LEFT 5.) Kicks RIGHT FRONT RIGHT ROUNDHOUSE RIGHT SIDE RIGHT REAR LEFT COMBINATION KICKS COMBINATION KICK / PUNCH - RIGHT COMBINATION KICK / PUNCH - LEFT 6.) Holds and Hugs FRONT REAR 7.) Locks and Chokes FRONT FLANK REAR 8.) Two Man Attacks GRABS - FRONT/REAR GRABS - FLANK MULTIPLE COMBNATIONS PUNCH AND HUGS 9.) Weapons CLUB ATTACKS - FRONT CLUB ATTACKS - FLANK KNIFE ATTACKS - FRONT GUN ATTACKS - FRONT GUN ATTACKS - REAR 1.) Grabs & Tackles FRONT 1.) Delayed Sword 2.) Mace of Aggression 3.) Clutching Feathers 4.) Lone Kimono 5.) Crossing Talon 6.) Charging Ram 7.) Darting Mace 8.) Twin Kimono 9.) Begging Hands 10.) Raking Mace 11.) Gripping Talon 12.) Broken Ram 13.) Conquering Shield 14.) Intercepting the Ram 15.) Glancing Spear 16.) Desperate Falcons 17.) Dominating Circles 18.) Blinding Sacrifice 19.) Falling Falcon FLANK 1.) Sword & Hammer 2.) Obscure Wing 3.) Obscure Sword 4.) Obscure Claws REAR 1.) Twirling Wings 2.) Crossed Twigs 3.) Menacing Twirl 2.) Pushes FRONT 1.) Alternating Maces 2.) Aggressive Twins 3.) Triggered Salute 4.) Glancing Salute 5.) Repeating Mace 6.) Snapping Twig 7.) Parting Wings 8.) Hooking Wings 9.) Thrusting Wedge 10.) Snaking Talon 11.) Twist of Fate 12.) Encounter with Danger 13.) Fatal Cross REAR 1.) Leap from Danger 3.) Push / Punch 1.) Circling Windmills 4.) Punches RIGHT FRONT 1.) Attacking Mace 2.) Dance of Death 3.) Five Swords 4.) Raining Claw 5.) Leaping Crane 6.) Thundering Hammers 7.) Sleeper 8.) Flashing Wings 9.) Shield and Mace 10.) Flashing Mace 11.) Gathering Clouds 12.) Circling the Horizon 13.) Circles of Protection 14.) Taming the Mace 15.) Leap of Death 16.) Destructive Kneel RIGHT FLANK 1.) Kneel of Compulsion 2.) The Back Breaker 3.) Prance of the Tiger RIGHT REAR 1.) Thrust into Darkness 2.) Unfolding the Dark LEFT FRONT 1.) Sword of Destruction 2.) Shielding Hammer 3.) Reversing Mace 4.) Shield & Sword 5.) Circling Destruction 6.) Glancing Wing 7.) Twirling Hammers LEFT FLANK 1.) Destructive Fans LEFT REAR 1.) Escape from Darkness COMBINATIONS - LEFT AND RIGHT 1.) Circling Fans 2.) Protecting Fans 3.) Unfurling Crane 4.) Entwined Maces COMBINATIONS - RIGHT AND LEFT 1.) Fatal Deviation 5.) Kicks RIGHT FRONT 1.) Deflecting Hammers 2.) Intellectual Departure 3.) Thrusting Salute 4.) Circle of Doom 5.) Defensive Cross RIGHT ROUNDHOUSE 1.) Swinging Pendulum 2.) Detour from Doom 3.) Bowing to the Buddha RIGHT SIDE 1.) Hugging Pendulum RIGHT REAR 1.) Retreating Pendulum LEFT 1.) Buckling Branch COMBINATION KICKS 1.) Rotating Destruction 2.) Deceptive Panther COMBINATION KICK / PUNCH - RIGHT 1.) Dance of Darkness 2.) Unwinding Pendulum COMBINATION KICK / PUNCH - LEFT 1.) Reversing Circles 6.) Holds & Hugs FRONT 1.) Gift of Destruction 2.) Striking Serpent’s Head 3.) Thrusting Prongs 4.) Gift in Return 5.) Tripping Arrow 6.) Gift of Destiny 7.) Broken Gift REAR 1.) Captured Twigs 2.) Spreading Branches 3.) Scraping Hoof 4.) Crashing Wings 5.) Crushing Hammer 6.) Squeezing the Peach 7.) Spirling Twigs 8.) Repeated Devastation 9.) Squatting Sacrifice 10.) Twirling Sacrifice 7.) Locks & Chokes FRONT 1.) Locking Horns 2.) Twisted Twig 3.) Bow of Compulsion 4.) Entangled Wing 5.) Destructive Twins 6.) Heavenly Ascent 7.) Cross of Death FLANK 1.) Grasp og Death 2.) Grip of Death 3.) Captured Leaves REAR 1.) Twirling Death 2.) Locked Wing 3.) Circling Wing 4.) Cross of Destruction 5.) Flight to Freedom 6.) Fallen Cross 7.) Wings of Silk 8.) Escape form Death 8.) Two Man Attacks GRABS - FRONT / REAR 1.) Grasping Eagles GRABS - FLANK 1.) Falcons of Force 2.) Courting the Tiger 3.) Snakes of Wisdom 4.) Marriage of the Rams MULTIPLE COMBINATIONS - PUNCH AND HUGS 1.) The Bear and the Ram 2.) Gathering of the Snakes 3.) Parting of the Snakes 4.) The Ram and the Eagle 5.) Reprimanding the Bears 9.) Weapons CLUB ATTACKS - FRONT 1.) Checking the Storm 2.) Evading the Storm 3.) Calming the Storm 4.) Obstructing the Storm 5.) Defying the Storm 6.) Returning Storm 7.) Capturing the Storm 8.) Securing the Storm 9.) Clipping the Storm 10.) Circling the Storm CLUB ATTACKS - FLANK 1.) Brushing the Storm 2.) Escape from the Storm KNIFE ATTACKS - FRONT 1.) Raining Lance 2.) Glancing Lance 3.) Thrusting Lance 4.) Entwined Lance 5.) Piercing Lance GUNG ATTACKS - FRONT 1.) Capturing the Rod 2.) Defying the Rod 3.) Twisted Rod GUN ATTACKS - REAR 1.) Broken Rod Techniques By Attack - Revised TWO HAND PUSHES - HIGH Open - Step Back Parting Wings Twit of Fate Cross - Step In Thrusting Wedge Cross - Step In Snaking Talon TWO-HAND PUSHES - MEDIUM ON BODY (TO PLEXUS) Step Back - Hand Defense Alternating Maces TWO-HAND PUSHES - HIPS - LOW Step Back Hooking Wings Step In Fatal Cross Fall Back Encounter with Danger Fall Forward Leap From Danger ONE HAND PUSH Step Back Repeating Mace Snapping Twig Step In Triggered Salute CROSS PUNCH Step In Glancing Salute DOUBLE ATTACKS - 2 PUNCHES Step Back Circling Fans Unfurling Crane Entwined Maces Fatal Deviation Step In Protecting Fans DOUBLE ATTACKS - 2 KICKS Rotating Destruction Deceptive Panther DOUBLE ATTACKS - PUSH & PUNCH Circling Windmills DOUBLE ATTACKS - KICK & PUNCH Dance of Darkness Reversing Circles Unwinding Pendulum TWO MAN ATTACKS - SIDE GRAB Falcons of Force Courting the Tiger Snakes of Wisdom Marriage of the Rams TWO-MAN ATTACKS - FRONT & REAR PUNCHES Gathering of the Snakes Parting of the Snakes TWO-MAN ATTACKS - REAR BEARHUG & FRONT PUNCH The Bear and the Ram Reprimanding the Bears TWO-MAN ATTACKS - REAR COLLAR GRAB & FRONT PUNCH The Ram and the Eagle TWO-MAN ATTACK - FRONT & REAR GRAB Grasping Eagles PUNCHES - INSIDE DEFENSE Step Back Sword of Destruction Shielding Hammer Step In Five Swords Step Back - Back Against Wall Taming the Mace PUNCHES - OUTSIDE DEFENSE Flashing Mace Sleeper Leaping Crane Flashing Wings Gathering Clouds Circling the Horizon Thundering Hammers Dance of Death Step to Horse Shield and Mace Step to Neutral Bow Reversing Mace Circling Destruction Step to Forward Bow Shield and Sword Step to Twist Twirling Hammers Overhead Punch Circles of Protection Step Back Leap of Death Step In Destructive Kneel FLANK SHOULDER GRABS Sword and Hammer Obscure Wings Obscure Sword Obscure Claws HEADLOCK GRABS Locking Horns Grip of Death Grasp of Death Escape for Death LAPEL GRAB - 1 HAND Step Back Delayed Sword Step In Falling Falcon Conquering Shield LAPEL GRAB - 2 HANDS Step Back Twin Kimono Step In Mace of Aggression RakingMace BODY GRABS - HAIR Clutching Feathers BODY GRABS - SHOULDER Dominating Circles BODY GRABS - ARM/FINGER/WRIST Twisted Twig Captured Leaves Bow of Compulsion Entangled Wing BODY GRABS - DIRECT WRIST GRAB Gripping Talon Glancing Spear BODY GRABS - 2 HAND DIRECT WRIST GRAB Begging Hands Desperate Falcons BODY GRABS - CROSS GRAB Crossing Talon BODY GRABS - 2 HANDS ON ONE WRIST Darting Mace BODY GRABS - NECK - CHOKE Destructive Twins Heavenly Ascent Blinding Sacrifice Cross Choke Cross of Death UPERCUT PUNCHES Raining Claw Glancing Wing Prance of the Tiger REAR ATTACK Thrust into Darkness Unfolding the Dark Escape form Darkness FLANK PUNCHES Kneel of Compulsion The Back Breaker Destructive Fans BEAR HUG GRABS Striking Serpent’s Head Tripping Arrow Thrusting Prongs Captured Twigs Crushing Hammer Squeezing the Peach Crashing Wings Spirling Twigs Squatting Sacrifice REAR GRABS Scraping Hoof Repeated Devastation Twirling Sacrifice Locked Wing Flight to Freedom Crossed Twigs Wings of Silk Circling Wing Cross of Destruction Fallen Cross Twirling Wings REAR BELT GRAB Menacing Twirl TACKLES Charging Ram Broken Ram Intercepting the Ram HANDSHAKES Gift of Destruction Gift in Return Gift of Destiny Broken Gift KICK - FRONT THRUST - OUTSDE DEFENSE Deflecting Hammer KICKS - FRONT SNAP - OUTSIDE DEFENSE Buckling Branch Circle of Doom KICKS - FRONT SNAP - INSIDE DEFENSE Thrusting Salute Defensive Cross KICKS - SIDE KICK FROM FRONT - OUTSIDE DEFENSE Hugging Pendulum Retreating Pendulum KICKS - ROUNDHOUSE - INSIDE DEFENSE Swinging Pendulum Detour from Doom Bowing to the Buddha WEAPONS - GUNS Capturing the Rod Defying the Rod Twisted Rod Broken Rod WEAPONS - CLUBS - OVERHEAD Checking the Storm Evading the Storm Obstructing the Storm Capturing the Storm Circling the Storm WEAPONS - CLUBS - FLANKS Brushing the Storm Escape for Death WEAPONS - CLUBS - ROUNDHOUSE Returning Storm Calming the Storm Defying the Storm Securing the Storm WEAPONS - CLUBS - THRUST Clipping the Storm WEAPONS - KNIFE Raining Lance Glancing Lance Thrusting Lance Entwined Lance Piercing Lance
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