Advanced Social Humanities and Management 2(2) 2015:33-36 Dream Stories In Mysticalp Prose Texts Mojgan Taheri Golzar Department of Persian Language and Literature,College of Humanities , Islamic Azad Branch,Islamshahr,Iran. [email protected] Mehdi Parham PH.D Department of Persian Language and Literature,College of Humanities , Islamic Azad Branch,Islamshahr,Iran. [email protected] Fayeze Joneidy PH.D Department of Persian Language and Literature,College of Humanities , Islamic Azad Branch,Islamshahr,Iran. [email protected] \ Abstract The present research analyses "dream stories in mystical prose texts".At first ,researcher in this research , categorises dream stories in six general title: Guidance dream, punishment dream, otherworldly dream, Prophet dream, God dream and the Devil dream and then he explains Pirang , diginity owners , Vaghee owners , the points , more tips and resources in these stories. keywords:dream , Mystical texts, Pirang ,dignity owners,Vaghee owners. Introduction One half of human life isin dream world. And the dream world, is a world that Islam has emphasis on it.meaning that God descending take a form of physical face like our imagine face and comes down to the universe. Several oracles of the prophets were inspired in their dreams and in Holy Quran it is mentioned several times ,like the story of Prophet Yusuf (AS) which started with a dream or dreaming of Prophet Ibrahim (AS). its importance can be realized here. Since the Iranian Sufism is equal to Islamic mysticism, so we can say that dream had a special importance in Iranian mysticism.among our thinkers, to a large extent commentators and mystics have focused on dream, that Both groups have been affected by several verses of the Qur'an and the Hadith of the Prophet Mohamad (pbuh). however , what is important about dream is that dream is a phenomenon which could take place during sleep or even ewake. and this phenomenon is taking place for every one, with the exeption that dream for mystics is a kind of dream in which he is associated to his God and his prophet and communicate with htem ,while this does not happen to ordinary people because of their low content. Dreams and visions of mystical prose texts from the third to the eighth century AD Guidance dream one of the greatest people has said that : I went near the Buhazm , he was asleeping.i waited until the time he woke up. he said : I saw the prophet Mohammad (PBUH) in my dream, He had a massage for you and said: keeping our right is better for you than going to Hajj, come back and ask his consent. I went back from them and didn’t go to Mecca ( Attar , 2001:61). Punishment Dreams 33 Advanced Social Humanities and Management 2(2) 2015:33-36 Bubakr Razi said: I was beside Mamshad Dinvari, we speak about loan, he said , I had a loan and I was concen because of it. I saw in my dream some one said me that : hey curmudgeon, take more loans and don’t fear. your task is taking loan and our task is giving back your loan ( Ghosheyri 2008 : 256). Otherworldly Dreams Rabee was seen in a dream after her death. asked her: How are you , and how did you rescue of Nakir and Monkar ? she said , I said them come back and say to my God, with all of creation you didn’t forget an old woman , how I can forget you while you are my only God ( Attar, 2001:78). God dream Hoseyn Ansari said: I saw in a dream that was judgment day ( Ghiyamat) and I saw a person who was standing under the throne of Holy God . God said that who is this person? the angles said: you know better. God said : its Marouf Karkhi who was intoxicated of my love and he was not conscious uless he visited me. Prophet Dream Zonon passed away. in the night of his death, 70 people saw prophet Mohammad (PBUH) in their dream. they all said that , the prophet said that, God friend is coming and we are going to welcome him( attar, 2001:210). Devil Dream In a dream, Jonayd saw devil, and it was bare.Jonaiyd said: you do not shame of people. Devil said: they are not people, people are those which are in the Shoniziye mosque now, they burned me. Jonayd said: when I woke up , I went to the mosk quickly, and there I saw people that they placed their head on their knees and thought. as I saw them , they said: beware to not conceited from the words of the evil (same, 708-709). Analyses of sufis dreams inform one sufi from dream of the other sufi . this awareness of others dreams in sufi texts, in fact representsapects of their Tarighat and assignment of Sufism dynasty is to prophet Mohammad (PBUH). One Sufi see in his dream that prophet say to him to advice other people. Another Sufi also see in his dream that god asked prophet that sufi advice people. prophet Mohammad(PBUH) is the head of all Sufism. Here we are witness of the light chain of Sufi mysticism toward God. In addition, sufis wants words inspired of God and they do not speak in their desire ; every thing they say is by God and messanger and with their allowance, for this reason, their words and expressions is respected for people. Pirang: Vaghee owner sees a dream and diginity owners informs it ( contents of dream) diginity owners: Ghosheyri , Serri Saghati, Hosri, Hasan Basri , Abdolvahe Ben Zeyd Darvishi, Mard Foghaei, Abu Osman Maghrebi, Abusaeid Abolkheyr, Sheykh Ahmad Jaam. Vaghee owners: Sheykh Yahya, Jonayd Baghdadi, one of Great people ( Mashayekh), a man who sells his horse to Hassan, Yusef ben Hasan, Abumohammad Jariri,Abu Ali Daghagh, Disciples, Abuosman Maghrebi, Emamolharameyn Joveyni,Sheykh Abolghasem Rubahi, Sheykh Abdosamad Ghalanasi, Ostad Emam Omar Mad Abadi. Notes: 1.The great Prophet of Islam, commands Jonayd Baghdadi in a dream, to speak for people and Serri Saghati immediately informs his dream. 34 Advanced Social Humanities and Management 2(2) 2015:33-36 this story is expressed in Resaleye Ghosheyriye, 387-388 , Kashfolmahjoob, 197-198, Kashfol Asrar p. 59 and Tazkaratol Oliya p.422 , with a quite similar phrases and with a little difference in themes. In this way, its clear that this story is one of the most famous stories of Sufis. Narratives of Tazkare are the most artistic and an important theme has been added to it which is not mentioned in another resources. when Jonayd ask him surprisingly about how he were informed of his dream, Serri Saghati said: God said me in my dream that I sent messenger to say Jonayd to speak for people on pulpit ( Minbar). The themes of seeing God in dream in mystical texts has a high frequency. Bayazid Bastami says: mystic is one who do not see anything but God almighty in his dream.( Tazkare , p. 199). 2.Yusef Ben Hoseyn , in a dream found a mission to help Abdolvahed Ben Yazid who newly had repented and was in a cemetery and three days later Abdolvahed say to him: its Three days and nights that you have sent , why you come now ( you come too late).The main theme of most of dreams is the approval of God successor ( Valii) by God or great prophet of Islam and it is for a denier person to beleive the fact of existence of God Succesor (Vali). as an example, all three dreams that mentioned in Asrarotohid can be considered as an approval from the unseen for Abusaied Abolkher. 3. in Islamic Mysticism, visiting great prophet of Islam has not high turn , the Prophet (PBUH) has a serious presence in mystic dreams and undoubtedly he is the most activest person in their dreams. this active presence can be seen in most of the stories of such kind of greatness ( Kramat). as an example refer to Resaleye Ghosheyriye (387-388) , Tazkaratol Oliya 579 -580 ( Abumohammad Jariri s dream) Asrarotohid, 105 – 107 , ( Abolghasem Rubahi s Dream) Tazkaratol Oliya 158-159 ( aa dream of a group when Zonnon died). The great prophet sometimes reconciled mystics with each other and sometimes reconciled mistics with infallible imam, sometimes he informs a mystic about the position of the other mystic. and in other words , good tiding an warner attribute of the prophet in waking world has speared to the dream world. But , in dream mostly, the prophet good tiding is appearent which is related to his aspect of almighty for all other words, Sympathy, compassion and greed of the Prophet to guide his ummah, not only in his life and his waking world but also appears in all times and in the form of dream and wakefulness. 4. the story of Abolhasan Hosri and one of great people that has mentioned in Kashfolmahjoob is quoted in Resaleye Ghosheyriye p.514 and there Mansoor Maghrebi is the narriator of the study. Conclusion God dream in mystic texts has the most frequency because returning of all creatures as well as sufis is toward God; for this reason its very important to restify his bargain with God in this world and Hereafter and to know about treatment of God with himself in this world and Hereafter. based on this principle most of the quoted dreams are included Sufism concerns of bargain and treatment with god with Vaghee owner after death. so the most central question which is seen in such a dream is : what God did to you after death? now the sufi answer is in two way: either points out to God kindness, generosity and Gods bargain with him, in this case it’s a otherworldly dream, or explains his conversation with God , in this case this dream is arriving to God dream in real meaning because its include God act and sufi also heard the God speech. References : Attar Neyshaburi, Mohamadebn Ebrahim, Tazkeratol Oliya , Mohamad Estelam correction, Tehran: 2001. GHosheyri , Abdolkarim Benhavazan, translation of Resaleye Ghosheyriye, translation of Hasanebn Ahmad Osmani, Badiozaman Foroozanfar Correction, Tehran, Cultural and Scientific Publishing Company, 2008. 35 Advanced Social Humanities and Management 2(2) 2015:33-36 Monavar, Mohammad, Asrarotohid Fi Maghamate Sheykh Abusaeid, Mohammadreza Shafie Kadkani press, two volumes, Tehran:2012sh. Hajviri, Abolhasan Ali Ebn Osman , Kashfol Mahjoob, Mahmood Abedi correction, Tehran, Soroosh publishing ,2006. 36
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