COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS January 2015 Summary Sheet English Professor Don Hedrick had two conference presentations at the English discipline's flagship conference, the Modern Language Association Conference, in Vancouver, Canada: "Entertain Me: Civilizing the Renaissance Person" (9 Jan. 2015) and "Theorizing Shakespearian Sport" (10 Jan. 2015). David Graff, History, published two works (Command, Control, and Castration: Eunuch Supervisors in the Armies of the Tang Dynasty." In Chinese and Indian Warfare: From the Classical Age to 1870 & "Brain over Brawn: Shared Beliefs and Presumptions in Chinese and Western Strategemata" which appeared in a special issue on “War in Perspective: History and Military Culture in China.”) as well as co-edited the Journal of Chinese Military History 3.2 (December 2014). Kathleen Antonioli, Modern Languages, had her article, "Classic and Modern: Colette Criticism in the Interwar," published online by the journal Modern & Contemporary France, and is slated to be published in print in Volume 23, Issue 3. Jennifer Vellenga, School of Music, Theatre, and Dance, traveled to Tromso, Norway to direct Norwegian actors in a workshop production of the new play, “Forward,” by Chantal Bilodeau. The travel and performance was funded by the U.S. Embassy in Norway, Halogaland Theater in Tromso, and three K-State awards: the Provost’s Academic Excellence award, an International Incentive awards, and professional development support from the School of Music, Theatre and Dance. New York-based playwright Chantal Bilodeau will be in residence at K-State for part of 2016 and her play will have its premiere production at K-State in February 2016. Negotiations have begun to include Norwegian artists in the K-State production. Bimal Paul, Geography, was appointed as a member of the Wrigley-Fairchild Prize Committee by the American Geographical Society. The US Department of Energy, Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program awarded a $217,531 grant (sub award of $38,539 to KSU) to Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics. “Optimization and production of acetyl-triacylglycerols for use as fuels, lubricants, and specialty chemicals” PI: Steve Slater, Winnowgen LLC, co-PI: Timothy Durrett, KSU for the period from 2-1-2015 to 11-1-2015. COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS University Distinguished Professor of Chemistry Ryszard Jankowiak was named as an inaugural Distinguished Fellow of the Kosciuszko Foundation Collegium of Eminent Scientists, an arm of the Kosciuszko Foundation in New York City. Included in this distinguished company are 4 Nobel Prize winners, several Members of the US National Academy of Sciences and 22 Members (Foreign) of the Polish Academy of Sciences. COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS January 2015 Arts & Humanities English Publications: Lindsay Base (BA ‘17), “The Song of the Morning Star” (short story). Nota Bene. (2014). Daniel A. Hoyt, “Laptop Diptych” (prose poem). Carbon Culture Review. 1.1 (2014): 9. Jesse Lobbs (MA ’16), “Black Coffee” (poem). Cave Region Review 6.1 (2014): 3. “Fin de Siecle” (poem). Nebo 33.1 (2014): 28. Machor, “Reading for Humor or Realism: W. D. Howells and Mark Twain’s Early Reception in the U.S. Public Sphere.” American Literary Realism 47.2 (2015): 136-50. Phillip P. Marzluf. “The Pastoral Home School: Rural, Vernacular, and Grassroots Literacies in Early Soviet Mongolia.” Central Asian Survey 2014: <> Brian S. McCarty, “Suburbia” (poem). Lunch Ticket Winter/Spring (2014): <> “Gardens” (poem). Your Impossible Voice 6 (2014): <> Kimball Smith has published the Kindle edition of his second novel Missing Persons. Presentations, Lectures, Conferences & Exhibitions: Traci Brimhall, excerpts from “Our Lady of the Ruins.” Ohio Wesleyan. Delaware, OH. 28 Oct. 2014. Excerpts from “Our Lady of the Ruins.” The Big Thunder Reading Series. Minnesota State University-Mankato. Mankato, MN. 29 Jan. 2015. COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS Steffi Dippold, “A Mohawk Vomiting Stick: Odyssey of an Intercultural Object” and panel organizer, British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. St. Hugh’s College, Oxford, UK. 6 Jan. 2015. Christina Hauck, “Alternating Currents: Electricity, Film and the Duplicitous Narration of Brief Encounter.” Seminar: Cinema and Modernism. Modernist Studies Association. Pittsburgh, PA. 9 Nov. 2014. Don Hedrick, “Entertain Me: Civilizing the Renaissance Person.” Modern Language Association. Vancouver, Canada. 9 Jan. 2015. “Theorizing Shakespearian Sport.” Modern Language Association. Vancouver, Canada. 10 Jan. 2015. Mary Kohn and Erin Callahan, “Local and Supra-Local Variation in Latino English.” American Dialect Society. Portland, OR. 10 Jan. 2015. Deborah Murray & Charlesia McKinney (BA ’13), “Tutoring Writers is like Playing Basketball - HOW?!?: What if tutors imagineered John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success?” Workshop. International Writing Centers AssociationNational Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing Joint Conference. Orlando, FL. 1 Nov. 2014. Research: Grants: Sierra Hale (MA ‘15) received an Arts & Sciences Travel Award. Jamie Teixeira (BA ’15) and Rachel Nyhart (BA ’16) won grants from the Office of Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative Endeavor for projects emerging from ENGL 500 “Writing Center Theory and Practice” (Fall 2014). Cydney Alexis will serve as mentor. Awards: Carmen Schober (MA ’15) was a finalist for the 2014 Glimmer Train Family Matters Contest for her short story, “The End of the World as We Know It.” Elizabeth Dodd has been elected to the Executive Council of the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE). COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS Other: James Machor and Amy Blair, editors, Reception: Texts, Readers, Audiences, History (Penn State UP), one issue per year, 2013-present. <> Karin Westman, Naomi Wood, and David Russell, editors, The Lion and the Unicorn (Johns Hopkins UP), three issues per year, 2008-present. <> History Publications: David Graff, "Brain over Brawn: Shared Beliefs and Presumptions in Chinese and Western Strategemata." Extrême-Orient, Extrême-Occident 38 (2014), 4764. Article appeared in a special issue on “War in Perspective: History and Military Culture in China.” David Graff, "Command, Control, and Castration: Eunuch Supervisors in the Armies of the Tang Dynasty." In Chinese and Indian Warfare: From the Classical Age to 1870, edited by Kaushik Roy and Peter Lorge. London and New York: Routledge, 2014. Presentations, Lectures, Conferences & Exhibitions: Michael Krysko, “Teaching Basic English to the World: International Broadcasting, Language Education, and Anglo-American Ideologies of Civilization, 1935–43,” American Historical Society Annual Meeting, Jan. 5, 2015, New York, NY. Heather McCrea, “Transnational Medicine and the Creation of the Tropics in Latin America,” American Historical Society Annual Meeting, Jan. 5, 2015, New York, NY. Bonnie Lynn-Sherow, “American Indian Imagery in Sports Mascots,” Kansas Sports Hall of Fame, Wichita, KS, Jan. 19, 2015. Invited talk for MLK Day. M.J. Morgan, “Lost Kansas Communities,” Harvey County Historical Society, Walton, KS, Jan. 25, 2015, and Jan. 28, 2015. Two invited talks in honor of Kansas Day. COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS Research: David Graff co-edited the Journal of Chinese Military History 3.2 (December 2014). Professor Graff has co-edited this journal, published by Brill, with David Curtis Wright (Calgary) since 2012; the Dec., 2014 issue was the sixth to be published. Grants: Awards: Other: Bonnie Lynn-Sherow, quoted in Beccy Tanner, “As Kansas turns 154, five events that shaped our state” Wichita Eagle, Feb. 2, 2015. Bonnie Lynn-Sherow appointed Chair of K-State’s AAUW “Elect Her” outreach, Jan. 18, 2015. Modern Languages Publications: Kathleen Antonioli, had her article, "Classic and Modern: Colette Criticism in the Interwar," published online by the journal Modern & Contemporary France, and is slated to be published in print in Volume 23, Issue 3. Presentations, Lectures, Conferences & Exhibitions: Melinda A. Cro presented "Pastoral Galleries in Remy Belleau’s Bergerie (1565): The Function of Collectionist Ekphrasis in Belleau’s Conception of the Pastoral Mode" to the division on Sixteenth-Century French literature at the Modern Language Association annual convention in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS Robert Clark presented a paper, "In Your Skin: Incarnation and Our Humanity," at the meeting of the Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association, Vancouver, Canada, January 12, 2015. Research: Grants: Melinda A. Cro was awarded a Faculty Development Award in the amount of $1000 to support her travel to the MLA annual convention in Vancouver, BC, Canada to present her research. Janice McGregor received partial FDA support to travel to Toronto, Ontario. She will present the paper "Conflicting competences: Negotiating 'enoughness' in study abroad" at AAAL (American Association for Applied Linguistics) in March 2015. Awards: Other: As part of the Spanish in Action CAT Community, Angélique Courbou took a group of 14 freshmen for 10 days to Atenas, Costa Rica, as part of a service learning study abroad trip. Students used their leadership and Spanish skills to negotiate and learn to build a partial playground out of concrete in a nutrition center for children. They also painted and helped clean up the center. Claire L. Dehon reviewed two articles for "French Review". Doug Benson was one of four University Distinguished Teaching Scholars invited to participate in a panel on Staying Motivated as a Teacher for the Faculty Excellence in Teaching Exchange (FETE) Teaching Workshop, sponsored by the K-State Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) on January 30-31. COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS School of Music, Theatre, and Dance Publications: Presentations, Lectures, Conferences & Exhibitions: Sally Bailey directed a staged reading of Dunia, a non-fiction play by Joanna Abillama in the Purple Masque Theatre. Jerry Jay Cranford attended the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival, Region V-Minneapolis, MN. He served as a chaperone for 13 K-State student representatives and coached four Irene Ryan best actor nominees who performed/competed with nearly 400 others from the 5 state region. Two K-State students were selected for the 64 in semi-finals and Cat Huck was selected as one of the 16 finalists to perform on the Guthrie Stage. While at the festival Cranford was selected to present two 1 ½ hour workshops; one on theatre movement had 38 participants and the other on theatre business scheduled for 40 people had 67. He was also chosen to direct one of the 6 pieces selected for the New Plays Project which performed at the Guthrie Theatre. Slawomir Dobrzanski delivered a lecture/recital at Western Michigan University on the life and works of Polish pianist/composer Maria Szymanowska. He also delivered a lecture about Chopin’s music to the Kalamazoo Music Teachers Association. Karen Large performed with the Topeka Symphony Orchestra on their Great Masterpieces concert. She also presented five sessions at the Florida Flute Association Annual Convention: Five Ways YouTube Can Change Your (Flute) Life!, Performance with the Flute New Music Consortium, Performance with the Florida Flute Orchestra, Performance with Traverso Colore: Baroque Ensemble, and she Conducted an Open Flute Choir Reading Session. Nora Lewis gave the paper, “Asian Traditions and Western Innovations” at the International Composition in Asia Symposium and Festival/University of South Florida School of Music Convocation, January 23, 2015 in Tampa, Florida. Lewis also performed in the “Music of Gail Kubik” concert presented on the Hale Library Series, January 30, 2015. Patricia Thompson performed with Luminous Voices in Calgary, Alberta, CANADA on a program titled Rapturous Renaissance. The performance included the music of Dufay, Ockeghem, and Des Prez. Dr. Thompson served as the Alto soloist on Responsio (Peter Togni, composer) scored for four voices and bass clarinet based on a mass by Machaut. COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS Jennifer Vellenga traveled to Tromso, Norway to direct Norwegian actors in a workshop production of the new play, “Forward,” by Chantal Bilodeau. The travel and performance was funded by the U.S. Embassy in Norway, Halogaland Theater in Tromso, and three K-State awards: the Provost’s Academic Excellence award, an International Incentive awards, and professional development support from the School of Music, Theatre and Dance. New Yorkbased playwright Chantal Bilodeau will be in residence at K-State for part of 2016 and her play will have its premiere production at K-State in February 2016. Negotiations have begun to include Norwegian artists in the K-State production. Julie Yu presented at the Missouri Music Educators Association In-Service Workshop/Conference in Osage Beach, MO on Thursday, January 29, 2015. The title of her presentation was “Music Relevancy in Practice, Performance and Practicality.” Research: Sally Bailey has been researching a study on Narrative Transportation in Theatre and will be using the Theatre Programs spring/15 repertoire to determine if audience members are “Narratively Transported” into the plays and if this makes a difference in what they learn and/or in changing their attitudes towards issues in the play. Actors who volunteer will also be surveyed at the end of each night to see if they are narratively transported into and out of their roles. The study will compare audience responses before and after the shows, between productions and see if there is a relationship between actors being narratively transported and audience members being transported. Laura Donnelly continues to mentor Courtney Hoover on her A&S Undergraduate Research Project 2 on applying the principles of Movement Fundamentals to teaching differently-abled students. Professor Donnelly is also working with Tannique-Kay Buchanan on her Senior Capstone research investigating the intersection of color theory and the “black dancing body.” Ms. Buchanan has submitted an abstract to the National Dance Education Association. Grants: Awards: COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS Other: Jerry Jay Cranford directed Les Miserables for the Circa ’21 Playhouse in Rock Island, IL featuring K-State alum Joey Boos with a cast of 24 and run that goes through March 21, 2015. Julie Yu was the guest conductor of the 2015 North Texas Children’s Choir in Dallas, TX on January 30-31, 2015. Over 250 elementary students from the greater Dallas metroplex area rehearsed and performed a full concert with guest collaborators (including the University of North Texas African Drumming Ensemble and Bella Voce from Baylor University) at the Meyerson Symphony Center. Philosophy Publications: “The Concept of Security”, reprinted in Security Ethics (forthcoming – March 2016), ed. T Sorell, K Hadjimatheou & J Guelke, Ashgate: London, Jon Herington. “Autonomy and Settling: Rehabilitating the relationship between autonomy and paternalism”, forthcoming, Utilitas. Rosa Terlazzo “The ‘uncanny valley’ and spectating animated objects" accepted, Performance Research, Jim Hamilton. “Towards a theory of spectating”, The Joournal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism, Jim Hamilton. Presentations, Lectures, Conferences & Exhibitions: “Climate Vulnerability and The Value of Security” accepted at the 2nd Workshop on Ethics and Adaptation: Loss, Damage, and Harm, 8-9 May 2015, University of Buffalo, N.Y, Jon Herington. Research: COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS Social & Behavioral Sciences Economics Publications: Babcock, Mike & Gayle, Philip. “State Variation in Railroad Wheat Rates.” Journal of the Transportation Research Forum, Fall 2014. Yang-Ming Chang and Zijun Luo, "Endogenous Division Rules as a Family Constitution: Strategic Altruistic Transfers and Sibling Competition," Forthcoming in Journal of Population Economics, 2015. Braymen, Charles B., Yang-Ming Chang, and Zijun Luo, "Tax Policies, Regional Trade Agreements, and FDI: A Welfare Analysis," Forthcoming in Pacific Economic Review, 2015. Yang-Ming Chang and Zijun Luo, "Endogenous Destruction in Conflict: Theory and Extensions," Revise and Resubmit, Economic Inquiry. Shih-Jye Wu, Yang-Ming Chang, and Hung Yi Chen “Imported Inputs, Privatization in Downstream Mixed Oligopoly, and Foreign Ownership,” Revise and Resubmit, Canadian Journal of Economics. Yang-Ming Chang and Jason Walter, "Digital Piracy: Price-Quality Competition between Legal Firms and P2P Network Hosts," Revise and Resubmit, Information Economics and Policy. Yang-Ming Chang and Renfeng Xiao, “Preferential Trade Agreements between Asymmetric Countries: Free Trade Areas (with Rules of Origin) vs. Customs Unions,” Revise and Resubmit, Japan and the World Economy. "Investment in Clean Technology: Compete, Cooperate, or Merge?" submitted to Energy and Resource Economics for review. (with Jason Walter) "Social Welfare Implications of Direct Third-Party Intervention in Conflict: Mechanism Design, Principal-Agency, and Deterrence," under review at Social Choice and Welfare. (with Shane Sanders) "Technology Licensing and Environmental R&D Investments: Implications for Emissions Tax Policies," under review at Environmental and Resource Economics. (with Tsung-Hsiu Tsai) COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS “Green, Clubs, Heterogeneous Firms, and Green Consumers: A Welfare Analysis of Environmental Regulations” under review at Journal of Environmental and Economic Management. (with Jason Walter) Presentations, Lectures, Conferences & Exhibitions: Freeman, Amanda submitted a proposal for the 2015 SIDLIT conference on teaching international students online. Shen, Leilei - “Value-Added Trade and U.S. Local Labor Markets: Does China Really Matter?” Presented at the ASSA Annual Meeting in Boston and at the CeMENT Workshop, January 2015. Shen, Leilei - “Are Rising College Premiums Capitalized into House Prices in China.” Presented at the ASSA Annual Meeting in Boston, January 2015. Research: Grants: Babcock, Mike. received a $35,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, “Intramodal Railroad Competition Impacts on Railroad Wheat Rates.” Awards: Other: Geography Publications (*graduate students): Blake, K. 2014. Geography of The Light of Western Stars. Zane Grey Review 29(3/4): 20-21. COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS Maezumi, S.Y., Power, M.J., Mayle, F.E., McLauchlan, K.K., and Iriarte, J. 2015. The effects of post climate variability on fire and vegetation in the cerrãdo savanna ecosystem of the Huanchaca Mesetta, Noel Kempff Mercado National Park, NE Bolivia. Climate of the Past Discussions 11:135-180. Pankl, L.* and Blake, K. 2015. Frida Kahlo’s bodily geographies. The International Journal of Critical Cultural Studies 12(3-4): 11-24. Presentations, Lectures, Conferences & Exhibitions: Research: Grants: Awards: Other: Bimal Paul, Geography, was appointed as a member of the Wrigley-Fairchild Prize Committee by the American Geographical Society. Psychological Sciences Publications: Barnett, M. A., Wadian, T. W., Sonnentag, T. L., & Nichols, M. B. (2015). Role of various fault attributions and other factors in children's anticipated response to hypothetical peers with undesirable characteristics. Social Development, 24, 113127. COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS Peterson, J. P., Hill, C. C., & Kirkpatrick, K. (2015). Measurement of impulsive choice in rats: Same and alternate form test-retest reliability and temporal tracking. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 103, 166-179, doi: 10.1002/jeab.124. Rung, J., & Young, M.E. (2015). Learning to wait for more likely or just more: Greater tolerance to delays of reward with increasingly longer delays. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 103, 108-124. Young, M.E., & *McCoy, A.W. (2015). A delay discounting task produces a greater likelihood of waiting than a deferred gratification task. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 103, 180-195. Webster, R. J., & Saucier, D. A. (2015). Demons everywhere: The effects of belief in pure evil, demonization, and retribution on punishing criminal perpetrators. Personality and Individual Differences, 74, 72-77. Strain, M. L., Saucier, D. A., & *Martens, A. L. (2015). Sexist humor in Facebook profiles: Perceptions of humor targeting men and women. HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research, 28 (1), 119-141. Presentations, Lectures, Conferences & Exhibitions: Research: Grants: Awards: Other: COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work Publications: 2015 Zavala, Egbert, Lisa Melander, and Don L. Kurtz, “The Importance of Social Learning and Job-Related Stress on Police Officers’ Perpetration of Intimate Partner Violence” Victims & Offenders: An International Journal of Evidence-based Research, Policy, and Practice, v10, n1 Falcone, Jessica. (2015) “Our Virtual Materials: The Substance of Buddhist Holy Objects in a Virtual World” in Buddhism, the Internet and Digital Media: The Pixel in the Lotus. Veidlinger, Daniel and Gregory Grieve, ed. Routledge: New York. Nolasco, C., del Carmen, R. V., Steinmetz, K. F., Vaughn, M. S., & Spaic, A. (2015, Online First). The need for law courses in criminal justice and criminology doctoral programs. Journal of Criminal Justice Education. Presentations, Lectures, Conferences & Exhibitions: Research: Grants: Awards: Other: COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS Natural & Quantitative Sciences Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics Publications: Journal Articles: Tetreau, G., Cao, X., Chen, YR., Muthukrishnan, S., Haobo, J., Blissard, GW., Kanost, MR., and Wang, P. (2015) “Overview of chitin metabolism enzymes in Manduce sexta: Identification, domain organization, phylogenetic analysis and gene expression.” Insect Biochem Mol Biol. Jan 20. Pii:S0965-1748(15)00013-2 doi:10,1016/j.ibmb.2015.01.006. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:25616108. Noh, MY., Kramer, KJ., Muthukrishnan, S., Beeman, RW., Kanost, MR., and Arakane, Y., (2015) “Loss of function of the yellow-e gene causes dehydrationinduced mortality of adult Tribolium castaneum.” Dev Biol. Jan 19. Pii:S00121606(15)00017-2. Doi:10.1016/jdbio.2015.01.009. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:25614237. Tetreau, G., Dittmer, NT., Cao, X., Agrawal, S., Chen, Y., Muthukrishnan, S., Haobo, J., Blissard, GW., Kanost, MR., and Wang, P. (2014) “Analysis of chitinbinding proteins from Manduca sexta provides new insights into evolution of peritrophin A-type chitin-binding domains in insects.” Insect Biochem Mol Biol. Dec 15. Pii:S0965-1748(14)00195-7. Doi:10.1016/j.ibmb.2014.12.002.[Epub ahead of print] PMID:25524298. Presentations, Lectures, Conferences & Exhibitions: Lawrence Davis was invited to do a presentation on “Phytoremediation with miscanthus produced for bioenergy” at the international workshop “Current issues in phytoremediation with biomass production.” Held at the Department of the Environment, Faculty of Natural Resources, Matej Bel University, the Solvak Republic, January 12, 2015. Michal Zolkiewski presented a poster, “Detachment-induced upregulation of PDI-family ER chaperones in breast cancer cells,” at the 20th Annual Midwest Stress Response and Molecular Chaperone Meeting at Northwestern University in Evanston, IL on January 17, 2015. Research: COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS Grants: Prashant Wani (graduate, Roelofs Biology) received the ASBMB 2015 Graduate/Postdoctoral Travel Award to attend the ASBMB 2015 Annual Meeting in Boston Massachusetts, March 28th to April 1st 2015. Awards: Agency: US Department of Energy, Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program. “Optimization and production of acetyl-triacylglycerols for use as fuels, lubricants, and specialty chemicals” PI: Steve Slater, Winnowgen LLC, co-PI: Timothy Durrett, KSU. Amount $217,531 (sub award of $38,539 to KSU) for the period from 2-1-2015 to 11-1-2015. Other: Jianhan Chen served as a Panelist for NSF CTMC Biomolecular Simulations Panel, on January 16, 2015. Biology Publications: Pope, M. R., and S. D. Fleming. 2015. TLR2 Modulates Antibodies Required for Intestinal Ischemia/Reperfusion-Induced Damage and Inflammation. J. Immunol. 194:1190-1198. Dodds, W. K., K. Gido, M. R. Whiles, M. D. Daniels and G. P. Gruzinski. (in press) The Stream Biome Gradient Concept: Controlling factors of lotic systems across broad biogeographic Scales. Freshwater Science DOI: 10.1086/679756. Stucky, D.F., Arpin, J.C., and Schrick, K. (2015) Functional diversification of two UGT80 enzymes required for steryl glucoside synthesis in Arabidopsis. J. Exp. Bot. 66(1):189-201. (published in print in January 2015). Peacock E, Sonsthagen SA, Obbard ME, Boltunov A, Regehr EV, Ovsyanikov N, Aars J, Atkinson SN, Sage GK, Hope AG, Zeyl E, Bachmann L, Ehrich D, Scribner KT, Amstrup SC, Belikov S, Born E, Derocher AE, Stirling I, Taylor MK, Wiig Ø, Paetkau D, Talbot SL. 2015. Implications of the circumpolar genetic COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS structure of polar bears for their ecology, evolution and conservation in a rapidly warming Arctic. PLoS ONE, 10(1), e112021. Sandercock, B.K., M. Alfaro-Barrios, A.E. Casey, T.N. Johnson, T.W. Mong, K.J. Odom, K.M. Strum, and V.L. Winder. 2015. Effects of grazing and prescribed fire on resource selection and nest survival of Upland Sandpipers in an experimental landscape. Landscape Ecology 30:325-337. Presentations, Lectures, Conferences & Exhibitions: Kathrin Schrick - 13th Annual K-INBRE Symposium, Capitol Plaza Hotel, Topeka, KS, Jan. 17-18, 2015. Erika Peters, Aashima Khosla, and Kathrin Schrick. “Characterization of START Domains and Co-regulators Linking Metabolism to Development.” Poster Presentation Award to Erika Peters, junior in Microbiology. Kathrin Schrick - 13th Annual K-INBRE Symposium, Capitol Plaza Hotel, Topeka, KS, Jan. 17-18, 2015. Amanda Bradley, Daniel L. Boyle, Elizabeth S. Mays, Janet M. Paper, and Kathrin Schrick, “Role of Glucosylceramide Synthase in Cell-Type Differentiation in Plants.” Poster Presentation Award to Amanda Bradley, senior in Biology. Kathrin Schrick - Press release on presentation awards: K-State students earn honors for presentations at annual K-INBRE bioscience symposium By Communications and Marketing. Andrew Hope - Specimen-based science in the Anthropocene: future prospects for biodiversity, considering evolutionary responses to past environmental change. 2015. Cornell University Museum of Vertebrates and Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University. Invited Research Seminar. Andrew Hope - Integrated evolutionary ecology: a framework for investigating wildlife community changes. 2015. Kansas Natural Resources Conference, Wichita, KS. Oral Presentation. Ari Jumpponen gave two presentations in University of Helsinki, Finland. 1. Metabarcodes for target locus sequencing. University of Helsinki, Lahti, Finland. January 20, 2015. 2. Ecology of Snow. University of Helsinki, Lahti, Finland. January 23, 2015. COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS Ricketts, A.M., and B.K. Sandercock. Coyote space use in tallgrass prairie. Kansas Natural Resources Conference, Wichita, Kansas. January 2015. Verheijen, B.H.F, and B.K. Sandercock. Effects of patch-burn grazing management on nest survival and brood parasitism rates of declining species of grassland songbirds. Kansas Natural Resources Conference, Wichita, Kansas. January 2015. Winder, V.L., and B.K. Sandercock. Demographic and movement responses of Greater Prairie-Chickens to patch-burn grazing. Kansas Natural Resources Conference, Wichita, Kansas. January 2015. Research: Grants: Bruce Snyder - Submitted NSF preliminary proposal to DEB core programs. Ari Jumpponen - Graduate Student, Kirsten Grond, was awarded a NSF-DDIG grant on which Ari serves as a co-PI. DISSERTATION RESEARCH: Intra-annual dynamics in gut microbiota of migratory shorebirds. NSF-DDIG, $18,030, June 1, 2015 - May 31, 2016. PI Brett Sandercock, co-PI Ari Jumpponen. Sandercock, B.K., K. Grond, and A.M. Jumpponen. Dissertation Research: Intraannual dynamics in the gut microbiota of migratory shorebirds. Division of Environmental Biology, National Science Foundation (DEB-1501479), $18,030, 6/01/2015 to 5/31/2016. Sandercock, B.K., and B.H.F. Verheijen. Dissertation Research: Effects of habitat heterogeneity on songbird fecundity in an experimental landscape. Division of Environmental Biology, National Science Foundation (DEB-1501903), $19,407, 6/01/2015 to 5/31/2016. Brett Sandercock - Highlights: Two PhD Candidates in my lab, Kirsten Grond and Bram Verheijen, have been recommended for funding for Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grants by the National Science Foundation. Contracts are in progress with SPA. COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS Awards: Kathrin Schrick - Poster presentation awards at the K-INBRE conference – see above. Other: Walter Dodds - Press releases: K-State: Univ Chicago Press: ds.html US National Science Foundation: s Chemistry Publications: Presentations, Lectures, Conferences & Exhibitions: Research: Grants: Awards: University Distinguished Professor of Chemistry Ryszard Jankowiak was named as an inaugural Distinguished Fellow of the Kosciuszko Foundation Collegium of Eminent Scientists, an arm of the Kosciuszko Foundation in New York City. Included in this distinguished company are 4 Nobel Prize winners, several Members of the US National Academy of Sciences and 22 Members (Foreign) of the Polish Academy of Sciences. COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS Other: Physics Publications: T. Miti, M. Mulaj, J.D. Schmit, and M. Muschol, “Stable, Metastable, and Kinetically Trapped Amyloid Aggregate Phases”, Biomacromolecules, 16, 326335 (2015). DOI: 10.1021/bm501521r. Uwe Thumm, Qing Liao, Elisabeth M. Bothschafter, Frederik Sussmann, Matthias F. Kling and Reinhard Kienberger (2015) . Attosecond Physics: Attosecond Streaking Spectroscopy of Atoms and Solids. In Photonics Volume 1: Fundamental of Photonics and Physics (387-411). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.:Hoboken, NJ. U. Ablikim, M. Zohrabi, Bethany Jochim, B. Berry, T. Severt, K.D. Carnes, and I. Ben-Itzhak, “Note: Position dependence of time signals picked of a microchannel plate detector”, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 86, 016111 (2015). DOI: 10.1063/1.4906327. Presentations, Lectures, Conferences & Exhibitions: Chii-Dong Lin gave talks at the Hanoi Univ. of Science & Technology and Institute of Physics, Vietnam Academic of Science & Technology (1/4-1/6). A-T Le presented a seminar at Ho-Chi Minh Univ. of Pedagogy in Ho-Chi Minh City, Vietnam. “Does the Pedagogical Learning Bicycle Promote Transfer?”, Contributed Talk by Claudia Fracchiolla and N. Sanjay Rebello, American Association of Physics Teachers Winter Meeting, San Diego, CA (1/4/15). “Effect of Verbal and Visual Cueing on Conceptual Task Performance”, Contributed Talk by Xian Wu, Tianlong Zu, Bahar Modir, Lester Loschky and N. S. Rebello, American Association of Physics Teachers Winter Meeting, San Diego, CA (1/6/15). “Self-Explanations Influencing Performance on Tasks with Feedback or Visual Cues”, Contributed talk by Elise Agra, Bahar Modir, John Hutson, Lester C. COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS Loschky and N. Sanjay Rebello, American Association of Physics Teachers Winter Meeting, San Diego, CA (1/6/15). “How Do Verbal and Visual Cueing Affect Student Reasoning?”, Poster presented by Xian Wu, Tianlong Zu, Bahar Modir, Lester Loschky and N. S. Rebello, American Association of Physics Teachers Winter Meeting, San Diego, CA (1/5/15). “Self-Explanations Influencing Reasoning on Tasks with Feedback or Visual Cues”, Poster presented by Elise Agra, Tianlong Zu, John Hutson, Lester C. Loschky and N. Sanjay Rebello, American Association of Physics Teachers Winter Meeting, San Diego, CA (1/5/15). “Social Context in a Physics Class for Future Elementary Teachers”, Poster presented by Claudia Fracchiolla and N. Sanjay Rebello, American Association of Physics Teachers Winter Meeting, San Diego, CA (1/5/15). “Quantum control of H2+ photodissociation using shaped intense pulses”, L. Graham, U. Lev, B.D. Bruner, H. Frostig, V.S. Prabhudesai, A. Natan, D. Schwalm, O. Heber, I. Ben-Itzhak, C.B. Madsen, B.D. Esry, Y. Silberberg, and D. Zajfman, Presentation at Coherence and Control in the Quantum World (CCQW-2014), Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel (12/15-18, 2014). Research: Grants: Chii-Dong Lin: Isolated Soft X-Ray Attosecond Pulse Generation Using Synthesized Strong-Field Infrared Pulses, MIT subaward from AFOSR, $40,000. Awards: Other: COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS Statistics Publications: Moore, M. C., R.D. Davis, Q. Kang, C.I. Vahl, R.M. Wallace, C.A. Hanlon, and D.A. Mosier (2015). Comparison of anamnestic responses to rabies vaccination in dogs and cats with current and out-of-date vaccination status. JAVMA, Vol 246:205-211 (accepted November 20, 2014). Presentations, Lectures, Conferences & Exhibitions: Johnson*, L., J. Sheltongs, N. M. Bello, S. Raithelgs, M. Galliertgs, S. J. Brown, N. Herndon, R. Welti, B. Nikolau, T. Samarakoon, Z. Song and R. Jeannotte. “Divergent epicuticular wax and transcriptome of edaphically differentiated Andropogon grasses in the US Midwest prairies”. Abstract. XXIII International Plant & Animal Genome Conference. San Diego, California. January10-14, 2015. Johnson*, L., M. M. Graygs, P. St. Amand, M. Galliartgs, S. Brown, J. Poland, K.Garret, E. Ekhunov, N. M. Bello, T. Morgan, S. G. Baer and B. Maricle. “Genetic differentiation, transcriptome variation, and local adaptation of dominant prairie grass Andropogon gerardii along the climate gradient of the US Midwest: Implications for climate change and restoration” Abstract. XXIII International Plant & Animal Genome Conference. San Diego, California. January10-14, 2015. Galliartgs, M., P. St. Amand, J. Polland, N. M. Bello, S. Sabates, H. Tetreault, A. DeLaCruz, J. Bryant, T. J. Morgan, M. Knapp, S. G. Baer, D. Gibson, L. Wilson, B. R. Maricle and L. Johnson*. “Trait variation and genetic divergence of a widespread grass Andropogon gerardii across a Great Plains climate gradient”. Abstract. XXIII International Plant & Animal Genome Conference. San Diego, California. January 10-14, 2015. Pallavi Sawant. Robust Principal Components For Multivariate Functional Data, Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Antonio, Texas. Research: COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS Grants: U.S. Department of Agriculture - Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (USDA - AFRI) Foundational Program A1221 $498,500. Nora Bello, Co-PI. Grant proposal: "Risk Management Strategies to Reduce the Impacts of Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex in Commercial Feeder Cattle". Principal Investigator: David Renter, College of Veterinary Medicine, Kansas State University. Timeline: 2014-2018. Status: Recommended for funding. Nora Bello, Co-PI. “The effects of SID Lysine and Intellibond C (TBCC) feeding strategy in finishing pigs on growth performance, carcass characteristics and economics”. Principal investigator: Steve Dritz, College of Veterinary Medicine, Kansas State University. Role: co-PI. Timeline: 2014-2015. Awarded. $25,000. Nora Bello: Grant proposal: “The effects of SID Lysine and Intellibond C (TBCC) feeding strategy in finishing pigs on growth performance, carcass characteristics and economics”. Principal investigator: Steve Dritz, College of Veterinary Medicine, Kansas State University. Role: co-PI. Timeline: 2014-2015. Awarded. Nora Bello: Morris Animal Foundation $35,000 – Awarded June 2013. Grant proposal: “The effects of ophthalmic prednisolone and diclofenac on diabetes mellitus regulation in dogs”. Principal Investigator: Amy Rankin, College of Veterinary Medicine, Kansas State University. Role: Co-investigator. Timeline: 2/1/14-1/31/16. Gary Gadbury, Co-I. Welti PI. Collaborative Research: Lipidomic profiling, dynamics, and funtions of head-group acylation of membrane lipids in plant stress response. NSF. 8/1/14 – 7/31/15. $145,466. Nora Bello: United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) - Foundational Program A1201 $677,108 Grant proposal: "Statistical Methods And Bioinformatics Tools For Multiple Trait Whole Genome Precision Selection For Heterogeneous Environments". Principal Investigator: Robert Tempelman, Michigan State University. Role: co-PI. Timeline: 2011-2016. Award #2010-04538. Weixing Song: NSF DMS 1205276. Model Diagnostics in Regression and Tobit Regression Models with Measurement Errors. Sept 2012 – Sept 2015. Haiyan Wang. Collaboration Grant Proposal on Methods for High Dimensional DataAward Number: 246077. The Simons Foundation. 09/1/12 to 08/31/17. Role: PI. Total amount: $35,000. COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS Awards: Other: Gary Gadbury: Associate Editor for the Annals of Applied Statistics, 2009 – present. Haiyan Wang: Associate Editor for Journal of Nonparametric Statistics. Nora Bello: Associate Editor for the Journal of Biological, Agricultural, and Environmental Statistics. Weixing Song: Associate Editor, Journal of Statistics and Probability Letters.
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