~~dlr Comhairle Contae County Council Comhairle Contae Dhun laoghalre-Rath an Duin, Halla an Chontae, Dun laoghaire, Co. Atha Cliath, Eire Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, County Hall, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, Ireland Tel: 01 2054700 Fax: 01 280 6969 Web: www.dlrcoco.ie Environment Department An Rann6g Comhshaoil Kate Hynes Environmental Awareness Officer Marine Road, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin Tel: 01 2054817 Fax: 01 230 0125 20/02/2015 Dear Residents, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your hard work, dedication and commitment in improving your community and we look forward to working with you in the future. Please find below some information that your group may find helpful. If you should require the information in electronic format or copies so that you can circulate this to residents, we will provide this upon request. LITTER WARDEN Each ward in the county has been assigned a litter warden and a staff member to deal with queries that you may have relating to litter and illegal dumping. The contact for your area is Denise Muntner. You may also contact Denise Muntner to request that your street is swept, gullies cleaned etc. To report littering issues or illegal dumping, please contact the Environment Department 01 2054817, our litter free phone number 1800403 503 or email [email protected] on TIDY DISTRICTS COMPETITION 2015 Application forms will be available in May. The Awards ceremony will be taking place in September. This competition gives Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council the opportunity to recognise and acknowledge the ongoing hard work and efforts made by residents to improve their local community. ROADSWEEPING SCHEDULE The Council is responsible for the sweeping of roads in the Schedule can be viewed on the Councils website (Select R under parked cars pose the problem of a road-sweeper being unable to Council can supply residents' groups with signs and reusable requesting that cars do not park on the street on the day of the would request that these signs be removed promptly afterwards. county. The Roadsweeping A-Z). We understand that sweep roads, therefore the cable ties to put up signs scheduled road sweep. We DRAIN / GULLY CLEANING Blocked gullies should be reported to the Environment Department on 01 2054817 or email [email protected] and the Council will make the necessary arrangements to have the situation dealt with. WEED SPRAYING ON ROADS AND PATHWAYS The programme for weed-killing on roads and pathways will commence at the end of April / start of May (weather permitting). This process takes between four and six weeks depending on the weather. Residents may sweep the dead weeds from the pathways onto the roads to be removed by the road sweeper. NEW SMART LITTER BINS The Council have recently upgraded its litter bin stock to new solar powered compacting smart bins. These smart bins will improve the efficiencies of the service by use of compacting technology to extend the period between emptying and a web based application to manage the disposal system centrally. A solar panel powers an internal compactor which increases the capacity of the bin by 6 - 8 times of the existing bins. The capacity of the system has increased from approximately 45,000 litres to over 250,000 litres. Using the wed based application to monitor real time levels of waste in the smart bin, the number of bins visited during a working day has reduced by over 85%. The council will deliver increased efficiencies and environmental benefits whilst delivering a better environment for our residents. The expansion is aligned with DLR's commitment to drive sustainability and provide better, cleaner streets and public spaces. The reduced travel associated with only visiting the smart bins that need emptying is the equivalent to a reduction in the energy output from the cleansing fleet of over 85,000 kWh per year. LITTER OUTSIDE YOUR HOME Under the Litter Pollution Acts 1997 - 2009, the owner, tenant or occupier of a house or business is responsible for ~eeplng the land adjoining their property up to the public road free from litter. In 'Other words their garden / front and back (if visible from a public place), their drive, the public pathway and grass verge outside their home or business - see diagram) Residents should not sweep leaves onto the roads as this can block gullies and cause flooding. FREE TRADE Log on to www.freetradeireland.ie. Ireland's online Free Trade service allows you to pass on or pick up unwanted goods free of charge, no item too big or small! This service will allow you to upload details of your unwanted household items onto the website and advertise them to other site users. Users interested in any of your items can contact you directly and arrange to view or collect the items at your own convenience. Log on to www.freetradeireland.ie today! PREVENTING LITTER IN YOUR ESTATE! - BYE-LAWS FOR THE STORAGE, PRESENTATION AND COLLECTION OF HOUSEHOLD AND COMMERCIAL WASTE • • • • • Bins must not harm the environment or cause a nuisance through either odour or litter. Bins must not cause an obstruction to pedestrians or traffic. Waste Bins should not be left out for collection before 6 p.m. on the evening prior to your normal collection day. Bins must be brought back in before lOam on the morning after your normal collection day. Waste should not be presented for collection on top of or at the side of a waste container. PUBLIC TREES Please note that the trees on grass verges, in parks etc. are public property and these should not be cut back / down. If there is a tree in your area that needs to be cut back, please contact your Parks Department on 01 2054700 or [email protected] to arrange for this to be added to the tree care programme. If there are trees dangerously overhanging a public road or footpath and these trees from a public area, it is the Council's responsibility to maintain them. If you have a complaint about a dangerous tree, please contact your Parks Department 01 2054700 or [email protected]. PRIVATE TREES If a tree belonging to a resident is dangerously overhanging a public road or footpath, please contact the Roads Maintenance Section on 01 2054879 or email them on [email protected] and they will serve a notice on the resident. However, if a tree belonging to a resident is causing a nuisance to another resident by overhanging or blocking light, then it is the responsibility of the owner of the tree to maintain it. The resident to whom it is causing a nuisance may bring a civil case against the owner of the tree, if they do not maintain the tree. BACK-YARD BURNING The Burning of waste is illegal and you could be fined Up To €4,000. Lighting garden fires to burn household or garden rubbish is to be avoided at all costs. Backyard burning: • Causes annoyance and nuisance to neighbours • Damages to the environment • Harms your health • Damages plants, animals and property • Impairs the enjoyment of amenity for others • Is illegal It is environmentally irresponsible to burn garden and household waste as garden fires burning at low uncontrolled temperatures emit harmful dioxins into the air. Dispose of your rubbish in a correct manner by presenting your household waste in your wheelie bin for collection and reduce, re-use and recycle as much as possible. If you wish to report any incident of burning phone 01 204 7954 or email [email protected] STREET LIGHTING If you have an enquiry about street lighting in your area, please contact the Public Lighting Section in the Transportation Department on 01 2054809. ROAD AND FOOTPATH MAINTENANCE If a footpath or road is defective and in need of renewal in your area, please contact the Roads Maintenance Section on 01 2054879 or email [email protected] ROAD SIGNAGE If there is an existing road sign /plate that is damaged and needs replacing contact the Roads Maintenance Section on 01 2054879 or email [email protected] you should them ~ on NATIONAL SPRING CLEAN 2015 / COMMUNITY CLEANUPS The 16th annual NSC (National Spring Clean) will take place throughout the month of April. Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council supports the NSC by providing cleanup supplies and extra resources to pick up litter from clean ups. Should you wish to receive litter pickers, gloves and the councils blue clean-up bags, please contact us to arrange collection from the Council offices in Dun Laoghaire or Dundrum. I would be grateful if groups organising a clean-up in their local area during April register in advance by emailing [email protected] or phoning 01 2054817. Groups are asked to confirm when registering where and when the litter will be placed for collection by the clean-up crews. The blue bags of litter will be collected within 2-3 working days. Should your clean-up date change for any reason please email [email protected] or phone as early as possible 01 2054817 to ensure Council staff are aware of your change of plans. Please note if you are doing a clean up: litter presented for collection must be placed in the blue bags provided by the Council the Council does not collect bags of leaves or bags of green waste (grass cuttings / hedge/ tree clippings) The Environment Department does not provide skips to residents' associations F.O.G.S - FATS OILS AND GREASES When Fats, Oils and Greases from cooking are poured down a kitchen sink, they cool and harden inside the public sewer pipe. This narrows the pipe and leads to blockages. This can cause flooding and damage to the Council's pumping stations. Please do not pour your kitchen waste fats, oils and greases down your sink. Instead you can wipe the FOG residue with kitchen paper, toilet paper or newspaper and dispose of it in your brown bin or black bin. Alternatively cooking oils can be brought to Ballyogan Recycling Park. When FOG is disposed of in this way, it does not cause problems. If you have any questions, please contact the Pollution Control Section Water & Waste Services Department - phone 01 205 4763 or Email [email protected] IF IT ISN'T BIODEGRADABLE, PUT IT IN THE BIN. NOT THE TOILET! Toilets are for disposal of organic body waste & toilet paper only. Everything else should go into the bin! Did you know that nappies, cleansing wipes, sanitary towels and dryer sheets do not dissolve in water? So, if you flush them down your toilet they are likely to block your plumbing and to block a drain near to where you live. They are causing a big problem in the public sewers, at the pumping stations and at the sewage treatment plants. So please, when it comes to the below items, don't flush them down the loo, put them in the bin! • Baby Wipes / Facial Wipes • Sanitary Towels / Tampons • Cotton Buds / Nappies • Non-biodegradable Hygiene Products • Items Containing thick Plastic or Cotton even if they are labelled flushable If you have any questions, please contact the Water & Waste Services Department - phone 01 2054800 or Email [email protected] HANDING OVER WASTE TO AN UNAUTHORISED COLLECTOR IS ILLEGAL Do not give your waste to un-authorised collectors. If in doubt, ask to see their Collection Permit. Waste IFYOU Are aware of any illegal operators in your area Suspect that someone may be collecting waste without the necessary permit Want to check if a waste collector has a permit o Contact Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council Enforcement Unit with collector's name and vehicle registration Phone 01-2047954 or on Lo-Call 1850 365 121 • e-mail [email protected] Dispose of your waste correctly by bringing it to your nearest re-cycling facility and if buying a new electrical appliance, under the WEEE regulations, the old one can be taken back by the supplier. GRAFFITI REMOVAL The Council provides support in the form of paint and graffiti remover to residents associations and tidy towns who have graffiti issues in their locality. Please note that the Council will not accept any liability as a result of using these products. GREEN DOG WALKERS The Green Dog Walkers' scheme is a positive and pro-active way to encourage and support responsible dog ownership. It aims to increase awareness of the problem of dog fouling which is among the most common and anti-social forms of littering. When a dog owner signs up to the scheme the Council will send them a complimentary green dog-walkers armband and a 'doggie bone' poop-bag dispenser with a roll of bags. By signing up the dog owner has 'Taken the Pledge' to always clean up after their dog, to carry extra doggie bags and to gladly give others a bag for their dog if they ask for one. By wearing the green armband they are signaling that they are a responsible dog-owner participating in and supporting the scheme. CELEBRATION OF VOLUNTEERING Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council is now inviting nominations to honour those whose exceptional efforts as volunteers have made a difference in their community. If you know of a local volunteer who you believe should be recognised for consistently and unselfishly offering up their time and effort for the good of their community, group or club you can nominate them by completing and returning an official nomination form. Those nominated will be invited to a special event hosted by An Cathaoirleach Cllr. Marie Baker in April 2015 who said: "1 have always valued the work done by volunteers and 1 hope this celebration will in a small way recognise these good people. N Nomination forms can be down loaded from the Council website at http://www.dlrcoco.ie/media/media.11454.en.pdf CONSULTATION ON THE INTRODUCTION OF 30 KM/H SPEED LIMIT RESIDENTIAL ESTATES The Council is undertaking a review of speed limits in residential estates and wishes to engage with interested parties in a non-statutory consultation process. The review of current limits is being undertaken to ensure that housing estate roads are as safe as possible for pedestrians, cyclists and especially children. In this regard, members of the public are invited to make submissions to the Council identifying residential estates for the possible introduction of a 30 krn/h speed limit. IN Submissions may be made online at www.dlrcoco.ie on or before Monday 2nd March 2015. Submissions can also be made in writing marked "30 km/h speed limit" to the Senior Engineer, Traffic and Road Safety Section, Transportation and Water Services Department, Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, County Hall, Marine Road, Dun Laoghaire, County Dublin, or via email [email protected] 2015 DLR GRANT SCHEME In October 2014, hundreds of applications were received for the 2015 DLR Grant Scheme. From over 400 applications, 269 were recommended to receive funding - a 10% increase on the number recommended last year. The total amount of funding included in the recommendations is over €445,OOO, an increase of €43,850 on last year. The full list of recommended applications was presented to the Elected Members at the Council Meeting on the 9th February 2015 and is available on the Council's website. All applicants have been written to by the Council to confirm if their application was successful or not. Kind Regards, Kate Hynes Environment Department
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