BAY PORT ATHLETIC BOOSTER CLUB, INC. MINUTES April 15, 2015 @ 6:30 PM in the Bay Port Health Room [email protected] HSSD Capital Campaign website: The meeting was called to order at 6:36 pm by Jeanne Nolle, President. The adoption of the agenda was accepted as written. Roll call—Donna Hanson, Secretary took roll call. Board members in attendance were Jeanne Nolle (President), Denise Abfall (Treasurer), and Donna Hanson (Secretary). Additional board member present was Darren McDougal. Otis Chambers (Athletic Director), Linda Goddard (Volunteer Chairperson) and three parents were also present. Excused absences; Kim McDougal (Vice President) and Bonnie VanLannen (Board Member). Secretary's Minutes—Donna Hanson. Last months secretary minutes were approved and accepted as written. Treasurer's Report—Denise Abfall. Treasurer's report was approved and accepted as written. Committee Reports: Apparel—Darren McDougal. This committee is open for next year. A few sales on line. Our inventory is down to half since March 1st. We're looking to large events to sell remaining inventory. The youth track meet at Bayview was brought up because last year they were looking for apparel & concessions and we did not have either. It has been a challenge to sell apparel with competition from other sports that sell their own individually. The booster apparel is not bringing in the income to support itself. We talked about selling our extra inventory at a possible rummage sale. Otis has quite a bit of uniforms from the past years that he usually will sell to the students. He acknowledged that the profits would go to the booster club. The fall time of year may be the best time to do this with football and cross country on a Friday night and leave up for a Saturday morning. We will discuss this further. Concessions—Jeanne Nolle. This committee is open for next year. Indoor track went well. With the temperatures up and down it's too early to keep food outside. We won't purchase much. Food—Bonnie VanLannen. This committee is open for next year. Beverage—Jeanne Nolle. This committee is open for next year. We will again take the left over Pepsi products and swap with the Legion then in the fall they swap back with us what they've used. This way nothing expires. We've used up all the water bottles that were donated by Woodmans; this took us through most of the year. A huge thank you to Woodmans!! Volunteers— Linda Goddard. Web page—Donna Hanson. Otis will check with Kyle to get the Sign Up Genius link on the main athletic page. Hospitality/Special Events—Kim McDougal. This committee is open for next year. We're holding on the water hand out at graduation right now. Upward Together has showed interest in doing this. The booster club typically donates one beverage per sport per year usually used at the end of year banquet/party. Activities' Director Report—Otis Chambers. 1. Conference Championship Patches. We will start to phase this out immediately and completely. Otis will notify the coaches so they can then inform the parents. 2. The dance team asked for help to upgrade the busing for regionals or state. After looking over financials, we can afford to pay this $779.96. We all agreed. 3. Our financial commitment to the HSSD for the turf. To give breathing room to our budget, Otis is working on rewriting our contract with HSSD for the turf. This will give us some room in our budget for other needs with athletics, our hands won't be so tired and it'll be an easier burden for the future booster club. Our contract will be extended, the board members voted and the motion was carried. December 2014 December 2015 December 2016 December 2017 December 2018 December 2019 $25,000 paid $25,000 $12,500 $12,500 $12,500 $12,500 This is the perfect timing for the HSSD to with all the government cuts. The website is: and will be posted to the booster site as well. Prayers to Suzie during her illness; for strength and fast recovery. We love and appreciate her and she is greatly missed!! President's Comments—Jeanne 1. Capital Campaign updates, Upward Together The Howard-Suamico Education Campaign: 2. May 2, 2015. Large Lacrosse tournament. We need help from other sports as this well be a very busy day with a double headed as well. 3. May 12, 2015, another busy day. We can start asking the Bayview parents to get them acclimated to Bay Port Athletics Booster Club. 4. Openers/Closers. We need to recruit more people for this. Jeanne will train them. Old Business 1. Nominations for open board and committee chairperson positions will be taken this evening. At the May 20th meeting we will vote and on June 17th the new year officially starts with the new board and committee members. Booster Club openings for school year 2015/16: ✦ Vice President ✦ Treasurer, Denise will stay until someone get's trained. Jeanne can appoint someone if it is after May; we will not need to vote. ✦ Apparel Committee Chairperson(s), hold on this, not sure what we are doing next year. ✦ Concessions Committee Chairperson(s) ✦ Food Committee Chairperson(s) ✦ Beverage Committee Chairperson(s) ✦ Hospitality Committee Chairperson(s) ✦ Board Member at large, Linda Goddard was nominated and she accepted. ✦ Board Member at large, Bonnie VanLannen will stay on as a board member. ✦ Board Member at large, Kelly Pierner was nominated and she accepted. ✦ Board Member at large ✦ Board Member at large Note: Two people can hold a committee together. So if you and a friend or your spouse would like to work together, it could be more fun and less time consuming. A Committee Chairs is an annual commitment; June 2015 thru May 2016. We will also take seasonal volunteers and/or for specific areas such as just concessions, etc. New Business 1. Teleconferencing for board members that are unable to attend a meeting(s). Next meeting will be Wednesday, May 20, 2015 @ 7 pm in the Bay Port Health Room. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm Minutes taken by Donna Hanson, Secretary
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