STITCH NATION by Debbie Stoller™ Bamboo Ewe™: Crochet Hook: GAUGE:

STITCH NATION by Debbie Stoller™ Bamboo Ewe™:
1 Ball each 5625 Sprout A and 5230 Buttercup B.
Crochet Hook: 6.5mm [US K-10½].
Yarn needle.
GAUGE: Rows 1-2 = 5” across. CHECK YOUR GAUGE.
Use any size hook to obtain the gauge.
NOTE: Tunic is worked in a circle from center out. Two
circles are sewn together for shoulders and sides.
Trippy Tunic
This piece offers many wearing options. It looks
great with a tank top and jeans but would look
fabulous over a pretty dress or would double as
a beach cover up. This versatile tunic would be
perfect for summer travel plans.
Designed by Double Stitch Twins.
One size fits most.
Diameter: 30”, laid flat.
Because of the loose nature of pattern stitch, Tunic
changes shape to fit a wide variety of sizes.
©2011 Coats & Clark
P.O. Box 12229
Greenville, SC 29612-0229
First Circle
With A, ch 6, slip st into first ch to form ring.
Round 1: Ch 4 (counts as tr here and throughout), work
19 tr in ring, slip st in top of beginning ch to join – 20 tr.
Fasten off.
Round 2: Join B in any tr, ch 6 (counts as tr and ch 2), tr in
next tr, *ch 2, tr in next tr; repeat from * 17 more times, ch
2, slip st in 4th ch of beginning ch – 20 tr and ch-2 spaces.
Fasten off.
Round 3: Join A in any ch-2 space, ch 4, tr in same ch-2
space, *ch 5, 2 tr in next ch-2 space; repeat from * 18
more times, ch 5, slip st in top of beginning ch.
Fasten off.
Round 4: Join B in any ch-5 space, ch 10 (counts as hdc
and ch 8 here and throughout), *hdc in next ch-5 space,
ch 8; repeat from * 18 more times, ch 8, slip st in 2nd ch of
beginning ch.
Round 5: Slip st in next 5 ch, ch 10, *hdc in next ch-8
space, ch 8; repeat from * 18 more times, ch 8, slip st in
2nd ch of beginning ch.
Round 6: Ch 7 (counts as dc and ch 4), *dc in next ch-8
space, ch 4, dc in next hdc, ch 4; repeat from * 18 more
times, ch 4, dc in next ch-8 space, ch 4, slip st in 3rd ch of
beginning ch – 40 dc and ch-8 spaces.
Round 7: Ch 5 (counts as dc, ch 2), dc in same st as join
(increase made), *[ch 5, dc in next dc] 9 times, ch 5, (dc,
ch 2, dc) in next dc (V-st made); repeat from * 2 more
times, [ch 5, dc in next dc] 9 times, ch 5, slip st in 3rd ch of
beginning ch – 44 dc, 40 ch-5 spaces, and 4 ch-2 spaces.
Rounds 8-12: (Slip st, ch 5, dc) in first ch-2 space, *ch 6,
skip next dc (the 2nd dc of the V-st), [ch 6, dc in next dc] 9
times, ch 6, (dc, ch 2, dc) in ch-2 space of next V-st; repeat
from * 2 more times, skip next dc, [ch 6, dc in next dc] 9
times, slip st in 3rd ch of beginning ch.
Fasten off.
For more ideas & inspiration -
Round 13: Join A in any ch-2 space, ch 5, dc in same
space, *skip next dc, [ch 8, dc in next dc] 10 9 times, ch
8, (dc, ch 2, dc) in ch-2 space of next V-st; repeat from * 2
more times, skip next dc, [ch 8, dc in next dc] 9 times, ch
8, slip st in 3rd ch of beginning ch.
Rounds 14-15: (Slip st, ch 5, dc) in first ch-2 space, *skip
next dc, [ch 8, dc in next dc] 9 times, (dc, ch 2, dc) in ch-2
space of next V-st; repeat from * 2 more times, skip next
dc, [ch 8, dc in next dc] 9 times, ch 8, slip st in 3rd ch of
beginning ch
Fasten off
Arrange Circles with right sides together and (dc, ch 2, dc)
corners aligned.
Joining Yarn (Wrong Side): Working through both layers
for Side, join B in first dc in any (dc, ch 2, dc) corner, ch
1, sc in same dc, sc in ch-2 space, [sc in next dc, work 8
sc in ch-8 space] 4 times, dc in next dc, working along B
edge of Second Circle only for Armhole, [work 8 sc in ch-8
space, sc in next dc] 5 times, work 8 sc in ch-8 space,
working through both layers for Shoulder, sc in dc, sc in
ch-2 space, sc in dc, [work 8 sc in ch-8 space, sc in next
dc] 3 times, working along B edge of Second Circle only
for Neck, [work 8 sc in ch-8 space, sc in next dc] 3 times,
work 8 sc in ch-8 space, working through both layers for
Shoulder, sc in dc, [work 8 sc in ch-8 space, sc in next dc]
3 times, sc in ch-2 space, sc in next dc, working along B
edge of Second Circle only for Armhole, [work 8 sc in ch-8
space, sc in next dc] 5 times, work 8 sc in ch-8 space,
working through both layers for Side, sc in dc, [work 8 sc
in ch-8 space, sc in next dc] 4 times, sc in ch-2 space, sc
in next dc, working along B edge of Second Circle only
for lower edge, [work 8 sc in ch-8 space, sc in next dc] 9
times, work 8 sc in ch-8 space, slip st to first st to join.
Fasten off.
Weave in ends.
STITCH NATION by Debbie Stoller™
Bamboo Ewe™ Art. T101 available in
3.5 oz (100 g); 177 yd (162 m) balls.
Abbreviations: A, B = Color A, B; ch = chain; dc
= double crochet; hdc = half double crochet; mm =
millimeters; sc = single crochet; st(s) = stitch(es); tr =
triple or treble crochet; [ ] = work directions in brackets
the number of times specified; * or ** = repeat whatever
follows the * or ** as indicated.
Second Circle
Work as for First Circle, reversing colors.
©2011 Coats & Clark
P.O. Box 12229
Greenville, SC 29612-0229
For more ideas & inspiration -