ARCHDIOCESE OF ST. LOUIS Employer Benefits Guide Open Enrollment May 1 – May 15, 2015 Office of Human Resources Cardinal Rigali Center 20 Archbishop May Drive St. Louis, MO 63119-5004 314.792.7546 314.792.7548 (fax) [email protected] ARCHDIOCESE OF ST. LOUIS Employer/Administrator Benefits Guide for Open Enrollment 2015 - 2016 CONTENTS: Page Introduction to Open Enrollment 3 Your Step by Step Guide to administer Open Enrollment 4 Eligibility for Benefits 5 Accuracy of Open Enrollment Data 5 Employer Open Enrollment Meeting 6 Distribution of the Employee Envelopes 6 What does your Employee need to do 6 Wellness Choice Option 8 Health Insurance Premium Contributions 9 United Healthcare Plan (UHC) Information 10 Flexible Spending Account Open Enrollment 12 Employee Self-Service Online Process 13 Employee Open Enrollment Meeting Date 14 -2- 2015 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS OPEN ENROLLMENT WHAT IS THE OPEN ENROLLMENT PERIOD? This is your administrator guide for the 2015 Employee Benefits Open Enrollment. There are a few tasks that are requested of you to complete during this process. Health Insurance: The “OPEN ENROLLMENT PERIOD” is the time period when a participant may switch from a current Archdiocesansponsored health insurance plan to a different Archdiocesan-sponsored health insurance plan. WHEN IS THE OPEN ENROLLMENT PERIOD? Also, the Open Enrollment period allows “late enrollees” to enroll in the Plan. “Late enrollees” are employees or their dependents or spouses who did not enroll for coverage within 31 days of the time they were first eligible and have not had a qualified special event. This is the time of the year that late enrollees may enroll in coverage. They may elect to enroll in either of the two plans with United Healthcare (UHC), the Standard Plan or the Premier Plan. The open enrollment period will begin May 1, 2015 and ends May 15, 2015. The changes elected will become effective on July 1, 2015. For employees who are currently participating in a health insurance plan and do not elect to make any changes, no action is required of them. Certain Wellness Choice Program eligibility may apply. Please see pages 7 and 8 for further details. Flexible Spending Account (FSA): The FSA plan offers a medical reimbursement account and a dependent care reimbursement account. Employees may also waive the Pre-tax designation in order to make after-tax contributions for health insurance deductions. Please note that the payroll manager of your parish/agency/school should have all employees in the Pre-tax plan unless an employee elects a waiver for the After-tax plan, commencing every July 1. Employees who want to make a health insurance change or choose to enroll must enroll online via Employee Self-Service. Employees who currently waived the health insurance plan and do not want to enroll for July 1, 2015 are required to complete an Employee Health Insurance Waiver Form. Voluntary Life Insurance: There is no Open Enrollment with the Hartford voluntary life insurance plan; however, an employee can enroll within the first 31 days of hire with a guaranteed issue amount or an employee can enroll at any time via Hartford enrollment form and a Personal Health Application with the approval by Hartford. Employees electing to participate in the Flexible Spending Accounts (the Medical Reimbursement Account, the Dependent Care Reimbursement Account, and/or to waive the Pre-Tax Health Insurance Premium Plan), must enroll or re-enroll online via Employee Self-Service by May 15, 2015. -3- AN EMPLOYER STEP BY STEP GUIDE FOR YOUR OPEN ENROLLMENT PROCESS Step 1: Please read this Administrator’s guide thoroughly to understand the Open Enrollment process and the benefit changes this year. Step 2: You are invited to attend a voluntary administrator’s Open Enrollment meeting on March 19th at the Cardinal Rigali Center. Details for the meeting are on page 13. Please RSVP by email, if you plan on attending the meeting: [email protected]. This is not a mandatory meeting but will be informative for you. It is scheduled from 1:30 – 3:30 pm in the Pope John Paul II Auditorium. Step 3: Once you receive a package containing envelopes for your eligible employees who are not currently in the health insurance plan or the flexible spending account, please distribute the letters to eligible employees. Please distribute the letters no later than April 24, 2015. Your employees currently enrolled in any one of the two benefit plans will receive their Open Enrollment letter at their home address. Step : Due to healthcare reform, an employee must either be enrolled in the Archdiocesan health insurance plan or waive the coverage. The employee who is currently not covered and wants to continue to waive coverage must complete the waiver form that is enclosed in their envelope. The employee gives you the completed form no later than May 16th. Please collect the Employee Health Insurance Waiver Forms from your eligible but not enrolled in the health plan employees who waive that benefit for 2015. Keep copies of the completed Employee Health Insurance Waiver Forms in your employee’s medical file and submit copies to our office via fax 314.792.7548 or email [email protected] by June 1, 2015. Step 5: Our office may be communicating to you via email regarding an employee’s late participation in Open Enrollment. We appreciate any assistance you can provide, if the email asks you to contact an employee. Step 6: In mid-June, you will receive a full benefit enrollment report showing all your employee’s elections for health insurance and flexible spending accounts. If you know of any concerns or see errors in the full benefit report, please contact us as soon as possible at 314.792.7546 or [email protected]. Step 7: Please keep a copy of the benefit enrollment report for your parish/school/agency but also give the report to your payroll administrator for any deduction changes, effective July 1, 2015. -4- ACCURACY OF CURRENT EMPLOYEE BENEFITS DATA FOR OPEN ENROLLMENT REVIEWING FOR ELIGIBILITY FOR HEALTH INSURANCE In order to be eligible for the Archdiocese of St. Louis health insurance plan, an employee must fulfill one of the following criteria: Enclosed with this letter is an Open Enrollment Participant Mailing Report listing names, addresses, benefit status, and pay frequency of employees at your parish/school/agency that are currently participating in the health insurance. Open Enrollment benefit letters will be mailed to these individuals at their home address. Any benefit eligible employees not on this report should be given an Open Enrollment benefit letter as instructed on page 6. Please review the report thoroughly. Please check for the following: 1. An active employee working at least 1,000 hours annually. Dependents of active employees are eligible if they are: A spouse (unless legally separated). A dependent child who is married or unmarried, without respect to student or dependency status, until the child's 26th birthday. A dependent child above age 26 who is mentally or physically disabled and unable to be self-supporting. The dependent child would have to be mainly dependent on the participant for support (an approval process is required). Address revisions Status (Full Time/ Part Time) Pay Frequency The accuracy of this data is important in order to provide correct information to the employee. If the data in the report is accurate, no action is required of you; however, if you note any errors, desire any status changes, please fax a copy of this report with your noted corrections to 314.792.7548, by March 18, 2015. 2. A religious employee on official assignment to the Archdiocese, excluding Archdiocesan priests. 3. A Kenrick-Glennon Seminarian, studying for the Archdiocese of St. Louis priesthood, who is not eligible for other group coverage. 4. A teacher with a ½ time or more contract. 5. A Permanent Deacon who is: not an employee who is working less than 1,000 hours annually for any Archdiocesan parish/organization employer. a non-paid Permanent Deacon who is providing service to any Archdiocesan parish/organization The Permanent Deacon pays 100% of the premium for coverage under the plan. -5- contain a cover letter directing eligible employees to the Archdiocesan Website for the Benefits Guide, an Employee Health Insurance Waiver Form and an Employee User Name Form (only used for eligible employees not currently in the Lawson payroll data base). The online Open Enrollment Benefits Guide explains the health insurance with its premium costs, the plan options with United Healthcare, the Flexible Spending Account information and the process for online enrollment. A MEETING FOR YOU ON EMPLOYEE SELF-SERVICE OPEN ENROLLMENT AND BENEFIT PLANS You are invited to the voluntary Benefits Open Enrollment meeting to further understand the Open Enrollment process, the benefit changes and the Flexible Spending Account. We will explain this process and train you to assist employees in using Employee Self-Service for Open Enrollment, the Wellness prerequisite, and the process for the waiver forms. Date Time Place Thurs, March 19th 1:30 – 3:30pm Cardinal Rigali Center John Paul II Auditorium 20 Archbishop May Dr. Shrewsbury, MO 63119 314.792.7544 DISTRIBUTION INFORMATION OF EMPLOYEE OPEN WHAT DO YOUR EMPLOYEES NEED TO DO FOR OPEN ENROLLMENT? ENROLLMENT You do not need to communicate the information in this administrative guide to your employees now. They will receive their Open Enrollment letter the fourth week of April at either their home address or work. This Open Enrollment year we be directing the employees to view their Benefits Guide online instead of receiving the Benefits Guide in the mail. If employees do not have access to the internet, we will be glad to send them a printed Benefits Guide, as stated in their Open Enrollment cover letter. See below for the distribution: Current participants in the health insurance and/or the FSA plan(s): After mid April, the current participants will receive an Open Enrollment packet at their home address. The packet will contain a cover letter and information to direct them to the Archdiocesan website for their Benefits Guide. The Benefits Guide explains the health insurance with its premium costs, the plan choices with United Healthcare, the Flexible Spending Account information, and the process for online enrollment. Eligible employees not currently enrolled in the health insurance and/or the FSA plan(s): Your parish/agency/school will be receiving a shipment of Open Enrollment benefit letters for non-enrolled employees by second week of April. These letters should be distributed to each eligible employee no later than April 24, 2015. The Open Enrollment benefit packet will -6- If they are currently enrolled in the UHC Standard health insurance Plan and want to continue in their current UHC Standard Plan, no action is required of them. If they are currently enrolled in the UHC Premier Plan and want to continue their UHC Premier Plan, no action is required of them, if they completed a physician exam notification or wellness screening by April 30, 2015. If they are currently enrolled in the UHC Standard Plan and want to enroll in the UHC Premier Plan, and they completed a physician exam notification or wellness screening, they must go online to make the change. If they are currently enrolled in the UHC Premier Plan and want to enroll in the Standard Plan, they must go online to make the change. If they are currently enrolled in the UHC Premier Plan and did not complete the physician exam notification or wellness screening by April 30, 2015, their coverage will automatically default to the UHC Standard Plan. No action is required of them. If they want to add, delete or change dependents to the medical plan, they must go online to make the change. If they are currently enrolled in the UHC health insurance plan and do not want coverage in the plan, they must go online to cancel their coverage. If they are not currently covered by health insurance and do not want coverage, they must complete the Employee Health Insurance Waiver Form and give a copy to you by May 16th. If an employee wants to participate in the FSA, they must enroll or reenroll online for the flexible spending account for plan year 2015. The FSA dollar amounts do not automatically roll over year to year. WELLNESS CHOICE OPTION - Plan Year Beginning July 1, 2015 BENEFIT CHANGES, Effective July 1, 2015 1. Both the UnitedHealthcare Premier and Standard Plans will have a Certificate of Coverage change that updates the UHC medical benefit coverage to national standards. An eligible employee during Open Enrollment may enroll, switch to, or continue to maintain coverage with the United Healthcare (UHC) Standard Plan. In regards to participating in the UHC Premier Plan, there is a wellness prerequisite for the 2015 Open Enrollment, effective July 1, 2015. Please refer to the table on page 8 for eligibility for the UHC Premier Plan, effective July 1, 2015. Please Note the Premium Percentage Rate Changes: Archdiocesan Self-Funded Plan by UnitedHealthcare (UHC) WELLNESS CHOICE OPTION - Plan Year Beginning July 1, 2016 Standard UHC Plan Employee Only: Employee + 1 dependent: Employee + Family: Effective July 1, 2016, an employee (not spouse or dependent children) can choose to do one of the following in order to be a participant in the United Healthcare (UHC) Premier Plan: 2 % increase 2 % increase 2 % increase a. Receive an annual wellness exam with a physician of choice by April 30, 2016 and submit an Employee Wellness Form by May 7, 2016 Premier UHC Plan Employee Only: Employee + 1 dependent: Employee + Family: 2 % increase 2 % increase 2 % increase AND/OR b. Participate in the Archdiocesan paid, confidential H & H Health Associates health screening by April 30, 2016. Important Note on the Wellness Screening Choices: HEALTH INSURANCE WELLNESS CHOICE OPTIONS If the employee completes the annual wellness exam with the physician, the Employee Wellness Form must be completed and sent to H&H Health Associates via mail, fax or email in order to participate in the UHC Premier plan. If the employee has an H&H Health Associates health screening, he/she does not need to submit the form. Without the health screening or the wellness exam, the employee will only be allowed to participate in the UHC Standard Plan, effective July 1, 2016. An Archdiocesan goal is to integrate more wellness in the life of our employees. The Employee Benefit Plan continues to promote the importance of having an annual physical/wellness check up. Every Open Enrollment health insurance plan year will have the Wellness Choice Option. The employee will have complete online access to information and an Employee Wellness Form regarding the wellness screening choices in the Open Enrollment Benefit Guide. -7- Wellness Choice Option Scenario 7/1/2015 –6/30/2016 UHC Standard Plan UHC Premier Plan 7/1/2016 – 6/30/2017 Wellness Action Required As of July 1, 2014, I have been enrolled in the health insurance plan and did participate in the Wellness Program by completing either my physician exam or a health screening by April 30, 2015. I will have a choice of which plan(s): Will I need to participate in the Wellness plan and complete my health exam or screening by April 30, 2016 in order to enroll in the UnitedHealthcare Premier Plan next year’s Open Enrollment? As of July 1, 2014, I have been enrolled in the health insurance plan and did not participate in the Wellness Program by completing either my physician exam or a health screening by April 30, 2015. I will have a choice of which plan(s): Will I need to participate in the Wellness plan and complete my health exam or screening by April 30, 2016 in order to enroll in the UnitedHealthcare Premier Plan next year's Open Enrollment? I was hired as a new employee after July 1, 2014. I am currently enrolled in the health insurance plan. The Wellness Program is not a requirement to complete for the Open Enrollment effective July 1, 2015. I will have a choice of which plan(s): Will I need to participate in the Wellness plan and complete my health exam or screening by April 30, 2016 in order to enroll in the UnitedHealthcare Premier Plan next year's Open Enrollment? I was enrolled in the health insurance plan due to a qualifying event after July 1, 2014. I am currently enrolled in the health insurance plan. The Wellness Program is not a requirement to complete for the Open Enrollment effective July 1, 2015. I will have a choice of which plan(s): Will I need to participate in the Wellness plan and complete my health exam or screening by April 30, 2016 in order to enroll in the UnitedHealthcare Premier Plan next year's Open Enrollment? -8- Yes No HEALTH INSURANCE INFORMATION HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS - 7/1/2015 Full-Time Monthly Premiums Effective July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 Health Insurance Premiums for Full Time Employees and Educators Employee Only Employee + One Dependent Employee + Family $ 66.60 (15%) $377.40 (85%) $444.00 $ 244.50 (25%) $ 733.50 (75%) $ 978.00 $ 331.00 (25%) $ 993.00 (75%) $1,324.00 $ 97.50 (15%) $552.50 (85%) $650.00 $ 326.00 (25%) $ 978.00 (75%) $ 1,304.00 $ 411.00 (25%) $1,233.00 (75%) $1,644.00 Standard Plan - United Healthcare Employee Contributions Employer Contributions Total Monthly Premium Premier Plan - United Healthcare Employee Contributions Employer Contributions Total Monthly Premium Part-Time Monthly Premiums Effective July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 Health Insurance Premiums for Part Time Employees (work 1000 hours or more per year) and Less than full Time Educators (work Half Time or more and less than Full Time) Employee Only Employee + One Dependent Employee + Family $177.60 (40%) $266.40 (60%) $444.00 $ 489.00 (50%) $ 489.00 (50%) $ 978.00 $ 662.00 (50%) $ 662.00 (50%) $1,324.00 $260.00 (40%) $390.00 (60%) $650.00 $ 652.00 (50%) $ 652.00 (50%) $1,304.00 $ 822.00 (50%) $ 822.00 (50%) $1,644.00 Standard Plan - United Healthcare Employee Contributions Employer Contributions Total Monthly Premium Premier Plan - United Healthcare Employee Contributions Employer Contributions Total Monthly Premium -9- ARCHDIOCESE OF ST. LOUIS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS MAJOR PROVISIONS OF THE HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN JULY 1, 2015 – JUNE 30, 2016 PLAN FEATURES UNITED HEALTHCARE MEDICAL PLAN – Group #703597 Employees must choose one of the following two medical plans: United Healthcare Standard Plan or United Healthcare Premier Plan STANDARD PLAN PREMIER PLAN In-Network Out-of-Network In-Network Out-of-Network Calendar Year Deductible (Individual / Family) Out-of-Pocket Maximum (Individual / Family) $1,000 / $2,000 $2,000 / $4,000 $400 / $800 $600 / $1,200 Out-of-Pocket maximum includes the deductible and copayment. $4,000 / $8,000 $8,000 / $16,000 $1,650 / $3,300 $2,100 / $4,200 Lifetime Maximum Coinsurance paid by member Unlimited 20% Unlimited 40% Unlimited 20% Unlimited 40% Office Visits $30 copay 40% $20 copay 40% Hospital Inpatient Stay Outpatient Surgery Outpatient Diagnostic (lab, x-ray, mammography) 20% 20% $0 copay 40% 40% 40% 20% 20% $0 copay 40% 40% 40% Emergency Room $150 copay $150 copay $150 copay $150 copay Urgent Care Mental Health and Substance Abuse - Inpatient Mental Health and Substance Abuse - Outpatient $50 copay 20% $30 copay 40% 40% 40% $50 copay 20% $20 copay $50 copay 40% 40% 20% 40% 20% 40% Home Health Care (limit to 100 visits/ calendar year) STANDARD PLAN Prescription Benefits Copays: Tier 1 / Tier 2 / Tier 3 Maximum Supply PREMIER PLAN Pharmacy Retail Mail Order Pharmacy Retail Mail Order $10 / $35 / $50 $20 / $70 / $100 $10 / $35 / $50 $20 / $70 / $100 30 Days 90 Days 30 Days 90 Days All covered active employees in either the United Healthcare Standard or Premier Plan automatically receive a Delta Dental Plan and the Unum Basic Life and AD&D Plan. PLAN FEATURES – Group #1873-1000 DELTA DENTAL PLAN Annual Deductible - (Individual / Family) $50 / $100 PPO Network Premier and Non-Network Preventative Care - (Covered in Full – Deductible Waived) Basic Care Major Care 100% 90% 60% 100% 80% 50% Orthodontia - (Children to Age 19 - $1,500 Lifetime Maximum) Calendar Year Maximum - (Individual / Family) 50% PLAN FEATURES UNUM BASIC LIFE AND AD&D PLAN 50% $1,500 / $3,000 Life Benefit AD&D Benefit $10,000 $10,000 The above exhibit attempts to highlight the major provisions of the Employee Benefit Plans. Additional benefits will be found in the prospective plan brochure. In all cases, the Plan Document or Policy will serve as the legal basis for the terms and provisions of coverage. This document is for illustration purposes only. - 10 - Employees can enroll or switch between the two health plans with United Healthcare Choice Plus Plan (UHC) – The Standard Plan and the Premier Plan. If employees are currently enrolled in the United Healthcare Plan and employees want to continue their current medical insurance, employees do not need to do anything. Please refer to page 8 for UHC Premier Plan eligibility and the Wellness Choice Program. EMPLOYEE’S 2015 CALENDAR YEAR DEDUCTIBLES AND MAXIMUM OUT-OF-POCKET COSTS TRANSFER TO THE NEW PLAN If employees elect to switch between Premier and the Standard United Healthcare (UHC), UHC will be transferring any amounts your employees have paid toward their 2015 deductibles and maximum out-of-pockets to the new plan effective July 1, 2015. These credits will be applied to the new deductibles and maximum out-of-pockets with UHC. If employees are currently enrolled in one of the UHC Premier or Standard Plans, employees can switch to the other UHC Plans during Open Enrollment. Please refer to page 8 for UHC Premier Plan eligibility and the Wellness Choice Program. If employees want to add or cancel health plan coverage for themselves, their eligible dependent(s), or their spouse, employees must go online to enroll or cancel their medical coverage during the Open Enrollment period. If employees are currently not enrolled in one of the UHC medical plans and do not want to have health insurance, employees must complete the Employee Health Insurance Waiver Form. They should submit the signed form to you, their benefits administrator. FINDING A UNITED HEALTHCARE PROVIDER/PHYSICIAN Any employee who wants to enroll in one of the UHC plans or any current UHC participant can quickly find a United Healthcare physician, specialist or hospital by using the internet: 1. Simply go to 2. Click on “Find a Doctor” located on the right hand side of the screen. Click on “Find a Provider”. You can search by physician specialty. 3. Under “Select a Plan”, choose “United Healthcare Choice Plus” as this is the health insurance plan for the Archdiocese of St. Louis. Employees who are in the health insurance plan may elect out of the Pre-tax health insurance contributions if they want to pay for the health insurance with after tax dollars. Employees need to access Employee Self-Service to decline the Pre-tax contribution for the July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 plan year. 4. Click on the small tab that says, “Change Address” at the top under SEARCH: ANYWHERE. This narrows your search to your city, state, and zip code. Unless the employee has a qualified status change, their Health Insurance Plan and Flexible Spending Plan elections made between May 1 and May 15, 2015 will be effective from July 1, 2015, until June 30, 2016, if the employee has continued with the Pre-tax election. 5. Next, you may type in the name of the provider that you are seeking. If you want a general list, you may do a search under Physician, Hospital or Other Facility. 6. A list of providers will then be generated. If anyone encounters problems on How to Find a Physician, they can contact a United Healthcare Customer Service Representative at 1- 888-332-8885. - 11 - FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNT INFORMATION Terminating Health Insurance Coverage Outside of Open Enrollment The FSA plan offers a medical reimbursement account and a dependent care reimbursement account. The FSA also allows a change for the Pre-tax withholding for health insurance contributions to an After-tax election. For An advantage to the After-tax election is that this election offers participants the freedom to terminate their health insurance coverage and/or their dependent’s coverage anytime throughout the year. If participants retain the automatic Pre-tax election, the IRS rules state that they cannot terminate health insurance coverage throughout the year, unless they have a qualifying event. Tristar Flexible Spending Account Information, go to the Archdiocesan HRBenefits website. QUALIFYING EVENTS FOR MAKING CHANGES Benefit elections will stay in place until 7/1/2016, unless there is a “qualified status change” as defined by the IRS. Examples of qualified status changes are: √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Marriage Legal separation Divorce Birth or adoption of a child Change in eligibility of a child Death of a dependent Change in employee/spouse’s employment status Employee/spouse attains age 65 and are covered by Medicare. Health Care Account: $2,550 maximum per plan year Dependent Care Account: If married filing jointly, Head of Household, or Single $5,000 max per plan year If married filing separately $2,500 maximum per plan year If employees want to take advantage of the Tristar Flexible Spending Account, then Open Enrollment is the time to enroll or re-enroll in the Tristar Flexible Spending Account. If employees participated in the reimbursement accounts last year, they need to re-enroll to participate this year. Claims: Any unused contributions at the end of the plan year are forfeited. Employees have until September 15, 2016 to incur claims for the 7/1/2015 to 06/30/2016 plan year. Employees will have until December 15, 2016 to file those claims for the Health Care Account. Employees must notify their Benefits Administrator within 31 days of the qualifying event to change a benefit election. The Dependent Care Account claims must be incurred 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2016. Employees will have until September 30, 2016 to file those claims Please note that Tristar Benefits Administrators claims mailing address, telephone number, and fax number is below: LIFE INSURANCE INCLUDED WITH THE HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN AND BENEFICIARY DESIGNATION Tristar Benefits Administrators P.O. Box 155887 West Des Moines, IA 502155-0887 The Health Insurance Plan automatically includes a Unum Term Life Insurance and Accidental Death and Dismemberment Plan. The Life Insurance Plan covers $10,000 for health plan participants under the age of 70 years old, and $5,000 for those above 70 years old. Employee Self-Service has the tool to designate or update the primary or contingent beneficiary. A Health Insurance Form to designate or update beneficiaries is no longer necessary, but can still be used by the employee. Phone: 1-800-456-4584 Fax: 1-515-453-2354 . - 12 - EMPLOYEE SELF-SERVICE ONLINE PROCESS Forgotten Password? If employees forget their Employee Self-Service Password, there is an on-line tool that will allow them to register and to assign a new password. The tool is the PASSWORD ASSISTANCE feature. Instructions on how to use this feature are on the website. Employees will receive their Open Enrollment benefit letters at their home address or through you, depending upon their current participation or eligibility in the health insurance plans. They will be directed to the Archdiocesan Human Resources benefits website to access their Open Enrollment Benefits Guide. Important Computer and Browser Information! If the employee’s home, school or work location uses MAC computers, they cannot use Employee Self-Service. This system requires Windows PC computers. For your informational purposes or for extra copies, all Open Enrollment forms, material and the Employee Benefits Guide will be available on the Archdiocesan Human Resources website. For current UHC plan participants, participants can view the benefits guide on within their designated Open Enrollment website. For eligible employees not currently enrolled, potential enrollees can click on their designated Open Enrollment website: Internet access and a Windows PC with Internet Explorer are needed to use the Employee Self-Service website (no Macintosh computers). Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, etc do not work with Employee Self-Service. The employee should allow pop-ups from this website. If your employee has trouble logging in, your employee can contact the Office of Human Resources at 314.792.7546 or email [email protected]. In order for your employees to use the Employee Self-Service feature, they will need the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. All employees that want to continue to waive their Archdiocesan health insurance benefit as of 7/1/2015 need to give you the completed Employee Health Insurance Waiver Form. Employees with benefit changes and enrollments for Open Enrollment 2015 will be electronically processed. You do not need to collect any enrollment or election forms. If the Archdiocese is notified of benefit changes by your employee through Employee Self-Service, we will send you a report in June stating your employee’s changes, effective July 1, 2015. Your payroll department should be given a copy in order to be informed of the changes. The website address is either of the above designated websites Their personal User Name Their personal Password A Windows PC computer, no Macs Internet Explorer web browser 6.0 or higher User Name: If an employee is currently using Employee Self-Service to review paychecks, participated in Open Enrollment 2014 or enrolled since July 2014, the employee already has a User Name and Password. The User Name starts with the two letters ss, then followed by a number (ex: ss654321). The ss is a symbol for self-service. The User Name will be printed in the Open Enrollment cover letter within the benefits packet sent to all current benefit plan participants during April. The User Name is also on your Open Enrollment Participant Mailing Report list. - 13 - Although we highly recommend your employees use Employee Self-Service for benefit changes and enrollments, we realize that some employees do not have convenient access to the Internet. CONTACTS FOR QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS REGARDING OPEN ENROLLMENT Please call Anne Hager, Michelle Konakci or Michael Puetz of the Office of Human Resources: If employees do not have access to the Internet, the following options exist: Anne Hager, Benefits Specialist at 314.792.7544 or [email protected] 1. You may want to assist them with Internet access at your office, or 2. Public libraries usually have Windows PC computers available for personal use. Michelle Konakci, Human Resources Assistant at 314-792-7545 or [email protected] Michael Puetz, Director of Benefits at 314.792.7543 or [email protected] EMPLOYEE OPEN ENROLLMENT MEETING All eligible employees of the Archdiocesan Health Insurance Plans are invited to a QUESTION AND ANSWER MEETING to further understand the Open Enrollment process, the health insurance plans and the flexible spending accounts. Date Time Place Wednesday, May 6th 7:00 pm Cardinal Rigali Center Pope John Paul II Auditorium 20 Archbishop May Dr Shrewsbury, MO 63119 314.792.7540 We highly recommend your employees use the Archdiocesan benefits website for obtaining benefit information. The website can be accessed at They should click on the link “Open Enrollment Benefits Information 2015”. For their current 2014 – 2015 plan year benefits information, they should click on “Archdiocesan Employee Benefits”. - 14 -
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