ASSET MARITIME SECURITY SERVICES ASSET MARITIME SECURITY SERVICES LIMITED HEALTH & SAFETY POLICY Contact Details: Stephen Hart Email: [email protected] Tel: +356 9970 3067 AMSS Ltd Edition/ Version:2nd Edition Date: January 2013 Revision : 2 Revision date: January 2015 AMSS077 AN ISO 9001:2008 COMPANY REGISTERED NUMBER 7748937 AMSS, Regus House, Herons Way, Chester Business Park, Chester, CH4 9QR Tel: UK: +44 (0)1244 893163 Tel: +356 2258 9006 Health and safety policy This is the statement of general policy and arrangements for: Asset Maritime Security Services Limited Overall and final responsibility for health and safety is that of: Stephen Hart, Operations Director Day-to-day responsibility for ensuring this policy is put into practice is delegated to: Stephen Hart, Operations Director Statement of general policy Responsibility of (Name / Title) Action / Arrangements (Customise to meet your own situation) To oversee work-related ill health and provide adequate control of health and safety risks arising from work activities Stephen Hart Operations Director Continually monitor all security operations working with suitable agents to ensure the safety and security of operational teams To provide adequate training to ensure employees are competent to do their operational work Josie Hough Human Resources manager Monitor training by approved companies ensuring that operators have the right skills to perform their roles and that qualification are vetted. To engage and consult with consultants on day-to-day health and safety conditions and provide advice and supervision on occupational health Stephen Hart Operations Director Daily reports through Operations to ensure incidents and complaints can be dealt with quickly and resolved to the satisfaction of all parties. To implement emergency procedures - evacuation in case of fire or other significant incident whilst engaged on AMSS Operations. Josie Hough Human Resources Manager AMSS Teams comply with Standard Operational Procedures and carry out on board safety y training. To maintain safe and healthy working conditions, provide and maintain Operational equipment, and ensure safe storage / use of Weapons and ammunition. Stephen Hart Operations Director AMSS SOIP;s are complied with and that all Post/Mid Transit reports are reviewed to action any concerns. Health and safety law poster is displayed: Josie Hough Human Resources Manager First-aid box and accident book are located: Accidents and ill health at work reported under RIDDOR: (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations) (see note 2 below) Josie Hough Human Resources Manager Josie Hough Human Resources Manager Signed: (Employer) Subject to review, monitoring and revision by: Stephen Hart – Operations Director Note 1: Note 2: Date: 01/01/2012 Every: Six (6) Months or sooner if work activity changes Risk assessment All Contractors must conduct a risk assessment. Employers with five or more Contractors have to record the significant findings of their risk assessment. Organisation name: Asset maritime Security Services Limited What are the hazards? ØØ ØØ Disease Terrorism Civil Unrest Kidnap/Ransom ØØ ØØ ØØ ØØ Long stay in areas of potential conflict Communication issues Food//hygiene Who might be harmed and how? What are you already doing? Contractors may have to travel to areas at risk from Terrorism, Conflict, Disease and civil unrest. Contractors may find themselves caught up in any of the above causing significant harm to themselves and others. ØØ Contractors may have to stay in un suitable accommodation at risk from health and hygiene issues. ØØ ØØ ØØ ØØ ØØ ØØ ØØ Motor vehicle Operators travelling in country accidents may experience serious road Transport in country accidents. . ØØ ØØ Negligent discharge of weapons Handling weapons ØØ Operators handle weapons and equipment left in country by other teams and may ØØ ØØ ØØ Do you need to do anything else to manage this risk? Action by whom? Action by when? All staff, Team Leaders and Management to monitor 01/03/2012 13/02/2012 AMSS need to continually monitor Josie Hough the suitability and risk of all accommodation for its contractors. Monitor reports regarding Hygiene and Food provided in the accommodation. Ensure teams are provided with Local Sim Cards. 21/02/2012 23/01/2012 AMSS Need to continually monitor the type Josie Hough and safety of transport of contractors during operations overseas. 01/01/2012 01/01/2012 AMSS need to ensure that Team Stephen Leaders are conversant with the Hart weapons and equipment that they Josie Hough 01/01/2012 01/01/2012 AMSS provide all operational contractors with a pre deployment package. (AMMSS0076) Advice is given regarding the areas of potential risk that they may be travelling to/Through. This information is also available on the FCO Website. AMSS hold confidential files on all operators including proof of life information for next of kin. (AMSS006)(AMSS011) ØØ AMSS continually monitor the suitability of accommodation to ensure safety and cleanliness for our operators. Team Leaders are asked to comment on the above and their findings are passed to local agents in order that this is correctly monitored. (AMSS010) AMSS Provide Local Sim Cards in order that operators are able to communicate. ØØ AMSS monitor the suitability of local transport and the safety records of the companies used. Local agents are advised to contract only suitable and qualified drivers. AMSS Monitor Team Leaders reports regarding suitability and safety of vehicle. (AMSS010) Team Leaders are suitably trained in the safety procedures for handling the weapons types that they are collecting. ØØ ØØ ØØ ØØ AMSS need to be aware of all areas of actual or potential conflict Ensure our operational staff have all the information available to them prior to deployment. Done What are the hazards? and equipment ØØ Lifting heavy objects. Who might be harmed and how? experience loaded weapon systems with risk to teams and others in the area. What are you already doing? ØØ ØØ ØØ Falling from ladders ØØ Falling Objects ØØ Safety Equipment non use ØØ Safety on Board Clients Vessel Teams have to embark from either Pilot boats/ Launches or via the accommodation ladders whilst in port Operational Teams, Crew and passengers are at risk from Gunshot wounds, fire, sinking, Chemical incidents and drowning. ØØ ØØ ØØ ØØ ØØ ØØ Disembarkation in Port of team and weapons Kit. Teams and agents are at risk from accidental discharge of weapons, Lifting heavy equipment and small boat safety.(As per embarkation) during disembarkation from the vessel to the port. ØØ ØØ ØØ ØØ Ensure that operators comply with the Standard Operational Procedures (SOP’s) of AMSS (AMSS020)(AMSS003F) Teams are trained in manual handling skills. AMSS Teams, through experience are fully aware of the risks associated with small vessel operations. Risk assessments are carried out prior to the operation Team Leaders are responsible for the decision to embark/Disembark, taking into account weather, time of day/Night, Sea State etc. AMSS have the correct SOP’s in place to carry out these operations. (AMSS0020) Teams are provided with and wear the correct safety equipment. Do you need to do anything else to manage this risk? ØØ ØØ ØØ ØØ ØØ AMSS Standard Operational Procedures are provided to ensure that teams have all the information required to carry out their tasks on board. (AMSS0020) Safety training, particular to each vessel, should be carried out with the crew and overseen by the Master of the vessel. All team members undergo weapons safety training whilst on board Weapons are stored in secure boxes. ØØ AMSS ensure that Team Leaders are fully aware of the procedures for disembarking weapons and equipment in country (AMSS0020) Team Leaders liaise with local agents to ensure that weapons are safely stored and secured. The safety during weapons movement is controlled by the Team Leader and ØØ ØØ ØØ are using for the transit. Teams are up to date with Company SOP’s and Local Laws regarding Firearms Continually improve systems to carry heavy items. Action by whom? Action by when? Done AMSS monitor the availability of safety equipment for operators during small boat movements. Team Leaders are required to Risk Assess the cross deck operation prior to commencement to ensure the safety of his team. Remind Team Leaders that this operation can only be carried out after it has been risk assessed. Stephen Hart Josie Hough 01/01/2012 01/01/2012 AMSS must continually monitor all post transit and mid transit reports to ensure that its operational teams carry out all the safety drills and procedures whilst on board vessels. Remind clients that they have a responsibility towards AMSS teams regarding safety training whilst on board the vessel. Stephen Hart Josie Hough 01/01/2012 01/01/2012 AMSS are required to update all local procedure s regarding the movement of firearms and equipment to ensure that teams are never compromised during movements. All weapons and equipment must be moved in accordance with AMSS Standard Operational Stephen Hart Josie Hough 01/01/2012 01/01/2012 What are the hazards? Who might be harmed and how? What are you already doing? ØØ weapons will always be contained in secure cases. Teams are provided with the appropriate safety equipment. Do you need to do anything else to manage this risk? ØØ Procedures. Continue to improve weapons cases for secure storage Action by whom? Action by when? Done Employers with five or more employees must have a written health and safety policy and risk assessment. It is important you discuss your assessment and proposed actions with operators. You should review your risk assessment if you think it might no longer be valid, eg following an accident in the workplace, or if there are any significant changes to the hazards in your workplace, such as new equipment or work activities.
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