6TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF CESI The 6th Annual International Conference of the Comparative Education Society of India (CESI) is being held at Azim Premji University, Bengaluru on 14-16 December 2015. The theme of this year’s conference is ‘Education: Domination, Emancipation and Dignity' and is about the double-edged character of education. Education may actually be party to a blocking of opportunities and the forcing of people into relations of subjugation. Or under certain circumstances, education may actually help in opening up new opportunities and access to resources and build new and empowering relationships. In many situations education could participate in denial of respect and space for less powerful cultures whereas, done another way, it could help them find confidence and dignity in their relationships with others. This conference tries to bring together scholars, academics, activists and NGO personnel from across the country to explore both faces of education and engage in a constructive critique of educational processes. Details of the conference including the theme note, sub-themes and so on are at the CESI website http://www.cesindia.net Extended abstracts of about 1500 words which give a detailed idea of the final shape of the paper are invited and should be submitted through the link given at the CESI website. IMPORTANT DATES Last date for submission of extended abstracts Confirmation of acceptance of the abstracts/panels: Last date for submission of full papers 15th June 2015 15th August 2015 15th November 2015
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