WEAVING NEW BEGINNINGS We are Celebrating our Eighteenth Kentucky Basket Association Convention The Center for Rural Development 2292 South Highway 27 Somerset, KY July 10, 11, & 12, 2014 Teacher Biographies Denise Anthony – I reluctantly learned the basics of basket making with (now retired) NC Extension Agent, Laurie Stevens. With numerous mentors along the way, I have been teaching the art of basket making since 1992. I have been fortunate enough to teach at NCBA for 6 years and am now teaching at conventions in Georgia and South Carolina as well. I design the beginner students in mind because I believe in good skill foundations and I love seeing the “light bulb” moment in a beginners face. Sandy Atkinson – Sandy Atkinson began weaving in 1983 when she was home with her four daughters. She was so hooked, that within a few months she found herself at the library trying to find anything on basket weaving. In 1985 she and her husband Steve opened Atkinson's Country House, where she could teach basket weaving and sell supplies. The success of the business grew into a nationwide mail order company. When Steve retired in 2000 he joined the business full time. Steve also took up woodcutting and now cuts all the wood work for the shop. In 1986 Sandy approached the U of M PBS-TV about doing a series on basket weaving. The concept was enthusiastically received and The University of Michigan produced the first two series of "Country Basket Weaving with Sandy Atkinson". Series three, four, and five were produced by Steve and Sandy. All five series have been picked up by Sterling Digital out of New York. Sandy has taught at many state conventions and workshops including: Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Connecticut, and New York. Steve and Sandy continue to work at the basket studio in Lennon, Michigan. They live on a small farm, have eight grandchildren and love to travel in the motor home around the USA to teach. Steve Atkinson – Steve Atkinson worked for GM for 34 years. He retired in 2000 and joined his wife Sandy at Atkinson's Country House full time. He is in charge of packing and shipping, plus anything else that needs doing. Steve also took up woodcutting and now cuts all the wood work for the shop. He coached for 31 years at the high school level. Although his favorite sport is football, Steve has coached boys’ basketball, girls’ basketball, volleyball, baseball, and softball. He has had undefeated teams. Steve took up seat weaving a few years ago and really enjoys coming up with new patterns to weave. He builds all his own seat frames. Steve and Sandy continue to work at the basket studio in Lennon, Michigan. They live on a small farm, have eight grandchildren and love to travel in the motor home around the USA to teach. Pat Carothers - I’m totally hooked! I began weaving over 20 years ago and was immediately fascinated by not only the process of weaving, but also the beauty of the craft. I’ve been teaching classes locally and at conventions and retreats for several years I weave all types of baskets and love all of them…well, maybe ribbed baskets and I don’t have quite a loving relationship!! I continue to learn and I am so thrilled to be a part of KBA’s convention. I am looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones. Stop by and say hello. Char Ciammaichella - Char has been weaving for almost 20 years and teaching for the last 10 years. She weaves mainly with reed and loves playing with color placement to get many different and interesting patterns. She teaches at home, at guild gatherings, and many weaving conventions. She loves teaching and passing down the weaving techniques to all. She has recently opened her website www.charswings.com and is constantly trying new techniques and ideas! She has been the coordinator for WinterWeave Conference the last 14 years. Candace Katz - Candace has been weaving for 16 years and teaching for 11 years. Her designs include wood bases woven with reed. She has taught a various guilds and conventions throughout the country as well as on the basket weaving cruise onboard the Carnival Dream. She is a partner in Bases To weave, a supplier of wood base products for basket weaving. Candace enjoys sharing tips and techniques, traveling and meeting new people, and says “It’s all for the love of the weave”. Gina Kieft - Choosing to be a stay at home mom for our two children, basket weaving has let my artistic side shine. I started my basket weaving career taking classes from the local Community Education Department in 1995. Now I teach those classes. I have been designing my own patterns since the year 2000. I currently have over 100 patterns for sale with several more baskets in the works. My baskets have been sold and displayed not only locally, but all over the world. I have taught many basket classes at different conventions and guilds in the Mid-West. My patterns, kits and classes can be found on my web site. www.ginasbaskets.com. Passing on the love of weaving and seeing the satisfaction of a student after they have completed their project is my greatest joy. Trista Rothgerbert - I took my first basket class in 1994 and have been weaving ever since. In 1996 I was asked to organize a couple of classes in order to help fourteen 4-H youth members with their Basketry project. I have continued these classes for the past 17 years, helping this project grow to 69 4-H youth in 2013. I enjoy teaching as I find it both fun and rewarding. Over the past several years, I have spent a great deal of time creating and planning baskets from my own experiences and ideas. I hope you guys enjoy them as much as I do. Sue Twombly - Sue has been teaching wire wrap jewelry for 10 years. She teaches at her local bead shops and has traveled throughout the states, providing wire wrap workshops. She specializes in wire wrap bracelets. She takes special pleasure in seeing her student eyes light up when they have completed their bracelet. She has also weaved baskets for 19 years. On the side, she loves dogs, gardening, golf and teaching. She currently resides in Indianapolis with her husband, two Shi Tzu dogs and two Yorkiepoos. Judy Wilson - Judy has a passion for baskets, especially intricately woven baskets. Baskets of Native American origin and other ethnic baskets hold a special place in her life. She is totally self-taught and has been weaving since 1984 and teaching since 1985. She has taught all over the East Coast in at least 16 states. She especially likes to see students use skills that she taught them many years ago. She likes teaching others and helping to spread the art of basketry. She dreams up all of her designs. The Kentucky Basket Association is delighted to present WEAVING NEW BEGINNINGS at Our Eighteenth Convention Location/Accommodations: WEAVING NEW BEGINNINGS will be held at the Center for Rural Development2292 South Highway 27 Somerset, KY 42501 Phone: (606) 677-6000 in Somerset, KY. You must make your own room reservation directly with the Best Western (606-677-9000) 103 Jefferson Drive in Somerset. Best Western is reserving a block of 40 rooms for the convention; tell them you are with the KBA. Any room not booked before June 20 will be released to the general public. Single or Double room at $76.99 and Suite w 1 Bed, Fold out Couch, 2 TV's, Frig and micro. at $89.99.Call after January 1st to reserve a room. Registration and Related Information: Please refer to these requirements and guidelines as you complete the Registration form. Registration form should be sent to: Delilah Williams 5639 Knob Creek Rd Brooks, KY 40109 email: [email protected] The registration fee is determined by the date your registration is postmarked. Postmarked on or before Feb. 28th $40, on or before Mar. 31st $45 and after Apr. 1st $50. With each of your first choice Basket selections, you must send in a check with the Teacher’s name, amount for class and postdated to day of class. If you do not get the first-choice class, check will be returned with confirmation form. Send a self-addressed, stamped 4 x 9 envelope with form. Please include a separate check for membership dues of $15 if you are new to KBA or if you are not current. Registration and membership checks should be made out to Kentucky Basket Association. Complete the enclosed Registration Form typing or printing clearly. Indicate the class code (day and class number) plus the teacher’s last name for each class choice. Example: FR-01 McCormick. List classes in order of preference. Include up to four choices for each day you plan to attend. Do not list any classes you are not willing to take. Making only one choice will not guarantee you a space in that class. When selecting your baskets, please consider the skill level, size of basket, time allowed, and skills to be learned. Use the guidelines for class skill levels. Please check the project sizes carefully before making your choices. Projects can be either much larger or much smaller than they appear in the photograph. Registration does not guarantee placement in requested classes. Some classes may fill; others may be cancelled due to insufficient enrollment. If you must cancel from a specific class or the entire convention, your request must be in writing and received by May 31. All cancellations are subject to a $20 cancellation fee. After June 1, no refunds (registration or teacher fees) will be made. You will need to contact teacher to pick up your kit or have them mailed. Send cancellation request to Delilah Williams (address above). Teachers and Vendors: “Teacher/Vendor Registration Form” if you plan to take a class. If not, please complete the personal information on this form, and the “Raffle” section if you are willing to donate a raffle item. Teachers and vendors are not required to pay a registration fee. Check List: Please read instructions carefully before preparing your Registration Form. Make sure the numbers of your classes are legible. Pay special attention to the Deadline and be aware of weaving time, length of class, class price and any special tools needed to complete the class. Fill out registration form and send payment to: Delilah Williams 5639 Knob Creek Rd Brooks, KY 40109 email: [email protected] Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope with form. Day Class Teacher Thurs 12 - 4 Thurs 12 - 4 THURSDAY THUR 1 Gina Kieft Ann's Oval Antler THUR 2 Candace Katz Carolina THUR 3 Pat Carothers Country Hexagon THUR 4 Steve Double Decker Atkinson Footstool THUR 5 Gemstone Wire Sue Twombly Wrap Bracelet Sandy THUR 6 Hearth Basket Atkinson Trista THUR 7 Shoulder Tote Rothgerbert Thurs 12 - 6 Thurs 12 - 6 Thurs 12 - 6 THUR 8 Fun with Twill THUR 9 Lots of Arrows THUR 10 Spirit Twined Tray Thurs 12 - 4 Thurs 12 - 4 Thurs 12 - 4 Thurs 12 - 4 Thurs 12 - 4 Thurs 6-9 Thurs 6 - 10 Thurs 6 - 10 Thurs 6 - 10 Thurs 6 - 10 Thurs 6 - 10 Thurs 6 - 10 Fri 8 am – 1pm Fri 8 am – 5 pm Fri 8 am – 3 pm Fri 8 am – 5 pm Fri 8 am – 5 pm Fri 8 am – 5 pm Fri 8 am – 12 pm THUR 11 Kaleidoscopes Denise Anthony Char Ciammaichella Judy Wilson Trista Rothgerbert Sandy THUR 12 Blessed Little Angel Atkinson THUR 13 Sue Twombly Byzantine Earrings THUR 14 Candace Katz Dharma THUR 15 Steve Double Diamond or Atkinson Twill Bench THUR 16 Gina Kieft Little Sock Bucket THUR 17 Pat Carothers Sewing Basket FRIDAY FRI1 Steve 4 Point Rag Twill Atkinson Footstool FRI2 Candace Katz Arrow Creek Char FRI3 Chains in Black Ciammaichella Trista FRI4 Checkmate Rothgerbert FRI5 Gina Kieft Do the Wave FRI6 Pat Carothers Laundry Basket FRI7 Papago Tray Judy Wilson Necklace Time Skill Day Fri 8 am – 5 pm Fri 8 am – 5 pm Fri 8 am – 12 pm 4 AL 4 AL 4 B 4 AL Fri 1 pm – 5 pm 4 AL Fri 1 pm – 5 pm 4 AL 4 B 6 B 6 AL 6 AL 3 AL 4 AL 4 AL 4 AL 4 AL 4 AL 4 B 5 AL 8 A 6 I 8 I 8 A 8 B 4 AL Sat 8 am – 3 pm Sat 8 am – 12 pm Sat 8 am – 3pm Sat 8 am – 12 pm Sat 8 am – 3 pm Sat 8 am – 12 pm Sat 8 am – 12 pm Sat 8 am – 3 pm Sat 8 am – 3 pm Sat 8 am – 3 pm Sat 1 pm – 3 pm Sat 1 pm – 3 pm Class FRI8 Spirit in Leather FRI9 Sweet Marie FRI10 Wire Wrap Earrings Teacher Sandy Atkinson Denise Anthony Time Skill 8 I 8 I Sue Twombly 4 I 4 AL 4 I FRI11 Pot Bellied Netted Judy Wilson Gourd FRI12 Wave Wire Wrap Sue Twombly Bracelet SATURDAY SAT1 Ahura Candace Katz 6 I SAT2 Double Heart Rocker Steve Atkinson 4 AL SAT3 Illusion Denise Anthony 6 B SAT4 Neon Snack Basket Char Ciammaichella 4 AL SAT5 Oktoberfest Trista Rothgerbert 6 I SAT6 Plaid Casserole Pat Carothers 4 B SAT7 Ribbed Bent Branch Handle Basket Sandy Atkinson 4 I SAT8 Salad Bowl Gina Kieft 6 I SAT9 Suches Basket Judy Wilson 6 AL SAT10 Woven Wire Color Wire Wrap Bracelet Sue Twombly 6 AL SAT11 Door Knob Basket Sandy Atkinson 2 AL SAT12 Spring, Christmas or Patriotic Stripe Char Ciammaichella 2 B LEVELS AL – All Levels B – Beginner I – Intermediate A - Advanced Schedule of Events . Food Choices: Vendors: Wednesday, July 9 1 – 4 pm Vendors Set up There are restaurants within driving distance. There may be more but these are confirmed as of January 1, 2014 Thursday, July 10 8 – 11 am Vendors and Teachers Set Up 10 am KBA Board Meeting 11 am – 6 pm Registration 12 noon – 10 pm Classes Lunch & Dinner on your own You can bring food in to eat while you are at the convention. Atkinson’s Country House – Sandy & Steve Atkinson Friday July 11 8 am – 4 pm 8 am – 9:30 pm 11 am – 1 pm 5 pm – 6:30 pm 7 – 9:30 pm finish Saturday, July 12 8am – 12 noon 8 am – 4 pm 11 am – 1 pm 4 pm Registration Classes Lunch on your own Dinner and Annual Meeting Teacher Market Place and Classes There is a cantina concession stand on site that will be open during certain times. You can purchase food from them also. There will no longer be the food voucher coupons like in the past years. Bases to Weave – Candace Katz and Debbie Hurd Judy Wilson Char’s Weavings KB Enterprises – Bobbie Galyon The Friday night dinner will be catered from a Somerset local eatery. Registration Classes Lunch on your own Finish up and Head for Home. Thursday Afternoon Classes THUR1 12 – 4 PM ANN’S OVAL ANTLER Gina Kieft All levels $48 Size: 8”w x 12”l x 4”h Starting on an oval wood base with the spokes glued in prior to class, learn to twine and upset in a uniform fashion. Using your choice in color, make a fun play in coloring learning a paired three rod wale with a step up. A variety of white tail antlers will be available to attach to the rim in a unique way. July 10 THUR2 12 – 4 PM CAROLINA Candace Katz All levels $34 Size: 8”d x 6.5” w/o handle Carolina has dyed spokes with matching dyed maple strips. The basket starts on a round slotted base and is woven with a continuous weave of 1-2 twill. Three rows of natural maple are then woven and will be used to add the dyed maple curls. Color choices will be available. THUR3 12 – 4 PM COUNTRY HEXAGON Pat Carothers Beginner $28 Size: 8”d x 7”h Woven on a hexagonal base, this class will emphasize shaping to mimic the hexagon shape, using a wooden base and a round reed rim. Twining will be taught. THUR4 12 – 4 PM DOUBLE DECKER FOOTSTOOL Steve Atkinson All Levels $54 Size: 12" w x 12" l 12" h SPECIAL TOOLS: long shank weaving tool or long knitting needle, small hammer Double decker footstool perfect for holding anything under the seat. Woven in checkerboard OR diagonal weave design using Shaker tape &/or nylon webbing. Choice of two colors in the design. The pine stool comes ready to weave, sanded, stained & varnished. NOT to be used as a stepping stool. Thursday Afternoon Classes THUR5 12 – 4 PM GEMSTONE WIRE WRAP BRACELET Sue Twobly THUR6 12 – 4 pm HEARTH BASKET Sandy Atkinson All Levels Silver $50 Gold Filled $60 All Levels Fee: $58 Size: 8 1/2"w x 14"l x13" h includes handle Properties of precious metal wire, skills of wire wrapping, incorporate beads, size bracelets, and create the clasp. A variety of Gemstone colors to choose from as well as Swarovski crystals. Choose own color combination. Student will leave with a beautifully designed & completed bracelet. All Levels $52 Size: 8”w x 12”l x 6”h Basket begins on a wood base. Techniques for this basket include correct overlapping and scarfing of flat oval reed and the 3 rod arrow pattern. The 3 rod arrow is woven in 3 different colors or round reed creating a great looking pattern. Students will definitely learn the 3-rod arrow by the time this basket is completed! THUR7 12 – 4 pm SHOULDER TOTE Trista Rothgerbert Beginner $47 Size: 5”w x 10”l x 9”h Special Tools Required: long This tote basket has extra-long shank weaving tool or long leather handles to carry over knitting needle the shoulder. This basket starts A beautiful basket to set out on with a woven filled bottom base and there will be several the hearth or anywhere with color choices to choose from. many uses. Add color to match your decor. Wrapped handle with pattern insert, decreasing side width, & triple twine or four rod wale are all taught in class. Thursday Afternoon Classes THUR9 12 – 6 pm LOTS OF ARROWS Char Ciammaichella July 10 cont. July 10 cont THUR10 12 – 6 pm SPIRIT TWINED TRAY Judy Wilson All levels $44 Size: 4 ½”a x 1 ½” d SPECIAL TOOLS: Small/Medium Sharp Scissors, Awl Learn to make this striking new tray, twined with waxed cotton cord and glass beads. Emphasis in class will be on hand skills, tension, shaping and over all look of the basket. THUR8 12 – 6 PM FUN WITH TWILL Denise Anthony Beginner $49 Size: 12”d x 4 ½” h w/out handle Beginning with a slotted wood base and handle, students will learn how to triple twine and where to “step up”. Shaping will be stressed in class as the student is introduced to a 1 – 2 twill weave pattern. Students will learn a new binding pattern and top off the handle with a woven know. Thursday Night Classes THUR11 6 – 9 pm KALEIDOSCOPES – LARGE or SMALL Trista Rothgerbert All levels Small $42 Large $74 Small – 1.5”d x 7”l Large – 2”d x 9”l The large contains a rotating end piece filled with faux jewels & pearls floating in liquid. The small contains a clear lens that turns everything it is pointed towards into a kaleidoscopic image. A variety of color choices & weaving patterns. Learn to create a variety of appearances by changing the quantity of spokes, varying a twill pattern or choosing to use a continuous or chase weave. July 10 THUR12 6 – 10 pm BLESSED LITTLE ANGEL Sandy Atkinson All Levels Fee: $29 Width at bottom of skirt 9 1/210” Height at top of hair 9 1/2 -10” A sweet little thing to use for the holidays or for everyday enjoyment. Woven on wooden painted head with round & flat oval reed. Easy border. Just a fun class. Thursday Night Classes THUR13 6 – 10 pm BYZANTINE EARRINGS Sue Twombly All levels Sterling Silver $25 Gold Filled $35 Mixed Metals $35 Learn how to open and close jump rings properly, how to assemble the Byzantine chain pattern. Different colored Swarovski crystals to attach to earrings. If a student is interested they can also learn how to make & purchase materials to make a byzantine chain bracelet. All materials to complete the earrings will be provided. Thursday Night Class July 10 cont. THUR17 6 – 10 pm SEWING BASKET Pat Carothers Beginner $32 Size: 8”w x 15”l x 14”h w/handle Great for any quilter or seamstress. This market basket class will teach basic weaving techniques. Included: a filled base, shaping and a choice of solid reed or twining for the sides. THUR14 6 – 10 pm DHARMA Candace Katz All Levels $30 Size: 6”d x 5”h Dharma is woven on a round slotted base. Weaving techniques include triple twining and 1-2 twill using spaced dyed reed with a coordinating color for the maple weaver. Natural maple curls will be added for embellishment. Some color choices will be available. July 10 THUR15 6 – 10 pm DOUBLE DIAMOND OR TWILL BENCH Steve Atkinson THUR16 6 – 10 pm LITTLE SOCK BUCKET Gina Kieft All Levels $78 Size: 14 1/2"w x 30 3/4"l x 18"h All levels $52 Size: 11 ½”d x 7”h SPECIAL TOOLS: long shank weaving tool or long knitting needle, small hammer This great basket is a smaller version of my original sock bucket. Start on a wood base with the spokes glued in prior to class. Students will be contacted, by email for their choice in two contrasting color to weave, prior to class. The two different size weavers to the side weaving. Add two round hoops for handles. This bench is made the same height as most chairs & will work well at the dining room table, or at the end of a bed. The bench comes ready to weave on. Choice of color combinations to choose from, using either Shaker Tape or nylon webbing. Not to be used as a step stool. Friday Morning Classes FRI1 8 am – 1pm 4 POINT RAG TWILL FOOTSTOOL Steve Atkinson All Levels $65 Size: 15" w x 15" l x 12" w SPECIAL TOOLS: long shank weaving tool or long knitting needle, small hammer Our newest in the line of footstools, Brahma Webb is the new weaving material, weather resistant, durable easy to clean with soap & water as it has a pvc outer coating. Feels much like treated cowhide leather, but a little thicker & smoother. Not to be used as a step stool or for unprotected use because of wood frame. July 11 FRI2 8 am – 5pm ARROW CREEK Candace Katz FRI3 8 am – 3 pm CHAINS IN BLACK Char Ciammaichella Advanced $58 Size: 12”d x 16”h Intermediate $61 Size: 9”w x 12”l x 7 ½”h For those who love round reed Arrow Creek is for you. The basket starts on a round base with holes drilled in place of the slot. Weaving techniques include lots of arrow weave, bispokes twining, continuous weave with flat reed and then to finish the basket the inside rim is braided. This basket is started on a wood base with dyed spokes. Base is woven in a 4 rod wale in an over 2, under 2 pattern. Sides are woven in a specific pattern to get the “Chains” look. Students weaving this basket will be challenged with a 3 rod arrow woven with 2 weavers in different colors. You don’t want to let the weavers twist. Curls are added after the basket is woven. Friday Morning Classes FRI4 8 am – 5 pm CHECKMATE Trista Rothgerbert FRI5 8 am – 5 pm DO THE WAVE Gina Kieft Intermediate $63 Size: 12”d x 10”h Advanced $72 Size: 6”w x 12”l x 9”h (15”h with handles) This is a large bushel style basket that starts with a wooden base. All weaving is done using chase weave with an emphasis on shaping. The handles start with #10 round reed, which is then wrapped using #2 round. These handles offer a nice highlight to this basket. Many techniques to learn in this useful basket. Start with a twill base with a fun play in color. With this double wall basket, start the inside concentrating on spoke placement and shape, weave the outside wall working on height adjustment and three rod wale with a step up. Focus is the wave weave created on the outside wall. Students will be asked their color preference prior to class by email. Leather handles for carrying. FRI6 8 am – 5 pm LAUNDRY BASKET Pat Carothers Beginner $50 Size: 11”w x 16”l x 13”h w/handle Students will learn a filled base shaping and how to create an “x & o” pattern. Twining will also be taught. Friday Morning Classes FRI9 8 am – 5 pm SWEET MARIE Denise Anthony FRI8 8 am – 5 pm SPIRIT IN LEATHER Sandy Atkinson Intermediate $68 Size: 5" w x 8 1/2" l x 9 1/2"h includes handle Woven on oval hoops, this new design incorporates stunning accent work. The god's eye, handle wrap & accents are woven with leather. This class is thoroughly taught with concept of the rib weaving theory, & facts to rib weaving. Woven with black dyed leather, small flat reed, oval/oval, round reed, beads & charm. Intermediate $92 Size: 12”d x 10”h w/o handle This reed basket begins on a slotted wood base with a class mold. Students will fit a painted steel band to their basket. Basic basketry skills will be used to create this complex but clean looking basket. The rim is a great introduction to Gretchen. This basket is finished with a custom handle of oak and black walnut. Students are encouraged to contact instructor for color options before class via email [email protected] July 11 July 11 cont. FRI10 8 am – 12 noon WIRE WRAP EARRINGS Sue Twombly Intermediate Prerequisite: 1 class with Sue taken at any time. Sterling Silver $40 Gold Filled $60 Mixed $50 Student will choose 2 styles of earrings from 6 different designs. Each style is available in large and small sizes. Class members will incorporate a variety of techniques to make these earrings such as wire wrapping, coiling, free forming wire, snap setting stones, twisting wire, and making curls. These are fun to make and fun to wear! FRI7 8 am – 12 noon PAPAGO TRAY NECKLACE Judy Wilson All levels $34 Size: 2 ¼”w x 3/8”deep SPECIAL TOOLS: Small/Medium Sharp Scissors, Awl Students will learn to make this new coiled tray necklace. Coiling is done with small waxed cotton cord. Kit makes two (2) pendants. Many choices of color with matching beads and adjustable neck cord. Class will cover hand skills, neatness, tension and having fun creating a new piece. Friday Afternoon Classes FRI11 1 pm – 5 pm POT BELLIED NETTED GOURD Judy Wilson All levels $30 Size: 2 ½”w x 2 ¾”h SPECIAL TOOLS: Sharp Embroidery type scissors (Friskars) This is a fun piece to make. Students learn knotless netting and to do it around a fat little gourd. Many colors to choose from. Hander and the feathers are hand cut leather. Glass beads adorn the ends. July 11 FRI12 1 pm – 5 pm WAVE WIRE WRAP BRACELET Sue Twombly Intermediate Prerequisite: 1 class with Sue taken at any time. Sterling Silver $70 Gold Filled $90 Mixed $85 Student will learn to manipulate free hand a group of wires around beads. Class members will review the basic principles of wire weaving as well as perfect their basic skills of wire wrapping, how to size bracelets, and to create the clasp. When you wear your completed bracelet, no one will believe you made it yourself! Saturday Morning Classes 8 am – 3 pm AHURA Candace Katz SAT1 Intermediate $48 Size: 9”d x 10.5”h Ahura starts on a slotted round base, weaving techniques include: 2-3 twill with dyed reed, stop/start weave with 2 large strips of reed, arrow weave and a double rim with half round reed. Several color choices will be available. The simplicity of the weave will afford the opportunity to work on shaping with helpful tips to assist. Saturday Morning Classes SAT3 8 am – 3 pm ILLUSION Denise Anthony Beginner $62 Size: 8”w x 13 - 14”l x 9”h w/out handle This basket begins on a black walnut slotted base and is finished with a handmade black walnut handle. Students will learn how to triple twine and identify where to “step up” rows. The 2 – 2 twill pattern taught creates a zigzag pattern that is only visible when viewed from a distance. SAT4 8 am – 12 noon NEON SNACK BASKET Char Ciammaichella July 12 SAT2 8 am – 12 noon DOUBLE HEART ROCKER Steve Atkinson All Levels $75 Chair: 14"w Rocker: 18"l Seat: 10"d x 7" h Back height: 18" SPECIAL TOOLS: long shank weaving tool or long knitting needle, small hammer Little rocker for a small child along with a teddy bear or dolly. Built very sturdy. Rocks smooth & has security rockers. Choose to weave a heart, a twill or a checkerboard in the seat. Rocker comes stained, sealed & ready to weave on. July 12 cont. SAT5 8 am – 3 pm OKTOBERFEST Trista Rothgerbert All Levels $38 Size: 9”w x 7”l x 7”h Intermediate $62 Size: 8”w x 11”l x 8.5”h Black and natural spokes are inserted into the wood base to begin this basket. Start/stop weaving in a specific pattern combined with the pair 3-rod twining really helps set up this stunning basket. Reed colors include natural, black and neon green. A leather flower is added after the basket is woven. This basket starts with an oblong base and continuous weave. The arrows are creating using a two color 5 rod whale. The handle is constructed using #10 round reed with a Herringbone wrapped handle. The handle is secured to the basket with Cross Knots and RiceCharacter Stitches. SAT6 8 am – 12 noon PLAID CASSEROLE Pat Carothers Beginner $32 Size: 10”w x 15”l x 12” h w/handle Great for beginners. This market basket class teaches a filled base, shaping, and creating a plaid look using overlays. Saturday Morning Classes SAT7 8 am – 12 noon RIBBED BENT BRANCH HANDLE BASKET Sandy Atkinson Intermediate $48 Size: 7-10" w x 8-10" h w/handle Special Tools Required: long shank weaving tool or long knitting needle Bent branch or branch elbow handle, this basket is a unique design, no two alike. The handle will be drilled & preset with ribs, ready to weave on. Three point hitch starts the basket, then continues into the rib weaving.. SAT8 8 am – 3 pm SALAD BOWL Gina Kieft SAT9 8 am – 3pm SUCHES BASKET Judy Wilson Intermediate $52 Size: 9”d x 6”h All Levels $58 Size: 2 ¾”high x 3 ½” across Using a plastic bowl as a mold on a solid wood base, make a salad bowl that will be the talk of any party. Using a play in color of your choice and different size weavers, learn a triple twine up the sides of the basket. Finish the rim with a beautiful no-fail Gretchen border. The mold is the students to keep. SPECIAL TOOLS: Small/Medium Sharp Scissors, Awl Saturday Afternoon Classes SAT 12 1 pm – 3 pm SPRING, CHRISTMAS OR PATRIOTIC STRIPE Char Ciammaichella Beginner $28 4”w x 7”l x 6”h SAT11 1 pm – 3 pm DOOR KNOB BASKET Sandy Atkinson All Levels $22 Size: 7"w x 13"h x w/ handle 19" A beautiful basket shaped to hang on a doorknob or hook on the door. It is quick & easy, therefore makes a lovely gift basket. Kit includes enough material to make two door knob baskets. However, we will only make one in class. July 12 cont. Basket begins on a wood base. Spokes are natural and dyed weavers are inserted into the wood base. All weaving is start/stop with weavers of specific colors. Materials are rattan reed and ash weavers. Specify Spring, Christmas, or Patriotic colors This brand new basket is twined with waxed cotton cord and glass beads. Bottoms will be completed by instructor with demonstration in class. Twining techniques, such a hand skills, neatness and tension will be the focus in class. SAT10 8 am – 3 pm WOVEN WITH COLOR WIRE WRAP BRACELET Sue Twombly All Levels Color with Silver $65 Color with Gold Filled $75 Learn the basic principles of wire weaving and variations which will dramatically change a bracelet’s appearance giving different looks with the same technique. Members will learn the properties of precious metal wire, the basic skills of wire wrapping, how to manipulate wire to create the woven look, how to size bracelets, and to create the clasp. Also there will be many different colors in which to choose. July 12 WHAT TO BRING To make the most of your weaving experience it helps to have the proper equipment. We suggest that you bring: a dishpan or bucket, an old towel, sharp clippers or strong scissors, small flat screwdriver, an awl or ice pick, several (12 or more) spring-type clothespins or clips, flexible tape measure, spray bottle, needle nose pliers, pencil, sandpaper, cable ties, and a sharp pocket knife, Some classes may require special tools. Please read the class description carefully. Also, bring your name holder with you if you have one from a prior convention. KBA Convention Registration Form July 10-12, 2014 Please read all instructions prior to completing your registration form. Be sure your class selections are legible and accurate. Name ____________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip _____________________________________________________ Phone ________________________ Evening ____________________________ Are you a new member to the KBA? Please circle one YES NO Email ____________________________________________________________ nd rd List classes in order of preference by class code, example Fr 8. Please pay attention to class times so your selections do not overlap. Pick 2 and 3 choices. NO someone their spot in a class Classes can fill up quickly or be cancelled by the instructor. Do not list classes that you are not willing to take asYES this may cause they wanted. Please note if you are only requesting a Kit. Thursday Afternoon (1) ______________________ (2) ______________________ (3) _______________________ Thursday Night (1) ______________________ (2) ______________________ (3) _______________________ Friday Morning (1) ______________________ (2) ______________________ (3) _______________________ Friday Afternoon (1) ______________________ (2) ______________________ (3) _______________________ Saturday Morning (1) ______________________ (2) ______________________ (3) _______________________ Saturday Afternoon (1) ______________________ (2) ______________________ (3) _______________________ st Please send your completed registration form and a check for each 1 choice selection. Make checks out to the teacher and postdate to the date of the class. Note class name and number on the Memo line of the check. If you have the same teacher for multiple classes a separate check is required for each class. The th st registration fee is determined by the date your registration is postmarked. Postmarked on or before Feb. 28 $40, on or before Mar. 31 $45 and after Apr. st 1 $50. Please include a separate check for membership dues of $15 if you are new to KBA or if you are not current. Registration and membership checks should be made out to Kentucky Basket Association. Please send completed form, checks and a stamped, self- addressed legal size (4x9) envelope to: Delilah st Williams 5639 Knob Creek Rd. Brooks Ky. 40109. Registration will be done on a 1 come basis. Once classes are scheduled a confirmation letter will be sent. If st you do not get your 1 choice class we will return your check and request a check for the next available class you chose. If you cancel from a class or the st st convention you must do so in writing by May 31 . (send to above address) Cancellations are subject to a $20 cancellation fee .After June 1 no refunds will be given. You will need to contact the teacher to pick up your kit. Email [email protected] with questions. Checklist: KEEP A COPY OF THIS FORM FOR YOUR RECORD _____ Stamped, self-addressed 4x9 envelope _____ Check(s) made out to The Kentucky Basket Association for registration and membership if applicable st _____ Individual checks made out to the teachers of your 1 . choice classes and any kits you might want _____ KBA Board Member Vacancies. I would like to run for one of the following vacancies: ___President – Elect _____Vice President of Programs ___Secretary _____ 3 At Large Representatives _____ I would like to volunteer to help during the convention. Please contact me and let me know where I can be of assistance. _____ I will be attending the KBA Annual Meeting and Dinner (free included in registration.) 5639 Knob Creek Rd Brooks, KY 40109 Kentucky Basket Association Convention The Center for Rural Development Somerset, Kentucky July 10, 11, 12, 2014 Mark Your Calendar
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