Symposium on Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex (APSAC) Proceedings of an international symposium sponsored by Beecham Pharmaceuticals held in Guernsey on 5-6 November, 1986 Guest Editors J.L. Anderson J.-P. Boissel D.A. Chamberlain Technical Editors Jon P. Monk Deborah M. Campoli-Richards Alan Ward Copyright: © 1987 ADIS Press Limited. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. The appearance of the code at the head of the first page of an article in this journal indicates the copyright owner's consent that copies of the article may be made for the personal or internal use of specific clients. This consent is given on the condition, however, that the copier pay the stated per copy fee through the Copyright Clearance Center Inc., 21 Congress Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970, USA, for copying beyond that permitted by sections 107 or 108 of the US Copyright Law. This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying such as copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, or for resale. Publisher's Note: The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the individual authors, and are not attributable to the sponsor, publisher, editor or editorial board of Drugs. Drugs Contents Vol. 33, Supplement 3, 1987 ix-xi List of Contributors Section 1: Introduction to Thrombolysis in Acute Myocardial Infarction 1-12 S. Sherry Thrombolytic Therapy in Acute Myocardial Infarction: A Perspective 13-21 V.J. Marder and C. W. Francis Physiological Balance of Haemostasis and Bleeding 22-32 J.L. Anderson . Recent Clinical Developments in Thrombolysis in Acute Myocardial Infarction 33-50 H. Ferres Preclinical Pharmacological Evaluation of Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex Poster Presentations 51-56 R. Fears, H. Ferres and R. Standring Evidence for the Progressive Uptake of Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex by Clots in Human Plasma in Vitro (Short Communication) 57-63 R. Fears, H. Ferres and R. Standring The Protective Effect of Acylation on the Stability of Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex in Human Plasma (Short Communication) 64-68 R. Fears, H. Ferres, M. Hibbs and R. Standring Consequences of Antibody Binding in Vitro on the Pharmacological Properties of Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex (Short Communication) 69-74 R. Fears The Effect of Heparin arid Fibrin on the Enzymatic Efficiencies of Thrombolytics in Vitro (Short Communication) 75-79 R.A.G. Smith Non-Exchange of Streptokinase from Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex and Other Acylated Streptokinase-Plasminogen Complexes (Short Communication) 80-82 H. Ferres, M. Hibbs and R.A.G. Smith Deacylation Studies in Vitro on Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex (Short Communication) 83-87 R. Fears Evidence for a Sustained Fibrinolytic Response to Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex in Vitro (Short Communication) 88-92 B. Nunn, A. Esmail, R. Fears, H. Ferres and R. Standring Pharmacokinetic Properties of Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex and Other Thrombolytic Agents in Animals and in Humans (Short Communication) 93-96 C.J. Banton and B.G. Overell Fibrin Binding: An Essential Property of Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex 97-101 J.A. Artus, A. Cockburn, J. Fuller, A.S. McMurdo and D.J. White The Preclinical Toxicology of Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex 102-103 Discussion: Section 1 Section 2: Efficacy of Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex: Evidence of Vessel Patency 104-111 D.Jackson Summary of Early Clinical Experience with Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex in the Treatment of Acute Myocardial Infarction 112-116 W. Kasper, Th. Meinertz, H. Wollschldger, T. Bonzel, C. Chen, T. Hofmann, A'. Zeiher, H. Drexler and H. Just Early Clinical Evaluation of the Intravenous Treatment of Acute Myocardial Infarction with Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex 117-123 W.S. Hillis, R.S. Hornung, K.J. Hogg, N. Hockings, J.M.A. Bums and F.G. Dunn Achievement of Coronary Artery Patency by Use of Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex in Acute Myocardial Infarction 124-132 V.J. Marder, R.L. Rothbard, P.G. Fitzpatrick, C.W. Francis and E.C. Norry Dose-Ranging Studies of Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex: Studies in Healthy Volunteers and in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction 133-137 A. Leizorovicz, G. Durrieu and J.-P. Boissel (on behalf of the APSAC Research Group) A Randomised Placebo-Controlled Pilot Dose-Response Study with Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex in Acute Coronary Artery Occlusions 138-139 D.P.deBono A Placebo-Controlled Patency Study of Intravenous Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex 30U in Acute Myocardial Infarction (Short Communication) 140-145 M.L. Brochier, L. Quilliet, H. Kulbertus, P. Materne, B. Letac, A. Cribier, J.P. Monassier, A. Sacrez and J.P. Favier Intravenous Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex versus Intravenous Streptokinase in Evolving Myocardial Infarction: Preliminary Data from a Randomised Multicentre Study 146-150 A.D. Timmis, B. Griffin, J.C.P. Crick, J.S. Flax and E. Sowton An Interim Report of a Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Recanalisation Study of Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex in Acute Myocardial Infarction 151-153 J.J.R.M. Bonnier (Report of the Dutch Multicentre Invasive Reperfusion Study Group) Comparison of Intravenous Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex with Intracoronary Streptokinase in Acute Myocardial Infarction 154-162 J.L.Anderson Reperfusion in Acute Myocardial Infarction: A Multicentre Randomised Trial of Early Intracoronary Streptokinase and Intravenous Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex in the United States Poster Presentations 163-168 S.G. Sorensen, R.A. Hackworthy, P.G. Fitzpatrick, W.H. Barry, R.L. Menlove and J.L. Anderson (for the APSAC Multicenter Investigators) Acute Coronary Occlusion and Reperfusion: Reliability of Angiographic Classification and Grading 169-174 R. Seabra-Gomes, 7. Aniceto Silva, A. Aleixo, T. Real, I. Freire, I. Torres, R. Freitas and F. Crespo Evaluation of 2 Intravenous Thrombolytic Agents (Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex versus Streptokinase) in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction • • v • 175-178 P. Monnier, U. Sigwart, A. Vincent, F. Bachmann, J.J. Goy, M.-D. Schaller, U. Kaufmann, M. Badan, M. Grbic, C. Perret and L. Kappenberger Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex versus Streptokinase in Acute Myocardial Infarction: Preliminary Results of a Randomised Study 179-182 L. Kaspar, R. Karnik, E. Sehnal, P. Zajicek, B. Ziegler and /. Slany Intracoronary Streptokinase versus Intravenous Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex in the Treatment of Acute Myocardial Infarction 183-185 P. Hellstern, P. Doenecke, M. Kohler, H. Schwerdt, C. Ozbek, C. Miyashita, L. Bette and E. Wenzel Intravenous Bolus Application of Streptokinase and of Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex in Acute Myocardial Infarction: Clinical and Haemostaseological Findings (Short Communication) 186-188 S.J. Lenhoff, A.R. Horak, R.C. Fraser, R.N. Scott-Millar, A.R. Bird, P. Jacobs and P.J. Commerford Evaluation of the Efficacy and Safety of Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex in Early Myocardial Infarction: Preliminary Results (Short Communication) 189-190 Discussion: Section 2 Section 3: Efficacy of Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex: Evidence of Myocardial Function and Mortality Benefit 191-197 M. Been, A.L. Muir and D.P. de Bono Left Ventricular Function after Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex 198-208 R.A. Hack-worthy, S.G. Sorensen, R.L. Menlove and J.L. Anderson (for the APSAC Multicenter Investigators) Electrocardiographic and Enzymatic Infarct Size in a Randomised Study of Intracoronary Streptokinase and Intravenous Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex in Acute Myocardial Infarction 209-215 M.B. Buchalter, J.P. Bourke, K.P. Jennings, PC. Adams, A.C.F. Kenmure, Chan Wah Hah and D.S. Reid The Effect of Thrombolytic Therapy with Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex on the Indicators of Myocardial Salvage 216-220 Y. Taeymans and P. Materne [on behalf of the Belgian Group of the European Multicentre Study (EMS)] Assessment of Left Ventricular Function in a Randomised Study of Intravenous Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex versus Heparin in Acute Myocardial Infarction: Preliminary Results of the European Multicentre Study (Belgian Centres) 221-222 D.A. Chamberlain Treatment of Acute Myocardial Infarction with Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex in a District Hospital: Efficacy Data (Short Communication) 223-226 Th. Meinertz and W. Kasper (on behalf of the German Eminase Study Group) Randomised Multicentre Trial of Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex versus Heparin: Interim Results (Short Communcation) Poster Presentations 227-228 UK APSAC Advisory Committee AIMS: The Design and Conduct of a Multicentre Mortality Study Comparing Placebo and Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex 30U Intravenously for the Treatment of Acute Myocardial Infarction of Less than 6 Hours Duration (Short Communication) 229-230 UK APSAC Advisory Committee Should We Intervene Following Thrombolytic Therapy?: The SWIFT Study in Progress (Short Communication) 231-234 A.D. Castaigne, A.M. Duval, J.L. Dubois-Rande, C. Herve, F. Jan and Y. Louvard Prehospital Administration of Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex in Acute Myocardial Infarction 235-236 Discussion: Section 3 Section 4: Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex and Haematological Parameters Comparative Invasive Trials 237-241 V.J. Marder, P.A. Kinsella and M.J. Brown Fibrinogen Concentration and Coronary Artery Reperfusion after Intravenous Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex or Intracoronary Streptokinase Therapy 242-246 J.J.M.L. Hoffmann, J.J.R.M. Bonnier, J.B.R.M. de Swart, P. Custers and M. Vijgen Systemic Effects of Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex and Streptokinase Therapy in Acute Myocardial Infarction: Coagulation Aspects of the Dutch Invasive Reperfusion Study 247-252 J.-P. Monassier (on behalf of the IRS II Study Group) and M. Hanssen Haematological Effects of Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex and Streptokinase in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction: Interim Report of the IRS II Study Comparative Non-Invasive Trials 253-260 J. Renkin, C. Col-De Beys, E. Lavenne-Pardonge, H. Pintens and /. Col [on behalf of the Belgian Group of the European Multicentre Study (EMS)] Analysis of Coagulation and Fibrinolysis after Intravenous Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex or Heparin in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction: A Belgian Multicentre Study 261-267 D.G. Julian, L.S. Borthwick, D. Reid, K.P. Jennings, R.J. Wainwright, J.C. Rodger, D. Wood and W.S. Phillips Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex versus Placebo: A Preliminary Multicentre Study of Safety and Early Mortality in Acute Myocardial Infarction 268-274 M. Samama, J. Conard, E. Verdy, P. Van Dreden, G. Nguyen, A. Combrisson and J. Acar Biological Study of Intravenous Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex in Acute Myocardial Infarction 275 Discussion: Section 4 Section 5: Safety and Tolerance Data Comparative Invasive Trials 276-278 R.L. Rothbard Comparative Tolerance and Complications in a Multicentre Trial of Intracoronary Streptokinase and Intravenous Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex in Acute Myocardial Infarction 279-281 J.B.R.M. de Swart Comparison of the Safety and Tolerance of Intravenous Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex and Intracoronary Streptokinase in Acute Myocardial Infarction (Short Communication) 282-285 J.-P. Monassier (on behalf of the IRS II Study Group) and M. Hanssen Safety and Side Effects of Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex and Streptokinase in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction: Interim Report of the IRS II Studv Comparative Non-Invasive Trials 286 D.A. Chamberlain Treatment of Acute Myocardial Infarction with Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex in a District Hospital: Tolerance Data (Short Communication) 287-292 L.L. Bossaert [on behalf of the Belgian Group of the European Multicentre Study (EMS)] Safety and Tolerance Data from the Belgian Multicentre Study of Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex versus Heparin in Acute Myocardial Infarction 293-296 E.A.P. Croydon [on behalf of the French Group of the European Multicentre Study (EMS)] Preliminary Safety and Tolerance Data Obtained in the Comparative Study of Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator .Complex versus Heparin 297 Discussion: Section 5 Section 6: Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex in Perspective 298-311 E.S. Johnson and R.J. Cregeen An Interim Report of the Efficacy and Safety of Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex (APSAC) 312-316 Panel Discussion
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