PRASAR BHARATI (INDIA'S PUBLIC SERVICE BROADCASTER) DIRECTORATE GENERAL: ALL tNDtA RADTO No.1s(8)2008-A&G New Delhi, the 30s March, 2015 3' CIRCUTAR sub: PaymentofsDA in the Court of Guwahati - right of the judgement of Hon,bre cATGuwahati BenchandHon,bre High regarding. In view of the queries raised by various ArR Stations regarding admissibirity of speciar Duty Allowance(sDA) to those serving in North-East Region, in the right of various judgements of the Hon'ble cAT, Guwahati Bench and Hon'bre High court ofcuwahati severar station of ArR have sought clarification whether the incumbent w,t had served in different stations/offices of AIR & DDK of North East Region are erigibre for payment'-sbe in accordance with ArR Directorate,s o.M. No.15(8)2008_ A&G/rro7 dated 15.10.2012 and No.15(8)2008-A&G/155 dated zs/26.3.2013 and Doordarsnan Directorates O. M. No.3(4)2012-S.Vtl1834 dated 24.5.2OI2 or not. 2- Though, the existing guiderines on the issue are crear, in order to avoid any ambiguity it clarified that:- (i) is After carefur co nside ratio n of the issue, the co m petent a utho rity ha s decided that the payment of arrear of 5DA to erigibre officiars upto 31.g.200g, can be made to the officiars who served in different stations/offices of ArR & DDK in the North Easrern Region irrespective of their All India Transfer liability, similarly placed to those covered under any of the implemented court judgements and in accordance with the Directorate,s above mentioned orders. (ii) pavment of sDA with effect from 1.9.2008 is regurated by o.M. 11(5)200s-E.t(B) dated 29'8'2008 issued by Deptt. of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India and subsequent amendments, if any, on the matter. 3' As regards to who wi' pay the arrears of sDA due in respect of an emproyee erigibre to get sDA, this directorate has arready crarified to ArR Gangtok vide its retter No.15(8)2008_4&G/155 dated 25/26'3 2073 in response to query that as per the provision contained in Rure 93 of Receipts and Payment Rures, 19g3 the payment ofsDA is to be made by the present emproyer (Hoo) after getting the due drawn statement verified from previous employer. 4 with this clarification all queries raised by different stations of AIR and representations of employees stand disposed off. (RAMESH KUMAR NEGI) DY. DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION FOR DIRECOTR GENERAL To 1. All RegionalADGs ccw. 2 HeadsofaIArRstations 3. Afl sections of DG : ArR incruding p&D unit and
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