www.ierjournal.org International Engineering Research Journal (IERJ) Volume 1 Issue 4 Page 106-109, 2015, ISSN 2395-1621 RAPID OBJECT DETECTION BY USING CASCADE OF BOOSTED CLASSIFIERS BASED ON HAAR – LIKE FEATURES ISSN 2395-1621 Prof. N. V. Puri #1, Aakash Bhavsar #2, Suraj Pawar #3 1 [email protected] [email protected] 3 [email protected] #123 Computer engineering Universal College of Engineering & Research, Pune Pune, India. 2 ABSTRACT ARTICLE INFO Viola-Jones introduced a system termed Haar Classifiers -- which was able to detect frontal faces from a given input images. Since face is the basic identity of a human being, and many such approaches are developed to detect faces from a given input image. This paper works on the principle developed by of Viola-Jones . As compared to other system available our system works on the diplomatic values or data available from a grey scale image conversion. Because of this grey scale conversion technique a system works efficiently as compared to other system which on works on pixel configuration. Article History Keywords— Haar like features, classifiers, cascading, image processing. Published online : Received : 10th April, 2015 Received in revised form : 14th April, 2015 Accepted : 18th April, 2015 22nd April, 2015 I. INTRODUCTION A face detecting system must be able to tell whether a given set of input images contains faces, and if faces are present their location should be highlighted. For such detection some process must be done which may scan input image for faces. For such scanning process classifiers are developed. These classifiers are beforehand trained to detect any kind of object. Proper training of these classifiers may reduce any kind of false detection. These classifiers are trained using a series of positive samples as well as negative face samples. To increase the detection rate of our classifiers, Adaboost technique or algorithm is used which boost the detection rate. Along with this integral image, classifiers cascading technique increases efficiency of Viola-Jones. II. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION Our system is developed to detect different objects as per the training given to classifiers. Main objective of our system is to detect faces from the given input images. Our system limits the input images, if it contains faces, faces should be upright and facing camera. A typical input image example given to our system is as shown below. This image contains several upright faces along with several distinct objects. We are developing our system in such a way that it should be able to detect almost all faces available in the given system and each face should be highlighted at respective locations. Many systems are available for face detection or object detection. Each system has their own advantage and each system is developed to overcome the drawbacks of available system. Images are collected of different colored pixels. Pixels are analyzed with variations to differentiate among themselves. In 2001, Viola-Jones introduced Haar system consisting Haar classifiers. These Haar classifiers compare pixels and helps in detecting faces efficiently. © 2015, IERJ All Rights Reserved Page 1 www.ierjournal.org International Engineering Research Journal (IERJ) Volume 1 Issue 4 Page 106-109, 2015, ISSN 2395-1621 1 2 3 2 4 6 3 6 9 Fig 2 : Integral image generation IV. WHAT ARE HAAR FEATURES &THEIR CLASSIFIERS Fig 1: Example of an input image. [10] III. FACE DETECTION FRAMEWORK In a face detection framework, a input image is scanned under various classifiers using various scanned images. Various classifiers try to find faces in the input image as per training given to them. For a face detection system approximately 35,000 classifiers are required for a320 x 200 pixel image. Viol Jones introduced Haar classifiers which were able to detect faces from a given input image. These classifiers uses integral image concept for the purpose of rapid pixel value calculations. This integral image is required to calculate the value of all pixels underlying each Haar widow. To reduce to the rate of use weak classifiers AdaBoost technique is used. This technique combines all possible classifiers which are able to give approximately the correct output called as strong classifiers and neglects the weak classifiers. To reduced this weak classifiers rate classifiers are trained using negative samples and positive samples. This helps in reduction of almost 90% of weak classifiers. After successful detection rate of one classifiers the sub window is passed further to another classifiers. Since only one classifier is not able to detect the correct face location various such classifiers are required to detect a face. To reduced the use of large number of classifier, cascading of classifiers technique is used. INTEGRAL IMAGE EPRESENTATION. Integral image is method of image processing which helps in rapid calculating the total value of pixel underlying sub-window. For a pixel at a specific value (x, y) its value in integral image representation is the total of all pixels on leftmost top of that pixel (x, y). Haar classifiers like rectangular sub- window which works as per algorithm designed for them. Each classifier have some individual feature assigned to them. For example a, two classifier which is divided into parts black and white as shown figure, has a feature assigned of finding out eyes location throughout the image. Some classifiers have the feature of detecting nose, lips region in input image. Viola – Jones introduced three types of rectangle classifiers. In two rectangle classifiers which are of same size and shape, the difference between the rectangle windows is considered. These two rectangles are vertically or horizontally adjacent to each other and are differentiated by black and white regions. A three rectangle classifier is used which calculates the sum of pixels under the same colored regions and this sum is subtracted from the other colored rectangle sub region. The feature given to a classifier is nothing but the training given to them. Some of these classifiers are nothing but the training given to them. Some these classifiers are composed of two or more numbers of classifiers. Input image is passed through each classifier for several detection stages. Fig 3: Haar like feature patterns. Working of classifiers- A Haar classifier consider all the pixel value coming under the respective regions viz, black and white ,i.e, it sums all the pixel values under black region and under white regions and the subtracts the two region values and resulted value is considered as threshold which is further used for detection purpose. Each stage contains multiple combination of Haar classifier with different combinations of classifiers. ViolaJones during the experiments had used 38 stages and n total 6000 classifiers for detecting faces in their input images. A B R 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 © 2015, IERJ All Rights Reserved C D Page 2 www.ierjournal.org International Engineering Research Journal (IERJ) Volume 1 Issue 4 Page 106-109, 2015, ISSN 2395-1621 Fig 4: Calculating the area of a rectangle R is done using the corner of the 4. Face Detection Evaluation 5. If face detected, evaluate pixel location Rectangle D-C-B+A. CASCADING THE CLASSIFIERS The process of cascading the classifiers is also termed as Ada Boost technique. It is the processing technique which boosts the face detection rate by eliminating the unwanted classifiers coming into picture during detection process. Before passing an image to the Haar classifiers stage, an algorithm is designed in such a way that it uses only those classifiers which are assumed to give almost high positive detection rate. An input image when passed through one classifier for evaluation and classifier returns a false value evaluation of that classifier ends and new classifier is selected. If the classifier returns a true value on evaluation a threshold value is set and the image is passed on to another classifier and process continues. FLOWCHART Start Accept image from a source Pass pass face Stage 1 Stage n Stage 2 Image filtering, noise removal, scaling Fail fail fail Fig 5: Cascading Stages. Classifier Choosing Classifier Cascading TRAINING OF CLASSIFIERS To detect a face from a given input image the Haar classifiers must be a given a special training. Training algorithm consists several other algorithm such a AdaBoost algorithm, integral technique, cascading. The Haar classifiers are trained using positive samples of image containing face as well as using negative samples which are not containing faces. Large amount of samples are required for training purpose. For a better trained classifiers positive sample images which contain separate facial features are used. Training of classifiers using such separate facial features increases the integrity of Haar classifiers. ALGORITHM Search for new classifier Face Detection Evaluation If face detected, evaluate pixel location The Viola-Jones algorithmic rule uses Haar-like options, that is, a real between the image and some Haar-like templates. Where I = image and P = Pattern. ∑ ∑ I(i, j)P(i, j) is white --- ∑ ∑ I(i, j)P(i,j) is black 1≤I≤N 1≤I≤N 1≤I≤N 1≤I≤N For an image to successfully processed it should be properly normalized before use. Noisy image are rejected in their initial stages. FLOWCHART 1. Accept image: 2. Image filtering, noise removal, scaling 3. Classifier Choosing Classifier Cascading © 2015, IERJ All Rights Reserved End V. CONCLUSION We are trying to develop a system which would be able to detect as possible as all the available faces in the input image. Instead of using large number of classifiers for detection we are trying to use scaling technique on input image instead on classifiers, so that it would reduce the use classifiers. With this reduced classifiers faster detection rate Page 3 www.ierjournal.org International Engineering Research Journal (IERJ) Volume 1 Issue 4 Page 106-109, 2015, ISSN 2395-1621 and less complexity is achieved. 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