Ardeshiri, Ellerbe, and Jeihani 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1 Driver Behavior Analysis under Simulated Animal Crossing Scene Anam Ardeshiri * Doctorate Candidate Department of Transportation and Urban Infrastructure Studies Morgan State University 1700 E. Cold Spring Lane, Baltimore, MD 21251, USA Phone: (443)885-4734 Fax: (443)885-8324 Email: [email protected] Shawn Ellerbe Research Assistant Department of Transportation and Urban Infrastructure Studies Morgan State University 1700 E. Cold Spring Lane, Baltimore, MD 21251, USA Phone: (443)885-4734 Fax: (443)885-8324 Email: [email protected] Mansoureh Jeihani Associate Professor Department of Transportation and Urban Infrastructure Studies Morgan State University 1700 E. Cold Spring Lane, Baltimore, MD 21251, USA Phone: (443)885-1873 Fax: (443)885-8324 Email: [email protected] * Corresponding Author Word Count: 6,900 (Including 4 Tables and 8 Figures) Submission Date: August 1, 2013 TRB Annual Meeting 2014 TRB 2014 Annual Meeting Paper revised from original submittal Paper revised from original submittal. Ardeshiri, Ellerbe, and Jeihani 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2 ABSTRACT Animal-vehicle collisions (AVC) have an increasing impact on U.S. roadway safety; this trend necessitates comprehensive analysis of the variety of factors involved in such hazardous events. Human factor as a complicated component in this context has yet to be thoroughly studied. This study utilizes synthetic driving simulator data to better identify heterogeneity of driving behavior with AVC. More than 100 subjects were recruited to drive on a large-size realistic road network in four different animal related scenarios. In two scenarios, the animal passing occurred unexpectedly on a freeway and a highway, with or without a warning system. Using the driving simulator method, the study results revealed interesting facts regarding animal-driver interactions. The effect of driver-specific and road-related factors on the risk of AVC was determined using statistical analysis, such as Pearson’s chi-square and a logistic regression model. Drivers’ speeding behavior and collision probability were found to be associated with their socio-economic characteristics. Keywords: Animal-vehicle interaction, collision risk, driving simulator, driver behavior, speed. TRB Annual Meeting 2014 TRB 2014 Annual Meeting Paper revised from original submittal Paper revised from original submittal. Ardeshiri, Ellerbe, and Jeihani 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 3 INTRODUCTION Animal-vehicle collisions (AVC) have constantly been a safety issue in the field of transportation. Over the years, several studies have been conducted to identify trends, characteristics, and hotspots of AVC; consequently to develop methods to alleviate animal crossings and collision risks. While animal behavior was subject to several researches, less is studied about drivers’ perception, intention, behavior, and promptness of response in the presence of animal in the roadway. Drivers as a key factor can play a significant role in AVC risk mitigation. Lack of real or synthetic data is a major obstacle to performing human behavior studies in this field. The current research analyzed the behavior of drivers as they were randomly exposed to a crossing animal using driving simulator technique. Extensive data have been collected by recruiting human subjects driving a high fidelity simulator. Subjects encountered an animal crossing the highway at an unexpected point in their driving experiments. The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of drivers’ characteristics (socio-economic and speed choice) and road attributes (speed limit and warning signs) on the risk of AVC. Annually there are 1–2 million wildlife-vehicle collisions (WVC) in the U.S., with the trend increasing (1). Huijser and Kociolek (2) analyzed historical WVC data to propose mitigation measures by influencing driver behavior and animal movements. It was concluded that animal detection systems (ADS), wildlife fencing with or without wildlife crossing structures, and long tunnels or bridges provided the greatest reduction in WVC (2). ADS can detect large animals as they approach roadways. Although field studies at several locations in Switzerland and the U.S. (Utah and Arizona) demonstrated a strong reduction in WVC after installation of ADS up to an average of 82 and 91 percent (1, 2, 3), the total WVC in a wider area remained unchanged (2). Sound-based and sight-based impediments were found to be inefficient tools compared to physical barriers along the roadways to hinder deer access to roads (4). The animal detection systems can be unreliable due to false negatives and false positives (3). A false negative is when an animal approaches the system but it fails to pick it up, and a false positive is when the system displays that there is an animal in the area, but there is not. It is necessary to eliminate false negatives and false positives in ADS, as the former presents a hazardous situation for drivers and the latter may cause drivers to ignore activated signs (2, 3). In general, ADS have the potential to be a reliable and effective mitigation tool, though they are not a perfect solution for every location and further research and development is required prior to wide-scale ADS applications. Sullivan (5) compiled the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) data from 1990 to 2008 and found that over a 19-year period, AVC have more than doubled in the U.S. Using logistic regressions and odds ratio of fatal versus nonfatal AVC, the study (5) concluded that there is a strong association between speed limit and AVC risk in darkness, which might be due to forward vision restriction of drivers at night driving. A 3-year before/after experiments were conducted at ten locations to see whether roadside mowing could significantly reduce deervehicle collision rate (6); however, the study’s results neither supported nor contradicted a significant relationship between mowing and AVC. Gunson et al. (7) reviewed the current WVC empirical models and summarized the type and measurement of dominant factors that can increase or decrease WVC. For instance, the authors stated that WVC were more likely to occur on roadways with high volume of traffic or with low visibility of drivers. Using general linear model, McShea et al. (8) indicated that although road-related factors, such as traffic volume and road type, were significant predictors in deer-vehicle collisions, deer density and deer harvest levels were not correlated with the location TRB Annual Meeting 2014 TRB 2014 Annual Meeting Paper revised from original submittal Paper revised from original submittal. Ardeshiri, Ellerbe, and Jeihani 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 4 of collisions. The authors (8) affirmed that changing drivers’ behavior and road factors should be the main focus of attention. METHODOLOGY This study focused on AVC by using driving simulator data as it related to drivers’ behaviors and characteristics. The UC-win/Road simulator, a product of FORUM8 Co. (9), was utilized to replicate drivers’ behavior. UC-win/Road is an advanced, computer-based driving simulator owned by Morgan State University (MSU), and enables researchers to collect details of vehicles’ interaction with the roadway and environment. The simulator’s hardware consists of steering wheel, acceleration and brake pedals, cockpit, three surrounding monitors, ignition key, safety seat belt, automatic transmission, push buttons, and flash lights. The UC-win/Road software, which is a virtual reality system, is capable of creating and editing entire network elements including road type, road alignments, cross sections, roadside signs, terrain setup, traffic composition, and traffic generation. The UC-win/Road simulator fairly addresses driver-vehicle interactions and replicates the driving feeling and workload by simulating a variety of surroundings, such as the vehicle’s sound, vehicle cockpit, and side and rear mirrors. It adjusts three-dimensional and FBX scenes according to distance from viewpoint and matches terrain and sky texture to reality. Visual option tools support the real-time presentation of traffic flow, weather condition, spatial environment, and static objects. The visualization of three-dimensional trees, cars, and crossing animal is smoothly dynamic as the subject vehicle moves along the road. Except for its low-sized cabin, the UC-win/Road simulator is considered high-fidelity in undertaking real transportation network and driving skills. Figure 1 displays a schematic snapshot of the built environment in the UC-win/Road simulator for the current study network, while an animal is crossing the road. A real network southwest of the Baltimore metro area (Maryland) was created in the simulator for some concurrent researches including driver-animal interaction. Human subjects in this study started a journey from a fixed origin on highway MD-100 to reach Baltimore City. After driving 3.45 mi (5,550 m) on MD-100, drivers could choose among two viable alternatives with different road specifications to reach the destination, based on the travel time information they received through a dynamic message sign (DMS) embedded in the network. Drivers were exposed to animal scenarios in both routes. The simulator recorded several useful parameters, such as travel time, travel distance, instant speed, geographic positions, offset from lane center, lane number, and lane changing. Four research scenarios were developed in this study to analyze driver-animal interactions. Table 1 describes the four scenarios incorporated in this study. Along with other warning, regulatory, and guide signs, drivers observed a typical deer-crossing cautionary sign in all scenarios; however, only in two scenarios an animal (a cow, due to technical restriction of the simulator) crossed the road. The animal was triggered to pass with a constant speed of 5 mph (8 km/hr) when the subject vehicle reached a benchmark in both alternatives. In one of the two animal-crossing scenarios, a flashing light underneath the animal sign warned drivers of the presence of an animal. In one of the two no-animal-crossing scenarios, an inactive flashing light was installed. Figure 2 shows the animal sign and flashing light simulated in this study. TRB Annual Meeting 2014 TRB 2014 Annual Meeting Paper revised from original submittal Paper revised from original submittal. Ardeshiri, Ellerbe, and Jeihani 1 2 3 4 5 FIGURE 1 Schematic scene of animal crossing in UC-win/Road driving simulator. TABLE 1 Description of the Four Research Scenarios Scenario Warning system Animal crossing i ii iii iv Animal sign Animal sign Animal sign, inactive flashing light Animal sign, active flashing light No Yes No Yes 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 FIGURE 2 Animal sign (left) and attached beacon (right) in driving simulator environment. Drivers’ socio-economic information, such as gender, age group, education level, driving license type, income level, car ownership, annual driving mileage, and familiarity with the study area, were collected through survey questionnaire. Research participants were recruited through flier distribution, where fliers were placed randomly on cars’ windshields and handed out inside and outside the MSU campus in Baltimore area. Since the subjects were reimbursed for their time participating in the research, it allowed the research team to recruit subjects randomly. The study had 102 volunteers with the average drive frequencies of 5.5, while each drive took an average of 22 minutes. After at least 10 minutes practice, subjects were asked to drive the four TRB Annual Meeting 2014 TRB 2014 Annual Meeting Paper revised from original submittal Paper revised from original submittal. Ardeshiri, Ellerbe, and Jeihani 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 6 predefined scenarios, overall up to 12 times based on their availability and suitability. Table 2 presents the descriptive statistics of the socioeconomic variables in the database. Sixty-four percent of the subjects were male, and the largest age group (36 percent) belonged to young adults between 18 and 25 years old. The sample had a balanced distribution of education level and income level. The average annual mileage driven was reported 14,800 miles. For more information on study design see reference (10). TABLE 2 Descriptive Statistics of Subjects’ Characteristics Characteristics States Percentages Gender Female 36 Male 64 Age < 18 * 3 18-25 36 26-35 18 36-45 20 46-55 10 > 55 13 Education level High school or less 31 College degree 32 Post-graduate 37 Household income level < $20,000 23 $20,000- $30,000 18 $30,000- $50,000 13 $50,000- $75,000 16 $75,000- $100,000 13 > $100,000 17 Annual mileage driven ≤ 8,000 29 8,001 - 15,000 35 15,001 - 30,000 25 ≥ 30,000 11 Route familiarity Unfamiliar 25 Somewhat familiar 43 Familiar 32 * holding learner’s permit RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Overall 560 experiments were conducted in this study by 102 participants, while the drivers encountered an animal crossing the roadway in 62 percent of the occasions. Controlling for animal crossing scenarios, drivers collided with the animal in 19 percent of the cases. This section cross-classifies the collision rate by the driver-specific and environment-specific attributes. Furthermore, investigation is conducted on the association between drivers’ speed choice, lane number, and collision risk. Drivers’ Characteristics The overall collision rate was computed 19 percent when the drivers were exposed to an animal crossing scenario (i.e. scenarios ii and iv). Figure 3 shows the AVC rate based on drivers’ age group and gender. The left graph indicates a significant decrease in AVC risk as the drivers’ age increases and declares that older drivers used more caution than younger drivers. While AVC has TRB Annual Meeting 2014 TRB 2014 Annual Meeting Paper revised from original submittal Paper revised from original submittal. Ardeshiri, Ellerbe, and Jeihani 1 2 3 4 5 7 a peak of 23 percent among young drivers, it reduces drastically to 10 percent for adults over 45. The right graph compares female and male drivers and demonstrates a lower collision rate among female drivers. However, the t-test results indicated that the 5 percent difference in AVC rate between genders is not statistically significant at α = 0.05. 25% 23% 25% 22% 20% 20% 13% 15% 10% 10% 5% 10% 0% ≤ 25 26-35 36-45 > 45 Male Female FIGURE 3 AVC rate based on age groups (left) and gender (right). Figure 4 evaluates the effect of education and income level on AVC. As shown in the left graph, there is no significant difference among drivers with various educational degrees and all three groups are close to 19 percent average. However, there is an unexpected high AVC rate (33 percent) in people within the $20,000–30,000 income range, 12 percent higher than the second high income group—more than $100,000. The $20,000–30,000 income group built 18 percent of the sample size and mostly consisted of young drivers (below 35). Figure 5 depicts the effect of driving experience and route familiarity on AVC risk. Drivers with low and high annual mileage tended to have a higher AVC risk than the two mid-groups. Familiar drivers had the least collision rate with 16 percent followed by unfamiliar and somewhat familiar drivers. According to Figure 5, there is no clear indication that experienced drivers are more cautious than inexperienced drivers. 35% 35% 30% 30% 25% 20% 18% 18% 20% 25% 20% 15% 15% 33% 19% 18% 21% 19% 14% 10% 10% 21 22 23 16% 15% 5% 0% 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21% High College Post school degree graduate < $20K $20K- $30K- $50K- $75K> $30K $50K $75K $100K $100K FIGURE 4 AVC rate based on education level (left) and income group (right). TRB Annual Meeting 2014 TRB 2014 Annual Meeting Paper revised from original submittal Paper revised from original submittal. Ardeshiri, Ellerbe, and Jeihani 8 28% 30% 25% 25% 21% 19% 20% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10% 8,000 15,000 15,000 - > 30,000 30,000 Unfamiliar Somewhat familiar Familiar FIGURE 5 AVC rate based on annual mileage (left) and route familiarity (right). Road Attributes Figure 6 illustrates the effect of road type and flashing light sign on AVC. The left graph compares AVC in the two alternative routes, I-95 and MD-295. The former was a 65 mph speed limit expressway with 4 lanes at each direction and the latter was a 55 mph speed limit divided highway with 2 lanes at each direction. AVC was relatively lower in the wider road, probably due to the broader visibility and higher maneuver chance that allowed drivers to avoid possible collisions. As explained in Table 1, in two scenarios an animal crossed the road, while in one of them, a flashing light warned drivers of the presence of animal. Surprisingly, when the beacon attached to the animal sign was flashing, AVC rate was higher than the no-light option. However, the t-test result ascertained that the AVC rates were not statistically different between flashing light and no-light scenarios at α = 0.05. The flashing light found to be ineffective in this experiment due to its size, design, and performance. Hammond and Wade (11) in a simulation study found that the prototype signage with inactive beacon light was not significantly different from the standard animal sign; however, an active beacon light was effective in speed reduction. 25% 20% 23% 25% 23% 20% 17% 16% 15% 15% 10% 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 16% 15% 10% < 8,000 23% 19% 20% 16% 15% 30% 10% I-95 MD-295 No light Flashing light FIGURE 6 AVC rate based on road type (left) and flashing light (right). Speed Analysis Instant speeds were measured at two reference points for all the experimental cases to evaluate the speed fluctuations due to the presence of animal in the road. The first point was located just before triggering the animal to the road. The second point was located approximately 150 m further immediately after the animal’s emergence to the road (prior to a possible collision). Figure 7 displays the variation in average speeds before and after the hypothetical line of animal crossing. In the two no-animal scenarios (i.e. scenario-i: thick solid blue line and scenario-iii: thin solid red line), there is a relatively constant speeding pattern, though the average speed was nearly 6 km/hr lower when there was no light attached to the animal sign. A substantial speed TRB Annual Meeting 2014 TRB 2014 Annual Meeting Paper revised from original submittal Paper revised from original submittal. Ardeshiri, Ellerbe, and Jeihani 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 reduction occurred (nearly 10 km/hr) as the drivers were exposed to the animal, and this reduction was more significant when the beacon was flashing. Appropriate statistical test declared that the 10 km/hr speed reduction due to animal crossing was significant at α = 0.01. Figure 8 contrasts the speed variation plots between male and female respondents for both animal and no-animal scenarios. Although female drove distinctly slower than male, the reaction pattern to animal crossing event is homogeneous among male and female. The earlier finding of female’s lower AVC rate than male can be associated with their slower speed. In a similar analysis, no distinction was found among different age groups in their response pattern to animal crossing. Average speed (km/hr) 100 95 90 No light, no animal No light, animal Light OFF, no animal Light ON, animal 85 80 75 11 12 13 Before After FIGURE 7 Average speeds variation before and after animal crossing for four scenarios. Average speed (km/hr) 100 95 90 Male; No-animal Male, Animal Female; No-animal Female, Animal 85 80 75 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Before After FIGURE 8 Average speeds variation before and after animal crossing based on gender. Collision Risk Model To develop an AVC risk model, potential predictors were identified using a bi-variate correlation analysis. The correlation coefficients of 12 explanatory variables with the dependent variable were computed and p-values are presented in Table 3 to verify the significant variables. A chisquare test was conducted to measure the correlation of 9 categorical (ordinal or nominal) variables with collision risk, while a point-biserial test computed the correlation of the 3 quantitative variables with collision risk. Among drivers’ characteristics, age, gender, and partly income level appeared to be significantly correlated with AVC. Education level, annual driving TRB Annual Meeting 2014 TRB 2014 Annual Meeting Paper revised from original submittal Paper revised from original submittal. Ardeshiri, Ellerbe, and Jeihani 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 10 mileage, and network familiarity had no significant association with AVC risk based on the study data. However, drive frequency, driving lane number, and speeds before and after animal exposure were strongly significant predictors among other driver behavior factors. The two roadspecific factors, flashing light and highway type were found to have moderate association with AVC risk. Since the outcome variable (collision) is binary, a logistic regression mechanism was utilized to develop an AVC risk model. Table 4 presents the results and goodness-of-fit of the AVC regression model. Among candidate variables chosen from correlation analysis, only highway type, speed after animal exposure, and driving lane number had a close relationship with collision risk. Drive frequency, age, and income level had trivial negative relationships with AVC probability. The odds of AVC rise nearly 4 percent as the driving speed increases by 1 km/hr. The odds of AVC in highway I-95 (the wider road) are nearly 85 percent less than MD295. Although the effect of unobserved variables might have confounded the coefficients of the model, the model’s overall goodness-of-fit presented in Table 4 is satisfactory. TABLE 3 Correlation Coefficient between Independent Variables and Dependent Variable Point-biserial correlation (Pearson’s R) Pearson chi-square test Variable Variable value Significance value Significance Drive frequency 19.70 0.050 Speed before 0.206 0.000 Flashing light 2.73 0.098 Speed after 0.275 0.000 Highway type 1.95 0.162 Age – 0.125 0.021 Gender 2.37 0.306 Education level 1.79 0.617 Income level 8.83 0.116 Driving mileage 3.12 0.374 Network familiarity 2.91 0.405 Driving lane 81.08 0.000 TABLE 4 Logistic Regression Model Results Variable β Standard error Drive frequency – 0.098 0.066 Highway type – 1.898 0.516 Speed after 0.036 0.009 Age – 0.228 0.197 Income level – 0.097 0.118 Driving lane 1.079 0.277 Constant – 4.610 0.995 Chi-square = 52.06 (0.000) – 2 log likelihood = 179.00 Nagelkerke R2 = 0.319 Percentage correct = 78.9 % Significance 0.138 0.000 0.000 0.247 0.411 0.000 0.000 Exp (β) 0.907 0.150 1.037 0.796 0.907 2.942 0.010 Driving lane was a substantial determinant of AVC in our study. Due to the animal crossing parameters designed for the DS experiments (animal’s fixed triggering point and its constant speed), central traveling lanes in I-95 (lanes 2 and 3) and second traveling lane in MD295 (left lane) earned particularly higher rate of collisions among other highway lanes. Given the lane 4 as the reference group in the model, the odds of AVC in lane 3 is three times higher than lane 2, which is itself three times higher than lane 1. This shows heterogeneity of the traveling TRB Annual Meeting 2014 TRB 2014 Annual Meeting Paper revised from original submittal Paper revised from original submittal. Ardeshiri, Ellerbe, and Jeihani 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 11 lane selection by drivers. Further lane changing analysis indicated that among animal-crossing scenarios that did not lead to collision, drivers maintained their lanes in 90 percent of the cases; while in 8 and 2 percent of the cases they shifted to the right and left lanes, respectively, to elude collision. However, among the 67 cases with AVC, 93 percent had no lane change, and in 1 and 6 percent of the cases drivers switched to the right and left lanes, respectively. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION This study utilized a driving simulator to investigate animal-vehicle interaction and collision risk as they related to drivers’ behavior and characteristics. Four research scenarios were developed to evaluate the accidental presence of animal in the highway and to address the effect of beacon light attached to animal sign. In an extensive data collection, 102 subjects drove the simulator, overall 560 times. The subjects encountered an animal crossing the roadway in 62 percent of the experiments and AVC occurred in 19 percent of the animal-present cases. Preliminary analysis revealed that younger drivers were more likely to be involved in AVC. The males’ average speed was substantially higher than their female counterparts that resulted in a higher AVC rate. However, the chi-square test could not reject the homogeneity hypothesis between gender and AVC. Although drivers had more severe speed reduction when the beacon was flashing, the AVC rate was higher for the beacon scenario than the no-beacon option. Speed analysis indicated that for the animal-crossing scenario the average speed decreased by 10 km/hr as drivers noticed the animal. Pearson’s chi-square and logistic regression model complemented the statistical analysis of the potential factors on AVC. Drivers’ education level, income level, network familiarity, and driving mileage appeared to have no clear association with AVC. The AVC rate was essentially higher on the narrower highway (with 2 lanes each direction) than the wider (4 lanes each direction). Drive frequency, age, and income level showed less significant inverse association with AVC. Certain limitations of the study should be noted. Due to the simulator’s restriction, the study could not simulate deer crossing as the most familiar large animal in the study region; subsequently a cow was animated to cross the highway. The animal was triggered to cross the highway from specified location with fixed speed and direction. Therefore, the collision probability was strongly associated with the driver’s lateral position and traveling lane selection. The design of variable speed and acceleration for animal may reveal more facts about driving behavior. The results of our study suggested that speeding behavior is among the most significant human factors that affect AVC risk. The animal sign and flashing beacon were found not be effective in our DS study due to their design and appearance in the DS environment. Following the solutions presented in AVC literature, a future research direction would be evaluating the effectiveness of animal warning message on dynamic message sign (DMS) to alert drivers and reduce AVC risk. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank the Maryland State Highway Administration and Morgan State University’s National Transportation Center for their funding supports throughout the study. REFERENCES (1) Huijser, M. P., P. McGowen, J. Fuller, A. Hardy, A. Kociolek, A. P. Clevenger, D. Smith, and R. Ament. Wildlife-Vehicle Collision Reduction Study: Report to Congress. Report FHWA-HRT-08034. FHWA, U.S. Department of Transportation, 2008. TRB Annual Meeting 2014 TRB 2014 Annual Meeting Paper revised from original submittal Paper revised from original submittal. 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