SERUM-FREE MEDIUM AND LARGE-SCALE PROCESS FOR MYOBLAST EXPANSION Parent VAa, Garnier Aa,*, Tremblay JPb a Département de Génie Chimique, Université Laval, Québec, QC, Canada, G1V 0A6 . Unité de Recherche en Génétique Humaine, Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l’Université Laval, Québec, Canada. *[email protected] b Abstract: Muscle precursor cells (MPC) isolated from skeletal muscles can restore dystrophin expression when injected in muscles, making it a potential therapeutic for muscular dystrophy. However, the limited availability of these cells is one of the important obstacles to the feasibility of this cellular therapy. Efficient expansion of MPC in a serumfree medium (SFM) would certainly contribute to improve this availability. Our group is currently working on the development of a process that sustains the expansion of muscle precursor cells. In a first phase, a bank of 6 basal culture media and 60 additives have been tested by means of statistical design of experiment methodology (DOE), to evaluate individual as well as synergistic effects on huMPC proliferation. In a second phase, 105 different receptor and autocrine cytokine MPC have been analyzed by RT-PCR in search for new extracellular mytogenic determinants. Finally, central composite design is being use to optimize the concentrations and reduce medium cost. In the most efficient serum-free medium (LOBSFM), it was possible to expand MPC (86% desmin+) over 1100 folds in 16 days without serum addition. This medium can also support MPC’s long term expansion (60 days) without myotube formation. However, MPC myotube formation is possible after one month in culture when put in differentiation medium. Also, to scale-up the process, large-scale culture with porous microcarrier cytoline 2 was successfully applied to MPC espansion. Keywords: serum-free medium, myoblast, cytokines, microcarrier, muscular dystrophy 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Duchenne muscular dystrophy Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is the most widely spread genetic disease (Voisin and de la Porte 2004). This disease is characterized by the progressive weakening of muscles, resulting in muscular necrosis and fibrosis (Emery A 2003). The absence of dystrophin, an essential protein for muscle fiber stability, increases the vulnerability of these fibers during their contraction. Consequently, constant muscular repair is necessary, which result in the premature senescence of myoblasts. 1.2 Cell therapy Cellular therapy has shown significant therapeutic effect against DMD in several studies in mice (Chen, Li et al. 1992) and humans (Gussoni, Pavlath et al. 1992; Huard, Bouchard et al. 1992; Huard, Verreault et al. 1994; Skuk, Goulet et al. 2006; Skuk, Goulet et al. 2007). Cellular therapy consists in injecting human myoblasts from healthy donors in DMD patient muscles. The healthy myoblasts fuse to muscle fibers of the patients and partially restore the expression of dystrophin. This expression increases the strength of the treated muscle and restores at least partially their functionality, hence improving significantly the patient's quality of life. Nevertheless, some difficulties remain to be surmounted to make this therapy a reality. Two of these are the culture medium presently used for myoblast expansion, which contains blood serum, and the inadequacy of the present production processes for the large scale production that would be required to treat whole patient muscle mass. 1.3 Culture medium Basal medium Cellular nutritional requirements comprise a vast range of molecules, of which several are found in the basal medium, which contains the essential components necessary to the cellular metabolism and osmotic balance maintenance: salts, amino-acids, vitamins, sugars, lipids, trace elements, antioxidants and pH buffer (Ham and McKeehan 1979; Butler 1991; Davis 2002). The basal medium must be selected considering its compatibility with the type of cells to be cultured, as well as its performance with regards to predetermined responses of interest. The role of the basal medium can therefore either be to support proliferation, differentiation or quiescence of a given cell population (Zimmerman, Vierck et al. 2000). Basal media known to support myoblast expansion are DMEM, F12, RPMI1640 (Goto, Miyazaki et al. 1999) and MCDB120 (Ham, St Clair et al. 1988). Serum Serum is an additive which allows the non-specific proliferation of a vast range of cell types. It is prepared from plasma, the liquid fraction of blood, from which clotting factors were removed. Its functions are multiple: adhesion of the cells to a solid surface (via adhesion molecules such as fetuin, fibronectine, vitronectine), growth stimulation (growth factors, GF; cytokines; hormones), protection (antioxidants, antitoxins, proteins), buffer and nutrition. However, serum composition is not completely resolved since it is a very complex fluid, containing at least 3000 different proteins. Moreover, serum requires extensive quality control, it contains proliferation inhibitors, its composition varies from batch to batch, and it can hinder the purification of cell culture products. Serum can also be contaminated by viruses, bacteria and prions (Jayme, Epstein et al. 1988; Freshney 2005). It is therefore advantageous to replace serum by a mixture of defined components that would not present similar problems. Serum-free media Serum-free media permit a better control of cell proliferation and differentiation and reduce the risk of contamination (Zimmerman, Vierck et al. 2000). However, serum-free mediaare much more specific than serumcontaining media, often supporting only the growth or differentiation of the cell type for which it has been developed. The corollary of this is therefore that most cell types will require the development of their own serumfree medium. Although serum-free medium formulations for myoblast culture have previously been reported (Ham, St Clair et al. 1988) or are commercially available (Skeletal muscle cell medium ‘BulletKit’, CC-3160, Lonza), the extent and rate of myoblast proliferation in these media remain much lower than in serum containing media. Consequently, the development of a safer, serum-free culture medium that would efficiently support the expansion of myoblasts and their precursors would significantly and timely contribute to the advent of a cellular therapy of DMD. 2. MATERIAL Myoblasts, or muscle-precursor cells (MPC), used in the following examples were derived from three digested human muscular biopsies, BB13, H49 and H51. BB13 cells were separated from fibroblasts following the protocol described in (Belles-Isles, Roy et al. 1993), and were therefore at least 95% desmin+ (DakoCytomation clone DE-R11, code M0724) and 95% NKH1+ (Beckman-Coulter). H49 and H51 cells were not purified and only >50% desmin+. The cells were initially cultured in the standard medium (STD) made of MCDB120 as basal medium (Hyclone SH3A1704.01), complemented with 15% fetal bovine serum (FBS) (HyClone SH30396.03, lot KPF21343), 0.39 µg/ml dexamethasone, 5 µg/ml insulin, 10 ng/ml basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and 0.5 mg/ml bovine serum albumin (BSA). A serum-free medium (also referred to as LOBSFM) is composed of a mixture of three basal media: Ham F12 (Invitrogen 11765-054), RPMI1640 (Invitrogen 21870-076) and MCDB120 (Hyclone SH3A1704.01, lot # AQE23666) at a 1:1:1 ratio. This mixture is supplemented with six growth factors/cytokines (bFGF, FGF4, EGF, IGF1, IL1α, IL1β) and seven additives (BSA, fetuin, fibronectin, dexamethasone, ITS, lipids, B27). 3. METHODS 3.1 Quantification of cell proliferation HuMPC are cultured in 24-well plates (plasma-treated) and cell expansion is assessed with hemacytometer counts, in duplicate. 3.2 Cell staining Cells are washed (3 times, 5 min) with PBS, fixed with 95% ethanol, 15 min, incubated with PBS + 10% FBS, 1 h, incubated in 1/150 mouse anti-desmin Ab (DakoCytomation clone DE-R-11) or 1/10 for MHC (Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank) in PBS+10% FBS, 1 h, washed twice, stained with 1/10000 DAPI and revealed with 1/300 goat anti-mouse Alexa Fluor red 546 or Alexa Fluor 488 (Molecular Probes A11003 and A-11029) in PBS+10% FBS. Marked cells are then counted. 3.3 mRNA purification BB13M cells were first purified by NKH-1, leading to >99% myoblasts, verified with desmin staining. Cells were cultured in 6-well plates, and mRNA was isolated with Trizol (Sigma) according to manufacturer’s protocol. The purity and quantification of mRNA was determined with by spectrophotometry. 3.4 Design of experiments (DOE) HuMPC are cultured in multi-well plates (plasma-treated) in duplicates. As an example, a 6-factor central composite design consists in 53 assays, 32 assays for a 2-level 26-1 factorial design (level concentrations: 1 and 10 ng/ml), 12 stars points (0.2 and 50 ng/ml) and 9 center points (3.2 ng/ml). A 5% significance threshold is used. 3.5 Spinner Flask cultures Warm culture medium (40 ml) is added to sterile 100 ml spinner flasks already containing microcarriers. The vessels are inoculated with 2x105 cells/ml each and agitated 30 seconds every hour for 6 hours, in order to evenly distribute cells on microcarriers. A final overnight settling ensures proper attachment and spreading of cells to microcarriers. A constant 45 rpm agitation was used and the medium changed every 2 days. Cells are recuperated with several trypsin treatment cycles treatment until every cells detach from microcarriers. 4. RESULTS 4.1 Individual cytokine addition The capacity of seven different culture media to support myoblast expansion was compared with second passage (P2) H49 cells. As shown in Error! Reference source not found.A, at day nine, the addition of four factors (MCM: obtained from the supernatant of a LPS activated macrophage culture (ATCC CRL-9855), IL-1α, IL-1β, or a combination of B27, N2 and ShH) to MBa, a first generation serum-free medium developed in our lab, significantly improved the proliferation of myoblasts compared to MBa alone. 4.2 Comparison of cell expansion in standard and serum-free media At the end of a screening campaign including 60 defined components (potential factors identified from RT-PCR assays and from the literature), a medium consisting of a mixture of 3 basal media (RPMI1640:F12:MB1 with ratio 1:1:1), 6 cytokines (bFGF, FGF4, EGF, IGF1, IL1α, IL1β), B27 (without vitamin A), fetuin, bovine serum albumin (BSA), fibronectin, dexamethasone, insulin-transferrin-selenite (ITS) and lipids has been developed. The optimized serum-free medium (LOBSFM) as been compared to a commercially available MPC serum-free medium from Lonza (SkGM+BulletKitTM) and a standard serum containing medium (STD) (Error! Reference source not found.B). 4.3 Comparison of long term expansion of cells in standard and LOBSFM media The results shown in Error! Reference source not found.C represent two experiments carried out independently. Cellular expansion is expressed in expansion fold. LOBSMF allows long term MPC expansion and expansion rate equivalent to standard, serum containing medium. Figure 1: Myoblasts expansion under different conditions 4.4 Immunostaining and FACS To ascertain LOBSFM medium allowed the specific expansion of myoblasts, desmin, MHC and NKH-1 expression was monitored by immunohistochemistry and FACS. The expression of myoblast-specific antigen was performed on purified and non-purified myoblasts. As shown in Error! Reference source not found.A to C, the proportion of BB13 cells cultured in the LOBSFM serum-free medium that expressed detectable levels of desmin diminished progressively during the culture. In comparison, most of myoblasts cultured in the STD medium maintained high levels of desmin expression, for an extended culture period (six weeks, Error! Reference source not found.I). Nevertheless, when transferred in a differentiation medium, both BB13 cells expanded in STD medium or LOBSFM fused and expressed NKH-1 similarly (Error! Reference source not found.D, F, G and H). As seen in Figure 2E, for a 4 weeks culture, desmin is upregulated when cells that have grown in LOBSFM are transferred in differentiation medium and form myotubes. This result indicates that culture in the LOBSFM medium does not alter the ability of the cells to differenciate to myotubes. Moreover, myoblasts cultured for four weeks in LOBSFM or STD medium exhibited similar proportion of NKH-1 expressing BB13 cells (Error! Reference source not found.A). However, although the expression levels were similar for BB13 cells, it was lower for non-purified H49 cells cultured in LOBSFM (Error! Reference source not found.B). Figure 2: Cellular desmin and myosin heavy chain. Micrographs of cells that proliferated in LOBSFM (A to F) and STD medium (G to I) with desmin (red), myosin heavy chain (green) and nucleus (blue) immunostains. The cells were cultured either for one week (D and G), two weeks (A), four weeks (B, E, H) or six weeks (C, F, I). Cells in boxes D to H were fixed and immunostained after a three-day incubation in a differentiation medium. Figure 3: NKH-1 flow cytometry of four-week myoblast cultures. (A) BB13 cultured in LOBSFM (98,8%) or STD medium (96,9%). (B) H49 cultured in LOBSFM (yellow) or STD medium (pink). (C) Side scatter against forward scatter for cells cultured in standard medium. (D) Side scatter against forward scatter for cells cultured in LOBSFM medium. The gated area in (C) and (D) represent cells analyzed for fluorescence 4.5 Microcarriers cell culture Screening of a panel of 15 porous and non-porous microcarriers lead to the selection of Cytoline2 (GE Healthcare), a porous polyethylene and silica particle. Despite a 75% cell loss in the first 5 days of culture (Figure 4A), Cytoline 2, allowed the adhesion and spread of myoblasts (Figure 4B). The large pore sizes (10-400 µm) provide protection for the cells while still allowing simple cellular harvest. Figure 4: spinner flask microcarrier cultures: A) Growth curves for with Cytopore (dark blue) and Cytoline 2 (pink), B) Cytoline 2 culture after 20 days. 5. CONCLUSIONS LOBSFM supports 6 x 1010 fold expansion of huMPC, equivalent to serum-containing medium, for a period of 60 days. At the end of the 60 day culture, more than 80% of the cells remain desmin+ and cells still have the ability to form myotubes. LOBSFM is much more efficient than other available serum-free media. Finally, Cytoline 2 supports myoblast growth in suspension culture bioreactor, and will be used for large-scale cell expansion. REFERENCES Belles-Isles, M., R. Roy, et al. (1993). "Rapid selection of donor myoblast clones for muscular dystrophy therapy using cell surface expression of NCAM." Eur J Histochem 37(4): 375-80. Butler, M. (1991). Mammalian cell biotechnology, a practical approach, Oxford University Press. Chen, M., H. J. Li, et al. (1992). "Dystrophin cytochemistry in mdx mouse muscles injected with labeled normal myoblasts." Cell Transplant 1(1): 17-22. Davis, J. M. (2002). Basic cell culture: a practical approach, Oxford University Press. Emery A, M. F. (2003). Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Freshney, R. I. (2005). Culture of animal cells, a manual of basic technique, Wiley-Liss. 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