FCAT READING SKILL Determine the Method of Organization of a Reading 1. What to do and what to watch for: Look at the way the author of the passage or article has organized the information. Use a graphic organizer or Venn diagram to help you organize and visualize the information. a) Graphic organizers. A graphic organizer is a chart, drawing or visual way to organize information and details. It is easy to understand in a visual format. b) Venn diagrams. This is a visual way of organizing details for comparison contrast. For each of the common organizational patterns below, you will find a suggestion for a graphic organizer or Venn diagram to help you. 2. Time order. Tells order in time. This is the most common way of organizing information. Time order gives events in chronological order or the order in time in which they happened. Events in a time order passage can be shown on a timeline like the one below. Example: Timeline of a person’s life. 0 yrs. 1986 5 yrs. 1990 Born Start School 10 yrs 15 yrs 1996 2001 Music Lessons Soccer Team 20 yrs 25 yrs 2006 2011 Graduate High School Graduate College 3. Spatial order. Tells order in space. This is used to tell how something looks or where something is located. The details are presented in a logical order that makes sense. For example, top to bottom, left to right, back to front, etc. You can easily visualize the order in space. Sometimes it is a good idea to create a drawing of what you are reading to help you visualize special order. In the example below, imagine you have just read a description of spatial order. After the second or third sentence you it is difficult to visualize so much information. A drawing can help. Example: This sketch or table map organizes a description of the seating arrangements for dinner. Kitchen Door Mom Left Grandma Dad Grandpa Brother Sister Front Door Cassandra Yorke Department of Multicultural Education Right 4. Comparison/contrast patterns. Tells how two ideas or things are alike or how they differ. Sometimes something that is unknown will be compared and contrasted to something familiar to you. Example: This Venn diagram organizes information comparing and contrasting New Yorkers to Floridians. It shows both similarities and differences. NEW YORKERS BOTH INTELLIGENT CREATIVE DILIGENT SENSITIVE INTERESTING SELF-SUFFICIENT FOCUSED WORLDLY FASHIONABLE DIFFERENT __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ FLORIDIANS FRIENDLY HOSPITABLE RELAXED DIVERSE SAME DIFFERENT __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ 5. Cause/effect patterns. This method of organization describes something that happened (the effect), and the causes of the event or why it happened. There can be more than one cause and more than one effect. Here are two suggestions for organizing cause and effect for the example below. Example: After eating 6 hot dogs, 4 ice cream cones, and drinking 5 sodas in one hour, I got a stomachache. 6 Hot Dogs CAUSE 5 Sodas CAUSE EFFECT-Stomachache 4 Ice Creams CAUSE All In One Hour CAUSE Cassandra Yorke Department of Multicultural Education CAUSES + 6 Hot dogs + 4 Ice creams + 5 Sodas + All in one hour ____________________ = CAUSE Why? 6 hot dogs 4 ice creams 5 sodas in one hour EVENT #1 EFFECT-Stomachache EFFECT What Happened? I got a stomachache. EFFECT This happened I got a stomachache. EVENT #2 EVENT #2 CAUSE For this reason 6 hot dogs 4 ice creams 5 sodas in one hour EVENT #1 In both of the graphics above, EVENT #1 is the CAUSE, because it happened first in time, and EVENT #2 is the EFFECT, because it happened second in time. Cassandra Yorke Department of Multicultural Education Name ________________________________ DETERMINE THE METHOD OF ORGANIZATION OF A READING TIME ORDER/CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER SCHEDULE for _________________________________________ Chronological order uses days, dates or times, like a schedule or timeline. Identify the column or row labels to create a schedule (Examples: Time, date, year, event, day, start time or end time, etc.) and use as many columns & lines as you need. Cassandra Yorke Department of Multicultural Education Name ________________________________ DETERMINE METHOD OF ORGANIZATION OF A READING TIME ORDER/CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER TIMELINE for _______________________________________ Identify the chronological order in the reading. Chronological order uses days, dates, yeas, times, etc. Cassandra Yorke Department of Multicultural Education Name ________________________________ DETERMINE THE METHOD OF ORGANIZATION OF A READING SIGNAL WORDS for TIME ORDER/CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER Title/Topic/Text_________________________________________ Signal words are important in understanding chronological or time order. Identify the events and the signal words in your reading. SIGNAL WORD(S): SIGNAL WORD(S): 2. 1. SIGNAL WORD(S): 6. SIGNAL WORD(S): 3. SIGNAL WORD(S): 5. Cassandra Yorke Department of Multicultural Education SIGNAL WORD(S): 4. Name ________________________________ DETERMINE METHOD OF ORGANIZATION OF A READING TIME ORDER/CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER Identify the time order of the main events in the reading. First, Second, Third, Next, After that, Then, Finally, Cassandra Yorke Department of Multicultural Education Name ________________________________ DETERMINE THE METHOD OF ORGANIZATION OF A READING CHRONOLOGICAL/TIME ORDER Title/Topic/Text_________________________________________ TIME LINE INTERVAL GRAPH Identify an interval of time and chart the order of events during that limited interval of time. TIME INTERVAL EVENTS ______________ IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER 1___________________________________ 2___________________________________ 3___________________________________ 4___________________________________ 5___________________________________ 6___________________________________ 7___________________________________ 8___________________________________ 9___________________________________ 10__________________________________ 11__________________________________ 12__________________________________ 13__________________________________ 14__________________________________ Cassandra Yorke Department of Multicultural Education Name ________________________________ DETERMINE THE METHOD OF ORGANIZATION OF A READING Chronological/Time Order Story/History/Observation Frame Title/Topic/Text________________________________ In this story (period of history, observation), the problem (experiment, event) begins when________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ After this, ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Next, _______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Then,_______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ The problem (experiment, event) is finally solved (resolved, completed) __________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ The story (period of history, observation), ends ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Cassandra Yorke Department of Multicultural Education Name ________________________________ DETERMINE THE METHOD OF ORGANIZATION OF A READING SPATIAL ORDER Spatial order tells the order of things in a physical space. Spatial order tells how something looks or where things are located. The details are presented in a logical order that makes sense. For example, top to bottom, left to right, back to front, etc. You can easily visualize the order in space, and translate it to a drawing. Title/Topic/Text________________________________ Work with a partner or another group. Each identifies a scene or picture to describe in such a way that it can be visualized and drawn easily. Write three sentences explaining where everything in your scene is located in space. Read your sentences slowly to your partner/group while he/she/they draw a picture of what you are reading. Then change places. 1___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 2___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 3___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Cassandra Yorke Department of Multicultural Education Name ________________________________ DETERMINE THE METHOD OF ORGANIZATION OF A READING SPATIAL ORDER Spatial order tells the order of things in a physical space. Spatial order tells where things are located. For example, the directions are near the top of the page, the drawings are in the middle, and under each drawing are 3 blank sentence spaces. Write 3 different sentences for each picture, telling spatial order. 1 ______________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ 2 ______________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ 3 ______________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ 1______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 2______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 3______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 1 _________________________________ ___________________________________ 2 _________________________________ ___________________________________ 3 _________________________________ ___________________________________ Cassandra Yorke Department of Multicultural Education 1__________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ 2__________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ 3__________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ 1_______________________________ ________________________________ 2_______________________________ ________________________________ 3_______________________________ ________________________________ Name ________________________________ DETERMINE THE METHOD OF ORGANIZATION OF A READING SPATIAL ORDER Spatial order tells the order of things in a physical space. Spatial order tells where things are located. For example, these directions are near the top of the page, the drawings are in the middle, and under each drawing are 3 blank sentence spaces. Title/Topic/Text____________________________________ Use a picture, a picture from your text/story or your surroundings, and write to tell where people and things are located in space. (Hint: Use prepositions for location or position.) above at beyond near throughout upside down across behind by off to within Cassandra Yorke Department of Multicultural Education against below down on under along beneath from out underneath among beside in over up around between into through upon Name ________________________________ DETERMINE THE METHOD OF ORGANIZATION OF A READING COMPARISON/CONTRAST PATTERNS A Comparison/contrast pattern tells how two ideas, places, people or things are alike and how they differ. Something that is unknown can be compared and contrasted to something familiar. Example: This Venn diagram organizes information comparing and contrasting Team A and Team B. It shows both similarities and differences. TEAM A FAST EXPERIENCED CONDITIONED SAME INTELLIGENT SERIOUS DILIGENT TEAM B TALL AGILE TALENTED Title/Topic/Text________________________________ DIFFERENT SAME DIFFFERENT ___________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Cassandra Yorke Department of Multicultural Education Name ________________________________ DETERMINE THE METHOD OF ORGANIZATION OF A READING COMPARE & CONTRAST (People, Places, Ideas, Things) Title/Topic/Text________________________________ DIFFERENT SAME DIFFERENT D D D D D Cassandra Yorke Department of Multicultural Education Name ________________________________ DETERMINE THE METHOD OF ORGANIZATION OF A READING COMPARE & CONTRAST: THEN & NOW Title/Topic/Text________________________________ THEN Cassandra Yorke Department of Multicultural Education NOW Name ________________________________ DETERMINE THE METHOD OF ORGANIZATION OF A READING THREE-WAY COMPARISON/CONTRAST Title/Topic/Text________________________________ A only B only ______________________ A and B ___________________ ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ____________________ __________________ ________________________ A and B and C _____________________ ___________________ __________________________ ________________ ________________ ___________________________ ______________ ______________ ____________________________ ____________ _____________ ____________________________ __________ ___________ ____________________________ _________ __________ ____________________________ ________ ____________________________ _______ A and C only ____________________________ B and C only _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________ C only ________________________________________ ____________________________________ _______________________________ ________________________ Cassandra Yorke Department of Multicultural Education Name______________________________ DETERMINE THE METHOD OF ORGANIZATION OF A READING TITLE/TOPIC_____________________________ EVENT #1: What happened FIRST? EVENT #2: What happened SECOND? Cassandra Yorke Department of Multicultural Education EVENT #2: What happened SECOND? EVENT #1: What happened FIRST? Name______________________________ DETERMINE THE METHOD OF ORGANIZATION OF A READING TITLE/TOPIC_____________________________ CAUSE (Reason) Why? CAUSE (Reason) Why? CAUSE (Reason) Why? Cassandra Yorke Department of Multicultural Education EFFECT (Result) What Happened? EFFECT (Result) What Happened? EFFECT (Result) What Happened? Name__________________________________________________ DETERMINE THE METHOD OF ORGANIZATION OF A READING TITLE/TOPIC: ____________________________________________ EFFECT WITH SEVERAL CAUSES Cause #1 Cause #2 Cause #3 Cause #4 What Happened? Cause #5 Cassandra Yorke Department of Multicultural Education Cause #6 Name__________________________________________________ DETERMINE THE METHOD OF ORGANIZATION OF A READING TITLE/TOPIC: ____________________________________________ CAUSE WITH SEVERAL EFFECTS Effect#1 Effect #2 Cause Effect #3 Effect #5 Cassandra Yorke Department of Multicultural Education Effect #4 Effect #6 Name______________________________ DETERMINE THE METHOD OF ORGANIZATION OF A READING TITLE/TOPIC: ____________________________________________ CAUSE & EFFECT Cause ____________________________ Effect _____________________________ ____________________________ _____________________________ Cause ____________________________ Effect _____________________________ ____________________________ _____________________________ Cause ____________________________ Effect _____________________________ ____________________________ _____________________________ Cause ____________________________ Effect _____________________________ ____________________________ _____________________________ Cause ____________________________ Effect _____________________________ ____________________________ _____________________________ Cause ____________________________ Effect _____________________________ ____________________________ _____________________________ Cause ____________________________ Effect _____________________________ ____________________________ _____________________________ Cassandra Yorke Department of Multicultural Education Name _________________________ IDENTIFYING ORGANIZATIONAL PATTERNS: READING LOG Log the readings you have completed, and indicate the main organizational pattern of each reading. ☼Chronological Order ☼ Description ☼Spatial Order Title Of Reading Author Cassandra Yorke Department of Multicultural Education ☼Problem &Solution ☼Comparison/Contrast ☼Cause & Effect Organizational Pattern Clues & Example (From Reading) Date
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