here - Baptists on Mission

Dear Father-Son Participants,
Thank You for choosing to attend father-son at Camp Caraway! We have an awesome camp planned
for you and your boy(s). I remember my first experience at Camp Caraway. I was age 7 and my dad brought
me to a father-son camp right here at Caraway in the same cabins you will be using. The experience was great
and some of the memories are still very vivid. Our staff hopes that you too will have a great experience here
full of vivid memories with your son or group of boys for years to come. Please read this entire document.
These documents are important. We hope these documents will help in preparation for an amazing time at
Camp Caraway!
Program: We are intentional to use fun to share the love of Jesus, develop healthy relationships, create
lasting teachable moments, and learn about the importance of missions. This year we will be challenged to
“Suit Up” from Ephesians 6:10-20. Through our staff, speaker, and our program we hope you are encouraged
to put on the full armor of God wherever he leads you.
The camp counselors that will be with your group has been carefully screened and trained. We as a staff
will do everything that we can to help make this camp the best experience possible. Participants will be
encouraged to participate and do their best in each activity, but the level of participation is always the choice of
the participant. If you haven’t already please visit our website and read about our program: We want you to be as well informed as possible. Please contact us with questions.
Medical & Release Forms: Attached are a health history form, and a waiver form. Please bring
the included forms to the check in booth at camp completed with accurate information and signed as
indicated. Both the adult and child must have a completed and signed health history &waiver form. If
someone else is bringing your son please be sure that the person who transports them has the completed
forms. The legal parent or guardian must be the one to sign all of the forms.
Back ground checks are required for all adults
Every adult that attends an overnight camp must have a back ground check completed.
You simply need to click on the link provided, complete and submit the information. This needs to be
completed at least one week prior to your camp start date. The cost of this is included in your registration
fee. Please click on the following link where YOU will enter your personal information in order to
process your background check. If a group
leader is receiving this letter, please pass this information along to the other adults attending. The name
you use in your back ground check must be the same name on your registration form, so that we can
identify you. If you prefer to be called another name, please indicate this on the health history form and
let us know at check in.
Pairing Up Form: Included in this document is a Pairing Up Form. This form is to request to be in
a cabin with other fathers and sons that you know up to a group of 15. Please complete this and return it
to us within one week of your camp session date. If this is not received by then we cannot guarantee your
pairing preferences. Please e-mail this information to [email protected].
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Arrival & Departure: June father-son: Arrival is Friday June 19, 2015 between 2-3p.m.
Departure is Saturday, June 20, 2015 around 5p.m. We will not serve an evening meal on Saturday.
July father-son: Arrival is Wednesday, July 1, 2015 between 2-3p.m. Departure is Friday, July 3
around 5p.m. We will not serve an evening meal on Friday.
Check-in: Included in this document are directions to our campus. There will be signs and people
directing you to the camp gravel parking lot once you arrive on our property. When you arrive in the parking
lot please wait for a staff member to give you instructions. Check in is in the basement of the Rye house and
there will be a check in sign right outside that entrance door. Please bring all forms with you (health history
form and waiver form). After check in we will assist you to your cabin.
Contacting Campers: If family or friends wish to contact our campers throughout the weekend
we encourage you to write a letter or post card and bring it with you to check-in, and we can give it to
them later in the weekend. You may also mail a letter the week before campers come to ensure it arrives
on time. The address is P. O. Box 36 Asheboro, NC 27204.
Or people may write a free e-mail to you at [email protected]. Please include the full
name of the camper in the subject line and in the first line of the body.
If someone needs to contact me during camp my office number is 336.521.9207. I will check
messages often.
Pictures: We invite your family or church to keep up with our weekend by liking us on facebook: We will post pictures at least once a day and will
share about some of the fun that we are having!
Money: We will sell optional snack and gift items in the canteen. We will also receive an optional
missions offering to teach the importance of giving. The missions offering will support the NC Baptist Men
Disaster Relief ministry as they remodel a mass feeding unit. To find out more about disaster relief, visit here:
Canteen: Camp Canteen items approximate costs: snacks, ice cream, & drinks ($.75-$2 each), Caraway
T-shirts ($10), Caraway Hats ($10), Camp DVDs highlighting your weekend ($10), water bottles ($5), back
packs ($5 or $10), necklaces($10), Caraway picture frames ($5), Caraway pocket knives ($8), and other items.
Special Concerns: Adults are responsible for the children that they bring. Our staff are trained to
approach special concerns with campers such as medical conditions, bed wetting, or home sickness with the
utmost respect and confidentiality if the adult requests assistance from us, however it is the adult’s
responsibility to care for their children. You can help us prepare your son or boys for success with these needs.
Medical Conditions: Please document all medical conditions, allergies, medications, and other pertinent
information on the health history form. The adults are responsible to administer the boy’s daily medications.
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Behavior: Participants are given clear expectations and rules for the weekend when they arrive. We
expect all participants including adults to follow these expectations and to treat each other as they want to be
treated. Adults are responsible for the children that they bring including their behavior and whereabouts. Our
staff are trained well in motivating and disciplining campers appropriately and are available to assist the adults
if needed, but the adults are ultimately responsible for the boys. Bullying or picking of any kind is inexcusable
and not tolerated here.
Tobacco Free: Our father/son camps are tobacco free. Thank you for honoring this throughout the
Payment: Please pay all registration fees in advance. The total must be paid before your arrival at
camp. Fees are only refundable if there is an illness or death in the immediate family. For payment questions
contact Mary Alice at 919-459-5596 or [email protected].
I am looking forward to your arrival at camp. I, as well as our entire staff, are praying that you and your
boys will have many enjoyable, growing and rewarding experiences at Camp Caraway. Please see the other
information included in this document.
Mark Moore, Director
Camp Caraway Summer Programs
Contact: 336-521-9207 or [email protected]
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Camp Caraway Father/Son Camp Packing List:
twin sheets and blanket or a sleeping bag (beds are single bunk beds in modern air conditioned cabins)
toiletries (bath towel, wash cloth, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, etc,)
bathing suit
1 rain coat or poncho
Jacket/Sweatshirt appropriate for cooler weather*
1 pair pajamas or night clothes
ear plugs to protect you from the snoring (this is no joke!)
money for optional snacks & gifts at the Caraway Canteen and a missions offering (marshmallows are
free when served)
What not to Bring
personal sporting equipment (only exception is fishing equipment during free time)
tobacco, alcohol, or illegal drugs
animals or pets
Additional Reminders
 *We will be mostly outside; pack and dress appropriately for hot, cool or damp weather and getting dirty.
 LABEL all clothing & belongings with the person’s name.
 Camp Caraway or NC Baptist Men is not responsible for any personal items or sports equipment you
choose to bring, such as fishing equipment.
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Caraway Conference Center and Camp
4756 Caraway Mountain Road Sophia, NC 27350
Caraway is located in Randolph County, North Carolina.
We are 7 miles west of Asheboro in the community of Sophia.
- Take 64 West to Asheboro
- Take Interstate 73 North toward Greensboro
(also called 220 bypass North, Not 220 business North).
- Get in the left lane as the exit will be a left exit.
- Proceed 1 ¼ miles and take the first exit, "Asheboro Hwy 42".
- At the end of the exit ramp, turn Left onto Old Lexington Rd.
- Proceed 5 miles, bear Rt at speedway sign onto Caraway Mtn Rd.
- Follow Caraway Mountain Road for 3 miles and
- The Caraway entrance will be on your Right.
- From I-85 North, take Exit 96 (Hwy 64 East, Zoo) toward Asheboro.
- Go 17 miles to flashing caution light.
- Turn Left onto Spenser Meadow Rd (Amity Hills Church on left).
- Drive 2 miles to stop sign.
- Turn Right onto Old Lexington Rd
- Drive a tenth of a mile to Green Farm Rd.
- Turn Left onto Green Farm Rd
- Drive 2 miles to flashing light at the intersection of Caraway Mtn Rd.
- Turn Left onto Caraway Mountain Road and drive 2 miles.
- The Caraway entrance is on the Right.
- From I-40 or I-85, take 220 South
- Take Hwy 42 Exit at Asheboro
- Turn Right (West) onto Old Lexington Rd.
- Proceed 5 miles, bear Right at speedway sign onto Caraway Mtn Rd.
- Follow Caraway Mountain Rd for 3 miles.
- The Caraway entrance will be on your Right.
- From 220 Bypass (North) take Hwy 42 exit. This is a LEFT exit.
- At the end of the exit ramp, turn Left (West) onto Old Lexington Rd.
- Proceed 5 miles, bear Right at speedway sign onto Caraway Mtn Rd.
- Follow Caraway Mountain Rd for 3 miles.
- The Caraway entrance will be on your Right.
- Take 311 South.
- After passing Fairfield Dr & K-Mart, bear right onto Archdale Rd.
- Follow this road for approx. 13 miles through various name changes.
- This road becomes Caraway Mountain Rd.
- The Caraway entrance will be on your left.
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Pairing Up Form
Complete and return this form to pair up with other fathers and sons that you know
Please pair up your desired group below by one week before the first day of your camp session. This will be the
way in which they will bunk for the weekend. We cannot accommodate a group larger than 15 together. If your group is
larger than 15, please split them into two groups and complete 2 forms.
If you have questions about the rooming requests, please call or email Mark Moore before the camp week at
336.521.9207 or [email protected]. The camp director will make the final cabin assignment with the welfare of the
entire cabin in mind. If you cannot scan this form, please type the information and send it in an e-mail.
Please complete and email this form to Mark Moore
Email: [email protected].
DATE OF CAMP__________________
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Office Use Only
Camp Caraway Health History
Father-Son Camps 2015 (Child)
UNIT/CABIN _____________
Week #____
This form is to be filled out and signed by the custodial parent or guardian.
Child’s Name
Birth date
Age at camp
Home address
Street address
(this SS# is for medical treatment only and will not
be distributed)
Social Security number of participant
Custodial parent/guardian
Email Address
Day Phone
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Home address
(if different from above)Street address
Second parent/guardian/contact
Day Phone
Email Address
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Insurance Information
Is the participant covered by family medical/hospital insurance?  yes  no SS# of named insured _________________
If so, indicate carrier or plan name
Group #
Photocopy of front and back of health insurance card must be attached to this form.
IMPORTANT – This box must be complete for attendance
Parent/Guardian Authorizations: This health history is correct and complete as far as I know. The person herein described has permission to engage in
all camp activities except as noted. I hereby give permission to the camp to provide routine health care, administer prescribed medications, and seek
emergency treatment. I agree to the release of any records necessary for treatment, referral, billing, or insurance purposes. I give permission to the
camp to arrange necessary related transportation for my child. In the event I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give permission to the
physician selected by the camp to secure and administer treatment, including hospitalization, for the person named above.
Signature of parent/guardian
Printed Name
Allergies List all known.
Medication allergies (list)
Describe reaction and management of the reaction.
Food allergies (list)
Other allergies (list) – Include insect stings, hay fever, asthma, animal dander, etc.
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Office Use Only
Camp Caraway Health History
Father-Son Camps 2015 (Adult)
UNIT/CABIN _____________
Week #____
This form must be completed and signed.
Adult’s Name
Birth date
Age at camp
Home address
Street address
Social Security number of participant
(this SS# is for medical treatment only and will not
be distributed)
Emergency Contact:
Day Phone
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Insurance Information
Is the participant covered by family medical/hospital insurance?  yes  no SS# of named insured _________________
If so, indicate carrier or plan name
Group #
Photocopy of front and back of health insurance card must be attached to this form.
IMPORTANT – This box must be complete for attendance
Adult Participant Authorizations: This health history is correct and complete as far as I know. By signing this I state that I am a willing participant. I
hereby give permission to the camp to seek emergency treatment for me. I agree to the release of any records necessary for treatment, referral, billing,
or insurance purposes. If I am unresponsive in an emergency, I hereby give permission to the physician selected by the camp to secure and
administer treatment, including hospitalization, for the person named above.
Signature of participant
Printed Name
Allergies List all known.
Medication allergies (list)
Describe reaction and management of the reaction.
Food allergies (list)
Other allergies (list) – Include insect stings, hay fever, asthma, animal dander, etc.
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Camp Caraway Father-Son Waiver Form 2015
Dates of Camp ____/____/____ to ____/____/_____
Participant’s Printed Name(s) __________________________________________
(Parents, please read these statements to your child or youth to be sure there is an understanding of what is expected. Your
signature indicates that you and your child or youth agrees with these statements. This signed form is required to participate at
Agreement to Participate
I understand the program goals and theme of the camp which I will attend and agree to participate in the programs and activities to the best of my
ability. I agree and hereby state that I am aware and understand that all of the program activities are strictly voluntary and it is my own choice to
participate in each activity to whatever degree I deem appropriate and after due consideration of my own physical health, physical abilities and
medical conditions. I have informed the Camp Director, and/or medical personnel of any medical conditions I may have. I further state that in
choosing to participate I am not under the influence of any chemical substances including alcohol.
Liability Release
I willingly and knowingly assume for myself, my heirs, family members, executors, administrators and assigns all risk of physical injury and
emotional upset which may occur during or after participating in any aspect of the programs and hereby agree to hold Camp Caraway and NC
Baptist Men, its employees, its instructors, facilitators, Board members and agents harmless for any liability arising out of my participation in the
programs. I have read, or have had read to me, all information regarding the event my camper is attending at Camp Caraway, including policies,
procedures, limitations, and possibilities, and have discussed these with my camper as named above. My camper, as named above, has permission
to participate fully in all camp activities. Any exceptions are designated here:
Photography of Campers
Photography/video may be taken of campers as they participate in the Baptist State Convention of NC ministries. These photographs will be used
for promotion of these ministries through brochures, web pages, social media, video, and special mailings. At no time will the full names of
campers be used in any of these promotions. Your signature gives us permission to use photographs/videos taken at camp for use in promotion of
Baptist State Convention ministries only.
Parent-Guardian Signature
Parent or Guardian Printed Name
Parent or Guardian Signature
List any Exceptions Here:____________________________________________________________________________________________________
This form must be completed and signed and must accompany a health history form to
participate in camp programs. Please bring it to check in on the first day of camp.
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