There are a total of 24 patterns in Taekwon-Do. The Intrepretation of Patterns: The name of the pattern, the number of movements, and the diagrammatic symbol of each pattern symbolises either heroic figures in Korean history or instances relating to historical events. CHON-JI (19): means literally "the Heaven and the Earth". It is, in the Orient, interpreted as the creation of the world or the beginning of human history, therefore it is the initial pattern played by the beginner. This pattern consists of two similar parts; one to represent the Heaven and the other the Earth. DAN-GUN (21): is named after the holy Dan-Gun, the legendary founder of Korea in the year 2333 B.C. DO-SAN (24): is the pseudonym of the patriot Ahn Chang-Ho (1876-1938). The 24 movements represent his entire life which he devoted to furthering the education of Korea and its independent movement. WON-HYO (28): was the noted monk who introduced Buddhism to the Silla Dynasty in the year 686 A.D. YUL-GOK (38): is the pseudonym of the great philosopher and scholar Yi I (1536-1584) nicknamed the "Confucius of Korea". The 38 movements of this pattern refer to his birthplace on the 38 degrees latitude and the diagram represents "scholar. JOONG-GUN (32): is named after the patriot Ahn Joong-Gun who assassinated Hiro-Bumi Ito, the first Japanese governor-general of Korea, known as the man who played the leading part in the KoreaJapan merger. There are 32 movements In this pattern to represent Mr. Ahn`s age when he was executed in the Lul-Shung prison in 1910. TOl-GYE (37): is the pen name of the noted scholar Yi Hwang (16th century), an authority on neoConfucianism. The 37 movements in this pattern refer to his birthplace on the 37 degrees latitude, the diagram represents "scholar. HWA-RANG (29): is named after the Hwa-Rang youth group which originated in the Silla Dynasty in the early 7th century. The 29 movements refer to the 29th Infantry Division, where Taekwon-Do developed into maturity. CHOONG-MOO(30): was the name given to the great Admiral Yi Soon-Sin of the Yi Dynasty. He was reputed to have built the first armoured battleship (Kobukson) in 1592, which is said to be the precursor of the present day submarine. The reason why this pattern ends with a left hand attack is to symbolise his regrettable death, having no chance to show his unrestrained potentiality checked by the forced reservation of his loyalty to the King. Stances Walking Stance Korean: Gunnun Sogi Length is one and a half shoulder width from big toe to big toe; width is shoulder wide from centre of foot to centre of foot; extend the front knee outward until the knee cap forms a vertical line with the heel; front leg is the primary leg; back foot is pointing off at an angle of 25 degrees. Weight distribution: 50/50. L-Stance Korean: Niunja Sogi Length is one and a half shoulder width from big toe of front foot to foot-sword of back foot; 2.5 centimetres in width from heel to heel; both feet turned in by 15 degrees; bend the rear leg until the knee cap forms a vertical line with the toes, bending the front leg proportionally; back leg is the primary leg. The toes of both feet point inwards slightly. The body is always either side or half facing in this stance.: 30/70 Fixed Stance Korean: Gojung Sogi Fixed stance is similar to a lengthened L-stance, except that the weight distribution is even and both legs are equally bent. Whether it is a left or right stance is therefore determined by the forward leg. Weight distribution: 50/50 Sitting Stance Korean: Annun Sogi One and a half shoulder width from reverse footsword to reverse footsword; both knees are bent evenly; extend the knees outward, bending until the knee caps come over the front sole; feet are parallel.In sitting stance, sine wave is generated by almost straightening the knees, then bending them. Weight distribution: 50/50. There is no obverse or reverse. Parallel Ready Stance Korean: Narani Junbi Sogi This is the basic ready stance in Taekwon-Do. Shoulder width from footsword to footsword; feet are parallel; body is relaxed; hands are to the front; the distance between the fists is about 5cms and 7cms away from the abdomen; the distance between the elbows and the floating ribs is about lOcms; do not extend the elbow to the side more than is necessary; hold the upper arms forword 30 degrees while bending the forearms 40 degrees upward. Movements may be performed in this stance - sine wave is generated by coming up onto the balls of the feet and dropping the body's weight. Weight distribution: 50/50 Attention Stance (Chariot Sogi): Heels together; 45 degree angle between tthem; bow foreword 15 degrees; eyes face the front; drop the fists down naturally; slightly clenched. Close Ready Stance (Moa Junbi Sogi): Feet together; left hand over right. "A" - The distance between the philtrum and the fists is approximately 30cm. "B" - The distance between the fists and the navel is approximately 15cm. "C" - The distance between the hands and the abdomen is approximately 10cm. Bending Ready Stance (Guburyo Junbi Sogi): Standing leg is bent; footsword of the lifted leg is brought in towards the opposite knee; standing leg is the primary leg; it is principally used as a preparatory position of side piercing and thrusting kicks. X-Stance (Kyocha Sogi): Cross one foot over or behind the other, touching the ground slightly with the front sole; place the body weight on the stationary foot; stationary leg is the primary leg. Rear Foot Stance (Dwitbal Sogi): This stance is one shoulder width from footsword of back foot to big toe of front foot; most of the weight is on the rear foot; front toes point in by 25 degrees; toes of rear foot point in by 15 degrees; front knee is bent; front sole is slightly on the ground with heel about 2.5cm off ground; bend the rear leg until the knee comes over the toes; rear leg is primary leg. Low Stance (Nachuo Sogi): This stance is the same as the walking stance except it is longer by one foot. Vertical Stance (Soojik Sogi): Length is one shoulder width from big toe of front foot to reverse footsword of rear foot; the toes of both feet are pointing in by 15 degrees; legs are straight; 60% of weight is on rear leg; rear leg is the primary leg. Hand Parts: Attacking and Blocking Tools: Forefist Back Fist Side Punch Under Fist Long Fist Open Fist Middle knuckle Fist Fore-Knuckle Fist Ap Joomuk Dung Joomuk Yop Joomuk Mit Joomuk Ghin Joomuk Pyun Joomuk Joongji Joomuk Mu Joomuk Thumb-Knuckle Fist Palm Knife-Hand Reverse Knife-Hand Fingertips Flat Fingertip Straight Fingertip Upset Fingertip Angle Fingertip Thumb Forefinger Double Fingertip Arc Hand Back Hand Outer Forearm Inner Forearm Back Forearm Under Forearm Elbow Finger Pincers Base of Knife-Hand Finger Bear Hand Bow Wrist Finger Belly Thumb Ridge Pimji Joomuk Sonbadak Sonkal Sonkal Dung Sonkut Opun Sonkut Sun Sonkut Dwigibun Sonkut Homi Sonkut Umffi Han Sonkarak Doo Sonkarak Bandal Son Sondung Bakatpalmok Anpalmok Dung Palmok Mitpalmok Palkup Jipge Son Sonkal Batang Jiap Gomson Sonmok Dung Garak Badak Umfl Batang Foot Parts: Ball of the Foot Footsword Back Sole Knee Back Heel Instep Side Instep Reverse Footsword Side Sole Toes Apkumchi Balkal Dwitkumch Moorup Dwichook Baldung Op Badung Balkal Dung Op Bal Badal Balkut Meaning of Belt Colours: White- Signifies innocence, as that of a beginning student who has no previous knowledge of Taekwon-Do. Yellow- Signifies the Earth from which a plant sprouts and takes root as the Taekwon-Do foundation is being laid. Green- Signifies the plant’s growth as the Taekwon-Do skill begins to develop. Blue- Signifies the heaven, towards which the plant matures into a towering tree as training in Taekwon-Do progresses. Red- Signifies danger, cautioning the student to exercise control and warning the opponent to stay away. Black- Opposite to white, signifying the maturity and proficiency in TaekwonDo. It also indicates the wearer`s imperviousness to darkness and fear. In Taekwon-Do each title is determined to the rank as follows: 1st - 3rd Degree National Instructor Boosabum 4th - 6th Degree International Instructor Sabum 7th - 8th Degree Master Instructor Sahyun 9th Degree Grand Master Saseong Taekwondo Oath: As a member of Taekwon-Do I do solemly pledge; to abide by the rules and the regulations of the Taekwon-Do Federation, to strive always to be modest, courteous, and respectful to all members, in particular to my seniors; to put the art into use only for self-defence, a defence of the weak, and never to abuse my knowledge of the art. Students Oath: 1) I shall observe the Tenets of Taekwondo. 2) I shall respect the instructor and seniors. 3) I shall never misuse Taekwondo. 4) I shall be a champion of freedomw and justice. 5) I shall build a more peaceful world. Information applicable to White Belts/10th Gups Korean Counting: 1 - Hana 2 - Dool 3 - Set 4 - Net 5 - Tasut 6 - Yasot 7 - llgop 8 - Yadol 9 - Ahop 10 - Yaul Parts of the Body: Ap Joomuk Sonkal An Palmok Bakat Palmok Ap Kumchi Forefist Knife Hand Inner Forearm Outer Forearm Ball of the Foot Stances: Chariot Sogi Narani Junbi Sogi Annun Sogi Gunnun Sogi Attention Stance Parallel Ready Stance Sitting Stance Walking Stance Defensive Techniques; Bakat Palmok Makgi An Palmok Makgi Baro Makgi Bandae Makgi Ap Jirugi Baro Jirugi Bandae Jirugi Outer Forearm Block Inner Forearm Block Obverse Block (blocking over the primary leg) Reverse Block (blocking opposite the primary leg) Front Punch (punching to the front and on the centre line) Obverse Punch (punching over the primary leg) Reverse Punch (punching opposite the primary leg) Sections and Targets; Nopunde Kaunde Najunde High (From shoulder level and above) Middle (From shoulder level to the umbilicus) Low (From waist level and below) Miscellaneous; Chariot Junbi Kyong Ye Sijak Dojang Goman Dobok Barro Hae San Sho Attention Ready Bow Start Practice Hall Stop Practice Suit Return Dismiss Relax Information Applicable to Yellow Tag/9th Gups Counting (Continued): 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Yolhana Yoldool Yolset Yolnet Yoltasut Yolyasut Yolilgop Yolyodol Yolahop 20 Samul 30 Sorun 40 Mahun 50 Chiun 60 Yesun 70 lrrun 80 Yodun 90 Ahun 100 Pek L-Stance Niunja Sogi Defensive Techniques Inside Block Outside Block Inward Block Outward Block An Makgi Bakat Makgi Anuro Makgi Bakuro Makgi Miscellaneous: Wen Orun Tul Duro Duro Sambo Matsogi Left Right Pattern About Turn 3 Step Sparring Pattern CHON-JI (19): The following points should be remembered: 1. Walking Stance Forearm Low Block (Gunnun Sogi Palmok Najunde Makgi): The forearm reaches the same level as the lower abdomnen of the defender. The body becomes half facing towards the opponent. 2. Walking Stance Middle Front Punch (Gunnun Sogi Kaunde Ap Jirugi): The fist forms a vertical line with the toes. The fist reaches the same level as the shoulder of the attacker. The fist is brought to the center of the attackers body. 3. L-Stance Inner Forearm Middle Block (Niunja Sogi An Palmok Kaunde Makgi): The fist reaches the same level as the shoulder of the defender. The body is half facing. The fist forms a triangle with the shoulders. Information applicable for Yellow Belts/8th Gups: Knife Hand Guarding Block Twin Forearm Block Rising Block Sonkal Daebi Makgi Sang Palmok Makgi Chookyo Makgi Pattern DAN GUN (21): The following points should be remembered: 1. L-Stance Knife-Hand Guarding Block (Niunja Sogi Sonkal Daebi Makgi): The fingertip reaches the level of the shoulder of the defender. The knife-hand becomes half facing the opponent. The knife-hand forms a triagle with the shoulders. 2. L-Stance Twin Forearm Block (Niunja Sogi Sang Palrnok Makgi): The front hand reaches the level of the shoulder of the defender and is the primary hand. 3. Walking Stance Forearm Rising Block (Gunnun Sogi Palmok Chookyo Makgi): The forearm stays at the centre of the defenders head, The inner forearm stays at the top of the head. 4. L-Stance Knife-Hand Middle Outward Strike (Niunja Sogi Sonkal Kaunde Bakuro Makgi): The knife-hand reaches the same level as the shoulder of the defender. The body becomes half facing the opponent. Students should also be able to describe any new stance (see the section on stances) and should know the meaning of their appropriate belt colour. This basic rule should be applied to all students. Information Applicable to Green Tags/7th Gups: Outer Forearm High Block Wedging Block Sun Sunkut Tulgi Dung Joomuk Nopunde Yop Taerigi Backfist Dollyo Chagi Ap Cha Busigi Yopcha Jirugi Ban Jayoo Matsokgi Balkal Baldung Jayoo Matsokgi Bakat Palmok Nopunde Makgi Hechyo Makgi Straight Fingertip Thrust High Side Strike Turning Kick Front Snap Kick Side Piercing Kick Semi Free Sparring Footsword Instep Free Sparring Pattern DO-SAN(24): The following points should be remembered; 1. Walking Stance Outer Forearm High Side Block (Gunnun Sogi Bakat Palrnok nopunde Yop Taerigi): The fist reaches the eye level of the defender. The fist forms a triangle with the shoulders. 2. Walking Stance Back Fist High Side Strike (Gunnun Sogi Dung Joomuk Nopunde Yop Taerigi): The forefist reaches the eye level of the defender. The body becomes half facing towards the opponent. 3. Walking Stance Outer Forearm High Wedging Block (Gunnun Sogi Bakat Palmok Nopunde Hechyo Makgi): The distance between the fists is equal to one shoulder width. The fists reaches the level of the eyes of the defender. 4. Middle Front Snap Kick (Kaunde Apcha Busigi): The ball of the foot is the attacking tool. The attacking tool reaches the solar plexus of the attacker. Information applicable to Green Belts/6th Gups: Close Ready Stance A Fixed Stance Bending Ready Stance Forearm Circular Block Knife Hand Inward Strike Two Step Sparring Moa Junbi Sogi A Gojung Sogi Gooburyo Sogi Palrnok Dolynio Makgi Sonkal-Anuro Taerigi Ibo Matsogi Pattern WON-HYO (28): The folowing points should be remembered: 1. L-Stance Knife-Hand High Inward Strike (Niunja Sogi Sonkal Nopunde Anuro Taerigi): The knifehand reaches neck level of the attacker. 2. Fixed Stance Middle Punch (Gojung So Kaunde Jirugi): The body is half facing. 3. Forearm Circular Block (Palrnok Dollimyo Makgi): The inner forearm is used as the blocking tool. The fist reaches the same level as the defenders shoulder. This shoulder should be slightly lower than the opposite one. 4. L-Stance Forearm Middle Guarding Block (Niunja Sogi Palmok Kaunde Daebi Makgi): The forearm becomes half facing the opponent. The fist reaches the same level as the defender. 5. Middle Side Piercing Kick (Kaunde Yopcha Jirugi): The footsword reaches the same level as the shoulder of the defender. 6. Low Front Snap Kick (Najunde Apcha Boosigi): The foot reaches the same level as the lower abdomen of the attacker. Information applicable for Blue Tags/5th Gups: X-Stance Twin Knife-hand Block Palm Hooking Block Double Forearm Block Front Elbow Strike One Step Sparring Kyocha Sogi Sang Sonkal Makgi Sonbadak Golcho Makgi Doo Palmok Makgi Ap Palkup Taerigi Matsokgi Pattern YUL-GOK (38) The following points should be remembered: 1. Sitting Stance Middle Punch (Annun Sogi Kaunde Jurigi): The fist reaches the same level as the shoulder of the attacker. The fist is brought to the centre of the attacker. The measure punch is on the shoulder line. 2. L-Stance Twin Knife-Hand Block (Niunja Sogi Sang Sonkal Makgi): The side blocking hand usually reaches the shoulder height of the defender. 3. Walking Stance Palm Middle Hooking Block (Gunnun Sogi Sonbadak Kaunde Golcho Makgi): The palm must reach the target in an arc. 4. Walking Stance Front Elbow Strike (Gunnun Sogi Ap Palkup Taerigi): The backfist faces upwards. The body is front facing. 5. X-Stance Back Fist High Side Strike (Kyocha Sogi Dung Joomuk Nopunde Yop Taerigi): The body becomes side facing the opponent. The fist reaches the eye level of the attacker. 6. Walking Stance Double Forearm High Block (Gunnun Sogi Doo Palmok Nopunde Makgi): The body becomes half facing the opponent. The fist reaches the eye level of the defender. Information applicable to Blue Belts/4th Gups: Close Ready Stance B Rear Foot Stance Low Stance Close stance Reverse Knife-hand Outward block Palm Upward Block X-Fist Rising Block Palm Pressing Block U-Shape Block Side Front Snap Kick Upper Elbow Strike Twin Fist High Vertical Punch Twin Fist Upset Punch Angle Punch Moa Junbi Sogi B Dwitbal Sogi Nachuo Sogi Moa Sogi Sonkal Dung Bakuro Makgi Sonbadak OlIyo Makgi Kyocha Joomuk Chukyo Makgi Sonbadak Noolo Makgi Digutja Makgi Yobap Cha Busigi Wipalgup Taerigi Sang Joornuk Nopunde Sewo Jirugi Sang Joornuk Dwijibo Jirugi Kiokja Jirugi Bandae Dollyo Chagi Dwichook Bandal Son Reverse Turning Kick Back Heel Arc-hand Pattern JOONG-GUN (32): The following points should be remembered: 1. Low Side Front Snap Kick (Najunde Yobap Cha Busigi): The hip turns into the kick. 2. Rear Foot Stance Palm Upward Block (Dwitbal So Sonbadak OIIyo Makgi): The palm reaches the solar plexus height of the defender. 3. Walking Stance Upper Elbow Strike (Gunnun So Wipalgup Taerigi): The body is front facing. The point of the chin is the target. 4. Walking Stance Twin Fist High Vertical Punch (Gunnun So Sang Joomuk Sewo Jirugi): The fists reaches the same level as the philtrurn of the defender. 5. Walking Stance Twinfist Upset Punch (Gunnun So Sang Dwijibo Jirugi): The back fist comes to the same point as the elbow joint. 6. L- Stance Back Fist High Side Strike (Niunja So Dung Joornuk Nopunde Yop Taerigi). 7. Close Stance Angle Punch (Moa So Kiokja Jirugi): The fist reaches the shoulder line. Information applicable for Red Tags/3rd Gups X-Fist Pressing Block W-Shape Block Double Forearm Low Pushing Block Knife-hand Low Guarding Block Upset Fingertip Thrust Back Fist Side Back Strike Knee Upward Kick Flat Finger Tip Thrust Moorup Naeryo Chagi Sang Yop Palkat Jase Dwijibun Sunkut Opun Sunkut Flat Gyokpa Bandal Chagi Bituro Chagi Kyocha Joomuk Nollo Makgi San Makgi Doopalmok - Najunde Miro Makgi Sonkal Najunde Daebi-Makgi Dwijibun Sonkut Makgi Dung Joornuk Yopdwi Taerigi Moorup Ollyo Chagi Opun Sonkut Tulgi Knee Downward Kick Twin Side Elbow Posture Upset Fingertip Finger tip Thrust Breaking Cresent Kick Twisting Kick Pattern TOI-GYE (37): The following points should be remembered: 1. Walking Stance Upset Fingertip Low Thrust (Gunnun So Dwijibun Sonkut Najunde Tulgi): The fingertip reaches the level of the pubic region. 2. Close Stance Back Fist Side Back Strike (Moa Sogi Dung Joornuk Yopdwi Taerigi): The back fist reaches the eye level of the attacker. The opposite hand is extended to the side downward. 3. Walking Stance X-Fist Pressing Block (Gunnun Sogi Kyocha Joomuk Noolo Majgi): The crossed point reaches the same level as the lower abdomen of the defender. 4. Sitting Stance Outer Forearm W-Shape Block (Annun Sogi Bakat Palmok San Makgi): The outer forearm reaches the same level as the defender’s philtrurn. 5. Knee Upward Kick (Moowp Ollyo Chagi): The palms become level with the elbows. 6.Walking Stance Flat Fingertip Thrust (Gunnun Sogi Opun Sonkut Nopunde Tulgi): The fingertip reaches the level of the forehead of the attacker. 7. L-Stance Double Forearm Low Pushing Block (Niunja Sogi Doopalmok Najunde Miro Makgi): The inner forearm reaches the same level as the lower abdomen of the defender. 8. L-Stance Back Fist Side Back Strike (Niunja Sogi Dung Joomuk Yopdwi Taerigi): The back fist reaches slightly above the temple of the attacker. 9. X-Stance X-Fist Pressing Block (Kyocha Sogi Kyocha Joomuk Nollo Makgi): The cross point reaches the same level as the lower abdomen. 10. L-Stance Knife-Hand Low Guarding Block (Niunja Sogi Sonkal Najunde Daebi Makgi): The blocking hand is at the same level as the scrotum of the defender while the other is brought in front of the lower abdomen. The front snap kick in pattern Toi-Gye is middle section. KOREA: The name Korea is believed by some to be derived from the phrase "high mountains and sparkling streams,". Another name, Chosen, is often translated, "The land of morning calm." Information applicable for Red Belts/2nd Gups: Close Ready Stance C Vertical Stance Palm Pushing Block Inner Forearm Side Front Block Upward Punch Knife-hand Downward Strike Turning Kick Side Elbow Thrust Moa Junbi Sogi C Soo Jik Sogi Sonbadak Miro Makgi An Palmok Yobap Makgi Ollyo Jirugi Sonkal Naeryo Taerigi DoIIyo Chagi Yop Palkup Tulgi Pattern HWA-RANG (29): The following points should be remembered: 1. L-Stance Upward Punch (Niunja Sogi Ollyo Jirugi): The fist reaches the eye level of the defender. 2. Vertical Stance Knife-Hand Downward Strike (Soo Jik Sogi Sonkal Naeryo Taerigi): The knife-hand reaches the target in a circular motion. Keep the elbow straight at the moment of impact. 3. High Turning Kick (Nopunde DoIIyo Chagi): The attacking tool reaches the eye level of the attacker. 4. L-Stance Obverse Punch (Niunja Sogi Baro Jirugi): The fist reaches the same level as the shoulder. The right arm forms a parallel line with the left leg and vica-versa. 5. Close Stance Inner Forearm Side Front Block (Moa Sogi An Palmok Yobap Makgi): The fist reaches the same level as the defender’s temple. The opposite outer forearm reaches the same level as the defender’s lower abdomen. Information applicable for Black Tags/1st Gups Forearm Middle Front Block X-Knife-hand Checking Block Twin Palm upward Block Jumping Knife-hand High Front Strike Flying side Piercing Kick Reverse Knife-hand High Middle Back Piercing Kick Palmok Kaunde Ap Makgi Kyocha Sonkal Momchau Makgi Sang Sonbadak Ollyo Makgi Twigi Sonkal Nopunde Ap Taerigi Twinyo Yopcha Jirugi Front Strike Sonkal Dung Nopunde Ap Taerigi Kaunde Dwitcha Jirugi Pattern Choong-Moo (30): The following points should be remembered: 1. Walking Stance Knife-Hand High Front Strike (Gunnun Sogi Sonkal Nopunde Ap Taerigi): The fingertip reaches the eye level of the attacker. The body becomes full facing the opponent. The knifehand must stay at the centre of the attacker’s body. 2. Flying Side Piercing Kick (Twimyo Topcha Jirugi): The foot should be slightly lower than the attacker’s hip. 3. Walking Stance Reverse Knife-Hand High Front Strike (Gunnun Sogi Sonkal Dung Nopunde Ap Taerigi): The reverse knife-hand reaches the same level as the philtrum of the attacker. The body becomes full facing the opponent. The reverse knife-hand must stay at the centre of the attacker’s body. 4. Middle Back Piercing Kick (Kaunde Dwitcha Jirugi): The foot reaches the same level as the shoulder of the attacker. Keep the toes of the stationary foot pointed to the front. Footsword is the attacking tool. 5. Sitting Stance Forearm Middle Front Block (Annun Sogi Palmok Kaunde Ap Makgi): The forearm comes along the centre line. 6. Sitting Stance Back Fist High Side Strike (Annun Sogi Dung Joomuk Nopunde Yop Taerigi): The back fist should be half facing the opponent. 7. L-Stance X-Knife-Hand Checking Block (Niunja Sogi Kyocha Sonkal Momchau Makgi): The fingertip reaches the same level as the shoulder of the defender. 8. Walking Stance Twin Palm Upward Block (Gunnun Sogi Sang Sonbadak Ollyo Makgi): The attacking tool reaches the target in a circular motion. The palms reach the same level as the elbows of the defender. Three Step Sparring by Chris Quinn Although not required in a grading, the formal three step is still a useful exercise for members in and around the yellow belt grade, due to its utilisation of new and advanced techniques. Both attacker and defender start from parallel ready stance. for every technique, the attacker first of all steps back on the right leg, into walking stance low block. He then moves three times forwards into walking stance middle punch. The defender steps backwards three times blocking the attackers punchs then finishes with a counter attack. Both attacker and defender then step back into parallel ready stance, and the defender becomes the attacker. Unlike the one step, the three step is generally done in a set order. • In all cases, the attacker is assumed to step backwards starting on his right leg into low block, walking stance and then step forwards three times into walking stance middle punch. • The defender steps backwards three times starting on his right leg into walking stance, middle inner forearm block. On the third step back, counter with a reverse punch. • The defender steps backwards three times starting on his left leg into walking stance, middle inner forearm block. On the third step back, after executing the block, step out to the left hand side of your partner into sitting stance, double punch to your partners kidney. • The defender steps backwards three times starting on his left leg into L-stance, single knife hand block. After the third block, slide forward and execute knife hand strike into your partners stomach. • The defender steps back three times starting on his left leg into sitting stance, inward block. After the third block, slide forward into L-stance, elbow strike into your partners stomach. • The defender steps backwards twice starting on his right leg into L-stance knife hand guarding block. Instead of stepping backwards and executing a third knife hand guarding block, pivot on your right leg 90 degrees anti clockwise and execute single knife hand block with the left hand to the punch and inward knife hand strke with the right hand to your partners neck. • The defender steps backwards twice starting on his right leg into L-stance knife hand guarding block. On the third step back, step back into walking stance and execute front snap kick off the back leg followed by single knife hand block with the left hand to the punch and inward knife hand strike with the right hand to the neck. • The defender steps backwards twice starting on his right leg into L-stance knife hand guarding block. On the third step back, step back into L-stance, guarding block, then execute side kick off the back leg, landing into sitting stance, knife hand strike to your partners neck. • The defender steps backwards twice starting on his right leg into L-stance knife hand guarding block. On the third movement backwards, instead of stepping back, slide backwards so your right leg is still in the lead. execute side kick off the back leg, landing into sitting stance, knife hand strike. • The defender steps backwards twice starting on his right leg into L-stance knife hand guarding block. On the third movement, pivot on your back leg, 90 degrees clockwise into L-stance, guarding block. execute turning kick with the bald of the foot, and land into sitting stance, back fist strike to the temple. * In the IUTF, this movement is not considered part of the three step. Therefore UCD students when performing the three step exercise may leave this movement out. It is included here for completeness sake. Three Step Semi-Free Sparring (Ban Jayoo Matsogi) by Chris Quinn There is also another form of the three step known as three step semi free sparring. There are two types of three step semi-free sparring, a set version and unset version. In the unset version there are no set moves, the moves performed are entirely at the discretion of the two people taking part. Both attacker and defender start off in fighting stances. The attacker shouts to indicate he is about to attcker, the defender shouts back to indicate he is ready. The attacker then performs three attacking movements forward. These do not have to be single techniques, a double side kick would for example be counted as one attacking movememt. Usually the attacks are movements that would be performed one after another in a real spar, for example axe kick, double punch, turning kick or back fist strike, side kick, back side kick. The defender meanwhile steps backwards three times making the appropriate blocking movements. The defender then performs a counter attack. Then the attacker and defender switch roles. Set Version by Orla McKenna In the set version of the three step semi-free sparring, both attacker and defender start off in fighting stance. The attacker shouts first, then the defender shouts to indicate he is ready. The attacker performs three atacking movements forward. The defender moves backward and them performs a counter-attack. The attacker and defender switch roles. The techniques are performed for both the left and right hand sides. The semi-free sparring does not need to be performed in any particular order and is best performed in a jumbled order of your choice. This is to show you know them all and are not just doing the same techniques that your partner just did. 1. Attack: Perform 4 side kicks hopping in off the lead leg. Counter: Perform a jumping back-fist to the head. 2. Attack: Perform a blitz (4 punches moving quickly towards your opponent) Counter: Perform a jumping reverse punch (make sure to jump high enough to punch over their punches.) 3. Attack: Perform a side kick, then keeping your leg in the air, perform a turning kick. Put the leg down in front then execute a triple blitz (three punches moving towards your opponent). Counter: Perform a jumping backfist. Make sure you move backwards when executing this technique as the attacker will be moving quickly towards you. 4. Attack: Step up and perform a side kick off your lead leg. Follow up with a back side kick off your other leg. Make sure you land exactly 180o. Perform a jumping backfist. Counter: Perform a jumping side kick moving backwards. 5. Attack: with jab, cross combination, then execute turning kick (same side as cross) to follow cross. Land your leg down in front then execute axe kick off your back leg. Land your leg down in front and execute jumping back side kick. Counter: Execute jumping back side kick. Two Step Sparring by Chris Quinn Two step is a more advanced version of the three step. It is designed for the intermediate colour belt (ie from green to blue belt) so they can learn new techniques and combinations, and offers a larger variety of attacking and defending combinations then the three step. The same timing and distance between partners that is used in the three step is used in the two step. In the IUTF, the two step is not part of the grading requirements, so UCD students do not have to know this. However it is an extremely useful exercise and it is recommended that UCD students take the time to learn it. It is included here for completeness sake. In all cases, the defender starts off in parallel ready stance and the attacker sarts off in walking stance, low block with the right leg behind. The attacker steps forward into walking stance, middle punch. The defender steps backward on his right leg into walking stance, middle block. The attcker then steps forward into front kick, landing into walking stance guarding block. The defender steps backward, executing low x-fist block, then counter attacking with twin vertical punch. The attacker steps forward into sitting stance, side punch. The defender steps backward on his right leg into L-stance, inward palm block with the left hand. The attacker then executes turning kick off the back leg, landing into L-stance guarding block. The defender steps back into L-stance, low block over the lead leg then counter attacks by sliding forward into elbow strike. The attacker steps forward into walking stance, front kick. The defender steps backward on his right leg into walking stance, low X-fist block. The attacker then steps forward into walking stance, twin vertial punch. The defender steps backward into wedging block, then counter attacks by grabbing his partners shoulders and executing a knee strike into the stomach, pulling his partners head down as he does so. The attacker steps forward into walking stance, flat finger tip thrust. The defender steps backward on his right leg into walking stance, knife hand rising block. The attacker then steps forward into side kick, landing in a sitting stance. The defender steps backwards into L-stance, inward palm block, knocking the side kick away to expose your partners back. The defender then counter attacks by executing front kick, twin upset punch. The attacker steps forward into walking stance, front kick. The defender steps backwards on his left leg into walking stance, low X-fist block. The attacker then steps forward into walking stance, middle punch. The defender pivots on his lead leg, stepping 90 degrees anti-clockwise into L-stance, guarding block. The defender then counter-attacks by executing mid-section turning kick off the back leg, followed by back knuckle striek to the temple. The attacker steps forward into sitting stance, side punch. The defender steps backward on his right leg into L-stance, inward palm block with the left hand. The attacker then steps forward executing head height hooking kick. The defender steps backward into L-stance, executing high section outer forearm block, then counter attacks with jumping knife hand strike to the back of the neck. The attacker steps forward into L-stance, knife hand strike. The defender steps back on his left leg into L-stance, single knife hand block. The attacker then steps forward, executing back side kick. the defender steps backward into L-stance, low block then counter attacks with jumping knife hand strike to the back of the neck. One Step Sparring by Orla McKenna The attacker and the defender both start from parallel ready stance (narani jumbi sogi). The attacker shouts first, then the defender shouts to indicate they are ready. The attacker steps forward into walking stance obverse punch. This is performed first on the right side then on the left side. When the defender has finished defending they return to parallel ready stance. Then the attacker returns to parallel ready stance. The defender performs the same one step for both sides. Then the attacker and defender swop roles. This continues until all have been performed. The one step does not need to be performed in any particular order and is best performed in a jumbled order of your choice. This is to show that you know them all and are not doing the same one as your partner just did. The following is the syllabus for the one step on the right side (i.e. the attacker is punching with their right hand). For the left side perform the mirror image. Crescent kick with left leg (anticlockwise/outwards), front kick with right leg, leaving your leg in the air, execute a turning kick. Crescent kick with right leg (clockwise/inwards). Land right leg beside left leg (to ensure that you have enough space to execute the backside kick), backside kick with left leg. Land in L-stance knife hand strike. Step into L-stance (left leg in front), execute palm upward block with left hand. Front kick with left leg. Place foot on the ground and execute jump turning kick with right leg (make sure you jump off both legs). Slide out to right side in L-stance forearm guarding block (right leg behind). Execute jump backside kick with right leg. Land in L-stance forearm guarding block. Slide out to left side in L-stance (right leg in front). Execute midsection knife hand block with right hand. Consecutive side kick with right leg (midsection, high section). Land in L-stance knife hand strike (with right hand). Step forward with right leg into sitting stance outer forearm block with right hand. Sine wave; execute knife hand strike to neck with right hand followed by a sidekick with right leg (jump back as you kick or step back and kick). Slide to right into sitting stance with left leg behind, sidekick with right leg. Land in walking stance reverse punch. Note: There is also a version of the one step which is not set. In this version of the exercise, the attacker steps forward with a punch. The defender then counters with just about any combination of techniques that makes sense. Punch, kicks, throws and sweeps or any combination of them are all acceptable. this version of the one step should only be performed b more advanced members of the class in association with self-defense techniques, where they can be tought practical techniques and can also come up with their own and try them out. Grading Tips and Requirements • When your name is called out, stand up, shout "Here Sir!", bow, and run up to your place. Dont just walk up as that implies lazyness and a less than enthuastic attitude. • When doing exercises, always make sure to exhale and to keep in time with the rest of the group. Remember if you are faster or slower than the rest of your group then the examiners attention will be focussed on you, and he will have more opportunity to spot your mistakes. Remember - Majority Rules, stick with the rest of your group. • Always perform your techniques with the maximum amount of power possible - to do otherwise indicates lack of effort and you will be marked down. • If you are in the middle of your pattern and you suddenly forget the next move, do not stand to the side and sit out the whole pattern. Rather try and join in with the rest of your group at the next possible move. Your examiner can understand forgetting a move but will have to mark you down more for not knowing the entire pattern. Alternatively - stop, take a deep breath, and start the pattern again. • When at ease, stand straight with both hands behind your back. Do not fidget, fix your hair, start humming a tune, look around you or adjust your clothing or anything like that, just look straight ahead with your hands behind your back. • If you are asked a question which you cannot remember the answer to (or you dont know) do NOT say you dont know - rather say "I`m sorry sir, but I can`t remember." Gradings can be stressful and cause you to forget things - the examiner knows this. • When dismissed, bow, shout "Tae Kwon! Thank you sir!" and fall off to the back of the hall to receive your well earned applause. Grading Requirements White Belt grading to Yellow Tag Requirements • Saja Jiruki A and B • Front rising kick • Sitting stance, middle punch (no sine wave) • Basic combinations up and down the floor - low block, walking stance etc. • Basic theory, instructors name, etc. Yellow Belt grading to Green Tag Requirements • Dan Gun, Chon Ji. • Semi-Free Sparring (with or with out counter attack). • Combinations - anything form the patterns covered plus sine-wave. • Theory: stances,names of all moves in pattern;english and korean, instructors name (Mr, Ms, Mrs, etc) • Sitting stance punch, possibly front rising kick. Green Tag grading to Green Belt Requirements • Do-San, Dan Gun, Chon Ji. • Break, front snap kick (mid-section). • Combinations - all moves in pattern. • Semi free sparring. • Free sparring(full pads). • Theory - more technical questions - eg - twin forearm block - inner or outer forearm? 2nd last moves of pattern?? How many strikes do you know?? • Practice the turn into back fist until it is perfect, also make sure the timing is correct for the front kick double punch!! Green Belt grading to Blue Tag Requirements • Won-hyo and all the previous patterns • Combinations (practise circular block and FGB). • Breaking-side kick (leg of choice usually). • Semi-free sparring. • Free sparring. • Theory - meaning of pattern, Korean, "practical" applications of techniques learned. Blue Tag grading to Blue Belt Requirements • All patterns up to and including Yul-gok. • Combinations (need to be comfortable with movements from previous pattern also) • Theory. • Semi and free sparring. • Practise the jump in Yul-gok and also the timing. Red Tag grading to Red Belt Requirements • Combinations. • All patterns but Joong Gun and Toi-Gye are both marked seperate from the other patterns. • Semi-free sparring. • Free sparring. • Theory - good knowledge of the "Theory of Power" at this stage- make sure you are up to date with all the Korean terminology. • Important things to prepare o The jump in Toi-Gye. o The ending of Toi-Gye - don`t do it too fast - the circular blocks are quick but in between keep it slow o All your patterns - going for red belt is a very big grading! o Lots of jump kicks (jump turning kick and jump back side-kick). o The oath - you may be senior grade
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