BARTON GARDENS FESTIVAL SCARECROW FESTIVAL SATURDAY 20th – SUNDAY 21st JUNE 2015 COMPETITION ENTRY FORM There are three classes for SCARECROWS: CLASS A. INDIVIDUAL or TABLEAUX SCARECROWS FOR ADULTS WITH NO PARTICULAR THEME 1st Prize: £50 Meal Voucher for The 3 Horseshoes in Barton, 2nd Prize: £30, 3rd Prize; £15 CLASS B. INDIVIDUAL SCARECROWS FOR ADULTS WITH AN HISTORIC THEME 1st Prize: £50 Meal voucher for The 3 Horseshoes in Barton, 2nd Prize: £30, 3rd Prize: £15 NB Both the above categories include businesses and schools & organisations for children 11 years and over CLASS C. INDIVIDUAL or TABLEAUX SCARECROWS FOR CHILDREN UNDER 11 YEARS OLD This includes schools, play schools and households. The children’s Scarecrows can be exhibited in the Churchyard if desired,where they will be guarded overnight. st 1 Prize: £28 Voucher for The MugTug. 2nd Prize: £10 Voucher for The MugTug at Barton Marina Gold, Silver and Bronze medals for the top three in each class. The top three in each class will also receive a rosette after judging. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THANK YOU FOR JOINING IN THE FUN OF BARTON UNDER NEEDWOOD’S SCARECROW FESTIVAL – Below are the competition guidelines and entry form a) Any competitor may enter as many SCARECROWS as they desire but an entry fee is payable for each one (unless they are part of a tableaux or set piece when the fee is £1 per tableaux ). b) A MINIMUM payment of £1.00 per ENTRY should accompany the tear off slip at the bottom of this form. c) The SCARECROWS must be clearly visible from a public highway unless situated in one of the Open Gardens. All competition SCARECROWS must be in position from 9.00am - 6pm on Saturday & 12noon - 6pm on Sunday. Judging, by independent judges, will take place between 9.00am & 12 noon on Saturday 21st June: Prizewinners will be identified with a rosette by 2.00pm and all entrants will be notified of the prizewinners by E-mail. A list of prizewinners will be posted by the main Church door on Saturday afternoon and in the Post Office on Monday morning. d) The closing date for entries is Tuesday 16th June. This is to allow time for a list of the competing SCARECROWS to be printed, so visitors will be able to find and view them. e) Competitors will be given a number to place on or near their SCARECROWS. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I wish to enter a SCARECROW & enclose the entry fee. I wish to enter 1) CLASS A 2) CLASS B 3) CLASS C (delete as applicable) Name......................................................................Phone No................................................ Address................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................ E-mail Address........................................................................................................................... Please put this slip and entry fee in a sealed envelope marked “Scarecrow Festival” in the scarecrow box in the Post Office, Main Street . Any queries ring Jim or June Yardley on 716278 (29 Efflinch Lane) E-mail: [email protected]
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