Applied mathematics in Engineering, Management and Technology 2 (2) 2014:50-59 Bread wheat tolerance against drought at early growth stages and grain filling period Vahid Mollasadeghi1*,Taregh Ghanifathi2, Bahram Masoumzadeh3 and Ali Ahadi Aghahasanbeyglo3 1 Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Ardabil branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran 2 Young Researchers Club, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran 3 Department of Agriculture, Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran. *Corresponding author: Vahid Mollasadeghi ; E mail address: [email protected] Assistant Professor of Abstract Field and in vitro experiments were conducted on some bread wheat genotypes in order to evaluate their tolerance against drought. During field experiment, 12 bread wheat genotypes were evaluated based on randomized complete blocks design with three replications under non-stressed and terminal humidity stress conditions. The treatments used for in vitro evaluation included factorial combination of 12 genotypes being studied and two levels of drought stress (0 and -0.5 Mega Pascal) based on complete randomized design with three replications. There was no significant difference between genotypes being studied under non-stressed condition, whereas the difference was significant under stressed conditions. Results from analysis on correlation between drought tolerance and grain yield indices indicated that STI, MP and GMP were useful for indentifying high yielding genotypes under both drought-stressed and non-stressed conditions. In general, by using drought tolerance indices based on grain yield we identified genotypes such as Tous, 4057 and 4041 as tolerant against drought stress. During in vitro study, increasing the level of drought stress led to decreased value of all the measured traits. Germination percentage was more susceptible to drought than germination rate, whereas radicle length was more susceptible to drought than seedling length. Germination vigor was identified as the most susceptible trait to drought among all the traits being studied. During in vitro study, Gobustan exhibited the highest tolerance against drought in germination stage among all the genotypes being studied. In this investigation, we did not observe any significant relation between traits measured in vitro and STI. Based on the results, germination traits are not efficient direct criteria for selecting genotypes tolerant to drought in early growth stages. Keywords: bread wheat, drought tolerance, drought tolerance indices, Poly Ethylene Glycol, germination stress index 1.Introduction In arid and semiarid regions, Diem wheat is exposed to drought stress during germination, greening and grain filling stages. Consequently, it is critically important to select genotypes and introduce varieties to these regions that could tolerate drought in abovementioned stages and produce high yield (Saeidi et al., 2007). A couple of indices developed based on grain yield under drought stress and non-stressed conditions, have been proposed for identifying genotypes tolerant to drought. An ideal selection index is one that distinguishes high yielding genotypes from others under both stressed and non-stressed conditions (Fernandez, 1992). Rosielle and Hamblin (1981) proposed Tolerance (TOL) and Mean Productivity (MP) indices. Higher values of TOL represent the relative susceptibility of genotypes against stress, whereas MP index refers to the mean sum of the yields of a given genotype under stressed and non-stressed conditions. In fact, TOL index is representing difference resulted from the imposed stress. In other words, genotypes with lower TOL index produce lower yield variation in stressed environment. Interestingly, its low value does not necessarily means that the genotype has produced a high yield in non-stressed environment. Because, the yield of a cultivar may be low under normal irrigation condition, while it suffer lower yield loss under drought stress and these lead to lower TOL index and as a result erroneously it is designated as tolerant cultivar. 50 Applied mathematics in Engineering, Management and Technology 2 (2) 2014 V. Mollasadeghi et al Fernandez (1992) proposed STI (Stress Tolerance Index) as a criterion for selection of varieties tolerant to drought stress. Higher values for this index represent high stress tolerating capability and high yielding potentiality. According to some authors (Fernandez,1992; Khalilzade and Karbalai-Khiavi, 2002 and Sadeghzade-Ahari, 2006) STI is the best index for the selection of genotypes. Because, it is capable of distinguishing genotypes with high yield under both normal irrigation and drought stress conditions (group A) from the two groups with genotypes that produce relatively high yield only either under normal irrigation condition (group B) or under drought stress condition (group C). Another index proposed by Fernandez (1992) was Geometric Mean Productivity (GMP). This index is more powerful than MP in distinguishing genotypes. Another selection index is Stress Susceptibility Index (SSI) proposed by Fischer and Maurer (1978). These authors found that genotypes with SSI lower than unit are more tolerant against drought. Thus, their yield loss under drought condition is lower than mean yield loss of all other genotypes. Susceptible and tolerant genotypes can be identified by using this index without taking into account their potential yield (Naderi et al., 2000). As argued by Bouslama and Schapaugh (1984), Yield Stability Index (YSI) in evaluating the yield of a cultivar under stressed condition relies on its yield under non-stressed condition and can be an ideal index for identifying drought tolerant genotypes. Thus, cultivars with higher YSI values are expected to produce higher yield under both conditions. In the study conducted by Sio-Se Mardeh et al (2006) cultivars with higher YSI produced the lowest yield under non-stressed and highest yield under stressed conditions. Yield Index (YI) classifies the cultivars only based on the stress, whereas it does not distinguish high yielding genotypes under both stressed and non-stressed conditions. They reported after evaluating 11 bread wheat genotypes that under mild stress conditions indices such as STI, MP and GMP are useful for identifying high yielding genotypes for stressed and non-stressed conditions. Golabadi et al (2006) after evaluating 151 F3 and F4 families of Durum Wheat under both stressed condition after flowering and without drought stress condition, reported that indices such as STI, MP and GMP had a positively significant correlation with yield under stressed and non-stressed conditions. In contrast, indices such as SSI and TOL had a negatively significant correlation with the yield under stressed conditions. Therefore, drought tolerant genotypes can be selected based on either higher values of STI, Mp and GMP or lower values of SSI and TOL. Behmaram et al (2006) after evaluating drought tolerance of vernal colza cultivars reported that STI could evaluate drought tolerance of the cultivars more effectively than do SSI and TOL. Khalilzadeh and Karbalaie Khiavi (2002), Farshadfar et al (2001) and Choukan et al (2006) believe that the most efficient index for the selection of stress tolerant cultivars is one that has a relatively high correlation with grain yield under both stressed and non-stressed conditions. Therefore, understanding the correlation between stress tolerance indices and grain yield in stressed and non-stressed environments, allow to identify the most efficient index. Farshadfar et al (2001) after a study on pea reported the positively significant correlation of all the indices with the yield under non-stressed condition, whereas they reported a negatively insignificant correlation between TOL index and yield under stressed condition. Esmaeilzade Moghadam (2004) reported that MP, GMP and STI were more efficient than SSI and TOL in identifying drought tolerant wheat genotypes and among the mentioned indices STI was the most capable to distinguish the groups. Zarea-Fizabady and Ghodsi (2004) reported that Stress Susceptibility Index (SSI) revealed a significant distinction between 20 wheat genotypes. Fernandez (1992), Mozaffari (1995) and Koucheki et al (2005) also designated STI and GMP as the drought tolerance indices. Fernandez (1992) in his 3-years-long study under normal and water limitation conditions found that stress susceptibility indices had a significant correlation with grain yield. Nourmand Mo'eid et al (2001) reported that correlation between indices such as GMP and STI and yield was positively significant. Shafazadeh et al (2004) after studying wheat genotypes reported a very positively significant correlation between the yield and indices such as MP, GMP and STI under stressed environment, whereas they reported a positively significant correlation between the yield and all the drought stress and drought susceptibility indices under non-stressed environment. They maintained that the positively significant correlation between the indices and yield under both stressed and non-stressed conditions represents the efficiency of these indices to evaluate how tolerant a given genotype is against drought. Taghizadeh et al (2002) after evaluating drought tolerant sources for lentil genotypes in Ardabil Region found that among the indices, MP, GMP and STI produced a positively significant correlation with yield in both stressed and without stress environments. 51 Applied mathematics in Engineering, Management and Technology 2 (2) 2014 V. Mollasadeghi et al Yield is influenced by three components namely yield potentiality, phonological consistency and drought tolerance in drought environments. Relative contribution of drought tolerance to real yield may not be greater than that of either high yield potential or optimum phonology. For instance, in a study conducted by Salim and Saxana (quoted by Ouk et al., 2006) in 1993, for pea plant the relative contribution of the three components ranged from 37 to 69% for avoiding drought (consistent phonology), 1 to 47% for yield potential and 4 to 17% for drought tolerance in the space of three years. Thus, genotypes selected from screening for drought tolerance based on grain yield, may either have a high yield potential or have a consistent phonology, however lack any drought tolerance. Drought Response Index (DRI) correct grain yield for variation in flowering date under drought stress condition and yield under nonstressed condition, ensuring drought tolerance of the selected genotypes (Ouk et al., 2006). In drought climates with sporadic precipitation, developing desirable vegetation in early growth season is considered one of the ideal features of the crops. In such regions the seedlings ability to emerge from lower depths of the soil and their tolerance to drought in germination stage are the most important features associated with the establishment of plantlet (Saeidi et al., 2006). Due to inconsistent soil setting and uncontrollability of environmental factors, an in vitro experiment is especially important for evaluation of plant tolerance against drought stress during germination stage (Mohammadi., 2000). In order to evaluate drought tolerance under controlled environment and to develop water potential during studies on germination, salts with high molecular mass such as poly ethylene glycol are often used to create an osmotic solution simulating natural conditions (Jamshid-Moghaddam and Pourdad, 2006). Seeds sown in arid and semiarid regions are characterized by high germination percentage, germination rate as well as germination vigor (Saeidi et al., 2006). In the study conducted by Saeidi et al., (2006) on two bread wheat genotypes, germination vigor decreased more rapidly than germination percentage and rate as the stress levels increased (0, − 0.4, − 0.8, − 0.2 and −1.6 Mega Pascal). These authors maintained that seedling length is more susceptible to stress than radicle length. Abdul-Baki and Anderson (1970) after studying barley stated that germination rate is more susceptible to water stress than germination percentage and in higher osmotic potentials decrease with more stress intensity than germination percentage. Dhanda et al (2004) after their study on wheat designated germination vigor as a more drought susceptible trait compared with traits such as seedling length, germination percentage and radicle length. Zarei et al (2007) after conducting field and in vitro experiment on 20 bread wheat genotypes in order to study their tolerance against drought reported that genotypes tolerant against drought on the field, also produced high drought tolerance in vitro (germination stage). They found that STI had a positively significant correlation with Germination Stress Index (GSI). These were consistent with results reported by Farshadfar et al (1992), however Saeidi et al (2006) and Azizinia et al (2005) observed no consistency between drought tolerance in field and that in vitro. Based on forgoing comment, the aim of this investigation is to study drought tolerance of 12 bread wheat genotypes in germination stage and terminal growth stages and to compare the results from screening of genotypes for their drought tolerance in field and in vitro. 2.Materials and Methods This study was conducted both on field and in vitro, at 2008-2009 cropping year. Genotypes being studied were provided partly by Natural Resources and Agronomical Research Center of Ardabil Province and partly brought from Azerbaijan. Field experiment was conducted as factorial based on randomized complete blocks design with three replications and under two optimum irrigation and terminal drought stress conditions, at experimental farm of Islamic Azad University, Ardabil Branch, based in Hasan Barough Village (5km west of Ardabil). Each test plot included three 3-meters long rows recurring 20cm from each other. Each test plot measured 7 × 3m, which 30cm from each ends of the plot were considered as margins. Seed usage amount was 450 seeds for unit area for each variety, which were sown on 11th of November. Irrigations were done in traditional way, two of which were done in autumn and three as vernal. For drought stress treatments two times of irrigation were not done after anthesis. No chemical or toxic fertilizers were used during the experiment and weed control was done manually. In order to measure grain yield with more precision, the samples were taken 52 Applied mathematics in Engineering, Management and Technology 2 (2) 2014 V. Mollasadeghi et al from competitive plants by deleting the margins. Indices for various drought tolerance were calculated using the following equations: During in vitro study, an experiment was conducted as factorial (first factor included 12 genotypes being studied, whereas second factor included two drought stress levels) based on complete randomized design with three replications. Amount of poly ethylene glycol 6000 required for creating osmotic potential of as much as – 0.5 Mega Pascal was calculated using Michel and Kaufman (1972) equations. Distilled water was used for creating 0 mega Pascal osmotic potential (control). At first, wheat seeds were disinfected by 3% sodium hypochlorite for 2 minutes. 50 seeds were cultured in every peteri dish. Germination test was run in the Germinator with temperature of 25 ˚C, relative humidity of 70% and under 16 hours light and 8 hours dark conditions. In order to measure germination indices the counting of germinated seeds was done daily, and at the end of last day, the germination percentage test was calculated for each Peteri dish. Radicle length and seedling length were measured based on mean length values of 30 plantlets. Equations proposed by Bouslama and Schapaugh (1984) were used to calculate germination rate index (PI) and germination stress index (GSI) as follow: where, nd2, nd4, nd6, nd8 and nd10 are the number of germinated seeds in second, fourth, sixth, eighth and tenth day, respectively. Germination rate index was calculated by germinated seed percentage per day (G1: germination percentage at first day and G2: germination percentage at second day and so forth) using following equation: In addition, seed germination vigor was calculated using Abdul-Baki and Anderson (1970) equation as follow: Where, VI is Seed Vigor Index; %Gr, germination percentage and MSH, sum of radicle length and seedling length. Statistic analyses were done using MSTAT-C, SPSS-16, Minitab-15 and Snagit-8 software. Mean comparisons were conducted using Duncan’s multiple range test. 3.Results and discussion Name of the genotypes and meteorological statistics of the study location have been listed in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively. Table 1 – wheat genotypes used in this study Number Genotypes Number Genotypes Number Genotypes 1 2 3 4 Gascogne Sabalan 4057 Ruzi-84 5 6 7 8 Gobustan Saratovskaya-29 MV17/Zrn Sardari 9 10 11 12 4061 4041 Sissons Tous Parameters Table 2 – meteorological statistics of Ardabil in 2008-09 cropping year 2008 2009 53 Applied mathematics in Engineering, Management and Technology 2 (2) 2014 V. Mollasadeghi et al Aban Azar Mean temperature (˚C) Precipitation (mm) Dei Bahman Esfand Farvardin Ordibehesht Khordad Tier 7.7 2.9 1.9 3.2 6.3 9.1 12.6 15.2 8.4 48.8 8.6 11.4 18.5 24.3 27 30 18.6 3.4 Based on the results from analysis of variance for grin yield, the genotypes being studied had not a significant difference under non-stressed condition, whereas they produced significant difference under stressed condition, at 1% probability level. Results from mean comparisons of grain yield (Table 3) showed that Tous genotype (3.93 ton/ha) and Saratovskaya-29 (2.27 ton/ha) had the highest and lowest yields under stressed condition, respectively, whereas under non-stressed condition, 4057 (4.38 ton/ha) and Saratovskaya-29 (3.09 ton/ha) had the highest and lowest yields. Results from analysis of correlation between drought tolerance indices and grain yield under both stressed and non-stressed conditions (Table 4) showed that indices such as GMP, MP and STI had a positively significant correlation with grain yield under stressed and non-stressed conditions, at 1% probability level. Thus, abovementioned indices were the most efficient indices to identify the superior genotypes. The abovementioned results are consistent with those reported by Sio-Se Mardeh (2006), Golabadi et al (2006) and Geravandi et al (2010). In the present study, YI had a positively significant correlation with the yield under stressed condition. This index classified the genotypes only based on yield under stressed condition and could not identify high yielding genotypes under both conditions. Furthermore, YSI had a positively significant correlation with yield under stressed condition, whereas it had simply positive correlation with yield under non-stressed condition. Thus, it selects high yielding genotypes under stressed condition, whereas they select low yielding ones under nonstressed condition. This index was not capable of identifying high yielding genotypes under both stressed and non-stressed conditions. These were consistent with results reported by Sio-Se Mardeh et al. (2006) and Geravandi et al (2010). Based on numerical values of indices such as STI, MP and GMP (Table 3) and also the 3D diagram (Fig. 1) drawn based on grain yield under both conditions and STI; genotypes such as Tous, 4057 and 4041 were identified as high yielding under both stressed and non-stressed conditions and designated as drought tolerant genotypes. These genotypes were more drought-tolerant both in early growth stages and in grain filling stage than others. Table 3 – indices of tolerance and susceptibility to drought and of grain yield under drought stress and nonstressed conditions Ys Yp TOL MP GMP Genotypes SSI STI YI YSI Gascogne Sabalan 4057 Ruzi-84 Gobustan Saratovskaya-29 MV17/Zrn Sardari (Ton/ha) (Ton/ha) (Ton/ha) (Ton/ha) (Ton/ha) 2.47 cd 3.16 abc 3.39 ab 2.87 bcd 2.75 bcd 2.27 d 3.25 abc 3.09 abcd 3.16 abc 3.53 ab 2.73 abc 3.92 a 3.87 ab 3.80 ab 4.38 a 4.00 ab 3.73 ab 3.09 b 3.62 ab 1.41 0.64 0.98 1.13 0.97 0.82 0.37 3.17 3.48 3.88 3.44 3.24 2.68 3.44 3.09 3.46 3.85 3.38 3.20 2.64 3.43 1.86 0.86 1.15 1.45 1.34 1.36 0.52 0.67 0.84 1.03 0.8 0.71 0.49 0.82 0.81 1.04 1.11 0.94 0.9 0.74 1.07 0.64 0.83 0.78 0.72 0.74 0.73 0.9 3.92 ab 0.83 3.51 3.48 1.09 0.84 1.01 0.79 4061 3.67 ab 0.51 3.42 3.40 0.71 0.81 1.04 4041 3.88 ab 0.35 3.70 3.70 0.46 0.95 1.16 Sissons 3.64 ab 0.73 3.10 3.07 1.08 0.66 0.9 Toos 4.00 ab 0.08 3.96 3.96 0.1 1.09 1.29 Coefficient variation 14.48 16.60 percentage means values with common letters in each column have no significant difference based on Duncan Test, at 5% probability level 54 0.86 0.91 0.79 0.98 - Applied mathematics in Engineering, Management and Technology 2 (2) 2014 V. Mollasadeghi et al indices have been calculated based on means of data and have not been subject to analysis of variance Table 4 – correlation coefficients of drought tolerance indices with grain yield under drought stress and irrigation conditions Ys (Ton/ha) TOL SSI MP GMP STI YI YSI Ys (Ton/ha) 1 -0.730** -0.850** 0.932** 0.953** 0.953** 1.000** 0.850** Yp (Ton/ha) 0.601* 0.108 -0.091 0.850** 0.808** 0.808** 0.601* 0.091 * and ** Significantly at p < 0.05 and < 0.01, respectively Ys : Yield in stress condition Yp : Yield in non- stress condition TOl : Tolerance MP : Mean productivity GMP : Genomic Mean productivity SSI : Stress susceptibility Index STI : Stress Tolerance Index YI : Yield Index YSI : Yield Stability Index groups 1 2 3 1.0 STI 0.8 4.0 0.6 3.5 0.4 3.0 3.0 3.5 Yp (ton/ha) 4.0 2.5 Ys (ton/ha) Genotypes 4041 4057 4061 Gascogne Gobustan MV17/Zrn Ruzi-84 Sabalan Saratov sk aya-29 Sardari Sissons Toos 4.5 Fig 1. Selection of drought tolerant genotypes using Stress Tolerance Index (STI) Analysis into main components was done for yield under stressed and non-stressed conditions and drought tolerance indices and due to bulk of the value of variance accounted for by first two components (99.91% in total), the Bi-plot (Fig. 2) was drawn based on these two components. First component with positively high coefficients for STI, GMP, MP and yield under stressed and non-stressed conditions, was designated as the component of yield stability and of tolerance to drought stress. This component accounted for 52.42% of data variation. Second component, due to positively high coefficients of SSI, TOL and yield under non-stressed condition, was designated as susceptible to drought stress and yield potential. This component accounted for 47.28% of data variation. Bi-plot diagram indicated that genotypes such as Tous, 4057 and 4041 located near to vectors of important drought tolerance indices that are STI, MP and GMP. Genotype 4041 was more oriented towards vector of grain yield under stressed condition, thus the mentioned genotype in addition to being drought tolerant, also produced higher yield under stressed condition. Genotype 4057 was more oriented towards vector of yield under non-stressed condition and this indicates that high values of drought tolerance index in these genotypes have been mostly due to their high yield under non-stressed condition. Sardari and 55 Applied mathematics in Engineering, Management and Technology 2 (2) 2014 V. Mollasadeghi et al Ruzi-84 genotypes were among the important drought stress tolerance and drought susceptibility indices. Thus, these genotypes are considered as semi-susceptible to drought. Based on Bi-plot diagram, genotypes such as Gascogene and Gobustan were designated as potentially high yielding and susceptible to drought. Genotypes such as Sissons, 4061 and MV17/zm were designated as less susceptible to drought stress and potentially low grain yielding. The acute angle between STI, MP and GMP indices represents a high correlation between these indices. In addition, the high correlation between TOL and SSI indices is evident in Bi-plot diagram. Fig. 2. Bi-plot for five drought resistance indices for 12 bread wheat genotypes based on first two components Results from analysis of variance for measured traits obtained from in vitro study (Table 5) showed that genotypes being studied were varying significantly in terms of all measured traits, at 1 and 5% probability levels. In contrast, there is no significant difference between drought stress levels (0 and – 0.5 mega Pascal) in terms of all the traits, at 1% probability level. Sources of variation Stress levels Degree of freedom 1 Table 5- ANOVA for in vitro measured traits Mean squares germination germination seedling radicle percentage rate length length 3244.7** 0.0007** 22.68** 527.854** Genotypes 11 775.1** 0.00007** Stress levels × 11 73.224 0.000007 Genotypes Error 48 51.85 0.000009 C.V (%) 8.14 2.11 and ** Significantly at p < 0.05 and < 0.01, respectively germination vigor 901.71** germination rate index 20882.9** 4.432** 8.739* 25.442** 2517.99** 0.88** 5.574 7.413* 93.8 0.23 10.75 3.52 30.47 4.17 23.44 168.04 11.96 Saeidi et al. (1) also observed a significant variation between radicle length and seedling length in various drought stress levels (0 and – 0.5 mega Pascal). The interaction of stress levels × genotypes for seedling length (Fig. 3) also revealed that genotypes such as Gobustan and Sardari had the highest seedling length at non-stressed level. Stress at – 0.5 mega Pascal level led to decreased seedling length for all the genotypes, apart from Sardari, which had a significant decrease. At zero mega Pascal level, genotypes such as Gobustan, Sardari and Saratovskaya-29 had the longest seedlings, 56 Applied mathematics in Engineering, Management and Technology 2 (2) 2014 V. Mollasadeghi et al whereas Gascogene and Sissons had the shortest seedlings. At –0.5 mega Pascal level the highest seedling length belonged to Sardari. These results are in line with those reported by Geravandi et al (2010). Fig. 3, Mean comparison of interaction between stress levels and genotypes for seedling length The interaction of stress levels × genotypes was significant for germination vigor. Based on Fig. 4 various genotypes varied significantly under non-stressed condition (distilled water), for instance, Gobustan and Sardari had the highest and Gascogene, Saratovskaya-29 and Sissons had the lowest germination vigor. As the osmotic potential decreased, germination vigor, as opposed to traits such as germination rate and percentage, decreased with comparatively higher rate and slope. Saeidi et al (2006) also reported similar results. Dhanda et al (2004) introduced germination vigor most susceptible trait as compared with seedling length, germination percentage and radicle length. At – 0.5 mega Pascal osmotic potential, Gobustan and Sissons had the highest and lowest germination vigor, respectively. In general, results from mean comparisons revealed that genotypes being studied varied significantly in terms of the measured traits. Gobustan was in better situation than other genotypes in terms of most of the studied traits at various drought levels. Fig. 4, Mean comparison of interaction between stress levels and genotypes for germination vigor Results from analysis of correlation between studied traits obtained during in vitro study have been listed in Table 6. Germination rate index had a positively significant correlation with germination percentage, germination rate, and seedling length and germination vigor. Traits and indices measured in vitro had a positive but insignificant correlation with STI and grain yield in this study. Thus, one can conclude that using poly ethylene glycol in various concentrations and applying stress in vitro as well as studying germination traits 57 Applied mathematics in Engineering, Management and Technology 2 (2) 2014 V. Mollasadeghi et al cannot give an understanding on susceptibility or tolerance of a given genotype in post-anthesis stage and this method cannot be used as an indirect selection criterion to identify genotypes tolerant to drought after anthesis. In the study conducted by Saeidi et al (2006) there was a positively significant correlation. Saeidi et al (2006) also reported that the correlation between germination traits and drought tolerance indices based on grain yield was not significant. Azizinia et al (2005) also reported similar results. Insignificant correlation between germination traits and STI apparently accounts for other known and unknown factors involved in yield production during post-germination stages. As a result, factors potentially effective on the plant during sensitive yield development stages, particularly flowering stage, will maintain the highest significant correlation with the yield. Results from this study indicated that increased drought stress during germination sage resulted in decreased values of traits being studied. Germination rate was more susceptible to drought stress. In this study, there was no significant relation found between traits measured in vitro and drought tolerance of genotypes on the field. Based on these results, germination traits were not efficient indirect criteria to select genotypes capable of tolerating drought under field condition. 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