ٌَّكِلَذ ٌّ لُك ٌّ لُك ٌّ ضْعَب ٌّ لُك

Lesson 11:
ٌّ‫ بَعْضٌّ ُكل‬and adverbs of time & place
Lesson 11 covers:
ٌّ ‫ُك‬
3. Adverbs of time
ٌّ‫ ظَرْ ف زمان‬and place ٌّ‫ف مكان‬
ٌُّ ْ‫ظَر‬
Collective noun:
Another type of common noun – collective nouns refer to a group of things or people. They
are usually singular words that represent a number of people or things.
people, bunch, group
ٌّ ‫ ُك‬is a masculine noun.
It can change case depending on what its position in the sentence is.
Because it is a noun, it therefore forms an idaafas construction with a following noun (which
would of course be
‫ َم ْج ُرور‬due to it being mudaf ilayhi)
The mudaf ilayhi in this instance, can either be definite or indefinite, and alter in number
depending on the meaning of
ٌّ‫ ُكل‬in that moment – which can either mean:
1. Each
2. Every
3. All of
means “each” or “every”
then the Mudaf ilayhi can be either:
Indefinite Singular
ٌّ‫ُكلٌّ نَ ْفس‬
Each soul
means “all”
then the Mudaf ilayhi can be either:
Indefinite Plural
Definite Singular
(if mudaaf ilayhi is a
collective noun, or
can be divided into
separate parts)
(if mudaaf ilayhi is a
collective noun, or
can be divided into
separate parts)
ٌّ‫ن ُكلٌّ أُناس‬
ٌّْ ‫ِم‬
From each people
Definite Plural
ٌّ‫ت ُكل‬
ٌُّ ‫أَ َك ْل‬
I ate all of the food
ِ ‫ُكلٌّ الث َمرا‬
All of the fruits
ٌّ‫ ُكلٌّ َذلِ َك‬means all of that
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ٌّ‫ بَعْض‬can be translated as some.
It works in a similar way to ٌّ‫كل‬
It is also a masculine noun
It can change case depending on what its position in the sentence is.
It forms an idaafas construction with a following noun, which is always
‫( َم ْج ُرور‬due to it
being mudaf ilayhi).
The Mudaaf ilayhi should be definite and plural, but it can also be definite and singular if it is
a collective noun or can be divided into separate parts.
Mudaaf ilayhi with
ٌّ‫ بَعْض‬mudaf
Definite Plural
Definite Singular
(if mudaaf ilayhi is a collective noun, or can be
divided into separate parts)
ٌّ‫ْضٌّ ال ُم ْل ِك‬
ُ ‫بَع‬
ُ ‫بَع‬
َ ‫ْضٌّ النَبِي‬
Some of the prophets
Some of the Kingdom
Be aware of:
ٌّ‫ بَعْض‬can also mean “one of”
For example:
ٌّ‫ّار ِة‬
ٌُّ ‫بَع‬
َ ‫ْض ال ّسي‬
One of the caravans
In one place in the Qur’an,
ٌّ‫ بَعْض‬is followed by an indefinite mudaaf ilayhi.
ٌّ‫ْض يَوم‬
ٌُّ ‫بَع‬
Part of a day
Important to note:
ُ ‫ ٌّبَع‬may appear without the mudaf ilahi! –When this occurs, you will find that
usually, it is because ‫ْض‬
ٌُّ ‫ بَع‬is mentioned twice in the same clause, and the mudaaf ilayhi is
mentioned following the first ‫ْض‬
ٌُّ ‫بَع‬. (the 2nd ‫ْض‬
ٌُّ ‫ بَع‬refers back to the same mudaaf ilayhi as the
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In this case, it will usually be translated as “one another”
Complete idaafa
ٌّ‫ضهُ ٌّْم َعلَىٌّ بَعْض‬
ٌُّ ‫ل بَ ْع‬
ٌَّ َ‫َوأَ ْقب‬
And they approached one another
(literally translated as: and some of them approached to some)
Verbs, adjectives and predicates with
ٌّ ‫ ُك‬and ‫ْض‬
ٌُّ ‫بَع‬
Verbs, adjectives and predicates etc can either agree in number / gender with
ٌّ ‫ ُك‬and ‫ْض‬
ٌُّ ‫( بَع‬i.e:
they would be masculine and singular form) or they can agree with the mudaaf ilayhi.
In the Qur’an, agreement is usually with the mudaaf ilayhi.
ِ ‫ُكلٌّ نَ ْفسٌّ ذائِقَ ٌّةُ ال َمو‬
Every soul is a taster of death
Adverbs of time and place
An adverb modifies a verb, an adjective or another adverb.
The word adverb essentially means “to add to a verb”, and this is what adverbs mostly do.
They provide information about how, when, where or how often something is happening, and
to what degree.
In Arabic, the 2 most common types of adverbs are:
ٌّ‫ظَرْ ف زمان‬
Adverb of place ٌّ‫ف مكان‬
ٌُّ ْ‫ظَر‬
1. Adverb of time
The way the adverb is formed is by simply placing a noun that expresses the time/place in the
sentence with a fixed
‫ َمبْني‬fathah (exception: ِ‫)أَمْس‬
ٌّ‫ْض يَ ْوم‬
ٌَّ ‫أوبَع‬
ْ ٌّ‫لَبِ ْثنا يَ ْوما‬
ٌّ‫ق ُكلٌّ ِذي ِع ْلمٌّ َعلِيم‬
ٌَّ ‫َوفَ ْو‬
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Lesson 11: Quick revision summary
Masculine noun
Case can change
Forms an idaafa with following majroor noun
 Means each or every when mudaaf ilayhi is:
1. Indefinite singular
2. Indefinite plural (when mudaaf ilahi is a collective noun)
 Means all when mudaaf ilayhi is:
1. Definite singular (when mudaaf ilayhi is a collective noun)
2. Definite plural
ٌّ‫ ُكلٌّ َذلِ َك‬means all of that
ٌّ‫ – بَعْض‬means some
Masculine noun
Can change case
Forms an idaafa with following majroor nouns
Mudaaf ilayhi should be definite and plural
- However can be definite and singular if it’s a collective noun
ٌّ‫ بَعْض‬can also mean “one of”
ٌُّ ‫ بَع‬actually
ُ ‫ بَع‬appears twice in same clause, with the only 1 mudaaf ilayhi, the 2nd ‫ْض‬
refers back to the mudaaf ilayhi of the 1st ‫ْض‬
ٌُّ ‫ – بَع‬in this case it will usually be translated as one
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