Please adhere Atlantic University School of Medicine passport Office of the Registrar P O Box 456 Island Park, NY 11558 Tel: (516) 368-1700 Fax: (888) 639-0512 photo here. I. Personal Information Please print or type Section A. Legal Name: Other Names: Last First Middle Maiden/Nickname (or any other names that may appear on credentials) Social Security #: Title: Mr._ Ms._ Mrs._ Dr._ Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Month Day Year City Country of Citizenship: State Country Male/Female If not a U.S. citizen, are you a permanent resident? __ Yes __ No Preferred Mailing Address: Street City State Zip Code Country Street City State Zip Code Country Permanent Mailing Address: Home Phone: Work or Day Phone: Fax: Cell Phone: E-Mail: II. Financial Information How do you plan to finance your medical education? _____________________________________________________________________________ III. Family Information Father’s Full Name: Day Phone: Mother’s Full Name: Fax: Day Phone: Email: Email: Occupation: Occupation: Fax: IV. Academic Information Indicate the semester you are applying for. Complete only one: January 20 Is this your first application to AUSOM? Enrollment type desired. Check one: May 20 September 20 __ Yes __ No Year Program MD Freshman _____ 44-year ____ 6-year MD Freshman ____ Advanced Standing If you are a transfer student, which school do you currently attend? ________________________________________________ Enrollment Desired: Choose one How did you hear about Atlantic University School of Medicine? __________________________________________________________ ✘ 4 Year Program _____ _____ 5 Year PreMed/Md _____ Transfer Basic Science _____ Transfer Clinic. Science V. Educational Information List all high schools, colleges, universities, and graduate schools you have attended. Institution Name VI. Transfer City State or Country Dates of Attendance From To Major Degree and Completion Date or Expected Completion Date Credits If you are a transfer student, please list the courses you have taken or are taking. Course School From To Grade Comment Avalon University School of Medicine reserves the right to accept or deny any applicant. I understand that Atlantic I hereby state all information here is true and that (I) / (______________________) am/is responsible for paying all my fees. I will conform to all the terms and conditions pertinent to being a student/graduate at this school. Any applicant providing Atlantic Avalon University School of Medicine with any incorrect or misleading information will be denied admission, be dismissed, or any degree nullified at any future time. Please enclose the following along with your completed application: two recent passport-style photographs, two letters of recommendation, a brief autobiography/ personal essay on medical career expectations, a Curriculum Vitae, official transcripts from undergraduate and/or graduate colleges, official MCAT scores if taken, letter of good conduct from local police department, and a non-refundable application fee of $90.00. Students who are not U.S. citizens are responsible for obtaining their own visas to enter the United States. Signature_______________________________________ Date ________________________________________________ Email address___________________________________ Mobile Number _______________________________________ This application will not be processed without the $90.00 application fee. Mail this application to: Atlantic Admissions Office P O Box 456 Island Park, NY 11558 What aspects of your life experiences do you think make you a good candidate for medical school? Who are the three most infuntial people in your life? What sets you apart from all other applicants to Avalon University School of Medicine? Optional essay: If you feel like your academic record and or background is somewhat unusual, please state to the Board of Admissions a concise explanation of your path towards medicine. How did you hear about Avalon University School of Medicine? (Please be specific) Advertisement (Name of Source)_______________________________ School Advisor (Name of Advisor/School)__________________________________ Reference Book (Name of Book)_________________________________ Internet (Name of Site)____________________________________________ AUSOM Graduate (Name)________________________________________ AUSOM Student (Name)_________________________________________________ AUSOM Faculty (Name)_________________________________________ AUSOM Faculty (Name)_________________________________________________ Were you contacted by phone after requesting information about Avalon University School of Medicine? Yes____ No____ If yes, please check one: Student____ Graduate____ Admissions____ Did this influence you to apply to Avalon University School of Medicine? Yes____ No____ Application Fee Pay by ____Check ___Bank Draft ___Credit Card Card type _________________________ Expiration Date ______________ Card Number ________________________________________________________ Security Code _____________ Cardholder Name ______________________________________________________________________ Street __________________________________________________ City/Town _________________________________________ State/Province _________ Zip Code _________________ Country _______________ Home Phone Number _________________________________ Cell Phone Number ____________________________________ Work Phone Number __________________________________ Email Comments Submit
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