The Springfield Rifle ELECTION ISSUE April / May 2015 SAL 497 LOCAL ELECTION MAIL IN YOUR BALLOT ASAP The Springfield Rifle 1 ELECTION ISSUE April / May 2015 FROM THE BALLOT COMMITTEE ELECTION DATES Ballots are tentatively scheduled to be mailed to your homes on Saturday April 25, 2015. If you do not receive a ballot, contact the Ballot Committee. Completed ballots should be mailed via the supplied prepaid envelope to the West Springfield Post Office before the receipt deadline of 10 AM on Friday May 15, 2015. Don’t wait until the last minute. Remember the USPS has changed delivery standards, so first class letters can take 1-3 days. Ballots will be counted beginning at noon on Friday May 15, 2015 in the APWU Local Office at 1124 Berkshire Avenue, Springfield MA, 01151. CANDIDATE STATEMENTS Candidates for contested positions in the 2015 SAL 497 Local Election were invited to submit an article of no more than 300 words (per the APWU National Constitution Article 11 Nominations Section 3.C.1) to be printed in a uniform font but otherwise unedited in the Election Edition of the Springfield Rifle. The Springfield Rifle 2 ELECTION ISSUE April / May 2015 CANDIDATES FOR ELECTION PRESIDENT TRUSTEES Joanne Sullivan (vote for 3) Chris (Shorty) Morrison Anthony Leroux 2 vacant VICE PRESIDENT James Lee SERGEANT-AT-ARMS Dean P. Smith (vote for 2) Brian Walczak SECRETARY 1 vacant Brenda I. Martinez Stuart Kibbe SAFETY AND HEALTH REPRESENTATIVE (unopposed) TREASURER Richard S, Peabody (Unopposed) Tara Tara Beaudoin-Lanzo (Beaudoin) Lanzo LEGISLATIVE DIRECTOR (no accepted nominations) EDITOR (Unopposed) RESEARCH & EDUCATION DIRECTOR Dave Lanzo Deborah Koscielski Teresa Cantara CLERK CRAFT DIRECTOR (unopposed) EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBER AT LARGE Russ Evans (over 50 members) Doyle Maloni MAINTENANCE CRAFT DIRECTOR Joe Casagranda Dave Sarnacki Pete Mooradd Shaun Heady Justin Briggs (withdrawn 3/26/15) MOTOR VEHICLE DIRECTOR EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBER AT LARGE (unopposed) (under 50 members) Charlie F. Morin (unopposed) John Dodge The Springfield Rifle 3 ELECTION ISSUE April / May 2015 JOANNE SULLIVAN Candidate for President Union Brothers & Sisters My name is Joanne Sullivan. I have worked in the postal service and been a Union member for over 34 years. I served for 12 years as a steward, 6 years as clerk craft director and many years as an arbitration advocate for all crafts. I possess a vast knowledge and ability to both comprehend and apply contract language. I have also participated in negotiating the last two local contracts Our local contract was once considered one of the strongest and most progressive in the country. I want to see that strength restored. That is why I’m asking for your vote for President. Our contracts can only have strength if our local officers enforce them. Over the last three years, there has been a rapid decline in our contract. This is directly related to our officer’s willingness to “make deals” with management over bids, holidays, overtime and seniority rights. I have always thought that the hard-fought, negotiated language of our contracts should not be dealt away. That philosophy is not shared by the local officers. I believe this trend needs to be reversed…and quickly. The local membership cannot afford officers that put themselves above the membership. We cannot afford officers that evoke “management’s rights” more often than management. We cannot afford officers that argue more with the membership than they ever have with management. We, the membership, have two very distinct directions ahead of us. Our vote empowers us to choose the path on which we will proceed. The last three years have demonstrated the deterioration of the membership under the current administration. My vote will be not to allow the further erosion our memberships’ rights, but to reclaim them. Vote for me for change. Vote for me for strength. In Solidarity, Joanne Sullivan The Springfield Rifle 4 ELECTION ISSUE April / May 2015 CHRIS “SHORTY” MORRISON Candidate for President I have been an active member of this local for my entire career, from Steward to President. I have always strived to work together for the best interest of our membership. My goal has always been to serve our members. I believe in the enforcement of our contract! Three years ago I was elected Vice President. Within four months of the election our President took ill causing him to retire. I then assumed the responsibility of President with a strong work ethic. The Local suffered the loss of our beloved long time secretary. I met the unprecedented challenges these circumstances provided. Since the last election I have attended every Union meeting. With the Maintenance Craft Director, the Motor Vehicle Director, and the Clerk Craft Director we began to tackle the day to day issues affecting our members with unity. There was new contractual language that created new classifications of employees such as NTFTs and PSEs that raised many issues which I addressed. My ultimate goal has been the creation of career employees while protecting the contractual rights of our current employees. Clerk employees were excessed and all were afforded retreat rights. I traveled extensively to our Area offices as well as stations and branches to ensure they were fairly represented and not lost in the shadow of the NDC. I have always made myself available to our members. Under my leadership grievances are heard in arbitration in months instead of years. I also had the fiduciary responsibility of getting the treasury of our member’s money back under control. I am happy to report this effort resulted in an increase of our treasury from $10,000.00 to $105,000.00, keeping our Local fiscally and viably sound. I ask for your support. Vote strength through solidarity and experience!! The Springfield Rifle 5 ELECTION ISSUE April / May 2015 JAMES LEE Candidate for Vice-President Dear APWU Local 497 Members, My name is James Lee and I am running for the position of Vice President. After my military service, I have worked for over thirty years at the U.S.P.S. and have been a union member from the start. For 24 years I worked as a clerk and then went into Maintenance as a custodian and am currently a maintenance mechanic. As for my union activity, I have been involved in many aspects. I was elected to office as the Voluntary Benefit Plan, ABA plan, and the area local Safety and Health Representative. I have also been on many other various committees; 1767 safety, Labor Management Safety and Health and Grievance Review committees, etc. For the people who know me already, you know there is no love lost between management and myself and for those who don’t, I just want to say that I have battled management on every level of the grievance procedure. I have helped members with EEO’s, workman comps, and all areas of safety and health. I have seen many changes over the years, some positive, but mostly negative and it always seems to come at the expense of the craft employees. Management loves to quote Article 3; their right to mismanage and do what they want. I think that they should always be reminded of all the other articles that say they can’t. If you think that the officers in place now are looking after you and your future, I ask you to please vote them back into office, but if not please vote for the change. I’m James Lee and I’m running for Vice President and I would appreciate your vote. Thank you for your time. In Union Solidarity James Lee The Springfield Rifle 6 ELECTION ISSUE April / May 2015 DEAN P. SMITH Candidate for Vice-President It is the right of every member to cast their vote for the candidate(s) they believe would best represent them, and the interests of the Union. I urge all members to gather as much information as possible as to the attributes and qualifications of those running for office. Find out their position on issues that concern you. It should be noted that in addition to a Local Officers election year, it is also a National Contract year. This means that upon securing a new National Contract, the Union Locals around the country will be headed to the negotiating table with Management concerning each Local’s Local Memorandum of Understanding (LMOU). The last time this occurred in Local 497 was the late summer of 2011. (2009-2012 Local administration) At that time the officers of the Union stymied Management’s attempt to gut the NDC/PDC/MSS LMOU. In the end there were no changes to that LMOU. In the Associate Offices that Local 497 represents there were only minor changes to their LMOU’s, none of which negatively impacted the members. Make no mistake about it, Postal Management will make a renewed, and more vigorous, effort to strip away the rights you were granted in these LMOUs. That said, I would like to ask your consideration in my run for the Office of Executive Vice-President. A short list of tangible qualifications to start your considerations. 1) Bachelor of Science Wildlife Biology Umass, Amherst 1977 2) Union Steward Maintenance Department Diamond International Thorndike, Ma. United Papermakers Union 3) 24 years as Maintenance Steward Local 497 APWU 4) 15 years as an Arbitration Advocate for Local 497 APWU 5) 1 term (2009-2012) as Executive Vice-President of Local 497 APWU Last, I implore you, exercise your right to vote! Dean P. Smith The Springfield Rifle 7 ELECTION ISSUE April / May 2015 BRENDA I. MARTINEZ Candidate for Secretary Dear Union Sisters and Brothers, My name is Brenda I. Martinez. I have worked in the United States Postal Service for 23 years. During those years, I have held many bid positions. I’ve worked as a casual, transitional, ptf clerk, a PSM clerk, FSM Clerk, air records processor, and I currently hold a bid position as a general office clerk on T-3 in the main lobby at the Springfield NDC. Before bidding to T-3, I held a T-1 general office clerk position. I have come into contact with the majority of you either in person, or maybe I’ve called you for overtime. Some of my duties as a general office clerk include clerical, filing, answering phone calls, making phone calls, creating and maintaining files, typing, and interacting with employees and management. I pride myself in having a pleasant, efficient and professional manner. I always try to conduct myself in a way that is helpful to anyone who needs assistance from this office. In addition to being able to type proficiently (45+ words per minute), I also know stenography. I believe my skill sets will prove to be an enormous asset to this local, especially during local negotiations. (This is the time period in which the local leadership would hold meetings to secure our rights at the local level). “Our rights” include such negotiated items as seniority, overtime and holidays. I have been an active member of the American Postal Workers union for over 21 years. I have exercised my rights to the grievance process and hope that you all do the same. I welcome the opportunity to serve you, and the membership in the Secretary position, and would greatly appreciate your vote. In Solidarity, Brenda I. Martinez The Springfield Rifle 8 ELECTION ISSUE April / May 2015 STUART KIBBE Candidate for Secretary Brothers and sisters of Local 497 we are currently at an important time for the APWU. Nationally - it's contract negotiations, and locally - it's election time. Both require our utmost attention, concern, and most importantly, participation. Please spend time empowering yourself by learning the facts of the negotiations and the records surrounding each candidate in the election. I've been an MPE mechanic in the BMC for 30 years. I've been a steward on tour three for over 2 decades representing multiple occupational groups with my tongue and pen. In 2004 I formed and co-chaired the Local's Committee on Political Action fundraising arm with Joe Casagranda. Over $12,000 was raised, a first for the Local. An organizing effort to sign nonmembers ran concurrently, and to date I believe I've had a hand in signing 18 new members. In 2005 I co-facilitated the Maintenance Skills Development Program for the Local. Over a four year period, five- twelve week classes were completed resulting in the promotions of 45 employees. Another first for the local. I held the position of Executive Board at Large Member from 2009 to 2013. I served the Local in that capacity attending E-board meetings and applying prudence and sound decision making to better the working conditions and monetary issues affecting the members of the Local. I have attended all but 3 membership meetings since 2009. In February 2013 I was appointed to the position of Secretary and currently hold the position. I have set agenda and recorded minutes at monthly Labor/Management, Membership, and Executive Board meetings. I have succeeded in multiple amendments to the Locals’ Constitution to better serve and protect the members. If elected I will use my experience representing the Local at the upcoming local negotiations. VOTE STRENGTH THROUGH SOLIDARITY AND EXPERIENCE. The Springfield Rifle 9 ELECTION ISSUE April / May 2015 DAVE SARNACKI Candidate for Maintenance Craft Director Dear Brothers and Sisters, Election season is here and I seek your support for the position of Maintenance Craft Director. I currently act not only as your director, but as steward, step 2 designee, and Arbitration Advocate. Proficiency as your director is greatly attributed to training and experience. I have been certified by national for basic arbitration training as well as advanced arbitration training. My training also includes handbooks and manuals that a maintenance director needs to be well versed in. The contract serves as the trunk of the tree, but handbooks and manuals serve as its many leaves and branches. When our former National Business Agent took ill, I was asked by National to assume his duties. National also appointed me Chairman of the Maintenance Resolution’s Committee for the National Convention. I have acted as a technical assistant in arbitrations at the request of two NBAs. I schedule all local arbitrations, resulting in grievances being arbitrated expeditiously. The local has seen unparalleled success through the Arbitration process. Currently high liability MS-47 cases are awaiting arbitration for the NDC and MSS. The past few years presented challenges never before experienced, starting with the excessing events. Springfield was one of the only facilities in the country that underwent excessing and not one employee was excessed outside the facility. I challenged the 2012 staffing package and took LWOP to meet with the Northeast Area. This staffing grievance garnered the attention of National which led to my participation in the National dispute. The recent changes in maintenance management has proven the road ahead to be challenging as we battle fights such as staffing and the disregard of custodial seniority rights. An effective Maintenance Craft Director not only requires contractual knowledge but also backbone. Vote Strength through solidarity and experience. In Solidarity, Dave Sarnacki The Springfield Rifle 10 ELECTION ISSUE April / May 2015 SHAUN HEADY CANDIDATE FOR MAINTENANCE CRAFT DIRECTOR Dear Brothers and Sisters, My name is Shaun Heady, I'm an Electronic Technician on Tour 1 in the NDC and I'm running for the position of Maintenance Craft Director of APWU Local 497. I feel compelled to run for this position and give you a choice in this election. I want to represent all occupational groups within Maintenance at all times. I believe the contract should be adhered to at all times, that simply, it is in black and white, and Management be forced to follow the contract. There have been too many compromises and deals with Management with our Maintenance Craft always getting less than we should. When Management has made a mistake or wanted to do something with an occupational group, they have attacked other groups such as MPE's, MM7's, BME's, etc., whether they wanted these actions or not. They then traded these actions for what they really wanted. There is nothing wrong with making the occasional deal if you get in return items of lasting value, but trading for items they didn't really want is foolish, and trading constantly encourages violations and feelings of harassment by Management. Yes, my opponent has done good at times, helping individuals or groups, but also, has negated that good by cutting deals, many times getting us less than what we should or nothing at all, and giving the impression of helping himself or friends. He will cite my lack of experience, but experience, isn't everything without a vision and understanding of what is at stake, and the unwillingness to compromise integrity. I plan to assemble a team of stewards you can have confidence in and that we act as a team. I will rely on their experience and judgment to make the best decisions on your behalf. In Solidarity, Shaun Heady The Springfield Rifle 11 ELECTION ISSUE April / May 2015 DEBORAH KOSCIELSKI Candidate for Research And Education Director Hello APWU members, My name is Deborah Koscielski. I have been employed by the USPS since December of 1988. I have been actively involved with this local since 1991. I am very familiar with the grievance process. The Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 is my specialty. I have helped countless employees with their FMLA certification. My idea for this local is to completely change the steward’s office to make easier for stewards to do a good job with their grievances. The binders full of information in this office should be put on to discs. What is old and irrelevant should be thrown out. It is my belief that every steward should be required to spend at least twenty hours a month in the steward’s office. Even if it’s just to check in and ask of there are any changes or developments that every steward should be aware of. This shouldn’t be just a paycheck that people expect to receive. It is both embarrassing and shameful to keep steward’s on that are not willing to at least want to help their fellow steward’s out. I believe that the research and education director of this local should be able to get along and communicate with craft directors of this local enough to go to them and say “hey he or she is not willing to earn” or “hey this steward is not willing to pull his or her own weight in the steward’s office”. All stewards of this local should have someone to help them along and give them the necessary tools to do good grievances. One of my favorite quotes by John F. Kennedy is “leadership and learning are indispensable to each other:”. I would appreciate your vote on May 7, 2015 In Solidarity Deborah I. Koscielski The Springfield Rifle 12 ELECTION ISSUE April / May 2015 TERESA CANTARA Candidate for Research And Education Director HELLO, PLEASE ALLOW ME TO INTRODUCE MYSELF, MY NAME IS TERESA CANTARA. I AM AN EXPEDITER AT THE SPRINGFIELD NDC. I HAVE 20 YEARS WORKING FOR THE POSTAL SERVICE & AS A UNION MEMBER. I ORIGINALLY STARTED AS A PART TIME FLEXIBLE AT THE ALBANY P&DC. I QUICKLY BECAME A FULL TIME REGULAR. AFTER SIX YEARS IN ALBANY WORKING ON THE FSM 1000, FSM 100 & THE DBCS’S. I TRANSFERRED TO L&DC IN SPRINGFIELD & EVENTUALLY CAME TO THE NDC AS AN EXPEDITER. I AM VERY ACTIVE IN MY COMMUNITY, WHERE I VOLUNTEER AT THE LOCAL FOOD PANTRY & THRIFT STORE. I ALSO ASSIST WITH THE SENIOR LUNCH PROGRAM & AM ACTIVE IN THE TOWN WOMENS CLUB. I AM CURRENTLY SEEKING THE OFFICE OF RESEARCH & EDUCATION. A FEW OF YOU MAY WONDER, ‘WELL WHAT DOES THAT ENTAIL?’ IT IS A POSITION THAT REQUIRES TRAINING OF STEWARDS ON A CONTINUOUS BASE, EDUCATION OF PERTINANT CONTRACTUAL ISSUES, SUCH AS FMLA, MILITARY CLAIMS AND NATIONAL CONTRACT CHANGES, RELEVANCE BEING CONCENTRATED ON LONG TIME UNION MEMBERS AS WELL AS PSE’S. I BELIEVE THAT IT IS OF UPMOST IMPORTANCE THAT STEWARDS HAVE THE BEST TRAINING & SUPPORT AVAILABLE, AS THEY ARE OUR FIRST LINE OF DEFENSE OF OUR CONTRACTUAL RIGHTS. I BELIEVE THIS POSITION HAS NOT BEEN FULLY UTILIZED. I AM AN AVID READER & VERY CURIOUS. I LOVE A CHALLANGE AND I AM NOT AFRAID OF HARD WORK. I HAVE WORKED ALL TOURS & WILL MAKE MYSELF TO ALL. I KNOW I CAN DO A GOOD JOB REPRESENTING YOU! I HOPE YOU VOTE FOR ME & BECOME INVOLVED IN YOUR UNION. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION, TERESA CANTARA The Springfield Rifle 13 ELECTION ISSUE ELECTION ISSUE April / May 2015 April / May 2015 DOYLE MALONI Candidate for Executive Board Member At Large (over 50 members) No article submitted to the Ballot Committee American Postal Workers Union 2015 SCHOLARSHIP GUIDELINES Springfield, MAssachusetts Areal Local 497 Connors and ASSOCIATION AMERICAN POSTAL 2015-2016 WORKERS - Jim ACCIDENT BENEFIT Bob Caracciolo Annual Scholarships 1). The scholarship announcement, application and guidelines will be mailed each year to all Dear Members, Local and State Presidents and ABA Board of Directors, no later than March of each year. The announcement and application will also be printed in the ABA Quarterly News Digest as well The Springfield MA Local will make available two (2) $1000.00 scholarships asfor posted on the official ABA website. The deadline for returning the scholarship application will the scholastic years 2015-2016. be set forth by the ABA. 1. The applicant must be a member of Springfield, MA area Local or dependant of. 2). All entrants must submit a completed application which will be verified by their local or 2. To be eligible the applicant must be a full time student. state president or by the ABA home office. Properly completed applications will be entered 3. The applicant’s name may be entered into the drawing only once per year. into a drawing for a one thousand dollar ($1,000) scholarship. Entrants must be a graduating 4. Any high questions willsenior be referred by the Executive school who tois and the resolved son, daughter or legal Board. ward of a member of the ABA. Scholarship will be drawn at the June 18, 2015 monthly membership meeting. 3).The The scholarship award is limited to a one time amount of one thousand dollars, ($1,000). Two scholarships be awarded per calendar Please return yourwill scholarship application form no year. later then June 10, 2015. Mail application to APWU Local 497, 4). The scholarship drawings1124 will be held at the ABA home office no later than June of each Berkshire Avenue Springfield, MA 01151 year. These drawings will be strict “luck of the draw”, meaning the entrants pulled are the or give to an Officer or Steward winners. No preferential treatment will be given to any entrant. All applicants will be a random number for drawing. The winners will be drawn from amongst all assigned Student’s Name: applicants and notified by certified mail. Student’s Address: 5). Scholarships will be paid directly to the school that has been designated on each application. Each winner will also be required to submit an acceptance letter and winnersName of College: photograph accompanied by a biography which will appear in an issue of the ABA Quarterly News Course Study: Digest. 6). National Director Name: will coordinate the scholarship program with the authority to settle The Union Member’s any or all eligibility requirements or disputes that may arise. Signature: The Springfield Rifle 15 The Springfield Rifle 14 ABA NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP GUIDELINES ELECTION ISSUE American April / May 2015 Postal Workers - Accident Benefit Association 1). The scholarship announcement, application and guidelines will be mailed each year to all Local and State Presidents and ABA Board of Directors, no later than March of each year. The announcement and application will also be printed in the ABA Quarterly News Digest as well as posted on the official ABA website. The deadline for returning the scholarship application will be set forth by the ABA. 2). All entrants must submit a completed application which will be verified by their local or state president or by the ABA home office. Properly completed applications will be entered into a drawing for a one thousand dollar ($1,000) scholarship. Entrants must be a graduating high school senior who is the son, daughter or legal ward of a member of the ABA. 3). The scholarship award is limited to a one time amount of one thousand dollars, ($1,000). Two scholarships will be awarded per calendar year. 4). The scholarship drawings will be held at the ABA home office no later than June of each year. These drawings will be strict “luck of the draw”, meaning the entrants pulled are the winners. No preferential treatment will be given to any entrant. All applicants will be assigned a random number for drawing. The winners will be drawn from amongst all applicants and notified by certified mail. 5). Scholarships will be paid directly to the school that has been designated on each winners application. Each winner will also be required to submit an acceptance letter and photograph accompanied by a biography which will appear in an issue of the ABA Quarterly News Digest. 6). The National Director will coordinate the scholarship program with the authority to settle any or all eligibility requirements or disputes that may arise. The Springfield Rifle 14 ELECTION ISSUE April / May 2015 JOE CASAGRANDA Candidate for Executive Board Member At Large (over 50 members) Dear APWU Local 497 Brothers and Sisters I am seeking your vote for Executive Board member in the upcoming election. I have been a strong union member for my entire career which began in 1994. Since 1997, I have been an APWU member and have attended our Local’s meetings regularly. Although I have not pursued an elected position in the past I have been a very active participant in our Local. I had served as an alternate steward and as an interim sergeant at arms. I ran, with Stu Kibbe, an organizational drive to educate and sign non-members to our Local and a very successful COPA fund drive. I ask all members to be active and informed in regards to National Contract negotiations as well as in our Local elections. Seek out information on all candidates and make informed decisions on who you want representing you in the upcoming term. I value loyalty and integrity and that is what I will bring to the position of Executive Board member at Large. Loyalty to our Local and its membership and integrity in all decisions made in executing my duties. I plan on using my right to vote for a loyal experienced team to keep our Local strong and unified against management’s attempts to undermine what we have gained through collective bargaining. representing you and I ask for your vote. Yours in solidarity, Joe Casagranda The Springfield Rifle 16 I look forward to ELECTION ISSUE April / May 2015 PETE MOORADD Candidate for Executive Board Member At Large (over 50 members) Why would you vote Pete Mooradd for Executive Board Member at Large? Of the four candidates I have the most experience and consistent dedication to the Union. As I was taught by former President Ken Fitzpatrick, “it is all about the membership.” In order to best serve the membership, I need your vote. Work Experience: Started as a Casual, became a Custodian then a Mechanics Helper, later promoted to Mechanic and currently Electronic Technician. Union Experience: Steward for almost twenty years, Accident Benefit Representative, Executive Board Member at Large, Web Master, served on the Ballot Committee, Craft Director, designed the Office Network. It has been my honor to be your representative on the Pioneer Valley Central Labor Council where I have been elected as a Vice President. When there has been need, I have stepped forward. The Executive Board consists of thirteen members who are empowered to conduct all business of the local between membership meetings. In order to represent people you must be in attendance. Over the past fifteen years I have missed less than five membership meetings excluding the times I was offsite training. Many times I have voiced opposition to motions that I felt were not in our best interest. Over the years there have been many different officers in this local. Some of these officers hated one another but having worked with them all taught me a lot. I have argued with most of them and discussed issues with almost all of them. When push came to shove I have stepped up and done what I could for the betterment of the local. It’s all about what is best for all members. Thank you for your consideration and please vote Pete Mooradd Executive Board Member at Large. The Springfield Rifle 17 ELECTION ISSUE April / May 2015 Candidates for Delegate to National APWU Convention CHRIS MORRISON ENID RIVERA JOANNE SULLIVAN JOE CASAGRANDA JUSTIN BRIGGS PETE MOORADD TARA BEAUDOIN LANZO DOYLE MALONI CHARLIE MORIN STUART KIBBE DAVID LANZO DAVID SARNACKI TIM KUZDZAL JAMES LEE JIM LONG RICH PEABODY DEAN SMITH JOHN DODGE GAIL DEMAS LORRAINE METHOT TERESA CANTARA SHAUN HEADY RUSS EVANS The Springfield Rifle 18 ELECTION ISSUE April / May 2015 Candidates for Delegate to Mass State APWU Convention CHRIS MORRISON ENID RIVERA JOANNE SULLIVAN JOE CASAGRANDA JUSTIN BRIGGS PETE MOORADD CHARLIE MORIN DOYLE MALONI STUART KIBBE RICH PEABODY DAVID LANZO DEAN SMITH TARA BEAUDOIN LANZO JOHN DODGE DAVID SARNACKI TIM KUZDZAL JAMES LEE JIM LONG GAIL DEMAS LORRAINE METHOT TERESA CANTARA SHAUN HEADY RUSS EVANS The Springfield Rifle 19 ELECTION ISSUE April / May APWU Springfield MA Area Local 497 1124 Berkshire Ave. Springfield MA 01151-1368 BALLOT COMMITTEE MEMBERS Hector Torres Ed Rowell Mark Kenyon MVS MVS Clerk T-1 T-1 T-2 2015 NON - PROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID Springfield MA 011 Permit No 215 If you are about to move, clip out your address and return it to us with the correction - - - - save your local money CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED Address Label IMPORTANT LINKS Official National Website Local Website State Website Health Plan Website Accident Benefit Association Auxiliary Website MA State AFL-CIO AFL-CIO Fax/Email campaigns Central Labor Council Communicate with your Reps Retired & current Federal Employees Compute your Retirement Government Employee Website NEXT UNION MEETING April 16th May 21st June 18th MEETINGS HELD AT 1124 Berkshire Avenue Springfield, MA 01152 The Springfield Rifle 20
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