ORATORY COMPETITION As per the letter UGC and as per the directions of the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, IQAC, BUB had conducted an oratory competition for the students on the topic “Use of technology and innovations in promotion of good governance” on 16.04.2015 at Senate hall, Jnana Bharathi Campus, BUB to commemorate the birth anniversary of Sri. Atal Bihari Vajpayee, former Prime Minister of India. With a cash prize of Rs.5,000/-, Rs.3,000/- and Rs.1,000/- for the Ist, 2nd and 3rd prize winners respectively. Around 50 students took part in the competition and based on the performance the following three students are adjudged as Ist, 2nd and 3rd prize winners and a consolation prize was also given. And rest of the students were given a participation certificates by the University. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ms.Latha T.N, Department of Psychology, BUB Ms.Yashvini.P, Department of Electronic Science, BUB Ms.Sangeetha Murali. S University Law College, BUB Ambika.H.K, Department of History, BUB - consolation prize
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