GPS-Cordinats (Longitude& Latitude Android based smart mobile phone Latitude&longitude Soil Health Management System “Soil Sample Registration” Latitude&longitude Save GPS Office letter/Sathapana letter/Rajesh Sl. District Divisions District wise soil samplesper year District wise Tagging of Soil testing laboratory 1 Bhojpur Patna 17898 STL Bhojpur &KVK Bhojpur Sl. District District wise soil samples per year District wise Tagging of Soil testing laboratory No. Of sample to be analysed 1 Bhojpur 17898 STL Bhojpur KVK Bhojpur 9898 8000 EC, PH, OC, Available N, P, K, S, Mg, Ca, Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn STCR Office letter/Sathapana letter/Rajesh @Rs 500/hax10 ha @Rs 500/hax10 ha @Rs 500/hax10 ha @Rs 500/hax10 ha ha Soil Health card Sl. Activities/ Components 1 Sampling Cost @ Rs 22 per sample X 10,000 (Sampling material & transport @ Rs. 12/-+ Honorarium for collection @ Rs. 10/- per sample) Fund for engaging contractual service & training Per STL ( Two staff @ Rs. 7500/- per staff per month) The funds required for analyzing soil samples (10,000 x Rs. 75) i.e cost of chemicals+ Misc Expd.@ 70000/per LAB Printing @ Rs. 5 for 10 SHCs per sample for 10,000 Soil sample per STL. Distribution of Soil health Card per STL @ Rs 500 Per GP (500 X110GP) Demonstration in one sample grid of 10 ha @ Rs. 4,000/ ha plus training Rs. 5,000 Funds for awareness/mission management/ STL 5 GPS@ Rs. 6,000 per STL Total funds required per STL of 10,000 sample Analyzing capacity Cost of one sample 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sl. Office letter/Sathapana letter/Rajesh Activities/ Components Total expenditure Per STL 2,20,000 1,90,000 8,20,000 5,00,000 55,000 45,000 22,000 30,000 18,82,000 RS 188.20 Total expenditure Per STL 1 2 3 5 Fund for engaging contractual services& training Per STL ( Two staff @ Rs. 7500/- per staff per month) The funds required for analyzing soil samples (10,000 x Rs. 75) i.e cost of chemicals+ Misc Expd.@ 70000/per LAB Printing @ Rs. 5 for 10 SHCs per sample for 10,000 Soil sample per STL. Total funds required per STL of 10,000 sample Analyzing capacity Cost of one sample Sl. Activities/ Components 1. Sampling Cost @ Rs 22 per sample X 10,000 (Sampling material & transport @ Rs. 12/-+ Honorarium for collection @ rs. 10/- per sample) Distribution of Soil health Card per STL @ Rs 500 Per GP (500 X110GP) Demonstration in one sample grid of 10 ha @ Rs. 4,000/ ha plus training Rs. 5,000 Funds for awareness/mission management/ STL 5 GPS@ Rs. 6,000 per STL Total funds required per STL of 10,000 sample Analyzing capacity Cost of one sample 2 3 4 5 6 Office letter/Sathapana letter/Rajesh 1,90,000 8,20,000 5,00,000 15,10,000 RS. 151 Total expenditure Per STL 2,20,000 Rs. 55,000 45,000 22,000 30,000 3,72,000 RS. 37.2/- A) Training of Soil Chemist (One Week traning program) 1 2 3 5 Boarding & Lodging charge @ Rs. 400 persons per day for 20 participants Stationary & Soil Testing manuals Honoratium to guest speaker @ Rs. 1000 for speaker Accoummodation charge for halls & others training facilities including lab work Total 40000.00 5000.00 5000.00 10000.00 60000.00 B) Training of Farmers (Two days traning program) 2 Training materials/stationery/venue/cost/audiovisual aids etc. Dormitory/Travel/Transposrt etc. 3 Honorarium to SMS/Scientist etc. 4 2 Meals/Refreshment for farmers 1 Rs. 2500 per training 2500.00 Rs. 4500 per training Rs. 250/lectureX8 lectures in two days Rs. 250/daysX30 farmers X 2 days 4500.00 2000.00 15000.00 24000.00 Total C) Training of Sfaff (Agriculture/ICAR) two days traning program) 2 Training materials/stationery/venue/cost/audiovisual aids etc. Dormitory/Travel/Transposrt etc. 3 Honorarium to SMS/Scientist etc. 5 2 Meals/Refreshment for farmers 1 Total Office letter/Sathapana letter/Rajesh Rs. 2500 per training 5000.00 Rs. 1500 per training Rs. 500/lectureX8 lectures in two days Rs. 300/daysX20 Officers/extension X 2 days 15000.00 4000.00 12000.00 36000.00 1. Office letter/Sathapana letter/Rajesh Office letter/Sathapana letter/Rajesh
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