www.aupravesh.org LL.M. Admission Test-2015 University of Allahabad Faculty of Law LL. M. Admission Test Session: 2015-16 Important event Dates / Time Online Registration and Submission process begins Saturday, 4th April, 2015 Last Date of Submission of Online Registration Thursday, 30th April, 2015 Date of Enabling Admit Cards Online only at www.aupravesh.org Thursday, 21st May, 2015 Date of Entrance Test Wednesday 3rd June, 2015 Test Time 9.00 a.m. – 12.00 noon Reporting Time 8.30 a.m. The applicant must take due care while filling up the Online Application Form. The information provided by the applicant in his/her Online Application Form shall not be changed or altered in any case and the University will not entertain such request under any circumstance. The University shall not be liable for any mistake made by the applicant. There is no provision of revaluation/scrutiny of Answer copies. The information provided and the data supplied by the applicant through Online Registration Application/Form shall be preserved in the University for a period of only six months from the date of the declaration of the result of Entrance/Admission Test. The records will be disposed off after the said period and no enquiry shall be entertained in this regard by the University after the expiry of the said period. The University shall use this data for various purposes; hence, in no case shall any change be allowed at a later stage. Therefore, all the information must be furnished correctly, completely and clearly by the applicant himself/herself as per the instructions given in the brochure/website www.aupravesh.org. The Evaluated OMR Answer Sheets/Answer Copies of Entrance/Admission Test. The records will be disposed off after the said period and no enquiry shall be entertained in this regard by the University after the expiry of the said period. Booklets will be preserved only for a period of six months after the declaration of results Page 1 of 7 www.aupravesh.org LL.M. Admission Test-2015 Eligibility Information : 1. The candidate must have obtained Law Graduate Degree from any University recognized by U.G.C. and the candidate should have obtained at least 45% marks in the aggregate in the said class candidates who have appeared in Law Graduate (Final Year) are also eligible to apply and appear in the LL.M. Admission Test-2015. However such a candidate will have to produce his or her final year marksheet as a proof of passing LL.B. (Final Year) examination on or before the date of admission, failing which their claim to admission shall stand forfeited. NOTE: For admission to LL.M., preference shall be given to fresh Law graduates (i.e. candidates who have passed the qualifying law graduate examination for the immediately preceding academic year) over Law graduates of earlier years. Accumulative discount at the rate of 5% of the Standardized Score shall be applied for every gap year in case of earlier Law graduates, subject to the maximum discount of 15%. 2. The Admission Test shall be held on Wednesday 3rd June, 2015 between 9 A.M. and 12.00 Noon at such place and centres as mentioned on the Admit Card. 3. Forms are available Online only on the website www.aupravesh.org for downloading and submission of form. 4. The Admission Test is of 300 marks and 3 hours duration. The paper has been divided into three parts viz. Part ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’. 5. Part ‘A’ of the Test Booklet shall consist of 50 questions of multiple choice types of objective questions. Part ‘B’ shall consist of 08 short answer type questions out of which 04 are to be answered in about 200 words each ; Part ‘C’ shall consist of 04 essay type question out of which 02 questions are to be answered in about 400 words each. 6. The paper of the Admission Test shall comprise of questions from the following subjects. (i) Constitutional Law of India, (ii) Jurisprudence, (iii) Law of Contract, (iv) Indian Penal Code, (v) law of Torts. (vi) Hindu Law, (vii) Muslim Law, (viii) Public International Law and Human Right, (ix) Administrative Law, (x) Transfer of Property Act. 7. The questions in each part of the Admission Test shall be printed in the Answer Booklet issued to the candidate. The answer thereto shall be entered in the space specified for the purpose in the Answer-booklet itself. 8. In case of wrong answer regarding the Multiple Choice type objective Questions, 2/3 marks shall be deducted for each wrong answer. 9. The Admission shall be done in accordance with the uniform policy for P. G. Admission prevailing at the time of the admission. 10. The amount paid by the candidate to the University as the Registration/Test-fee will not be refunded or carried over under any circumstance. 11. The candidate shall fill all the required entries (including his signature) on the form otherwise the form shall be considered as incomplete and be liable to the rejected even after being received and processed by the University of Allahabad. Page 2 of 7 www.aupravesh.org LL.M. Admission Test-2015 12. The candidate shall be responsible for the veracity of all the entries in the Registration Form. 13. Once a Form has duly been submitted to the University, the candidate shall not be entitled or permitted to make any addition, deletion or alteration in respect of any entry therein and the Form shall not be permitted to be transferred / used for any course other than LL.M. 14. Carrying Mobile Phones or any other material, except Admit-card and black/blue ballpoint pen, in the Examination hall shall be treated as unfair means. 15. There shall only be online distribution of ADMIT-CARDS, w.e.f. Thursday 21st May, 2015. 16. NCC Weightage: A weightage of 5 % shall be added to the score obtained by the candidate in the Admission Test / Entrance Test, who holds the ‘C’ certificate of the National Cadet Corps (NCC). 17. Physically Challenged Quota : A candidate who has a certified disability of not less than 40 % in any limb or in orthopedic structure which, in the opinion of the Medical Board (constituted by the University of Allahabad), amounts to an overall physical handicap of not more than 70 % or is a certified blind, may be admitted to the concerned course / subject, irrespective of his position in the order of merit of the total aggregate score, on the recommendation of the Medical Board, subject to the condition that number of such candidates shall not exceed 3 % (1% Hearing impaired, 1% visually impaired and 1% Orthopedic disability and Cerebral palsy) of the total seats in the respective course / subject. The privilege shall not be given except claimed by the candidate at the time of application. At the time of admission the candidate shall be required to produce a certificate issued by the Chief Medical Officer of the appropriate District or by the Viklang Kendra, Allahabad, which testifies to his disability and bears an attested photograph indicating his / her disability clearly. 17 a. All candidates entitled to be admitted under the above quota to a course shall be adjusted against their respective social category. 17 b. Seats under Physically Handicapped quota shall be filled in order of preference given below ; 17 c. (I) Visually impaired (II) Hearing impaired (III) Orthopedic disability Seats of each category given in 17.b.(I), (II) & (III) shall be filled on the basis of order of merit of the candidates in the Admission Test.” Online Form Submission for LL. M. Admission Test-2015 Candidates are advised to submit online form for the LL.M. Admission Test-2015 at the concerned link of the website www.aupravesh.org. The website has all the information required for online form submission. Page 3 of 7 www.aupravesh.org LL.M. Admission Test-2015 Prospectus: The prospectus for LL.M. Admission Test-2015 is available on the concerned link of the website www.aupravesh.org and the admission aspirants can visit the website and download it. Aspirants are advised to read the prospectus carefully before applying. PROCEDURE FOR ONLINE SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION FORM FOR ADMISSION TEST Candidates can submit online form for the Admission Test 2015 at the concerned link of the website www.aupravesh.org. The website has all the information required for online form submission. Online Prospectus: The prospectus for all courses of Admission Test 2015 is available on the concerned link of the website www.aupravesh.org and the admission aspirants can visit the website and download it. Aspirants are advised to read the prospectus carefully before applying. Requirement for Online Form Submission: Admission aspirants are required to have a scanned copy of their coloured photograph (3.5 x 4.5 cm) and their signature. These scanned copies of coloured photo (3.5 x 4.5 cm) in JPEG (*.JPG) Format and signature (in JPEG (*.JPG) Format) are required to be uploaded during the online form submission. The file size of photograph and signature in any case shall not exceed 20 KB for each file separately. All aspirants filling the online form are advised to read the instructions to fill up the online form. INSTRUCTIONS FOR ON-LINE SUBMISSION: i. The address of the web-site is www.aupravesh.org. Click the button “Apply Online”. ii. After opening the website the name of the Entrance Examination, its online starting date for filling up the form and its date of closing will be displayed. The candidate has to opt for the class in which he/she wishes to appear in the Entrance Examination. iii. Upon opening the website, four buttons will be displayed: for downloading the Brochure, for opening the online Application Form, for printing Application form/Challan form, and for printing Admit Card. The candidates are advised to read the instructions and click the button to agree and accept the conditions/instructions. Option for printing Admit Card shall be available only from the date given in the schedule for Admission Test. iv. The candidate is advised to read the downloaded Brochure before filling up the Application Form. After reading the Brochure carefully the candidate is advised to click the “Apply Online” button. Upon clicking the “Apply Online” button the application form will be displayed on the screen. The candidate is required to fill up the form correctly and as per instructions mentioned in the Brochure. The fields/columns marked with red asterisk * are mandatory to be filled. v. The scanned copy of photograph and signature as per the specifications mentioned above shall be uploaded at the requisite place in the application form which is mandatory. vi. After filling up the Application Form the candidate can view his filled up application form with the use of preview application form button. Page 4 of 7 www.aupravesh.org LL.M. Admission Test-2015 vii. After ensuring that all the entries have been filled up by the candidate correctly. The candidate can submit the form online by entering the correct image code displayed on the screen. viii. Then applicants are requested to choose payment option CHALLAN or ONLINE. If Applicant selects Challan option: a. After the successful submission of the application form two buttons will appear on the screen for printing the Application form and Challan form. Clicking the buttons accordingly the application form as well as Challan form can be printed. b. Candidates are advised to take a minimum of two set of printouts of application form and Challan form which will show the generated “Application ID” and other details. c. If the candidate fails or forgets to print the application form and challan form for any reason he can print it using the application ID, date of birth sent to him on his e-mail address and through SMS (on registered mobile no.). The candidate will be permitted to print the filled up application form only when he/she will enter the correct data only i.e. application ID and date of birth. d. After taking the print out of the Challan Form the candidate is required to deposit the requisite fee for the test using aforesaid Challan Form at any Branch of the HDFC Bank in India. e. The candidate will receive a confirmation message via e-mail and SMS confirming the receipt of the payment of the fee. f. The first copy of the Challan Form will be kept by the Bank; one copy has to be kept by the candidate himself or herself. g. The applicants are advised to keep the candidates copy of challan duly stamped by HDFC bank with himself/herself till the admission process is completed. If Applicant selects ONLINE option: a. After clicking ONLINE option please click submit Application form button. b. The details of payment mode will be displayed then click PAY ONLINE. c. On clicking PAY ONLINE button the applicant will be connected to HDFC gateway for payment. d. Then select Credit Card, Debit Card or Net Banking. e. Then fill the details as required and then submit the application form & get the printout of application form. NOTE: For Printing the Admit Card the candidate shall be required to fill in the Application ID and Date of Birth. The Form shall not be accessible at the website after the last date of accessibility given in the schedule. Before proceeding to fill and submit the Online Application Page 5 of 7 www.aupravesh.org LL.M. Admission Test-2015 for LL.M. Admission Test-2015 the candidate is strongly advised to carry out the following tasks for his/her own convenience: Take a Print-out this Bulletin Information and Guidelines and read it carefully. Read thoroughly the Instruction for the filling and submission of the on-line form. Review and ensure the correctness of the details of his/her academic record at the High School, Intermediate (or equivalent) and the Graduation, for purpose of making required entries in the Online Form. If the candidate does not already have an e-mail address (e-mail ID), he/she should create for himself/herself a valid e-mail ID, in order that the LL.M. Admission Test 2015. Committee may send him/her significant instructions or information (as per need) by e-mail. The candidate has to remit the prescribed Test Fees, for Rs. 700/- (Rupees Seven hundred) in case of GEN/OBC candidate and Rs. 350/- (Rupees Three Hundred fifty in case SC/ST and PH candidate by CHALLAN downloaded from University web site www.aupravesh.org or by ATM Debit/Credit card or by Net Banking. The fee amount mentioned in challan is to be deposited in any Branch of HDFC bank Ltd. It should be noted that the Test Fees shall not be refunded or carried over in case the application of the candidate is rejected, or his/her candidature is rendered infructuous or cancelled at any state or he / she does not appear wholly or partially for LL.M. Admission Test-2015. NOTE : There is no provision for the withdrawal by a candidate of his / her application / candidature of LL.M. Admission Test-2015 once he / she has submitted the former pursuant to the same, remitted the Test Fees. The candidate is strongly advised to check (and double-check) that all the required entries have been fully and correctly made by him / her on the Online Application Form and in particular to ensure the following : His/her scanned Photograph along with his/her signature has been properly submitted while submitting the Online Registration Form. The information entered in different columns is factually correct and complete i.e. relevant information has not been concealed or misrepresented. NOTE : It is clarified that the successful submission of the candidate’s Form does not indicate that his/her candidature for LL.M. Admission Test-2015 has been approved. In fact, the Form is subject to further scrutiny and the candidate shall not be entitled to appear at LL.M. Admission Test-2015 till his/her candidature has been approved and his ADMIT CARD has been released Online at the Website. If the scrutiny of the Form, on the points enumerated, establishes that the Application of the candidate is in order, he/she shall be duly REGISTERED for LL.M. Admission Test-2015. However, if the scrutiny indicates deficiencies in one or more of the said points, the application of the candidate shall be REJECTED. NOTE: The process of Scrutiny may take at least two days after the online submission of the Application Form. It is clarified that the scrutiny shall be based on the information furnished by the candidate himself/herself in the Online Application Page 6 of 7 www.aupravesh.org LL.M. Admission Test-2015 Form. It is possible that such information may itself be false or erroneous, and this fact may come to light later. Where the candidate is registered on the strength of such false or erroneous information, his / her candidature and, in case he has in the meantime been granted admission to the LL.M. Programme, his admission, shall be cancelled, with retrospective effect, at whichever stage this fact is discovered. Upon the REGISTRATION of the candidate a message to this effect shall be send on his / her email ID. Once the candidate has been Registered he / she should view and take a print copy (Print-out) of his / her ADMIT CARD from the date 21st May, 2015 by entering this / her Application ID & Date of Birth. The ADMIT CARD shall indicate the Roll Number, Test Centre and details of the candidate. In case there is any grievance a candidate, who has submitted the Online Application may file a complaint with the: Help-desk on following mobile numbers: +91 9455690337 and +91 9455690338 IMPORTANT INSTRUCTION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. At the time of the admission the candidates must possess a pass degree of the undergraduate course. After admission the candidate must deposit his Migration Certificate / Transfer Certificate at the counter after filling up the prescribed form. A candidate must get himself enrolled in the university and department after admission to course so that his name may be mentioned in the class register. After admission the candidates must get an I-card prepared immediately. After passing the IInd Semester and or IVth Semester the student shall deposit the requisite fee within 15 days of the declaration of result in the University Law fee counter. After deposition the fee he must get his I-card prepared for the next session in Proctor Office. He shall also be required to report in the Department and get his name registered in the class register along with a copy of fee receipt and mark sheet; otherwise his name shall not be forwarded to Controller of Examinations. Student shall be required to attend the classes regularly as per the classes allotted to them in the time table. No student shall be allowed to appear in the exam if they fail to attend 75% of the classes as per Bar Council Rules. Page 7 of 7
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