™ ALTERNA & ALTERNA r e s e r v e ALT ER NA™ r e s e r v e Ath enian T rav ert i ne ™ D2340, D73 4 0 H o ne y On y x GR OUT – l 1 2 C orn S i l k pattern: R and om C o ursed T H E P E RF E C T A L TE RN A TIV E Alterna™ premium tile flooring is the innovative alternative to natural stone and ceramic tile. Like stone and ceramic, it is incredibly beautiful and durable. But a comfortable surface makes Alterna tiles warmer to the touch, kinder to your feet, and easier to care for in any room of your home. Armstrong® Premium Tile Flooring 2 E xpre ss y o u r self w ith Altern a™ Alterna represents a beautiful variety of natural stone designs and color palettes. Light or dark, warm or cool, subtle or striking, the choice is yours. Beyond color and style, patterns add a whole new dimension of personalization. Install square tiles in a diamond pattern. Use rectangular tiles in a herringbone design. Mix sizes and shapes to create windmills and borders. These patterns and more are outlined on page 43. Use the rooms featured here to inspire your imagination. And rest assured that no matter what look you choose, Alterna lets you enjoy a floor that’s as easy to live with as it is to love. 3 Armstrong® Premium Tile Flooring Learn more at www.armstrong.com/alterna A L T E R N A™ r e s e r v e A lle g h en y S late ™ D 4 3 3 2 , D 5 3 3 2 , D6332 C o p p er M o u ntain G R OU T – D 4 m u s h ro o m p attern : 3 - W a y Opu s A LTERN A ™ r e s e r v e CUA RZ O™ D4303 MULT I G L AZE GROUT – C3 SANDALWOO D Pattern: Diam ond An exclusive selection of high-end slate, quartz and travertine flooring designs that achieve stunning realism through dramatic tile-to-tile variation. Each design features 32 unique tiles, minimizing repetition and creating a natural look. Select collections are available in multiple shapes and sizes, opening the door to a world of creative pattern possibilities. Armstrong® Premium Tile Flooring 6 ALTERNA™ reserve Suggested grout color shown under swatch. For more grout recommendations and selection tips, see page 44. Allegheny Slate ™ It alian Earth Bronze Age B2 Smoke L12 C o r n S ilk C oppe r Mountain Available sizes 16˝ x 16˝ 12˝ x 12˝ 12˝ x 24˝ 8˝ x 16˝ 8˝ x 8˝ Italian Ear th D4330 D2330 D7330 D5330 D6330 B r on z e Age d4331 d2331 D7331 d5331 d6331 Copper Mountain d4332 d2332 D7332 d5332 d6332 DESIGN TIP For a truly high-end custom stone l o o k , c o ns i der t h i s class i c t h ree way Opus pattern. For more pattern possibilities, see page 43. D4 Mus hroom 7 Armstrong® Premium Tile Flooring Allegheny Slate ™ Vivid coloration and bold movement capture the essence of an untamed wilderness. A L T E R N A™ r e s e r v e A lle g h en y S late D4330, D5330, D6330 Ital i an eart h G R OU T – b 2 sm o k e p attern : 3 - way opu s ALTERNA™ reserve Suggested grout color shown under swatch. For more grout recommendations and selection tips, see page 44. Athenian Travertine ™ P rovincial Bis que f6 Driftwood XX Grout Honey Onyx L12 Corn Silk 9 Armstrong® Premium Tile Flooring Available sizes 16˝ x 16˝ 12˝ x 12˝ Provincial Bisque D4342 D2342 12˝ x 24˝ D7342 Honey Onyx d4340 d2340 D7340 ™ Athenian Travertine ™ The luminescence of embedded onyx accents the warm browns, creams and rusts of Scabos travertine. ™r es er v e A L T E R N A™ A t h en i an T rav ert i ne D 2 3 4 0 , D 7 3 4 0 H o ne y Onyx G R OU T – l 1 2 C o rn S i l k p attern : rand o m c o u rsed ALTERNA™ reserve Suggested grout color shown under swatch. For more grout recommendations and selection tips, see page 44. CLASSICO Travertine ™ B l ue Mis t/Beige S a n d s t o n e / B lu e f6 Driftwood f6 D r if t w o o d C ame o Brown/Gray f6 Driftwood 11 Armstrong® Premium Tile Flooring Available size 16˝ x 16˝ Blue Mist/Beige D4310 Sandstone/Blue d4311 Cameo Brown/Gray d4312 CLASSICO Travertine ™ The delicate veining of this classic travertine introduces a refined character to your home. Classico Travertine replicates the color and texture variation of stone quarried directly from the earth. A L T E R N A™ r e s e r v e CLASSICO TRAVERTINE D 4 3 1 1 S A N D S T O N E / BL U E G R OU T – F 6 D R I F T W OOD ALTERNA™ res erve Suggested grout color shown under swatch. For more grout recommendations and selection tips, see page 44. MOSELLE VALLEY ™ Honeys uckle S u n r is e J10 Mis t f6 D r if t w o o d F o r es t Gre e n/Copp e r D4 Mus hroom 13 Armstrong® Premium Tile Flooring Available size 16˝ x 16˝ Honeysuckle D4320 Sunrise d4322 Forest Green/Copper d4324 MOSELLE VALLEY ™ This rustic slate design offers a unique weathered look with a gorgeous blend of organic colors and clefts. A L T E R N A™ r e s e r v e MOSELLE VALLEY D 4 3 2 4 F O R E S T G R E E N / C OPP ER G R OU T – D 4 M U S H R OOM ALTERNA™ reserve Suggested grout color shown under swatch. For more grout recommendations and selection tips, see page 44. CUARZO ™ P earl Gray I r o n B lu e B2 Smoke B2 S m o k e M ulti Glaze C3 Sandalwood 15 Armstrong® Premium Tile Flooring Available size 16˝ x 16˝ Pearl Gray D4300 Iron Blue d4302 Multi Glaze d4303 CUARZO ™ Inspired by beautiful quartz stone, this design offers color and texture variation with an added glimmer of crystallized veining. A L T E R N A™ r e s e r v e C U A R Z O D 4 3 0 2 I R O N BL UE G R OU T – B2 S M OKE p attern : S tag g ered br i ck A LTERN A™ mult ist one ™ D5123, D6123 caramel g o ld GROUT – c3 sandalw o o d p attern: h erringbone usin g 8˝ x 16˝ on f loo r & 8˝ x 8˝ on wall ALTERNA™ L IV E C O M F O R T A B L Y ™ A classic selection of slate, marble, brushed concrete, terracotta and travertine flooring designs with subtle tile-to-tile variation for a refined floor. Each design features 16 unique tiles, minimizing repetition and creating a natural look. Select collections are available in multiple shapes and sizes, enabling you to explore the creative possibilities of patterns. Armstrong® Premium Tile Flooring 18 ALTERNA™ Suggested grout color shown under swatch. For more grout recommendations and selection tips, see page 44. TUSCAN PATH ™ 19 C ame o Brown D ov e G r a y E5 Gyps um B2 S mok e A n tique Gold Beige Blush F6 Driftwood D4 M u s h r oo m Available sizes 16˝ x 16˝ 12˝ x 12˝ 12˝ x 24˝ 8˝ x 16˝ 8˝ x 8˝ Cameo Brown D4170 D2170 D7170 D5170 D6170 Dove Gray d4171 Antique Gold d4172 Beige Blush d4173 Armstrong® Premium Tile Flooring d2172 TUSCAN PATH ™ This beautiful travertine features an attractive eroded surface appearance infused with graceful veining throughout the design. A L T E R N A™ T U S C A N P A T H D 4 1 7 0 C A MEO BROWN G R OU T – E 5 GYP S U M ALTERNA™ Suggested grout color shown under swatch. For more grout recommendations and selection tips, see page 44. AZTEC TRAIL™ A l mond Cre am I n ca G ol d I9 Sea Shell C3 S a n da l w o o d Te rracotta G7 Cocoa Available sizes 16˝ x 16˝ 12˝ x 12˝ Almond Cream D4160 D2160 Inca Gold d4161 Terracotta d4162 d2162 DESIGN TIP Installing square tiles in a Staggered Brick pattern is a simple way to add geometric interest to your space. For more pattern ideas, see page 43. 21 Armstrong® Premium Tile Flooring AZTEC TRAIL ™ The great Aztec empire endures through this reclaimed terracotta tile. Aztec Trail is offered in bright colors reminiscent of the warm Mexican sun. A L T E R N A™ A Z T E C T R A I L D 4 1 6 2 T E R R AC OTTA G R OU T – G 7 C O C O A p attern : sta g g ered brick ALTERNA™ Suggested grout color shown under swatch. For more grout recommendations and selection tips, see page 44. MESA STONE ™ C h alk F i e l ds t on e J10 Mis t B2 S mok e Te rracotta/Clay Beige F6 Driftwood F6 D r i f t w oo d Li ght Gray B2 Smoke 23 Available sizes 16˝ x 16˝ Chalk D4105 12˝ x 12˝ Fieldstone d4115 d2115 Terracotta/Clay d4114 d2114 12˝ x 24˝ 8˝ x 16˝ 8˝ x 8˝ Beige d4106 d2106 D7106 d5106 d6106 Light Gray d4113 d2113 D7113 d5113 d6113 Armstrong® Premium Tile Flooring MESA STONE ™ Available in colors that complement any décor, our best-selling design strikes an elegant balance between rich texture and gorgeous color variation. A L T E R N A™ M E S A S T O N E D 4 1 0 6 & D 2 1 06 BEIGE G R OU T – F 6 D R I F T W OOD p attern : rand o m c o mbinat io n using 16˝ and 12˝ tiles ALTERNA™ Suggested grout color shown under swatch. For more grout recommendations and selection tips, see page 44. MESA STONE ™ (continued) 25 Canyon Sun G r a y/ B r ow n D4 Mus hroom D4 M u s h r oo m Chocolate C a n yon S h ad o w D4 Mus hroom H8 S h a l e M os s C h a r coa l D4 Mus hroom H8 S h a l e Available sizes 16˝ x 16˝ 12˝ x 12˝ Canyon Sun d4112 d2112 Gray/Brown d4107 d2107 Chocolate d4109 Canyon Shadow d4110 Moss d4108 Charcoal d4111 Armstrong® Premium Tile Flooring 12˝ x 24˝ 8˝ x 16˝ 8˝ x 8˝ d2109 D7109 d5109 d6109 d2110 D7110 d5110 d6110 MESA STONE ™ This multi-hued, cleft slate design and textured coloration bring a dramatic style and charming rustic appeal into your home. A L T E R N A™ M E S A S T O N E D 4 1 1 0 C A N YO N S HADOW G R OU T – H8 S H A L E ALTERNA™ Suggested grout color shown under swatch. For more grout recommendations and selection tips, see page 44. DURANGO ™ B l eached Sand Cream J10 Mis t E5 G yps u m B uf f D e e p G ol d F6 Driftwood C3 S a n da l w o o d Cl ay C3 Sandalwood 27 Available sizes 16˝ x 16˝ 12˝ x 12˝ 12˝ x 24˝ 8˝ x 16˝ 8˝ x 8˝ Bleached Sand d4157 d2157 D7157 d5157 d6157 Cream d4155 d2155 Buff d4158 d2158 Deep Gold d4156 d2156 Clay d4159 d2159 Armstrong® Premium Tile Flooring DURANGO ™ A weathered stone design with a marked texture resembling ancient stones seasoned by nature. A L T E R N A™ D U R A N GO D 4 1 5 7 BL E A C HED S AND G R OU T – J 1 0 M I S T ALTERNA™ Suggested grout color shown under swatch. For more grout recommendations and selection tips, see page 44. NORTH TERRACE ™ B eige/Taupe Te r r a / C l a y I9 Se a She ll F6 D r i f t w oo d Available size 16˝ x 16˝ Beige/Taupe d4132 Terra/Clay d4131 CARRERA MARBLE Gray k11 Silver Cloud 29 Available sizes 16˝ x 16˝ 12˝ x 12˝ Gray d4180 d2180 Armstrong® Premium Tile Flooring NORTH TERRACE ™ A striking marble pattern with contrasting color mixes and dynamic texture. CARRERA MARBLE This marble has been favored as sculpting material since ancient Rome. Its unsurpassed elegance and timeless beauty will add sophistication to your décor. A L T E R N A™ N O R T H T E R R A C E D 4 1 3 1 TERRA/C L AY G R OU T – F 6 D R I F T W OOD ALTERNA™ Suggested grout color shown under swatch. For more grout recommendations and selection tips, see page 44. TALUS ™ Suns et Be ige Li ch e n G r e en F6 Driftwood F6 D r i f t w oo d Available size 16˝ x 16˝ Sunset Beige d4143 Lichen Green d4142 SISTINE ™ W h ite B i s qu e E5 Gyps um I9 S e a S h e l l Available sizes 16˝ x 16˝ White d4150 Bisque d4151 12˝ x 12˝ d2151 DESIGN TIP For An Alternative Look, install without grout. 31 Armstrong® Premium Tile Flooring TALUS ™ A subtle visual of softly brushed concrete that effortlessly blends with any décor. SISTINE ™ Soothing painted stucco texture that is reminiscent of classic architecture. A L T E R N A™ T A L U S D 4 1 4 2 L I C H E N G R EEN N O G R OU T ALTERNA™ Suggested grout color shown under swatch. For more grout recommendations and selection tips, see page 44. LA PLATA ™ C rème Fre s h C a r a me l I9 Sea Shell F6 D r i f t w oo d Ta u pe/Gray F6 Driftwood 33 Available sizes 16˝ x 16˝ 12˝ x 12˝ Crème Fresh d4137 d2137 Caramel d4136 d2136 Taupe/Gray d4135 d2135 Armstrong® Premium Tile Flooring LA PLATA ™ Subtle veined marble design inspired by the beauty of age-old interiors. A L T E R N A™ L A P L A T A D 4 1 3 5 T A UP E / G RAY G R OU T – F 6 D R I F T W OOD ALTERNA™ Suggested grout color shown under swatch. For more grout recommendations and selection tips, see page 44. MULTISTONE ™ 35 W h ite Gray Dust J10 Mis t F6 D r i f t w oo d Cream C a r a me l G o ld F6 Driftwood C3 S a n da l w o o d Terracotta Slate Blue C3 Sandalwood D4 M u s h r oo m Available sizes 16˝ x 16˝ White d4120 Gray Dust d4121 Cream d4122 d2122 Caramel Gold d4123 d2123 Terracotta d4124 Slate Blue d4125 Armstrong® Premium Tile Flooring 12˝ x 12˝ 12˝ x 24˝ 8˝ x 16˝ 8˝ x 8˝ D7123 d5123 d6123 MULTISTONE ™ Classic, traditional marble design that complements any room in your home. A L T E R N A™ M U L T I S T O N E D 4 1 2 3 C A R AMEL GOL D G R OU T – C 3 S A N D A L W OOD ALTERNA™ Suggested grout color shown under swatch. For more grout recommendations and selection tips, see page 44. DELLAPORTE ™ Ta u pe I9 Sea Shell Available sizes 16˝ x 16˝ 12˝ x 12˝ Taupe d4145 d2145 SOLIDS 37 White B e t ch a B l a ck J10 Mis t H8 S h a l e Available size 16˝ x 16˝ White d4100 Betcha Black d4101 Armstrong® Premium Tile Flooring DELLAPORTE ™ Stone-inspired design with soft, earthy hues and delicate texture. SOLIDS Modernist visuals that confidently reveal your inner designer. A L T E R N A™ D E L L A POR T E D 4 1 4 5 T A UP E G R OU T – I 9 S E A S H E L L Why A ltern a™ ? Only Alterna combines durable engineered stone construction with nature-inspired designs to create a floor that offers the ideal balance of beauty, comfort, durability and easy care. N at ural B eau t y Exclusive Armstrong® technology replicates the detail, texture and variation found in natural stone, bringing the look of genuine slate, travertine, marble or quartz tile floors into any room. Multiple shapes and sizes allow for creative patterns. Coordinating grout completes the authentic tile look. Ea s y C are An easy-to-clean surface repels stains and soil, while the stain-resistant grout requires no sealing. 39 Armstrong® Premium Tile Flooring ALTERNA™ r e s e r v e class i c o T rav ert i ne D 4 3 1 0 Bl u e M i st/ Be i g e G R OU T – f 6 dri ftw o od Warmth & Co mfo rt Alterna may look like stone, but it feels entirely different. Its warm, comfortable surface is kinder to your feet, your family, and anything you may drop on it. It also absorbs sound for a quieter home. L as ting Stren g th Durable engineered stone construction makes Alterna™ tough enough to stand up to a lifetime of activity in your home. Kids, pets, heavy traffic – Alterna handles it all. And it’s backed by a Lifetime Residential and 5-Year Light Commercial Warranty from the most trusted name in flooring. P ro u d to s u ppo rt American j o bs Alterna floors are manufactured in Kankakee, Illinois and feature more than 90% domestic content. Armstrong® Premium Tile Flooring 40 In s tall s A n y w here Alterna™ is ideal for kitchens, bathrooms, basements, laundry rooms, and other high-moisture areas. Unlike ceramic tile, it can be installed over minor subfloor irregularities without the risk of cracking. And, it installs in about half the time of ceramic tile. M O RE THA N F L OOR S * The naturally inspired beauty of Alterna isn’t limited to floors. With or without grout, Alterna can create decorative backsplashes, accent walls or other focal points. *Note: Alterna is not recommended for shower walls, fireplace surrounds, or any wall application that exposes it to continuous saturation or temperatures above 300° F. 41 Armstrong® Premium Tile Flooring AL TERNA ™ mesa sto ne D 7 1 1 3 , d 6 1 13 L ig ht g ra y G R OUT – b 2 sm o ke p attern : sta g g ered brick u s i n g 1 2 ˝ x 24˝ o n f l o o r & 8 ˝ x 8˝ o n wal l Creatin g Pattern s w ith Altern a™ Fo r patterned installati o ns : ➊ Calculate the square footage of the room ➋ Add 10% overage to the total The multiple sizes and shapes available in many Alterna collections allow you to express your personal style with a unique pattern installation. Even a subtle ➌R eference the pattern guides below to calculate the percentage of each tile size to purchase Example: Installing a Windmill pattern in a 20’ x 20’ room adjustment – like installing on an angle to create a 20 x 20 = 400 + 10% = 440 sq ft total 440 x 89% = 392 sq ft of 8˝ x 16˝ tiles diamond pattern or staggering the tiles like bricks – 440 x 11% = 48 sq ft of 8˝ x 8˝ tiles can dramatically change the look of your room. S i n g le T i le Patterns | The following patterns can be created using a single Alterna tile size. Staggered Brick 16˝ x 16˝, 12˝ x 12˝, 100% 12˝ x 24˝, 8˝ x 16˝ or 8˝ x 8˝ Diamond 16˝ x 16˝, 12˝ x 12˝ or 8˝ x 8˝ 100% two - T i le Patterns | Using two different shapes or sizes of Alterna tiles allows you to create more intricate patterns. Basketweave * 8˝ x 16˝ or 12˝ x 24˝ 100% Herringbone 8˝ x 16˝ or 12˝ x 24˝ 100% b o rders | You can accent your Alterna floor with a border created from contrasting sizes or even contrasting colors. ➊ C alculate the perimeter of the room in linear feet required. ➋ Add 5% overage to the total. ➌R eference the guides below to calculate the percentage of each tile size to purchase Note: Remember that the figure you will get for a border is in linear feet – not square feet. Random Coursed 12˝ x 24˝ or 8˝ x 16˝ 12˝ x 12˝ or 8˝ x 8˝ 67% 33% Windmill * 12˝ x 24˝ or 8˝ x 16˝ 12˝ x 12˝ or 8˝ x 8˝ 89% 11% Example: Installing an Alternating Border in 20’ x 20’ room 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 = 80 + 5% = 84 linear feet total 84 x 67% = 56 linear feet of 8˝ x 16˝ tiles t h ree - T i le Patterns | The most sophisticated 84 x 33% = 28 linear feet of 8˝ x 8˝ tiles patterns combine three shapes and sizes of Alterna tiles. 3-Way Opus * 16˝ x 16˝ 8˝ x 16˝ 8˝ x 8˝ 43 57% 29% 14% Trellis 16˝ x 16˝ 8˝ x 16˝ 8˝ x 8˝ Armstrong® Premium Tile Flooring 45% 44% 11% Continuous Border 16˝ x 16˝, 12˝ x 12˝, 12˝ x 24˝, 8˝ x 16˝ or 8˝ x 8˝ 100% * Alternating Border 12˝ x 24˝ or 8˝ x 16˝ 12˝ x 12˝ or 8˝ x 8˝ Select patterns require a 1/8” grout line for installation 67% 33% Choosing Your Grout AV AIL AB L E G ROUT S C OO R D I N AT e G ROU T to enhance the Warm tones authentic tile look of your Alterna floor. ™ Armstrong S-693 Pre-mixed Sanded Acrylic Grout is ready to use, requires no sealing, and resists stains and cracking. e5 G y p s u m G al : 6 9 3 4 0 8 E Qt: 693124E i9 S e a S h e ll G al : 6 9 3 4 0 8 I Qt: 693124I f6 D r if t w o o d G al : 6 9 3 4 0 8 F Qt: 693124F l12 C o r n S ilk G al : 6 9 3 4 0 8 L Qt: 693124L c3 S a n d a lw o o d G al : 6 9 3 4 0 8 C Qt: 693124C g7 C o c o a G al : 6 9 3 4 0 8 G Qt: 693124G Your grout color choice will depend on the look you want to achieve. M atc h i n g the grout color to the tile cool tones results in less noticeable lines between each tile and creates a more fluid look to the floor. A1 G la c ie r G al : 6 9 3 4 0 8 A Qt: 693124A j10 M is t G al : 6 9 3 4 0 8 J Qt: 693124J k11 S ilv e r C lo u d G al : 6 9 3 4 0 8 K Qt: 693124K b2 S m o k e G al : 6 9 3 4 0 8 B Qt: 693124B d4 M u s h r o o m G al : 6 9 3 4 0 8 D Qt: 693124D h8 S h a le G al : 6 9 3 4 0 8 H Qt: 693124H C o ntrast i n g the tile with a darker or lighter color grout will add definition to the lines between each tile and emphasize the tile size and installation pattern. Grouted tiles may be spaced 1/16˝, 1/8˝ or 1/4˝ apar t. The tighter the spacing, the less visible the grout lines will be. Suggested grout colors are shown under each tile swatch throughout this brochure. For more grout recommendations, see pages 45 & 46. Note: Due to printing limitations please use only the Alterna grout card (F-8241) to select grout. Any grout printed in this brochure is for reference only. Armstrong® Premium Tile Flooring 44 SP E CIFIC A T I O N S Lifetime Residential Warranty and 5-Year Light Commercial Warranty † Backed by Armstrong, the most trusted brand in flooring. TILE SIZE – 1 6˝ x 16˝, 12˝ x 12˝, 12˝ x 24˝ 8˝ x 16˝ and 8˝ x 8˝ (Select styles) GAUGE – 0.160˝ (4.1 mm) † See warranty brochure or visit www.armstrong.com for warranty details, limitations, and exclusions. ALTERNA™ r e s e r v e CollectionColor Italian Earth Allegheny Slate ™ Allegheny Slate Bronze Age Allegheny Slate Copper Mountain 16 ˝ x 16 ˝12 ˝ x 12 ˝12 ˝ x 24 ˝8 ˝ x 16 ˝8 ˝ x 8 ˝ Recommended Additional Grout Grout Choices D4330 D2330 D7330 D5330 D6330 B2 Smoke D4, H8, K11 D4331 D2331 D7331 D5331 D6331 L12 Corn Silk D4, B2 D4332 D2332 D7332 D5332 D6332 D4 Mushroom B2, G7, H8 D4340 D2340 D7340 L12 Corn Silk Athenian Travertine ™ Honey Onyx Athenian Travertine Provincial Bisque D4342 D2342 D7342 F6 Driftwood I9, F6 I9, L12, G7, E5 D4310 F6 Driftwood Classico Travertine ™ Blue Mist/Beige Classico TravertineSandstone/Blue D4311 F6 Driftwood Classico Travertine Cameo Brown/Gray D4312 F6 Driftwood B2, E5, I9, J10, K11 B2, D4, L12 B2, D4, L12 Pearl Gray D4300 B2 Smoke Cuarzo ™ Cuarzo Iron Blue D4302 B2 Smoke Cuarzo Multi Glaze D4303 C3 Sandalwood E5, F6, J10, K11 D4, F6 B2, D4, F6, G7, H8 Honeysuckle D4320J10 Mist B2, F6, I9, K11 Moselle Valley ™ Moselle ValleySunrise D4322 F6 Driftwood C3, D4, G7, L12 Moselle Valley Forest Green/Copper D4324 D4 MushroomG7, H8 F L OO R C A R E P RO D U C T S E n g i neered S to ne F l o o r i nG The Armstrong family of floor care products is designed to keep your Armstrong floor looking as beautiful as the day it was installed. Armstrong Engineered Stone is a durable composite material made primarily of crushed limestone and topped with a non-porous resilient surface. This unique construction makes it: ® Ask your Armstrong flooring retailer about: •Once ’n Done Resilient & Ceramic Floor Cleaner ® •Strong, yet flexible enough to cover subfloor irregularities that can crack ceramic tile •Ideal for high-moisture areas: kitchens, baths, basements and laundry rooms I N S TA L L AT IO N Use Armstrong S-288 for a full spread floor installation and Armstrong S-693 Pre-mixed Sanded Acrylic Grout. Install on walls with an appropriate high-quality wall adhesive. Follow the adhesive manufacturer’s application and substrate recommendations. Restrictions and complete instructions at www.armstrong.com/alterna. 45 Armstrong® Premium Tile Flooring •Easy to clean and care for S L IP - R E S I S TA N T Wet or dry, the textured surface of Alterna tiles has been proven to be more slip-resistant than smooth ceramic tiles. ALTERNA™ CollectionColor 16 ˝ x 16 ˝12 ˝ x 12 ˝12 ˝ x 24 ˝8 ˝ x 16 ˝8 ˝ x 8 ˝ ™ Almond Cream D4160 D2160 Aztec Trail Aztec Trail Inca Gold D4161 Aztec Trail Terracotta D4162 D2162 Recommended Grout I9 Sea Shell C3 Sandalwood G7 Cocoa Additional Grout Choices B2, E5, F6 D4, F6, L12 C3, D4 Carrera Marble Gray D4180 D2180 K11 Silver Cloud A1, B2, J10 Taupe D4145 D2145 I9 Sea Shell Dellaporte ™ E5, F6 Cream D4155 D2155 E5 Gypsum Durango ™ Durango Deep Gold D4156 D2156 C3 Sandalwood Durango Bleached Sand D4157 D2157 D7157 D5157 D6157 J10 Mist Durango Buff D4158 D2158 F6 Driftwood Durango Clay D4159 D2159 C3 Sandalwood A1, I9, J10, K11 F6 A1, F6, I9, K11 E5, I9, J10, L12 n/a Taupe/Gray D4135 D2135 F6 Driftwood La Plata ™ La Plata Caramel D4136 D2136 F6 Driftwood La Plata Crème Fresh D4137 D2137 I9 Sea Shell B2, D4, I9 E5, I9, J10 F6, J10 Chalk D4105 J10 Mist Mesa Stone ™ Mesa Stone Beige D4106 D2106 D7106 D5106 D6106 F6 Driftwood Mesa Stone Gray/Brown D4107 D2107 D4 Mushroom Mesa Stone Moss D4108 D4 Mushroom Mesa Stone Chocolate D4109 D2109 D7109 D5109 D6109 D4 Mushroom Mesa Stone Canyon Shadow D4110 D2110 D7110 D5110 D6110 H8 Shale Mesa Stone Charcoal D4111 H8 Shale Mesa Stone Canyon Sun D4112 D2112 D4 Mushroom Mesa Stone Light Gray D4113 D2113 D7113 D5113 D6113 B2 Smoke Mesa Stone Terracotta/Clay D4114 D2114 F6 Driftwood Mesa Stone Fieldstone D4115 D2115 B2 Smoke E5, I9, K11 I9, K11 B2, K11 G7 n/a D4 n/a C3 D4, J10, K11 C3, I9 E5, F6, I9, K11 White D4120 J10 Mist A1, I9, K11 Multistone ™ Multistone Gray Dust D4121 F6 Driftwood B2, E5, I9, J10, K11 Multistone Cream D4122 D2122 F6 Driftwood E5, I9, L12 Multistone Caramel Gold D4123 D2123 D7123 D5123 D6123 C3 Sandalwood F6, I9, K11 MultistoneTerracotta D4124 C3 Sandalwood D4 Multistone Slate Blue D4125 D4 Mushroom K11 Terra/Clay D4131 F6 Driftwood North Terrace ™ North Terrace Beige/Taupe D4132 I9 Sea Shell B2, C3, I9, L12 E5, F6, L12 White D4150 E5 Gypsum Sistine ™ Sistine Bisque D4151 D2151 I9 Sea Shell A1, I9, J10 E5, F6 Solids White D4100 J10 Mist Solids Betcha Black D4101 H8 Shale A1 n/a Lichen Green D4142 F6 Driftwood Talus ™ Talus Sunset Beige D4143 F6 Driftwood n/a E5, I9, L12 Cameo Brown D4170 D2170 D7170 D5170 D6170 E5 Gypsum Tuscan Path ™ Tuscan Path Dove Gray D4171 B2 Smoke Tuscan Path Antique Gold D4172 D2172 F6 Driftwood Tuscan Path Beige Blush D4173 D4 Mushroom B2, F6, J10, K11 D4, H8, J10, K11 B2, C3, D4 B2, G7, H8, L12 Armstrong® Premium Tile Flooring 46 Ar mstrong ® has been delighting customer s with beautiful, long-lasting floor ing for more than a centur y. Our company is famous for its commitment to helping homeowner s get the r ight floor ing – the looks they want, in hardwood, vinyl, linoleum and laminate , with easy maintenance and exceptional dur ability. Let us help you find the r ight floor ing for your home . Scan to see video of our ALT E R N A™ products. Exclusive Floor ing Par tner 2013 by www.armstrong.com All trademarks are owned by AWI Licensing Company and/or its affiliates. The Armstrong logo is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries. Armstrong , Once ’n Done and SatinKeeper are registered trademarks in the United States. ® ® ® NOTE: Due to printing limitations, colors pictured cannot be guaranteed to match actual flooring material. Floor designs copyrighted by AWI Licensing Company. © 2013 AWI Licensing Company F-8182-513 A L T E R N A™ r e s e r v e A lleg h en y S late ™ D4332, D5332, D6332 C o p p er M o u ntain G R OU T – D 4 m u s h r o o m p attern : 3 - W a y O p u s
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