Applied mathematics in Engineering, Management and Technology 2 (3) 2014:284-289 Investigating the relationship between cultural elements and process of motivation in employees of Agricultural Bank of Zanjan province Fatemeh Masaebi, Mohsen Ghadami Postgraduate Student of Business Administration, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Hormozgan Business Administration Faculty, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Hormozgan Abstract To investigate the relationship between cultural elements and process of motivation in employees at Agricultural Bank of Zanjan province, a survey study was conducted in 2012. The population of this survey consists of all the managers and experts of Agricultural Bank of Zanjan province that 500 individuals were reported by the Agricultural Bank of Zanjan province. The sample size for this study was 217 individuals obtained from Cocoran’s Formula. Data collection for this study was a questionnaire that was obtained according to information through observation, interviews, and library research, to do field work. The ideas of experts were used to determine the validity of questionnaire test; the reliability of the questionnaire was determined using Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0/78. SPSS Software was used for data analysis. Spearman correlation test showed that there is a significant positive relationship between cultural elements with the motivation. Relationship between cultural artifacts and employees' motivation in their interactions was positive. The relationship between cultural values, cultural values and cultural perceptions and staff motivation in success, power, and interactions were significant and positive. Keywords: cultural artifacts, cultural values, cultural ideas and concepts, need for succeed, culture, motivation 1. Introduction These days, the assessment of organizational culture acts as a data collection tool that enables managers to, through this way, first of all, compare working groups or sections together. Second, they prioritizing issues, and, thirdly, identifies perceptions and expectations of the staff, thereby enables them to improve the gaps between existing and desired situations. Motivation refers to the fitness function of the person. In a business environment, motivation of the staff represents one of the most serious problems that managers face, and, according to the researches that were carried out, there is no exact solution for the motivation of staff, but there is a compilation of numerous factors, such as personal characters, job characteristics, living standards, ethics and values, social and economic development etc. (Rahmik, 2012).Of course, managers are responsible for creating the right atmosphere in which employees can develop their maximum potential. Lack of such space causes frustration of the staff, poor performance, and low job satisfaction and increasing leave from the organization (Zaki, 2008). Every organization has a culture. The main components of an effective culture include organization's mission and goals, work environment, management style, organizational practices and policies, recruitment and professional development, interests and rights. Organizational theory, organizational culture is one of the most popular concepts in management (Taylor, 2012). The important point in organizations is motivation without which the employees are inefficient and costly. Thus, managers must motivate employees with the proper tools to suit organization's current culture, and lead them (Qabor 2012). Different experts have suggested different indices for the classification of cultures of organizations and recognition of type of the culture of organizations, such as Daniel Denilson who has divided organizational culture to four groups of mission culture, flexible culture, bureaucratic culture, and participatory culture. From the viewpoint of Fizi, there are four types of organizational culture naming culture based on duty, success, power, and support (Shahrakipour, 2010).Topics mentioned and most studies that have been done in the field of organizational culture show that understanding organizational culture, as a key requirement, is the prior activity of the managers of organizations since by accurate knowledge of this culture and becoming familiar with its 284 Applied mathematics in Engineering, Management and Technology 2 (3) 2014 F. Masaebi and M. Ghadami characteristics, management can plan short-term, middle-term and long-term and prepare themselves to meet full change market and competition and increase the probability of success and the coefficient of survival in the market (Monavarian,2008).Also, historically, philosophers and theorists such as Aristotle, Adam Smith, Sigmund Freud, and Abraham Maslow tried to explain how human behavior is relevant to their job motivation. One of their most successful discovery about the importance of motivation is to answer the question why some individuals are more successful than others (Rahmik, 2012). Extensive study of the existing theory of organizational culture and management processes and principles of motivation about organizational culture elements associated with the process of motivation theory and the theory of Mc Shine Land crushed, due to famous theorists, the process of theories, linking between fine variable and their further test in financial service organizations. This study also examined the relationship between organizational culture and employee motivation process base on EdgarShine’s theory that has been done on the Agricultural banks of Zanjan province. 2. Materials and Methods In this research, study survey was conducted in 2012. Population of the survey includes all managers and experts of the Agricultural Bank of Zanjan Province that, according to data from the Agricultural Bank of Zanjan Province, was 500 and the sample size in this study was 217 persons. Data collection tool for this study was a questionnaire that was provided according to information obtained through observation, interviews and library research, and field work for this study. Face and content validity of the questionnaire were determined by the opinions of experts and specialists. To test the reliability of the questionnaire, a pilot study was organized outside the main study area in which a pre-test of 30 questionnaires were used as pre-test. Using Cronbach's alpha, the reliability of the questionnaire was examined. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was0/78. Thus, the reliability of the questionnaire used is approved. To analyze the data, SPSS Software was used. For the statistical analysis, descriptive statistics such as frequency, frequency percentage, and cumulative percentage were used. The Spearman correlation test was used in inferential statistics. For paired data rank correlation coefficient (xi, yi), first, all x is ranked in terms of values, and the same is done for y; then the authors show the difference between the scores of each pair and calculate. Then the quadratic d is calculated. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient: it is shown with P and is consistently between +1 and -1 and in terms of evaluation is sequential. If our data are relative and in distances, we can convert them to our ranks no matter whichvariable is dependent and which one independent. Table 1 - Detailed correlation of test results The correlation Interpretation coefficient Very small and negligible 0.00 - 0.19 Very low to low 0.20 - 0.39 Average 0.40 - 0.69 High 0.70 - 0.89 Very high 0.90 - 1.00 3. Conclusion and Discussion 3.1. Descriptive Data results Descriptive statistics of the sample is reported in Table 1. This table is divided into three age groups, between 21 to 30 years, 24 individuals, 78 individuals between 31 to 40 years, 41-50 years, 70 individuals and 45 individuals above 51 years. From 217 individuals, 22 individuals were women and 195 men. In terms of education, 37 had Diploma, 15 Associate degrees, 103 Bachelor degrees, and 61 individuals had master and doctoral degrees. From among 217 individuals, 19 were between 1 and 5 years, and 52 between 6 and 10 years, 285 Applied mathematics in Engineering, Management and Technology 2 (3) 2014 F. Masaebi and M. Ghadami 10 individuals between 11 and 15, 8 individuals between 16 and 20, 10 between 21 and 25, 17 between 26 to 30, and 4 people over 31 years of experience in their jobs. Also, in terms of job position, from among 217 individuals, 9 individuals were director, 25 individuals vice president, 41 individuals experts, and 142 people were staff. Out of 217 people, 62 individuals were in engineering, 169 humanities, and 22 individuals in other fields. The results of this study were significant and followed by 148 individuals, and 69 people have expressed indifference to the results (Table 2). Table 2: Distribution of respondents' characteristics Characteristics Age Gender Education Level Job Experience (year) Position Field of Study The importance and use of research results by people groups Abundance Abundance percent 21 to 30 years 31 to 40 years 41 to 50 years 51 years and above total woman man total Diploma Associate Bachelor Master PhD total 1 to 5 years 6 to 10 years 11 to 15 years 16 to 20 years 21 to 25 years 26 to 30 years More than 31 total staff manager Vice president expert total humanities engineering other total no yes total 24 78 70 11.1 35.9 32.3 Cumulative Abundance percent 11.1 47.0 79.3 45 20.7 100.0 217 22 195 217 37 15 103 61 1 217 19 107 30 30 10 17 4 217 142 9 25 41 217 169 26 22 217 69 148 217 100.0 10.1 89.9 100.0 17.1 6.9 47.5 28.1 0.5 100.0 8.8 49.3 13.8 13.8 4.6 7.8 1.8 100.0 65.4 4.1 11.5 18.9 100.0 77.9 12.0 10.1 100.0 31.8 68.2 100.0 17.1 24.0 71.4 99.5 100.0 8.8 58.1 71.9 85.7 90.3 98.2 100.0 65.4 69.6 81.1 100.0 77.9 89.9 100.0 31.8 100.0 - 4. Analytical results of data Spearman’s test for the relationship between cultural elements and the motivation process in organizations is shown in Table 3. In this table, the r=0.768, and as 0<r<1, one can conclude that the correlation is direct, and it 286 Applied mathematics in Engineering, Management and Technology 2 (3) 2014 F. Masaebi and M. Ghadami can be interpreted such that the components of the cultural elements affect on the motivation in organizations and their influence is enormous. Table 3: Results of Spearman correlation coefficients for the relationship between motivation and cultural elements Spearman correlation Significance level characteristics Number coefficients)r( (P) Motivation 217 **0.768 0.000 ns * ** ، ، Lack of significance, significance in 95 %, and 99 significance level respectively Spearman’s correlation test about the relationship between cultural artifacts and success is shown in Table 4. In this table, r= -0.778, and as -1<r<1, it can be deduced that the correlation is inverse, and it can be interpreted such that the components of cultural artifacts will not affect on the success of organizations. Spearman’s correlation test about the relationship between cultural artifacts and the motivation of employees in achieving the organizational power is shown in Table 4. In this table, r= 0/737, and as -1<r<1, it can be deduced that the correlation is inverse, and it can be interpreted such that the components of cultural artifacts will not affect on the organizational power. Spearman’s correlation test about the relationship between cultural artifacts and the motivation of employees in interaction s is shown in Table 4. In this table, r= 0.743, and as -1<r<1, it can be deduced that the correlation is direct, and it can be interpreted such that the components of cultural artifacts will affect on the interaction s in organizations. Table 4: Results of Spearman correlation coefficients for the factors affecting cultural artifacts Spearman correlation Significance level coefficients (r) (P) success 217 **-0.778 0.000 power 217 **-0.737 0.000 interactions 217 **0.747 0.000 ns * ** ، ، Lack of significance, significance in 95 %, and 99 significance level respectively characteristics Number Spearman’s test about the relationship between cultural values and motivation of employees to achieve success is shown in Table 5. In this table, r= 0.789, and as -1<r<1, it can be deduced that the correlation is direct, and it can be interpreted such that the components of cultural values will affect on the success of employees in organizations. Spearman’s test about the relationship between cultural values and the motivation of employees in achieving the organizational power is shown in Table 5. In this table, r= 0.741, and as -1<r<1, it can be deduced that the correlation is direct, and it can be interpreted such that the components of cultural values will affect on the power of employees in organizations. Spearman’s test about the relationship between cultural values and the motivation of employees in interaction s is shown in Table 5. In this table, r= 0.318, and as -1<r<1, it can be deduced that the correlation is direct, and it can be interpreted such that the components of cultural values will affect on the interaction s in organizations. Table 5: Results of Spearman correlation coefficients for the factors affecting cultural values Spearman correlation Significance level characteristics Number coefficients (r) (P) success 217 **0.789 0.000 power 217 **0.741 0.000 interactions 217 **0.318 0.000 ns * ** ، ، Lack of significance, significance in 95 %, and 99 significance level respectively Spearman’s test about the relationship between cultural assumptions and motivation of employees to achieve success is shown in Table 6. In this table, r= 0.229, and as -1<r<1, it can be deduced that the correlation is 287 Applied mathematics in Engineering, Management and Technology 2 (3) 2014 F. Masaebi and M. Ghadami direct, and it can be interpreted such that the components of cultural assumptions will affect on the motivation in organizations. Spearman’s test about the relationship between cultural assumptions and the motivation of employees in achieving the organizational power is shown in Table 6. In this table, r= 0/568, and as -1<r<1, it can be deduced that the correlation is direct, and it can be interpreted such that the components of cultural assumptions will affect on the power in organizations. Table 6: Results of Spearman correlation coefficients for the factors affecting cultural assumptions Spearman correlation Significance level characteristics Number coefficients (r) (P) success 217 **0.229 0.000 power 217 **0.568 0.000 ns * ** ، ، Lack of significance, significance in 95 %, and 99 significance level respectively Spearman’s test about the relationship between cultural beliefs and the motivation of employees in staff interaction is shown in Table 6. In this table, r= 00568, and as -1<r<1, it can be deduced that the correlation is direct, and it can be interpreted such that the components of cultural beliefs will affect on the interactions in organizations. Table 7: Results of Spearman correlation coefficients for the relationships between cultural beliefs and interactions Spearman correlation Significance level characteristics Number coefficients (r) (P) interactions 217 **0.3654 0.000 ns * ** ، ، Lack of significance, significance in 95 %, and 99 significance level respectively Similar results have been reported in the past in which cultural values (including values, beliefs, values and attitudes) and success (trying to do some hard work to achieve success) had been reported. Hafsted, in his study, discussed the dimensions of culture on power, avoiding uncertainty, and individualism. Robert Franken (1389), in a research, has discussed success and power factors and the need for communication and friendship; various issues, definitions, and parameters involve in the quality and quantity of motivated behaviors. Also, in his study, success and power factors and the need to communicate and friendship have been discussed and definitions and different factors and areas are involved in the quality and quantity of motivated behavior. 5.Conclusions and recommendations To understand the organization and evaluate the behavior of members of an organization, knowledge of organizational culture is considered the most important and fundamental step. Therefore, for any new action in the organization, paying attention to organization is essential because, by the leverage of culture, we can facilitate the changes and sustain new orientation in the organization. In fact, any change in organizations will not be effective without adequate attention to organizational culture. Also, if managers want to increase productivity and organizational performance, they must pay attention to the constituent elements of organizational culture. Motivation is one of the important factors that should also be included in the organizational culture to sustain stability and enable individuals to achieve the lofty goals of organization. According to research, the following recommendations are suggested to the researchers so that they can investigate the relationship between the components and other variables that relate with motivational factors. It is also recommended that the researchers use the views of other theorists about culture and motivation, and the results are compared with the results of this research. 6.Limitations of the study This study, like other studies, has had some limitations. Some of these limitations which can be pointed are: some participants did not believe in these things, and therefore their cooperation was somewhat difficult; some 288 Applied mathematics in Engineering, Management and Technology 2 (3) 2014 F. Masaebi and M. Ghadami of them, due to fear of disclosure of information, did not completely fill the first part of the questionnaire that was related to the participants' characteristics, such as department, work experience, education, etc.; it seems that some of the some of the people have been too conservative and mark the middle point a lot; moreover, the use of a questionnaire is considered as a limitation; it means that questionnaire evaluates the views of people not reality, which can be considered as a limitation. One of the limitations of this study is related to the study population that, in terms of size and nature, and type of job characteristics and organization limit the generalization of the study; this research has only examined the Agricultural banks of Zanjan province. Resources Afshin Manesh Hossein, (2008) Among the Japanese, Astan Quds Razavi Publication, Mashhad, second edition. 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