Florascape NEWSLETTER ANCASTER HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY APRIL, MAY, JUNE 2015 From the Co-Presidents’ Grapevine: Contact List Welcome to Spring and to the beginning of gardening season——well almost! but it is the busiest season for our Society. Our program has lots to interest you from getting our bodies ready to garden ‘without the ache’ in April, to amazing Peonies in May and loads of beautiful Hydrangeas in June. Plans have been underway all winter to make this year’s Plant Sale one of our best. (See page 3 & the insert for information about potting days and how you can help.) We’ve worked with Intrigue Media to create a video ad for the sale which will appear in many public locations. (We’ll post a link in the next NEWS FLASH) & we’ll have new large banner signage from Advantage Signs. Fieldcote Museum gardens need volunteers to help with the garden cleanup on April 18th. Already our Trillium Award directors are planning for the Trillium nominations & judging in June & July and we have an exciting new design for the awards this year. They’d love to have you help to judge the 100 prettiest gardens in Ancaster. This summer is special for AHS and for all the societies in OHA District 6. Preparations have been underway for the past year to host the OHA 109th Annual Convention this July 3 - 5 at Redeemer University. There is an exciting line up of speakers, tours, workshops, a flower show and fun. Because the convention is right here on our home turf, it’s an excellent opportunity to join Hort. members from all across the province. Registration is open. Details can be found on p. 4 and on the OHA web site. You can still volunteer with various committees and reduce the convention fee for yourself. Bob Wilt would be happy to link you with the right committee chairs. Sat. April 11th is a chance for a “mini convention” experience at Dist 6 Spring Workshop & Flower Show in Oakville. (details inside) This really is our busy season. Follow us on our web site and on Twitter. We hope to see you out this spring! Donna Parker and Bob Wilt A WARM WELCOME TO OUR NEW AHS MEMBERS Marilyn Burgan 1 Kelly Heinrich Co-Presidents: Bob Wilt 905 648-3369 [email protected] Donna Parker 905 304-6110 [email protected] Membership: Dorothy Macintyre 905 627-4381 [email protected] Florascape/NEWS FLASH Editor: Donna Parker 905 304-6110 [email protected] Mailing Address: Ancaster Horticultural Society P.O. Box 81056 Ancaster, On L9G 4X1 Web: ancasterhort.org Twitter: @hortancaster Page Content 1...........Co-Presidents’ Grapevine 1............New Members 2............Fieldcote News 2……… Trillium Awards 3……… Plant & Bake Sale 3……… Decorate a Boot! 4……… Upcoming Events Insert 1…(p. 5 digital edition) Upcoming Area Events What are Haskap Berries? Insert 2 ..(P.6 digital edition)Plant List for donations to Plant Sale Helen Nichol ANCASTER HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY, P.O. BOX 81056, ANCASTER, ON L9G 4X1 ANCASTER HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY NEWSLETTER APRIL, MAY, JUNE 2015 Fieldcote Clean Up Day Sat. April 18th 9:30 to 12:30 Rain or Shine! Fieldcote Gardeners Need your Help! submitted by Mavis Baker 905-304-3708 We would love to have more volunteers for both the spring clean up and for our regular Thursday gardening days. We do not ask for a regular commitment, just come to the gardens, when you can, at 9:30 on fine Thursday mornings beginning in May and there you will find our team. Spring Clean Up day is a wonderful opportunity for any students needing community service hours. Please pass this information along. Refreshments will be served! The 2015 Trillium Awards are coming! submitted by Sheila Oddy 905 648-2320 Spring will soon be here and we are already starting to think Gardens, Gardens, Gardens! We would like to urge our members to take a look around their own neighbourhoods and nominate any gardens they feel would merit the title of ‘One of Ancaster’s 100 Prettiest Gardens’. We normally require name, address, phone number and email address but, don’t worry if you don’t know who the occupant is, we can find that out. The more entries we have the better, as it makes the winning of one of our trophies more meaningful. We will also be looking for more judges amongst our members. If you don’t have much time to donate to the Society, this is one of the ways you can contribute without committing a lot of hours. Judging is fun and gives you an opportunity to see some of Ancaster’s loveliest properties—possibly in a part of Ancaster you have never seen. If you’ve never judged before we will send you out with someone who is experienced. It will take only about 3 to 4 hours of your time at a time that suits you. Step forward and give us a hand! Contact one of us below. This year we are taking entries in 3 ways: -by email: [email protected] - OR by mail: Ancaster Horticultural Society Box 81056, Fiddler’s Green PO. Ancaster L9G 4X1 -OR in person: Jackie’s Travel in Food Basics Plaza Entries accepted: June 4th to June 19th Judging takes place: July 11th to July 26th Trillium Award Presentation Ceremony: Fieldcote Museum Grounds August 18th Donna Foster: 905 648-4588; Sheila Oddy: 905 648-2320; Kelly Gowland: 905 648-9883 2 One of 2014’s Diamond Trillium Awards The Dmetrichuks Photo: S. Oddy ANCASTER HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY NEWSLETTER PLANT SALE Co-Directors: Sue Freshwater 905 648-0524 Donna Parker 905 304-6110 Saturday May 16th 2015 8:00am to 1:00pm Perennials Potted Herbs Heirloom Vegetables Flowering Shrubs Hostas New this Year: Haskap Berry Bushes (a nutritious alternative to Blueberries -see page 5 for details) Potting Days begin at Whiteside Farms: (1160 Jerseyville Rd.) Monday April 27, 9:30 to Noon (ish) for set up and continues every Wed., Fri., Sat. until the sale. Join us for some or all of the potting days. Bring your divided or unwanted perennials (See notice below and plant list on page 6 back of insert) APRIL, MAY, JUNE 2015 Calling all our Artistic Members! We need your help! As part of our preparation for the Convention,being hosted by District 6 this July 3 to 5, every Society in the District is being asked to decorate some rubber boots in a creative way to represent their home Society. These will decorate tables at the Convention. So…we’d like to do 3 to 5 boots to represent Ancaster. Each boot can be different; can be a single or group effort. We need to submit our number of boots by May 1st. so start getting creative. If you’re up to the challenge, please let us know so that we can submit our numbers. (Boots to be completed by end of June) Donna Parker [email protected] 905 304-6110 Bob Wilt [email protected] 905 648-3369 The Bake Sale Needs You! Photo: D. Puskas LOOK TO YOUR GARDENS AND TO YOUR NEIGHBOURS’ GARDENS FOR PLANTS TO DONATE TO THE SALE! April is a great time to split overgrown perennials! * Check out the enclosed Plant List!* If you need help to dig up plants, contact Sue Freshwater at [email protected] or 905-648-6733 3 Bake Sale Requests We need: loaves, pie (savory & fruit), cakes, cookies, muffins (very popular), tarts, tortes, jams, jellies, pickles, rhubarb (very popular) gluten-free items. Items should be packaged on a tray or plate and labeled (indicate nut content). Drop off between 7-8:00 am at Sale. If you have items prepared early & would like them picked up, contact Dorothy Bolf or Julia Aitchinson: 905 648-6842 ANCASTER HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Upcoming Events Monthly meetings of the Society are held on the third Tuesday of each Month (Jan. to June and Sept. to Nov.) in the Old Town Hall, Wilson St. Ancaster. Meetings begin with a social and refreshments at 7:30 pm and the formal meeting at 8:00 pm. Guests welcome! April 11 OHA Dist. 6 Spring Workshop & Flower Show ‘Spring in the Southern Tier’ Halton Region Municipal Bldg. 1151 Bronte Rd. Oakville (QEW at Bronte Rd.) For more info: See page 5 April 12 Hosta Society Forum Glencairn Golf Club, Halton Hills April 18 AHS Fieldcote Clean Up Day at Fieldcote Museum & Park 9:30 - 12:30 All volunteers welcome—Refreshments served NEWSLETTER APRIL, MAY, JUNE 2015 Upcoming Events cont’d Fri. May 15 Truck Loading for Plant Sale If you have a truck or trailer for loading, please contact Sue Freshwater at 905 648-6733 Sat. May 16 Plant & Bake Sale 6:00 am Truck Unloading at Plaza 8:00 am Sale starts 1:00 pm Clean Up starts May 19 AHS Monthly Meeting “Peony Garden-Always Something Different” with member Mike Clare www.peonygarden.com June 14 Carnegie Gallery Garden Tour 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Tickets $20 Includes complimentary Tea at Carnegie Gallery & gardens in Dundas, north Waterdown/Carlisle plus coupons for discounts at many shops & nurseries. Tickets available at: -Carnegie Gallery, Brian Prince Bookseller, & the Keeping Room (www.carnegiegallery.org) April 21 AHS Monthly Meeting “Plant & Rake without the Ache” with Dr. Rachel Carson June 16 AHS Monthly Meeting “Growing Beautiful Hydrangeas” with Olwyne Mitton April 27 Potting Days Set Up at Whiteside Farms, 1160 Jerseyville Rd. 9:30am - noon(ish) Potting Days continue every Wed., Fri., & Sat., up to sale Early May (dates to be announced in April) AHS Municipal Gardens Clean Up Day (details at April Mtg. or www.ancasterhort.org) OHA 109th Convention in Dist. 6 July 3 to 5 at Redeemer College, Garner Rd. This is an opportunity, in your own backyard, to be involved with this exciting conference! Speakers, Seminars, Bus Tours, Silent Auction, Entertainment, Fun Activities ~For Registration & more Information visit: www.gardenontario.org and https://donnas2015conventionblog.wordpress.com Attend, Volunteer, Meet New Friends, Design a Boot! 4 ANCASTER HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY NEWSLETTER INSERT APRIL, MAY, JUNE 2015 Q: What are Haskap Berries? “Haskap” is the Japanese name for Lonicera caerulea, that is Edible Blue Honeysuckle. It is native to northern boreal forests and has been found wild in every province except BC. The fruit tastes like a cross between a blueberry and raspberry and can be used in jams, baking and for fresh eating. The exciting thing about Haskaps is that they have been proven to be very high in anti-oxidants and vitamin C. They are cold-hardy and under commercial cultivation now across Canada. Each shrub is 1-2 metres tall, depending on variety, and the fruit is oblong approx. 1 cm in diameter. For our Plant Sale, a limited number of shrubs, from a grower in Nova Scotia, have been made available. Q: How are they grown? Haskaps grow best in full to part sun in a sheltered location. Soil should be rich with compost, moist but welldrained. (Acidic soil is well-tolerated). HASKAP PLANTS REQUIRE CROSS-POLLINATION WITH A DIFFERENT VARIETY TO PRODUCE THE BEST FRUIT, THEREFORE 2 DIFFERENT VARIETIES MUST BE PLANTED. Further information will be available at the Plant Sale. Plants will sell quickly! Info source: Haskap Growers Assoc. Nova Scotia Stock Photo D.Parker, Halton MG Are you a shutterbug? We have a place to display your fine photography! The Flower, Vegetable & Photo Show Sat. August 16th So keep that camera handy for photos of spring flowers, birds and butterflies and your “Favourite Things” (More information in Summer Florascape) The AWARDS COMMITTEE is looking for those members who have made significant contributions to the Society for this year or past several years. Please send nominations to the Chair of Awards Committee: Barbara Waddell: 905 648-0108 or [email protected] INSERT 1 Interested in attending? Contact: Bob Wilt: 905 648-3369 What is Your Opinion? The City of Hamilton is conducting a public art competition to select a permanent art work to be installed along the walkway that connects Wilson St. to Fieldcote Memorial Park. A jury has chosen 5 for public consultation. You are invited to give your opinion in one of 2 ways: Web Site: www.hamilton.ca/publicart Select link to Ancaster Fieldcote Walkway in Current Projects section OR Visit Ancaster Library on Sat. March 28 11am to 4pm The Auxiliary of the Royal Botanical Gardens presents: The 39th Annual Plant Sale Thurs, Fri, Sat. May 7 to 9 9:00 a12:30pm Arboretum, Old Guelph Rd. Dundas RBG Members Only Day Wed. May 6th 9:00am-12:30 Free Parking-open at 8:00 am Members receive 20% off Past favourites, new cultivars, unusual plants Plants Needed for Ancaster Horticultural Society Annual Plant Sale Perennials Needed Perennials Needed cont’d Aster-Fall Anemone-spring or fall varieties Arabis/Rock Cress Artemesia Astilbe Balloon Flower/Platycodon Bee Balm/Monarda-esp named varieties Beard Tongue/Penstemon Bell Flower/Campanula -all varieties Bergenia Blanket Flower/Gaillardia Bleeding Heart/Dicentra Brunnera Butterfly Bush/Buddleia Columbine/Aquilegia Coneflower/Echinacea Coral Bells/Heuchera Coreopsis Corydalis Cranesbill/Perennial Geranium Daisy/Leucanthemum Dahlia -corms Daylily/Hemerocallis -esp. named varieties Delphinium Ferns-all varieties Forget-me-Not--pink only Foxglove/Digitalis Gaura Gayfeather/Liatris Globe Thistle/Echinops Globe Flower/Trollius Goatsbeard/Aruncus Grasses-all varieties Hens & Chicks/Sempervivum Hostas- esp. named varieties & other than common green/white Hyssop/Agastache Iris--bearded, miniature, Siberian/Japanese Jacob’s Ladder/Polemonium Lady’s Mantle/Alchemilla Lavender Ligularia Lily--oriental, Asiatic Lobelia Lupine Mallow/Malva Meadow Rue/Thalictrum Meadowsweet/Filipendula Monk’s Hood/Aconitum Peonies Phlox Pincushion Flower/Scabious Pinks/Dianthus Poppy/Papaver Rose Campion/Lychnis Russian Sage/Perovskia Sage/Salvia Sedum-except Dragon’s Blood Sneezeweed/Helenium Soapwort/Saponaria Speedwell/Veronica Spiderwort/Tradescantia Spurge/Euphorbia Sunflower/Heliopsis Thrift/Armeria Turtlehead/Chelone Yarrow INSERT 2 Limited Need Black-Eyed Susan/Rudbeckia Corn Flower/Centaurea Day Lilies -orange Tiger Lilies Forget-me-Not--Blue Hosta--plain green & common green/white Lamb’s Ears/Stachys Lily of the Valley Lung Wort/Pulmonaria Obedient Plant/Physostegia Sedum --Dragon’s Blood Solomon’s Seal Violets/Viola Yucca--doesn’t transplant easily Shrubs Needed Boxwood Dogwood Euonymus Forsythia Holly/Ilex Hydrangea Japanese Maples Lilac Redbud Ground Covers Needed Bugle Weed/Ajuga Foam Flower/Tiarella Lamium Pachysandra Sweet Woodruff Vinca Native Plants Needed Gentian Jack-in-the-Pulpit Joe Pye Weed/Eupatorium Ranunculus Solomon’s Seal Trillium Milkweed/Asclepias Herbs Needed Basil Chamomile Dill Marjoram Parsley Sage Catmint/Nepeta Chives Lemon Balm Oregano Rosemary Thyme Invasive Plants Not Accepted English Ivy Goutweed Japanese Knotweed Ribbon Grass
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