Welcome to the Wonderful World of Eddy Finn Eddy Finn Ukulele Company is not just a maker of great ukes and accessories, it’s a unique lifestyle all it’s own. We take pride in building high quality ukes at very affordable prices and offer a wide variety of exotic woods that appeal to players and collectors alike. We also have a good selection of standard uke tone woods that have been the norm for many years. Offering so many varieties of wood allows us to design each model to have a unique look and tone of it’s own. We’re not saying that playing an Eddy Finn will totally change your life...but you might want to buy a pair of sunglasses and flip flops. The Attention To Detail Every step of the Eddy Finn process is a labor of love. Created by builders committed to the idea of making the best possible uke for your money. We like to think that quality still matters and that attention to detail isn’t something to ignore and that if you put all the little elements together the right way, it can yield great results. We prove that with every uke we make, whether its our least or most expensive model, we’re always striving to make it perfect. The Lifestyle Eddy Finn is really a state of mind. It’s the feeling you get when you first strike a chord. The time you lose track of navigating a familiar riff or song. It’s the mini vacation you go on when you start playing and realize you’ve been playing for an hour and didn’t know it. That’s the Eddy Finn lifestyle. Have some fun! Did you know if you hold an Eddy Finn uke to your ear you can hear the ocean? We don’t know about that but we do know that playing the uke makes you happier, reduces stress and is one of the best ways to spend your time. So pick up an Eddy Finn uke, grab a few chords and chill. About A bout M Mahogany ah Mahogany M Ma aho ogany ga any ny has h a generally straight grain and is usually free of voids and pockets. It has a rreddish-brown re e edd ddis dd disshh-br bro brow ow w color, which darkens over time, and displays a reddish sheen when polished. IItt h has as e as excellent xcel xc ellle le workability, and is very durable. It is also often used for musical instruments because b be eca eca caus use e off its it ability to produce a very deep, warm tone. Mahogany Mahogany Model: Mo Mod el:l:l: EF-5 el EF-5 EF 5 F Fi Fin inish ish ssh: Satin S Sati atin at atin ati Finish: To T Top op: M op: Maho ahogan ah aho hog gan gan Top: Mahogany Back/Sides: B Ba Bac ackk/ ac ack/S k/S //S Side es: s: Mahogany M Fretboard: F Fr Fre re ettb tbo board a : Rosewood Ros os Bridge: Br Bri B ridge ge: Rosewood ge Rose ose os ew Neck: Nec N ec eckk:: Mahogany Mah ah hog oga o ga g Nu N Nut ut: Bo ut B on one o ne n e Nut: Bone Width: 35mm Nut N utt Wi W id dth th h: 3 5m 5m Saddle: Sa Sad dle dle le:: Bone Bo e Keys: Ke Key s: Geared d Model: Mod odel o ell: EF-7 el: EF F-7 7 Finish: F Fin in nish sh h: High High gh g h Gloss Glos Gl os Top: T Top To op o p: M Mahogany aho ho og gan a y Back/Sides: Ba Bac B a k/S k//Side k/Side id de d ess:: Mahogany Mah M Ma a ah Fretboard: Fre retbo tboard tbo tb rd d: Rosewood R Ro ose Bridge: Bri Br idge dge:: Rosewood Ro ose sewoo Neck: Mahogany N eck: Mah ahoga o ny n Nut:: Bone Nu Nut Width: 35mm N Wi Nut Width dth: 3 5m 5mm Saddle: Saddle Sad dle:: Bone Bone Keys: Chrome me Die-Cast D Binding: g:: Cream g Cre Cr C rre eam am ABS A Aquila Aqu ila Strings Strin St trings i g gss Sizes Available: Soprano Concert Tenor Sizes Available: Soprano Concert Tenor Sizes Available: Tenor All Solid Mahogany Sizes Available: Soprano Concert Tenor 4 Model: EF-30 Finish: Satin Top: Solid Mahogany Back/Sides: Solid Mahogany Fretboard: Rosewood Bridge: Rosewood Neck: Mahogany Nut: Bone Nut Width: 35mm Saddle: Bone Binding: Abalone Machines: Chrome Die cast Aquila Strings About Swamp Ash Swamp Ash has open pores with hard and soft layers within each ring of the tree. It is very resonant across the whole frequency spectrum and is known for clear bell-like highs, pronounced mids, and strong lows. The EF-50 features a swamp ash top, back and sides and drapes it with a very cool fishbone binding! About Spalted Maple For centuries, spalted maple has been sought after for its beauty and authentic qualities. It is considered a high quality tonewood (a wood that carries sound waves well). It is said that the denseness of the Maple gives it a brighter sound than other hardwoods. The EF-24 series combines spalted maple with tortoise celluloid binding for a uke that looks and sounds like a work of art. Swamp Ash Model: M Mo Mod od o de el:l:l: EF-50 el E Finish: Fin Fi F in inish ish sh: h: Satin S Top Top: Top To op: S Sw Swamp w Ash Back/Sides: Swamp Ash B Bac Ba a ackk/S k//S Sid Sid id Fretboard: Fre F retbo tbo tb boar ar Rosewood Bridge: Br Bri B r dge: ri dge ge: Rosewood ge R Neck: Mahogany N Ne Nec e ecckk:: M Nut: Bone N Nu Nut utt: Bon u B on on Width: Nut N Nu utt W u Wi id 35mm Saddle: Sad S ad dd dle lle e: Bone Keys: Kluson Style Ke Key e s: ey s: Kl K l Binding: B Bin in nd din di iing g:: Fishbone Aquila A Aqu Aquil Aq qu q ila ila Strings S Spalted Maple Mo Model: Mod od de de ell:l: EF-24 el: EF E F-2 24 24 Finish: Fi F iin nish sh h: Gloss Glos loss Top: Spalted To Top T op p:: S pa p pal a alltte ted ed e d Maple Ma M aple p pl Back/Sides: B Bac Ba ack/Sid k/S /S Sid ide des: Spalted des de Sp Spa p lte te e Maple Fretboard: Fre etb tbo board ard d:: Rosewood Ros ose o ewo w Bridge: B Br Bri dge ge: Rosewood Rose o woo os woo ood d Neck: Nec N eck: k Mahogany Mah Ma ahoga ga an nyy Nut:: B Bone N Nut one one Nut ut Width: W dth: 35mm Wi Saddle: Saddle Sad dle:: Bone Bo Binding: Bindin Bin din ing: g:: Tortoise Tortoi Tor to oise Celluloid C Machines: Machin Mac hin nes: es Chrome Chrro Ch rome Die cast Sizes Available: Concert Tenor Sizes Available: Soprano Concert Tenor All Solid Mahogany Model: EF-15 Finish: Satin Top: Solid Mahogany Back/Sides: Solid Mahogany Fretboard: Rosewood Bridge: Rosewood Neck: Mahogany Nut: Bone Saddle: Bone Nut Width: 35mm Keys: Chrome Kluson Style Binding: Fishbone Aquila Strings Sizes Available: Soprano Concert Tenor 5 About A bo Okoume’ Okoume’ Oko Ok o is traditionally used in making boats as it is known for it’s light weight , sturdiness stur st tur ur and in the world of musical instruments, posesses many of the tonal properties of maple. We have combined high grade flamed okoume’ accented with pr rop op tortoise celluloid binding making the EF-11 series not only a beautiful looking uke but to ort ro an nd instrument with a truly amazing tone! and Flamed Okoume’ Model: EF-11 Finish: High Gloss Top: Flamed Okoume’ Back/Sides: Flamed Okoume’ Fretboard: Rosewood Bridge: Rosewood Neck: Mahogany Nut: Bone Nut Width: 35mm Saddle: Bone Keys: Geared Binding: Tortoise Celluloid Aquila Strings Hand set binding Siz S ize ess Available: Av Sizes T Ten orr o Tenor Sizes Available: Soprano Concert Tenor 6 About Spruce Selected for its tight grain pattern and superior strength, our Premium Spruce has that pure, clear and unadulterated tone that only wood of this caliber can produce. Applying the same acoustic principals found on high end instruments, the Premium Spruce top combined with mahogany back and sides produces an unmatched tone and volume for any uke in it’s price range! Tight T Ti ig gh ht g gr grained rai aine ned sp s spurce pur urc Spruce Model: EF-13 Finish: High Gloss Top: Spruce Back/Sides: Mahogany Fretboard: Rosewood Bridge: Rosewood Neck: Mahogany Nut: Bone Saddle: Bone Nut Width: 35mm Keys: Chrome Die-Cast Binding: Cream ABS Aquila Strings Sizes Available: Tenor Sizes Available: Soprano Concert Tenor 7 About Lacewood Lacewood has a natural but unusual flecking pattern that gives this wood its name. The wood itself is a reddish brown with grey or light brown highlights, which result in a lace pattern when properly cut. Lacewood has the most pronounced figure and displays the largest flecks of the exotic woods. The EF-16 series combines lacewood with herringbone binding for truly incredible looking and sounding uke! Hand Ha nd s set herringbone Lacewood Model: EF-16 Finish: High Gloss Top: Lacewood Back/Sides: Lacewood Fretboard: Rosewood Bridge: Rosewood Neck: Mahogany Nut: Bone Nut Width: 35mm Saddle: Bone Keys: Chrome Die-Castt Binding: Herringbone Aquila Strings High gloss finish Sizes Available: Soprano Concert Tenor Sizes Available: Tenor 8 About Bamboo Bamboo is one of the oldest and most renuable woods on the planet and its use in the construction of our EF-22 ukes is ideal in many ways. It’s light weight and strength give our bamboo ukes a tighter and louder tone. Plus? Premium grade bamboo with a high gloss finish just looks cool! Bamboo Model: EF-22 Pickup: Eddy Finn EQ/Tuner Finish: High Gloss Top: Bamboo Back/Sides: Bamboo Fretboard: Rosewood Bridge: Rosewood Neck: Bamboo Nut: Bone Nut Width: 35mm Saddle: Bone Keys: Geared Aquila Strings Eddy E ddy Finn np pickup / tuner It’s IIt t’s ’s e everything vve ery ery ryth ryth hing you need to plug in and and nd go go live! lilive ve!! A fantastic preamp that th ha att iis s sp sspecifi pec ecifi ec ifi ficccally a designed for the ukulele 3-band eq th he u kul u el ele e including in nc you dial tthat th hatt llets ets yo et ets ou di d i up the perfect tone on tto one one eo n the the live lilive stage, in the studio Plus, having sst tu ud dio i or or wherever. w erre wh dedicated a de d edi edi d ca cate te ed uke uk tuner on-board uk makes and easy! ma akke es tuning es tuni tu ning ni n quick ng q Sizes Available: Ava Sizes Con oncer certt Concert Ten enor or Tenor Sizes Siz zess Available: Avva A Ava a Soprano Sop opran ran rano ano Concert Co Con on oncer nccer ce errt Tenor Ten o 9 About Koa Koa is the Hawaiian word for “strength” or “warrior”. From the time of the early Hawaiians, KOA has been prized for its exceptionally fine wood and is currently considered the most valuable of the commo mon on native natit ve na e timber species in Hawaii. Koa frequently has curly grain an and nd striking striiki st king ng coloration and has excellent tonal properties. All A ll S Solid oli Koa Koa Model: M Mo Mod od o de el:l:: EF-25 E F Fi Finish Fin iin nish ish is sh: Gloss G Finish: Top To op: K op: op oa oa Top: Koa Back/Sides: Koa Bac Ba acck/S a ck/S k/S Sid d Fretboard: Fr Fre F re retbo tbo tb boa arr Rosewood Bridge: Bri B Br idge dg dg ge e: Rosewood e: R Neck: Ne Nec N ecck: e k: Mahogany Ma M a Nut: Bone Nu Nut N utt: Bon u B on o n Width: Nu Nut utt Wi u W idt dt 35mm Saddle: Sad S Sa ad a ddle e: Bone B Keys: Gold K Ke Key eys: ey ys: s: G Go o Kluson Style Binding: Bin B Bi iin nd diin din ing g:: Abalone Aquila A Aqu Aq quila qu ila Strings St St Model: Mo Mod odel: el EF-40 el el: EF F Finish: Fi F Fin i ish: Satin in Sa Top: T Top To op: Soli op op: S Solid o d Koa Back/Sides: Bac Ba ack/ ac kk/S / ide e Solid Koa Fretboard: Fr Fre Fretbo r tboard tb tbo boar bo ard rrd d Rosewood Bridge: Br Bri B idge: dg : Rosewood dge R Neck: Mahogany Ne Nec N ecckk:: M e Ma a Nut: Bone Nut t: B one on o n ne Width: 35mm Nut ut Width W Wi i Saddle: Sa Sad d : Bone dle B Gold Keys: Key s: Go o Kluson Style Binding: Bindi Bi ding: Abalone A Aquila Aqu quila ila a Strings Sr St Sizes Available: Soprano Concert Tenor Sizes Available: Soprano Concert Tenor 10 About Bubinga Bubinga, also known as African Rosewood, is a very dense hardwood with a rose-colored background that is accented with darker sometimes purple colored streaks. The texture of Bubinga is fine and even, the grain is very uniform. The EF-60 series highlights the bubinga with abalone binding giving it a truly high end aesthetic look. About Mango Mango Wood comes from the same kind of tree (Mangifera spp.) as the popular tropical fruit. Mango trees can reach a height of up to 80-100 ft with a trunk diameter of around 3 to 4 ft. The wood at the center of the tree - the heartwood - can be pinkish, light or dark brown, or golden with occasional dark streaks running through it. It has a relatively coarse interlocking grain and makes our EF-80 one stunning ukulele! Bubinga Mango Model: M Mod od del: el:l EF-60 el E F Fin Fi i ish: ish: Satin S Finish: T Top Bub ub Top:: Bu Bubinga Back/Sides: Bubinga B Bac Ba acck/S /S Siid d Fretboard: Fre re ettbo tb bo oard arrd ard d Rosewood Bridge: B Bri Br rid id dge dg ge: Rosewood ge R Neck: Mahogany Ne N Nec e ecckk: k: Ma M a Nut: Bone Nu Nut utt: B on n Width: Nut Wi W idt dtt 35mm Saddle: S Sad dle:: Bone dle B Keys: Gold K Key eys: s: Go o Kluson Style Binding: B Bin ding: din g: Abalone Aquila A Aq Aqu ila Strings St St Model: EF-80 Finish: Satin Top: Mango Back/Sides: Mango Fretboard: Rosewood Bridge: Rosewood Neck: Mahogany Nut: Bone Nut Width: 35mm Saddle: Bone Machines: Kluson Style Binding: Abalone Aquila Strings Sizes Available: Concert Tenor Sizes Available: Concert Tenor 11 Banjo Ukes There T Ther Th her ere is ere is no no more mo m ore re distinctive dis istitiinc nctitiv nc tive ve sound so than the tight percussive snap of a banjo uke. It’s hard to describe but you hear it and the Eddy Finn banjo ukes bring it big time! We adhere to the traditions you yo u know know kn ow itit when w past while at the same time making subtle modern updates that ultimately brings the playability of tthe he p he astt w as factor up sacrificing that cool vintage mojo. From the classic resonator style to the popular ported fa act c or or u p without witt wi w ba ack design, des e ig gn, each one is the perfect balance between past and present. back Concert EF-BU2f Brackets: 12 2 Resonator: Walnut Walnut Wa Neck: Walnut Walnu ut Fingerboard:: Rosewood R Rosewo ood d Flange: Flat Mini Miini 8” Pearll Inlay: Mother Mother Of O Pear Rim: Walnut Tuners: Open Open Geared G d Hardware: Chrome C rome Chr Head: REMO O Case: Gig Bag Ba ag Each includes include es heavy heav he a y duty du utty y nylon nyl ylon lon on gig bag! bag ag!! Concert EF-BU2 Brackets: 12 Resonator: Ported d Back B Neck: Walnut Fingerboard: Rosewood Rose ew Pearl Inlay: Mother Of P Pea Rim: Walnut Geared Tuners: Open G Gea are ed Hardware: Chrome Chro ome e Head: REMO Case: Gig Bag Soprano S oprano o EF-UB-1 Scale Scale: e: 12” Nut: 1.38” Number Numb ber of Frets: Fr 18 Total L Length: 20” Brackets: Bracke ets: 10 Mahogany Neck: M Mahog Fingerboard: Fingerb board: Rosewood Pearl Inlay: D Dot Pea Mahogany Rim: Ma ahoga Tuners: Open Geared Hardware: Hardwar re: Chrome Ch Gig Bag Case: Gi ig Ba Adjustable Rod Adjustabl le Coordinator Co Open Back Bacck A little history The h banjolele ba is a four-stringed musical music instrument with a small banjo-type body and a fretted ukulele neck. “Banjolele”, is a generic nickname given to the instrument, which was derived from the “banjolele-banjo”, introduced by Alvin D. Keech in 1917. The instrument achieved its greatest popularity in the 1920s and ‘30s, and combines the small scale, tuning, and playing style of a ukulele with the construction and distinctive tone of a banjo, hence the name. 12 Concert EF-BU1f Brackets: 12 Resonator: Maple Neck: Hard Maple Fingerboard: Rosewood d Flange: Flat Mini 8” Inlay: Mother Of Pearl Rim: Maple Tuners: Open Geared Hardware: Antique Brass Brasss Head: REMO Fiber Skin n Case: Gig Bag Concert EF-BU1 Brackets: 12 Resonator: Ported orte ed Back Neck: Hard Maple aplle Fingerboard: Rosewood Rossewood Flange: Flat Mini ini 8” Inlay: Mother Of Pearl Rim: Maple Tuners: Open Geared Ge eared Hardware: Antique iqu ue Brass Head: REMO Fiber Fib ber Skin Case: Gig Bag g 13 3 NEW PRODUCTS 2013 Electric Cutaway EF-3-TE Thin Body EF-TRV-C You can now get the sweet sounds of the Eddy Finn basswood tenor uke amplified with our exclusive active Finn pickup/tuner design. Other features include Aquila strings, sealed diecast tuners and a high gloss finish. The Eddy Finn EF-TRV-C is a thin body arched back uke thats easy to pack up and take anywhere. Features include a satin finish, spruce top and mahogany back and sides. Unlike similar travel ukes the Eddy Finn EF-TRV loses no tone or projection due to the crafted arched back which reduces the size but not the sound. A rosewood fretboard sits atop an all mahogany neck and it also features 5 ply binding, open geared tuners, Aquila strings and a no hassle 3 year warranty. Model: EF-3-TE Finish: Gloss Pickup: Active Tuner: Chromatic Top: Basswood Back/Sides: Basswood Fretboard: Rosewood Bridge: Rosewood Neck: Basswood Keys: Sealed Diecast Aquila Strings Model: EF-TRV-C Finish: Satin Top: Spruce Back/Sides: Mahogany Fretboard: Rosewood Bridge: Rosewood Neck: Basswood Keys: Open Geared Aquila Strings EF 3 EF-3 Natural EF-3-STB EF-3-ST Tobacco Tobac cco Burst O F F I C I A L LY L I C E N S E D EF-3-SRD EF-3-SR Red The Eddy Finn EF-MO Mossy Oak ukuleles features the new Mossy Oak Camouflage Infinity Break-Up pattern over a oufla Basswood top and available in 3 sizes. Bas Featuring precision open geared tuning Fea keys, rosewood fingerboard and bridge, keys Aquila strings and a full Three Year totally Aqu warranty. no hassle h EF-3-SPK EF-3-SP Pink EF-3-SC EF-3-SCB Cherry Cherr ry Burst EF-3--SB EF-3-SBL Blue Model: Mossy Oak Series Finish: Gloss Top: Basswood Back/Sides: Basswood Fretboard: Rosewood Bridge: Rosewood Neck: Basswood Keys: Open Geared Aquila Strings Translucent Colors EF-3 The new Trans Series from Eddy Finn are an affordable great playing soprano ukuleles that are all Basswood bodies and available in six cool translucent high gloss finishes. Model: el:l EF EF-3 EFF3 Finish: Gloss Top: Basswood Back/Sides: Basswood Fretboard: Rosewood Bridge: Rosewood Neck: Basswood Keys: Open Geared Aquila Strings Tenor EF-MO-T EddyFinnUkes.com Concert C Con ce ert er rt EF-MO-C -C Soprano S Sopra o EF-MO-S EF-MO Big Tone, Small Size The EF-EBASS is a game changer for bass guitarists! Despite its short scale, the EBASS delivers a deep, rich acoustic bass tone that rivals the sound of a traditional upright bass. Using mahogany for the top, back and sides, the EBASS also sports a mahogany neck with rosewood fingerboard and bridge which gives this instrument the perfect combination for a sound thats warm but never muddy. UKE BASS Pickup & Tuner Separate volume and tone controls let you custom tailor the bass sound while the built-in chromatic tuner is a “must have” for live and recording applications. Silicone Strings Large diameter silicone Aquila strings feel great in your hand and the fact that it uses a traditional bass guitar tuning means no extra learning is needed to be up and playing right away. Taking it a step further, the EBASS also features an on-board pickup system that will blow you away when it’s plugged into your live rig. You will be amazed at the amount of low end thump you get from an instrument this size! Model: EF-EBASS Finish: Satin Pickup: Active Tuner: Chromatic Top: Mahogany Back/Sides: Mahogany Fretboard: Rosewood Bridge: Rosewood Neck: Mahogany Keys: Open Geared Saddle: Compensated Scale: 20” Nut Width: 1 3/4” Neck Width 12th Fret: 2 1/4” Overall Length: 29” Body Length: 13 1/2” Upper Bout: 7 3/4” Lower Bout: 10” Waist: 6 1/2” Body Depth: 3” Weight: 2.25 lbs Case: Gig Bag Aquila Strings Basswood EF-3 Series The new very affordable Basswood Natural Series from Eddy Finn is available in soprano, s concert and tenor sizes. D Don’t let the low price of these ukes fool foo you...they sound fantastic! Model: EF-3 Naturals Finish: Gloss Top: Basswood Back/Sides: Basswood Fretboard: Rosewood Bridge: Rosewood Neck: Basswood Keys: Open Geared Aquila Strings Tenor Concert So Soprano EF-3-T EF-3-C EF-3-S EddyFinnUkes.com Minnow EF-MN-NT The Eddy Finn Natural finish Minnow is the perfect starter uke for the wanna be uke player. Features include all tone wood construction, open geared tuners and a gig bag. Other colors available are black, blue, red and pink. Dealer Banner 35” x 15’ all vinyl banner full color banner. Tankk T Ta To op Tank Top White tank top with Finn logo on front and flaming ukulele nation graphic on back. Available: Small Medium Large X-Large Beach Tees Black Tee Comfortable beach tees available in blue, orange and lime. Features distressed graphics with the classic Eddy Finn logo on front and Ukulele Nation on the back. Cool all black tee with the classic Eddy Finn logo on front and “Uke Til You Puke” on back! Available: Small Medium Large X-Large Available: Small Medium Large X-Large Cargo Hats Rugged all cotton cargo hats with the classic Eddy Finn logo embroidered on the front. Available in four outdoor colors; Charcoal, Black, Khaki, Olive Green Uke Stand Becoming the #1 uke stand in the world! The Eddy Finn uke stand is all metal with “finish friendly” rubber. Easily folds up for travel. Uke Hanger Proudly display your uke with the Eddy Finn uke hanger. The all wood iconic sharkfin block easily mounts to any wall and the “finish friendly” neck cradle is specifically created to accommodate the neck width of Soprano, Concert and Tenor sized ukes. Uke Straps Fully adjustable nylon uke straps come in three different colors and each feature a finish friendly clip that easily attaches to the uke’s body. EddyFinnUkes.com EddyFinnUkes.com Us! Findcebo ok On Fa
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