English ® 2613 Web Site U.S. & Canada Toll-Free http://www.simplicity.com 1 - 8 8 8 -5 8 8 -2 7 0 0 1/4 Cutting Layouts pattern printed side down pattern printed side up ★ ✻ Sewing Directions See SPECIAL CUTTING NOTES FABRIC KEY RIGHT SIDE WRONG SIDE INTERFACING LINING E-mail e [email protected] Thank you for purchasing this Simplicity pattern. We have made every effort to provide you with a high quality product POSITION OF PATTERN PIECES MAY VARY SLIGHTLY ACCORDING TO YOUR PATTERN SIZE Read General Directions before you begin. Sewing procedures ITALICIZED in Sewing Directions are defined below: General Directions For Cutting PRE-SHRINK and iron all fabric. FOR DOUBLE THICKNESS-Fold fabric with RIGHT sides together. Pin pattern to WRONG side of fabric. OUTER INNER CLIP CURVES to make seams lie flat. Inner Curve - Make little clips, or snips, in the seam allowance just to, but not through, the stitching. Outer Curve - Cut little wedge-shaped notches from seam allowance. FOR SINGLE THICKNESS-Pin pattern to RIGHT side of fabric. shows a piece extending past fold, cut out all pieces except piece ★ Ifthatlayout extends. Open out fabric to single thickness. Cut extending piece on RIGHT side of fabric in position shown. small arrows along both selvages indicating direction of nap or design. ✻ Mark Fold fabric crosswise with RIGHT sides together, and cut along fold. Turn one CLIP CURVES fabric layer around so arrows on both layers go in the same direction. Place RIGHT sides together. DART SEAM- On INSIDE, bring broken lines together carefully matching small dots. Stitch along broken line from raw edge to point. A A ELEPHANT USE PIECES 1 2 B SELVAGES FOR EYES, CUT ONE EACH OF PIECES 3 4 FROM FELT REMNANTS IF PURCHASED EYES ARE NOT USED. 2 DART SEAM LADDER STITCH 1 LADDER STITCH - Using a strong thread, take a small stitch in one edge close to seam. Then take a small stitch in the other edge close to seam. Pull up thread after each stitch to bring edges together. Continue to alternate from edge to edge with the smallest handstitches possible. Knot thread securely at end of stitching. FOLD C B GIRAFFE USE PIECES 5 6 D FOR EYES, CUT ONE EACH OF PIECES 3 4 FROM FELT REMNANTS IF PURCHASED EYES ARE NOT USED. SELVAGES 5 SAFETY EYES/NOSE 6 10 pieces given STITCH - With RIGHT sides together, stitch in 1/4" (6mm) seams unless otherwise stated. Finger press seams open within seam allowance before crossing with another line of stitching. When stitching items to be stuffed, added strength can be given by using very close stitching (approximately 24 stitches per inch) or by stitching seams twice. FOLD 2 1 C PIG USE PIECES 7 8 6 3 STITCH SELVAGES 7 4 10 5 7 SAFETY EYES/NOSE - Reinforce eyes or nose area so that the plastic eyes and nose won’t pull through the fabric Cut 1” (2.5cm) circles from remnants of fusible interfacing. Fuse circles to WRONG side of head underneath small dots for eyes or nose, following manufacturer’s directions. To attach each eye or nose, using a sharp pointed object or an awl, poke a hole at small dots. Insert the eye or nose shank through the opening from OUTSIDE and on INSIDE secure in place with washer making sure it is on securely. 8 FOR EYES, CUT ONE EACH OF PIECES 3 4 FROM FELT REMNANTS IF PURCHASED EYES ARE NOT USED. STRAIGHT STITCH - For straight stitching, work with as many threads as desired and use a large eyed needle. Insert the threaded needle from the back of the project to the front at point A. Re-insert the needle at point B. B 8 9 FOLD A D CAT STRAIGHT STITCH USE PIECES 7 9 STUFF - Pull fiberfill apart and fluff it before you use it. Break apart the lumps and thick spots. This will help to create a smoother looking project. Use pieces about the size of a tennis ball. Pack into place using the end of a long handled wooden spoon or chop-stick. Pack firmly in place each time stuffing is added. Use both hands to mold and shape, being careful not to over stuff or make lopsided. SELVAGES 1-FRONT -A 2-BACK -A 3-EYE BASE AND PUPIL -A,B,C 4-EYEBALL 5-FRONT -B 6-BACK -B 7-FRONT -C,D 8-BACK -C 9-BACK -D 10-EYE BASE, PUPIL AND NOSE-D 7 FOR EYES, CUT ONE EACH OF PIECES 4 10 FROM FELT REMNANTS IF PURCHASED EYES ARE NOT USED. © Copyright 2009—Simplicity Pattern Co., Inc. / Printed in U.S.A. / Simplicity is a registered trademark of Simplicity Pattern Co., Inc. 9 FOLD STUFF English 2613 2/4 ELEPHANT A 7 7. STUFF elephant firmly, leaving area at leg and arm joints with very little stuffing to allow easy movement. LADDER STITCH opening closed. Tie ribbon around neck into a bow, as shown on front of envelope. Cut ends into a “V”. 1 8. If elephant is not used as a toy, using embroidery thread, work solid lines in a STRAIGHT STITCH or draw lines with a marking pen for eyelashes. Cut eye base and pupil from felt remnant of one color. Cut eyeball from felt remnant of second color. Transfer markings to RIGHT side of eyes. On OUTSIDE, glue or hand-sew eye base (3) to front at small dot, lapping edges over eyelashes. Glue or hand-sew eyeball (4) to eye base along broken lines. Glue or hand-sew pupil (3) to eyeball along broken lines. 1. STITCH center front seam of front sections. CLIP CURVES. 8 2 2. If elephant will be used as a toy, attach SAFETY EYES at small dots. GIRAFFE B 1 1. Make DART SEAM in front sections; press down. 3 3. If elephant will not be used as a toy, transfer markings for eyes and eyelashes to RIGHT side of front, using your favorite method. Felt eyes will be applied after project is finished. 2 2. STITCH center front seam of front sections. CLIP CURVES. 4 4. Make DART SEAM at lower edge in back sections; press toward center. STITCH center back seam of back sections, leaving an opening between notches for turning and stuffing. CLIP CURVES and to stitching at inner corners. 3 3. If giraffe will be used as a toy, attach SAFETY EYES at small dots. 5 5. With RIGHT sides together, pin front to back at outer edges, matching centers and small dots. STITCH. CLIP CURVES and to small dots at inner corners. 4 4. If giraffe will not be used as a toy, transfer markings for eyes and eyelashes to RIGHT side of front, using your favorite method. Felt eyes will be applied after project is finished. 6 6. Turn elephant RIGHT side out. Pin front to back together at base of each ear along stitching line. STITCH along each stitching line. © Copyright 2009—Simplicity Pattern Co., Inc. / Printed in U.S.A. / Simplicity is a registered trademark of Simplicity Pattern Co., Inc. 5 5. For horns, cut chenille cord in half. Make a knot at one end of each horn. On OUTSIDE, baste horn to top of front over large dot, having raw edges even. English 2613 3/4 12 12. If giraffe is not used as a toy, using embroidery thread, work solid lines in a STRAIGHT STITCH or draw lines with a marking pen for eyelashes. Cut eye base and pupil from felt remnant of one color. Cut eyeball from felt remnant of second color. Transfer markings to RIGHT side of eye. On OUTSIDE, glue or hand-sew eye base (3) to front at small dot, lapping edges over eyelashes. Glue or hand-sew eyeball (4) to eye base along broken lines. Glue or hand-sew pupil (3) to eyeball along broken lines. 6 6. Make DART SEAM at lower edge in back sections; press toward center. 7 8 7. On OUTSIDE, baste fringe to one back section along center back between small dots, having raw edges even. 1 PIG C 1. STITCH center front seam of front sections. CLIP CURVES. 8. STITCH center back seam of back sections, leaving an opening between notches for turning and stuffing. CLIP CURVES. 2. If pig will be used as a toy, attach SAFETY EYES at small dots and SAFETY NOSE at large dot. 2 9 3 3. If pig will not be used as a toy, transfer markings for eyes, eyelashes and nose to RIGHT side of front, using your favorite method. Felt eyes and button will be applied after project is finished. 9. With RIGHT sides together, pin front to back at outer edges, matching centers, small and large dots. STITCH. Trim corners. CLIP CURVES and to small dots at inner corners. 4 4. Make DART SEAM at lower edge in back sections; press toward center. STITCH center back seam of back sections, leaving an opening between notches for turning and stuffing. CLIP CURVES and to stitching at inner corners. 10 10. Turn giraffe RIGHT side out. Pin front to back together at base of each ear along stitching line. STITCH along each stitching line. 5 5. With RIGHT sides together, pin front to back at outer edges, matching centers and small dots. STITCH. CLIP CURVES and to small dots at inner corners. 11 11. STUFF giraffe firmly, leaving area at leg and arm joints with very little stuffing to allow easy movement. LADDER STITCH opening closed. Tie ribbon around neck into a bow, as shown on front of envelope. Cut ends into a “V”. © Copyright 2009—Simplicity Pattern Co., Inc. / Printed in U.S.A. / Simplicity is a registered trademark of Simplicity Pattern Co., Inc. 6 6. Turn pig RIGHT side out. Pin front to back together at base of each ear along stitching line. STITCH along each stitching line. English 2613 4/4 7 7 7. STUFF pig firmly, leaving area at leg and arm joints with very little stuffing to allow easy movement. LADDER STITCH opening closed. Tie ribbon around neck into a bow, as shown on front of envelope. Cut ends into a “V”. 7. With RIGHT sides together, pin front to back at outer edges, matching centers and small dots. STITCH. CLIP CURVES and to small dots at inner corners. 8. If pig is not used as a toy, using embroidery thread, work solid lines in a STRAIGHT STITCH or draw lines with a marking pen for eyelashes. Cut eye base and pupil from felt remnant of one color. Cut eyeball from felt remnant of second color. Transfer markings to RIGHT side of eye. On OUTSIDE, glue or hand-sew eye base (3) to front at small dot, lapping edges over eyelashes. Glue or hand-sew eyeball (4) to eye base along broken lines. Glue or hand-sew pupil (3) to eyeball along broken lines. Using a strong thread, sew button to face at large dot for snout. 8 1 8 8. Turn cat RIGHT side out. Pin front to back together at base of each ear along stitching line. STITCH along each stitching line. 2 CAT D NOTE: Whiskers are optional. 9 9. STUFF cat firmly, leaving area at leg and arm joints with very little stuffing to allow easy movement. LADDER STITCH opening closed. Tie ribbon around neck into a bow, as shown on front of envelope. Cut ends into a “V”. 1. STITCH center front seam of front sections. CLIP CURVES. 3 2. Transfer markings for mouth and whiskers to RIGHT side of front, using your favorite method. 3. If cat will be used as a toy, attach SAFETY EYES at small dots and SAFETY NOSE at large dot. 4 4. If cat will not be used as a toy, transfer markings for eyes, eyelashes and nose to RIGHT side of front, using your favorite method. Felt eyes and nose will be applied after project is finished. 10 5 5. Make DART SEAM at lower edge in back sections; press toward center. RUNNING STITCH 6 6. STITCH center back seam and tail of back sections, leaving an opening between notches for turning and stuffing. CLIP CURVES and to small dots at inner corners. © Copyright 2009—Simplicity Pattern Co., Inc. / Printed in U.S.A. / Simplicity is a registered trademark of Simplicity Pattern Co., Inc. 10. Using embroidery thread, work mouth in a STRAIGHT STITCH along solid line and along seam to large dot, as shown. Work whiskers along broken lines in a running stitch...OR use a marking pen for facial features. FOR RUNNING STITCH- Working from right to left, weave the needle in and out of the fabric at regular intervals. Keep the stitches uniform in size. If cat is not used as a toy, using embroidery thread, work solid lines in a STRAIGHT STITCH or draw lines with a marking pen for eyelashes. Cut eye base, pupil and nose from felt remnant of one color. Cut eyeball from felt remnant of second color. Transfer markings to RIGHT side of eye. On OUTSIDE, glue or hand-sew eye base (10) to front at small dot, lapping edges over eyelashes. Glue or hand-sew eyeball (4) to eye base along broken lines. Glue or hand-sew pupil (10) to eyeball along broken lines. Glue or hand-sew nose over large dot.
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