Newsletter 218 - Archdeacon Cambridge`s Church of

School Newsletter 218
27th February 2015
Archdeacon Cambridge’s
Church of England Primary School
The Green, Twickenham, Middlesex TW2 5TU
Tel: 020 8894 4777, www.archdeaconcambridges.richmond.
“Challenge, inspiration, success and a love of learning in a happy, caring, Christian environment.”
ear Parents and Carers,
We were pleased to welcome parents to our Internet Safety Talk led by Peter Cowley, Richmond’s Computing and ESafety Advisor, before half term. Mr Cowley’s engaging presentation provided a helpful insight into how parents can
ensure children’s use of the internet remains age appropriate and that children are aware of the risks of posting
personal information online. Mr Cowley also presented internet safety information in class during the day to the
Year 6 children and to all staff at their weekly staff meeting.
I look forward to seeing everyone in school next week for Parent Teacher Pupil Progress Meetings. A reminder that
parents should go to the Large Hall on arrival to register. would encourage every parent to find time before their
meetings with class teachers to look at the exercise books available in the Hall. Time spent looking through a book
is very worthwhile as it provides a clear picture of a child’s achievement and progress since last September. I would
also ask that parents complete the questionnaire in their child’s tray.
Janet Foster
Forthcoming Dates for the Diary:
2nd –6th March
School Attendance and Punctuality Week
Mon 2nd March
Tues 3rd March
Weds 4th March
Thurs 5th March
Fri 6th March
Sat 7th March
Weds 11th March
Thurs 12th March
Fri 13th March
Sat 14th March
Piano Concert (Years 4—6)
Parent Teacher Pupil Progress Meetings
Yr 1—Dance Through Stories
Yr 5/6 Choir—PP4S Regional Rehearsal
Piano Concert (Years 2 and 3)
Parent Teacher Pupil Progress Meetings
Rec—Yr 6—Musicians’ Visit
Wildlife Area Dig Day
Praying Parents
PTA Meeting
Yr 3 Assembly
PTA Rugby Parking
Parent Teacher Pupil Progress Meetings
A reminder that these take place on:
Tuesday 3rd March—
Thursday 5th March—
Year 6 children are expected to attend. Please remember to make
alternative childcare arrangements for children in Reception—
Reception—Year 5
and younger siblings. School staff are not available to supervise
unattended children. Sign up sheets with appointment times have been
available under the covered walkway between the Infant and Junior
Playgrounds since Wednesday.
The next Nursery Parent Teacher Consultation Meetings will take place
in the Summer Term 2015.
Attendance and Punctuality
We will be holding an Attendance and
Punctuality Week next week; Mon 2nd—
Fri 6th March.
March Attendance figures for
each class will be published in the next
school newsletter. Parents are
reminded that children who arrive in
school after the registers close are
recorded as absent for the session. The
school day starts at 8.50am and
children should be on site in good time
for a prompt start to each day.
Nursery 2015/16 Application Forms
Application forms for entry to Nursery in
September 2015 were sent out during
half term to those parents who had
registered their child’s name. The
deadline for the receipt of completed
applications is 20th March 2015.
Application forms are still available from
Mrs Hamerton in the School Office.
Praying Parents
Our regular prayer group will next meet
for informal chat and prayer on
Wednesday 11th March at 9am in The
Group Room. Parents, Carers and PreSchool children are welcome. Please
contact Susan Stewart (4M) for more
Year 5 Sayers Croft Trip Report
On the 9th February all of Year 5 travelled to Sayers Croft near Guildford. When we arrived, the first
thing we did was meet our leaders. Tom was the leader of one group and Stephanie was the leader
of the other group. After having a demonstration of how to make our beds we had a delicious lunch
of beef burgers and chips with juice.
Our first activity was compass reading with Abi, a new lady. It was very useful to do this activity because hardly any
of us knew our way around the forest or how to use a compass. Using these skills we did two trails to find our way
around the woods. Next we did orienteering using a map around the dormitories to find letters for a crossword.
After dinner we gathered to do the night walk with another nice lady called Jen. We followed a reflective trail and
played some sound games. After our hot chocolate and biscuit we all fell asleep at midnight!
There were many activities on the second day. These are a few that we really enjoyed: rock climbing with Jen, Tree
climbing with Tom, the stream walk and watching Mr Bowen in the disco dancing (It was hilarious). Then we fell
asleep much quicker than the previous night.
On the third day we woke up, got dressed, and had breakfast. Then we went outside to play some plant games and
look at WW2 artefacts. Finally we had to go home. All of us found this sad because we had enjoyed the trip so
By Annica Baldock and Annabel Ramsland (5B)
After School Clubs Next Week
Wildlife Area Pond Refurbishment Update
Just a reminder that there will be no Real Runners,
Gymnastics Club or Art Club on Tuesday 3rd March
due to Parent Teacher Pupil Progress Meetings. Year
5 and 6 Drama Club will still take place on Thursday
5th March, venue to be confirmed. Tennis will take
place as usual on Thursday 5th March.
The much-loved pond in the Wildlife Area has recently
started losing quite a lot of water, putting the fragile
pond eco-system at risk. As many of you will know, a
pond is a vital part of any wildlife area, providing a food
and water source for the creatures that live there.
Thanks to a kind donation from the PTA, works have now
started to have the pond re-lined. On the last day of the
half term, Ms van den Broek welcomed the Pondlife
Company to the school and they immediately began
emptying the pond. We are pleased to say that the pond
was wriggling with frogs, toads and newts. All the plants
and animals have been safely re-homed in a temporary
pond next the pond and will returned to their home once
it has been repaired. Children will be visiting the pond
regularly during the next two weeks to keep up with the
progress. We look forward to re-launching the pond and
welcoming you to explore it during the first part of the
Summer Term.
Fair Trade Fortnight
Today is the first day of Fair Trade Fortnight. In
assemblies, through the value of Justice, been
thinking about fairness and how the Fair Trade
organisation enables many people to live a better life.
Please consider buying Fair Trade products when you
are next out shopping.
Plastic Bottle Top Collection
Members of our newly set up Eco-Group are in the
process of looking at school recycling and as an initial
idea wish to collect plastic bottle tops in any colours
for an art project. Please send in washed plastic
bottle tops with your child; there will be collection
boxes in each class. Thank you!
Sainsbury’s Active Kids Vouchers
Our collection box for Sainsbury’s Active Kids
Vouchers is situated in the School Office Foyer.
Please bring in any vouchers that you may collect
whilst shopping which we can exchange for sports
equipment for the school.
Piano Concerts
Monday 2nd and Thursday 5th March
Parents of children in Years 4—6 who have
lessons with Mrs Linsey are warmly invited
to their piano concert on Monday 2nd March at 9.50am
in The Large Hall. Parents of children in Years 2 and 3
who have piano lessons in school are warmly invited to
their concert on Thursday 5th March at 2.45pm in The
Small Hall.
Children in Years 4—6 who have lessons with Mr Joss
Linsey will perform in their concert next term.
Swimming Sessions
All year groups will be swimming in school from Monday 2nd March. Please ensure children have their swimming
kit in school on the day of their session. Girls will need a one piece swimsuit and boys need appropriate trunks, not
Bermuda shorts. All children with long hair should wear a swimming hat. Please also ensure that your child does
not have hair gel or spray in their hair on the swimming days as this interferes with the pool filter.
Archdeacon Cambridge’s School is a member of the RFU Education Partnership
Sporting Summary from Mr Bowie
Years 3 and 4 Basketball Tournament
It has been an exciting term for Sport at Archdeacon and
despite the awful weather we have had a busy fixture list.
I have been particularly pleased with the team ethic that
our children have displayed and their capacity to help and
support one another no matter the result of a particular
Avalon Patel and Oliver Duffau (4B) report: ‘We played
five matches, won them all and in our final match we
played Stanley and beat them 12-4. This meant we
are now the Championships and we have a medal
each and a big cup in display in school. We really
enjoyed the tournament and feel proud to be the
The Year 6 Football Girls played a great match against St
John the Baptist in horrendous conditions. Twelve girls
took part in two matches. In our ‘A’ Team game we were
unlucky to draw after St John’s scored a late equalizer in
a thrilling 2-2 draw. Kika Earl-Travis scored both of our
goals and Katie Step was brave in goal, continuing with a
swollen finger to keep us in the game. We won our ‘B’
Team match and overall I have been immensely proud of
the spirit and willingness to listen and improve from all
the girls in the football team—Well done all!
Our Year 3/4 Basketball team, improving on their
previous performance, won the West Richmond
Championship. They won all their matches and I was very
impressed with the team’s improvement; they held their
nerve and showed great resilience to remain unbeaten in
the whole tournament—Well done Team.
Our Year 5/6 Basketball team should be equally proud of
themselves after coming 3rd in a very tough competition.
I know that the children enjoy these tournaments and
would like to thank all the parents who came to support, it
was greatly appreciated.
Ms Du Bery stepped into the breach during my paternity
leave to offer a training session for the Tag Rugby team.
The squad performed well at the recent Tournament;
getting through to the 3rd round of the Plate and
providing us with some very enjoyable moments of rugby.
Freddie Martin scored some great individual tries but it
should be noted the whole team did exceptionally well
under the circumstances. I thoroughly enjoyed
accompanying the team. They should all be proud of their
attitudes and effort. Well Done.
Year 6 High Five Netball Tournament
On Wednesday 25th February the Year 6 Netball Team
went to the High Five Netball Tournament at the Old
Deer Park in Richmond. Our team included Freddie,
Mair, Katie F, Jessica, Tabitha, Lexie, Madelaine, and
Annabel. We won our first match and then lost the next
two. Each match lasted six minutes with no half-time.
We got into the Plate and won two matches and drew
one so it came down to point difference. In our final
match Stanley beat us by one point so we were out of
the tournament. It was a great day and lots of fun.
Good luck to Year 5 next year!
By Freddie Martin (6DF)
Year 6 Girls Football Match
Tabitha Jefferies (6DF) and Milly Edwards (6J) write:
‘In January the AC Girls Football Team played against
St John the Baptist. We drew our league match and
won our friendly match; they were two great games.
We scored lots of goals and saved many goals even
though we were drenched in freezing rain and coated
in mud.’
Richmond Borough Swimming Heats
Mair Hobbs and Mina Lozanoff (6DF) report: ‘On
Tuesday 10th February seven children from Year 6 and
two children from Year 4 went to Richmond Pools on
the Park to represent Archdeacon Cambridge at the
Borough Swimming Gala Heats. Holly (4M) and Oscar
(4B) swam a freestyle race and Holly won her race.
Mair and James (6DF) swam in a breaststroke race
and Mina (6DF) and Jamie (6J) swam a backstroke
race. The Year 6 Girls and Boys did separate medley
relays and the Year 6 Girls also did a freestyle relay.
We are now waiting for the results and hope to get
through to the Finals.
Year 6 Tag Rugby Tournament
In the Tag Rugby Tournament we faced many strong
teams including Sheen Mount. Considering we hadn’t
had much practice, we did well. We won one game
out of three in the group stages which meant we were
in the running for the Plate. We won our first game
but sadly Sheen Mount knocked us out in extra time
in the next game. We had lots of fun and worked like
a team and after an amazing day we would definitely
be glad to play Tag Rugby again!
By Jamie House and Josh Brentnall (6J)
Years 5 and 6 Basketball Tournament
Lila Skeet (5B) reports: ‘The Years 5 and 6 Basketball
Tournament was much harder than we expected. Our
team consisted of Tegvir, Evelyn, Cameron, Arthur,
Finlay, Jake, Nathanial, Maddie, Anouk, Lexie Alfred
and myself. By the end of the tournament all our hard
work had paid off and we came 3rd out of nine
schools. St John the Baptist came first and St Mary’s
and St Peter’s came 2nd. The Basketball Tournament
was great fun and I’m sure it will be next time too!’
Welcome back after half term. We hope you have all had a good
break and are looking forward to a fun filled few weeks before
Easter! First up we have the school disco this Friday 27th, hopefully
everyone has received their tickets. We will then be planning in
earnest for the Summer Fair and are still looking for volunteers to
support this. If you are able to help out then please contact
[email protected] or your class representative.
Over this half term, the PTA will continue to work on and develop
the great fundraising ideas put forward at our brainstorming
evening held earlier this year. We’ll keep you updated on progress,
new events and of course we are always keen to hear from
potential volunteers!
Finally, a reminder that the next PTA meeting will be held on 12th
March, 8pm in the Staff Room, access from Vicarage Road. We’d
love to see as many of you there as possible.
PTA Parent’s Combined Social
Thursday 19th March 2015
The Deakie Arms
Come along to the The Deakie Arms
(Large Hall at the School!) on Thursday
19th March for a combined class social.
Here’s your chance to catch up with all
friends across the year groups and
perhaps make some new friends whilst
sipping a cocktail or pulling your own pint
from our self service ale barrels. Anthea
James’ famous Archdeacon pies will also
be available and live music too!
See you there!
Kind regards
PTA Chair Team—Jo Neville, Luci O’Rourke & Claire Hamlin
PTA Open Garden (Dig Day) - Saturday 7th March 10am
We are very excited to have the first of our Open Gardens in the Wildlife Area on Saturday 7th
March. Previously known as Dig Days, the new Outdoor Learning Team is launching the first of
our Open Gardens. This Open Garden will run from 10am—2pm to give everybody the chance to
come and participate as we know families have many children’s activities on Saturdays.
To accommodate our busy lifestyles, we welcome picnic lunches and we will of course have tea,
coffee and cake for parents with juice, biscuits and more cake for children!
A wonderful addition to this Open Garden will be provided by Anna Weston, who is a Forest School Leader. She
has agreed to run specific sessions for children attending our Open Garden Day which will help keep them
entertained whilst parents get muddy.
We have a few more Open Gardens planned for later in the year. The next one will be in April and will celebrate
the fixing of our pond in the Wildlife Area. We are planning a big celebration and keep your ears open for any
news from the children about our plans!
We look forward to seeing you on Saturday 7th March. The Wildlife Area is situated at the back of the school
with access through the staff car park.
Beyond the School
New Information Centre at Castlenau Community Centre
Castlenau Community Centre is now offering a new drop-in information service to help residents in Richmond get
the information they need about a range of issues, including their income, benefits, debts and energy bills as well
as their general health and well-being. The free, confidential service is run by volunteers who have had specialist
training from Richmond CAB and Richmond Adult Community College. The service is open to all Richmond
residents by dropping in on Tuesday mornings between 9.15am and 11.15am at Castlenau Community Centre,
7 Stillingfleet Road, London, SW13 9AQ.
Fuel Grant Scheme
Richmond Council is once again running a Fuel Grant scheme. The scheme is designed to help households who
are on low incomes or benefits to keep warm this winter. Grants of up to £85 are now available from the Council
Application forms can be picked up from the Civic Centre or any Council Library or by downloading a form from
HomeHome-start Parenting Training Course
If you can spare few hours a week to help local families with children under five, Home-Start Richmond can train
you to support those who are having a difficult time. This free of charge course starting in April takes place one
day a week during school hours in East Sheen and can be accredited to NVQ level 1 or 2. For more information
please contact Angie Ahmed on 020 847 8500 or [email protected]