Knitted Slipper Socks designed by Kim Guzman Episode: #3 - 112k

designed by Kim Guzman
Knitted Slipper Socks
Episode: #3 - 112k
Note: Sl first st on every row to make firm edge.
CO 46, (50, 50) sts loosely, leaving 20” tail for sewing
side seam.
beg=beginning; CO=cast on; k=knit; k2tog=knit 2
together; p=purl; pm=place marker; psso=pass slipped
stitch over; pu=pick up; RS=right side; rem=remaining;
rep=repeat; sl=slip; st(s)=stitch(es); st st=stockinette
stitch; WS=wrong side
SMALL (9”) fits women’s sizes 6 – 7 ½
MEDIUM (9 1/2”) fits women’s sizes 8 - 8 ½
LARGE (10”) fits women’s sizes 9 - 10
With size 7 needles in St st, 20 sts = 4” *Take time to
check gauge*
4 oz #4 worsted weight yarn
(Original model made using Caron Simply Soft color
#9705 Sage)
Size 7 knitting needles (or size required to obtain gauge)
1 pair Boye® slipper sock bottoms
#22 tapestry needle, stitch holder, stitch markers
Directions are given for size Small. Size Medium and
Large are in ( ).
Begin rib pattern:
Row 1: sl1, [p1, k1] across, end with p1.
Rep Row 1 for 6 inches or desired length.
Begin heel:
K across 20 (22, 22) sts. Place rem 26 (28, 28) sts on
holder for instep.
Work heel flap in St st (knit one row, purl one row) for
2 ¾ (3, 3) inches; end with purl row. Bind off next row
(knit row) tightly. (1 st rem on needle)
Gusset and instep:
With RS facing, pu 9 (11, 11) sts along inside edge of
heel flap (1 st is already on needle)- 10 (12, 12) sts. K2
from holder, pm, work in rib pattern across 22 (24, 24)
sts (from holder), pm, k last 2 sts from holder. Turn, CO
10 (12, 12) sts for opposite gusset—46 (52, 52) sts.
Shape gussets:
Row 1 (WS): Sl1, P to marker, rib to next marker, p to
Row 2 (RS): Sl1, K to 2 sts before first marker, k2tog, rib
to next marker, (sl1, k1, psso), knit to end—44 (50, 50)
Rep previous 2 rows 5 (7, 7) times more; on final row, 34
(36, 36) sts.
Rep row 1 once more.
Work instep:
Row 1 (RS): Sl1 [p1, k1] 2 times, p1, slip marker, (sl1,
k1, psso), k to last 2 sts before next marker, k2tog, [p1,
k1] 3 times—32 (34, 34) sts.
Row 2 (WS): Rib to marker, p to next marker, rib to end.
Rep previous 2 rows 1 (1, 0) times more—30 (32, 34)
Row 1 (RS): Rib to marker, k to next marker, rib to end.
Row 2 (WS): Rib to marker, p to next marker, rib to end.
Rep Rows 1-2 until sock measures 7 (7.5, 8)” from beg of
gusset shaping, end with WS row.
Shape toe:
Row 1 (RS): Sl1, rib to marker, (sl1, k1, psso) 2 times, k
to 4 sts before marker, k2tog twice, rib to end—26 (28,
30) sts.
Row 2 (WS): Sl1, rib to marker, p to next marker, rib to
©How To Media Inc. 2010 For personal use only. All other uses prohibited
Rep previous 2 rows once more, remove markers after
last row—22 (24, 26) sts.
Row 5: sl1, rib 3 sts, (sl1, k1, psso) twice, k to last 8 sts,
k2tog twice, rib to end—18 (20, 22) sts.
Row 6: Sl1, rib 3 sts, p to last 4 sts, rib to end.
Row 7: (Sl1, k1, psso) 3 times , k to last 6 sts, (k2tog) 3
times—12 (14, 16) sts.
BO all stitches in purl.
With needle, seam cuff, heel and gusset. Center heel
on back seam of sole bottom with center of toe to front
of sole, fitted to the inside of the sole sides. Pin evenly
around (safety pins, split ring markers work well). With
needle, whipstitch slipper top to sole.
Reprinted with Permission. Simplicity Creative Group
© 2009. All right reserved.
Boye slipper sock soles are available at craft stores nationwide
and at
For personal use only. All other uses prohibited
©How To Media Inc. 2010