Sequoia Paint Company - Bakersfield Magazine

16 year old boy from
Arkansas, a fifth grade
education, and dreams
about making it rich may not
sound like the most promising
start for a great endeavor to
some. One could only imagine
the sort of trials such a young
soul—one whose parents had
both passed before he had
turned 13—would have to endure, and most would probably
expect a bleak outcome. However, when Jim Elder came out
to California in 1944, there
was nothing that would get in
between him and his dreams.
These dreams included opening Sequoia Paint Company,
a family owned and operated
business that has been providing countless locals with quality customer service and products since 1962.
“My first job in paint, I
Sequoia Paint Company
around, Elder realized that he was
“never going to be
a rich man” staying where he was,
so he headed up
north to Bakersfield.
“When I first
came to Bakersfield, I was considered to be a
bit of a joke,” he
confessed. “The
earthquake of
1952 had demolished
everything, so when I had gotten here, it had all been built
back up and no one could see
who would need more paint
at that time.” Never the quit-
and bookkeeper for 45 years;
Dorene Rodriguez has been
a part of the office staff for
31 years; and in sales, both
John Arias and Jason Wynn
Since 1962, Sequoia
Paint Company has been
meeting the needs of both
residents and industrial
companies in Kern County.
Their expertise in paint is
simply unmatched.
was a laborer,” Elder began.
“But I had my sights on being a paint chemist in the
labs. You know, the guys who
would wear the white shirts?
They were a different class of
people. That’s when I started
night school.” In 1956, he obtained his degree to be a paint
formulator which would
make him responsible for designing and making paints.
His hard work and education
propelled him into the career
of being the technical director of several branches for a
paint company in Los Angeles. By the time 1962 rolled
56 Bakersfield Magazine
Jim Elder
ter, Elder stood his ground
and is proud to say that his
business is still thriving decades after his arrival. Part
of the formula for such a successful business is quality
paint, reasonable rates, and
truly caring for your customers. Elder and his team have
mastered them all.
If retention is another sign
of success, then that’s one
more thing that Sequoia Paint
Company has covered. Mary
Lee has served as secretary
have been with Sequoia for 20
years while Bruce Barta has
worked there for 30 years.
If this, alone, doesn’t
stand as a testament to just
how valuable a company this
is, then perhaps the product
will. “I have never made a
second grade of paint,” Elder said. I want to make
something that will last. If
you have a good surface,
then good paint should last
about fifty years.” Clearly,
making good things last is
700 Baker Street, Bakersfield, CA
just one of the many things
that he does well.
Additionally, unlike some
of the big box stores around
town, Sequoia Paint Company can provide expedited
assistance, no matter what
the size of the order may be.
A perfect blend of superb customer service and a highly
trained team ensure that
each and every customer is
cared for. Whether it is a large
industrial job or the need for
a few gallons, Elder and his
team of hardworking professionals can meet the necessary demands.
Much like a good coat of
paint, when the components
are right, the results are longlasting. Sequoia Paint Company is an example of how a few
key ingredients, like commitment to quality and superior
service, can be the building
blocks for a dream come true.
Without a thought to retiring,
Elder aims at continuing this
success for years to come.
Established 1962