This Budget will deliver greater power to large, transnational corporations at the expense of Australian workers. From austerity in Europe to sweatshops in Bangladesh, this strategy is a global race to the bottom. Union In a global economy, workers in poor countries have borne the brunt of these kinds of policies. Aid Abroad APHEDA 30 years of solidarity Since 1984 Our struggle here in Australia – for fair working conditions, for a clean environment and for a dignified old age – is part of a struggle taking place everywhere. This Budget will deliver greater power to large, transnational corporations at the expense of Australian workers. From austerity in Europe to sweatshops in Bangladesh, this strategy is a global race to the bottom. Union In a global economy, workers in poor countries have borne the brunt of these kinds of policies. Our struggle here in Australia – for fair working conditions, for a clean environment and for a dignified old age – is part of a struggle taking place everywhere. Aid Abroad APHEDA 30 years of solidarity Since 1984 Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA is the aid agency Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA is committed to justice and to self reliance, not charity. It connects Australian unionists of Australian unions. It exists so that we can extend our solidarity beyond our shores, and connect with workers everywhere. I want to do more. I want to join Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA I PLEDGE THE FOLLOWING EACH MONTH: $10 $25 $50 $100 Other $_____ ( min.$10 ) YES, I would like free membership of Union Aid Abroad (for the life of my donation) and agree to be bound by the rules of the Association. Title Ms Mr Mrs Miss Dr (please circle) Other with workers and their organisations in South East Asia, the Pacific, the Middle East, and Southern Africa. Join Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA today and make our fight for justice here a fight for justice everywhere. PAYMENT: a] Credit Card Card no | | | | |–| MasterCard | | | |–| | Visa | | |–| | | | | Expiry Date | m | m |–| y | y | Card holder name Signature OR Date b] Direct Debit Fin. Inst. Branch Name on account First name Last name Address Postcode Phone: (w) (h/m) BSB no | | | |–| Acc No | | | | | | | | | | | | Signature | Date By signing this Direct Debit request you acknowledge having read and endorsed the terms and conditions governing the debit arrangements between you and APHEDA Inc. as set out at site/privacy.html. Donations to Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA are tax deductible. Email Contact us: FREECALL 1800 888 674 | Fax 02 9261 1118 | [email protected] Union Staff Union member Your Union Year of Birth: Please complete this form and post/fax to Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA, Level 3, 377-383 Sussex St, Sydney NSW 2000 Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA is the aid agency Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA is committed to justice and to self reliance, not charity. It connects Australian unionists of Australian unions. It exists so that we can extend our solidarity beyond our shores, and connect with workers everywhere. I want to do more. I want to join Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA I PLEDGE THE FOLLOWING EACH MONTH: $10 $25 $50 $100 Other $_____ ( min.$10 ) YES, I would like free membership of Union Aid Abroad (for the life of my donation) and agree to be bound by the rules of the Association. Title Ms Mr Mrs Miss Dr (please circle) Other Last name Address Postcode (h/m) PAYMENT: a] Credit Card Card no | | | | |–| MasterCard | | | |–| | Visa | | |–| | | | Expiry Date | m | m |–| y | y | Card holder name Signature OR Date b] Direct Debit Fin. Inst. Branch BSB no | | | |–| Acc No | | | | Signature | | | | | | | | | Date By signing this Direct Debit request you acknowledge having read and endorsed the terms and conditions governing the debit arrangements between you and APHEDA Inc. as set out at site/privacy.html. Donations to Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA are tax deductible. Email Your Union Join Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA today and make our fight for justice here a fight for justice everywhere. Name on account First name Phone: (w) with workers and their organisations in South East Asia, the Pacific, the Middle East, and Southern Africa. Contact us: FREECALL 1800 888 674 | Fax 02 9261 1118 | [email protected] Union Staff Union member Year of Birth: Please complete this form and post/fax to Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA, Level 3, 377-383 Sussex St, Sydney NSW 2000 |
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