16th March 2015 DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT PANEL Case No: 1401464FUL (FULL PLANNING APPLICATION) Proposal: CHANGE OF USE OF BARNS AND MANEGE TO COMMERCIAL STUD USE, ALTERATIONS TO BARNS TO PROVIDE STABLES, PROVISION OF NEW DWELLING FOR STUD MANAGER AND REMOVAL OF TIMBER FRAMED 'L' SHAPED STABLES FROM THEIR CURRENT POSITION. (REVISED DESCRIPTION AND PLANS) Location: WORNDITCH FARM STATION ROAD KIMBOLTON PE28 0JN Applicant: ARAGON HOUSE STUD Grid Ref: 509370 268470 Date of Registration: 23.10.2014 Parish: KIMBOLTON RECOMMENDATION - REFUSE This application has been referred to Development Management Panel because of Member Call in Councillor Gray has called in the application on the following grounds: 1) It is an appropriate and sustainable investment supporting business development in the countryside and investing in our rural economy. 2) That the proposed development is of high quality, respects the landscape and integrates with its setting. 3) Makes use of an existing stud/stable premises. 4) Objections relating to ownership/use could be controlled by conditions. 1. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND APPLICATION 1.1 The application relates to Wornditch Farmhouse and agricultural buildings located on the B660 road with access also gained from Tilbrook Road. The boundary to the highway is defined by hedgerow. The site falls away from the highway with the existing dwelling set on lower ground. On entering the site from Station Road to the west set back from the highway lies a timber stable block, then buildings of an agricultural appearance with associated hard standing and beyond this the existing dwelling. 1.2 Wornditch Farm is Grade II listed and the Granary building to the north of Wornditch Farm dwelling and to the south west of the agricultural buildings is also separately listed (Grade II). 1.3 The area of the site the subject of this application lies in Flood Zone 1 of the Environment Agency Flood Maps. 1.4 The proposal seeks the removal of the existing timber stables, erection of a new three bedroom dwelling (to be occupied by the Stud Manager (the applicants)), alteration to the existing agricultural buildings to form stables (16 stables, feed area, tack area, wash area, store area and 2 foal yards) and change of use of barn and manege to commercial stud. 1.5 It is noted that a residential curtilage is not shown in association with the dwelling. 1.6 It is intended that the listed building would be sold to fund the proposed development. 1.7 The submission indicates that the proposal would generate employment for 2 employees. 1.8 Aragon House Stud is detailed as a specialist stud specialising in breeding a very small number of high quality horses typically dressage and/or dual purpose sports horses, which was founded in 2010. The applicants supply high quality international level sports horses to professional riders. 1.9 The supporting information indicates that it is necessary to adapt Wornditch Farm in order to return the business (Aragon House Stud) from Germany (relocated due to site limitations and costs) to Huntingdonshire and allow for growth that will also benefit the local economy and community. The proposal indicates that the business has invested in a mare herd and experienced growth during 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 and it is anticipated that the business shall break even in Year five of trading. 1.10 A business plan has been submitted in support of the application. 1.11 Since the submission of this application additional information has been received in respect of vehicle movements associated with the proposal. There would be vehicle movements associated with staff (two members of staff travel to and from work), feed merchant (once a week), farrier (every two months), bedding delivery (every three months), muck heap removal (every three months), vet visits (once a month outside of stud season and three times a week during stud season) and approximately 12 client visits a year. 2. NATIONAL GUIDANCE 2.1 The National Planning Policy Framework (2012) Paragraph 7 Achieving sustainable development Paragraph 17 Core Planning Principles Section 3 Supporting a prosperous rural economy Section 4 Promoting sustainable transport Section 6 Delivering a wide choice of high quality homes Section 7 Requiring good design Section 12 Conserving and enhancing the historic environment 3. PLANNING POLICIES 3.1 Saved policies from the Huntingdonshire Local Plan (1995) • E8: “Small Scale Employment Generating Development” • • • • • • • • 3.2 Saved policies from the Huntingdonshire Local Plan Alterations (2002) • 3.3 HL5 - Quality and Density of Development Adopted Huntingdonshire Local Development Framework Core Strategy (2009) • • • 3.4 E10: “Reuse of Buildings in Rural Areas” En2:"Character and setting of Listed Buildings" En18: "Protection of countryside features" En25: "General Design Criteria" H23: “Outside Settlements” H31: "Residential privacy and amenity standards" R2:”Recreation and Leisure Provision” R13:”Countryside Recreation” CS1: "Sustainable development in Huntingdonshire" CS3: "The Settlement Hierarchy" CS10: "Contributions to Infrastructure Requirements" Draft Huntingdonshire Local Plan to 2036: Stage 3 (2013) • • • • • • • • • • Policy LP 1 Strategy and principles for development Policy LP 10 Development in Small Settlements Policy LP 11 The Relationship Between the Built-up Area and the Countryside Policy LP 13 Quality of Design Policy LP 15 Ensuring a High Standard of Amenity Policy LP 17 Sustainable Travel Policy LP 18 Parking Provision Policy LP 21 Rural Economy Policy LP 26 Homes in the Countryside Policy LP 31 Heritage Assets and their Settings 3.5 Huntingdonshire Design Guide (2007) 3.6 Huntingdonshire Landscape and Townscape Assessment (2007) 3.7 Developer Contributions SPD Local policies are viewable at https://www.huntingdonshire.gov.uk 4. PLANNING HISTORY 4.1 Recent planning history includes: 1002089FUL - Horse walker and equine manege for personal use only - planning permission granted 5. CONSULTATIONS 5.1 Parish Council – Following the receipt of additional details recommend refusal (copy attached) 5.2 HDC Environmental Health (contaminated land officer) - Our records show that this site previously held a petroleum licence, therefore it is likely that fuel (petrol and/or diesel) and oil has been stored on this site at some time in the past and there could have been leakages from the underground storage tank, distribution pipe-work or spillages of other substances such as lubricants, anti-freeze, oil etc. The site also had agricultural use which is associated with contaminants such as agrochemicals, fertilizers, etc and the site is proposed to be residential. If minded to approve the application, would recommend a condition that ensures that there is no residual contamination from the previous use that may impact on the future occupiers of the development. 5.3 HDC Environmental Health (public protection)- There will not be a large increase in numbers of horses coming to the stables and it is intended that the muck heap is sited on the other side of the stable buildings away from the direction of nearby residential properties in Montagu Gardens. Taking this into account we do not have any concerns regarding odour from horse waste. 5.4 CCC Highway Authority - Having looked through the information submitted, the proposed vehicle movements to the stud “given that it is already an operating stable” are not sufficiently different enough to require any modification of the access or raise concern of the access use. Given this I have no objections to that proposed. 6. REPRESENTATIONS 6.1 None received 7. ASSESSMENT 7.1 Paragraph 215 of the NPPF requires that '...due weight should be given to relevant policies in existing plans according to their degree of consistency with this framework (the closer the policies in the plan to the policies in the Framework, the greater the weight that may be given). 7.2 Paragraph 216 states that '…decision-takers may also give weight to relevant policies in emerging plans according to: *the stage of preparation of the emerging plan (the more advanced the preparation, the greater the weight that may be given); *the extent to which there are unresolved objections to relevant policies (the less significant the unresolved objections, the greater the weight that may be given); and *the degree of consistency of the relevant policies in the emerging plan to the policies in this Framework (the closer the policies in the emerging plan to the policies in the Framework, the greater the weight that may be given) The main issues to consider are: • • • • • the principle of development (i) commercial element including change of use and erection of stables and (ii) new residential dwelling impact on the character and appearance of the area and impact on the setting of the listed building, impact on amenity, parking and highway safety contributions Principle 7.3 Paragraph 7 of the National Planning Policy Framework details the three dimensions of sustainable development. Paragraph 17 states that planning should proactively drive and support sustainable economic development. 7.4 Paragraph 28 of the National Planning Policy framework states that planning policies should support economic growth in rural areas. The Local Plan supports the establishment and expansion of small businesses subject to traffic and environmental considerations (policy E7), and will normally support the reuse of buildings in rural area to create employment subject to (i) the building being of a form, bulk and general design in keeping with its surroundings and of substantial construction requiring no major adaptation or addition to be put to the proposed use and (ii) there being no overriding objection on traffic or environmental grounds (policy E10). Policy CS1 of the Core Strategy is also supportive of proposals which support the local economy. 7.5 This proposal seeks the use of the site for a commercial stud (the business currently operates in Germany); through a change of use of the land and the erection of suitable stable buildings (the submission indicates that the existing buildings are to be altered but it would appear that these buildings would require major alterations to form the proposed stable buildings). 7.6 Policy En17 of the Local Plan restricts development in the countryside to that which is essential to the efficient operation of local agriculture, horticulture, forestry, permitted mineral extraction, outdoor recreation or public utility services. Policy LP21 supports equine related developments in the countryside. 7.7 To facilitate the commercial element of the proposal and development of new stables are required and the applicants have sought a change of use of the land. There is no in principle objections to the proposed stable development and change of use of the land identified for a commercial stud. 7.8 The proposed commercial element of this application is considered to comply with policies E7 and in part with policy En17 of the Local Plan, policy CS1 of the Adopted Core Strategy, and Draft Policy LP21 of the Local Plan to 2036: Stage 3. These policies are consistent with the emphasis in the National Planning Policy Framework which seeks to support sustainable economic development and promote the development and diversification of land based rural businesses, particularly paragraphs 17, and 28. However, policies within the emerging Local Plan may be subject to change and therefore limited weight can be attributed to policy LP21. Residential dwelling 7.9 Paragraph 55 of the National Planning Policy framework states that Local planning authorities should avoid new isolated homes in the countryside unless there are special circumstances such as: *the essential need for a rural worker to live permanently at or near their place of work in the countryside; or *where such development would represent the optimal viable use of a heritage asset or would be appropriate enabling development to secure the future of heritage assets; or *where the development would re-use redundant or disused buildings and lead to an enhancement to the immediate setting; or *the exceptional quality or innovative nature of the design of the dwelling. 7.10 Policy CS3 of the Core Strategy sets out the scale of housing developments appropriate on unallocated sites within the built up area. All other areas are considered as part of the countryside and residential development will be strictly limited to that which has an essential need to be located in the countryside. Policy LP11 of the Draft Local Plan also sets out the relationship between the built up area and the countryside. New homes in the countryside will require special justification for planning permission to be granted. 7.11 Policy H23 of the Local Plan states that there will be a general presumption against development outside environmental limits with the exception of dwellings required for the efficient management of agriculture, forestry and horticulture. Policy LP23 of the Draft Local Plan states that a proposal that includes the creation of a new home in the countryside will only be supported where: a. there is an essential need for a rural worker to live permanently at or near their place of work; or b. it helps meet an established need for affordable housing; or c. the proposal would represent the optimal viable use of a heritage asset or would be appropriate enabling development to secure the future of a heritage asset; or the proposal would re-use an existing building; or d. the design of the home is of exceptional quality or is truly innovative in nature. 7.12 These policies are considered to be consistent with the NPPF, particularly paragraph 55 which seeks to promote sustainable development in rural areas. However, policies within the emerging Local Plan may be subject to change and therefore limited weight can be attributed to policies LP11 and LP26. 7.13 The application seeks the erection of a stud managers dwelling on the site, to be located closer to the access with Station Road than the existing listed building. The drawings show that the proposed floor area would be 251.2 sq metres. The agent has advised that the listed building would be sold to finance the construction of the new dwelling and stables. The submission indicates that the building would be highly insulated with energy efficient appliances, sanitary fittings and lighting, as well as ground source heating, rainwater harvesting and photovoltaic solar panels. 7.14 The applicants are seeking to construct an energy efficient dwelling, having considered the submission details it is not considered that this application demonstrates that there is an essential need for a new dwelling to be located on the application site in the countryside to be used as a Stud Managers dwelling. The intention is that the applicants would move out of the listed building and into the new dwelling and it is understood that there are high maintenance costs associated with the listed building. However whilst noting this concern, as the applicants already have a dwelling available on site, there is no essential need for a new dwelling. An additional dwelling in this location would not promote sustainable development. 7.15 This proposal would present the opportunity to bring employment back to the local area. No objection is raised to the commercial element of this proposal. However there is no essential need for a new dwelling in order to facilitate this. The potential for increased local employment does not outweigh the in principle policy objection. 7.16 The proposal is contrary to policies En17 and H23 of the Local Plan, policy CS3 of the Adopted Core Strategy and policies LP11 and LP26 of the Draft Local Plan to 2036 and the NPPF. Impact on the character and appearance of the area and setting of the listed building Design: 7.17 Paragraphs 58, 60 and 61 of the NPPF states amongst other issues that development should respond to the local character and history, promote or enforce local distinctiveness and ensure connections between people and places and integration of new development into the natural, built and historic environment. 7.18 The proposed dwelling is a part two storey and single storey half hipped barn style dwelling. The proposed dwelling has been designed to sit in the landscape so that the elevation to the highway does not appear to be two storey in form. 7.19 However the building would still appear prominent in the landscape, due to its siting closer to the highway than the existing stable building and height of the building. Whilst noting the dwelling has been designed to appear as an agricultural building, it is not considered that the appearance of this building is necessarily characteristic of the locality, particularly when considering the inclusion of the half hips. In addition the fenestration has an overly domestic appearance. 7.20 As there is no essential need for a dwelling, the proposal results in unnecessary development in the countryside and would harm the character and appearance of the rural area. 7.21 The proposal would be contrary to policy En25 of the Local plan, policy HL5 of the Local Plan Alteration 2002, policy CS1 of the Adopted Core Strategy, Draft Policy LP13 of the Local Plan to 2036: Stage 3 and the Design Guide. These policies are consistent with the emphasis in the National Planning Policy Framework on the importance of good design, and the protection of local distinctiveness, particularly paragraphs 17, 58, 60 and 61. However, policies within the emerging Local Plan may be subject to change and this therefore limits the weight that can be attributed to policy LP13. Stable buildings: 7.22 The proposed stable buildings seek to replace the existing agricultural buildings close to the listed building. These buildings are to be reorientated by 90 degrees. There are no principle objections to the appearance of these buildings and given the location and scale of the buildings, compared to the existing buildings these are not considered to harm the character and appearance of the rural area. 7.23 The proposal would comply with policy En25 of the Local plan, policy CS1 of the Adopted Core Strategy, Draft Policy LP13 of the Local Plan to 2036: Stage 3 and the Design Guide. These policies are consistent with the emphasis in the National Planning Policy Framework on the importance of good design, and the protection of local distinctiveness, particularly paragraphs 17, 58, 60 and 61. However, policies within the emerging Local Plan may be subject to change and this therefore limits the weight that can be attributed to policy LP13. Impact on the setting of the listed buildings: 7.24 Wornditch Farm, the Granary and Brittens Farm (adjacent to the site to the south) are all grade II listed. 7.25 S.66 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 states that in considering whether to grant planning permission for development which affects a listed building or its setting, the local planning authority shall have special regard to the desirability of preserving the building or its setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest which it possesses. 7.26 Given the siting of the proposed dwelling and relationship with the existing listed buildings, the new dwelling would preserve the setting of the listed building. 7.27 The stables building would be located further away from the listed granary on the site than the present building. The addition of these stables and removal of the existing buildings would preserve the setting of the listed buildings. 7.28 With regards to paragraph 131 of the NPPF the development is not considered to harm the designated heritage assets. 7.29 On the basis of the information submitted, the proposal fulfils the requirements under Section 66 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 and complies with Policy En2 of the Local Plan and Draft Policy LP31 of the Local Plan to 2036: Stage 3. These policies are consistent with the emphasis in the National Planning Policy Framework in terms of conserving and enhancing the historic environment, particularly paragraphs 17, and 131. Impact on amenity: 7.30 The closest neighbour is located to the south of the site, has its own separate access and the separation distance of the existing buildings is approximately 15.5 metres to the common boundary. Having regard to the site’s location, nature of the proposed use and relationship with neighbour properties the proposed commercial use and development (erection of a dwelling and stables is not considered to have a significant detrimental impact on amenity. 7.31 In terms of horse waste, should the application have been recommended for approval, the location of the muck heap could have been secured via the imposition of a planning condition to ensure the amenity of neighbouring properties would not be harmed. 7.32 The proposal is considered to comply with policy H31 of the Local Plan and LP15 of the Draft Local Plan to 2036 and the NPPF. The local plan policies are considered to be consistent with the core planning principle in the National Planning Policy Framework (paragraph 17) of securing a good standard of amenity for all existing and future occupants of land and buildings. However, the policies within the emerging Local Plan may be subject to change and therefore limited weight can be attributed to this policy. Parking and Highway: 7.33 Neither local or national Planning policy requires a defined number of parking spaces to be provided for any given use or development, each proposal is to be assessed on its own merits having regard to the criteria detailed in policy LP18 of the Draft Local Plan. The application form states that four parking spaces are available on site at present and there will be no change. There is already a relatively large area of hardstanding on site; it is considered that a sufficient amount of space is available on site for parking to take place. 7.34 The submission indicates that the existing access is to be used. The applicant has provided additional information relating to vehicle movements to and from the site. This information has been reviewed by the Highway Authority. The Highway Authority advises that given that it is already an operating stable the proposed vehicle movements are not sufficiently different enough to require any modification of the access or raise concern of the access use. No objections are raised. 7.35 Since the consideration of this information the applicant has advised that there would be one additional full time worker on a daily basis, leading to a total of two members of staff being employed in addition to the applicants. A further consultation has been sent to the Highway Authority to consider this information. It is officer opinion that this is unlikely to change the view of the Highway Authority, however a further update shall be provided to this report once these comments are received. 7.36 The proposal complies with policy E7 of the Local Plan, and policies LP18 and LP17 of the Draft Huntingdonshire Local Plan to 2036: Stage 3 (2013). These policies are consistent with the NPPF paragraph 32 that requires safe and suitable access to the site for all people, the policies within the emerging Local Plan may be subject to change and therefore limited weight can be attributed to this policy. Contamination: 7.37 Noting the comments received from Environmental Health, should the application have been recommended for approval a condition would be required to ensure potential contamination is appropriately considered. 7.38 The imposition of a planning condition would ensure the proposal complies with paragraph 109 of the NPPF, which seeks to prevent new and existing development from contributing to or being put at unacceptable risk from, or being adversely affected by unacceptable levels of soil, air, water or noise pollution or land instability. Bin Contributions: 7.39 The applicant has completed the Wheeled Bin Contribution Unilateral Undertaking. The proposal therefore complies with the Developer Contribution SPD which requires the provision of waste storage containers (wheeled bins) to meet new residential needs. Other Matters: 7.40 The Parish Council has recommended refusal of this application based upon concerns regarding asbestos within the building and lack of Environmental Impact Assessment. Given the scale and nature of the development an Environmental Impact Assessment is not required for this application. Concerns over asbestos are noted however this is a matter which the Health and Safety Executive would regulate. Conclusion: 7.41 The application as submitted cannot be supported, as it results in development in the countryside, namely the erection of a dwelling for which there is not an essential need. The application fails to demonstrate that there are any material considerations that outweigh this policy objection. In addition the scale, siting and design of the dwelling would harm the character and appearance of the rural area. 7.42 Taking national and local planning policies into account, and having regard for all relevant material considerations, it is therefore recommended that planning permission be refused 8. RECOMMENDATION – REFUSE for the following reasons. 1. The application has failed to demonstrate an essential need for a dwelling in this countryside location. The applicant’s already benefit from a dwelling on the site, a new dwelling is not considered essential development having regard to planning policy to operate the applicants business from this rural site. The proposal is contrary to policies En17 and H23 of the Local plan, policy CS1 of the Adopted Core Strategy, Draft Policies LP11 and LP26 of the Local Plan to 2036: Stage 3, and paragraphs 7 and 55 of the NPPF. 2. The scale and positioning of the proposed dwelling in a prominent location close to the front boundary of the site would be uncharacteristic of the area and the design, with overly domestic fenestration detailing would harm the character and appearance of this rural area. The proposal is contrary to policy En25 of the Local plan, policy HL5 of the Local Plan Alteration 2002, policy CS1 of the Adopted Core Strategy, Draft Policy LP13 of the Local Plan to 2036: Stage 3, paragraphs 17, 58, 60 and 61 of the NPPF and the Design Guide. If you would like a translation of this document, a large text version or an audio version, please contact us on 01480 388388 and we will try to accommodate your needs. CONTACT OFFICER: Enquiries about this report to Michelle Nash Development Management Officer 01480 388405 To: DevelopmentControl[[email protected]]; Subject: Planning Responses Sent: Fri 1/23/2015 9:53:33 AM From: Kimbolton Parish Council boundary="----=_NextPart_000_007E_01D036F2.73AC6D90" X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook 15.0 Thread-Index: AdA28ChN1owvU0oKSUGlGq1KgOObzw== Content-Language: en-gb Return-Path: [email protected] X-MS-Exchange-Organization-AuthSource: PFH-EXCAS1.hdc.local X-MS-Exchange-Organization-AuthAs: Anonymous X-EXCLAIMER-MD-CONFIG: c8bc902d-8758-4d43-93f8-e1be0c6bf8e2 X-Auto-Response-Suppress: DR, OOF, AutoReply My Council considered the following planning applications at their meeting last night and their views are as stated:- 1401464 Wornditch Farm – amended application. There was considerable discussion on this application and, notwithstanding our previous acceptance of the application, Council resolved to recommend refusal due to a lack of a full environmental impact assessment relating to asbestos, which is known to feature in the existing construction. 1401602 White Horse, Stow Rd – revised application for 4 dwellings. This was thought to be much improved on the original application, but there were still concerns about the height of the proposed dwellings, which appeared to be more overbearing than overlooking. The comments of the occupier of 17 Aragon Place should be taken into account, but it was recommended that the application be Lionel Thatcher Clerk to the Council To: DevelopmentControl[[email protected]]; Sent: Fri 10/31/2014 8:54:08 AM From: Kimbolton Parish Council boundary="----=_NextPart_000_000D_01CFF4E8.3B6C7F70" X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.5931 Disposition-Notification-To: Kimbolton Parish Council <[email protected]> X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.6157 X-Antivirus: avast! (VPS 141030-1, 30/10/2014), Outbound message X-Antivirus-Status: Clean Return-Path: [email protected] X-MS-Exchange-Organization-AuthSource: PFH-EXCAS1.hdc.local X-MS-Exchange-Organization-AuthAs: Anonymous X-EXCLAIMER-MD-CONFIG: c8bc902d-8758-4d43-93f8-e1be0c6bf8e2 X-Auto-Response-Suppress: DR, OOF, AutoReply Flag Status: 0x00000000 Subject: Planning Responses Kimbolton & Stonely Parish Council considered the following applications at their meeting yesterday and their views are as stated: 1401608 7 Easton Rd, Stonely - extension & alterations. Garage. Unanimously recommended for approval as appropriate development. 1401464 Wornditch Farm, Station Rd, Kimbolton - change of use to commercial stud and new dwelling. Recommended for approval by 3 votes in favour to 2 against. 1401644 Bigrams Farm, Easton Rd, Stonely - prior approval change of use to B1 & B8 Recommended for approval 4 votes in favour with 1 abstention. Believe that a hard standing for trailers has been put in without permission on an area which was previously agricultural. Development Management Panel Scale =1:5,000 Date Created: 30/01/2015 Application Ref: 1401464FUL © Crown copyright and database rights 2015 Ordnance Survey HDC 100022322 Location: Kimbolton 42 .3 m Vicarage Farm (u Dr a in th Pa m Dr a in ) B 0 66 44 .3 m a Dr Ri ve rK ym in 42 .6 m Pond Dr a in 42 .6 m in Dr a Pond 42 .8 m Wornditch Dr a in Wrights Farm Pond 41 .4 m 43 .7 m in S G 5 64 5 U G 1 AR DE N Brittens Farm A 35 .2 m 16 NT A O M 4 16 9 37 39 1 D 2 11 RO A 38 .0 m 9 ARA GO N PLA CE ST OW 36 .3 m Dr a in Dr a in GP Wornditc h Farm 15 El Sub S ta 47 29 6 19 B 29 8 29 a Dr 12 26 49 10 9 7 8 ry ge AY LA W ER S 2 1 T 9 UR CO 5 4 2 S ta 1 El Su b TO 1 TO 5 W N HU NT NE AU 5 M 4 TU DO R 6 2 WN LB 12 18 2 9 2 TC B 8 NE W 1 35 .6 m 30 2b 8 34 .5 m Su r 3 E 8 9 LO S The Ches tnuts 10 NE W 6 5 7 16 13 34 .7 m 1 12 7 10 1 D 2 3 C RIC E Ashfie ld Cottage 4 2a 26 15 19 RO A Va len tin e Gard en s 4 14 OK El Sub S ta 5 6 38 .2 m 19 LB 14 BR O 25 17 Wh ite Ho rs e (PH ) 18 in .5 m 23 38 TIL 15 ym rK ve Ri Dr a 23 36 1 Wr T 9 11 22 FIE LD RT 2 6 AS H ROAD CO U ST AN DR EW S 7 31 29 B 66 10 0 1 Pa th FB (u m ) 14 38 Clu b 16 El Sub S ta D 35 2 33 .3 m El Sub S ta 33 LF IEL D RO A 1 PSTO N B TO L TH RA Dr a in 64 5 29 25 13 14 3 Te nnis C our ts 37 18 33 .7 m 28 The Site The Butts 31 Legend Pre p B ungalow 8 STA T IO N 41 4 Hea dma ste rs House 12 14 5 2 Kim b o lto n Sch o o l Prep ar ator y D ep ar tm e nt Du ke s Ro w LEY CONSTAB LES S 6 Bu tts Brid g e 15 34 .8 m 3 12 Ashfie ld House 21 Ga ra ge FILE NAME: NOTES This drawing has been issued in support of a planning application and must NOT be used for construction purposes. This drawing is copyright and may not be altered, traced, copied, photographed or used for any purpose other than that for which it is issued without written permission from the copyright holder. Report discrepancies to the Architect so that any design implications may be considered. All details shown on this drawing are based upon typical site conditions related to the area. No responsibility can be accepted for abnormal conditions unless reported to the Architects, so that design amendments may be considered. N Portess and Richardson CHARTERED ARCHITECTS ~ SURVEYORS 193 LINCOLN ROAD PETERBOROUGH PE1 2PL Tel: (01733) 568116 Fax: (01733) 555246 Email: [email protected] Client ARAGON HOUSE STUD Project PROPOSED CHANGE OF USE, ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING BARNS & NEW STUD MANAGERS HOUSE ARAGON HOUSE STUD, WORNDITCH FARM STATION ROAD, KIMBOLTON, CAMBS PE28 0JN Drawing PROPOSED SITE PLAN - 1 OF 2 Date Scale AUGUST 2014 1:200 @ A1 Project No. Drawing No. 3684 P01 Revision NOTES This drawing has been issued in support of a planning application and must NOT be used for construction purposes. This drawing is copyright and may not be altered, traced, copied, photographed or used for any purpose other than that for which it is issued without written permission from the copyright holder. Report discrepancies to the Architect so that any design implications may be considered. All details shown on this drawing are based upon typical site conditions related to the area. No responsibility can be accepted for abnormal conditions unless reported to the Architects, so that design amendments may be considered. N Portess and Richardson CHARTERED ARCHITECTS ~ SURVEYORS 193 LINCOLN ROAD PETERBOROUGH PE1 2PL Tel: (01733) 568116 Fax: (01733) 555246 Email: [email protected] Client ARAGON HOUSE STUD Project PROPOSED CHANGE OF USE, ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING BARNS & NEW STUD MANAGERS HOUSE ARAGON HOUSE STUD, WORNDITCH FARM STATION ROAD, KIMBOLTON, CAMBS PE28 0JN Drawing PROPOSED SITE PLAN - 2 OF 2 Date Scale AUGUST 2014 1:200 @ A1 Project No. Drawing No. 3684 P02 Revision FILE NAME: NOTES This drawing has been issued in support of a planning application and must NOT be used for construction purposes. This drawing is copyright and may not be altered, traced, copied, photographed or used for any purpose other than that for which it is issued without written permission from the copyright holder. Report discrepancies to the Architect so that any design implications may be considered. All details shown on this drawing are based upon typical site conditions related to the area. No responsibility can be accepted for abnormal conditions unless reported to the Architects, so that design amendments may be considered. Portess and Richardson CHARTERED ARCHITECTS ~ SURVEYORS 193 LINCOLN ROAD PETERBOROUGH PE1 2PL Tel: (01733) 568116 Fax: (01733) 555246 Email: [email protected] Client MR & MRS WALKER Project PROPOSED STUD MANAGERS HOUSE ARAGON HOUSE STUD, WORNDITCH FARM STATION ROAD, KIMBOLTON CAMBRIDGESHIRE, PE28 0JN Drawing PROPOSED SITE SECTIONS Date Scale JULY 2014 1:250 @ A1 Project No. Drawing No. 3684 P03 Revision FILE NAME: NOTES This drawing has been issued in support of a planning application and must NOT be used for construction purposes. This drawing is copyright and may not be altered, traced, copied, photographed or used for any purpose other than that for which it is issued without written permission from the copyright holder. Report discrepancies to the Architect so that any design implications may be considered. All details shown on this drawing are based upon typical site conditions related to the area. No responsibility can be accepted for abnormal conditions unless reported to the Architects, so that design amendments may be considered. Portess and Richardson CHARTERED ARCHITECTS ~ SURVEYORS 193 LINCOLN ROAD PETERBOROUGH PE1 2PL Tel: (01733) 568116 Fax: (01733) 555246 Email: [email protected] Client ARAGON HOUSE STUD Project PROPOSED CHANGE OF USE, ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING BARNS & NEW STUD MANAGERS HOUSE ARAGON HOUSE STUD, WORNDITCH FARM STATION ROAD, KIMBOLTON, CAMBS, PE28 0JN Drawing PROPOSED PLANS - NEW DWELLING Date Scale AUGUST 2014 1:50 @ A1 Project No. Drawing No. 3684 P04 Revision FILE NAME: NOTES This drawing has been issued in support of a planning application and must NOT be used for construction purposes. This drawing is copyright and may not be altered, traced, copied, photographed or used for any purpose other than that for which it is issued without written permission from the copyright holder. Report discrepancies to the Architect so that any design implications may be considered. All details shown on this drawing are based upon typical site conditions related to the area. No responsibility can be accepted for abnormal conditions unless reported to the Architects, so that design amendments may be considered. Portess and Richardson CHARTERED ARCHITECTS ~ SURVEYORS 193 LINCOLN ROAD PETERBOROUGH PE1 2PL Tel: (01733) 568116 Fax: (01733) 555246 Email: [email protected] Client MR & MRS WALKER Project PROPOSED STUD MANAGERS HOUSE ARAGON HOUSE STUD, WORNDITCH FARM STATION ROAD, KIMBOLTON CAMBRIDGESHIRE, PE28 0JN Drawing PROPOSED ELEVATIONS Date Scale JULY 2014 1:250 @ A1 Project No. Drawing No. 3684 P05 Revision This drawing has been issued in support of a planning application and must NOT be used for construction purposes. This drawing is copyright and may not be altered, traced, copied, photographed or used for any purpose other than that for which it is issued without written permission from the copyright holder. Report discrepancies to the Architect so that any design implications may be considered. All details shown on this drawing are based upon typical site conditions related to the area. No responsibility can be accepted for abnormal conditions unless reported to the Architects, so that design amendments may be considered. Portess and Richardson CHARTERED ARCHITECTS ~ SURVEYORS 193 LINCOLN ROAD PETERBOROUGH PE1 2PL Tel: (01733) 568116 Fax: (01733) 555246 Email: [email protected] Client ARAGON HOUSE STUD Project PROPOSED CHANGE OF USE, ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING BARNS & NEW STUD MANAGERS HOUSE ARAGON HOUSE STUD, WORNDITCH FARM STATION ROAD, KIMBOLTON, CAMBS, PE28 0JN Drawing PROPOSED BARN ELEVATIONS OVERLAID ON EXISTING Date Scale AUGUST 2014 1:100 @ A1 Project No. Drawing No. 3684 P06 Revision This drawing has been issued in support of a planning application and must NOT be used for construction purposes. This drawing is copyright and may not be altered, traced, copied, photographed or used for any purpose other than that for which it is issued without written permission from the copyright holder. Report discrepancies to the Architect so that any design implications may be considered. All details shown on this drawing are based upon typical site conditions related to the area. No responsibility can be accepted for abnormal conditions unless reported to the Architects, so that design amendments may be considered. Portess and Richardson CHARTERED ARCHITECTS ~ SURVEYORS 193 LINCOLN ROAD PETERBOROUGH PE1 2PL Tel: (01733) 568116 Fax: (01733) 555246 Email: [email protected] Client ARAGON HOUSE STUD Project PROPOSED CHANGE OF USE, ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING BARNS & NEW STUD MANAGERS HOUSE ARAGON HOUSE STUD, WORNDITCH FARM STATION ROAD, KIMBOLTON, CAMBS, PE28 0JN Drawing PROPOSED BARN ELEVATIONS OVERLAID ON EXISTING Date Scale AUGUST 2014 1:100 @ A1 Project No. Drawing No. 3684 P07 Revision FILE NAME: NOTES This drawing has been issued in support of a planning application and must NOT be used for construction purposes. This drawing is copyright and may not be altered, traced, copied, photographed or used for any purpose other than that for which it is issued without written permission from the copyright holder. Report discrepancies to the Architect so that any design implications may be considered. All details shown on this drawing are based upon typical site conditions related to the area. No responsibility can be accepted for abnormal conditions unless reported to the Architects, so that design amendments may be considered. STABLE 4.20m x 4.20m LINED IN 12mm PLY STABLE 4.20m x 4.20m LINED IN 12mm PLY STABLE 4.20m x 4.20m LINED IN 12mm PLY STABLE 4.20m x 4.20m LINED IN 12mm PLY STABLE 4.20m x 4.20m LINED IN 12mm PLY STABLE 4.20m x 4.20m LINED IN 12mm PLY STABLE 4.20m x 4.20m LINED IN 12mm PLY STABLE 4.20m x 4.20m LINED IN 12mm PLY WASH AREA 4.20m x 4.20m LINED IN 12mm PLY STORE AREA 4.20m x 4.20m LINED IN 12mm PLY STABLE 4.20m x 4.20m LINED IN 12mm PLY STABLE 4.20m x 4.20m LINED IN 12mm PLY STABLE 4.20m x 4.20m LINED IN 12mm PLY STABLE 4.20m x 4.20m LINED IN 12mm PLY TACK AREA 4.20m x 4.2m LINED IN 12mm PLY FEED AREA 4.20m x 4.2m LINED IN 12mm PLY STABLE 4.20m x 4.20m LINED IN 12mm PLY STABLE 4.20m x 4.20m LINED IN 12mm PLY FOAL YARD 1 8.30m x 6.09m LINED IN 12mm PLY STABLE 4.20m x 4.20m LINED IN 12mm PLY STABLE 4.20m x 4.20m LINED IN 12mm PLY FOAL YARD 2 8.30m x 6.09m LINED IN 12mm PLY Portess and Richardson CHARTERED ARCHITECTS ~ SURVEYORS 193 LINCOLN ROAD PETERBOROUGH PE1 2PL Tel: (01733) 568116 Fax: (01733) 555246 Email: [email protected] Client ARAGON HOUSE STUD Project PROPOSED CHANGE OF USE, ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING BARNS & NEW STUD MANAGERS HOUSE ARAGON HOUSE STUD, WORNDITCH FARM STATION ROAD, KIMBOLTON, CAMBS, PE28 0JN Drawing PROPOSED BARN ELEVATIONS OVERLAID ON EXISTING Date Scale AUGUST 2014 1:100 @ A1 Project No. Drawing No. 3684 P08 Revision FILE NAME: NOTES This drawing has been issued in support of a planning application and must NOT be used for construction purposes. This drawing is copyright and may not be altered, traced, copied, photographed or used for any purpose other than that for which it is issued without written permission from the copyright holder. Report discrepancies to the Architect so that any design implications may be considered. All details shown on this drawing are based upon typical site conditions related to the area. No responsibility can be accepted for abnormal conditions unless reported to the Architects, so that design amendments may be considered. Portess and Richardson CHARTERED ARCHITECTS ~ SURVEYORS 193 LINCOLN ROAD PETERBOROUGH PE1 2PL Tel: (01733) 568116 Fax: (01733) 555246 Email: [email protected] Client ARAGON HOUSE STUD Project PROPOSED CHANGE OF USE, ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING BARNS & NEW STUD MANAGERS HOUSE ARAGON HOUSE STUD, WORNDITCH FARM STATION ROAD, KIMBOLTON, CAMBS, PE28 0JN Drawing EXISTING TIMBER STABLE TO BE DEMOLISHED Date Scale OCTOBER 2014 1:50 @ A1 Project No. Drawing No. 3684 P09 Revision FILE NAME: NOTES This drawing has been issued in support of a planning application and must NOT be used for construction purposes. This drawing is copyright and may not be altered, traced, copied, photographed or used for any purpose other than that for which it is issued without written permission from the copyright holder. Report discrepancies to the Architect so that any design implications may be considered. All details shown on this drawing are based upon typical site conditions related to the area. No responsibility can be accepted for abnormal conditions unless reported to the Architects, so that design amendments may be considered. N Portess and Richardson CHARTERED ARCHITECTS ~ SURVEYORS 193 LINCOLN ROAD PETERBOROUGH PE1 2PL Tel: (01733) 568116 Fax: (01733) 555246 Email: [email protected] Client ARAGON HOUSE STUD Project PROPOSED CHANGE OF USE, ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING BARNS & NEW STUD MANAGERS HOUSE ARAGON HOUSE STUD, WORNDITCH FARM STATION ROAD, KIMBOLTON, CAMBS, PE28 0JN Drawing EXISTING SITE PLAN - 1 OF 2 Date Scale AUGUST 2014 1:200 @ A1 Project No. Drawing No. 3684 S01 Revision FILE NAME: NOTES This drawing has been issued in support of a planning application and must NOT be used for construction purposes. This drawing is copyright and may not be altered, traced, copied, photographed or used for any purpose other than that for which it is issued without written permission from the copyright holder. Report discrepancies to the Architect so that any design implications may be considered. All details shown on this drawing are based upon typical site conditions related to the area. No responsibility can be accepted for abnormal conditions unless reported to the Architects, so that design amendments may be considered. N Portess and Richardson CHARTERED ARCHITECTS ~ SURVEYORS 193 LINCOLN ROAD PETERBOROUGH PE1 2PL Tel: (01733) 568116 Fax: (01733) 555246 Email: [email protected] Client ARAGON HOUSE STUD Project PROPOSED CHANGE OF USE, ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING BARNS & NEW STUD MANAGERS HOUSE ARAGON HOUSE STUD, WORNDITCH FARM STATION ROAD, KIMBOLTON, CAMBS, PE28 0JN Drawing EXISTING SITE PLAN - 2 OF 2 Date Scale AUGUST 2014 1:200 @ A1 Project No. Drawing No. 3684 S02 Revision FILE NAME: NOTES This drawing has been issued in support of a planning application and must NOT be used for construction purposes. This drawing is copyright and may not be altered, traced, copied, photographed or used for any purpose other than that for which it is issued without written permission from the copyright holder. Report discrepancies to the Architect so that any design implications may be considered. All details shown on this drawing are based upon typical site conditions related to the area. No responsibility can be accepted for abnormal conditions unless reported to the Architects, so that design amendments may be considered. Portess and Richardson CHARTERED ARCHITECTS ~ SURVEYORS 193 LINCOLN ROAD PETERBOROUGH PE1 2PL Tel: (01733) 568116 Fax: (01733) 555246 Email: [email protected] Client ARAGON HOUSE STUD Project PROPOSED CHANGED OF USE, ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING BARNS & NEW STUD MANAGERS HOUSE ARAGON HOUSE STUD, WORNDITCH FARM STATION ROAD, KIMBOLTON, CAMBS, PE28 0JN Drawing EXISTING SITE SECTIONS Date Scale AUGUST 2014 1:250 @ A1 Project No. Drawing No. 3684 S03 Revision FILE NAME: NOTES This drawing has been issued in support of a planning application and must NOT be used for construction purposes. This drawing is copyright and may not be altered, traced, copied, photographed or used for any purpose other than that for which it is issued without written permission from the copyright holder. Report discrepancies to the Architect so that any design implications may be considered. All details shown on this drawing are based upon typical site conditions related to the area. No responsibility can be accepted for abnormal conditions unless reported to the Architects, so that design amendments may be considered. Portess and Richardson CHARTERED ARCHITECTS ~ SURVEYORS 193 LINCOLN ROAD PETERBOROUGH PE1 2PL Tel: (01733) 568116 Fax: (01733) 555246 Email: [email protected] Client MR & MRS WALKER Project PROPOSED BARN CONVERSION TO STUD MANAGERS HOUSE ARAGON HOUSE STUD, WORNDITCH FARM STATION ROAD, KIMBOLTON CAMBS, PE28 0JN Drawing EXISTING PLANS & ELEVS - BARN CONVERSION Date Scale JULY 2014 1:50 & 1:100 @ A1 Project No. Drawing No. 3684 S13 Revision
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