- Applied Mathematics in engineering, management and

Applied mathematics in Engineering, Management and Technology 2 (2) 2014:9-17
The Survey of Relationship between Employees’ Procrastination and
Their Job Stress
Malikeh Beheshtifar
Management Department, Rafsanjan Branch, Islamic AZAD University, Iran
Mahmood Nekoie Moghadam
Research Center for Health Services Management Kerman University of Medical Sciences
Hadis Hossenifar
Management Department, Rafsanjan Branch, Islamic AZAD University, Iran
Job stress is an inevitable subject which is related to work environment. Many
factors affects to job stress, such as procrastination. Procrastination is difficult work
and most of people involve in it. They act in different ways about judgment of
delaying and totally everyone has reasoning and logic for negligent action that he
did. The purpose of this research is Survey of relationship between employees’
procrastination and their job stress in executive organizations of Rafsanjan cityIran. Statistic society in this research includes of employee of executive
organizations of Rafsanjan city, that they are 3072 persons and sample volume is
given 245 persons. It is used from different ways for data analysis and also
statistical tests used in this research include of descriptive statistics and deduction
statistics. Research conclusion indicate that there is a direct linkage between
procrastination and job stress, also there is a linkage between all dimension of
procrastination and job stress. Because there is a linkage between procrastination
and job stress, it is suggest to managers and employee regulate preferences, selffraction motives, self-discipline, and step by step change of old habits, those caused decrease of job stress.
Keywords: Procrastination, Stress, Work-related stress
1. Introduction
Research in the field of stress suggests that stress is inevitable for most people and basically, there is no escape
from the logic and philosophy of life and emotional stress in pacing. This is because the people in the everyday
events of life in the face of events that leads to the development of stress (Ross and Altamayer, translated by
Khajehpour, 1998). Stress is defined as force, pressure, and some of it is called stress. In the field of
psychological factors such as stress, tolerance threshold condition and the previous experience of the individual
and the severity and duration of stress plays an important role, If stress is greater than the strength of an
individual is not able to digest and analyze the stress makes a person susceptible to suffering from mental
illness, especially if this is combined with pressure, mental fatigue and depression (Ebrahimi Nejad, 2006).
Stressors can be categorized into two groups: physical and social factors, stress and social factors are also subdivided into four categories that Job stress is one of those minor social stressors (Khademian Ravandi and
Tayeb, 1998). Stress or job stress has always been difficult because of its different meanings and concepts.
According to some researchers, occupational stress responses and physiological state of the body that is affected
by forces near or beyond their tolerance (Asadollahi, 2006) Stress is the body's response to any request that it
has created, in other words, stress, or in response to a demand or load that is caused by matching the capacity of
the mind and body (Doaei, 1995). The reason is that job stress can be pointed to the lack of support staff
employees, unfair evaluation, job insecurity, lack of promotion and development of uncomfortable coworker,
amount of work and the demand clientele. The consequences of stress are believed to involve individual and
organizational outcomes. Individual outcomes included: 1. Behavioral outcomes (violence, accidents) 2.
Psychological issues (depression, insomnia) 3. Physical outcomes (heart attack and headache). And
Organizational outcomes, including: Decreased performance, increased absenteeism, cases, resignation, loss of
job satisfaction and organizational commitment is decreasing (Rahmani, 2009). Since the adverse consequences
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M. Beheshtifar et al
of job stress for employees and therefore for organizations, managers have a duty to investigate the causes of
occupational stress in the workplace and employees to take action in order to reduce or eliminate of these
factors. Procrastination is a behavior that leads to their inability to save time, stress and poor performance at
work (Chan and Choi, 2005). In other words, procrastination is delaying means that the person is unhappy with
the outcome. Wait intern is not only uncomfortable but also sees a risk of reputation among friends and
acquaintances (Alice and Jamesnal, translated by Farjad, 2003). According to the researchers, procrastination
will adversely affect the organization. One of the effects of procrastination is stress (Ekundayo and others,
2010). Steffy & Jones (1990) argue that job-related stress can lead to job dissatisfaction, and psychological
effects of stress can be summed up in the most anxiety, depression, fatigue and procrastination (Pathak, 2011).
It is obvious that procrastination in organizations can have different effects on the effectiveness of individual
and organizational effectiveness (Harris & Sutton, 1983). Avoid Procrastination is the organization of the
following benefits:
· Do not leave things to the last minute and the ability to do the job properly is increased.
· Desirable or necessary to do their job.
· Reduces stress and increases confidence.
· Lack of appropriate or necessary to delay things that anxiety is reduced.
· The time is used well.
In addition, this person is in such a state that causes him to continue to stimulate the activity. Some of these
conditions include: Relieved, a feeling of power and control in the sense of release and freedom, a sense of
competence, a sense of comfort and end of stress (Kaveh and Fayazi, 2009). This study is important in several
ways. Since the issue of stress in the workplace is inevitable, therefore, control of the stressors can be helpful in
reducing employee stress. Employees who have a high stress job, from the behavioral, physical and
psychological difficulties and these will interfere with the individual and organizational performance. On the
other hand, it is evident that many of the organizations due to the lack of a regular, non-responsibility, "Time" is
the main victim of the staff and do not pay attention to this kind of delay. Procrastination is associated with
outcomes such as increased job stress. So whether it is better to start doing so delayed because the delay is
excluded, start your own pleasant and enjoyable and will probably start looking to do all that stress actually
causes it to decrease.
2.Research framework
The theoretical framework for the study variables are closely examined, the relationship between the variables
is determined. In this study, procrastination as a predictive variable independent and occupational stress as the
criterion variable (dependent) is studied. According to Knaus (2000) as procrastination or lack of regular
performance and behavioral intention to postpone the definition of what is necessary to achieve the goal (Chan
and Choi, 2005). Procrastination or things of the future is so common that it could be considered inherent
tendencies. However, procrastination is not always a problem, but in most cases can be prevented by the lack of
progress and goals, along with irreparable consequences may be undesirable. Some of these effects can be low
self-esteem, fear of negative evaluation, anxiety, hearted of work, low self-esteem and low tolerance summed
(Jokar and Delavarpour, 2007). Salmon and Rootbloum for the first time in 1984 for the study of
procrastination, thirteen factors were studied in detail, and finally the five dimensions of procrastination
introduced. The five dimensions of procrastination as a predictive variable, as follows:
- Fear of failure: Worry about the feelings of a person who is associated with stress, physical symptoms,
concerns and arguments about the task (McCarthy and Goufin, 2005). This type of fear can result from
an interaction between the personality and the way that partners can be criticized (Andriessen, 2006).
According to Jacob (2000), a person may experience fear of failure and anxiety about the end of their
time to programs and projects, rather than to complete them (Van Weick, 2004). Fear of failure can be
caused by a lack of confidence or lack of desire to continue to work. This type of fear can lead to
potential risks (Datner, 2004). Those characteristics are afraid of failure, fear of blame or negligence of
others does not seem to be about the issues. Because of the fear of failure is a mental and physical
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erosion, thus, delegate the tasks of capacity in each case should be considered and not just the level of
work expected of the individual capacity (Frahadi, 2005).
- Incompatibility job: Solomon and Rootbloum (1984) argue that the main cause of occupational
maladjustment is an intern delay (Fischer, 2000). Incompatibility of the unpleasant job to job or task
being performed by an individual (Blunt, 1998). People will step down from an unpleasant job, boring
or difficult as long as possible (Neville, 2007). Incompatibility factor that reflects the loss of a job is the
dimension of the exercise of power and conflict (Anogbozy and Zhao, 2000). However, the employees
of an organization, job represent conflict fatigue and difficulty for them (Blunt, 1998). Silver also
believes the conflict nature of the job can be a limitation on job satisfaction within an expected result of
the related ideas comes from a job (Blunt, 1998).
- Difficulty in making decisions: This means that a person is incapable of making decisions about their
jobs, especially in the organization (Grube, 2008). Research on the relationship between stress and
decision-making power in the organization of studies has shown that stress can lead to delay decisions
until the last moment. The reason for this is that people gradually lose their focus under pressure and
unable to gather the necessary information. This is because people will lose their ability to make good
decisions and do not delay until the last moment. Finally, in a last minute decision to delay the taking of
decisions is inaccurate (Ranjbar Ezat Abadi and others, 2009). This situation occurs when a person is
placed under certain conditions. Conditions such indecision and inability to avoid making the decision
to avoid the issues related to risk, and fear; stop means to avoid confronting the problem by reacting
and emotions over the situation out of control; For the special case of doubtful judgment and with
hesitation, and finally decided to take the safest to avoid controversy and not engage in changing the
whole issue (Gans, translated by Shamekhi, 2010).
- Dependence: In the case of an independent agency cannot do its job and the other people in the
organization is dependent for its work (Hezaveie and Samadi, 2005). Dependence can be positive or
negative sense in the mind. Dependence of one of the negative aspects associated with procrastination,
weakness, selfishness, laziness and childish behavior. Sometimes, lack of autonomy, dependency,
passivity and regressive behavior in the workplace is used (Steel et al, 2001).
- Rebel instead of control: Discomfort due to delay starting work on his tasks or duties that have been
imposed on the person (Binder, 2000). Disobeying is a positive aspect (directed towards the learning
and innovation) and negative aspects (organizational resistance). The downside of defiance as one of
the dimensions is studied procrastination, resistance to organizational changes and expectations of the
Organization of individual and organizational values and norms threat (Godrich, 2009). Such features
are that people are quick to anger and incapable of attaining the objectives of the powerless. The staff
can result in excessive individualism defiance and insubordination in the workplace (Desai, 2010).
On the other hand, has severe emotional and physical stress reaction and occurs when a job request is not
consistent with the individual's abilities and needs. Work stress is a response to environmental factors and
personal factors (Halsted, 2006), the procrastination as one of the factors that affect individual and job
stress are studied. Stress as the criterion variable has three dimensions:
· Psychological stress: To determine the maximum tolerated humans are not allowed in the standard
stress and depends on many factors, physical, psychological - psychological, and so on. In short we can
say that all humans are the most suitable types of stress are showing their reactions and behaviors and
yet, so how much is this excess pressure results in undesirable and even dangerous, would irreparably
(Abtahi, 1995). Cognitive and emotional stress is those problems that can occur due to stress-related
problems. Job dissatisfaction is one of the most common consequences of job stress. A person who is
dissatisfied with their jobs, with an unwillingness to work is delayed and it is not much to do the job
· Physical stress: Physical stress, these can be more difficult to recognize because while certain working
conditions are associated with certain diseases and physical discomfort but it is difficult to know to
what extent this illness due solely as a result of other jobs, and what aspects of private life.
· Behavioral stress: Behavioral stress can be divided into two categories: the first category are the signs
that direct the self-employed can be said that the second set of behavioral symptoms, to the organization
or administrative structure refers its corollary (Ross and Altamayer, translated by Khajehpour, 1997).
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Although few studies have been conducted on the effects of procrastination on job stress, however, this study
confirms this relationship: In a study of college students found that procrastination is not only students with
lower grades, but with high levels of stress (Tice and Baumeister, 1997). The research on procrastination and
stress on health behaviors to achieve results that are delayed intern stressed out when you are under time
constraints and this stress can have a negative impact on the immune system and the health benefits decreased
stress and procrastination occurs at high levels (Holloway, 2003). In their study of 70 teachers in state schools
Goufin found that teachers with higher procrastination in the workplace, it will be more jobs stress (Van Weick,
3. Research hypothesis
The main hypothesis:
There is a relationship between procrastination and stress of employees in executive positions in Rafsanjan city.
Sub hypotheses:
1- There is a relationship between job stress and employees' fear of failure in executive agencies of
Rafsanjan city.
2- There is a mismatch between job stress and employees in executive agencies of Rafsanjan city.
3- There is a relationship between job stress and difficulty in decision-making staff in executive agencies
of Rafsanjan city.
4- There is a relationship between job stress and employee associations in executive agencies of Rafsanjan
5- There is a relationship between job stress and employees defiance in executive agencies of Rafsanjan
6- There is a relationship between procrastination employees and job stress variables with respect to mean
age, gender, experience and education in executive agencies of Rafsanjan city.
4.Materials and Methods
To investigate the relationship between procrastination and stress correlation method will be used. The overall
correlation is one of the methods described. The study included all executive employees of Rafsanjan city is the
number of 3072 people. Using Cochran formula, the sample size was 245 people. In this study, in order to
collect the required data, two questionnaires were used: Procrastination Inventory is a questionnaire that
measures the salmon and Rootbloum terms of 5 dimensions: 1- Fear of Failure 2- Job mismatch 3- Difficulty in
making decisions 4- Dependence 5- Rebel instead of control. This questionnaire has 22 questions. The
questionnaire contained 23 questions that job stress questionnaire in three dimensions, behavioral stress,
physical stress and psychological stress is stress related to behavioral questions 1 to 8, 9 to 16 questions related
to physical stress and questions 17 and 23 of Since stress is. The answer to each question on a 5-choice
spectrum completely agrees, agree, no opinion, disagree, and completely disagree specified. Procrastination
validity 0.95 and the validity of occupational stress 0.91. To determine the reliability of measuring instruments,
test-retest method was used, and the reliability of the questionnaire Procrastination 0.87 and the job
questionnaire, 0.86, respectively. To examine the hypothesis and their correlation with demographic parameters
of the Pearson test scatter plot to determine the relationship between two variables , chi-square test to determine
the relationship between nominal (categorical), coefficient of determination, with the T Chart Test Box a
comparison of two independent samples test, ANOVA ( analysis of variance ) with a box plot to compare
several independent multivariate regression to examine the relationships between predictor variables and the
criterion variable and log- linear relationship between procrastination staff and executive level job in Rafsanjan
city according to the personal information is used.
5. Results
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Results of demographic variables or demographic showed that 172 patients (70.2 %) males and 73 (29.8%)
women, 62 (25.3%) were aged 30-20 years, 100 patients (40.8 %) 40 - 31, 74 (3.20 %) and 50-41 years, and 9
patients (3.7 %) were ≥ 50 years of age. In terms of work experience , 51 ( 20.9 %) in their 5-1 record , 36 (
14.8%) and 10-6 years , 73 patients ( 29.9 %) and 15-11 years , 53 ( 21.7%), 20-16 years and 31 patients (
12.7%) and those 30-21 years of work experience in one of the subjects of his work experience has not
identified . The educational level of subjects studied, 2 patients ( 0.8% ) under diploma , 22 ( 9.1 percent ), high
school diploma, 35 (14.4 percent ) Diploma , 151 (62.1%) and BA and 33 patients (13.6 per cent ) and higher
Masters of the 2 subjects who did not specify their level of education . Variable score by calculating the sum
score of all questions Procrastination is the result of the questionnaire and describe the five categories of the
variable scores very low, low, medium, high and very high were divided. Among 524 subjects studied, 87
(35.5%) and much less procrastination scores, 130 (53.1%) and low 25 (10.2%) moderate, and 3 (1.2 percent)
rated their procrastination is high. In total, 3 patients (1.2%) were positive for procrastination scores (high and
very high). Variable score of job stress, 45 (4.18 percent) rated their stress level is very low, 136 (55.5 %) and
low 57 (23.3 %) moderate and 7 (2.9 percent) rated their stress level is high. In total, 7 patients (2.9 %) of the
positive stress score (high and very high).
According to the data analysis, it was found that the correlation coefficient between procrastination and stress to
staff and the p-value of 0.723 (significant) is equal to 0.000, which is significantly less than significant level. In
the result of procrastination and stress on the executive staff of Rafsanjan city, there is a significant relationship.
Procrastination between all components of the executive staff and the level of stress in Rafsanjan city, there is a
significant correlation (Table 1). The sixth sub- hypothesis between procrastination and stress their executive
staff Rafsanjan city of mediating variables (gender, age, education, work experience), there is no relationship. T
-test showed that mean procrastination and job stress in men and women in different categories of age, work
experience and education are significant differences. Log- linear results indicate that gender, age, work
experience and education as factors mediating the relationship between procrastination do not staff at the
executive level stress can effect on Rafsanjan city. Regression results indicate that the difficulty of the decision
variables , occupational maladjustment , dependency , defiance and fear of failure in order to have the most
effect on stress factors and stress variables , behavioral stress, physical stress and also have the most effective
way on the variable procrastination.
Table 1 - Pearson correlation test between the employee and the amount of stress and procrastination
Job Stress
Type of
Significant Number
Job Stress
Type of
Fear of failure
Significant Number
Job Stress
Type of
Type of
Job Stress
Applied mathematics in Engineering, Management and Technology 2 (2) 2014
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Job Stress
Dependence staff
Type of
Type of
Job Stress
Disobeying staff
6. Discussion and conclusions
Stress response that people have when faced with the demands and pressures of work are not consistent with
their knowledge and abilities, to experience (and the rewards of Safety Board Australian 2008). And Burka and
Yuen (1988) define procrastination: the delay and the delay time of the day or another. Every time you do
something to delay the delay you are, regardless of the reason for your delay (Van Vick, 2004). Since the issue
of stress in the workplace is inevitable, so the organization can control stress is effective in reducing employee
stress. Employees who have a high stress job, from the behavioral, physical and psychological difficulties and
these will interfere with the individual and organizational performance. On the other hand, it is evident in many
of the organizations due to the lack of a regular and responsive, "time" is the main victim and staffs do not pay
attention to the issue of delay in performing those tasks. Procrastination is associated with outcomes such as
increased job stress. So it is better to start something that is delayed because of the delay that is set aside, the
custom handling the work pleasant and enjoyable and will probably start working on the actual causes of stress
to do all the work to reduce it.
Findings of the study indicate that the procrastination of executive employees and job stress are related to
Rafsanjan city. Lee (1986) defines procrastination as a tape repeatedly failed to do what must be done to reach
the goals (Akinsola and others, 2007). No doubt this situation will have adverse consequences. One of these is
stress. Because stress is obtained according to Bier and Newman, the national balance of people and their jobs
and is characterized by changes in the population and they are forced to deviate from the normal, it is (Aghel,
2004). Some experts suggest the existence of this relationship. (Beheshti Far and others, 2011) noted in their
paper that making education component of a fear of failure, incompatibility of career decision-making
difficulties, dependency, lack of expressiveness and defiance are the sources of stress among the employees
raise. Study (Chan and Choi, 2005) also suggests that procrastination is a behavior that resulted in his inability
to save time, stress and poor performance in the workplace. Also (Akoundive, et al. 2010) believe that
procrastination will adversely affect an organization is one of the effects of stress and procrastination. There
was even some professors at universities other than the job at the right time to get used to the delay, of the delay
time to do the work and stress, and so forth is not. Stephen and Jones (1992) argue that job-related stress can
lead to job dissatisfaction and psychological effects of stress can be important in anxiety, depression, boredom
and procrastination summed (Pathak, 2011). (Alice and Jamesnal, 2007) also argue that procrastination is
painful for the person who feels that his indecision is causing the loss of anticipated and unanticipated, such as
lack of concentration, fear, problems Communication also involves stress. It can be expected that
procrastination and postponement of tasks among employees is highly related with the stress and cause wear
and stress on staff and will leave irreparable damage to both the organization and employees.
Other research indicates that there is a relationship between job stress and employees' fear of failure in
executive agencies of Rafsanjan city. (Mac Garrett and Goufin, 2005) concern about the feeling of being a
person with stress, anxiety and physical symptoms are associated argument that the duty to know the fear of
failure. Datner (2004) also believes fear of failure can be caused by a lack of confidence or lack of desire to
continue to work. This type of fear can lead to potential risk. Some experts suggest the existence of this
relationship. According to Jacob (2000), who has spent more time experiencing the fear of failure and anxiety
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about the future of the project until its completion (Wan Weick, 2004). Fear and hopelessness caused by various
diseases and long-term harmful effects on the physical health of the individual (Mind week report, 2005).
Workplace stress is primarily rooted fear of failure, errors and changes can be due to unrealistic experiences
(Dutch Consulting Group, 2009). C. Smith and others (2002) showed that a lot of young athletes to the sport by
the fear of failure stress release (Frank et al, 2003). Therefore, the results can be expected from employees who
are high in fear of failure, because they do not tolerate failure and fear of failure, fear of blame, or neglect to
take about the other of the staff. However, these issues do not cause erosion and fear of failure in their
psychological and physical and these concerns and fears is a factor that is causing stress in employees.
Other research suggests that there is a mismatch between job stress and employees in executive agencies of
Rafsanjan city. According to Blunt (1998), incompatibility of the unpleasant job to a job or task being
performed by the individual. (Neville, 2007) stated that the job of a professional conflict unpleasant, boring or
difficult until it avoids possible. Some experts suggest the existence of this relationship. (Haghighi, 2001)
showed that role conflict, including conflict between the duties of the job, resources, rules and regulations and
is the people. This role conflict is one of the causes of stress. (Anogbozy and Zhao, 2000) also believe the job
conflicts consists of dimensions that reflect a lack of power and conflict in the work place. These features may
be due to stress. Therefore, this study can be argued that when employees do a job for them unhappy,
unpleasant and tedious to work with reluctance and delay and do its job well, not much. This work represents a
difficult job dissatisfaction and conflict; it is the job that this naturally leads to job stress.
Other findings showed the difficulties and stress of employees in decision-making positions in Rafsanjan city
administrative bodies are related. According to Grube (2008), difficulty in making decisions in the sense that a
person is incapable of making decisions about their jobs, especially in the organization. What are some
characteristics of the poor are organized as limited opportunities for participation in decision making can lead to
unnecessary stress. In the great majority of people are left to themselves to decide if and only occasionally takes
guidance from supervisors And that's why most people do not know what the next step and how to stop it, are
suffering from stress (True, et al, 2001). Therefore, this study can be argued that employees in decision-making,
are reluctant or do not have the ability to make a good decision, or do not know the right decision or not, most
are faced with stress in the environment of work.
Other findings showed that there is a relationship between job stress and employees' executive agencies in
Rafsanjan city. Other studies have indicated that this is the expert. (Van Weick, 2004) believes having the skills
and being dependent on others, is one of the most basic reasons for procrastination. Also (Steel et al, 2001)
argue that dependence can be positive or negative sense in the mind. Dependence of one of the negative aspects
associated with procrastination, weakness, selfishness, laziness and childish behavior. Sometimes, lack of
autonomy, dependency, passivity and regressive behavior in the workplace is used. These attributes will
undoubtedly cause stress. According to (Hezaveie and Samadi, 2005) for the dependence of the individual
employee is an independent agency cannot do its job and the other people in the organization to do its work
related. Other studies have indicated that this is the expert. (Van Weick, 2004) believes having the skills and
being dependent on others, is one of the most basic reasons for procrastination. Also (Steel et al, 2001) argue
that dependence can be positive or negative sense in the mind. Dependence of one of the negative aspects
associated with procrastination, weakness, selfishness, laziness and childish behavior. Sometimes, lack of
autonomy, dependency, passivity and regressive behavior in the workplace is used. These attributes will
undoubtedly cause stress. So we can expect in the story that if employees do not have sufficient skills to
perform job-related tasks, the results are dependent on the others. The dependence of the concern is whether or
not others will help them in their work. The previously mentioned concerns and characteristics that lead to
stress in their work environment.
Other research suggests that there is a relationship between job stress in staff and executive defiance of
Rafsanjan city. According to (Van Weick, 2004) could be a form of rebellion against the delaying tactics of
schedules, standards, and expectations are. Binder (2000) argues that delaying the start of work because of
discomfort about their tasks or duties that have been imposed on the person disobeying name. When a person
has the feature of defiance and rebellion, in performing this task is met with resistance, tension and stress will
bring. Some experts suggest the existence of this relationship. (Goodrich, 2009) argues that defiance can be a
positive aspect (directed towards organizational learning and innovation) and negative aspects (organizational
resistance). The downside of defiance as one of the dimensions is studied procrastination, resistance to
organizational changes and expectations of the Organization of individual and organizational values and norms
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threat. It can be argued that such defiance and resistance in the workplace job is not done correctly. These
negative characteristics in turn create stress on the individual.
Finally, the results showed that there is no relationship between job stress and procrastination staff of mediating
variables such as age, gender, experience and education in executive agencies of Rafsanjan city. The results of
this study can be concluded that gender, age, work experience and education as factors mediating the
relationship between procrastination do not staff at the executive level stress can effects on f Rafsanjan city.
Therefore, managers regardless of these variables, it is necessary to try to reduce the use of appropriate
strategies to reduce stress and procrastination factors those concerns. Finally, it is suggested that employees
with emphasis on reducing the worry of not doing the right things, ability to perform activities , building
confidence , enthusiasm and interest in the job , blamed the fear of people to perform activities in compatibility
a job, and the inner satisfaction , job stress and reduce your own . Also, it is recommended to reduce staff by
indecision and uncertainty in decision making, to avoid confronting the problem of doubtful judgment,
independence in performing tasks, aggressive behavior, improve communication and progress in work, reduce
stress in your work environment. In addition, it is recommended that employees with less concern about the
imposition of duties, adherence to the rules and regulations, and adherence to meet the expectations of the
supervisor, to reduce work stress.
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