JournolofMolecularLiquids, 31 (1986)231-249 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam -Printed 231 in The Netherlands CORRELATION OF INTERMOLECULARCORIOLIS THE STATISTICAL AND CENTRIFUGAL FORCES M. W. EVANS Department of Physics, University College of North Wales, Bangor,Gwynedd LL572UW (Received 29 July 1985) ABSTRACT Correlation molecular static functions coriolis are and centrifugal in the laboratory. this laboratory motion, laboratory Coriolis and correlate or translational the enantiomers the forces with respect The molecular They are not usually rotational in frame result from a combination and translational motion. computed the to a frame of reference forces in of the molecule's rotational these two types of in the theory of decoupled diffusion. and racemic mixture for dichloromethane for and centrifugal statistically considered frame Correlation functions are computed of liquid bromochlorofluoromethane, liquid subjected to a strong, uniaxial, force in the z axis of the laboratory electric for and field of frame. INTRODUCTION This paper describes inter-molecular The Coriolis reference. v,(t) Coriolis is the molecular C &t) symmetries. in and translation, molecular x 8 the laboratory frame, 0167-7322/86/$03.50 of the and translation. force is: x 8 (0) > a natural it correlates of frame of the angular velocity rotation frame of reference the statistical because Coriolis . x(o) functions to x(t) x e(t), where and g of molecular of the Coriolis (t) C Car is therefore the laboratory of correlation ir. the laboratory it is a natural measure nature function = < y, (t) and also exists forces centre of mass velocity interdependent The time-correlation simulation force Cl,21 is proportional Therefore of the same molecule. statistically a computer and centrifugal method for all molecular of expressing, correlation directly between molecular in rotation in this frame a real force, the force at t = 0 and a time t later. 0 1986 Elsevier SciencePub1ishersB.V. Coriolis forces have a 232 real effect on measurable spectra, theory of vibration-rotation quantised vibrational quantised rotational also classical resultant intermolecular its own rotation, as much detail translation therefore Section is analysed the treatment the computer Section subjected mechanics, rotation is extended of reference. 131 forces with respect The statistical and the Onsager reciprocal that the theory of 'rotational' rotates for the (R) enantiomer inversion considered diffusion and of between frame molecular in the theory of linear It is pointed statistically Coriolis the isotropy in the laboratory does not describe forces correlated frame of reference moments and translates in terms of the time-correlation Force, out, de facto, the molecular in this paper. 2m&(t) $(Q mu(t) x (y(t) x x(t)). an inertial molecular under and for liquid dichloromethane relations. The Origin of the Molecular Consider principal time-correlation used and the conditions cross-correlation response Force functions. frame of reference. field, which removes to parity is not usually 1: The correlation to the statistical are provided and translation Section and centrifugal correlation in the laboratory of some results, Results rotation and Centrifugal of the Coriolis of the algorithms z-axis electric and centrifugal to solve of 108 molecules. and translation. of bromochlorofluoromethane ensemble simulation were pursued. 3 is a discussion the molecular like co treat the centre of mass using computer for an assembly on in this paper is in terms of its component simulations to an intense Coriolis to the superimposed It is difficult they involve of the nature centrifugal and their spectra. racemic mixture molecule diffusion. Their computation of molecular ? is a discussion Section on the there are as follows. 1 is a discussion of molecular functions of motion is arranged In this context which because to classical equations CCor(t) However, forces of the type $ x t, due of molecular mechanically in the context function Coriolis superimposed molecule. and these do not seem to have been treated in anything restricted The paper function of atoms in a molecule of the complete of the whole molecule. the classical in the quantum In this case they arise from the traLlslatiou of the complete in the context these forces quantum forces movement movement centre of mass and this is well known coupling. of inertia. with respect defined by the frame of the three A laboratory frame of reference to this molecule-fixed frame, and is then 233 therefore a non-inertial fixed frame. frame of reference, It follows in this non-inertial that Newton's frame, with respect equation the laboratory to the molecule- of motion for the molecule is: CSI frame, (2) where J$ is the translational other; acceleration the energy U is defined 2 Lo=;"" expressed mass, x 0 (3) is the molecular t is the angular velocity position vector the laboratory defined in the laboratory of the one frame with respect adapted in the laboratory to the original Note that theories 0 inertial frame as is frame; and 5 is the to the origin of linear velocity frame of reference, is the Lagrangian of decoupled eqn (2) in the laboratory fixed frame, centre of mass with respect In eqn. 3 x is the centre of mass fixed frame, and L frame, to the other, and above for the molecule angular velocity frame. fixed frame; m is the molecular centre of mass velocity of the molecular with respect molecule inertial molecule to the definition also the molecular to the -u in the original according of the one frame with respect by the Lagrangian: i.e. the in this same frame. translational the equivalent diffusion simply write : of m dx =E x with no account (4) taken of the terms involving in the laboratory The molecular example eqn (2). vector Coriolis force in the laboratory of a real force neglected of decoupled molecular translational in theories diffusion 151. It x, this theory neglects is also absent centrifugal in theories frame of reference both of decoupled is the term 29 In so far as the theory of rotational is the molecular angular velocity, & frame. diffusion the real force defined force in the laboratory of translational In this paper, we use the technique diffusion of "molecular to construct laboratory frame time-correlation is an rotation x q and in does not involve by rnt x (6 x @, the which This frame of reference. which do not involve e. dynamics" functions computer simulation of each force. It 234 follows that these c.f.' s measure molecular rotation laboratory spectra, frame of reference. and molecular on far infrared dependent and dielectric rotation rotational (or translational) Component 1) between in the of these c.f.'s are forces therefore have an effect 171 and indeed on all the spectra Conversely, statistical molecular description spectra correlation and position transforms and centrifugal diffusion. on the natural statistical translation The Fourier Coriolis on molecular information the natural and centre of mass these spectra correlation and centre of mass translation. diffusion all contain in the lab frame, between is therefore The theory of decoupled an incomplete of these spectra. Correlation The vector Functions of the Coriolis and Centrifugal Forces identify (5) immediately provides <(x(t) x t(t)) the result: . (x(o) = <(~(t).~(o))(pJ(t) The Coriolis therefore x $0))’ . $L$o))> - <(x(t) force Zm(g(t) x t(t))exists . *(o))($$(t) * X(O))’ in the laboratory # <(~(t).~(o))(~(t).~(o))> (7) and all three types of natural mixed rotation/translation exist in the laboratory this frame. <(VW xx + vYwY translation coupling + laboratory frame is: in eqn (7) becomes Y in the laboratory (8) Y natural measures centrifugal in i.e.: of rotation- frame of reference. of the molecular functions time dependence clearer, vz”z)2’ # <(v2 + v2+“i) (UZ+ o2+ cl?,> x in eqn (6) are, therefore the time-correlation correlation frame and have a different At t = 0, the inequality The time correlations 2) frame, and by eqn (6) <(~(t).~(o))(~(t).~(o))> therefore (6) force in the 235 C cent. = y(t) x This is the natural frame molecular (z(t) K(t)) x way of expressing angular velocity, the same molecule . t(o) x ($fgo) x E(O))> the correlation t, and the position in the laboratory frame, expressed this point in the 3-D space of the laboratory frame. In order to analyse two vector identities x (8 x R, between by the vector &, linking function (a), the following are useful: - A3B3Cl + A3BlC3),i + (A3B2C3 - A3B3C2 - A1BlC2 + A1B2Cl)i + - + A2B3C2)k (A1B3C1 . g x the laboratory of the centre of mass of frame to the origin of this the time-correlation 4 x (8 x $, = (A2BlC2 - A2B2Cl 4 (9) (2 - A1B1C3 A2B2C3 (10) x @ @ (11) 9 Using eqn C (11) gives = cent i!~(t).~(o))(~(t).r(t))(~(o).~(o))> - <(~(t).~(o))(~(t).~(t))(~(o).~(o))' (17-j - <(~(t).~(o))(~(t).~(t))(~(o).~(o)j> + <(~(t).~(o))($t).$(t))(~(o).~(o)' which therefore exist in the laboratory It is interesting frame. to point out that the force proportional where t. is the time derivative Coriolis -and a centrifugal kinematic relation: of the molecular force. This follows dipole moment immediately to # x 1, [71, is both a from the (13) 236 In this context laboratory thevectork, time-correlation frame is the Fouriertransform coefficient, can always be written = i,(t) k(t) whose function in the of the far infra-red power absorption as: - &W (14) where r and r are the position vectors in the laboratory frame. The ""x QY rotational velocity described by the molecular vector t(t) is therefore the difference follows of two translational that the Coriolis velocities at the same instant force y(t) x G(t) exists and that is also a centrifugal force, as mentioned t. It in the laboratory already, frame, because, evidently: J(J(t) = &Cd - cy(t) (15) The equality: provides the following involving considered <(k(t) the vectors relations $,k and k in the literature x k(t)) . (y(o) between which, laboratory frame correlation functions again, do not seem to have been on the theory of molecular diffusion: x ,Q(o)) = <(t(t) x (t(t) = <(Q(t) . k(o))(k(t) . &CO))’ - <(g(t) . Q(o))Q(t) . &CO))’ = c+(t) .pJ(o))($+J(t) . ,l$(t))(t(o) - k(O))> - <(e(t) .t(o))(g(t) . g(t))(gb) . l$(O))’ - c($!j(t) f t(o)) + <Q(t) . k(o))@(t) x e(t))) (x(t) . (&CO) x (y(o) x e(o)))> . e(t))(&(O) . &CO))> . $f$t))(t(o) * k(O))’ (17) 237 The existence of all these correlation of the fact that a molecule If this rotational are present, motion time correlation is non-uniform, This means functions . i(o)> - <z(t) . qco, k(t) . z(o)> It becomes molecule, the term that the following relation between in the gases, gas where These correlations the vectors Furthermore, x and LI, -in correlations case of the infinitely torque is infinitely present of dilute small. in all spectra as a natural the natural existence in the laboratory frame of the functions: <x(t) x e(t) . t(o) x &CO)’ = <t(t) . g(o) $ (t) - <e(t) . k(o) k(t) Furthermore, and solids. are therefore and non-uniformly and translation. (15) implies correlation for a translating This leads us to the conclusion only in the abstract the intermolecular of rotation frame. of this type, involving as well as liquids the type (18) disappear (6) to (17) are valid and eqn (18) for a translating.and in the laboratory that there are correlations . @Co)> (19) . ~kJ)> we have the kinematic relation (by differentiation of eqn 13). (20) $xg=;-Kxk Eqn torques (18) clear now that eqns rotating rotating molecule Eqn frame. . g(o) x cJ(o,> . z(o) k(t) outcome i.e. if intermolecular of this force exists naturally = <x(t) dilute consequence in the laboratory frame: c:(t) x k(t) uniformly is a natural and translate then we must also take into account in eqn (2). mt(t) x k(t) laboratory functions must rotate (20) leads directly to the following result, important from an 238 experimental <$t) point of view: . j_lJo,> = <k(t) x IA:(t) . ($0, + <t(t) x Q(t) . t(o) + <k(t) x t(t) . @CO)x Q(O)’ + y(t) x k(t) . &Co) x g(o)> x t(o)> x k(o)> (21) A we--known theorem on spectral moments ii;(t) GE- . i(o)> [71 provides w2a(o) 0: where P stands for Fourier (22) transform and n(w) is the far infrared absorption coefficient. The higher observable in favourable cases by careful and eqn 21 therefore of correlations between laboratory frame of the molecule-fixed (or vice-versa) have seen, are both Coriolis Therefore, w%(w) rotation for uniform ($J= $ rotation is the time correlation Note that this result accelerations x k(t) transform is a combination limit of the 'Debye plateau', to the the Fourier function because x Q(o)> transform of the second moment of the Coriolis diffusion, force t(t) x k(t). 181 'inertial where angular in this case w's(w) the area beneath is infinite. (The meaning (and indeed a(w) is the so-called of k(t) in the is obscure). Eqn 23 would be valid for an ensemble as we to: is also true in the so-called transform on the non- in nature. . t(o) are ignored, but paradoxically 'inertial approximation' is directly spectroscopy, frame with respect eqn 21 reduces in the theory of molecular a(w)) has no Fourier power and terms such as k(t) x k(t), which, and centrifugal = ygt) . $o)>,, approximation' moment w2z(w) interferometric forces such as k(t) x t(t), dependent of the relation $t) spectral shows that its time Fourier uniformity For uniform the result: of 'free rotors'. 239 The Spectral Observations of Direct Coriolis By 'direct' Coriolis on the centre of mass frame. linear velocity In this respect, dipole moment Coriolis vector forces, we mean Forces terms of the type x x 8 dependent x of a molecule in the laboratory terms such as !J x 8, etc, involving for example) fixed in the molecule a vector (the are indirect forces). It is impossible a diffusing molecule and translational without a theory for direct taking into account diffusion [9-191. in a purely such as k x k treatment to construct However, 'rotational' exists at present Coriolis explicitly both rotational it is possible context, although apart from the subject forces in to treat forces no satisfactory of this paper, computer simulation. It is possible to observe direct Coriolis forces of the type y, x & in at least two ways. 1) In Anisotropic Materials The application molecular of an electric liquid imparts molecule . CZOI If E in the laboratory field is uniform frame, and its refractive frame) differs well-known C211. Kerr effect field (the Faraday Note in this context whole range of frequencies It therefore absorption presence follows coefficient effect) index in the axis of g (eg, the z birefringence This is the can be induced by a and an electromagnetic that birefringence from static field. of this type occurs across to the visible from the Kramers-Kronig to each anisotropic relations o(w) must also be different through the the infrared. that the power in the z and x axes in the of ;E. It has been shown recently of the matrix <x(t)eT(o)> liquid subjected [31 (by computer i.e. simulation) exist in the laboratory to a uniform electric There are the (x,y) and (y,x) elements, image, the liquid becomes from that in the x axis. Similarly, dipolar frame torque -8 x g and uniaxial axis of the laboratory magnetic (,$) to a non-polarisable the extra laboratory that two elements frame in a birefringent field g in the laboratory one being the other's frame z axis. exact mirror 240 ~“,WyJ) It follows = - <vy(t)wx(o)> (24) from eqn 24 that the 'time-offset' does not average to zero in the laboratory direct Coriolis force x(t) x z(o) frame in the presence of E z' In other words: <x(t) x t(o)> # (Ez # o) 2 = 2k < vx(t)wy(o)> - <“y(t)wx(o)~l) p(vx(t)wy(o)> ( = In eqn. 25 k is a unit vector denote the usual ensemble (equivalent is always, in the z axis; of the laboratory averaging in a statistically The presence existence (25) used to construct stationary frame and <> a correlation sample to running-time of the vector k on the r.h.s. of eqn 25 implies of the correlation dependent function on anisotropy. <x(t) x k(o)> function averaging that the in the laboratory A diffusional C5 I). frame theory for can be developed from the generalised Langevin equation governing x(t) and is described elsewhere 1211. This theory t(t) shows that the 'time-offset' Coriolis force correlation <v,(t)wy(o)> is <vx(t)wy(o)> the complete column vector observable approximately absorption coefficient from the correlation IX(W) perpendicular Note that <x(t) x t(t) = Q for all t and & seems to be the only means at present natural direct Coriolis of the far infra-red and parallel so that computer of calculating force proportional to power to EZ. correlations ,v(t) x t(t). simulation between Results the of this type are given for the first time in this paper. 2) Far Infra-red Collision Collision induced absorption and intramolecular dependent Induced Absorption separation. on centrifugal centre of mass distance. 1231 is dependent on the molecular The induced dipole moment terms such as 8 x (& x ,rij), where &ij If the relative velocity palarisability is therefore directly is the inter- of two molecules in the frame is v.. , then the Coriolis forces v.. x g also play a part $lJ %=J The translation part of the far in the dynamics of the induction process. laboratory infra-red identified spectrum 1231 as of simple linear molecules the low frequency such as N2 and CO2 has been component of a broad infra-red band. 241 Section 2: Computer Simulation Method The Chiral Bromochlorofluoromethanes Standard methods C67 constant volume molecular were employed and for the racemic mixture for 108 molecules parameters a(Br-Br)=3.9 computer of the R enantiomer of CHBrClF The input temperature 26 *3 296 K and 1.2 x 10 . Atom-atom were used as follows: 8; o(Cl-Cl) = 3.6 8; o(F-F) = 2.7 o(C-C) = 3.4 #; t/k(Br-Br) = 218.OK; e/k@+) = 10.0 K; e/k(C-C) = 54.9K; The electrostatic simulation of 54 R and S molecules. and molar volume were, respectively, Lennard-Jones dynamics e/k(H-H) 8; o(H-H) = 2.8 8; e/k (Cl-Cl) = 158.0 K; = 35.8 K, part of the force field was simulated with partial charges on each atom as follows: qBr = qF - 0.16 = - 0.22 The complete le/ le/ ; qc1 ; [el qH = 0.225 lel pair-potential 25 (5x5) site-site = - 0.18 between ; ; two molecules terms with the above parameters. the same for R-R and R-S interactions qc = 0.335 because le/. therefore consisted This was assumed of the mirror-image of to be symmetry of the R and S enantiomers. The system was equilibrated and time correlation (500 records, in building each separated Field over about 2000 time-steps then computed by 0.01 ps). up the correlation Liquid Dichloromethane Electric functions functions in the presence Running time averages were used in the laboratory of a Strong, frame of reference. z-Axis External 1201 This is the same algorithm the functions of 0.005 ps each with about 1000 time steps <vx(t)wy(o)> as used in the first description and <vy(t)wx(o)> external torque -gxE is applied as described external field used in this algorithm referred 13,221 of to already. in the literature can be strong enough The C20al. almost The to saturate 242 the Langevin function, equilibrium. (However, the sample remaining At present, experimentally measure <vx(t)wy(o)> remains to be done). charges 0 or (of mass potential only with computer Kerr effect apparatus using far infra-red representing -CH2 group this is possibly available The intermolecular as a liquid and in anisotropic the electrostatic to data and this is an experiment is a 3 x 3 Lennard-Jones 14) is represented simulation. can be adopted part of the complete atom-atom that with point potential. The by (CH2 - CH2)/k = 70.5K; a(CH2 - CH2) = 3.96 A, qCH2 = 0.302(e/ The Cl group is represented partial-charge by a mass of 35.5 and Lennard-Jones and parameters: c(C1 - Cl) / k = 173.5K; o(C1 - Cl) qc1 = = ; 3.35 1 - 0.151 lel The input temperature Autocorrelation m3/mole. was 296K and the input molar volume functions were evaluated steps) of 0.015 ps each after field-on strength equivalent pronounced RESULTS An electric on the direct Coriolis (2700 time field the effect of forces. AND DISCUSSION (R) - Bromochlorofluoro Figure in Eqn with 900 records equilibration. to about 14.0 kT was used to investigate liquid anisotropy -5 8.0 x 10 (6); Methane (1) illustrates and the Racemic the (normalised) a) for the R enantiomer, three correlation functions similar but not identical of Eqn Mixture correlation functions defined and b) for the racemic mixture. (6) exist in the laboratory time dependencies. All frame with 243 (a) Auto-correlation functions <x(t) x y(t) <(x(t) . &CO)) ......... <(x(t) . (b) force in (R)-CHBrClF. . J( (0) x y(o)> / <(x (0) . y(o)) --------- x of the Coriolis e(t) ( (0)) (4 (t) Co))> ” 2r . / <(x Q(O))’ / (0) . . (x (0) . y(o))> !_!$o)P> <v2(0) cI12 Co)> As for (a). racemic mixture. The three correlation mixture, is a useful lead and vice-versa. elements seem to be different into the nature of the statistical This has been pointed of the matrix Some Fourier the R enantiomer a.c.f. functions so that comparison of spectra for an enantiomer <$t)wT(o)> transforms in enantiomers of these correlation and angular velocity be seen from fig. 2(a) that the frequency function is similar to those of the This fits in with the general rotational a similar dependence out in the literature functions and translational time scale. motion (However, a.c.f. <@t).?(o) /<w2>. of the Coriolis simulation molecular 1211). It can correlation functions. that ensembles this is not the case in anisotropic (see fig 5(b)) or in liquid crystals for of the velocity two auto correlation from computer in isotropic for are compared transforms dependence above finding of x upon t C20bl and racemic mixtures. in fig (Z), together with Fourier <$t).x(o)>/<v2> for the racemic and racemic mixture evolve on liquids 244 10 Freq. Figure (a) 5 units Freq. umts ‘0 (2) Fourier transform of the a.c.f. of x(t) x v(t) for (R) - CHBrClF. + l (b) Fourier transform of < e(t) . y(o)> / <u2>. Fourier transform of < x(t) . x(o)> / <v2>. Fourier transforms Therefore, experimentally of the curves to a first approximation, to being roughly in turn is approximately The rotational velocity of the far infra-red the same as the rotational a.c.f. <$,(t).@o)> approximately a.c.f. may be estimated velocity is related coefficient. a.c.f., which a.c.f. (fig. (3)). to the Fourier Therefore from the far infra-red function of the centrifugal in fig (4) for the R enantiomer clear that this correlation is again different This property cA the Coriolis to the angular velocity transform the Coriolis power absorption liquids. The correlation illustrated similar power absorption a.c.f. can be estimated of isotropic in Fig l(a). function for enantiomer is echoed = <(i*(t) x t(t)) reaches (Ccent of Eqn (9)) is a constant It is level as t -t m, and and racemic mixture. in fig (3), . ($(o) force and racemic mixture. for the correlation function: x ~(O))><($*(O) x k(O) . gA(0) 2-ct(o))> 245 is a unit vector in the A axis of the molecular principal $ As discussed already this is both a centrifugal of inertia frame. where correlation amenable function to calculation satisfactory Figure and a Coriolis function; with a theory of 'purely rotational' theoretical description exists, however, force and is diffusion. No at present. 3 (R) CHBrClF, the a.c.f.: < ,y* (t) x gj(t) “& the same c.f. computed accuracy y(o)P> in the principal The dipole moment computational . iA (0) x y(o)> (0) x where tA is a unit vector molecule. -+y force correlation moment vector, moment of inertia frame of the n, is a combination of eA, tB and EC. with 4 x r;A for iA as a check of the and overall self-consistency in the correlation function. _------function ........ function. ‘iAW . iA (o)> / <ez>, the rotational velocity autocorrelation of iA. < Q(t) . q(o)> / <u2>,the angular velocity autocorrelation 246 Figure (4) The a.c.f. of the molecular (1) ___ (R) CHBrClF; (2) ------ the racemic mixture. Dichloromethane in the Presence Fig (5a) illustrates simulated field. function (eqn (6) are likewise Fig 5(b) illustrates velocity a.c.f. fig 5(a). A complete Model Theory but clearly different (R.M.T.) of Grigolini laboratory frame of reference of inter-molecular of the molecular Finally, of molecular rotation 1241. time derivative function diffusion torques, of the vector & x @ and racemic mixture function but clearly in both enantiomer exists in the and racemic mixture due to non-uniformity frame. the a.c.f. of the Coriolis for the anisotropic of is not usually and the subsequent in the laboratory fig (7) illustrates vector t(t) x ,$A(t) of motion. seems to be the Reduced This autocorrelation in theories as those of should be able to describe from the basic equations the correlation considered a.c.f.'s . g(o)> and linear <t(t) diffusion at present (1.h.s. of eqn (18)) for the R enantiomer the presence a.c.f. z axis electric in time dependence. under the same conditions line of approach bromochlorofluoromethane. of eqn (6) computer and the component theory of molecular Fig (6) illustrates Field of an intense figs 5(a) and 5(b) self-consistently The most promising functions x &), for: in the presence the angular velocity . x(o)> rnk x (K is oscillatory, oscillatory, <x(t) force: of a z Axis Electric the correlation for dichloromethane The Coriolis centrifugal CH2C12 liquid. of a unit vector ,$A, in the principal cum centrifugal HerGA(t) moment is the of inertia 247 0.5 0 -0.5 0 Figure (a) 1.2 DS (5) As for Fig. electric (b) 0.6 (l), liquid CH2C12 subjected to an intense uniaxial field of force in the lab frame z axis. (1) <x (t) F (2) ‘8 (t) . x (0)) / <“;> . & (0)) / 0.c > Note that the time-dependence The time dependence of these two functions of the Coriolis functions is very different. of Fig. 5(a) is intermediate. I _. I I 1.0 ps Figure - (6) CR) ___ normalised angular motion respect CHBrClF and -------, the racemic mixture: a.c.f. of the vector & x i, due to the non-uniformity of one frame of references to the other (the laboratory (the molecule frame). the of the fixed frame) with 248 1.0 0.5 --I;;:._ OO 0.6 1.2 PS Figure (7) CH2C12 + field, the auto-correlation & (t) function of the force vector (t) x i* frame of the CH2C12 molecule. is oscillatory level at t+ computed in this paper will show the Grigolini fall-transient m. This function constant The Coriolis acceleration and centrifugal 1261 effect decoupling with varying and reaches a force a.c.f.'s effect 1251, and field-strength E z' CONCLUSIONS Autocorrelation frame of reference molecular Coriolis 5 x & functions which are not usually diffusion. generated these vectors centrifugal in the laboratory as natural measures of mass translation It follows ; by the non-uniformity torques or position and translates of molecular due to inter- of Wales of the inter-relation of a molecule to consider between the centre and its own rotational broadening to the laboratory is thanked motion It is appropriate frame. for a Fellowship. motion. of spectra must take these the molecular ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The University of of the and the vector forces into account whenever with respect in theories functions force rnt x (E x z) frame. that a theory of collisional basic non-inertial fully considered These include autocorrelation force, 2mx x t molecular have been shown to exist in the laboratory frame rotates 249 REFERENCES E.F. 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