BARNES PRIMARY SCHOOL—NEWSLETTER EDITION 22 14TH APRIL 2015 This week’s photographs show things you might never have noticed on the Key Stage 1 site. Any idea where they can be found? Welcome back (all parents) Welcome back to what is going to be a full, lively and exciting term. There is a great deal for children to look forward to. Last term was a compact one (just 53 school days), but there were still many highlights: The ‘On Camera’ film premieres at The Olympic Studios ‘I Love Barnes’, Arts Week 2015 The House poetry recital competition The Year 4 production: It’s all Greek to me Both the boys’ and the girls’ table tennis teams qualifying for the national table tennis championship finals Three staff members travelled to Paris as part of a European Union Erasmus project A number of new, high quality new displays were installed around the school Our school choirs go from strength-to-strength and excelled at The Richmond Music Festival The outcomes for both the Early Years Review and the Upper Key Stage 2 Review were encouraging and impressive An orchestra containing seventy-three musicians played the Mars movement from Gustav Holst’s ‘The Planets’. A full list of events for the coming term follows below. Please note that if there are any changes to dates they will be communicated via the newsletter. Events calendar – Summer 2015 Monday 13th April (for the week) Cycle awareness training: 6G Tuesday 14th April Year 5 trip to the Hindu Temple in Neasden Friday 17th April Monday 20th April Tuesday 21st April Reception trip to Kew Gardens Wednesday 22nd April Friday 24th April Cycling workshops begin for reception pupils and continue on future Wednesdays Year 6 swimming begins Sunday 26th April Monday 27th April Tuesday 28th April Katie Dyrda running the London Marathon for the Children in Crisis charity Year 3 and 4 basketball tournament at Christ’s School Lower Key Stage 2 Review (internal) Thursday 30th April Thursday 30th April Monday 4th May Junior Maths Challenge for pupils in Year 6 Thursday 7th May Thursday 7th May The other Year 2 class to Hackney City Farm Friday 8th May Whole class photographs Monday 11th May Friday 15th May Key Stage 2 SATs tests – Year 6 Saturday 16th May After school clubs begin Year 4 trip to The British Museum One Year 2 class to Hackney City Farm Bank Holiday – school closed Meeting of the school’s governing body Whole Class Photographs All Key Stage 2 classes out on school visits Give and Gain Day – a large group of volunteers improving the school buildings Barnes Ball – major PTFA fundraising event Thursday 21st May Visitors from Paris, Madrid, Rome and Tallin at Barnes for two days – Erasmus European Union project Friday 22nd May Visitors from Paris, Madrid, Rome and Tallin at Barnes for two days – Erasmus European Union project Friday 22nd May Monday 25th May Monday 1st June Last day of half-term; school closes at 2.30 pm Tuesday 2nd June Summer Concert 1 (Years 3 and 4) - evening Half-term week School restarts BARNES PRIMARY SCHOOL—NEWSLETTER EDITION 22 14TH APRIL 2015 Wednesday 3rd June Thursday 4th June Monday 8th June Borough sports event Tuesday 9th June Friday 12th June New reception intake induction evening 6.30 pm Monday 15th June Tuesday 16th June Years 3 & 4 year-on-year tests all week Thursday 18th June Saturday 20th June Year 5 camping Thursday 25th June Friday 26th June Meeting of the school’s governing body Monday 29th June Tuesday 30th June School reports will go home this week Thursday 2nd July Tuesday 7th July Thursday 9th July Reception parents consultation meetings Tuesday 14th July Wednesday 15th July Year 6 production to parents Thursday 16th July Thursday 16th July Friday 17th July Sports Day – Key Stage 2 Friday 17th July Monday 20th July Tuesday 21st July PTFA barbeque Tuesday 21st July Last day of the school year; school closes at 2.30 pm Summer Concert 2 (Years 5 and 6) - evening Year 5 year-on-year tests all week Art exhibition at the Old Sorting Office, Barnes Pond - evening Year 5 cricket festival Nursery Parents Induction Evening Fit for Sport Children’s run in Richmond Park Saving Londoners’ Lives – special day on learning basic first aid skills and what to do in a crisis situation Reception parents consultation meetings Parents consultation meetings (Years 1 – 6) Parents consultation meetings (years 1 – 6) Year 6 production to parents Learning Love and Laughter Awards Celebration Evening Grandparents’ Day Sports Day – Key Stage 1 and reception Leavers’ Assembly How children feel about physical education and sport - a response to questionnaire comments (all parents) There has been a recurrent theme in feedback from questionnaires over a number of years regarding pupils’ feelings about sport. There are some extremely positive comments from parents about sports provision and how much pupils enjoy the range and quality of sport at our school. In fact some of the most positive comments I have read have been about this subject. These have often named our sports teacher and the tremendously positive impact he has had on their child. There have also been comments expressing concern about the quality of relationships between the school’s principal sports teacher and individual pupils. Some views regarding perceived favouritism have also been expressed. These issues have been addressed directly, more than once, in face-to-face conversations. In fact two conversations have taken place since the most recent feedback from parent questionnaires was received. My view is that there is some misunderstanding about the very high expectations of the school’s sports teacher. Having worked with him for nine years I have seen his tireless work to develop a love of sport and enable pupils to reach very high standards in sport. I have seen sporting standards rise exponentially. I have also seen a great love of sport develop amongst the children at our school. That comes out in the pupil survey below. As far as choosing teams is concerned, children who attend training sessions, practise hard and show a positive attitiude and ethic will be chosen to represent school teams. I see that as balanced and reasonable. That said, I accept the message in feedback about some pupils being put off sport by what could loosely be termed ‘inadequate nurturing’. An ‘all or nothing approach’ isn’t best suited to children. They require continual encouragement, non-conditional positive regard and the knowledge that it is okay to make mistakes – one will get a second chance. The contents of this article has been fully shared with the staff member concerned. He continues to have my full support (and gratitude for his extensive efforts). I am hopeful that positive developments will emerge as a result. I would like to extend an invitation to any parent who has a concern about their child’s views about sport to schedule a meeting with me. I will listen to the views expressed and offer my full support to resolve any issues that need addressing. Please take me up on this offer. BARNES PRIMARY SCHOOL—NEWSLETTER EDITION 22 14TH APRIL 2015 Pupil Survey (years 2 to 6) 2015 (all parents) All of the Most of the time time Sometimes Never Teaching is good at my school 81% 18% 1% 0% My teacher expects me to work hard 91% 8% 1% 0% speaking, listening, reading writing and mathematics 80% 17% 2% 1% The school helps me do as well as I can 71% 25% 3% 1% I feel safe at BPS 81% 15% 4% 0% I am happy at Barnes Primary School 58% 36% 6% 1% I learn a lot in lessons 63% 31% 6% 1% Teachers at school show me how to improve my work 71% 23% 5% 1% I love coming to BPS & am proud to belong to the school 77% 16% 5% 2% We have lots of fun at my school 64% 26% 9% 1% I join in and enjoy the before school & after school clubs 64% 26% 6% 4% I know how well I am doing with my learning 58% 30% 11% 1% I know what I need to do next to improve 57% 30% 11% 2% I enjoy music and I learn a lot 58% 28% 10% 3% I enjoy PE and I learn a lot 64% 21% 10% 5% Home learning helps me to improve my skills 48% 34% 15% 3% The school deals fairly with any bullying 52% 29% 15% 4% Overall children's behaviour is good at my school 27% 47% 25% 1% I enjoy school dinners 13% 29% 43% 15% The teaching at my school helps me to develop my skills in Overall the outcomes from the pupil questionnaire, conducted in the final two weeks of last term, are encouraging and reassuring. It is clear that pupils believe that the quality of teaching is very high. It is also clear that children really enjoy coming to school. The lower scores for the final three statements will be discussed and evaluated, with positive action being taken as required (see the next newsletter). I have to say though that I have never come across a school where children behave better that they do at our school – pupils obviously have the highest standards with regards this important matter. Assessing pupils’ performance (all parents) Parents will be aware that a new primary curriculum was implemented in schools from September 2014. Expectations for pupils’ performance have been significantly raised. The assessment system based around performance levels is now redundant, as it was based on the previous curriculum. We will be implementing a brand new assessment system based on the new curriculum from September 2015. Already this term a pilot project is being trialled and new tests for Years 3, 4 and 5 will be used. This term a series of articles (starting next week) will appear in school newsletters explaining the new system and how its introduction will work and: raise academic standards provide clearer information on performance to parents BARNES PRIMARY SCHOOL—NEWSLETTER EDITION 22 14TH APRIL 2015 Sports review of the Spring Term 2015 The Spring Term was a very busy and successful term for school sport here at Barnes. Below is an overview of the competitive sport that has taken place at Barnes since the start of 2015. Table Tennis Approximately five years ago a table tennis club started here at Barnes. I’m not sure anyone could have predicted what some of our children were destined to achieve. Before Easter, both our girls’ and boys’ team won the south of England team Championships and have qualified for the Butterfly National Team Championships in May. Not only that, but two children have qualified for the Butterfly Individual National Championships to be held in April. I’m sure you will agree, huge congratulations go the way of the children involved, and they are: Summer music concerts 2015 (all parents) The Summer Concerts this year will be held in the Key Stage 2 Hall at 6:30pm on the following dates: Tuesday 2 June Years 3 and 4 Thursday 4 June Years 5 and 6 Barnes Voices will be performing at both events and Little Voices will perform at the start of the YR 3 and 4 concert on Tuesday 2 June. Karen Warner will shortly be inviting children to perform who currently have instrumental/singing lessons. The children will receive a letter giving details of the concert with a reply slip which must be completed and returned by Monday 11 May. If your child does not have instrumental or singing lessons, or if you think we may not be aware they have music lessons out of school and you would like them to perform in the concert please email Karen Warner at [email protected]. Scooters and safety (all parents, especially of younger children) It’s most important that everybody coming to and going from the school feels safe. This includes very young pre-school children and elderly grandparents. Yesterday classteachers of children in Key Stage 1, reception and nursery communicated the clear expectation that children are not allowed to scoot on the school premises. That means they are expected to get off their scooter and push it once they pass the school gates. Scooters are also not permitted within the school buildings. I was pleased to see that everyone was following this rule when they arrived at school this morning. Thank you. I would add that all children must be responsible for taking due care and not going too fats when scooting on pavements close to the school. Everybody’s support with these sensible safety arrangements is appreciated. Girls: Molly Lavin, Jaikalin Batara (also qualified for the individual championships), Nicole Burnett, Ellie Panton and Scarlett Patience (who was involved in an earlier round of the competition). Boys: Joseph Durling (also qualified for the individual championships), Ed Small, Kian Shayegan, Thomas Hall and Cameron Avon. Good luck to all of them for the team championships. We also must not forget the year four team who played and won their first competitive match against Fox Primary School this term. If they continue practising and improving at the rate they are at the moment, they may go on to emulate the current team. Tag Rugby After winning our group in the league stage of the borough competition, defeating St Osmund’s and Sheen Mount and tying with East Sheen, we played Chase Bridge before Easter for a place in the semi-final of the knockout stages. It was a truly exhilarating match, with us nudging in front in the early stages only for Chase Bridge to take the lead and hold onto it until we finally won it 18-17 on the last phase of play of the match. The team was magnificent, showing genuine determination to stay in the game. As always, huge thanks go to So Harrison, parent of Luca, who gives up so much of his time to coach the team. We are extremely grateful. Thanks also go to John Waller, parent of Ruby, who volunteered his services when we were in need of a referee. Girls’ football The girls’ team, after winning every one of their league matches, got through to the quarter-final of the knock-out stage. After beating St Mary’s and St Peter’s, they are now through to the semi-final stage where a match against Collis Primary School awaits them after school today, I hope you kept up the practise over Easter! BARNES PRIMARY SCHOOL—NEWSLETTER EDITION 22 14TH APRIL 2015 Boys’ football Having won their first two matches, including a very tight affair at East Sheen, the team approached the New Year with high hopes. Despite playing very well in all of their three remaining matches, victories were hard to come by and the team lost all three. However, everyone involved should be proud of their achievements. For all the aspiring footballers in year four and five, Brian is currently planning next years’ team already. Indoor athletics It seems a rather long time ago, but in January our indoor athletics team finished second overall in the borough. Barnes has a history of doing very well in this tournament and it was great to see this year’s team maintain the standards set by previous year groups. Basketball It was great to see fifteen children in year one take part in a football tournament at Richmond Park Academy this term. Organised by Nick from Fit for Sport and the PE department at RPA, the event was a huge success. The children enjoyed the afternoon and were proud of the medals and certificates they were awarded. Much like table tennis, the basketball club started at Barnes four years ago. Many of the current year five and six team is made up of children who first joined the club when it started. Four years later, the current team is undefeated having won the last two tournaments. As a result, they have already qualified for the end of term borough championships in June. It’s also been great to see the next generation of basketball players in year three and four participate in two tournaments. I hope they stick with the sport, because under the guidance of the wonderful coaches of Richmond Knights, I’m sure they’ll develop into brilliant players. Netball Swimming It’s been an excellent term for netball. The team have won I couldn’t be prouder of the efforts of the swimming team every match in the league and have finished top of their this year. Hampered by the lack of a swimming pool to train group, meaning we are through to the finals event to be held in, the team swam their very best at the gala. A number of in the Summer Term. Coached by the wonderful Miss children raced in age groups one or two years above them Thomas, the team performed brilliantly, winning well in every and the squadron relay team finished second in the borough match they’ve played. We all have very high hopes that this – an extraordinary achievement. Four swimmers qualified for team can do very well indeed in the next stage of the the finals (Saskia Maini, Maneesh Dhillon, Xavier Dalton and competition. Watch this space. Mo Lessey) early in March Mo Lessey even qualified for the Year one footballers Cross Country overall borough final for girls in year four, finishing third and collecting a medal for her efforts. The cross country club is one of the most popular at school and has been the reason behind our success at borough level. In the borough competition at Richmond Park, the girls’ team performed particularly well, winning the overall girls event. In addition, at a tournament at Barn Elms before half-term, involving children from year three right up to year six, the year three girls team won their event. I think it’s very important to highlight the efforts of every child involved in sport at our school. Whether you measure it by the number of children participating in Brian’s morning clubs, the enthusiasm during PE lessons, the number of children involved in the numerous after-school sports clubs, or the success our school is currently experiencing at borough level, children at Barnes are committed to sport and PE and strive to improve every day. I hope this continues to be the case for many years to come. Scott Griffin Year 6 teacher and PE co-ordinator BARNES PRIMARY SCHOOL—NEWSLETTER EDITION 22 14TH APRIL 2015 News in Brief Repeat Article It is most important that all Year 6 pupils are here throughout the week beginning Monday 11th May: SATs tests week. A team of current and former BPS dads are raising money for Stuart Brookes who has been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. You can find out more about Stuart’s Goal here: It is also very important that pupils in Years 3, 4 and 5 are present each day for their respective tests weeks: from Monday 8th June for Year 5; from Monday 15th Juine for Years 3 and 4. We all know Stu as a regular at the BPS Dads’ weekly football and we were shocked and saddened when we found out he has a rare form of cancer (Metastasis Myxoid Liposarcoma). The disease is not treatable in the UK but a programme of experimental treatment exists in the States. Our goal is to help Stuart undertake this treatment by raising £150,000. Learning Love and Laughter awards, 2015: we will once again be celebrating the achievement of pupils who teachers have identified as showing very high levels of commitment to our core values: integrity; self-sufficiency; creativity; personal responsibility; empathy; self-belief and resilience. As in previous years no pupil chosen last year or the previous year will be chosen again this year. We are embarking on number of exciting and fun fundraising activities in the coming weeks and months including recreating the first ever Football League match between Barnes and Richmond. Next month we have a family screening at the Olympic where we’re showing Raiders of the Lost Ark which captures Stu's spirit of bravery and determination. Getting the 100% attendance certificate: just 64 days to attend for those pupils who haven’t missed a single day of school yet! Stuart’s Goal (parental article: all interested parents) Stuart’s Goal Charity Screening: RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK [PG] - 10am Sunday April 26th, Olympic Studios. Tickets are £10 and are available from Jo Patience. Barnes Children's Literature Festival Have you bought your tickets yet for the Barnes Children's Literature Festival on Saturday 25 April? Sessions are already selling fast, and three events are already sold out, but there are still tickets available for Sally Gardner, Piers Torday and Horrible Histories Martin Brown for example. They also have a special appearance by the sensational 15 year old local schoolgirl Helena Coggan who has just had her novel published by Hodder, the first in a three book deal. Don't forget that percentage of all books sold together with the profit from ticket sales will be donated to local primary school libraries, including Barnes Primary. For the full programme, visit School Uniform Price Increase: As previously mentioned (see newsletter 20) prices for some uniform items have increased slightly and a revised price list is attached to this email. Uniform is still available to purchase online via parentmail or from the uniform shop which opens in the Key Stage 2 playground every Thursday morning, where a selection of second hand uniform is also available. The Golden Ball: Just 5 weeks until the 3rd Barnes Primary Ball. This years theme is ‘wear something gold’! The Ball committee have been working extremely hard putting together what promises to be a wonderful event. There will be a drinks reception, 3 course meal, auction, live music from the legendary dad’s band (truly a spectable you’ll have to dance to!) and a DJ set from another of our talented parents. Tickets and tables are still available from Jo and cost £75. All profits from this event will go directly to the PTFA and therefore supporting and enhancing your child’s education. After school clubs: start on Monday 20th April until Friday 3rd July (Monday clubs will run until Monday 6th July due to the May bank holiday. School Lunch Accounts: The children’s accounts have now been updated with this half terms school lunch bills. Could we please remind parents to pay promptly, preferably before Friday 24th April. Too much admin time is wasted each half term chasing non-payment. Your cooperation is much appreciated. The new summer menu can be found on the home page of the school website under ‘Barnes Parents’ Noticeboard’. As always, if you experience any difficulty accessing your online account or making a payment, please contact Jo.
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