Associated Students of Pasadena City College Executive Board Regular Meeting Agenda CC-212, Campus Center, Pasadena City College 1570 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91106 Wednesday, March 18th, 2015|12NN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Associated Students of Pasadena City College Executive Board will hold a meeting as specified above. The Executive Board reserves the right to modify the orders of the day at any time during the meeting. No topics or items will be added to this agenda, except as allowed by the Ralph M. Brown Act. Pursuant to Government Code §54950-54964: Members of the public are invited to speak concerning any item of business on this agenda prior to or during the Board’s discussion of the item, and always prior to the Board taking action on the item. For matters not listed on this agenda but under the Board’s jurisdiction, members of the public are invited to address the Board during Public Comment. The Brown Act does not permit any action to be taken, nor extended discussion of any topic not on the agenda. Please limit comments to no more than 5 minutes. Overall public comment time will be limited to 30 minutes per item. Executive Board Officers President Vice President for Internal Affairs Vice President for Academic Affairs Vice President for Student Services Vice President for Business Affairs Vice President for Campus Activities Vice President for Cultural Diversity I Jordyn Orozco Alfonso Mares VACANT Cindy Lucio Emily Samvalian Kelly Banh Irving G. Morales Vice President for Public Relations Vice President for External Affairs Vice President for Sustainability Chief Justice Student Trustee Secretary Emmanuelle Carrasco Preliminary Items A. B. C. Call to Order, Roll Call, and Establishment of Quorum Adoption of the Agenda for March 18th, 2015 Approval of the minutes from March 4th, 2015 II Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items III Introductions and Reports Written reports, if any, may be found under board packet item D. D. E. F. G. IV Jenny Chuang Hubert Tran Elena Pierce Ryan Liu Marshall Lewis Executive Board Members Advisor Shared Governance Financial – action may be taken to receive and adopt any actionable report of the Finance Committee. Action Items Formal Action by the Executive Board may be taken on any of the following agenda sub-items under item V. Associated Students of Pasadena City College Executive Board Agenda March 18th, 2015 Page 2 of 2 H. Cultural Diversity Committee Wear |I.G. Morales It is recommended that the Executive Board approve a budget for the Cultural Diversity Committee wear coming from the Cultural Diversity budget. I. Appointment for Vice President for Academic Affairs |J. Orozco It is recommended that the Executive board shall appoint the Vice President for Academic Affairs. V Discussion Items No action will be taken by the Executive Board on any of the following items under agenda item V. VI Standing Business J. K. Appointment to College-Wide Committees Bill Acceptance VII Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items VIII Announcements IX Future Meeting Dates and Times Date Wednesday, March 25th, 2015|12NN X Location CC-212 Agenda Items Due By Friday, March 20th, 2015|12NN Adjournment Reduce | Reuse | Recycle Associated Students of Pasadena City College Executive Board Regular Meeting Minutes CC-212, Campus Center, Pasadena City College 1570 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91106 Wednesday, March 4th, 2015 These Minutes of the ASPCC Executive Board were approved on Date. The Advisor Present was Carrie Afuso Executive Board Officers President Vice President for Internal Affairs Vice President for Academic Affairs Vice President for Student Services Vice President for Business Affairs Vice President for Campus Activities Vice President for Cultural Diversity I Jordyn Orozco Hubert Tran VACANT Cindy Lucio Emily Samvalian Kelly Banh Irving G. Morales Vice President for Public Relations Vice President for External Affairs Vice President for Sustainability Chief Justice Student Trustee Secretary Jenny Chuang Alfonso Mares Elena Pierce Ryan Liu Marshall Lewis Emmanuelle Carrasco Preliminary Items A. Call to Order, Roll Call, and Establishment of Quorum The Executive Board was called to order by J. Orozco at 12:01PM. Quorum was established. J. Chuang is absent, R. Liu is excused, and C. Lucio came in at 12:14PM. B. Adoption of the Agenda for March 4th, 2015 MOTION: ON THE MOTION OF H. Tran, seconded by I.G. Morales, the Executive Board voted to unanimously approve the agenda as presented. C. Approval of the minutes from February 18th, 2015 MOTION: ON THE MOTION OF E. Samvalian, seconded by H. Tran, the Executive Board voted to unanimously approve the minutes as presented. II Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items III Introductions and Reports Written reports, if any, may be found under board packet item D. D. Executive Board A. Mares: The special events committee is going to meet and discuss a possible banquet of ICC. E. Samvalian: On Friday, her committee will be finalizing the scholarships. K. Banh: She is still looking for a catering for her event and she got a call from the Support Services yesterday so she will sort out everything this week. I.G. Morales: He informed the Executive board that J. Chuang will be sending e-mails about the event that will be happening on March 17th, 2015 at 11am -3pm. Lastly, Associated Students of Pasadena City College Executive Board Minutes March 4th, 2015 Page 2 of 4 Cultural Diversity committee will be having a meeting and it will be this coming Monday during Spring break. J. Orozco: He and M. Lewis had a great meeting with the 12 accreditation site team officers that were here on PCC campus, and they answered all the questions relating to Standard 4. He briefly attended the “Public forum” yesterday at 12. He clocked in and out to hear some of the questions relating to the accreditation site team on campus. He also talked to the chair of the site team visit and they said that it has been very welcoming at PCC and they have only gotten good responses on people. He reminded the Executive board that this week is midterm’s week. And he suggested to use spring break as a way for them to relax and to take it as a time off for their selves as well because once spring break ends everything will be running quickly. And he reminded them about their grades too. Tonight is the Board of Trustees meeting. The dean position is up for acceptance in closed session items so hopefully, by the end of tonight we will have a new person appointed in the position. He is looking forward for the appointment and for the rest of the year to run smoothly. The policy 630 is the makeup of professional development committee. Originally, this policy is designed 2 years ago by an Academic Senate Subcommittee. This policy included a diversity coordinator, which make sure diversity is included as well as faculty development days. It is important because diversity is a big issue that needs to be raise as it is also socioeconomic and power dynamic as well. This is extremely important so he will be looking forward to what the Executive board have to say. C. Lucio: H. Tran: E. F. G. R. Liu: No Reports. The parliamentary procedure event last Saturday went fairly smoothly. Dr. Eduardo A. Cairo was very thrilled on the things he learned during the event. Thus, he is interested in working with the Executive board on some program in PCC, wherein all shared governance groups will be taught of how parliamentary procedure works. No Reports. M. Lewis: No Reports. E. Pierce: The first Sustainability meeting went well. And the first Sustainability event for Spring 2015 will be coming within the next 3 weeks so a water event will be up for the next AS agenda. Advisors C. Afuso: They will be meeting tonight for the appointment of the new dean. Hopefully, it would go through. Spring break is the time to relax and make time for yourself. We are close on Friday. And she reminded the Executive board to please plan ahead and do well with their studies. Shared Governance Financial MOTION: ON THE MOTION OF H. Tran, seconded by M. Lewis, the Executive Board suspend the orders of the day to move to agenda action item I. St. Patrick’s Day Photo booth. Reduce | Reuse | Recycle Associated Students of Pasadena City College Executive Board IV March 4th, 2015 Page 3 of 4 Minutes Action Items Formal Action by the Executive Board may be taken on any of the following agenda sub-items under item V. H. 72 hour film festival | E. Samvalian It is recommended that the Executive board approve a budget for the 72 hour film festival coming from the Vice President for Business Affairs’ budget. MOTION: ON THE MOTION OF M. Lewis, seconded by K. Banh, the Executive Board unanimously voted to approve a budget of $6,000.00 for the 72 hour film festival coming from the Vice President for Business Affairs’ budget. MOTION: ON THE MOTION OF M. Lewis, seconded by K. Banh, the Executive Board unanimously voted to amend the budget from $6,000.00 to $2, 500.00 coming from the VP of Business Affairs’ budget. AYE - A. Mares, C. Lucio, K. Banh, I.G. Morales, H. Tran, E. Samvalian, E. Pierce NO - none Advisory votes: AYE - M. Lewis NO - none The motion has passed due to unanimous vote. I. St. Patrick’s Day Photobooth | J. Chuang It is recommended for the Executive Board to approve a budget for the St. Patrick’s Day Photobooth event. MOTION: ON THE MOTION OF M. Lewis, seconded by H. Tran, the Executive Board unanimously voted to approve a budget of not exceed $1350.00 for the St. Patrick's Day Photobooth event coming from the Vice President for Public Relations Budget. AYE - A. Mares, K. Banh, I.G. Morales, H. Tran, E. Samvalian, E. Pierce NO - none Advisory votes: AYE - M. Lewis NO - none The motion has passed due to unanimous vote. MOTION: ON THE MOTION OF E. Pierce, seconded by I.G. Morales, the Executive Board suspend the orders of the day to move to Executive board Introduction Reports. V Discussion Items No action will be taken by the Executive Board on any of the following items under agenda item V. VI Standing Business J. K. VII Appointment to College-Wide Committees Bill Acceptance Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items Reduce | Reuse | Recycle Associated Students of Pasadena City College Executive Board Minutes VIII Announcements C. Afuso: The showing of Big Hero 6 is tonight. IX Future Meeting Dates and Times Date Wednesday, March 18th, 2015|12NN X Location CC-212 March 4th, 2015 Page 4 of 4 Agenda Items Due By Friday, March 6th, 2015|12NN Adjournment MOTION: ON THE MOTION OF I. G. Morales, seconded by E. Samvalian, the Executive Board voted to adjourn the meeting at 12:22 PM. Reduce | Reuse | Recycle Board Agenda Item H: Cultural Diversity Committee Wear Date: 03/18/2015 Recommendation: It is recommended that the Executive Board approve a budget of no more than $500.00 for the Cultural Diversity Committee wear coming from the Cultural Diversity budget. Costs: See attached supplement. Reason: To promote Associated Student events further with unified outfit and to show professionalism (while representing Associated Students) when publicizing events throughout the campus and during club meetings. Recommended by: Irving Geheber Morales Vice President for Cultural Diversity, Associated Students of Pasadena City College client PCC Office of Student Affairs Irving Geheber Morales 1570 E Colorado Blvd Pasadena CA 91106 enigma screen printing a division of enigma, inc. post office box 271 montrose, ca 91021-0271 t) 818) 248-4747 f) 818) 248-8787 date 3/5/2015 job number PAS-038 estimate project PCC ASB Cultural Diversity Polo Shirts description | style no. color size qty cost 3C Emb: American Apparel Unisex Pique Polos | PQ412 1C Emb (Font TBD): Personalization Free local delivery Sales Tax Black TBD S-XL 11 11 0 32.73 6.00 0.00 9.00% 360.03T 66.00T 0.00 38.34 total $464.37 This estimate is based upon the project description and specifications proposed at the time of the estimate, and is subject to review if the scope of the project changes. accepted by: authorized signature date total Board Agenda Item I: Appointment of the Vice President for Academic Affairs Date: March 18th, 2015 Recommendation: It is recommended that the Executive board shall appoint the following for Vice President for Academic Affairs: Date/s: Krista Saenz Spring 2015 Recommended by Jordyn Orozco President, Associated Students of Pasadena City College ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF PASADENA CITY COLLEGE COMMITTEE ROSTER AND MEMBERSHIP 2014-2015 EFFECTIVE AS OF: March 4th, 2015 This roster of ASPCC and College-wide committee members is current as of the above date. All committee members are appointed by the ASPCC President on their own recommendation or the recommendation of Executive Board members; in certain instances committee members are approved by a vote of the Executive Board. Before a student becomes a committee member, their name is announced under “Appointment to College-wide Committees” during any regularly scheduled Executive Board meeting. Committee appointments listed as (auto) are automatically required appointments by the ASPCC Governing Rules. During the Executive Board meeting of, March 18th 2015, the following names will be announced and appointed to committees: ASPCC Committees Student name(s) Oralia Ordaz Submitted for Appointment by: I.G. Morales Committee(s) Cultural Diversity College Wide Committees Student name(s) Submitted for Appointment by: Committee(s) ASPCC COMMITTEES Committee Chair Members Executive Board Jordyn Orozco President Cindy Lucio Emily Samvalian Kelly Banh Irving Morales Alfonso Mares Jenny Chuang Elena Pierce Hubert Tran Ryan Liu Marshall Lewis * Mtg Time & Frequency Wednesdays, 12pm Weekly ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF PASADENA CITY COLLEGE COMMITTEE ROSTER AND MEMBERSHIP 2014-2015 EFFECTIVE AS OF: March 4th, 2015 Supreme Council Ryan Liu Andy Bui Jimmy Tran Waverly Chin Madisyn Maldonado Joselin Hernandez James Ruvalcaba Krista Saenz Vincent Chiu Wednesday, 4-6PM Academic Commission Brandon Arizmendi VP Academic Affairs Finance Emily Samvalian VP Business Affairs J. Orozco Chris Szabo Chris Langstaff John Orona Pamela Nankani Joanne Lee Monday, 3PM, CC212 Lobby Hubert Tran VP External Affairs Friday, 2PM, CC212 Lobby Fee Fund Hubert Tran VP External Affairs Jenny Chuang VP Public Relations Emily Samvalian Hubert Tran Kelly Banh Jordyn Orozco Isabella Jorbajian Ian Fox Leana Gatchalian Kashi Moreno Ricardo Patlan Shusma Pant Marshall Lewis Ryan Liu Elizabeth Kirk Elena Pierce Nick Alderete Jimmy Tran Karen Ho Sammy Wu John Fraser Clarence Irvin Jordyn Orozco (Associated Students) Joyce Wong Isabelle (Ming Suet) Kwan Sandra (Zin Win) Maw Yesenia (Yoshie) Jimerez Isabella Jorbajian Christina Chu Hubert Tran Friday, 1-2PM, biweekly Publicity ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF PASADENA CITY COLLEGE COMMITTEE ROSTER AND MEMBERSHIP 2014-2015 EFFECTIVE AS OF: March 4th, 2015 Campus Activities Kelly Banh VP Campus Activities Student Services Cindy Lucio VP Student Services Cultural Diversity Irving Morales VP Cultural Diversity Sustainability Elena Pierce VP Sustainability Election Commission Dean, Student Affairs Grace Zhang Eunice Kim Nathaniel Szeto Jones Ou I.G. Morales Robert Gordon Amaris Jacobs Phyllis Brooks Vincent Ogbeni Xiang LI Ryan Taylor Elena Pierce Bryan Bloomfield Snefaru Hines Robert Espinoza Areg Akopyan Kijana Jones Emmanuelle Carrasco Julia Mendoza Chengzong Ou Benedict Sebastian Cherlin Ongkeko Leana Gatchalian Victoria Quach Sinapom Chairot Jenny Chuang Emmanuelle Carrasco Samy Elcott Jotham Hung Joaquin Sandoval Shabeer Siddiqui James Lukius Kathy Tu Phillis Brooks Clement Tsang Ellis Valdescona Stephanie Ling Fridays, 11AM, Cross Cultural Center ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF PASADENA CITY COLLEGE COMMITTEE ROSTER AND MEMBERSHIP 2014-2015 EFFECTIVE AS OF: March 4th, 2015 ASPCC ICC COMMITTEES Committee Inter-Club Council Chair Alfonso Mares Members ICC Funding Committee ICC Service Projects ICC Special Events * Associate or ex-officio member – does not count for achieving quorum Mtg Time & Frequency Fridays, 12pm ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF PASADENA CITY COLLEGE COMMITTEE ROSTER AND MEMBERSHIP 2014-2015 EFFECTIVE AS OF: March 4th, 2015 COLLEGE COUNCIL COMMITTEES Committee Budget & Resource Calendar Chair Bob Miller Admin Appointee Danny Hamman Academic Senate Dr. Bob Bell VP Instruction Krista Walter Academic Senate Student Members 2 Free spots Jordyn Orozco Marshall Lewis Elena Pierce Cindy Lucio Hubert Tran Jordyn Orozco Marshall Lewis College Council Mark Rocha College President Enrollment Mgmt Bob Miller VP Ed Services, Edward Martinez Academic Senate Dwayne Cable Admin Appointee Coleman Griffith Academic Senate 3 Free Spots Kent Yamauchi President’s Appointee Matthew Jordan Dean of Curriculum, Stephanie Fleming Academic Senate Lynn Wright Academic Senate === VP Human Resources === Admin Appointee Lauren Arenson Academic Senate Marshall Lewis 2 Free spots Mark Sakata Academic Senate Dwayne Cable VP Information Tech 2 Free Spots Facilities Health & Safety Planning & Priorities Professional Dev. Sustainability Student Trustee Advisory Council Technology & Academic Computing 2 Free Spots Jordyn Orozco Ryan Liu Hubert Tran 1 Free Spot 2 Free Spots Kelly Banh Mtg Time & Frequency Fourth Thursday of month, 10 AM ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF PASADENA CITY COLLEGE COMMITTEE ROSTER AND MEMBERSHIP 2014-2015 EFFECTIVE AS OF: March 4th, 2015 MISCELLANEOUS COMMITTEES Committee Bookstore Commencement Speaker Selection Curriculum & Instruction Flea Market Board Food Service Institutional Effectiveness Committee Parking Student Service Fund Chair Pending Dean, Student Affairs Pending Dean, Student Affairs Student Members 1 Free Spot Pending Dean, Student Affairs Pending Dean, Student Affairs Sheileigh Rose Co-Chair Matt Jordan Co-Chair Pending Dean, Student Affairs Pending Dean, Student Affairs 2 Free Spots Jordyn Orozco Marshall Lewis Cindy Lucio 1 Free Spot 1 Free Spot 2 Free Spots 2 Free Spots Jordyn Orozco Alfonso Mares 2 Free Spots Mtg Time & Frequency
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