Evaluative Report of the Different Departments of the College DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY 1. Name of the department : BIOCHEMISTRY 2. Year of Establishment : 1995 3. Names of Programmes / Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.): (a)UG, B.Sc. (H) ________ (2004-2010) (b) Four Year Undergraduate Programme / B. Tech Not Applicable as the Department of Biochemistry is a Supporting (Allied) Department. 4. Names of Interdisciplinary courses and the departments/units involved: Department of Biochemistry is an allied Department and it is an integral part, of some of the courses being offered by the college. 5. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system (programme wise) : Annual system: 1995-2010 Semester system: 2010 onwards 6. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments Department of Biochemistry is an allied Department and, syllabus wise, it draws from some of the courses being offered by the college. 7. Other Courses offered by the Department. Nil 8. Details of courses/programs discontinued (if any) with reasons Nil(Although restructuring of various courses is being done from time to time as per DU guidelines.) 9. Number of Teaching posts:Record with the office Administration. Department of Biochemistry Sanctioned Professors NIL Associate Professors NIL Assistant Professor 1 Filled Promoted to Associate Professor under MPS 10. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation and specialization. No. of Ph.D. / M. Phil / Name Qualification Designation Specialization No. of Years of M. Tech / M. Experience Sc. Students supervise Dr. Ph. D Anita Associate Medical 20 years Professor Biochemistry (17 years in this college and three years at Maulana Azad Medical College) Sondhi Nil 11. List of senior visiting faculty: Nil 12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled(programme wise) by temporary faculty: Nil 13. Student -Teacher Ratio (program wise): 12:1 14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff; sanctioned and filled : S. No Name of the support staff Designation 1 Sh. O P Pandey Lab Assistant 2 Sh. Rajesh Raghav Lab Assistant 3 Sh. Praveen Kumar Lab Attendant 15. Faculty with successfully completed / ongoing projects from a) University b) National c) International funding agencies and grants received: Nil S. No Name of the Faculty Number of National Projects Funding Agency Amount Sanctioned 16. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc. and total grants received: The Department of Biochemistry is one of the recipient departments for Department of Biotechnology (Star College Scheme), Government of India, since 2010. Total Grants received till date is 5 lakh ( Non-recurring ) and approx. 6.5 lakh (Recurring). 17. Research Centre recognized by the University: Nil 18. Publications: (details of publications are attached) Name of the faculty Dr. Anita Publications Books in journal authore d 04 Nil Books edited Nil Chapters Publication in Paper in books Conference presented in Proceeding Conference Nil Nil Nil Sondhi 19. Areas of consultancy and income generated: Not Applicable 20. Faculty as members in a) National committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Boards d) University Committees : Dr. Anita Sondhi was member, Faculty of Interdisciplinary and Applied Sciences (FIAS), University of Delhi, from April 2010 to March 2013 21. Students projects : Data available with Main Departments a) Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental/programme. b) Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution i.e.in Research laboratories/Industry/other agencies. 22. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty and students: Student Data available with the main departments of the college. 23. List of eminent academicians and scientists/ visitors to the department: As per protocol, invitations are sent out by the main departments. 24. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding: a) National b) International Being an allied Department, it has a supporting role in purpose. the college for the same 25. Student profile programme/course wise:Available with College Administration/Main departments Name of Course/programme (refer question no. 4) Year wise the enrolment Selected Enrolled *M Enrolled *F 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 *M=Male F=Female 26. Diversity of Students: (Available with College Administration/Main departments) Year wise Name enrolment of the Course Reserved candidates OBC SC ST % of students from same state % of students from other States % of students from abroad PwD 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 27. How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defense services, etc.: Data available with Main Departments 28. Student progression: Data available with the main Departments Student progression UG to PG PG to M.Phil. PG to Ph.D. Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral Against % enrolled Student progression Against % enrolled Employed • Campus selection • Other than campus recruitment Entrepreneurship/Self-employment 29. Details of Infrastructural facilities a) Library : College has a common facility with adequate number of books for students studying Biochemistry as a subject. b) Internet facilities for Staff & Students: The Department has been provided with internet Connectivity. c) Class rooms with ICT facility: All lecture rooms have lectures-via-projection facility. d) Laboratories: The Department of Biochemistry has well equipped laboratories with LCD projector to deliver practical classes. It has latest equipment like Spectrophotometers (UV-VISIBLE and VISIBLE), Electrophoresis Apparatus ( Rod gel, Horizontal gel , Vertical gel, Paper ), Auto-Titrator , Chromatography systems (Ascending, Descending, Gel Filtration, TLC ), pH meters, Centrifuges , Laminar Flow, Water Distillation Apparatus, Cooling Cabinets, Trans-illuminators, Vortex Shaker, Heating Mantles, Magnetic Stirrers , Water Baths etc 30. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government or other agencies: Details of fee concession committee report from accounts 31. Details on student enrichment programmes (special lectures /workshops / seminar) with external experts: Student Groups (5-6 students) are sent routinely to various Diagnostic Centers / Hospitals / Clinical laboratories to understand the practical implications of the subject. Industrial visits/exposure visits by the students/summer training, winter training S.No. ACADEMIC NAME OF THE INSTITUTE SESSION DURATION NUMBER OF STUDENTS 1. 2013-2014 Kalawati Saran Children Hospital, Bangla Sahib Road, New Delhi 1 day 5 2 2013-2014 Dhanwantri Laboratories, Dwarka, New Delhi 1 day 5 3. 2013-2014 Capital X-ray scan Clinic, New Krishna Park, New Delhi 1 day 5 4. 2013-2014 Sanjeevani Path labs, Dwarka, New Delhi 1 day 5 5 2013-2014 Star Imaging and Pathological Laboratory, Janak Puri, New Delhi 1 day 12 6. 2013-2014 Metro Diagnostic Center, Ashok Nagar, New Delhi 1 day 5 7. 2013-2014 Sharma Diagnostic Dwarka, New Delhi 1 day 5 8. 2013-2014 Dr Lal pathological Dwarka, New Delhi lab, 1day 10 9. 2013-2014 Dr Lal Pathological Palam, New Delhi Lab, 1day 5 Center, 10. 11 2013-2014 2013-2014 13 2013-2014 1 day 7 1 day 6 1 day 6 1 day 6 1 day 6 1day 7 Star Pathology Lab Pvt Ltd, Ramphal Chowk, Dwarka, Star Imaging and Path Lab Pvt Ltd , Tilak Nagar, New Delhi 2013-2014 Apex Hospital, Vihar, New Delhi 14 2013-2014 Dr Lal Path Lab, Ashok Vihar, New Delhi 15 2013-2014 6 Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, Baba Kharag Singh Marg, New Delhi New Delhi 12 1day Narayana Get Well Diagnostic Centre, Madhu Vihar, New Delhi 16 2013-2014 SRL Diagnostics, Vasant Vihar New Delhi Guest Lectures delivered (Name of the Expert, Talk Title) :Data Available with the main departments. S. No YEAR Name of SPEAKER /RESOURCE PERSON the TOPIC OF PRESENTATION 32. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning We provide a right environment for learning, irrespective of students’ academic capabilities, gender and socio-economic background. This is achieved through techniques and methods including power point presentation and interactive classes. We regularly send groups of students to various hospitals, clinical laboratories, diagnostic centers to understand the real life application of the subject. 33. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities Full cooperation, contribution and participation is extended by the faculty in taking up the cause , responsibility and concerns raised by Gender Sensitizing Committee, Student Welfare Committee, Equal Opportunity Cell, NSS, Eco club and other forums of the college. The Institutional social responsibility is, thus, handled with total commitment. 34. SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans Strengths: Dedicated and Committed Faculty member Well- equipped laboratories Excellent Library facilities with latest text books and Reference books Weaknesses: Just one man army is not enough to win a battle Opportunity: Virtual Laboratories for a few experiments will save lot of national money and learning would be more fun as well Challenges: To be as technology savvy as the students To make the lectures more crisp and informative To undertake tutorials Regular on-line evaluations/tests 35. List of Research Publications: 1. Basis of rise in intracellular sodium in airway hyperresponsiveness and asthma. Lung 2005 Nov- Dec; 183(6):375-387 Agrawal, Krishna P Agrawal, Arjun Ram, Anita Sondhi, Sunil K Chhabra, Sharad V Gangal, Dolly Mehta 2. Increased intracellular calcium and decreased activities of leucocyte Na,KATPase Ca 2+-ATPase in asthma Clinical Science (1999) 97,595-601 Sunil Kumar CHHABRA, Anita KHANDUJA and Deepika JAIN 3. Effect of Corticosteroids on elevated intracellular sodium, plasma lipid peroxide levels and reduced Na+, K+-ATPase activity in patients of bronchial asthma. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry (2000) Aug: 15(1):44-47. Sondhi A and Talukdar,B 4. Decreased Sodium- Potassium and Calcium Adenosine Triphosphatase activity in asthma: Modulation by inhaled and oral Corticosteroids. Indian Journal of Chest Diseases (1999) Feb,41:15-26 S.K. Chhabra, Anita Khanduja, Deepika Jain. SELF STUDY REPORT (FACULTY, BIOCHEMISTRY) 1. Name of the Teacher : Dr. Anita Sondhi 2. Designation & Department : Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution? Give details along with proof. Was member of the Curriculum development Committee, University of Delhi for B.Sc (Honours ) Biomedical Sciences. 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. Dr. Anita Sondhi, has been member of Faculty of Interdisciplinary and Applied Sciences for a period of three years, from April 2010 to March 2013. b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body? If yes, submit proof. -NA 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organized by you along with details. Refresher Course: Attended the UGC sponsored four week refresher course in Biotechnology from April 7, 2003 to May 2, 2003 conducted by Academic Staff College of Jawaharlal Nehru University. Refresher Course: Attended the three week Refresher course in Biochemistry from Sep 24, 2001 to Oct 13, 2001 conducted by Centre for Professional Development in Higher Education, University of Delhi. Orientation Course: Attended the four week Orientation course from March 19, 2001 to April 16, 2001 conducted by Centre for Professional Development in Higher Education, University of Delhi. 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. Attended the Conference titled “India R&D 2008- Nanotechnology” organized by Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry on September 5, 2008 at FICCI, New Delhi 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. NA 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. NA 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. Training Programme: Participated in the training on RTI act – Capacity Building for Public Information Officers (PIO) organized from 11 – 12 November 2014, conducted by directorate of training : Union territories civil services, Govt. of N.C.T. of Delhi. National Workshop : Participated in the National Workshop on RNAomics organized by the Department of Biochemistry, Shivaji College, University of Delhi from October 25-29, 2010. ILLL Workshop : Participated in the ICT workshop for Capacity building of Delhi University Faculty from March 8, 2010 to March 11,2010 conducted by Institute of Lifelong learning , University of Delhi 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. NA 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) 1. Basis of rise in intracellular sodium in airway hyperresponsiveness and asthma. Lung 2005 Nov- Dec; 183(6):375-387 Agrawal, Krishna P Agrawal, Arjun Ram, Anita Sondhi, Sunil K Chhabra, Sharad V Gangal, Dolly Mehta 2. Increased intracellular calcium and decreased activities of leucocyte Na,K- ATPase Ca 2+-ATPase in asthma Clinical Science (1999) 97,595-601 Sunil Kumar CHHABRA, Anita KHANDUJA and Deepika JAIN b. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) 1. Effect of Corticosteroids on elevated intracellular sodium, plasma lipid peroxide ievels and reduced Na+, K+-ATPase activity in patients of bronchial asthma. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry (2000) Aug: 15(1):44-47. Sondhi A and Talukdar,B 2. Decreased Sodium- Potassium and Calcium Adenosine Triphosphatase activity in asthma: Modulation by inhaled and oral Corticosteroids. Indian Journal of Chest Diseases (1999) Feb, 41:15-26 S.K. Chhabra, Anita Khanduja, Deepika Jain c. Monographs written :NA d. Chapter written in books: NA e. Books edited: NA f. Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher): NA g. Index of your publications h. Impact factor i. h-index j. Name of Journals in which Impact SNIP (2012 SJR faculty has published papers Factor (2012) Lung 1.899 1.137 0.867 Clinical Science 4.317 1.535 1.625 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. NA 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. Real life implications of the subject are stressed upon and batches of students are routinely sent to Hospitals, Diagnostic Centers and Clinical laboratories to understand the practical implications of the subject. 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. NA 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. NA 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. NA 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : a) b) for your own College: 1.Organized the 1st Laboratory Staff Skill Development Program (December 15 to 18, 2014, for the laboratory staff (Life Sciences Departments) at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences. 2.Organized a workshop series on Methods of Protein Purification on 15th, 16th , 22nd , 23rd , 29th , 30th September, 2014, for the students of B.Sc (Hons.) Biomedical Sciences. 3.Organized a workshop jointly with the Institute of Informatics and Communications, University of Delhi South Campus. titled Shaping, Teaching and Learning with VLE on September 6, 2014. 4.Have organized special workshops on Spectrophotometry: A powerful tool for Quantitation, for many batches of students, organized a Workshop on Spectrophotometry –a powerful tool for quantitation on 22nd August, 2014 for students of B.Sc (Hons.) Microbiology. All the above mentioned workshops were held under the aegis of Star College Scheme, Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India. for any other organization ?Give details with proofs. NA 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. NA 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. NA 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? I have teaching experience of 20 years at the Under-graduate level. I have taught at Maulana Azad Medical College for three years and more than 17 years at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences. I was the founder teacher- in –charge of the Department of Biochemistry and have established the department from its inception to its present well established state today. Besides, I have contributed to the corporate culture of the college by being convener of many committees over the years. I have been secretary staff-council for four years. BCAS’ Department of Biochemistry is a single person department and I have represented the Biochemistry Department, of the college for the last 17 years. A single-minded pursuit has led to the emergence of a state-of-the-art biochemistry laboratory at the Bhaskaracharya College. The lab today boasts of some of the latest equipment, some of which have been funded by the Star College Scheme of the Department of Biotechnology of the Government of India. Dr. Anita Sondhi DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY 1. Name of the department : Biology 2. Year of Establishment : 1995 3. Names of Programmes / Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.) 4. : Allied Department Names of Interdisciplinary courses and the departments/units involved: Department of Biology is an allied, supportive department and it is an integral part of the various courses like B.Sc.(H) Microbiology, Biomedical Sciences, FoodTechnology, & Instrumentation being offered by the college. Under FYUP, all the students study Environmental Science course & which are of interdisciplinary in nature. 5. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system (programme wise) : Currently all courses are in semester system .at present. Annual System: 1995 – 2010 Semester system: 2010 onwards. 6. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments The department offers credit courses to the students of B.Sc.(H) Microbiology, Biomedical Sciences, Food-Technology and Instrumentation 7. Any other Courses offered by the Department. The department used to offer B.Sc. in Life Sciences as well as B.Sc.(Hons.) in Botany & Zoology and Lab Technology course of IGNOU. 8. Details of courses/programs discontinued (if any) with reasons The department used to offer B.Sc. in Life Sciences as well as B.Sc.(Hons.) in Botany & Zoology and Lab Technology course of IGNOU till the study center is closed. 9. Number of Faculty Members :record with the office Department of Sanctioned Filled Professors NIL NIL Associate Professors NIL NIL Assistant Professor 03 03 (Promoted to Associate Chemistry Professor scheme) under MPS 10. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation and specialization. No.ofPh.D./ Name Qualification Designation Nature of Appointment Specialization No. of Years M.Phil/M.Sc. of Experience Students supervised N.S.Abbas M.Sc., Ph.D. Associate Permanent Professor Molecular Biology& Over 20 years Plant & 9 Months 01 Biotechnology Anil Kumar M.Sc.,M.Phil. Associate Bali D.Phil. Professor Permanent Microbial Over Molecular years& 22 3 (Sussex,UK), Biology and months (as on Post-doc. Biotechnology January 2015) Ethanobotany Over 17 years NIL (Washington, USA) Sujata M.Sc., Ph.D. Bharadwaj Associate Permanent Professor & 06 months NIL 11. Student -Teacher Ratio (program wise): 12:1, As per University of Delhi Guidelines 12. Detail of Laboratory Staff: S. No. Name of the laboratory staff Designation 1 MahfoozAlam Laboratory Assistant 2 Bir Singh Laboratory Assistant 3 Raju Laboratory Assistant 13. Faculty with successfully completed / ongoing projects from a) University b) National c) International funding agencies and grants received: N.A. 14. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc. and total grants received: NIL 15. Publications: a) Publications Name of the Publications faculty in journal Books Books Chapters in Publications in authored edited books Conference Proceeding N.S.Abbas 07 - - 3 Anil Kumar Bali 03 - - 5 SujataBharadwaj 03 - - 3 5 - - b) Papers presented / accepted in the Conference Name of the faculty Name of the Conference Papers/ posters presented in Conference Dr.N.S.Abbas World Congress on Cell and Tissue Culture 1 held at Washington D.C. in 1992 2 Presented Two papers in the Indian Science Congress held in 1996 at Delhi. Dr. Anil Kumar Bali 1. Symposium on Nucleotide sequence analysis Biological Sciences at JNU, of leu operon of Azotobacter New Delhi in 1987. vinelandii. 2. National Symposium on Regulation of the expression Plant of nitrogen fixation genes in Biotechnology in improving Klebsiella and Azotobacters. the role Agriculture of at Rajasthan University , Jaipur in 1995. 3. National symposium on Cytochrome c Biogenesis in current trends in Biochemistry Plant and Biotechnology organized at photosynthetic and Symbiotic bacteria and its role in Symbiotic nitrogen fixation. CCS Haryana Agriculture University , Hissar in 1996. 4. National Symposium on current trends Biochemisry in Plant Azorhizobium caulinodans – Sesbania rostrata, Symbiotic System –An overview. and Biotechnology organized at CCS Haryana Agriculture University, Hissar in 1996. 16. Faculty as members in : a) National committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Boards d) University Committees 1. Dr.N.S.Abbas was a member of Faculty of Sciences, University of Delhi from 2012 to 2014. 2. Dr. Anil Kumar Bali a. Society for Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, India (Life member). b. Biotech club member ( 29A00822) , Biotech Consortium of India Limited (BCIL), New Delhi-110002. e) Students projects : All students have undertaken projects as part of their curriculum. f) Awards/ Recognitions received by the Department :NIL g) List of eminent academicians and scientists/ visitors to the department Visited as per the information provided by the Main Departments like B.Sc.(Hons.) Microbiology, Biomedical Sciences, Food-Technology, &Instrumentation. h) Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding As per the information provided by the Main Departments like B.Sc.(Hons.) Microbiology, Biomedical Sciences, Food-Technology, & Instrumentation i) Details of Infrastructural facilities The Department has twowell furnished laboratories. The laboratories are designed in such a manner that it is well illuminated and aerated even without electricity. • Library: The Biology Department has a Book Bank facility to students. The department has own collection of books which are available for the student reference. • Internet facilities for Staff & Students: Wi-fi connectivity • Class rooms with ICT facility: The department has one dedicated room with projector facility. • Laboratories: Compound Microscope, Binocular microscope, Trinocular Microscope , Florescent, Microscope,B.O.D. Incubator , Deep Freezer, Vacuum Pump, pH Meter, Electronic Balances, Almirah, Lab. Stool, Fridges, Hot Oven, Weight Box, Water Bath, , Hot Plate, Magnetic Stirrer, Vortex Shaker, Electrode, Lab Table 5X2, Lab table 4X2, Computer chair, Reagent rack, Door Case, , Digital Photo calorimeter , Microwave, Ultra Violet Lamp, Computer with Printer, Double Dis. Units Quartz, Magnetic Stirrer, Spectrophotometer single /doubleBeam, Digital UV/VIS Spectrophotometer, High Precision Electronics Balances, Auto clave, Laminar flow, Water purification system, Ice Flaking machine Refrigerated Centrifuge Machine, Glucanometer, Haemocytometer, Blood analyzer , LCD Projector etc. j) Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government or other agencies Details of fee concession committee report available from accounts k) Details on student enrichment programmes (special lectures / seminar) with external experts NIL workshops / Industrial visits/exposure visits by the students/summer training, winter training S.No. YEAR NAME OF THE INSTITUTE DURATION NUMBER OF STUDENTS 1. 2 Guest Lectures delivered (Name of the Expert, Talk Title) NIL S. No YEAR Name of the TOPIC OF PRESENTATION SPEAKER /RESOURCE PERSON 1 2 l) Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning Our main focus is on active learning and self motivation by the students. Aids that are used for class room teaching includes power point presentations, seminars, virtual Labs, models, Specimens , regular short tests, interactive classes group discussion, written assignment, student presentation, group presentation, projects, workshops and Handson-training .etc. m) SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans Strengths: Wellqualified, dedicated, experienced and committed faculty members who are actively involved in every college activities besides regular teaching.Well Equipped Laboratories, Excellent library facilities with latest text books & Reference books. Lot of emphasis is also laid on Co-curricular activities Opportunity: Biology has become such a vast research enterprise that it is not generally studied as a single discipline, but as a number of clustered sub-disciplines. The multi-disciplinary initiative is significant for several reasons. First of all, it represents the culmination of a long cherished aspiration of the Institute. Equally significant is its historical moment, namely, the beginning of the new century that is aptly called the post-genome era. With the challenges posed by environmental issues on existing flora and fauna the significance and scope of Biology has widened, than ever before. After successful completion of graduation in Biological Sciences options are in plenty not only confined to India, numerous opportunities are also available abroad as well. In house research, exploration can be carried in the laboratories itself where simulation based experimentation and exploration can be performed before the actual experiments are carried out. Challenges: The area of Biology being multi-interdisciplinary in nature, it has a wider scope both nationally and internationally as well. However, in the absence of in its major discipline in Botany / Zoology has become limiting factors to number of pupil . In addition, to create Self-Learners, to make students realize their potential and Periodical on- line evaluations etc. n) List of Research Publications: Dr. N.S.Abbas: Research: 1 Abbas NS (1992) Triploid plantlets from the endosperm culture of some Euphorbiaceae.Invitro Cellular and Development Biology 28: 101(Abs) 2. Sehgal CB, Abbas NS (1994) Somatic Embryognesis and plant regeneration from Hypocotyl tissue of Trachyspermumammi (I.) Sprague. Phytomorphology44 : 265-271. 3. Sehgal CB, Verma B, Abbas NS (1994) Histological and histochemical studies on the suspensor of some legumes. In : Modern Trends in Plant Sciences, Vol 1. ed. YPS Pudir, Dehradun, India PP 73-83. 4. Sehgal CB, Verma B, Abbas NS (1994) Degradation of protein bodies in cotyledonary cells during seed germination in Arachishypogaea L. cv, M-13 In: Modern trends in plant Sciences, Vol 1 ed. YPS Pudir, Dehradun, India, PP 130-139. 5. Sehgal CB, Khurana S, Abbas NS (1994) in vitro regeneration of triploid plantilets from the endosperm of EmblicaofficnalisGaertn. In: Advances in Agricultural Research in India, Vol2, ed. YPS Pudir, Dehradun, India, PP 1-19. 6. Sehgal CB, Abbas NS (1996) Induction of triploid plantlets from the endosperm culture of MallotusPhilippensisMuell. Arg. Phytomorphology 46: 283-289. 7. Abbas NS, SehgalCB (1996), Somatic embryognesis and plant regeneration from seedling explants of Trachyspermumammi (L.) Sprague, Proceeding 84th Indian Science Congress Association 3: 60 8. TripathiAnamika, N S Abbas, Amrita Nigam, 2014Micropropagation of an Endangered Medicinal Herb Ocimumcitriodorum Vis., Journal of Plant Development Sciences, Vol 6 (3): 365- 374, 2014, ISSN 0974-6382 (Print); ISSN 2348- 9170 (Online) (NAAS Rating 2.35) . 9. TripathiAnamika, Amrita Nigam, N S Abbas, Conserving Biodiversity at IGNOU, International Seminar on Role of Plant Taxonomy in Biodiversity Management and Human Welfare organized by Forest Research Institute, Dehradun, Uttarakhand in Collaboration with Association for Plant Taxonomy (APT), Page No. 55, December 1-3, 2008. (Abstract published) 10. TripathiAnamika, Amrita Nigam, N S Abbas, Family Planning and Birth Control Among Indian Tribal Communities by Using Plants, Indo-Italian Workshop on Bacteria and Fungi for Environmental Sustainability organized by Amity Institute of Microbial Technology, Amity University, Noida, U.P. , Page No. 150, November 29-30 and December1, 2010. (Abstract published) 11. TripathiAnamika, Amrita Nigam, N S Abbas, Evaluation of Antimicrobial Potential of leaf Extract and in vitro Callus Raised from Leaf of Ocimum sanctum, National Seminar on Plant Cell, Tissue & Organ Culture Emerging Trends organized by Department of Botany, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, UP, Page No. 54, March 10- 11, 2012. (Abstract published) 12. TripathiAnamika, N S Abbas, Amrita Nigam, In vitro plant regeneration from different explants of Ocimum sanctum: A comparative study, International Conference on “Biotechnology: A rendezvous with basic sciences for global prosperity (BTBS-2012) organized by Society for Plant Research and VEGETOS, NASC Complex, Pusa, New Delhi, Page No. 142, December 26-27, 2012 (ISSN 0970-4078). (Abstract published) 13. TripathiAnamika, N S Abbas, Amrita Nigam, In vitro regeneration of plantlets from cotyledonary explants of Ocimumcitriodorum: An endangered medicinal herb, National Seminar on Plant Sciences: New technologies, conservation and Environment organized by Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, UP, Page No. 36, February 23- 24, 2013. (Abstract published) Semi-TechincalPublications : • Abbas NS (1991) Morphogenetic responses of endosperm and its Applications, Botanica 41: 22-23. • Babeeta C, Abbas NS (1991) Endod – Source of a new drug. Botanica 41 : 97 • Deepti S, Abbas NS (1992) Phytotoxin and its application, Botanica 42: 54-56. • TripathiAnamika, Amrita Nigam, Deepshikha, Page No. 66-69, 2010. NS Abbas, TB EkLailajBeemariNahin, Dr. Anil Kumar Bali: 1 Christina Kennedy, Anil Bali et al. (1991) Regulation of expression of genes for Three nitrogenases in Azotobactervinelandii.In Nitrogen Fixation: Polisinelli M., Matterssi, R and vinecenzini, M.G.(eds.) Kluwer Academic Publishers,Dordrecht, The Netherland pp. 13-23 (ISBN no. 0-7923-1410-7) (cited by 4 ) 2 A. Contreras, M. Drummond, A. Bali et al. (1991) The product of the nitrogen fixation regulatory gene nfr X of Azotobzctervinelandiiis functionally and structurally homologous to the uridylyltransferase encoded by gln D in enteric bacteria. J. Bacteriol 173 : 7741-7749 (Impact factor ; 3.702, cited by 62) 3 Anil Bali , Gonzalo Blanco, Susan Hill and Christina Kennedy (1992 ) Excretion of Ammonia by nifL gene of Azotobactervinelandii fixing nitrogen Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 58: 1711-1718 ( Impact factor ; 3.128; cited by 83) 4 G. Blanco, P. Woodley, M. Drummond, A. Bali, C. Kennedy(1993) The nif L gene of Azotobactervinelandii: Novel feature of sequence , expression and mutant phenotypes, In New Horizons in Nitrogen Fixation, Placious ,R., Mora ,J and Newton W.E.(eds.) Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands pp. 429-433 ( ISBN no. : 0-7923-2207-X ) 5 B.S.Goldman, D.L.Beckman, Anil Bali et al. (1997) Molecular and Immunological nalysis of an ABC Transporter complex required for Cytochrome C Biogenesis . J. Mol. Biol. 268 : 724-738 ( Impact factor; 5.673; cited by 78). 6 Anil Bali et al. ( 1988) Nif A and Ntr C activate separate nitrogen fixation pathways in Azotobacters. Bothe, debruijn and Newton (eds.) Nitrogen Fixation: Hundred after; Gustav Fischer, Stuttgart, New York pp. 316 ( ISBN no. 3-437-30587-5) 7 A. Bali and Christina Kennedy ( 1990) Genetic analysis of nif A- and nif L- like genes in Azotobactervinelandii , Gresshoff, Roth, Stacey and Newton (eds.) Nitrogen Fixation : Achievements and Objectives, Chapman and Hall, New York ,London pp. 510 (ISBN no. 0-412-02591-4 ) 8 J. Walmsley, P. Woodley, A. Bali et al. (1990) Involvement of regulatory genes nifA, vnfA, nfrX, ntrD and structural nif USVM in expression and activity of the three nitrogenases in Azotobactervinelandii. Gresshoff, Roth, Stacey and Newton (eds. ) Nitrogen Fixation : Achievements and Objectives, Chapman and Hall, New York, London pp. 599 ( ISBN no. 0-412-02591-4) 9 C.K. Kennedy, R.N. Pau , A. Bali et al. (1989) Regulation of nitrogen fixation genes in Azotobacters . AFRC-IPSR-Ann. Rep .pp 105-108 ( CAS Registry no. 7439-896; 9013-04-1, Record no. 19911624129 ). Publications of the following chapters online as Central Board of Secondary Education nominated Ideator of the committee on C.B.S.E.( International ) forclass XI and XII. 10 Unit 5: Life and its Chemistry. (As a chapter in book) 11 Unit 6: Biomolecules.(As a chapter in book) 12 Unit 7: Study of Cell –Tools and Techniques.(As a chapter in book) 13 Unit 8: Structure and Function of Cell. (As a chapter in book) 14 Unit 9 : Cell Cycle (As a chapter in book) Dr.SujataBharadwaj 1 Bhardwaj, S., and Gakhar, S.K (2008) Ethnobotanicals used by the tribalsof Mizoram for furniture and household equipments.Indian. J. Trad. Knowledge. 7(1):134- 137. 2 Bhardwaj, S., and Gakhar, S.K (2005) Ethnomedicinal plants used by the tribalsof Mizoram to cure cuts and wounds. Indian. J. Trad. Knowledge. 4(1): 75-80. 3 S. Bhardwaj. AndGakhar, S.K (2003) Ethno-medicinal plants used by the tribals of Mizoram to cure dysentery. Ethnobotany 15:51-53 SELF STUDY REPORT (FACULTY, BIOLOGY) 1. Name of the Teacher : Dr. Anil K. Bali 2. Designation & Department : Associate Professor ; Department of Biology 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution ? Give details along with proof. (i) Yes ; Curriculum Development Committee 2010(for semester system) and 2013 ( for FYUP) of Biomedical Science, University of Delhi to develop B.Sc.(Hons.) Biomedical Science course contents. (ii) Yes ; Central Board of Secondary Education (International ) For Class XI and XII. 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. NO b)Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body? If yes, submit proof. Yes ; i. Society for Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, India (Life member). ii. Biotech club member ( 29A00822) , Biotech Consortium of India Limited (BCIL) , New Delhi-110002. 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organized by you along with details . A. Undertaken: • National Biotechnology Board (India) training course on Gene Cloning and DNA sequencing( 31st Dec., 1984 to 21st JANUARY, 1985 ) at the School of Biological Sciences , Madurai Kamraj University, Madurai , India. • 2. Certificate course for safe handling of Radioactive material at University of Sussex , U.K. (1988) and Washington University U.S.A. (1992). • Certificate of participation in UGC sponsored Orientation course (4th September to 30th September , 2000 ) at Academic Staff College , Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi . • Certificate of participation in UGC-ASC sponsored professional and development programme as Refresher course in Zoology (April 12 to May 2, 2001) conducted by CPDHE, University of Delhi at Department of Zoology, University of Delhi. • 5.Certificate of participation in IGNOU , Regional center orientation programme for Academic Counselors on 11th Oct.,2001. • • 6.Certificate of participation in UGC-ASC sponsored professional and development programme as refresher course in Biochemistry ( Sept., 24 to Oct. 13, 2001) conducted by CPDHE , University of Delhi at Center for Biomedical Sciences , University of Delhi . Attended a Seminar on the implementation of the provisions of RTI, 2005 in the Colleges at Conference Center , University of Delhi. B. Conducted ( Organized) : 1. Course Coordinator for the Refresher course in “ Biotechnology and its applications (Interdisciplinary )” from July 21 to August 10,2009 at the center for Professional development in Higher Education (CPDHE) at the University of Delhi, India 6. Have you participated in training program organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotech logy, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. Yes ; Participated in the workshop on “ Advances in Biotechnology” sponsored by DST at the Energy and Resource Institute (TERI), New Delhi from 8th to 13thNovember, 2010 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. 1. Department of Zoology, University of Delhi organized a Training course on Techniques in recombinant DNA Technology (r-DNA Technology) from 25th July 1994 to 11th October 1994. (a). Invited to deliver a lecture on Biological Nitrogen Fixation on 19th August, 1994. (b). Invited to deliver a lecture on Bacteriophage vectors use in E.coli on 31st August, 1994. (c). Invited to deliver a lecture on vectors based on bacteriophage M13 on 1st September, 1994. (d). Invited to conduct Laboratory experiments from 25thAugust, 1994 to 2nd September, 1994. 2. Center for Professional Development in higher Education (CPDHE) Refresher course in Molecular Biology (February 20,1995 to March 10, 1995 ) at CPDHE, University of Delhi, India. (a). Invited to deliver a lecture on Bacteriophage vectors on 7th March, 1995 (9.30-11.00 A.M.) (b). Invited to deliver a lecture on DNA sequencing on 7th March, 1995 (11.30-1.00P.M.) 3. Center of Advanced studies in Biochemistry training course “ Current trends in Biochemistry ( March 11 to 30th 1996)) at the Division of Biochemistry, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110012, India. (a). Invited to deliver a lecture on Alternative and conventional nitrogenases in nitrogen fixing bacteria . 4. Delivered a lecture on “ Basic principles and applications of Recombinant DNA Technology” on 28th July, 2009 at CPDHE, University of Delhi. 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. 1. Anil K. Bali (1987). Nucleotide sequence analysis of leuoperon of Azotobacter vinelandiiat the Symposium on Biological Sciences at Jawaharlal Nehru University , New Delhi , India . 2. Anil K. Bali (1995). Regulation of the expression of nitrogen fixation genes in Klebsiella and Azotobacters at the National Symposium on the role of Plant Biotechnology in improving Agriculture at Rajasthan University , Jaipur, March 23rd to 25th, 1995. 3. Anil K. Bali and Robert G. Kranz ( 1996). Cytochrome c Biogenesis in photosynthetic and Symbiotic bacteria and its role in Symbiotic nitrogen fixation at National symposium on current trends in Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology organized at CCS Haryana Agriculture University , Hissar, India from February 23rd to 25th 1996. 4. Anil K. Bali and M. L. Lodha (1996). Azorhizobium caulinodans – Sesbania rostrata, Symbiotic System –An overview at National Symposium on current trends in Plant Biochemisry and Biotechnology organized at CCS Haryana Agriculture University , Hissar, India from February, 23rd to 25th 1996 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. 1. Participated in 2nd International crop science congress organized by National academy of Agricultural Sciences and Indian council of Agricultural research from 17th to 24thNovember , 1996,New Delhi , India ( I was awarded a certificate of appreciation for valuable services rendered in organizing the congress ). 2. Participated in National symposium on “Biotechnology in the Post Genomic Era” on 9-10 April, 2009 organized by Department of Biochemical Technology, Sri Venkateswara College , University of Delhi , India. 3. Participated in Indo-European conference on quality assurance in Higher Education held at the conference centre , University of Delhi on 6th and 7th May,2010. 4. Participated in the international conference ( Indo-Swiss collaboration in Biotechnology ) on “Recent trends in developing Bioremediation strategies for Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) and Other chlorinated contaminants” at the University of Delhi from 9th to 11th February , 2011. 5. Attended a Seminar (Lecture series ) on Integrating Technology and Transforming education organized by ED Tech forum on 15th September ,2011 at Shangri-La’s-Eros Hotel , New Delhi. 6. Attended a conference “ India: The Education Superpower” organized by the 4th chapter of the Economic Times Edvantage on 28th May 2012 at Hotel Hyatt Regency , New Delhi. 7. Participated in the ICT Workshop for capacity building of Delhi University Faculty from 8th March to 11thMarch ,2011 organized by Institute of Life Long Learning , University of Delhi. 8. Participated in the Workshops of Life Science at the Institute of Life Long Learning (ILLL) on 8th& 16th April 2009 and contributed Two Sets of Quiz Questions. 10. 11. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. NO Specify your Research/Academic contribution: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) Mo graphs written Chapter written in books Books edited Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) Index of your publications Impact factor h- index 1. Christina Kennedy, Anil Bali et al. (1991) Regulation of expression of genes for Three nitrogenases in Azotobacter vinelandii.In Nitrogen Fixation: Polisinelli M., Matterssi, R and vinecenzini, M.G.(eds.) Kluwer Academic Publishers,Dordrecht, The Netherland pp. 13-23 (ISBN no. 0-7923-1410-7) (cited by 4 ) 2. A. Contreras, M. Drummond, A. Bali et al. (1991) The product of the nitrogen fixation regulatory gene nfr Xof Azotobzcter vinelandiiis functionally and structurally homologous to the uridylyl transferase encoded by gln Din enteric bacteria. J. Bacteriol 173 : 7741-7749 (Impact factor ; 3.702, cited by 62) 3. Anil Bali , Gonzalo Blanco, Susan Hill and Christina Kennedy (1992 ) Excretion of Ammonia by nifL gene of Azotobacter vinelandii fixing nitrogen Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 58: 1711-1718 ( Impact factor ; 3.128; cited by 83) 4. G. Blanco, P. Woodley, M. Drummond, A. Bali, C. Kennedy(1993) The nif L gene of Azotobacter vinelandii : Novel feature of sequence , expression and mutant phenotypes, In New Horizons in Nitrogen Fixation, Placious ,R., Mora ,J and Newton W.E.(eds.) Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands pp. 429-433 ( ISBN no. : 0-7923-2207-X ) 5. B.S.Goldman, D.L.Beckman, Anil Bali et al. (1997) Molecular and Immunological analysis of an ABC Transporter complex required for Cytochrome C Biogenesis . J. Mol. Biol. 268 : 724-738 ( Impact factor; 5.673; cited by 78). 6. Anil Bali et al. ( 1988) Nif A and Ntr C activate separate nitrogen fixation pathways in Azotobacters. Bothe, debruijn and Newton (eds.) Nitrogen Fixation: Hundred after; Gustav Fischer, Stuttgart, New York pp. 316 ( ISBN no. 3-437-30587-5) . 7. A. Bali and Christina Kennedy ( 1990) Genetic analysis of nif A- and nif Llike genes in Azotobacter vinelandii , Gresshoff, Roth, Stacey and Newton (eds.) Nitrogen Fixation : Achievements and Objectives, Chapman and Hall, New York ,London pp. 510 (ISBN no. 0-412-02591-4 ) 8. J. Walmsley, P. Woodley, A. Bali et al. (1990) Involvement of regulatory genes nifA, vnfA, nfrX, ntrD and structural nif USVM in expression and activity of the three nitrogenases in Azotobacter vinelandii. Gresshoff, Roth, Stacey and Newton (eds. ) Nitrogen Fixation : Achievements and Objectives, Chapman and Hall, New York, London pp. 599 ( ISBN no. 0412-02591-4) 9. C.K. Kennedy, R.N. Pau , A. Bali et al. (1989) Regulation of nitrogen fixation genes in Azotobacters . AFRC-IPSR-Ann. Rep . pp 105-108 ( CAS Registry no. 7439-89-6; 9013-04-1, Record no. 19911624129 ). 10. Publications of the following chapters online as Central Board of Secondary Education nominated Ideator of the committee on C.B.S.E.( International ) for class XI and XII--------Unit 5 : Life and its Chemistry.(Chapter in the book) 11. C.B.S.E.( International ); Unit 6: Biomolecules. (Chapter in the book) 12. C.B.S.E.( International ); Unit 7 : Study of Cell –Tools and Techniques. (Chapter in the book) 13. C.B.S.E.( International ); Unit 8 : Structure and Function of Cell . (Chapter in the book) 14. C.B.S.E.( International ); Unit 9 : Cell Cycle (Chapter in the book) 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. : Yes Ammonia Production ( by nif L mutant of Azotobacter vinelandii ). Anil Bali, Gonzalo Blanco and Christina Kennedy ( Inventors ). Submitted by British Technology Group Ltd. (U.K.) to USA, Japan, , Canada in September,1991 . Published in Derwent Biotechnology Abstract, U.K. 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. 1. Creating a motivating learning environment in the classroom. 2. Verbal feedback from the students for understanding the lecture . 3. Paying personal attention to students to solve their academic problems during practical classes. 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Medal for the first position in M.Phil. USSR scholarship for Ph.D. in the Moscow State University ( not availed) Commonwealth Scholarship for D.Phil. in the University of Sussex , U.K. Margaret Grant Fellow , University of Sussex, U.K. Pool Officer, Scientist’s Pool. Scheme ,CSIR , India. 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. NO 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. Taught B.E. (Biotechnology ) students at Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology (NSIT ), University of Delhi. 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : a) for your own College b) for any other organization ? Give details with proofs. NO 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. NO 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. NO 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? 1. Anil K. Bali (1996 ). Alternative and Conventional nitrogenases in nitrogen fixing bacteria. ( a chapter written for current trends in Plant Biochemistry for Training course , Division of Biochemistry, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India. Following chapters From B.Sc. (Life Sciences) Programme were contributed as e-quizzes For Institute of Life Long Learning (ILLL), University of Delhi Online programme. 2. BY-105: Biological systems, evolution and Biodiversity (Unit I: Genetic approach to Biology). 3. BY105: Cell and cellular processes (Unit III : Cell as a unit of Life ). 4. LS-204 : Genetics and Molecular Biology ( Unit VIII :Regulation of gene expression ) 5. LS-304 : Applied Biology and Biotechnology ( Unit V : Recombinant DNA Technology ) 6. Contributed as author an e-lab. Chapter entitled “Study of Karyotype and Idiogram for Institute of Life Long Learning, University of Delhi, India. 7. Academic Counselor and Assistant Coordinator for Indira Gandhi national open University (IGNOU study centre n. 728 at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, University of Delhi. Courses taught: B.Sc./ B.Sc.( major) ; Life Sciences and CPLT; Foundation of Science and Technology. 8. Academic Counselor for IGNOU Study centre at Kalindi College, University of Delhi. Courses taught: B.Sc./B.Sc.(major); Life Sciences. 9. Guest Faculty in Zoology, Department of Zoology, University of Delhi, India. Course Taught: M.Sc. (Final); Molecular Biology of Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes. (From January1997 to March 2003). 10. Invited as an expert of Biological Sciences for B.Ed. Interview Board by the Department of Education ( Central Institute of Education) , University of Delhi, India. 11. I am regularly invited as an expert on Life Sciences to carry out confidential examination related work at School of Sciences, Indira Gandhi National Open University ( IGNOU), New Delhi . Dr. Anil K. Bali SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : Dr. N.S.Abbas 2. Designation & Department : Associate Professor ; Department of Biology 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution ? Give details along with proof.Yes ; • Selected as one of the member of Delhi University faculty team under the project “ Strengthening of Higher Education Programme” (SHEP) Sponsored By World Bank Project. • Involved in curriculum development for B.Sc.(Hons.) Biomedical Sciences in 2008 • Involved in curriculum development for B.Sc.(Hons.) Biomedical Sciences in 2012 under FYUP • Involved in curriculum development of for B.Sc.(Hons.).Life Science, Indira Gandhi National Open University, Delhi in 2008 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. Member of Faculty of Science from 2012 to 2014 b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body ? If yes, submit proof. Yes ; • • • • • 5. Indian Science Congress Association (Life time membership ) Member of Indian Science Congress Association. Member of Phytomorphology. Editor for the Botanica in 1991. Circulation Manager, Delhi University Botanical society for the year 1992. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organized by you along with details • Participated in four week Refresher course in Biotechnology from April 7- • May 02,2003 conducted by Academic Staff College of JNU and sponsored by UGC. • Participated in four week refresher course in Life Sciences from December 29 to January 23, 2004 organized by Academic Staff College, JNU and sponsored by UGC. • Participated in orientation programme in Life Science organized by IGNOU, Regional center for Academic Counselors on 11th Oct.,2001. • • 6. Attended a Seminar on the implementation of the provisions of RTI, 2005 in the Colleges at Conference Center , University of Delhi. Organized 10 weeks training programme for the faculty members, conducted by University of Delhi in 2008. Have you participated in training program organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotech logy, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. Yes ; Participated in the ICT Workshop for capacity building of Delhi University Faculty from 8th March to 11th March ,2011 organized by Institute of Life Long Learning , University of Delhi. 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. As a Co-cordinator & resource person for organizing 10 weeks training programme in University of Delhi (2008). 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. • Abbas NS (1992) Triploid plantlets from the endosperm culture of some Euphorbiaceae. Invitro Cellular and Development Biology 28: 101(Abs) • Abbas NS, Sehgal CB (1996), Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from seedling explants of Trachyspermum ammi (L.) Sprague, Proceeding 84th Indian Science Congress Association 3: 60 9. • Abbas NS, Sehgal CB (1996), In vitro induction of triploid plantlets from endosperm culture of Aleurites fordii (L.), Indian Science Congress Association • Tripathi Anamika, Amrita Nigam, N S Abbas, Conserving Biodiversity at IGNOU, International Seminar on Role of Plant Taxonomy in Biodiversity Management and Human Welfare organized by Forest Research Institute, Dehradun, Uttarakhand in Collaboration with Association for Plant Taxonomy (APT), Page No. 55, December 1-3, 2008. (Abstract published) • Tripathi Anamika, Amrita Nigam, N S Abbas, Family Planning and Birth Control Among Indian Tribal Communities by Using Plants, Indo-Italian Workshop on Bacteria and Fungi for Environmental Sustainability organized by Amity Institute of Microbial Technology, Amity University, Noida, U.P. , Page No. 150, November 29-30 and December1, 2010. (Abstract published) • Tripathi Anamika, Amrita Nigam, N S Abbas, Evaluation of Antimicrobial Potential of leaf Extract and in vitro Callus Raised from Leaf of Ocimum sanctum, National Seminar on Plant Cell, Tissue & Organ Culture Emerging Trends organized by Department of Botany, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, UP, Page No. 54, March 10- 11, 2012. (Abstract published) • Tripathi Anamika, N S Abbas, Amrita Nigam, In vitro plant regeneration from different explants of Ocimum sanctum: A comparative study, International Conference on “Biotechnology: A rendezvous with basic sciences for global prosperity (BTBS-2012) organized by Society for Plant Research and VEGETOS, NASC Complex, Pusa, New Delhi, Page No. 142, December 26-27, 2012 (ISSN 0970-4078). (Abstract published) • Tripathi Anamika, N S Abbas, Amrita Nigam, In vitro regeneration of plantlets from cotyledonary explants of Ocimum citriodorum: An endangered medicinal herb, National Seminar on Plant Sciences: New technologies, conservation and Environment organized by Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, UP, Page No. 36, February 23- 24, 2013. (Abstract published) Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. • Participated Two day workshop on " Biology and Technology of cultivable mushrooms"" organised by ILLL on 18th- 19 February 2014. • Attended a workshop on Nano technology organised by department of science and technology at FICII auditorium " India R&D 2008Nanotechnology : The Science of the future. • Attended National symposium on " Biotechnology : Expanding Horizons" held at INSA auditorium in 2003. • Participated in the Academic Congress on Enabling the Young : Redefining Education from 06th – 07th September 2012 hosted by University of Delhi, Delhi. • Participated in the ICT Workshop for capacity building of Delhi University Faculty from 8th March to 11th March ,2011 organized by Institute of Life Long Learning , University of Delhi. • Participated in the Workshops of Life Science at the Institute of Life Long Learning (ILLL) during April 2009 and contributed Sets of Questions for online Quiz. 10. Have you undertaken Major/Mi r Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. No. 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) Mo graphs written Chapter written in books Books edited Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) Index of your publications Impact factor h- index 1. Abbas NS (1992) Triploid plantlets from the endosperm culture of some Euphorbiaceae. Invitro Cellular and Development Biology 28: 101(Abs) 2. Sehgal CB, Abbas NS (1994) Somatic Embryognesis and plant regeneration from Hypocotyl tissue of Trachyspermum ammi (I.) Sprague. Phytomorphology44 : 265-271. 3. Sehgal CB, Verma B, Abbas NS (1994) Histological and histochemical studies on the suspensor of some legumes. In : Modern Trends in Plant Sciences, Vol 1. ed. YPS Pudir, Dehradun, India PP 73-83. 4. Sehgal CB, Verma B, AbbasNS(1994) Degradation of protein bodies in cotyledonary cells during seed germination in Arachis hypogaea L. cv, M-13 In: Modern trends in plant Sciences, Vol 1 ed. YPS Pudir, Dehradun, India, PP130-139. 5. Sehgal CB, Khurana S, Abbas NS (1994) in vitro regeneration of triploid plantlets from the endosperm of Emblica officnalisGaertn. In: Advances in Agricultural Research in India, Vol2, ed. YPS Pudir, Dehradun, India, PP 1-19. 6. Abbas NS, SehgalCB (1996), Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from seedling explants of Trachyspermum ammi (L.) Sprague, Proceeding 84th Indian Science Congress Association 3: 60 7. Abbas NS, Sehgal CB (1996), In vitro induction of triploid plantlets from endosperm culture of Aleurites fordii (L.), Indian Science Congress Association 8. Sehgal CB, Abbas NS (1996) Induction of triploid plantlets from the endosperm culture of Mallotus philippensis Muell. Arg.Phytomorphology 46: 283-289. 9. Tripathi Anamika, Amrita Nigam, N S Abbas (2008) Conserving Biodiversity at IGNOU, International Seminar on Role of Plant Taxonomy in Biodiversity Management and Human Welfare organized by Forest Research Institute, Dehradun, Uttarakhand in Collaboration with Association for Plant Taxonomy (APT), Page No. 55, December 1-3, . (Abstract published) 10. Tripathi Anamika, Amrita Nigam, N S Abbas (2010) Family Planning and Birth Control Among Indian Tribal Communities by Using Plants, Indo-Italian Workshop on Bacteria and Fungi for Environmental Sustainability organized by Amity Institute of Microbial Technology, Amity University, Noida, U.P. , Page No. 150, November 29-30 and December1, . (Abstract published) 11. Tripathi Anamika, Amrita Nigam, N S Abbas (2012) Evaluation of Antimicrobial Potential of leaf Extract and in vitro Callus Raised from Leaf of Ocimum sanctum, National Seminar on Plant Cell, Tissue & Organ Culture Emerging Trends organized by Department of Botany, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, UP, Page No. 54, March 10- 11, (Abstract published) 12. Tripathi Anamika, N S Abbas, Amrita Nigam (2012) In vitro plant regeneration from different explants of Ocimum sanctum: A comparative study, International Conference on “Biotechnology: A rendezvous with basic sciences for global prosperity (BTBS-2012) organized by Society for Plant Research and VEGETOS, NASC Complex, Pusa, New Delhi, Page No. 142, December 26-27, 2012 (ISSN 0970-4078). (Abstract published) 13. Tripathi Anamika, N S Abbas, Amrita Nigam (2013) In vitro regeneration of plantlets from cotyledonary explants of Ocimum citriodorum: An endangered medicinal herb, National Seminar on Plant Sciences: New technologies, conservation and Environment organized by Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, UP, Page No. 36, February 23- 24,. (Abstract published) 14. Tripathi Anamika, N S Abbas, Amrita Nigam,(2014) Micropropagation of an Endangered Medicinal Herb Ocimum citriodorum Vis., Journal of Plant Development Sciences, Vol 6 (3): 365- 374,ISSN 0974-6382 (Print); ISSN 23489170 (Online) (NAAS Rating 2.35) . 15. N S Abbas, Tripathi Anamika, Amrita Nigam, (2015) Micropropagation of medicinal herb Ocimum citriodorum Vis. through young inflorescences in press for publication. Semi-Technical Publications : • Abbas NS (1991) Morphogenetic responses of endosperm and its Applications, Botanica 41: 22-23. • Babeeta C, Abbas NS (1991) Endod – Source of a new drug. Botanica 41 : 97 • Deepti S, Abbas NS (1992) Phytotoxin and its application, Botanica 42: 54-56. • Tripathi Anamika, Amrita Nigam, NS Abbas, TB Ek Lailaj Beemari Nahin, Deepshikha, Page No. 66-69, 2010. 12. No. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. Teaching is an influential role in society, and crafting an environment that is holistic and effective is vital for student learning. Today's classroom provides challenges for instructors. Not all students learn the same way, but all can be encouraged to participate actively in the classroom to build new knowledge. Innovative and effective teaching approaches engage students through active participation. Teaching methodology involves : • • • • • Active learning: Peer instruction, discussion groups and collaborative problem solving Visualization, technology tools and active learning Multimedia technologies Students are motivated to prepare individual presentation. Feedback from the students for understanding the lecture 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. No. 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. No. 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. Taught M.Sc. students at Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU ), Delhi. 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : a) for your own College b) for any other organization ? Give details with proofs. No. 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. Yes. 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. Yes 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? • Selected as one of the member of Delhi University faculty team under the project “ Strengthening of Higher Education Programme” (SHEP) Sponsored by World Bank Project for the curriculum development etc. • Contributed e-quizzes for Institute of Life Long Learning (ILLL), University of Delhi Online program me for B.Sc. (Life Sciences) BY-105: Biological systems, evolution and Biodiversity (Unit I: Genetic approach to Biology).BY105: Cell and cellular processes ( Unit III : Cell as a unit of Life ). • Academic Counselor and Assistant Coordinator for Indira Gandhi national open University (IGNOU study centre n. 728 at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, University of Delhi. Courses taught: B.Sc./ B.Sc.( major) ; CPLT; and Foundation of Science and Technology courses. • Visiting Faculty in Life Science Department of IGNOU. • Serves as Deputy Superintendent , secrecy officer, in the central evaluation process of University of Delhi (2000 -2006 ) • During the job tenure in Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, I have contributed to the corporate culture of the college by organizing and being Convenor of various committees ever since the college started functioning. Besides, I worked as Bursar of the college for about 11 years (1996- 2006), Officiating Principal, Library-in-charge for setting up the College Library and also Public Information Officer (PIO). (Dr.N.S.Abbas) SELF STUDY REPORT (Faculty, Biology) 1. Name of the Teacher : Dr.Sujata Bhardwaj 2. Designation & Department : Associate professor . 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution ? Give details along with proof. Yes. 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organisation? If yes, submit proof. No. b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body ? If yes, submit proof. No. 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. Five a) Participated in 43rd orientation course from July 15-august 9 , 2002 b) Participated in four week Refresher course in Biotechnology from April 7May 02,2003 conducted by Academic Staff College of JNU and sponsored by UGC. c) Participated in four week refresher course in Life Sciences from December 27 - January 20, 2005 organised by Academic Staff College, JNU and sponsored by UGC. 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. 7 8 Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organised by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. No. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organised by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. No. 9 Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. • Two day workshop on " Biology and Technology of cultivable mushrooms"" organized by ILLL on 18th- 19 February 2014. • Attended a workshop on Nano technology organized by department of science and technology at FICII auditorium " India R&D 2008Nanotechnology : The Science of the future. • Attended national symposium on " Biotechnology : Expanding Horizons" held at INSA auditorium . • Attended international conference on " Microorganisms in environmental management and biotechnology " organised from July 1-3 2011 by department of Biotechnology & Bioinformatics Centre, Barkatullah University Bhopal . Played active role in organising the conference and Was rapporteur in one session of the conference . • Participated in the ICT Workshop for capacity building of Delhi University Faculty from 8th March to 11th March ,2011 organized by Institute of Life Long Learning , University of Delhi. • Participated in the Workshops of Life Science at the Institute of Life Long Learning (ILLL) during April 2009 and contributed Sets of Questions for online Quiz. 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. No. 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a) List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) b) List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper). 1 Bhardwaj, S., and Gakhar, S.K (2008) Ethnobotanicals used by the tribals of Mizoram for furniture and household equipments. Indian. J. Trad. Knowledge. 7(1):134- 137. ISSN : 0972-5938 Bhardwaj, S., and Gakhar, S.K (2005) Ethnomedicinal plants used by the tribalsofMizoram to cure cuts and wounds. Indian. J. Trad. Knowledge. 4(1): 7580. ISSN : 0972-5938 2 S. Bhardwaj. andGakhar, S.K (2003) Ethno-medicinal plants used by the tribals of Mizoram to cure dysentery. Ethnobotany 15:51-53. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Monographs written Chapter written in books Books edited Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) Index of your publications Impact factor h- index 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. No. 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. Power point presentations., videos, active student teacher interaction , problem solving, peer interaction. 14 15. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof.No. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. No. 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. No. 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : a) for your own College. One day seminar on the occasion of ozone day. b) for any other organization ? No. Give details with proofs. 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. No. 19. Are you recognised as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. No. 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? Did post doctoral research work in department of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics centre from October 2010 to May 2012. Topic of research -- " Isolation and Characterization of endophytes for their anti microbial properties from Medicinal plants of Madhya Pradesh". (Dr.Sujata Bhardwaj ) Evaluative Rep SDEPARTMENT OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE CIENCE 1. Name of the department : Biomedical Science 2. Year of Establishment : 2004 3. Names of Programmes / Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.) : UG course in B.Sc. (H) Biomedical Science (2004 – till date) FYUP in Biomedical Science (One batch only) 4. Names of Interdisciplinary papers and the departments involved: Students of the Department study various interdisciplinary papers such as Microbiology, Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Computer Science 5. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system (programme wise) : Annual system: 2004-2010 Semester system: 2010 to be continued 6. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments Faculty of the Department of Biomedical Science was actively involved in taking theory and practical classes of the students of different departments viz. Microbiology and Food technology in the three year programme annual mode. Hence forth, with the introduction of semester mode, students of various other departments are teaching common papers of Biomedical Science Course from time to time. 7. Other Courses offered by the Department The Department of Biomedical Science of the college in collaboration with Acharya Narendra Dev College jointly started a new add-on course in Bioinformatics and insilico Drug Discovery in 2012 for the undergraduate students. The primary aim of this course is to suit the fast track needs of bioinformatics and in-silico drug discovery divisions of pharmaceutical companies and research organizations. Keeping this in view, the blueprint of the course structure is formulated in consultation with the members of the course advisory committee that consists of eminent scientists from academia as well as industry. This course includes both lectures and hands-on sessions on sequence and microarray analyses, phylogenetic analysis, importance of Bayesian statistics, molecular modelling and protein-drug docking. 8. Details of courses/programs discontinued (if any) with reasons FYUP was started from 2013-14 and has been discontinued from 2014-15, as per the University of Delhi directives. 9. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation and specialization. Qualificati on Name Dr.Uma Chaudhry Dr. Shivani G. Varmani Dr.Uma Dhawan Designation Nature of Specialization Appointment No. of Years of Experience M.Sc. (Madurai Kamaraj University) , Ph.D. (D.U) M.Sc., Ph.D. (AIIMS) Assistant Professor Permanent Medical Biotechnology 10 years teaching and 2 years of RA Assistant Professor Permanent Medical Biochemistry and Biotechnology 09 years M.Sc., Ph.D. (D.U.) Assistant Professor Permanent Human Genetics and 09 years Bioinformatics M.Sc. (Edinburgh , UK) Dr. Parvinder Kaur M.Sc. (Jamia Hamdard), Ph. D. (D.U.) Assistant Professor Ad-Hoc Toxicology 06 years Dr. Roy M. Sc. Assistant Professor Ad-Hoc Biophysics 02 years Assistant Professor Ad-Hoc Molecular and Cell Biology 01 year Kapil (Bundelkh and University) , Ph. (DU) Dr. Neha Singh D. M. Sc. (DU), Ph. D. (N.I.I., JNU) No. of Ph.D./M.Phi l/ /M.Sc. Students supervised 01 01 M.Sc. Student CoSupervised 10. Student -Teacher Ratio (program wise): 12:1 in B. Sc. (Hons) Biomedical Science 11. Details of Laboratory Staff: S. No Name of the laboratory staff Designation 1. Mr. Ramkishan Laboratory Assistant 2. Mr. Devender Solanki Laboratory Assistant 3. Mr. Ramashankar Laboratory Assistant 4. Mr. Satish Laboratory Attendant 12. Number of faculty with successfully completed / ongoing projects from a) National b) International funding agencies and grants received: S. Name No Faculty 1 Dr of the Number of Funding Agency Projects Uma 02 Chaudhry Sanctioned Amount UGC and DU 10.57 lakhs UGC Innovation Project* and 10 lakhs DU Innovation 2 Dr Shivani G. 03 Varmani 01 from UGC and 9 lakhs UGC and 02 from DU 10 & 5 lakhs from Innovation DU innovation Projects* 3 Dr Uma Dhawan 01 01 from DU 5.5 lakhs Innovation Project* 4 Dr Kaur • Parvinder 01 01 from DU 7.5 lakhs Innovation Project* DU Innovation Projects are being coordinated by more than two faculty. 13. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc. and total grants received: Star College Grant funded from DBT (from December 2010 onwards) Total Grant received from DBT = 5 lakhs non-recurring grant and approximately 6.5 lakhs recurring grant 14. Publications: a) Publications Name of the Publications faculty in journal Books authored Dr NA Uma 10 Books edited Chapters in Publications in books Conference Proceeding NA NA 3 Chaudhry Dr Shivani 15 G. Varmani FL+1 NA NA NA 3 mutation report+3 Abstract Dr Uma 9 NA NA NA NA Dr Parvinder 4 NA NA NA 1 Neha 1 NA NA NA NA Dr Kapil Roy 2 NA NA NA NA Dhawan Kaur Dr Singh b) Papers presented / accepted in the Conference Name of the faculty Dr Uma Chaudhry Papers / posters presented in Conference 3 Dr Shivani G. Varmani 3 Dr Uma Dhawan 2 Dr Parvinder Kaur NA Dr Kapil Roy NA 15. Faculty as members in c) National committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Boards d) University Committees Dr Uma Chaudhry 1. Member of Committee of Courses for Hons, Post-graduate and Research Studies in Biomedical Sciences from 3rd July 2007 to 2nd July, 2009. 2. Member of Departmental Research Committee of Dr. B. R. Amberkar Center for Biomedical Research, University of Delhi from 1st February, 2009 onwards. 16. Students projects All students have undertaken projects as part of their curriculum. 17. Awards/ Recognitions received by the Department Dr. Uma Chaudhry One of the beneficiary of Technology Transfer of Prof. Daman Saluja’s prototype kit on beacon based diagnostic assay for detection of Neisseria and Chlamydia which has been successfully transferred to DSS Venture Pvt. Ltd. for commercialization. Dr Uma Dhawan Universitas 21 Fellowship awarded by University for doing one year masters in Bioinformatics from The University of Edinburgh, UK (2010-2011). Dr. Shivani G. Varmani • Best Poster (Second Prize) at 4th International conference on updating Food Technology: A challenge towards Public Health Nutrition on May 7 – 8, 2014. • International federation of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine (IFCC) Registration Bursary award was given to attend the 10th Asian Pacific Congress of Clinical Biochemistry held in conjunction with the AACB's 42nd Annual Scientific Conference at Perth, Australia from 18-23 September 2004 • Recipient of the prestigious Rashtriya Gaurav Award –Certificate of Excellence for Meritorious Services, Outstanding Performance and Remarkable role on 10th Oct, 2009 given by India International Friendship Society. 18. List of eminent academicians and scientists/ visitors to the department a. Sh. Gauhar Raza, NISCAIR b. Dr. N.R. Jagannathan, AIIMS c. Dr. Mitali Mukerji, CSIR-IGIB d. Prof. Dinesh Singh, Vice Chancellor, DU e. Prof. Deepak Pental, DU f. Prof. Karmeshu, JNU g. Prof.Yogendra Singh, CSIR-IGIB h. Prof. V.C Kalia, CSIR-IGIB i. Prof. V.S. Chauhan, Director, ICGEB j. Prof. Shobha Broor, AIIMS k. Prof. Jaya Tyagi, AIIMS; l. Dr. Yogesh Chaudhri, WHO SEARO m. Prof. Jayaram, Department of IIT , New Delhi n. Dr. Amol Prakash, Thermo Fischer, USA 19. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding a) National • Organized a seminar on “The Swachh Technologies: Microbial Factories” by Dr. V. C. Lakia, Chief Scientist, CSIR_IGIB, Delhi as a part of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan initiative at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, University of Delhi sponsored by DBT Star College Scheme on 29th October, 2014. • Organized a three-day workshop on “Statistical Analysis of Biological Data” for undergraduate students of the college. The workshop was sponsored by DBT Star College Scheme and was held from 9th to 11th October, 2014. • Organized a three-day workshop on “Molecular modelling in drug discovery” for undergraduate students of the college in collaboration with CSIR-Open Source Drug Discovery unit. The workshop was sponsored by DBT Star College Scheme and was held from 16th to 18th July, 2014. • National Symposium on Infectious Diseases: Advancement in diagnosis, therapeutics and vaccines held from 20th-21st March, 2014 in Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, University of Delhi, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075 Source of Funding : DST and DBT • Workshop on ‘Basic Molecular Biology Techniques’ held from 12th to16th December, 2011 in Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, University of Delhi, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075 Source of funding : DBT Star College Grant • National Symposium on ‘Infectious Diseases: Basic and Applied Research’ organized on 3rd February 2010 held at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, University of Delhi, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075. Source of Funding : UGC, DBT, CSIR • Symposium on ‘Bioinformatics: An in-silico approach to Biology’ held on 5th December 2008 in Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, University of Delhi, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075. Source of Funding : Sponsorships and College Funds • Hands-on training was jointly organized by Biomedical Science Department of our College along with Biochemistry Department of Shivaji College, University of Delhi and Open Source Drug Discovery (OSDD) Group at Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology on ‘Protein modeling & docking studies for rational drug design’ on December 23-24, 2013. Source of Funding : DBT Star College Funds 20. Student profile programme : Department of Biomedical Science Year wise enrolment Enrolled *M Enrolled *F 2010-11 Total students enrolled 40 12 28 2011-12 37 12 13 2012-13 71 21 31 2013-14 37 15 21 2014-15 48 23 25 *M=Male F=Female 21. Diversity of Students : Department of Biomedical Science Year wise enrolment Reserved candidates OBC SC ST PwD 2010-11 6 5 1 0 2011-12 4 5 3 0 2012-13 9 11 1 0 2013-14 7 9 0 0 2014-15 11 8 1 0 ONE International student was enrolled in the year 2009-2012 batch 22. Student progression (as per the Information received from the students) Against % enrolled Student progression UG to PG 92% PG to M.Phil. NIL PG to Ph.D. ~75% Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral NIL Employed 28% • Campus selection • Other than campus recruitment Entrepreneurship/Self-employment 5% ~75% of students have cleared NET/SLET or GATE for pursuing their Ph.D. prgramme. 01 student, Mr Ankit Kumar has cleared Defense Services with 212 rank this year. 23. Details of Infrastructural facilities The laboratories of the Biomedical Department are well equipped with various latest and sophisticated instruments including computer-based UV-Visible spectrophotometers, thermal cyclers, gel documentation system, refrigerated high speed centrifuges, orbital shaker incubator, microtome, UV transilluminator, microplate ELISA reader, digital colony counter, digital viscometer, melting point apparatus, binocular microscopes with camera and projection system as well as other instruments including electronic balances, autoclave, colorimeters, vertical and horizontal electrophoresis units, electro-blotting system, laminar hood, magnetic stirrers, vortex shakers, ice flaking machine, ovens, flame photometers etc. Department has its own collection of books in Departmental Library. Books are available to students for reference. Laboratories are equipped with projectors for visualization of animated materials or virtual labs. 24. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government or other agencies Ms. Vandana in the year 2011-2012 Ms. Kirti in the year 2013-2014 25. Details on student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) with external experts Industrial visits/exposure by the students/summer training, winter training S.No. YEAR NAME OF THE INSTITUTE DURATION 1. 2008 Department of Pathology, Mata 02 days Chanan Devi Hospital, JanakPuri 32 2 201112 36 3. 20122013 Animal Handling Techniques at 02 Dr B R Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research Virtual Lab Demonstration to the 01 faculty by Educosoft India Ltd 4. 20122013 Brainstorming Session on R & D 01 Output Indicators (Biotech and Pharma Industry) in PHD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY, PHD House, 4/2 Siri Institutional Area on 11th July 2011 10 5 20122013 Pharma Tech India 2012 in PHD 01 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY, PHD House, 4/2 Siri Institutional Area on 11th July 2011. 20 6. 20122013 Yakult, Sonepat 34 7. 20132014 All India Institute of Medical 01 day Sciences 15 8. 20142015 Mushroom Cultivation Murthal, Haryana 30 1 day Center, 01 day NUMBER OF STUDENTS 03 Guest Lectures delivered (Name of the Expert, Talk Title) S. No YEAR Name of the SPEAKER TOPIC OF PRESENTATION /RESOURCE PERSON 1 2010 Dr Tripti Bhatnagar 2 2011 Dr. Gayatri Prakash, Use of microscopic Daulat Ram College Biomedical Science Scope of Medical Diagnostics : An era of Molecular Biology techniques in 3 2011 Dr. Jan Wildenhain A Hitchikker's Guide to Cheminformatics University of Edinburgh, and Drug Discovery United Kingdom Dr. Madhu Chopra, Dr B R Ambedkar Applications of Fluorescence Spectroscopy Center for Biomedical in Biomedical Science Research, University of Delhi 4 2011 6 2012 Dr. Tripti Bhatnagar, Gene Expression Analysis Codon Biotech 7 2013 Prof. B. C. Das Human Papillomavirus in the causation of Human Cancer 8 2013 Dr. Shantanu Sen Gupta Vitamin B12 deficiency: A silent epidemic Novel Drug Targets from asexual blood stages of Plasmodium falciparum 9 2014 Dr. Pawan Malhotra 10 2014 Dr. Pushkar Sharma 11 2014 Prof. K. Natrajan Signaling, Trafficking and Malaria Parasite Mycobacterium tuberculosis: Dealing with the Immortals of the Lung 12 2014 Prof. Daman Saluja Developing point of care diagnostic for infectious diseases: challenges and opportunities 13 2014 Dr. Deepak K. Saini Anti – microbial therapeutics: dog…but new tricks!! 14 2014 Dr. Anshu Bhardwaj ‘Data Intensive Drug Discovery’ 15 2014 Dr. Vipin Bhardwaj Next generation sequencing 16 2014 DR. S. Ramachandran Integration of gene expression and metabolic reactions models provides insights into robustness and drug target Old points in M. tuberculosis 17 2014 Dr Yogendra Singh Survival Strategies of Bacterial Pathogens 18 2014 Dr Manju Bala Gonorrhea Control: What is the status today? Dr Aparna Dixit Developing ‘molecular’ or ‘cellular’ based protocol to define the extent of epileptogenic zone and elucidating the molecular basis of intractable epilepsy (IE) 19 2014 26. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning Lectures, power point presentations, seminars, virtual Labs, quizzes, regular short tests, interactive classes, visit to scientific institutes such as ICGEB, hand outs, Lab Manuals, Survey, group discussion, written assignment, student presentation, group presentation, projects, workshops and Hands-on-training. 27. SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans Strengths: 1. The laboratories of Biomedical Science Department are well equipped with various latest and sophisticated Instruments. 2. Well qualified faculty and have strong inclination towards research as showcased by introduction of various research projects 3. Lot of emphasis is also laid on Co-curricular activities. 4. Department Faculty is Tech savy and has a high team spirit. 5. Started lecture series to acquaint students to latest developments in Research. 6. Laboratory staff is suitably trained to help conduct the practicals. Weakness: Specialized Instruments have frequent break-down because of non-conducive environment of the Department (as a result of no ACs) Opportunity: This course provides an excellent opportunity for the students with biological science background to pursue career in research, academics, management, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry. Challenges: 1. No appointments in University of Delhi for the last few years which has led to lack of permanent faculty in the Department. 2. Placing undergraduate students in summer training Institutes. 3. More collaboration is needed with Industries. 28. List of Research Publications: Dr Uma Chaudhry • Mishra PK, ChandraSC, Raj SR, Chaudhry U, Saluja D. Functional analysis of hypothetical proteins of Chlamydia trachomatis: an in silico approach for prioritizing the targets. J Comput Sci Syst Biol (2013), 7:1 ; Impact factor 2.5 • Patel AL, Chaudhry U, Sachdev D, Sachdeva PN, Bala M, Saluja D. An insight into the drug resistance profile & mechanism of drug resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Indian J Med Res 134, October 2011, pp 419-431 ; Impact factor 1.66 • Patel AL, Sachdev D, Nagpal P, Chaudhry U, Sonkar SC, Mendiratta SL, Saluja D. Prevalence of Chlamydia infection among women visiting a gynaecology outpatient department: evaluation of an in-house PCR assay for detection of Chlamydia trachomatis.Ann Clin Microbiol Antimicrob. 2010 Sep 8;9:24. Impact factor 1.5 • Kumar N, Shukla S, Kumar , Suryawanshi A, Chaudhry U, Ramachandran S, Maiti S. 2008. Intrinsically disordered protein from a pathogenic mesophile Mycobacterium tuberculosis adopts structured conformation at high temperature. Proteins. May 15; 71(3):1123-33. Impact factor 2.92 • Kumar A, Chandolia A, Chaudhry U, Brahmachari V, Bose M. 2005. Comparison of mammalian cell entry operons of mycobacteria: in silico analysis and expression profiling. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol. Feb 1;43(2):185-95. Impact factor 2.68 • Ramachandran S, Nandi T, Shukla S, Rajasekhar M, Chaudhry U and Banerjee A. 2004. In silico biological analysis of genomic information of pathogenic bacteria. J. Immunol. Immunopathol. 6(S-1); 30-31. Impact factor 1.78 • Uma Chaudhry, Krishna Ray, Manju Bala and Daman Saluja. 2002. Mutation patterns in gyrA and parC genes of ciprofloxacin resistant isolates of Neisseria gonorrhoeae from India (New Delhi). Sexually Transmitted Infections. 78(6): 440-444. Impact factor 3.078 • Uma Chaudhry and Daman Saluja. 2002. Detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae by PCR using orf1 gene as target. Sexually Transmitted Infections. 78(1): p72. Impact factor 3.078 • Uma Chaudhry, Krishna Ray, Manju Bala and Daman Saluja. 2002. Multiplex PCR based detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Current Science. 83(5): 634-640. Impact factor 0.935 • Kuzhandhaivel S. Vetrivel, Shanmugiah K. Pandian, Uma Chaudhary and Kuppamuthu Dharmalingam. 2000. Purification, cloning, and DNA sequence analysis of a chitinase from an overproducing mutant of Streptomyces peucetius defective in daunorubicin biosynthesis. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 47: 179 -187. Impact factor 1.2 • Uma Chaudhary and Daman Saluja. 1999. Detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry. 14 (2), 135-142. Dr Shivani G. Varmani: • Luthra K, Vasisht S, Chhabra S, Raju KR, Agarwal DP, Manchanda SC, Srivastava LM. Lp(a) Phenotypes and levels in angiographically proven coronary heart disease patients and controls. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry 1998, 13 (1): 12-19. (H Index=20) • Chhabra S, Agarwal DP, Vasisht S, Luthra K, Narang R, Manchanda SC, Srivastava LM and Das N. Study of apolipoprotein E polymorphism in normal healthy controls from northern India. Disease Markers. 2000, 16:159-161. (IF=2.174) • Chhabra S, Narang R, Krishnan LR, Vasisht S, Agarwal DP, Srivastava LM, Manchanda SC and Das N. Apolipoprotein C3 SstI polymorphism and triglyceride levels in Asian Indians. BMC Genetics 2002, 3: 9(IF=2.356) • Luthra K, Vasisht S, Bharghav B, Chhabra S, Das N, Misra A, Agarwal DP, Pandey RM, Srivastava LM Apolipoprotein E polymorphism in Northern Indian patients with coronary heart disease: phenotype distribution and relation to serum lipids and lipoproteins. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 2002, 232:97-102.(IF=2.388) • Chhabra S, Agarwal DP, Luthra K, Narang R., Manchanda SC, Srivastava LM and Das N. Study of apolipoprotein C3 SstI polymorphism in healthy volunteers from Northern India. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 2003, 18 (2) 34-38 (H Index=20) • Chhabra S, Narang R, Krishnan LR, Vasisht S, Agarwal DP, Srivastava LM, Manchanda SC and Das N. Apolipoprotein C3 SstI in the risk assessment of CAD. Mol Cell Biochem. 2004 Apr;259(1-2):59-66. .(IF=2.388) • S. Chhabra , R. Narang , R. Lakshmy and N.Das. APOA1-75G>A substitution associated with severe forms of CAD , lower levels of HDL and apoA-I among Northern Indians. Disease Markers 2005:21(4):169-174. (IF=2.174) • Garg M and Varmani S. Nutritional health status of North Indian adults. International Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences. 2014 Apr-Jun. Vol 3 (3): p 118-121. (IF=1.021) • Garg M, Sharma S, Varmani S, Sadhu S. Drying kinetics of thin layer pea pods using tray drying. International Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences. 2014 Apr-Jun. Vol 3 (3): p 61-66. (IF=1.021) • Varmani S, Panda H, Sadhu S, Garg M. Beta Thalassemia major and osteoporosis: etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and management. International journal of Pharmacy and Integrated life Sciences. 2014 Jun. Vol 2(7): p 64-78. (IF=1.0147) • Sadhu S, Chakraborty S, Garg M, Varmani S. Polymers in Energy harvesting. International journal of Engineering science invention. 2014 Apr. Vol3 (4): p1-5 (IF=1.786) • Sadhu S, Soni A, Varmani S, Garg M. Preparation of starch polyvinyal alcohol (PVA) blend using potato and study of its mechanical properties. International journal of Pharmaceutical science invention. 2014 Mar. Vol3 (3):p 33-37(IF=1.695) • Varmani S and Garg M. Health benefits of Moringa Oleifera: a miracle tree. International Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences. 2014 Apr-Jun. Vol 3 (3): p 111-117 (IF=1.021) • Varmani S, Arora H, Garg M, Sadhu S. Iron overload and chelation therapy in beta thalassemia major. International journal of Pharmacy and Integrated life Sciences. 2014 Jun. Vol 2(7): p 47-63.(IF=1.0147) • Varmani S, Mehta K, Garg M, Sadhu S. Diabetes mellitus in beta thalassemia majorpathogenesis and management stratigies. International Journal of Food and Nutrition sciences. 2014 Apr-Jun. Vol 3 (3): p 127-131. (IF=1.021) Full length articles in the proceedings of the conference: • Chhabra S, Narang R, Krishnan LR, Vasisht S, Agarwal DP, Srivastava L M, Manchanda SC and Das N. ApolipoproteinA1 –75G/A and apolipoproteinC3 SstI polymorphisms in the risk assessment of CAD. Proceedings of 9th Asian-Pacific Congress of Clinical Biochemistry & 28th Annual Conference of Association of Clinical Biochemists of India, New Delhi, March 2002. • S. Dey Sadhu, Kushagra Mallick, Meenakshi Garg and S. G. Varmani, ICPAM International Conference in Patna, Bihar on 30-31st May 2014 entitled “ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPY FOR CHARACTERIZATION OF POLYMERS • S. Dey Sadhu, Rishi Raj, Meenakshi Garg and S. G. Varmani, ICPAM International Conference in Patna, Bihar on 30-31st May 2014 entitled “ Biopolymers: A solution to Environmental Hazard” Mutational report published in a journal • Chhabra S, Narang R, Manchanda SC, Srivastava LM, Agarwal DP and Das N. Gene symbol Apo A1, Disease: Atherosclerosis associated with coronary artery disease (double vessel disease). Hum. Gene. Mutations (Section), Hum Genet 2000, 107: 201-204 (on page 204). (IF=4.633) Abstract Published in the journal: • Chhabra S, Narang R, Krishnan LR, Vasisht S, Agarwal DP, Srivastava LM, Manchanda SC, Das N. Apolipoprotein A1 -75G/A Polymorphism in the Risk Assessment of Coronary Artery Disease. Supplement to the Journal of the American College of Cardiology Volume 39, Number 9 (Supplement B) May 1, 2002, Page 373B(Abstract) (IF=15.343) • S. G. Varmani , R. Narang , R. Lakshmy and N.Das. Apolipoprotein(APO)A1-C3A4 gene polymorphisms in the risk assessment of Coronary Artery Disease(CAD) Chinese medical Journal, Vol 120, supplement 2, 2007 pg 135 (Abstract).(IF=1.016) • Apolipoprotein E Polymorphism and Coronary Artery Disease: A Northern Indian Study (Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 2007, Abstract)(H Index=20) Dr Uma Dhawan • The Indian Genome Variation Consortium. Genetic landscape of the people of India: a canvas for disease gene exploration. Journal of Genetics (2008). Impact factor: 0.876 • Nithin Krishna, Surendra Mohan, B.S. Yashavantha, A. Rammurthy, H.B. Kiran Kumar, Uma Mittal, Shivani Tyagi, Mitali Mukerji, Sanjeev Jain, Pramod Kumar Pal, Meera Purushottam. SCA 1, SCA 2 & SCA 3/MJD mutations in ataxia syndromes in southern India. Indian J Med Res (2007). Impact factor: 2.061 • Uma Mittal, Sangeeta Sharma, Dheeraj K., Pramod Kr. Pal, Achal K. Srivastava, Mitali Mukerji. Insights into the mutational history and prevalence of SCA1 in the Indian population through anchored polymorphisms. Human Genetics (2005). Impact factor: 4.633 • The Indian Genome Variation Consortium. The Indian Genome Variation database (IGVdb): a project overview. Human Genetics (2005). Impact factor: 4.633 Uma Mittal, Achal K. Srivastava, Satish Jain, Sanjeev Jain, Mitali Mukerji. Founder haplotype for Machado-Joseph disease in the Indian population: novel insights from history and polymorphism studies. Archives of Neurology (2005). Impact factor: 7.685 • • Samira Bahl, Komal Virdi, Uma Mittal, M. P. Sachdeva, A. K. Kalla, S. E. Holmes, E. O'Hearn, R. L. Margolis, Satish Jain, Achal K. Srivastava, Mitali Mukerji. Evidence of a common founder for SCA12 in the Indian population. Annals of Human Genetics (2005). Impact factor: 2.215 • Uma Mittal, Sanghamitra Roy, Satish Jain, Achal K. Srivastava, Mitali Mukerji. Post-zygotic de novo trinucleotide repeat expansion at spinocerebellar ataxia type 7 locus: evidence from an Indian family. Journal of Human Genetics (2005). Impact factor: 2.365 • Neeraj Pandey*, Uma Mittal*, Achal K. Srivastava, Mitali Mukerji. SMARCA2 and THAP11: potential candidates for polyglutamine disorders as evidenced from polymorphism and protein-folding simulation studies. Journal of Human Genetics (2004). *Equal authors Impact factor: 2.365 • Mona Ragothaman, Nagaraja Sarangmath, Shashi Chaudhary, Vishwamohini Khare, Uma Mittal, Sangeeta Sharma, Sreelatha Komatireddy, Subhabrata Chakrabarti, Mitali Mukerji, Ramesh C. Juyal, B. K. Thelma, Uday B. Muthane. Complex phenotypes in an Indian family with homozygous SCA2 mutations. Annals of Neurology (2004). Impact factor: 11.193 Dr Parvinder Kaur • The treatment of skin carcinoma, induced by UVB radiation, using 1-oxo-5beta, 6beta –epoxy- witha-2-eneolide, isolated from the roots of Withania somnifera, in rat model. Phytomedicine;2004 Jul;11(5): 452-60. Sheenu Mathur, Parvinder Kaur Meenakshi Sharma, Anju Katyal, Bharat Singh, Manisha Tiwari & Ramesh Chandra. (3.258) • Effect of 1-oxo-5beta, 6beta-epoxy-witha-2-ene-27-ethoxy-olide Isolated from the roots of Withania somnifera on Stress Indices in Wistar rats.Parvinder Kaur, Meenakshi Sharma , Sheenu Mathur , Manisha Tiwari , Harish M Divekar, Rattan Kumar R, KK Srivastava, Ramesh Chandra. J Altern Complement Med; 2003, December, 9 (6): 897-907. (1.464) • A Biologically active constituent of Withania somnifera (ashwagandha) with antistress activity.Indian journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 2001, 16(2), 195-198. Parvinder Kaur, Sheenu Mathur, Meenakshi Sharma, Manisha Tiwari, K. K. Srivastava & Ramesh Chandra.(ISSN:0970-1915) • Metalloporphyrins – Applications and Clinical Significance. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 2000, 15 (suppl), 183-199. Ramesh Chandra, Manisha Tiwari, Parvinder Kaur, Meenakshi Sharma, Ritu Jain and Sujata Dass. ((ISSN: 0970-1915) Dr Kapil Roy • “A short GC-rich palindrome of human mannose receptor gene (MRC2) coding region displays a conformational switch” Aparna Bansal, Manoj Prasad, Kapil Roy, Shrikant Kukreti Biopolymers (2012) Volume 97, Issue 12, Pages: 950–962 ISSN:1097-0282 (Impact Factor: 2.879) • “Antihyperglycemic effect of a new thiazolidinedione analogue and its effect in ameliorating oxidative stress in alloxan induced diabetic rats” Jyoti Chaudhry, Narendra Nath Ghosh, Kapil Roy, Ramesh Chandra Life Science (2007) Volume 80, Pages: 135-142 ISSN:0024-3206 (Impact Factor: 2.555) Dr Neha Singh Prashant Kumar Modi, Narayana Komaravelli, Neha Singh, and Pushkar Sharma. “Interplay between MEK-ERK signaling, cyclin D1 and cyclin dependent kinase 5 regulates cell cycle re-entry and apoptosis of neurons”. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 2012, 23:18 3722-3730. ISSN No 1939-4586 Impact Factor 5.98 SELF STUDY REPORT (FACULTY, BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES) 1. Name of the Teacher: Dr. Uma Chaudhry 2. Designation & Department: Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Science 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution ? Give details along with proof. Actively involved indevelopment of syllabi for B.Sc. (Hons.) Biomedical Science: semester mode and also for Four Year Undergraduate Programme in Biomedical Sciences. Was invited as an expert by Punjab Technical University for two days Workshop on the Curriculum development of B. Tech. Biotechnology course. 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body? If yes, submit proof. Life membership of Association of Clinical Biochemists of India; Membership Number 2635 Life membership of Indian Society of Analytical Scientists – Delhi Chapter; Membership Number LM-1713 Life Membership of Society of Biological Chemists, India 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. Course Details Period Orientation Course UGC sponsored Orientation Course 6th May 2008 to 3rd June, conducted by CPDHE, University 2008 of Delhi, Delhi Refresher Course Clinical Biochemists of India 15th and 16th December, 2007 12th Refresher UGC-Academic Staff College 26th July, 2010 to 20th Course in Jawaharlal Nehru University August, 2010 Biotechnology 19th Refresher UGC-Academic Staff College 13th January, 2014 to 7th Course in Life Jawaharlal Nehru University February, 2014 Sciences 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. • Participated in the Scientific Writing and Publishing workshop being organized by Macmillan ScienceCommunication, an exclusive partner of Nature Publishing Group in association with Jawaharlal Nehru University held on29th November, 2013 at Jawaharlal Nehru University. • Participated in a workshop on Biotechnology: Trends and techniques held at Department of Zoology, Hindu College, University of Delhi from 28th to 31st March, 2013. • Participated in The Academic Congress entitled ‘Enabling the Young : Redefining Education’ organized by the University of Delhi from 6th to 7Th September, 2012. • Participated in a Workshop on “Bioinformatics and molecular modeling in drug design” held at Dr B R Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research, University of Delhi from 18th to 20th January, 2012. 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. Yes at Institute of Life Long Learning in conducting practicals of B. Sc. Life Science Program of University of Delhi in order to train tecahers. 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. • Participated and presented two posters in STI and AIDS World Congress 2013 held during July 14th to 17th, 2013 at Vienna. Posters presented were : Molecular analysis of antimicrobial resistant Neisseria gonorrhea isolates from Delhi, India : a functional genomics approach. Identification and functional annotation of secreted proteins of Chlamydia trachomatis using bioinformatics tools • Participated and presented a paper on : ‘Rapid detection and characterization of pathogens present on fresh produce : A paradigm shift from culture plate to molecularbiology’ in an International Conference and Exhibition on Food Processing and Technology held during November 22nd to 24th, 2012 at Hyderabad International Conventional Centre, India. • Participated and presented a paper on “Characterization of putative Immunodominant Proteins of Chlamydia trachomatis to be positionally conserved and secreted using a Bioinformatic Approach” in the 12th IUSTI World Congress held in New Delhi from 2nd to 5th November, 2011. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. • Participated in the 2nd International Science Symposium on HIV & Infectious Diseases held inFebruary 2014 at The ACCORD Metropolitan Hotel, Chennai, India. • Attended a workshop on Biotechnology: Trends and techniques held at Department of Zoology, Hindu College, University of Delhi from 28th to 31st March, 2013. • Participated in 32nd Annual Convention of Indian Association for Cancer Research (IACR) on Emerging Trends in Cancer Research: Road to Prevention & Cure and an International Symposium on Infection & Cancer held during 13th to 17th February, 2013 at Dr B R Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research, University of Delhi. • Participated in Conference on ‘Emerging trends in development of Drugs and Devices’ held during 21st to 23rd of January, 2013 jointly organized by the Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi and the three National Science Academies of India. • Participated in The Academic Congress entitled ‘Enabling the Young : Redefining Education’ organized by the University of Delhi from 6th to 7Th September, 2012. • Participated in the First Meeting of Coordinators of Colleges supported under Star College Scheme of DBT held on 30th – 31st May, 2012 at SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi. • Participated in a Workshop on “Bioinformatics and molecular modeling in drug design” held at Dr B R Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research, University of Delhi from 18th to 20th January, 2012. • Participated in “Quality Matters” Workshop from 8th to 12th March 2010 organized by The Open University, UK under the UK India Education and Research Initiative. • Participated in the Indo-European Conference on “Quality Assurance in Higher Education” held at the Conference Centre, University of Delhi on 6th and 7th May, 2010. • Attended the “Workshop on Bioinformatics” held at Dr B R Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research, University of Delhi during December 2009. • Organized a series of one day workshops on “Development of online quizzes in Life Sciences” held at the Institute of Lifelong Learning on April 8, 9, 13 and 16, 2009. • Participated in the seminar “Empowering the Teacher to engage students in Teaching/Learning Mathematics and Sciences through latest Internet and LAN based Technologies” held on 14th January 2009 at the Conference Centre of University of Delhi. • Organized one day workshop on “Laboratory O’Manual” at Institute of Lifelong Learning to develop Lab Manual for B. Sc. Life Science Programme of University of Delhi (I year) on 29th May, 2009. • Participation in Intensive Training in the Open University UKIERI supported blended learning workshop in Milton Keynes, United Kingdom from 9th June to 13th June, 2008 under the leadership of Dr. Savita Datta. • Attended one day Seminar on “ Bioinformatics and Molecular Modeling in Drug Design” held at Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical research, University of Delhi, Delhi on 30th January, 2008. • Participated in a Professional Course and Workshop on “Clinical Biochemistry” at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi (15th and 16th December, 2007). • Participated in the workshop on “e-Learning & Content Design” during 26th-27th October, 2007. 9. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. UGC sponsored project entitled ‘Characterization of Pkn1 and IncA proteins as potential vaccine candidates of Chlamydia trachomatis.’ With effect from 1st February, 2011 for a period of three years. UNIVERSITY OF DELHI INNOVATION PROJECT BCAS 102 : entitled ‘Studies to assess the quality of fruits and vegetables with respect to microbial load and the remedial measures for their control’ was sanctioned in 2012. The Principal investigators of the project are Dr. Shalini Sehgal, Dr. Uma Chaudhry and Dr. Purnima Anand. In this project, 10 students from the Departments of Biomedical Science, Food Technology and Microbiology were involved. The advisor of the project was Dr. R.K. Khandal, Vice Chancellor, Gautam Buddh Technical University, Lucknow 10. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: Research Publications • Mishra PK, ChandraSC, Raj SR, Chaudhry U, Saluja D. Functional analysis of hypothetical proteins of Chlamydia trachomatis: an in silico approach for prioritizing the targets. J Comput Sci Syst Biol (2013), 7:1 ; Impact factor 2.5 • Patel AL, Chaudhry U, Sachdev D, Sachdeva PN, Bala M, Saluja D. An insight into the drug resistance profile & mechanism of drug resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Indian J Med Res 134, October 2011, pp 419-431 ; Impact factor 1.66 • Patel AL, Sachdev D, Nagpal P, Chaudhry U, Sonkar SC, Mendiratta SL, Saluja D. Prevalence of Chlamydia infection among women visiting a gynaecology outpatient department: evaluation of an in-house PCR assay for detection of Chlamydia trachomatis.Ann Clin Microbiol Antimicrob. 2010 Sep 8;9:24. Impact factor 1.5 • Kumar N, Shukla S, Kumar , Suryawanshi A, Chaudhry U, Ramachandran S, Maiti S. 2008. Intrinsically disordered protein from a pathogenic mesophile Mycobacterium tuberculosis adopts structured conformation at high temperature. Proteins. May 15; 71(3):1123-33. Impact factor 2.92 • Kumar A, Chandolia A, Chaudhry U, Brahmachari V, Bose M. 2005. Comparison of mammalian cell entry operons of mycobacteria: in silico analysis and expression profiling. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol. Feb 1;43(2):185-95. Impact factor 2.68 • Ramachandran S, Nandi T, Shukla S, Rajasekhar M, Chaudhry U and Banerjee A. 2004. In silico biological analysis of genomic information of pathogenic bacteria. J. Immunol. Immunopathol. 6(S-1); 30-31. Impact factor 1.78 • Uma Chaudhry, Krishna Ray, Manju Bala and Daman Saluja. 2002. Mutation patterns in gyrA and parC genes of ciprofloxacin resistant isolates of Neisseria gonorrhoeae from India (New Delhi). Sexually Transmitted Infections. 78(6): 440-444. Impact factor 3.078 • Uma Chaudhry and Daman Saluja. 2002. Detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae by PCR using orf1 gene as target. Sexually Transmitted Infections. 78(1): p72.Impact factor 3.078 • Uma Chaudhry, Krishna Ray, Manju Bala and Daman Saluja. 2002. Multiplex PCR based detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Current Science. 83(5): 634-640. Impact factor 0.935 • Kuzhandhaivel S. Vetrivel, Shanmugiah K. Pandian, Uma Chaudhary and Kuppamuthu Dharmalingam. 2000. Purification, cloning, and DNA sequence analysis of a chitinase from an overproducing mutant of Streptomyces peucetius defective in daunorubicin biosynthesis. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 47: 179 -187. Impact factor 1.2 • Uma Chaudhary and Daman Saluja. 1999. Detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry. 14 (2), 135-142. 11. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. • Patent has been filed for the method of diagnosis of Chlamydia trachomatis and preliminary file number is 1589/DEL/2005, Indian Patent Office. • Patent has been filed for the prototype kit for diagnosis of Chlamydia trachomatis and patent application number is 3437/DEL/2005. • Patent has been filed to US patent office for the prototype kit for diagnosis of Chlamydia trachomatis and patent application number is 11/436,063 dated 17.5.2006. • One of the beneficiary of Technology Transfer of Prof. Daman Saluja’s prototype kit on beacon based diagnostic assay for detection of Neisseria and Chlamydia which has been transferred to DSS Venture Pvt. Ltd. for commercialization. 12. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. 13. Lectures, power point presentations, seminars, virtual Labs, quizzes, regular short tests, interactive classes, visit to scientific institutes such as ICGEB etc. 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. No 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. No 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. Not Applicable 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : c) for your own College: Organized a one week workshop on “Basic Molecular Biology Techniques” for undergraduate students at BCAS, University of Delhi (December 2011) Organized “National Symposium in Infectious Diseases: Advances in Diagnosis, Therapeutics and Vaccines” for undergraduate students at BCAS, University of Delhi (20th and 21st Macrh, 2014) Organized “Intensive Hands-on training inProtein modeling & docking studies for rational drug design” in collaboration with Biochemistry Department of Shivaji College and Open Source Drug Discovery (OSDD) Group of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) at Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology on December 23-24, 2013. Organized three days Workshop on “Molecular Modeling in Drug Discovery” from July 16 to 18, 2014 in collaboration Open Source Drug Discovery (OSDD) Group of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) at BCAS, University of Delhi d) for any other organization Organized a series of one day workshops on “Development of online quizzes in Life Sciences” held at the Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi on April 8, 9, 13 and 16, 2009. Organized one day workshop on “Laboratory O’Manual” at Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi to develop Lab Manual for B. Sc. Life Science Programme of University of Delhi (I year) on 29th May, 2009. Give details with proofs. 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. a. Mr. Mahaveer Chand Golechha submitted his thesis under joint supervision of myself and Dr. D. S. Arya in March 2012. Topic of his thesis is ‘Pharmacological and molecular approaches to investigate neuroprotective effect of naringin in preclinical models of Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy and stroke.’ b. Mr. Prashant Kumar Mishra registered towards his Ph. D. programme on 1st October, 2010. Title of his thesis is ‘Role of Chlamydial proteins in the pathogenesis of Chlamydia trachomatis and its diagnosis.’ c. Ms. Renu Pandey registered towards her Ph. D. programme. Title of her thesis is ‘Identification of drug targets in Neisseria gonorrhoeae.’ 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. Yes, by University of Delhi 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? Worked on deputation for one year as Fellow in Life Science at Institute of Life Long Learning, University of Delhi and developed E-learning content for the Life Science course of University of Delhi. Was involved as an ideators in preparation of CBSE-International study material for classes VI to X. Have also developed Question Bank for CBSE-I PAT. Dr. Uma Chaudhary SELF STUDY REPORT INFORMATION FOR PREPARING THE SELF STUDY REPORT (SSR) 1. Name of the Teacher: Dr. Uma Dhawan 2. Designation & Department: Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Science 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University Delhi or any other University/Institution? Give details along with proof. of i. Involved in the restructuring of the syllabi for three‐year semester mode and four‐year undergraduate program of Biomedical Science of University of Delhi. ii. Proposed a new add‐on course (approximately 120 hours) in Bioinformatics and in silico Drug Discovery. I am one of the members of the course advisory committee (consisting of members from India and UK) and Coordinator for the same from the college (August 2012‐till date). 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body? If yes, submit proof. Life Member, Society of Biological Chemists of India 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organized by you along with details. i. UGC‐Sponsored Refresher Course in Life Sciences/ Biological Science/ Bioinformatics organized by CPDHE, University of Delhi, February 25‐March 16, 2013. ii. UGC‐Sponsored Orientation program (OR‐60) organized by CPDHE and ILLL, University of Delhi, June 9‐July 6, 2009. 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. i. Participated in the Mentorship workshop for women scientists organized by Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India and coordinated by Biotech Consortium India Limited, July 11, 2013 at INSA, New Delhi. ii. One year masters in Bioinformatics with distinction from The University of Edinburgh, UK, 2010‐2011 under Faculty Training Program of University of Delhi (Universitas 21 Fellowship). iii. Attended workshop on “Bioinformatics and Molecular Modeling in Drug Design” organized by ACBR, University of Delhi, December 22‐24, 2009. iv. Attended training course on MS‐Access organized by DUCC, University of Delhi, May 18‐ 29, 2009. v. A three day workshop on e‐learning organized by University of Delhi, South Campus, September, 2006. 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. i. Resource person in a three day Instructional Workshop on "Gene Expressional Analysis: Hands‐on using Microarray and Next Generation Sequencing Data" supported by National Network for Mathematical and Computational Biology (NNMCB) ‐ Delhi Node, Science and Engineering Research Board, Government of India to be held from 7‐9th March, 2015. ii. Resource person in the workshop on Field trial of training package in Biology at Higher Secondary stage for reviewing and editing the training material developed for teachers teaching biology organized Department of Education in Science and Mathematics DESM, NCERT from February 02‐10, 2015. iii. Resource person in a two‐day workshop on “Proteomics and Proteogenomics” organized for undergraduate students at BCAS, University of Delhi sponsored by DBT Star College Scheme on January 9 and 10, 2015 iv. Resource person in the workshop “Laboratory Staff Skill Development Program” organized by BCAS, University of Delhi sponsored by DBT Star College Scheme, December 15‐18, 2014. v. Resource person in the workshop on “Statistical Analysis of Biological Data” organized for undergraduate students at BCAS, University of Delhi sponsored by DBT Star College Scheme, October 9‐11, 2014. vi. Resource person for DST funded INSPIRE program for the school students organized by BCAS, University of Delhi, October, 2012. vii. Resource person in the workshop for college teachers on theory and practical course “Biochemistry and Environmental Chemistry” for B.Sc (Hons) Chemistry organized by Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, July 2‐7, 2012. viii. Resource person for DST funded INSPIRE program for the school students organized by BCAS, University of Delhi, July 5‐9, 2010. ix. Participated in the workshop entitled “Development of online quizzes in Life Sciences” organized by Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi, April 13, 2009 and developed online quizzes for the undergraduate students. 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. i. Poster presentation for the DU Innovation Project BCAS 209 titled “Genetic curation of ataxia phenomes for establishment of predictive and rapid diagnostic paradigm” at Antardhvani 2014 and 2015, University of Delhi, February 14‐16, 2014 and February 20‐ 22, 2015. ii. Genomeet 2013‐ “Vitamin B12 and one carbon metabolism in Health and Diseases: A genomic perspective” held at the CSIR‐Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology, Delhi, India, March 8–10, 2013. iii. 32nd Annual Convention of Indian Association for Cancer Research (IACR) on Emerging Trends in Cancer Research: Road to Prevention & Cure and an International Symposium on Infection & Cancer organized by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Centre for Biomedical Research (ACBR), University of Delhi, February 13‐16, 2013. iv. Workshop/ conference on Emerging Trends in Development of Drugs and Devices jointly organized by Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi and three National Science Academies of India, January 21‐23, 2013. v. Workshop on laboratory animal welfare and alternative models organized by CPCSEA and CSIR‐IGIB, July 6, 2012. vi. National symposium on Science of Life: The New Horizon organized by Miranda House, University of Delhi, November 21‐23, 2007. vii. Poster presentation at the 2nd National Conference of Biotechnology Society of India, BioTech 2004 Challenges and Opportunities organized by CSIR‐Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology, Delhi, October 13‐15, 2004. viii. National symposium on Biotechnology: Expanding Horizons organized by Acharya Narendra Dev College, University of Delhi, October 17‐18, 2003. ix. Poster presentation at the 4th Annual Symposium on Frontiers in Biomedical Research, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research, University of Delhi, Delhi, India, April 2003. x. National conference on Expanding Horizons of Human Genetics organized by Department of Anthropology, University of Delhi, January 22‐24, 2002. xi. 69th Annual Meeting of the Society of Biological Chemists (India), December 7‐9, 2000. xii. Indian Science Congress, University of Pune, January 3‐7, 2000. 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. i. Principal Investigator for the DU Innovation Project (2013‐14) BCAS 209 titled “Genetic curation of ataxia phenomes for establishment of predictive and rapid diagnostic paradigm”. ii. Involved in DU Innovation Project (2013‐14) BCAS 207 titled “Understanding the Burden of Vitamin B12 and Folate Deficiency in Young Indians”. 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a) List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) i. The Indian Genome Variation Consortium. Genetic landscape of the people of India: a canvas for disease gene exploration. Journal of Genetics (2008). Impact factor: 0.876 ii. Nithin Krishna, Surendra Mohan, B.S. Yashavantha, A. Rammurthy, H.B. Kiran Kumar, Uma Mittal, Shivani Tyagi, Mitali Mukerji, Sanjeev Jain, Pramod Kumar Pal, Meera Purushottam. SCA 1, SCA 2 & SCA 3/MJD mutations in ataxia syndromes in southern India. Indian J Med Res (2007). Impact factor: 2.061 iii. Uma Mittal, Sangeeta Sharma, Dheeraj K., Pramod Kr. Pal, Achal K. Srivastava, Mitali Mukerji. Insights into the mutational history and prevalence of SCA1 in the Indian population through anchored polymorphisms. Human Genetics (2005). Impact factor: 4.633 iv. The Indian Genome Variation Consortium. The Indian Genome Variation database (IGVdb): a project overview. Human Genetics (2005). Impact factor: 4.633 v. Uma Mittal, Achal K. Srivastava, Satish Jain, Sanjeev Jain, Mitali Mukerji. Founder haplotype for Machado-Joseph disease in the Indian population: novel insights from history and polymorphism studies. Archives of Neurology (2005). Impact factor: 7.685 vi. Samira Bahl, Komal Virdi, Uma Mittal, M. P. Sachdeva, A. K. Kalla, S. E. Holmes, E. O'Hearn, R. L. Margolis, Satish Jain, Achal K. Srivastava, Mitali Mukerji. Evidence of a common founder for SCA12 in the Indian population. Annals of Human Genetics (2005). Impact factor: 2.215 vii. Uma Mittal, Sanghamitra Roy, Satish Jain, Achal K. Srivastava, Mitali Mukerji. Post-zygotic de novo trinucleotide repeat expansion at spinocerebellar ataxia type 7 locus: evidence from an Indian family. Journal of Human Genetics (2005). Impact factor: 2.365 viii. Neeraj Pandey*, Uma Mittal*, Achal K. Srivastava, Mitali Mukerji. SMARCA2 and THAP11: potential candidates for polyglutamine disorders as evidenced from polymorphism and protein-folding simulation studies. Journal of Human Genetics (2004). *Equal authors Impact factor: 2.365 ix. Mona Ragothaman, Nagaraja Sarangmath, Shashi Chaudhary, Vishwamohini Khare, Uma Mittal, Sangeeta Sharma, Sreelatha Komatireddy, Subhabrata Chakrabarti, Mitali Mukerji, Ramesh C. Juyal, B. K. Thelma, Uday B. Muthane. Complex phenotypes in an Indian family with homozygous SCA2 mutations. Annals of Neurology (2004). Impact factor: 11.193 b) List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) c) Monographs written d) Chapter written in books e) Books edited f) Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) g) Index of your publications h) Impact factor i) h‐ index 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. For an effective teaching program, it is essential to integrate several methodologies. I deliver my lectures using ICT along with the conventional “chalk and talk” method. Besides referring to the textbooks for teaching, I update myself constantly with the latest information and research. Frequently, various eminent speakers are invited to deliver lectures to the students that give them insights into the latest research being carried out in different fields of Biomedical Science. The students are also encouraged to present seminars on several contemporary topics related to their curriculum. Students are also being involved in various research projects and training programs in collaboration with other institutes. This not only boosts their confidence but also makes them do some active research. 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. Best Display Award for the DU Innovation project entitled “Genetic curation of ataxia phenomes for establishment of predictive and rapid diagnostic paradigm” at University of Delhi, Academic and Cultural Festival “Antardhwani‐2015”, February 20‐22, 2015. 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : c) for your own College: i. Organized a two‐day workshop on “Proteomics and Proteogenomics” for undergraduate students at BCAS, University of Delhi sponsored by DBT Star College Scheme on January 9 and 10, 2015. ii. Organized a seminar on “The Swachh Technologies: Microbial Factories” by Dr. V. C. Kalia, Chief Scientist, CSIR‐IGIB, Delhi as a part of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan initiative at BCAS, University of Delhi sponsored by DBT Star College Scheme on October 29, 2014. iii. Organized a three‐day workshop on “Statistical Analysis of Biological Data” for undergraduate students at BCAS, University of Delhi sponsored by DBT Star College Scheme from October 9‐11, 2014. iv. Organized a one‐week workshop on “Basic Molecular Biology Techniques” for undergraduate students at BCAS, University of Delhi (December 2011). d) for any other organization ? Give details with proofs. 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? i. Mentoring a semester‐length project titled “Proteogenomic Analysis of a Bacterial Genome” for a M.Sc. (Bioinformatics) semester IV student of Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, (February‐May 2015). ii. Organized a camp for blood group determination of the students and staff of the college sponsored by DBT Star College Scheme on 11th September 2014. iii. Resource person for add‐on course in Bioinformatics and in silico Drug Discovery, August 2012‐till date. iv. Invited as an external expert for the comprehensive examination of a PhD student (Ms Sangeeta Sharma) at The Energy Resoursce Institute (TERI), India Habitat Center Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, July 20, 2012. Uma Dhawan SELF STUDY REPORT (Faculty, Biolmedical) 1. 2. Name of the Teacher : Dr. Shivani G Varmani Designation & Department : Assistant Professor, Deptt. Of Biomedical SciencesHave you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution ? Give details along with proof. Have been actively involved in the designing and refinement of the syllabi for various papers in three-year semester based and four-year semester based undergraduate program in Biomedical Science, University of Delhi. 3. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body ?If yes, submit proof. • • Life Member, Society of Biological Chemists of India Life Member, Association for Clinical Biochemist of India 4. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. Have Attended Orientation course in 2008 and Refresher course in Biotechnology in 2010 organized by Academic staff college of Jawahar Lal Nehru University. 5. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. Attended training programme in advance excel in May 2014 organized by DELHI UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTRE, University of Delhi. 6. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. • 7. 8. Have participated and delivered an invited talk in the symposium on molecular aspects of atherosclerosis and related metabolic disorders organized by department of Biochemistry, AIIMS on 24 th Oct 2005. • Has been a resource person in the Inspire science camp (An Initiative of DST) organized by Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences in 2010. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. • 9. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. (Annexure-I) Specify your Research/Academic contribution: List of publications (attach copy of first page of each paper) (Annexure-II) 10. 11. • • 12. 13. PARTICIPATED IN “ Bioinformatic workhop on Genomic , Proteomics, Drug Design and High Performance computing from 6th Oct-15th Oct, 2014 at Supercomputing facility for Bioinformatics and computational Biology, IIT, Delhi Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. Filed two patents INDIA – Patent Application No. 471/DEL/2013, Dated – February 19, 2013 entitled “NUTRITIONAL COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR MANUFACTURING THE SAME” INDIA – Patent Application No. 473/DEL/2013, Dated – February 19, 2013 entitled “COATING COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR PREPARATION THERE OF” Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. Interactive presentations, group discussions, Quizzing, group activities, seminars etc. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. • Best Poster Award at9th Asian-Pacific Congress of Clinical Biochemistry & 28th Annual Conference of Association of Clinical Biochemists of India, New Delhi, March 2002 • Prof. Sita Devi Award for Best Paper at 29thAnnual Conference of Association of Clinical Biochemists of India, Feb 2003. • Best Poster (Second Prize) at 4th International conference on updating Food Technology: A challenge towards Public Health Nutrition on May 7 – 8, 2014. • International federation of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine (IFCC) Registration Bursary award to attend the 10th Asian Pacific Congress of Clinical Biochemistry to be held in conjunction with the AACB's42nd Annual Scientific Conference at Perth, Australia from 18-23September 2004 14. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. Recipient of the prestigious Rashtriya Gaurav Award –Certificate of Excellence for Meritorious Services, Outstanding Performance and Remarkable role on 10th Oct, 2009 given by India International Friendship Society. 15. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. NA 16. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : e) for your own College • Organized three days Workshop on “Molecular Modeling in Drug Discovery” from July 16 to 18, 2014 in collaboration Open Source Drug Discovery (OSDD) Group of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) at BCAS, University of Delhi • Was the Convener for the ‘National Symposium on Infectious Diseases : Basic and Applied Research’ on 3rd February, 2010, held at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, University Of Delhi. The symposium was generously sponsored by Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Department of Science and Technology (DST), Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and University grant Commision (UGC). A Souvenir was compiled and released on the occasionboth in the electronic and hard copy form. The symposium instigated wide interest within the students, scientist and faculties to participate. Eminent scientists from reputed organization like Prof. V.S. Chauhan, Director, ICGEB; Prof. Shobha Broor, AIIMS; Prof. Daman Saluja, Director, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Centre for Biomedical Research; Prof. Jaya Tyagi, AIIMS; Dr. Yogesh Chaudhri, WHO SEARO; Prof. Yogendra Singh (IGIB) enlightened the delegates on various aspects of infectious diseases. • As an Eco Club Convener of the college, have organized several events in the academic year 2009-10 to increase awareness about the latest environment related issues among students and faculty members. This includes the celebration of International Ozone Day, Seminar on Climate Change, Anti crackers signature campaign and environment related events in Srijan 2010. f) • Has been the Coordinator for the Symposium on Bioinformatics : An In Silico approach to Biology on 5th December , 2008. • Has been a part of the organizing committee in the Inspire science camp (An Initiative of DST) organized by Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences in 2010. for any other organization ? Give details with proofs. 17. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. NA 18. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or \a / Has been a Co-Supervisor for M.Sc. Dissertation of a student from Department of Biochemistry, AIIMS 19. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? • Coordinator for the Entrance examination of B.Sc. (H) Biomedical Sciences of University of Delhi conducted in 2008. Was specially appreciated for bringing out a cost-effective and a comprehensive well designed Information bulletin for the same. • Has been the Editor-in–Chief for the laboratory manual for the three Inspire science camp (An Initiative of DST) organized by Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences in 2010. Two editions of the same have been printed. Annexure-I List of Projects 1Co- Investigator for UGC project- titled “Effect of religious fasting on weight loss of Indian adults” from1st August 2012 .(Total cost 9 lakhs). 2 Principal Investigator for Delhi University Innovation project 2012-13 titled “ Development of low cost nutritious bar and its packaging in sostainablenano bio polymer”. (Total cost10 lakhs). Project being undertaken along with two other faculty members from Department of Polymers and Food Technology, Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences. There are 10 students in the project from Department of Food Technology, Polymers and Biomedical Sciences who are gaining research expertise and hands-on training through this interdisciplinary project 3 Principal Investigator for Delhi University Innovation project 2013-14 titled “Development of edible packaged health snack from fruit and vegetable waste and its effect on healthy respondents (Total cost 5 lakhs). Project was undertaken along with two other faculty members from Departments of Food Technology, andPolymer Sciences, Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences. There were 10 students in the project. Annexure-II List of publications 1. Luthra K, Vasisht S, Chhabra S, Raju KR, Agarwal DP, Manchanda SC, Srivastava LM. Lp(a) Phenotypes and levels in angiographically proven coronary heart disease patients and controls. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry 1998, 13 (1): 12-19. (H Index=20) 2. Chhabra S, Agarwal DP, Vasisht S, Luthra K, Narang R, Manchanda SC, Srivastava LM and Das N. Study of apolipoprotein E polymorphism in normal healthy controls from northern India. Disease Markers. 2000, 16:159-161. (IF=2.174) 3. Chhabra S, Narang R, Krishnan LR, Vasisht S, Agarwal DP, Srivastava LM, Manchanda SC and Das N. Apolipoprotein C3 SstI polymorphism and triglyceride levels in Asian Indians. BMC Genetics 2002, 3: 9(IF=2.356) 4. Luthra K, Vasisht S, Bharghav B, Chhabra S, Das N, Misra A, Agarwal DP, Pandey RM, Srivastava LM Apolipoprotein E polymorphism in Northern Indian patients with coronary heart disease: phenotype distribution and relation to serum lipids and lipoproteins. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 2002, 232:97102.(IF=2.388) 5. Chhabra S, Agarwal DP, Luthra K, Narang R., Manchanda SC, Srivastava LM and Das N. Study of apolipoprotein C3 SstI polymorphism in healthy volunteers from Northern India. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 2003, 18 (2) 34-38 (H Index=20) 6. Chhabra S, Narang R, Krishnan LR, Vasisht S, Agarwal DP, Srivastava LM, Manchanda SC and Das N. Apolipoprotein C3 SstI in the risk assessment of CAD. Mol Cell Biochem. 2004 Apr;259(1-2):59-66. .(IF=2.388) 7. S. Chhabra , R. Narang , R. Lakshmy and N.Das. APOA1-75G>A substitution associated with severe forms of CAD , lower levels of HDL and apoA-I among Northern Indians. Disease Markers 2005:21(4):169-174. (IF=2.174) 8. Garg M and Varmani S. Nutritional health status of North Indian adults. International Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences. 2014 Apr-Jun. Vol 3 (3): p 118-121. (IF=1.021) 9. Garg M, Sharma S, Varmani S, Sadhu S. Drying kinetics of thin layer pea pods using tray drying. International Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences. 2014 AprJun. Vol 3 (3): p 61-66. (IF=1.021) 10. Varmani S, Panda H, Sadhu S, Garg M. Beta Thalassemia major and osteoporosis: etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and management. International journal of Pharmacy and Integrated life Sciences. 2014 Jun. Vol 2(7): p 64-78. (IF=1.0147) 11. Sadhu S, Chakraborty S, Garg M, Varmani S. Polymers in Energy harvesting. International journal of Engineering science invention. 2014 Apr. Vol3 (4): p1-5 (IF=1.786) 12. Sadhu S, Soni A, Varmani S, Garg M. Preparation of starch polyvinyal alcohol (PVA) blend using potato and study of its mechanical properties. International journal of Pharmaceutical science invention. 2014 Mar. Vol3 (3):p 33-37(IF=1.695) 13. Varmani S and Garg M. Health benefits of MoringaOleifera: a miracle tree. International Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences. 2014 Apr-Jun. Vol 3 (3): p 111-117 (IF=1.021) 14. Varmani S, Arora H, Garg M, Sadhu S. Iron overload and chelation therapy in beta thalassemia major. International journal of Pharmacy and Integrated life Sciences. 2014 Jun. Vol 2(7): p 47-63.(IF=1.0147) 15. Varmani S, Mehta K, Garg M, Sadhu S. Diabetes mellitus in beta thalassemia major-pathogenesis and management stratigies. International Journal of Food and Nutrition sciences. 2014 Apr-Jun. Vol 3 (3): p 127-131. (IF=1.021) Full length articles in the proceedings of the conference 16. Chhabra S, Narang R, Krishnan LR, Vasisht S, Agarwal DP, Srivastava L M, Manchanda SC and Das N. ApolipoproteinA1 –75G/A and apolipoproteinC3 SstI polymorphisms in the risk assessment of CAD. Proceedings of 9th Asian-Pacific Congress of Clinical Biochemistry & 28th Annual Conference of Association of Clinical Biochemists of India, New Delhi, March 2002. 17. S. Dey Sadhu, KushagraMallick, MeenakshiGarg and S. G. Varmani, ICPAM International Conference in Patna, Bihar on 30-31st May 2014 entitled “ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPY FOR CHARACTERIZATION OF POLYMERS 18. S. Dey Sadhu, Rishi Raj, MeenakshiGarg and S. G. Varmani, ICPAM International Conference in Patna, Bihar on 30-31st May 2014 entitled “ Biopolymers: A solution to Environmental Hazard” Mutational report published in a journal 19. Chhabra S, Narang R, Manchanda SC, Srivastava LM, Agarwal DP and Das N. Gene symbol Apo A1, Disease: Atherosclerosis associated with coronary artery disease (double vessel disease). Hum. Gene. Mutations (Section), Hum Genet 2000, 107: 201-204 (on page 204). (IF=4.633) Abstract Published in the journal 20. Chhabra S, Narang R, Krishnan LR, Vasisht S, Agarwal DP, Srivastava LM, Manchanda SC, Das N. Apolipoprotein A1 -75G/A Polymorphism in the Risk Assessment of Coronary Artery Disease. Supplement to the Journal of the American College of Cardiology Volume 39, Number 9 (Supplement B) May 1, 2002, Page 373B(Abstract) (IF=15.343) 21. S. G. Varmani , R. Narang , R. Lakshmy and N.Das. Apolipoprotein(APO)A1C3-A4 gene polymorphisms in the risk assessment of Coronary Artery Disease(CAD) Chinese medical Journal, Vol 120, supplement 2, 2007 pg 135 (Abstract).(IF=1.016) 22. Apolipoprotein E Polymorphism and Coronary Artery Disease: A Northern Indian Study (Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 2007, Abstract)(H Index=20) Dr. Shivani G Varmani SELF STUDY REPORT 1. 2. Name of the Teacher Designation & Department : Dr. Parvinder Kaur : Assistant Professor 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution? Give details along with proof. • Yes, I was involved in course curriculum of the papers Medicinal chemistry, Toxicology, Pharmacology, Bioethics and Biosafety and Forensic Science theory and practical papers under FYUP during session 2013-14. Annexure-I 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. No b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body? If yes, submit proof. No 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organized by you along with details. 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. • Member and Resource of the INSPIRE Science Camp organized six times in Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, University of Delhi, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075 during the period of 2010-2013. Annexure-I 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. • Yes Presented a poster in 4th Annual symposium on frontiers in biomedical research at Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research (13th-15th April, 2001), New Delhi and secured first position. Annexure-2 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. Annexure-3 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. Annexure-4 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: Annexure-5 a. Monographs written b. Chapter written in books c. Books edited d. Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) e. Index of your publications f. Impact factor Phytomedicine: (3.258) Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine: (1.464) Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry: still pending g. h- index-2 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. No 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. Teaching done using Audio Visual Aid • 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. No 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. No 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. No 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : g) for your own College Annexure-6 Yes h) for any other organization ? Yes, INSPIRE Science camp sponsored by DST Give details with proofs. Annexure-1 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? Dr. Parvinder Kaur SELF STUDY REPORT 1. 2. Name of the Teacher Designation & Department :Kapil Roy :Assistant Professor (Biomedical Department) 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution ? Give details along with proof. No 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. No b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body?If yes, submit proof.Yes (Life Member of the “DNA Society of India” (DSI) (Membership No. LM 45) 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. NA 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. Yes • 7. Member of the INSPIRE Science Camp organized six times in Baskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, University of Delhi, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075 during the period of 2012-2013. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. Yes • Resource person in !st Laboratory Staff Skill Development Program organized in Baskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, University of Delhi, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075 during the period of 15-18 Dec. 2014.. 8. 9. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper.Yes • Presented a poster in “7th Asian Biophysics Association (ABA) Symposium & Annual Meeting of the Indian Biophysical Society (IBS)” organized by Department of NMR & MRI Facility, All India Institute of Medical Sciences ( 30th Jan – 2nd Feb. 2011) New Delhi, India • Presented a poster in 6th Annual symposium on frontiers in biomedical research at Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research (30th Nov – 2nd Dec. 2006), New Delhi , India Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof.Yes • • • • Workshop on Bioinformatics Tools & Techniques for Gene & Protein Analysis (organized by Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Luckhnow, India) 10th-12th August, 2008 Chemistry Structure, Reaction Dynamics & Spectroscopy(organized by Department of chemistry, University of Delhi, Delhi, India) 21th – 23rd August, 2008 13th ISCB International Conference on Interplay of Chemical and Biological Sciences: Impact on Health and Environment (Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, Delhi, India) 26th Feb – 1st Mar 2009 2nd Workshop on Bioinformatics And Molecular Modelling In Drug Design (Organized by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research, University of Delhi, India) 22nd - 24th December 2009 • International Symposinm on Trends in Drug discovery and development (organized by Department of Chemistry, University th th of Delhi, India) 5 -8 January, 2010 • Symposium on Recent Trends in Biophysics(organized by Department of Physics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India) 13th – 15th February, 2010 Workshop on Emerging Techniques of Biophysics (organized by Department of Physics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India) 16th February, 2010 One Day Seminar on Integration of Teaching and Research in • • Biophysics at Graduate & Postgraduate Level (organized by All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India) 11th February, 2014 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. No 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) b. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) c. Monographs written d. Chapter written in books e. Books edited f. Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) g. Index of your publications h. Impact factor i. h- index 12. • “A short GC-rich palindrome of human mannose receptor gene (MRC2)coding region displays a conformational switch” Aparna Bansal, Manoj Prasad, Kapil Roy, Shrikant Kukreti Biopolymers (2012) Volume 97, Issue 12, Pages: 950–962 ISSN:1097-0282 (Imact Factor:2.879) • “Antihyperglycemic effect of a new thiazolidinedione analogue and itseffect in ameliorating oxidative stress in alloxan induced diabetic rats” Jyoti Chaudhry, Narendra Nath Ghosh, Kapil Roy, Ramesh Chandra Life Science (2007) Volume 80, Pages: 135-142 ISSN:0024-3206 (Imact Factor:2.555) h-index-1 Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. No Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. 13. • Teaching methodology involves teaching through powerpoint presentations.Students are encourage to prepare individual presentation. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. No 14. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. No 15. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. No 16. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : i) for your own CollegeYes Was in the organizing team of the “National Symposium on Infectious Diseases: Advancements in therapeutics and Vaccines” held on 20th and 21st March 2014 at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, (Delhi University), Dwarka, New Delhi - 110075 j) for any other organization ?No Give details with proofs. 17. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. No 18. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. No 19. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? DR. KAPIL ROY SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : DR NEHA SINGH 2. Designation & Department : ASSISTANT DEPARTMENT OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution ? Give details along with proof. NO 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. NO b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body? If yes, submit proof. NO PROFESSOR (ADHOC), 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. NA 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. NO 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. YES Was invited as Resource Person for the Laboratory Staff Skill Development Program (LSSDP) organized from 15th – 18 December 2014 at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, (Delhi University), Dwarka, New Delhi - 110075 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. NO 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. AS PER ANNEXURE - I 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) AS PER ANNEXURE - II (b) List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) b. Monographs written c. Chapter written in books d. Books edited e. Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) f. Index of your publications g. Impact factor h. h- index 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. NO 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. NA 14. 15. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. NO Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. NO 16. 17. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. NO 18. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? YES k) for your own College Was in the organizing team of the “National Symposium on Infectious Diseases: Advancements in therapeutics and Vaccines” held on 20th and 21stMarch 2014 at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, (Delhi University), Dwarka, New Delhi - 110075 l) for any other organization ? NA Give details with proofs. 19. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. NO 20. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. NO 21. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? NO (DR NEHA SINGH) ANNEXURE – I • • • • • • 9th Symposium on Frontiers in Biomedical Research organized by Dr B R Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research (ACBR), University of Delhi from 1416th April 2014. French-Indian Inter-Academic Symposium on Infectious Diseases held at National Institute of Immunology, Delhi, from 30th November 2010 to 3rd December 2010. Presented poster at the third NBRC International Conference held by the National Brain Research Center from December 13th – 15th, 2006, Delhi. Attended the third NBRC International Conference held by the National Brain Research Center from December 13th – 15th, 2006, Delhi. Attended the National Conference on “Emerging Areas in Biomedical Sciences” held at Bundelkhand University, Jhansi from 28th to 30th December 2002. Attended the Networks and Behavior 2003 conference at the National Center for Biological Sciences, TIFR, Bangalore, India from January 3rd to 6th, 2003. ANNEXURE – II PUBLICATION: Prashant Kumar Modi, Narayana Komaravelli, Neha Singh, and Pushkar Sharma. “Interplay between MEK-ERK signaling, cyclin D1 and cyclin dependent kinase 5 regulates cell cycle re-entry and apoptosis of neurons”. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 2012, 23:18 3722-3730. Impact Factor 4.942 (2012) 5 yr impact factor 5.371 ISSN No 1059-1524 *h index =1 DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY 1. Name of the department 2. Year of Establishment 3. Names of Programmes / Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.) : Chemistry : 1995 : Chemistry is taught as s subject in B.Sc.(H) Microbiology, Biomedical Sciences, Food-Technology, Instrumentation, Polymer Science and Physics. In Four Year Undergraduate Programme Science & Life is taught by department of Chemistry for all courses of the college. 4. Names of Interdisciplinary courses and the departments/units involved: B.Sc.(H) Microbiology, Biomedical Sciences, Food-Technology, Instrumentation, Polymer Science and Physics. Under FYUP, all the students study Science & Life Foundation course which are of interdisciplinary nature. The department also offered DC-II course to all students of FYUP. 5. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system (programme wise) : All courses are in semester system. The first year courses also have choice based credits. 6. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments The department offers credit courses to the students of B.Sc.(H) Microbiology, Biomedical Sciences, Food-Technology, Instrumentation, Polymer Science and Physics. 7. Other Courses offered by the Department. The department used to offer B.Sc.(chemistry), Lab Technology course of IGNOU. 8. Details of courses/programs discontinued (if any) with reasons The department used to offer B.Sc.(chemistry), Lab Technology course of IGNOU, since the study centre is closed. 9. Number of Teaching posts :record with the office Department of Sanctioned Filled Professors NIL NIL Associate Professors NIL NIL Assistant Professor 04 Two are promoted to Associate Biomedical Science Professor under MPS/CAS 10. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation and specialization. No. Name Qualificat Designatio Specializatio Years of ion n n Experien ce Lalit Kapur of Professor Chemistry Associate Students supervised 17 02(M.Phil) Professor Environmenta l Chemistry Assistant Inorganic 05 --------- Professor Chemistry Manjeet Singh Ph.D. Assistant Inorganic 08 ------------ Barwa Professor Chemistry Ramesh Kataria Ph.D. Inorganic Tech / M. Sc. ---------- Ph.D. Associate M. Phil / M. 20 Balaram Pani Ph.D. No. of Ph.D. / 11. List of senior visiting faculty: NIL 12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled(programme wise) by temporary faculty: 33%(Approx) 13. Student -Teacher Ratio (program wise): 1:12 14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff; sanctioned and filled : S. No Name of the support staff Designation 1 Vijay Kumar Sr Lab Asst. 2 Narender Kumar Sharma Lab Asst. 15. Faculty with successfully completed / ongoing projects from a) University b) National c) International funding agencies and grants received: S. No Name of the Number Faculty of Funding Agency National Amount Sanctioned Projects 1 Balaram Pani 02 University of Delhi 10 Lakh/each 2 Ramesh Kataria 01 University of Delhi 10 Lakh 16. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc. and total grants received: NIL 17. Research Centre recognized by the University: NIL 18. Publications: a) Publication per faculty Sr Name of the No No faculty of No of Paper Publication Paper Published in in Books Impact Factor Published Published International Conference in Journal Proceeding 02 -------------- ------------- 4.082 National Journal 1 Lalit Kapur ------ 2. Balaram Pani 03 02 ----------- 16 3.968 3. Ramesh 03 01 02 ------------ 0.251x3 ---- 06 02 ---------- 12.868 Kataria 4. Manjeet Singh Barwa 19. Areas of consultancy and income generated: NIL 20. Faculty as members in d) National committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Boards d) University Committees NIL 21. Students projects a) Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental/programme 1. BCAS-101(2012-13): {Chemistry:Instrumantation:Electronics-NIL:80%:20%} 2. BCAS-105(2012-13): {Polymer Science:Electronics:Physics-50%:50%:NIL} 3. BCAS-206(2013-14): {Chemistry: Instrumantation: Electronics: Biomedical Sciences-NIL:60%:NIL:40%} e) Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution i.e.in Research laboratories/Industry/other agencies 22. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty and students NIL 23. List of eminent academicians and scientists/ visitors to the department Prof R K Khandel visited on 15th Annual Day celebration of our college. Dr Khandal is Director of Shri Ram Institute of Industrial Research. At present Dr Khandal is also holding the prestigious position of President of World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organization. Prof Peter Agre, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, from John Hopkin’s University, USA, interacted with the students with Prof T Ramasami, Secretary, DST(Govt of India) in 3rd INSPIRE camp organized by the college. 24. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding c) National b)International NIL 25. Student profile programme/course wise: (from office) Name of Course/programme (refer question no. 4) Year wise the enrolment Selected Enrolled *M Enrolled *F 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 *M=Male F=Female 26. Diversity of Students (from office) Year wise Name of the enrolment Course Reserved candidates OBC SC ST % of students from same state % of students from other States PwD 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 27. How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defense services, etc. ? NA 28. Student progression (PASS OUT STUDENTS have been requested to send their whereabouts) See Annexure –I for the ones that have been received so far Student progression UG to PG PG to M.Phil. PG to Ph.D. Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral Employed • Campus selection • Other than campus recruitment Against % enrolled % of students from abroad Against % enrolled Student progression Entrepreneurship/Self-employment 29. Details of Infrastructural facilities a) Library: The Chemistry Department has a Book Bank facility to students. b) Internet facilities for Staff & Students: c) Class rooms with ICT facility: d) Laboratories: Vacuum Pump, pH Meter, Balances Ordinary, Almirah, Lab. Stool, Fridge LG 452, Fridge LG 265, Single Pan Analytical Bal., Hot Oven, Weight Box, Water Bath, Electronics Balance, Deionizer, Vicat Softing App., Heat Distortion Test App, Hot Plate, Magnetic Stirrer, D. Spectrophotometer, Geyser 25 L Usha make, D. pH Meter, Vortex Shaker, Fume Hoot, Electrode, Side Shelf, Lab Table 5X2, Lab table 4X2, Computer chair, Reagent rack, Door Case, Izod Impact Tester, Chainomatic Balance, Digital Photo calorimeter , D. specific gravity Bal., Melting Point App., Digital Conductivity Meter, Microwave, Electronics Balance, Potentiometer, Ultra Violet Lamp, Acer Computer with Printer, Double Dis. Units Quartz, Conductivity Meter, pH Meter, Electronics Balance, Magnetic Stirrer, Heating Mantle, Spectrophotometer single Beam, Melting Point App., Calorimeter, Digital ph meter, Platinum electrode, Calomel Electrode, Flame Photometer, Conductivity Cell, Digital UV/VIS Spectrophotometer, High Precision Electronics Balances, Digital Potentiometer, Digital pH Meter, Digital Melting/Boiling Point App., Centrifuge Machine 30. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government or other agencies 31. Details on student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) with external experts NIL 32. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning Use of Molecular Models 33. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities 34. SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans Strengths: Well qualified and committed faculty actively involved in college activities alongwith regular teaching. Weakness: Students from rural/semi-urban background coming from Hindi background. Opportunity:In house research, exploration can be carried in the laboratories itself where simulation based experimentation and exploration can be performed before the actual experiments are carried out. Challenges: a) To create Self-Learners. b) To make students realize their potential. c) Since Chemistry subject is only a applied for them hence difficult to motivate them. 35. List of Research Publications: Dr Lalit Kapur: Research: Spectral, Characterization of Biometallic Complexes of Thio-semicarbazone of Monoacetylferrocene with Cu(II) halides. Bhagwan Singh garg and Lalit Kapur, Inorganica Chimica Acta, 170, 177-180, 1990. ISSN No.: 0020-1693, IF: 2.041. Spectral, Characterization of Biometallic Complexes of of Monoacetylferrocene Thio-semicarbazone (MAFTSC) with Co(II) salts. Bhagwan Singh garg and Lalit Kapur, Inorganica Chimica Acta, 173, 223-227, 1990. ISSN No.: 0020-1693, IF: 2.041. Dr Balaram Pani: Books: D. Banerjee and B. Pani, “Metal Speciation in overflow and Leachate form a Thermal Power Plant ash pond, Impact on receiving waters”,Chemistry for the protection of the environment, 3rd edited by Pawlowski et al. Plenum press, New York. pp. 23-34, 1998. ISBN: 9780387274485. Chemistry for IGNOU, 2004. ISBN: 8126613327. Environmental Studies series from 6th to 12th class of CBSE, JC Publication, 2005. ISBN: 8187183977. Chemistry Lab Manual for IGNOU, 2006. ISBN: 8126624493. A Text Book on Engineering Chemistry, Galgotia Publication, 1st ed 2001 & 2nd ed 2007. ISBN: 9788175155145. Environmental Science and Engineering, Galgotia Publication, 1st ed 2007. ISBN: 9788175155411. A Text Book on Environmental Chemistry, IK International Publication, 2007. ISBN: 9788189866365. Text Book on Toxicology, IK International Publication, 2009. ISBN: 9789386578408. Fundamental of Science & Technology, (VI), Jay Cee Publications, 2009. ISBN: 9788187183709. Fundamental of Science & Technology, (VII), Jay Cee Publications, 2009. ISBN: 9788187183723. Fundamental of Science & Technology, (VIII), Jay Cee Publications, 2009. ISBN: 9788187183709. Fundamentals of Environmental Education, (VI), Jay Cee Publications, 2008. ISBN: 9788187183952. Fundamentals of Environmental Education, (VII), Jay Cee Publications, 2008. ISBN: 9788187183969. Fundamentals of Environmental Education, (VIII), Jay Cee Publications, 2008. ISBN: 9788187183976. Fundamentals of Environmental Education, (IX), Jay Cee Publications, 2008. ISBN: 9788187183976. Fundamentals of Environmental Education, (X), Jay Cee Publications, 2008. ISBN: 9788187183990. Fundamentals of Environmental Education, (XI) , Jay Cee Publications, 2008. ISBN: 9788187183228. Research: The influence of different surfactants on the dispersion behaviour of single wall carbon nanotube (swnt), Int J. of Engineering and Techno Sciences, 2014. ISSN: 0976-9293, IF: 2.71. Effect of Seasonal Variation on Metal Speciation in Leachate from a Thermal Power Plant Ash Pond: Impact on Ground Waters, International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 2(10): October, 2013. ISSN: 2277-9655., IF0.446. Prohibition of toxic chemicals for sustainable environment, J. Acad. Indus. Res.Vol. 1(9) February 2013. ISSN: 2278-5213, IF: 0.406. Alternative Synthetic Approaches for the Industrial Pollution Control & Prevention, J. Acad. Indus. Res., January 2013. ISSN: 2278-5213, IF: 0.406. Studies on the Effects of Various Flame Retardants on Polypropylene, American Journal of Polymer Science 2013, 3(4): 63-69. ISSN: 2163-1344, IF evaluation is pending. Innovation Projects: Study of the Rise in Consumption of the Mobile Phones/Electronic Gadgets in Delhi Region and Material Analysis Projecting Potential Electronic Waste and their Impact on Environment; BCAS-101. Assessment of Brominated Flame Retardants in Mobile Phones, their consumption Pattern in North and Carbon Foot Prints from Electronic waste; BCAS-206. Conferences/Seminars/Workshops/ Symposium Attended Effect of seasonal variation on metal speciation in leachate from a Thermal power plant ash pond: Impact on receiving waters Sept. 10-12, 2012 at Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar. Attended National Conference on E-Waste Sustainability , Needs and Solutions for its Management, March 7-8, 2013 at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, University of Delhi. Dr Ramesh Kataria: Ramesh Kataria and Harish Kumar Sharma; 3-Hydroxy-2-[1′-phenyl-3′-(4″methoxy)-4′- pyrazoyl] – 4 - oxo- 4H-1- benzopyran as a Spectrophotometric Reagent for the Micro- determination of Tin, J. Indian Chem. Soc., 89 (2012) 121126.ISSN: 0019-4522, IF 0.251 Ramesh Kataria and Harish Kumar Sharma; An Extractive Spectrophotometric Determination of Tin as Sn(II)-6-Chloro-3-hydroxy-7-methyl-2-(4'methoxyphenyl)-4-oxo-4H-1-benzopyran Complex into Dichloromethane, Eurasian J. Anal. Chem., 6 (2011) 140-149. ISSN : 13063057 Ramesh Kataria, N. Agnihotry, H.K.Sharma and J. R. Mehta; 2-(2'-Furyl)-3hydroxy-4-oxo-4H-1-benzopyran as a Highly Selective and Sensitive Reagent for Spectrophotometric Determination of Tin(II), Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. India Sect. A, 78 (2008) 31-35. H. K. Sharma, Ramesh Katariaand Balvinder Kaur; Use of 3-hydroxy-2-phenyl-4oxo-4H-1-benzopyran as an Analytical Reagent for Spectrophotometric Determination of Cerium(III), Proc. Rashtreeya Yuva Vaigyanik Sammelan NIT Kurukshetra, 1 (2008) 171-173. H. K. Sharma, Ramesh Katariaand J. R. Mehta; Spectrophotometric Determination of Tin(II) using 3-hydroxy-2-phenyl-4-oxo-4H-1-benzopyran as a Complexing Agent,J. Indian Chem. Soc., 84 (2007) 693-697. .ISSN: 0019-4522, IF 0.251 Ramesh Kataria, N. Agnihotry, H. K.Sharma and J. R. Mehta; A Highly Selective and Sensitive Extractive Spectrophotometric Determination of Tin(II) using 6chloro-3-hydroxy-2-phenyl-4-oxo-4H-1-benzopyran as a Complexing Agent, J. Indian Chem. Soc., 83 (2006) 916-919. .ISSN: 0019-4522, IF 0.251 Innovation Projects: Determine the speciation of Some selected heavy metals from E-waste and their impact on ground water(BCAS-105) Conferences/Seminars/Workshops/ Symposium Attended National workshop on Spectroscopic Technique and their Applications organized by Department of Chemistry, at M.M. University, Mullana, Ambala, held on November 12, 2011. 3-Hydroxy-2-[1′-phenyl-3′-(4″-methoxy)-4′- pyrazoyl] –4- oxo- 4H-1- benzopyran as a Spectrophotometric Reagent for the Micro- determination of Tin, paper presented in 98th Indian Science Congress, at SRM University, Chennai, held on January 3-7, 2011. INSPIRE Science Camp attended as a Resource Person, organized by Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, University of Delhi, held on July 5-9, 2010. Seminar conducted on Support System for Disabled Students at Higher Education Level by Sri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce, University of Delhi, held on March 9, 2010. Member of National Seminar organizing committee, seminar on Recent Development in Polymers by Bhaskarachaya College of Applied Sciences, University of Delhi, held on October 29, 2009. National level workshop on Awareness in Modern instrumental Technique organized by Department of chemistry, at Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, held on February 29-1st March, 2008. An Extractive Spectrophotometric Determination of Tin as Sn(II)-6-Chloro-3hydroxy-7-methyl-2-(4'-methoxyphenyl)-4-oxo-4H-1-benzopyran Complex into Dichloromethane, paper presented during the national conference on Recent Advancement and Development in Chemical Sciences at DAV College Abohar, held on January 7-8, 2008 Spectrophotometric Determination of Tin(II) using 3-hydroxy-2-phenyl-4-oxo-4H1-benzopyran as a Complexing Agent,paper presented during the national Symposium in chemistry on Modern Trends in Chemical sciences at K.U. Kurukshetra, held on October 6-7, 2006 ORIENTATION COURSE ATTENDED Orientation Course Dr Manjeet Singh Barwa Research 4 weeks Academic Staff College, Kurukshetra University, (May 22-18 Chandigarh June, 2009) Synthesis, characterization and biological studies of Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) complexes with bidentate Schiff bases derived by heterocyclic ketones, Kiran Singh, Manjeet Singh Barwa and Parikshit Tyagi Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2006, 41, 147-153, ISSN: 0223-5234, IF: 3.509. 2. Antibacterial Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) complexes of Schiff bases derived from Fluorobenzaldehyde and Triazoles, Kiran Singh, D.P. Singh, Manjeet Singh Barwa, Parikshit Tyagi and Yasmin Mirza J. Enz. Inhib. Med. Chem. 2006, 21(5), 557-562, ISSN: 1457-6366, IF: 1.617. 3. Some bivalent metal complexes of Schiff bases containing N and S donor atoms, Kiran Singh, D.P. Singh, Manjeet Singh Barwa, Parikshit Tyagi and Yasmin Mirza J. Enz. Inhib. Med. Chem. 2006, 21(6), 749-755, ISSN: 1457-6366, IF: 1.617. 4. Divalent cobalt, nickel, copper and zinc complexes of Schiff bases, Kiran Singh and Manjeet Singh Barwa International Conference on Molecules to Materials; SLIET, Longowal, 118-SA (2006). 5. Synthesis and characterization of Cobalt(II), nickel(II), copper(II) and zinc(II) complexes with Schiff bases derived from 4-amino-3-mercapto-6-methyl-5-oxo1,2,4-triazine, Kiran Singh, Manjeet Singh Barwa and Parikshit Tyagi Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2007, 42, 394-402, ISSN: 0223-5234, IF: 3.509. 6. Synthesis, Characterization and Thermal Studies of Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) Complexes of Some Schiff Bases Derived from4-Amino-3-mercapto-6methyl-5-oxo-1,2,4 triazine Kiran Singh, Yogender Kumar, and Manjeet Singh Barwa S. Afr. J. Chem. 2010, 63, 169-174, ISSN: 0379-4350, IF: 0.764. 7. Effect of seasonal variation on metal speciation in leachate from a Thermal power plant ash pond: Impact on ground waters Balaram pani, Siddarth Sirohi, Manjeet Singh Barwa International Journal Of Engineering Sciences & ResearchTechnology, 2013, 2(10), 2927-2937, ISSN: 2277-9655, IF: 1.852. List of research papers presented/published in Symposium, National/International Conferences 1 Antifungal and Antibacterial metal Complexes of Schiff bases Derived from Fluorobenzaldehyde and Triazoles Kiran Singh, Manjeet Singh Barwa and Saurabh Dhiman National Conference on Recent Advancement and Development in Chemical Sciences, DAV College, Abohar, Panjab, 18 (2008). Novel cobalt(II), nickel(II), copper(II) and zinc(II) complexes of fluorobenzalidene Schiff base. Synthesis, spectroscopic, thermal and biological studies Kiran Singh, Manjeet Singh Barwa and Saurabh Dhiman National Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical and Environmental Sciences, January 16-17, 2009 at M M Modi College, Patiala. Some bivalent metal complexes of Schiff bases containing N and S donor atoms derived from 4-amino-3-mercapto-6-methyl-5-oxo-1,2,4-triazine Kiran Singh, Manjeet Singh Barwa and Saurabh Dhiman National Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical and Environmental Sciences, January 16-17, 2009 at M M Modi College, Patiala. Antifungal and Antibacterial metal Complexes of Schiff bases derived from Fluorobenzaldehyde and Triazoles Manjeet Singh Barwa, Shubhraand Kiran Singh National Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical and Environmental Sciences, January 22-23, 2010 at M M Modi College, Patiala. Synthesis, characterization and biological studies of bivalent metal chelates Manjeet Singh Barwa, Shubhraand Kiran Singh National Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical and Environmental Sciences, January 22-23, 2010 at M M Modi College, Patiala. Bivalent cobalt, nickel, copper and zinc complexes of Schiff bases Manjeet Singh Barwa, Shubhraand Kiran Singh National Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical and Environmental Sciences, Feb 28-Mar01, 2011 at M M Modi College, Patiala. Synthesis, Characterization and Thermal Studies of Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) Complexes of Some Schiff Bases Derived from 4-Amino-3-mercapto-6-methyl5-oxo-1,2,4-triazine Manjeet Singh Barwa, Shubhraand Kiran Singh National Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical and Environmental Sciences, Feb 28-Mar01, 2011 at M M Modi College, Patiala. Attended the National Seminar on Quality assurance mechanism and processes in engineering education, at Guru Teg Bahadur Institute of Technology, New Delhi, March 25, 2011. Synthesis, spectroscopic, thermal and biological studies of novel cobalt(II), nickel(II), copper(II) and zinc(II) complexes of fluorobenzalidene Schiff base Manjeet Singh Barwa, Shubhra and Kiran Singh Chemical Constellation Cheminar – 2012 (CCC-2012) (An International Conference) Sept. 10-12, 2012 at Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar. Effect of seasonal variation on metal speciation in leachate from a Thermal power plant ash pond: Impact on receiving waters Balaram Pani &Manjeet Singh Barwa Sept. 10-12, 2012 at Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar. Attended National Workshop on Innovative Green Techniques for Safe Potable Water in Villages, Jan. 10-12, 2013 at Zakir Husain Delhi College, University of Delhi, Delhi. Attended Lecture Workshop/Conference on Emerging Trends in Development of Drugs and Devices, Jan. 21-23, 2013 at Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, Delhi. Attended workshop on Virtual Learning Environment, at Institute of Informatics and Communication (IIC), Sept. 6th, 2014, University of Delhi South Campus. Papers Reviewed for International journals 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ChemicalPapers Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications American Chemical Science Journal International Research Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy Open Journal of Medicinal Chemistry International Journal of Biochemistry Research & Review SELF STUDY REPORT (FACULTY, CHEMISTRY) 1. Name of the Teacher : Dr Lalit Kapur 2. Designation & Department : Associate Professor (Department of Chemistry) 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution? Give details along with proof. No 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. Yes, Member, faculty of Science, University of Delhi, Delhi. b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body? If yes, submit proof. 5. No List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. Yes Refresher Courses: CH-87, some novel facets of Chemistry, CH-89, Advances in Chemistry. Orientation Course: OR-37, General and subject specific. 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. Yes. Member of the INSPIRE Science Camp organized in Baskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, University of Delhi, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075 during the period of 2012-2013. Attended a workshop for capacity building at ILLL, University of Delhi, 8-11, mar 2010. 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. No 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper.No 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. NO • • • 10. Attended National workshop on recent trends in analytical techniques, Deen Dyal Upadhayay, University of Delhi, Delhi, 14-15 feb, 2007. Attended National seminar on recent developments in Polymer, 29 oct 2009.BCAS. Attended National seminar on green chemistry and natural products, DU, 26-27 nov. 2007. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. NO Specify your Research/Academic contribution: 11. a. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) b. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) c. Monographs written d. Chapter written in books e. Books edited f. Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) g. Index of your publications h. Impact factor: 2.041/each paper i. h- index Spectral, Characterization of Biometallic Complexes of Thio-semicarbazone of Monoacetylferrocene with Cu(II) halides. Bhagwan Singh garg and Lalit Kapur, Inorganica Chimica Acta, 170, 177-180, 1990. ISSN No.: 0020-1693, IF: 2.041. Spectral, Characterization of Biometallic Complexes of of Monoacetylferrocene Thio-semicarbazone (MAFTSC) with Co(II) salts. Bhagwan Singh garg and Lalit Kapur, Inorganica Chimica Acta, 173, 223-227, 1990. ISSN No.: 0020-1693, IF: 2.041. 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. No 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. • Teaching methodology involves teaching through powerpoint presentations.Students are encourage to prepare individual presentation. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. No 14. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. No 15. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. No 16. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : a) for your own College Yes Was in the organizing team of the “National Symposium on Infectious Diseases: Advancements in therapeutics and Vaccines” held on 20th and 21st March 2014 at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, (Delhi University), Dwarka, New Delhi – 110075. b) for any other organization ? No Give details with proofs. 17. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. No 18. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. No 19. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? No Dr Lalit Kapur SELF STUDY REPORT (Faculty, Chemistry) 1. Name of the Teacher : Dr Balaram Pani 2. Designation & Department :Associate Professor (Department of Chemistry) 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution? Give details along with proof. No 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. No b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body?If yes, submit proof. No 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. NA 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. No 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. No 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. No 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. Yes 10. 11. • Effect of seasonal variation on metal speciation in leachate from a Thermal power plant ash pond: Impact on receiving waters Sept. 10-12, 2012 at Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar. • Attended National Conference on E-Waste Sustainability, Needs and Solutions for its Management, March 7-8, 2013 at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, University of Delhi. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. Yes Study of the Rise in Consumption of the Mobile Phones/Electronic Gadgets in Delhi Region and Material Analysis Projecting Potential Electronic Waste and their Impact on Environment; BCAS-101. Assessment of Brominated Flame Retardants in Mobile Phones, their consumption Pattern in North and Carbon Foot Prints from Electronic waste; BCAS-206. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) b. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) c. Monographs written d. Chapter written in books e. Books edited f. Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) g. Index of your publications h. Impact factor:3.968 i. h- index The influence of different surfactants on the dispersion behaviour of single wall carbon nanotube (swnt), Int J. of Engineering and Techno Sciences, 2014. ISSN: 0976-9293, IF: 2.71. Effect of Seasonal Variation on Metal Speciation in Leachate from a Thermal Power Plant Ash Pond: Impact on Ground Waters, International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 2(10): October, 2013. ISSN: 2277-9655., IF0.446. Prohibition of toxic chemicals for sustainable environment, J. Acad. Indus. Res.Vol. 1(9) February 2013. ISSN: 2278-5213, IF: 0.406. Alternative Synthetic Approaches for the Industrial Pollution Control & Prevention, J. Acad. Indus. Res., January 2013. ISSN: 2278-5213, IF: 0.406. Studies on the Effects of Various Flame Retardants on Polypropylene, American Journal of Polymer Science 2013, 3(4): 63-69. ISSN: 2163-1344, IF evaluation is pending. Books: D. Banerjee and B. Pani, “Metal Speciation in overflow and Leachate form a Thermal Power Plant ash pond, Impact on receiving waters”,Chemistry for the protection of the environment, 3rd edited by Pawlowski et al. Plenum press, New York. pp. 23-34, 1998. ISBN: 9780387274485. Chemistry for IGNOU, 2004. ISBN: 8126613327. Environmental Studies series from 6th to 12th class of CBSE, JC Publication, 2005. ISBN: 8187183977. Chemistry Lab Manual for IGNOU, 2006. ISBN: 8126624493. A Text Book on Engineering Chemistry, Galgotia Publication, 1st ed 2001 & 2nd ed 2007. ISBN: 9788175155145. Environmental Science and Engineering, Galgotia Publication, 1st ed 2007. ISBN: 9788175155411. A Text Book on Environmental Chemistry, IK International Publication, 2007. ISBN: 9788189866365. Text Book on Toxicology, IK International Publication, 2009. ISBN: 9789386578408. Fundamental of Science & Technology, (VI), Jay Cee Publications, 2009. ISBN: 9788187183709. Fundamental of Science & Technology, (VII), Jay Cee Publications, 2009. ISBN: 9788187183723. Fundamental of Science & Technology, (VIII), Jay Cee Publications, 2009. ISBN: 9788187183709. Fundamentals of Environmental Education, (VI), Jay Cee Publications, 2008. ISBN: 9788187183952. Fundamentals of Environmental Education, (VII), Jay Cee Publications, 2008. ISBN: 9788187183969. Fundamentals of Environmental Education, (VIII), Jay Cee Publications, 2008. ISBN: 9788187183976. Fundamentals of Environmental Education, (IX), Jay Cee Publications, 2008. ISBN: 9788187183976. Fundamentals of Environmental Education, (X), Jay Cee Publications, 2008. ISBN: 9788187183990. Fundamentals of Environmental Education, (XI) , Jay Cee Publications, 2008. ISBN: 9788187183228. 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. No 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. No 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. No 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. No 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : c) for your own College No d) for any other organization ?No Give details with proofs. 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. No 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. No 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify?No Dr. Balaram Pan SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : Dr Ramesh Kataria 2. Designation & Department :Assistant Professor (Department of Chemistry) 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution? Give details along with proof. No 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. No b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body?If yes, submit proof. Yes Indian Science Congress Association (Life time membership L20807) 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. S.N. Programme Duration Organised by 1. Refresher Course in 3 weeks Academic Staff College, Panjab Research University, Chandigarh (Dec 04-Dec 24, Methodology in 2013) Sciences 2. Orientation Course 4 weeks (May22-18 June, 2009) Academic Staff College, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. No 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. No 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. 1. Presented a paper entitled “A Rapid Extractive Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Tinwith 6- chloro-3-hydroxy-2-(2'-thienyl)-4-oxo4H-1-benzopyran” in 100th Indian Science Congress held at Calcutta University, Kolkata on dated 7th January,2013 2. Presented a paper entitled “3-Hydroxy-2-[1′-phenyl-3′-(4″-methoxy)-4′pyrazoyl] –4- oxo- 4H-1-benzopyran as a Spectrophotometric Reagent for the Micro- determination of Tin” in 98th Indian Science Congress held at SRM University, Chennai on dated 4th January, 2011. 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. 1. A Rapid Extractive Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Tin with 6- chloro-3-hydroxy-2-(2'-thienyl)-4-oxo-4H-1-benzopyran, 100th Indian Science Congress held at Calcutta University, Kolkata from January 3-7,2013 2. 3-Hydroxy-2-[1′-phenyl-3′-(4″-methoxy)-4′- pyrazoyl] –4- oxo- 4H-1benzopyran as a Spectrophotometric Reagent for the Micro- determination of Tin, 98th IndianScience Congress, at SRM University, Chennai, held on January 3-7, 2011. 3. National workshop on Spectroscopic Technique and their Applications organized by Department of Chemistry, at M.M. University, Mullana, Ambala, held on November 12,2011. 4. Seminar conducted on Support System for Disabled Students at Higher Education Level by Sri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce, University of Delhi, held on March 9, 2010 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. S.N. Title 1. 11. Determine the speciation of some selected heavy metals from E-wastes and their impact on ground water, Agency Perio d Innovation 2012Project Delhi 2013 University Grant/ Amount Mobilized (Rs. Lakhs) 10,00,000/- Project NoBCAS-105 Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) An Extractive Spectrophotometric Determination of Tin as Sn(II)-6-Chloro-3hydroxy-7-methyl-2-(4'-methoxyphenyl)-4-oxo-4H-1-benzopyran Complex into Dichloromethane, Volume-6, 140-149(published on 01 August 2011) Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry b. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) 3-Hydroxy-2-[1′-phenyl-3′-(4″-methoxy)-4′- pyrazoyl] – 4 - oxo- 4H-1benzopyran as a Spectrophotometric Reagent for the Microdetermination of Tin, Volume-89, 121-126 published on 01 January 2012) Journal of Indian Chemical Society c. d. e. f. g. h. i. 12. Monographs written Chapter written in books Books edited Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) Index of your publications Impact factor h- index Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. No 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. No 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. No 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. No 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : No No a) for your own College b) for any other organization ? Give details with proofs. 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. No 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. No 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? Yes Visited to South Korea as a visiting scholar to take part in the research project at Radiation Research Division for Industry & Environment, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), South Korea, 6th March 2013 to 31 May 2013. Dr. Ramesh Kataria THE SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : Dr Manjeet Singh Barwa 2. Designation & Department : Assistant Professor (Department of Chemistry) 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution? Give details along with proof. No 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. No b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body?If yes, submit proof. Yes (Life Member of the “The Indian Science Congress Association” (L 20445). 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. NA 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. No 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. No 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. No 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. No 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. No 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) b. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) c. Monographs written d. Chapter written in books e. Books edited f. Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) g. Index of your publications: 4 h. Impact factor: 12.868(Total) i. h- index: 4 Research 1. Synthesis, characterization and biological studies of Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) complexes with bidentate Schiff bases derived by heterocyclic ketones, Kiran Singh, Manjeet Singh Barwa and Parikshit Tyagi Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2006, 41, 147-153, ISSN: 0223-5234, IF: 3.509. 2. Antibacterial Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) complexes of Schiff bases derived from Fluorobenzaldehyde and Triazoles, Kiran Singh, D.P. Singh, Manjeet Singh Barwa, Parikshit Tyagi and Yasmin Mirza J. Enz. Inhib. Med. Chem. 2006, 21(5), 557-562, ISSN: 1457-6366, IF: 1.617. 3. Some bivalent metal complexes of Schiff bases containing N and S donor atoms, Kiran Singh, D.P. Singh, Manjeet Singh Barwa, Parikshit Tyagi and Yasmin Mirza J. Enz. Inhib. Med. Chem. 2006, 21(6), 749-755, ISSN: 1457-6366, IF: 1.617. 4. Divalent cobalt, nickel, copper and zinc complexes of Schiff bases, Kiran Singh and Manjeet Singh Barwa International Conference on Molecules to Materials; SLIET, Longowal, 118-SA (2006). 5. Synthesis and characterization of Cobalt(II), nickel(II), copper(II) and zinc(II) complexes with Schiff bases derived from 4-amino-3-mercapto-6-methyl-5-oxo1,2,4-triazine, Kiran Singh, Manjeet Singh Barwa and Parikshit Tyagi Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2007, 42, 394-402, ISSN: 0223-5234, IF: 3.509. 6. Synthesis, Characterization and Thermal Studies of Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) Complexes of Some Schiff Bases Derived from4-Amino-3-mercapto-6methyl-5-oxo-1,2,4 triazine Kiran Singh, Yogender Kumar, and Manjeet Singh Barwa S. Afr. J. Chem. 2010, 63, 169-174, ISSN: 0379-4350, IF: 0.764. 7. Effect of seasonal variation on metal speciation in leachate from a Thermal power plant ash pond: Impact on ground waters Balaram pani, Siddarth Sirohi, Manjeet Singh Barwa International Journal Of Engineering Sciences & ResearchTechnology, 2013, 2(10), 2927-2937, ISSN: 2277-9655, IF: 1.852. List of research papers presented/published in Symposium, National/International Conferences 1 Antifungal and Antibacterial metal Complexes of Schiff bases Derived from Fluorobenzaldehyde and Triazoles Kiran Singh, Manjeet Singh Barwa and Saurabh Dhiman National Conference on Recent Advancement and Development in Chemical Sciences, DAV College, Abohar, Panjab, 18 (2008). 2. Novel cobalt(II), nickel(II), copper(II) and zinc(II) complexes of fluorobenzalidene Schiff base. Synthesis, spectroscopic, thermal and biological studies Kiran Singh, Manjeet Singh Barwa and Saurabh Dhiman National Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical and Environmental Sciences, January 16-17, 2009 at M M Modi College, Patiala. 3. Some bivalent metal complexes of Schiff bases containing N and S donor atoms derived from 4-amino-3-mercapto-6-methyl-5-oxo-1,2,4-triazine Kiran Singh, Manjeet Singh Barwa and Saurabh Dhiman National Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical and Environmental Sciences, January 16-17, 2009 at M M Modi College, Patiala. 4. Antifungal and Antibacterial metal Complexes of Schiff bases derived from Fluorobenzaldehyde and Triazoles Manjeet Singh Barwa, Shubhraand Kiran Singh National Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical and Environmental Sciences, January 22-23, 2010 at M M Modi College, Patiala. 5. Synthesis, characterization and biological studies of bivalent metal chelates Manjeet Singh Barwa, Shubhraand Kiran Singh National Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical and Environmental Sciences, January 22-23, 2010 at M M Modi College, Patiala. Bivalent cobalt, nickel, copper and zinc complexes of Schiff bases Manjeet Singh Barwa, Shubhraand Kiran Singh National Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical and Environmental Sciences, Feb 28-Mar01, 2011 at M M Modi College, Patiala. 7. Synthesis, Characterization and Thermal Studies of Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) Complexes of Some Schiff Bases Derived from 4-Amino-3-mercapto-6methyl-5-oxo-1,2,4-triazine Manjeet Singh Barwa, Shubhraand Kiran Singh National Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical and Environmental Sciences, Feb 28-Mar01, 2011 at M M Modi College, Patiala. 8. Attended the National Seminar on Quality assurance mechanism and processes in engineering education, at Guru Teg Bahadur Institute of Technology, New Delhi, March 25, 2011. 9. Synthesis, spectroscopic, thermal and biological studies of novel cobalt(II), nickel(II), copper(II) and zinc(II) complexes of fluorobenzalidene Schiff base Manjeet Singh Barwa, Shubhra and Kiran Singh Chemical Constellation Cheminar – 2012 (CCC-2012)(An International Conference) 6. Sept. 10-12, 2012 at Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar. 10. 11. 12. 13. 12. Effect of seasonal variation on metal speciation in leachate from a Thermal power plant ash pond: Impact on receiving waters Balaram Pani&Manjeet Singh Barwa Sept. 10-12, 2012 at Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar. Attended National Workshop on Innovative Green Techniques for Safe Potable Water in Villages, Jan. 10-12, 2013 at Zakir Husain Delhi College, University of Delhi, Delhi. Attended Lecture Workshop/Conference on Emerging Trends in Development of Drugs and Devices, Jan. 21-23, 2013 at Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, Delhi. Attended workshop on Virtual Learning Environment, at Institute of Informatics and Communication (IIC), Sept. 6th, 2014, University of Delhi South Campus. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. No 13. • 14. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. Teaching methodology involves teaching through power-point presentations. Students are encourage to prepare individual presentation. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. Yes Awarded Consolation prize for paper presentation in an International Conference on Sustainable Development and Resource Utilization: Current Trends and Perspectives, University of Rajesthan, Jaipur, (2005). 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. Yes Reviewer for International journals 8. ChemicalPapers 9. Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications 10. American Chemical Science Journal 11. International Research Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry 12. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 13. Open Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 14. International Journal of Biochemistry Research & Review Membership of Academic Society The Indian Science Congress Association (L 20445) 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. No Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : No Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. No Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. No Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify?No (Dr. Manjeet Singh Barwa) DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE 1. Name of the department : Computer Science 2. Year of Establishment : 1995 3. Names of Programmes / Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.) : A) B.Sc (H) Computer Science (Three Years) B) B.Tech Computer Science (FYUP, Four Years, 2013-17) 4. Names of Interdisciplinary courses and the departments/units involved Electronics, Human Communication, Mathematics FYUP program of Computer Science where students have studied various interdisciplinary courses as foundation courses and IMBH as per DU guidelines. 5. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system (programme wise) : Semester System 1997 onwards 6. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments Department of computer Science caters to: B.Sc (H) Electronics, B.Sc (H) Polymer Science, B.Sc (H) Biomedical Science, B.Sc (H) Food Technology, B.Sc (H) Micro-Biology 7. Any other courses offered by the department like Short term, Diploma, Certificate etc. NIL 8. Details of courses/programmes discontinued (if any) with reasons A) BIS in 2002 - As per University directives. B) B.Tech in 2014. - As per University directives. 9. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization, (D.Sc./D.Litt. /Ph.D. / M. Phil. etc.,) Name Qualificatio n Designation Specialization No. of No. of Years of Ph.D. Experience Students guided for the last 4 years Ms Manu MCA Kataria Associate Computer Professor Applications 16 NIL 1 (Permanent) Ms Sangeeta PhD Srivastava Mr Bhavya M.Sc. CS Deep Associate Software 14 Years 6 Professor Engineering Months (Permanent) and DBMS Assistant Computer Professor Science 15 NIL 4 NIL 10 Years NIL NIL (Permanent) Ms Amita Mishra Ms Arti Dua MCA Assistant Computer Professor Applications (Permanent) Ms Chetna M.C.A. Laroiya Assistant Computer Professor Science (Ad-hoc) Mr Parveen MCA, M.E Kumar Assistant Computer 6 Years 5 Professor Technology Months (Ad-hoc) and Applications Ms Savita M.Tech(CS Assistant Computer 3 Years 1 Dabas E) Professor Science Months (Ad-hoc) Nil (Teaching) 2 Years 6 Month (Industry) Ms Seema MCA Assistant Computer 4 Years 1 Professor Science Months Assistant Computer 1 Years 4 Kumar Professor Science Months Gautam (Adhoc) NIL (Adhoc) Mr. Arun M.Tech. NIL Ms. Anshika M.Tech. Singh Assistant Computer Professor Science (Adhoc) Text Mining 5 Years NIL & (Industry), 4 Months (Teaching) 10. Student -Teacher Ratio (program wise): 12:1 11. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff; sanctioned and filled : S.No Name of the Support Staff Designation 1 Mr. Raj Kumar Scientific Assistant (Permanent) 2 Ms. Ankita Technical Assistant (Permanent) 3 Mr. Sunder Mohan Assistant (Permanent) 4 Mr. Rajesh Attendant (Adhoc) 5 Mr. Saurabh Attendant (Adhoc) 12. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b) International funding agencies and grants received: Sr. No. Name of Project Faculty 1 Ms. Arti Dua Understanding the Funding Amount Agency Sanctioned Delhi University Rs. 7, 50,000/- Delhi University Rs. 5,00000/- deficiency of folate and vitamin B12 in young Indians 2 Mr. Bhavyadeep Genetic curation of ataxia phenomes for establishment of predictive and rapid diagnostic paradigm 13. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc. and total grants received: NIL 14. Publications: ∗ a) Publication per faculty Name Ms Manu Publications Books Books Chapters Publications in journal edited authored in in conf. Books Proceddings Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 16 Nil Nil Nil Nil 2 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 1 Nil Nil Nil Nil Ms. Seema Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Mr. Bhavyadep Nil Nil Nil Nil 1 Mr. Arun Kr. 1 Nil Nil Nil 3 1 Nil Nil Nil 1 Kataria Ms Sangeeta Srivastava Ms Amita Mishra Ms Chetna Laroiya Mr. Praveen Kumar Ms Savita Dabas Gautam Ms. Anshika Singh 15. Faculty as members in a) National committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Boards…. NIL 16. Student projects a) Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental/programme –b) Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution i.e.in Research laboratories/Industry/other agencies - NIL 17. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty and students NIL 18. List of eminent academicians and scientists/ visitors to the department A) Dr. N S Raghava, Dept. Information Technology, DTU. B) Dr. Ajay Miam, GNCT, Delhi. C) Dr. Rashmi Singh, Editor Telecomlive 19. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding a) National NIL b) International NIL 20. Student profile programme/course wise: Name of Course/programme (refer question no. 4) B.Sc.(H) Computer the Year Selected Enrolled M F 2010-11 - 27 21 B.Sc.(H) Computer Science 2011-12 - 31 17 B.Sc.(H) Computer Science 2012-13 - 45 29 B. Tech Computer Science 2013-14 - 39 13 Science *M=Male F=Female 21. Student progression Student progression Against % enrolled UG to PG PG to M.Phil. PG to Ph.D. Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral Employed • Campus selection • Other than campus recruitment 90-95% NA NA NA Entrepreneurship/Self-employment 5% 22. Details of Infrastructural facilities a) Internet facilities for Staff & Students -----Yes also provided access to reputed journals like IEEE, ACM etc. b) Class rooms with ICT facility------Yes c) Laboratories-----Yes well equipped with latest configurations of hardware and software. d) All students have their excess to WiFi with their individual login ids. 23. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government or other agencies 24. Details on student enrichment programmes (special lectures/workshops/ seminar) with external experts a) Workshop on “Android Technology” by DUCAT, Noida in September 2014. b) Lecture on “Cloud Computing” by NIIT Technology ,Dwarka and By Ex. Director Dr. N. S. Raghava Delhi Technological University, Delhi in the Year 2013-14 c) Workshop on “Mobile Application” by NIIT d) Lecturer on “Ethical Hacking “by Lucideous Technologies, Delhi in April 2013 e) Workshop on “Animation “by FrameBoxx Animation Academy, Dwarka in May 2012 25. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning Power Point Presentations, Virtual Labs, Quizzes, Class tests and Assignments, Interactive classes, Case studies and access to online journals 26. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities NIL 27. SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans Strengths: Well qualified and hardworking faculty, meritorious students, latest infrastructure Weakness: Less no. of computers in the Lab of the Dept. Opportunity: After completion of the course students can get lucrative pay packages in the various esteemed organizations and industries. They can also pursue higher studies. Challenges: To motivate the students to pursue research and higher studies and to enhance their experimental skills. 28. List of Research Publications: S. No Paper Title 1. Model January 2014 transformation Approach for a Goal Oriented Requirements Engineering based WebGRL to Design Models A Repository of May 2013 Software Requirement Patterns for Online Examination System Improving the quality of Web applications with Web specific goal driven Requirements Engineering A qualitative forward reasoning approach for evaluation of WebGRL diagrams Goal and Scenario based Web Requirements Engineering 2. 3. 4. 5. Date Duration / Name of the Name of Workshop/Conference/Semi the nars Author International Journal of Soft Sangeeta Computing and Engineering Srivastava International Journal Computer Science of Sangeeta Srivastava Communicated to international journal an Sangeeta Srivastava Communicated to international journal an Sangeeta Srivastava Revised paper submitted Sangeeta Srivastava 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Evaluation of March 2014 Web-specific Goal oriented Requirements Language models with Quantitative reasoning Goal based Requirements Analysis using WebURN Goal oriented Requirement Analysis for Web Applications Goal Oriented Requirements Engineering for Web Applications: A Comparative Study A Generic Approach to Engineering Transformational Methods Method Engineering Approach to Generic Model Transformations Engineering Methods for Model Transformation 2012 Volume 39, Issue 2, ACM Sangeeta Sigsoft SEN notes Srivastava International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management(IJCISIM) ISSN 2150-7988 International Journal of Modeling and Optimization vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 192-196 Sangeeta Srivastava Sangeeta Srivastava Nov 2010 Int. J. of Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology, Sangeeta Vol. 4, No. 2, 96-98. Srivastava Under Consideration International Journal of Sangeeta Information and Management Srivastava Sciences, Tamkang University Publication, Republic of China In Communication . Requirements Engineering Sangeeta Journal , Springer, London. Srivastava Under Consideration International Journal Published Sangeeta by Department of Computer Srivastava Science, The University of Chicago, Chicago Journal of Theoretical computer Science, J.Simon, E. Allender, R. Seidel (eds.), Chicago , U.S.A. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. A Systematic Approach for Engineering Inter Model Transformations The Classification Framework for Model Transformation Engineering Schema Transformation Methods 2006 nternational Journal of Information and Management Sciences, Tamkang University Publication, Vol. 17 (4), pp 1534, Republic of China. 2005 Journal of Computer Science, Science Publications, Vol.2 (2), pp 166-170, New York, U.S.A. September 2-5, Proceedings of Engineering 2003 Methods to Support Information Systems Evolution in conjunction with OOIS’03, Geneva, Switzerland, C.Rolland, J. Ralyte (eds.), Universite de Geneve, EMSISE03, pp 1-14, 2003. Engineering September 25- Proceedings of Engineering Methods for 27, 2002 Information Systems in the Schema Internet Context: IFIP TC8/ Transformation: WG8.1, Kanzawa, Japan, C. Application to Rolland, S. Brinkkemper, M. XML Saeki (eds.), 1-4020-7212-1, pp 153-172, 2002, Kluwer Academic Publishers A Goal based 2012 Conferences Information and methodology for Communication Technologies Web specific (WICT), World Congress on, Requirements pp. 173-178. Engineering IEEE, 2012 A Requirements 2012 International Conference on Analysis Advances in Information approach for Web Technology and Engineering Communication, Dubai, Passent Elkafrawy (Ed.): SPIT 2012, LNICST, Springer, pp. 144–149, 2012 Sangeeta Srivastava Sangeeta Srivastava Sangeeta Srivastava Sangeeta Srivastava Sangeeta Srivastava Sangeeta Srivastava 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Improving Web Requirements Engineering with Goals, Aspects and Scenarios, Engineering and Systems (SCES) GOREWEB Framework for Goal Oriented Requirements Engineering of Web Applications Multifaceted Classification of Websites for Goal oriented Requirements Engineering Techniques of Automatic Structured Data Extraction in the web: a survey Vehicle Registration plate recognition system Filed Distribution in square wave dielectric wave guide 2012 Students Conference on Sangeeta Engineering Systems, Page(s): Srivastava 1–6 2011 S. Aluru et al. (Eds.): IC3 Sangeeta 2011, CCIS 168, pp. 229–241, Srivastava Springer-Verlag Berlin 2011. http://www.springerlink.com/c ontent/x104307710505727/ 2010 S.Ranka et al (eds),IC3 2010, Sangeeta Part I, CCIS 94, Springer , pp Srivastava 479-485. http://www.springerlink.com/c ontent/h623m0720031875 2007 12-14 Dec 2013 Proceedings of National Sangeeta Conference on Emerging Srivastava Technologies & trends in IT 2007, 1st edition, pages 298308, chapter 41 ICSC-2013) IEEE Conference Savita Dabas 12-14 Dec 2013 ICSC-2013 IEEE Conference Savita Dabas 25. Learning OO Jan 2012 Concepts through Storytelling Metaphors and 3D Objects Using Alice” International journal of Computing A survey of 21 May 2011 Software metrics IFRSA’s International Journal Savita Dabas of Computing 27. Energy Efficient 1 Dec 2010 Protocol in Wireless Sensor Network: Reactive Ondemand Routing ISSN No. - 0976 8629 IITM Journal of Management Chetna and IT Vol 2 Issue 1 Laroiya 28. Metadata August 2011 Challenge for Query Processing Over Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network ISSN NO. 0975 3834 (Online) 0975 - 4679 (Print) International Journal of Chetna Wireless & Mobile Networks Laroiya 26. RTMC-2011 Savita Dabas 29. Cloud Providers – 28th - 30th An Overview March 2015 30. Key Frame Selection form Video based on Weighted Minkowski Distance August, 2014 31. Using Semi supervised Self Learning for the 27th March, 2015 Arun IEEE Xplore, International Mr. Conference on Computing Kr. Gautam Communication and Automation Classification of Multimedia Data International Conference on Computing, Communication, Electrical, Electronics, Devices & Signal Processing at Sri Sunflower College Of Engineering and Technology, Lankapalli (Vijayawada), Andhra Pradesh, India International Journal of Advanced Computational Engineering and Networking, Page-83-86, vol.2, issue-8 Mr. Bhavyadeep Mr. Arun Kr. Gautam 32. Key Frame Selection form Video based on Weighted Minkowski Distance 25th May, 2014 Arun International Conference on Mr. Industrial Electronics and Kr. Gautam Computer Engineering 33. Pre-Processing Methods for Sanskrit Text 1st December 2012 All India Oriental Conference Mr. Arun Kr. Gautam 34. Text Mining: A Burgeoning technology for knowledge extraction March 2013 International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology(IJSRET) ISSN 2278-0882 Ms. Anshika Singh 35. Text Mining: A flourishing methodology for knowledge extraction 29th March 2014 National Conference on Natural calamities and mitigating strategies: Options for better tomorrow ISBN NO 978-93-81771-32-7 Ms. Anshika Singh SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : Manu Kataria 2. Designation & Department : Associate Professor , Computer Science 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution ? Give details along with proof. No 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. No b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body? If yes, submit proof. No 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. Yes 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. Yes 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. No 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. No 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. Yes 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. No 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a) List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) b) List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) c) Monographs written d) Chapter wr e) itten in books f) Books edited g) Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) h) Index of your publications i) Impact factor j) h-index No Contd…..P/2 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. No 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years Yes 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. No 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. No 16. 17. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : No a) for your own College b) for any other organization ? Give details with proofs. Yes 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. No 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. No 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? No Manu Kataria SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : SANGEETA SRIVASTAVA 2. Designation & Department :Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Science 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution ? Give details along with proof. Yes Bachelors In Computer Science Committee for the courses on Software Engineering and Windows Programming. 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. N.A Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body ?If yes, submit proof. N.A b) 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. 1 2 3 4 Refresher Course in Computer Science at Jamia Milia Islamia in December 2005 Orientation Course at Jawahar Lal Nehru University in June-July 2007 Refresher Course in Computer Science at Institute of Lifelong Learning, Delhi University in 2007 Refresher Course in Computer Science at Institute of Lifelong Learning, Delhi University in 2008 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. N.A 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. Yes . Conferences 1. Chawla, Shailey, and Sangeeta Srivastava. "A Goal based methodology for Web specific Requirements Engineering." In Information and Communication Technologies (WICT), 2012 World Congress on, pp. 173-178. IEEE, 2012. 2. Shailey Chawla, Sangeeta Srivastava, “A Requirements Analysis approach for Web Engineering”,International Conference on Advances in Information Technology and Communication, Dubai,Passent Elkafrawy (Ed.): SPIT 2012, LNICST, Springer, pp. 144–149, 2012. 3. Shailey Chawla, Sangeeta Srivastava, “Improving Web Requirements Engineering with Goals, Aspects and Scenarios, Engineering and Systems (SCES), 2012 Students Conference on Engineering Systems, Publication Year: 2012 , Page(s): 1 – 6 4. Shailey Chawla, Sangeeta Srivastava, Punam Bedi, “GOREWEB Framework for Goal Oriented Requirements Engineering of Web Applications”, S. Aluru et al. (Eds.): IC3 2011, CCIS 168, pp. 229–241, Springer-Verlag Berlin 2011. http://www.springerlink.com/content/x104307710505727/ 5. Sangeeta Srivastava, Shailey Chawla, “Multifaceted Classification of Websites for Goal oriented Requirements Engineering”, S.Ranka et al (eds),IC3 2010, Part I, CCIS 94, Springer , pp 479-485. http://www.springerlink.com/content/h623m07200318751/ 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. Yes 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. Yes Research Projects by M.Tech Students and B.Sc (hons.) students of Computer science 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) b. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) c. Monographs written d. Chapter written in books e. Books edited f. Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) g. Index of your publications h. Impact factor i. h- index List of Publications attached Publications Journals 1. “Model transformation Approach for a Goal Oriented Requirements Engineering based WebGRL to Design Models” accepted in the International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering published in the January 2014 issue. 2. “A Repository of Software Requirement Patterns for Online Examination System” accepted in the International Journal of Computer Science issues to be published in the May 2013 issue. 3. Shailey Chawla, Sangeeta Srivastava, Punam Bedi, “Improving the quality of Web applications with Web specific goal driven Requirements Engineering”, (Communicated to an international journal). 4. Shailey Chawla, Sangeeta Srivastava, Punam Bedi, “A qualitative forward reasoning approach for evaluation of WebGRL diagrams”, (Communicated to an international journal). 5. Shailey Chawla, Sangeeta Srivastava, Punam Bedi, “Goal and Scenario basedWeb Requirements Engineering” (Revised paper submitted). 6. Shailey Chawla, Sangeeta Srivastava, Punam Bedi, “Evaluation of Web-specific Goal oriented Requirements Language models with Quantitative reasoning” , Volume 39, Issue 2, ACM Sigsoft SEN notes, March 2014. 7. Shailey Chawla, Sangeeta Srivastava, Deepak Malhotra, “Goal based Requirements Analysis using WebURN”, International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management(IJCISIM)ISSN 2150-7988 8. Shailey Chawla and Sangeeta Srivastava, "Goal oriented Requirement Analysis for Web Applications," International Journal of Modeling and Optimization vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 192-196, 2012. 9. Sangeeta Srivastava, Shailey Chawla, “Goal Oriented Requirements Engineering for Web Applications: A Comparative Study”,Int. J. of Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology, Vol. 4, No. 2, Nov 2010, 96-98. 10. Prakash, N., Sabharwal, S., Srivastava, S., “A Generic Approach to Engineering Transformational Methods”, in the International Journal of Information and Management Sciences, Tamkang University Publication, Republic of ChinaUnder Consideration. 11. Prakash, N., Sabharwal. S., Srivastava, S., “Method Engineering Approach to Generic Model Transformations”, in the Requirements Engineering Journal , Springer, London. –In Communication. 12. Prakash, N., Sabharwal. S., Srivastava, S., “Engineering Methods for Model Transformation”, in the International Journal Published by Department of Computer Science, The University of Chicago, Chicago Journal of Theoretical computer Science, J.Simon, E. Allender, R. Seidel (eds.), Chicago , U.S.A.-Under Consideration. 13. Prakash, N., Sabharwal, S., Srivastava, S., “A Systematic Approach for Engineering Inter Model Transformations”, in the International Journal of Information and Management Sciences, Tamkang University Publication, Vol. 17 (4), pp 15-34, 2006, Republic of China. 14. 15. Prakash, N., Sabharwal. S., Srivastava, S.,“The Classification Framework for Model Transformation”, in the Journal of Computer Science, Science Publications, Vol.2 (2), pp 166-170, 2005, New York, U.S.A. 16. Prakash, N., Srivastava, S., “Engineering Schema Transformation Methods”, in proceedings of Engineering Methods to Support Information Systems Evolution in conjunction with OOIS’03, September 2-5, 2003, Geneva, Switzerland, C.Rolland, J. Ralyte (eds.), Universite de Geneve, EMSISE03, pp 1-14, 2003. 17. Prakash, N., Srivastava, S., “Engineering Methods for Schema Transformation: Application to XML”, in proceedings of Engineering Information Systems in the Internet Context: IFIP TC8/ WG8.1 September 25-27, 2002, Kanzawa, Japan, C. Rolland, S. Brinkkemper, M. Saeki (eds.), 1-4020-7212-1, pp 153- 172, 2002, Kluwer Academic Publishers . Conferences 18. Chawla, Shailey, and Sangeeta Srivastava. "A Goal based methodology for Web specific Requirements Engineering." In Information and Communication Technologies (WICT), 2012 World Congress on, pp. 173-178. IEEE, 2012. 19. Shailey Chawla, Sangeeta Srivastava, “A Requirements Analysis approach for Web Engineering”,International Conference on Advances in Information Technology and Communication, Dubai,Passent Elkafrawy (Ed.): SPIT 2012, LNICST, Springer, pp. 144–149, 2012. 20. Shailey Chawla, Sangeeta Srivastava, “Improving Web Requirements Engineering with Goals, Aspects and Scenarios, Engineering and Systems (SCES), 2012 Students Conference on Engineering Systems, Publication Year: 2012 , Page(s): 1 – 6 21. Shailey Chawla, Sangeeta Srivastava, Punam Bedi, “GOREWEB Framework for Goal Oriented Requirements Engineering of Web Applications”, S. Aluru et al. (Eds.): IC3 2011, CCIS 168, pp. 229–241, Springer-Verlag Berlin 2011. http://www.springerlink.com/content/x104307710505727/ 22. Sangeeta Srivastava, Shailey Chawla, “Multifaceted Classification of Websites for Goal oriented Requirements Engineering”, S.Ranka et al (eds),IC3 2010, Part I, CCIS 94, Springer , pp 479-485. http://www.springerlink.com/content/h623m0720031875 23. Sangeeta Srivastava, Shailey Chawla “Techniques of Automatic Structured Data Extraction in the web: a survey” in Proceedings of National Conference on Emerging Technologies & trends in IT 2007, 1st edition, pages 298-308, chapter 41. 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. NA 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. Yes, I have tried to introduce practical approach combined with theoretical approach in teaching mostly theoretical subjects like Linguistics . 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. NA 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. NA 16. 17. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. NA Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : NA a) for your own College b) for any other organization ? Give details with proofs. 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. Yes to Ms. Shailey Chawla 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. Yes to Shailey Chawla for Ph.d in Computer Science 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? NA Dr. Sangeeta Srivastava SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : BHAVYA DEEP 2. Designation & Department : Assistant Professor Computer Science 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution ? Give details along with proof. Yes ( acted as member of the curriculum development committee of University of Delhi ) 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. Yes ( document enclosed ) b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body ? If yes, submit proof. No 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. Yes ( document enclosed ) 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. Yes ( document enclosed ) 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. Yes ( document enclosed ) 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. Yes ( document enclosed ) Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. Yes ( document enclosed ) 9. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. Yes ( document enclosed ) 10. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a) List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) b) List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) c) Monographs written d) Chapter written in books e) Books edited f) Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) g) Index of your publications h) Impact factor i) h- index No 11. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. No 12. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. Use of Power points, PDFs, Simulators, MCQs / Objective type during tests conducted online. Students converse on web conferencing through skype / whatsapp. 13. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. No 14. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. No 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. No 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : e) for your own College f) for any other organization ? Give details with proofs. Yes ( document enclosed ) 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. No 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. No 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? Yes. I Initiate and Motivate students on regular basis to Design and Develop Software Projects / Research papers. BHAVYA DEEP SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : Arti Dua 2. Designation & Department : Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science. 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution ? Give details along with proof. Yes (Proof Attached) 4. a) b) 5. 6. Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? No Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body ?If yes, submit proof. No List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. No Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Yes, Attended Teacher’s Training Program in Algorithms organized by Dept of Comp. Sc., University of Delhi. 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? YES, acted as Resource person for delivering lecture on "HTML Basics" in the Add-on Certificate course in Bioinformatics and in-silico Drug Discovery jointly organised by BCAS and ANDC (2013-14) held in college on 18th July 2014. 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. NO 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. YES, Attended Teacher’s Training Program in Algorithms organized by Dept of Comp. Sc., University of Delhi. 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. YES, acted as a Principal Investigator for DU Innovation Project “BCAS 207:Understanding the burden of Vitamin B12 and Folic acid in young Indians” for a period of one year ( 2013 – 14 ) 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: NIL a. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) b. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) c. Monographs written d. Chapter written in books e. Books edited f. Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) g. Index of your publications h. Impact factor i. h- index 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. No 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. USE of PPTs PDFs to take lectures. Along with that I have also motivated students to read/study and present research papers related to the subject published 5-10 years back. 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. No 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. No 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. No 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : a) for your own College Yes(Conducted a workshop on android technology on 3 sept 2014) b) for any other organization ? No Give details with proofs. 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. No 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. No 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? No Ms. Arti Dua SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : Parveen Kumar 2. Designation & Department : Asst. Professor (Ad-hoc) 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution ? Give details along with proof. NO 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. NO b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body ? If yes, submit proof. NO 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. NIL 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. NO 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. NO 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. NO 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. YES Seminar on Emerging Trends in Cloud Computing MSIT 2010 DUCAT Workshop on Introduction to Android Technology BCAS 2014 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. Yes Students Research Projects 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: NIL a) 12. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) b) List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) c) Monographs written d) Chapter written in books e) Books edited f) Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) g) Index of your publications h) Impact factor i) h- index Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. NO 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. NA 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. NO 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. NO 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. NO 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : NO a) for your own College b) for any other organization ? Give details with proofs. 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. NO 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. NO 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? NO Parveen Kumar SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : SEEMA 2. Designation & Department : ASST. PROFESSOR (AD-HOC) 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution ? Give details along with proof. - NO 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof.- NO b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body ? If yes, submit proof.- NO 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. NO 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof.- YES Six month training programme in NEWGEN INFOSOFT Pvt Ltd. 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. NO 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? No 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. - No 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. YES Intranet mailing system. As organization grows in size in terms of department and functionalities.It requires a quick and efficient system to achieve instant communication b/w employees of same department or b/w department. Intranet Mailing System” serves organization’s needs in a consistent and transparent manner. 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) - No b. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) - No c. Monographs written - No d. Chapter written in books - No e. Books edited - No f. Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) - No g. Index of your publications - No h. Impact factor - No i. h- index - No 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. - No 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. - No 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. - No 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. - No 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. - No 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : - No a) for your own College b) for any other organization ? Give details with proofs. 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. - No 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. - No 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? - No Ms. Seema SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : SAVITA DABAS 2. Designation & Department : ASST. PROFESSOR (AD-HOC) 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution ? Give details along with proof. – NO 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof.- NO b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body ?If yes, submit proof.- NO 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. i) Attended Summer faculty Research Fellowship programme at IIT Delhi, in May 2012 for two months., 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof.- NO 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. i) 8. Attended workshop on ‘Recent trends in software Testing’ at DTU Delhi in Sept 2010. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. S. No Paper Title Date Duration 1 Vehicle Registration plate recognition 12-14 Dec 2013 system ICSC-2013 Conference IEEE 2 Filed Distribution in square wave 12-14 Dec 2013 dielectric wave guide ICSC-2013 Conference IEEE 3 Learning OO Concepts through Jan 2012 Storytelling Metaphors and 3D Objects Using Alice” International journal of Computing IFRSA’s International Journal of Computing 4 A survey of Software metrics RTMC-2011 21 May 2011 / Name of the Workshop/Confere nce/Seminars 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. - No 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. No 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) - No b. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) - No c. Monographs written - No d. Chapter written in books - No e. Books edited - No f. Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) - No g. Index of your publications - No h. Impact factor - No i. h- index - No 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. - No 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. - No 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. - No 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. - No 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. - No 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : - No c) for your own College d) for any other organization ? Give details with proofs. 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. - No 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. - No 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? - No SAVITA DABAS SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : Chetna Laroiya 2. Designation & Department : Assistant Professor (Adhoc) Computer Science 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution ? Give details along with proof. No 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. No b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body ?If yes, submit proof. No 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. NA 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. No 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. No 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. No 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. AICTE, MHRD (GOI) sponsored 1 week Faculty Development Programme on “Leveraging Information System for Business Excellence”June 13- 23 2007 Attachement : New Doc 55.pdf 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. Yes Faculty mentor for student major innovation project ‘GPS-Based Tamperproof Auto- Rickshaw /Taxi Fare Meter With Secure Fare Upgrades’ for HP Innovate Banglore which received second prize Attachement : New Doc 57.pdf 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) ‘Metadata Challenge for Query Processing Over Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network’ in IJWMN (International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks) Vol 3, number 4, August 2011 Attachment : New Doc 56.pdf b. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) c. Monographs written d. Chapter written in books e. Books edited f. Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) g. Index of your publications h. Impact factor i. h- index 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. No 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. Concept mapping to relate different concepts & brainstorming 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. No 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. No 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. No 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : a) for your own College b) for any other organization ? Give details with proofs. Yes ‘TechByte’ a national IT Symposium in 2012 at Jagan Institute of Management studies (affiliated to GuruGobindSinghIndraprasthaUniversity) 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. No 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. No 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? No Chetna Laroiya DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS 1. Name of the department : ELECTRONICS 2. Year of Establishment : 1995 3. Names of Programmes / Courses offered: B. Sc. (Hons.) Electronics (Three years) (FYUP)B. Tech Electronics (Four years, 2013-17) 4. Names of Interdisciplinary Papers: All students of B. Tech and B.Sc(H) study various Interdisciplinary papers. • • • • • • 5. Physics Mathematics Chemistry Environmental Science Communication Skills Computational Skills Annual/ semester/choice based credit system (programme wise) : Semester system (currently) 6. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments : Department of Electronics caters to the Department of Computer Science. 7. Any other courses offered by Department like short term course, diploma, certificate etc? Nil 8. Details of courses/ programmes discontinued (if any) with reasons: FYUP started from 2013-14 is discontinued from academic session 2014-15 as per university directives 9. Faculty profile with name, (D.Sc./D.Litt./Ph.D./M.Phil. etc.,) qualification, designation, specialization, Qualificati Designation on Name No. of Ph.D. No. of Students Nature of Years of Specialization guided Post Experien for the ce last 4 years 2Permanent Microelectronics and 22 students VLSI designing registered Dr. Manoj Ph. D. Kumar Khanna Associate Professor Dr. Mongia Ph.D. Associate Professor Permanent Optical Data Storage 18 &Photovoltaics Ph. D. Associate Professor Permanent Dr. Kaur Geeta Inderbir Amorphous Semiconductors 18 Permanent Genetic Algorithm and Adaptive 13 Controls Permanent Microwave 12 Photonics Nil Nil Dr. Avneesh M. Tech. Mittal Ph.D. Assistant Professor Dr. Manoj Ph. D. Kumar Tiwari Assistant Professor Ms. Gupta M.Sc. Assistant Professor Permanent Electronics 05 Nil Dr. Jitender Ph. D. Kumar Assistant Professor Nano-Materials Permanent and devices (LED 04 Solar Cell, Sensors) Nil Dr. Kumar Amit Assistant Professor Permanent Electroluminescent Materials & Devices Ms. Malyan Aarti Adhoc Electronics Shweta Ph. D. M.Sc Assistant Professor Nil Nil 10 Nil 1/2 Nil 10. Student -Teacher Ratio (program wise): 12:1 11. Details of Laboratory Staff. S.No Name Designation 1. Mr. Bahadur Singh Laboratory Assistant (Permanent) 2. Mr. Suresh Kumar Laboratory Assistant (Permanent) 3. Mr. Vijay Singh Laboratory Assistant (Permanent) 4. Mr. Sunil Kumar Laboratory Attendant (Adhoc) 12. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) University b) International funding agencies and grants received: a. Four Innovation Projects from University of Delhi and ONE from Department of Biotechnology, Government of India(DBT), following faculty members involved for the same: S.No 1. Name of the Project Faculty Dr. Manoj i. Innovation Khanna Project 2013-14 ii. 3. Dr. Amit Kumar 4. Dr. Manoj Tiwari Amount Sanctioned(Rs.) Delhi University Delhi University 1st phase Rs. 3.5 lacs Delhi University 1st phase Rs. 4.0 lacs Innovation Project 2014-15 Dr. Geeta Innovation Project 2014-15 Mongia & Dr. Inderbir Kaur 2. Funding Agency DBT project is in collaboration with Department of Rs.14.3 lacs Department of Electronic Science, Biotechnology(DBT), University of Delhi) Govt. of India K. Innovation Project 2013-14 Delhi University Rs. 10 lacs 13. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc. and total grants received: None 14. Publications: a. Publication Publications Publications in Books Books edited Chapters in book Conference Journal Authored Proceedings Dr. Manoj K. Khanna 7 Nil Nil Nil 11 Dr. Geeta Mongia 3 1 Nil Nil 4 Dr. Inderbir Kaur 5 Nil Nil Nil Nil Mr. Avneesh Mittal 5 Nil Nil Nil Nil Dr. Manoj Tiwari 3 10 1 Nil 12 Ms. Shweta Gupta Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Dr. Jitender Kumar 14 Nil Nil Nil 08 Dr. Amit Kumar 7 Nil Nil Nil 4 S.No Name of Faculty 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. in 9. Ms. Aarti Malyan Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil b. Paper presented/ accepted in Conferences Paper Presented in Conferences S.No Name of Faculty Oral Poster 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Dr. Manoj K. Khanna Dr. Geeta Mongia Dr. Inderbir Kaur Mr. Avneesh Mittal Dr. Manoj Tiwari Ms. Shweta Gupta Dr. Jitender Kumar Dr. Amit Kumar Ms. Aarti Malyan 1+1 (accepted) 1 (accepted) 1 2 Nil Nil 1 (accepted) Nil Nil Nil 15. Faculty as members in a. National Committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Boards d) University Committee • Dr. Geeta Mongia: 1. Member, Faculty of Inter-disciplinary Sciences & -Applied Sciences (FIAS) (2008-10) 2. Life Member Semiconductor Society of India (SSI) • 1. Dr. Inderbir Kaur: Life Member Semiconductor Society of India (SSI) • Mr. Avneesh Mittal: 1.Life Member Instrument Society of India (ISOI) • Dr Manoj Kumar Tiwari: 1. Life Member of Indian Society for Technical Education 2. Life Member National Book Trust of India 3. Life member of The Indian Science Congress Association Number L20927 16. Student projects Most of the students go for training/ project as per curriculum. 17. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty : a. Dr. Geeta Mongia : 1. Conferred with “Best Teacher Award” for the academic year 201213, by Govt. of NCT of Delhi. Award was given in a ceremony by Mrs. Shiela Dikshit, then Hon’ble Chief Minister of Delhi. Award carries an amount of Rs. 1.0 Lakh and a certificate. 2. Awarded a certificate of excellence by “Lions Club” Delhi, for outstanding recognition in the field of education. This award was given in 2005, on Teacher’s Day. 18. List of eminent academicians and scientists/ visitors to the department • Speakers invited for Electronic Fest 2013-14 1.Prof. B.R.Mehta, IIT Delhi 2.Prof. M.R.Shenoy, IIT Delhi 3.Prof. Avinashi Kapoor, University of Delhi • Speakers invited in National Seminar on Management of Waste from Electronics and Renewable Energies, held on 29 -30 January,2010. 1. Prof. R.S. Gupta(Retd.), Department of Electronic Science, UDSC 2. Dr. Krishna Kumar, Sr. Director, DIT, Govt. of India 3. Dr. K. N. Chaturvedi, Ex Secretary, Ministry of Law, Govt. of India 4. Dr. Bibek Bandyopadhyyay, Scientist, Advisor, Solar Energy Centre, Govt. of India 5. Dr. Laksmi Raghupati, Advisor MAIT, Former Director MOEF 6. Prof. Avinashi Kapoor, Department of Electronic Science, UDSC 7. Praveen Bhargava, Director, R&D ATTERO Recycling Pvt. Ltd. 8. Dr. M.Dwarkanath, Department of Environment, Govt. of NCT Delhi 9. Satish Sinha, Associate Director, Toxic Links 10. DR. Ashish Chaturvedi, GTZ-ASEM, India 11. Ravinder Gupta, General Manager, CRIS, Indian Railways 12. Mr. Amit Jain, Managing Director (India Operations), IRG Systems South Asia Pvt. Ltd. 13. Pankaj Sinha, Chief Technology Officer, India Today Group. • Speakers invited in National Conference on Sustainable Management of EWaste, held on December 14-15,2010 1. Mr. Dharmendra, Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Wildlife and Forest, Govt. of NCT of Delhi 2. Ms. Saroj, Director, MOEF, Govt. of India 3. Dr. Krishna Kumar, Sr. Director, DIT, Govt. of India 4. Mr. Prem Prakash, Eco Safe Manager, HCL 5. Mr.Paveen Bhargava, Director, R&D ATTERO Recycling Pvt. Ltd. 6. Dr. Laksmi Raghupati, Advisor MAIT, Former Director MOEF 7. Mr. P. Subhash, SIMS recycling solutions. 19. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding 1. National Workshop on VLSI DESIGNING USING VERILOG CODING (July 2013) in collaboration with JB Tech India. 2. National workshop on robotics by DUCAT (2013). 3. National Seminar on ‘Management of Waste from Electronics and Renewable Energies” on 29th and 30th January 2010 held jointly with Dept. of Instrumentation. Got funding from DIT, UGC, MOEF, SYBASE, EPSON, SILICOM ELECTRONICS, OSAW INDIA, TATA AIG. 4. National Conference on “Sustainable Management of E-Waste” from 14th to 15th December, 2010, organized jointly with Dept. of Instrumentation. Got funding from UGC, CSIR, MOEF, Department of Environment Forest and Wildlife, Govt. of NCT of Delhi. 5. National Seminar On ‘Management Of Waste From Electronics And Renewable Energies” on 29th and 30th January 2010 held jointly with Dept. of Instrumentation. Got funding from DIT, UGC, MOEF, SYBASE, EPSON, SILICOM ELECTRONICS, OSAW INDIA , TATA AIG. 20. Student profile programme/course wise: Name of the course: B.Sc (H) Electronics Admission Year Total Students enrolled Male Female 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11 68 39 39 57 64 29 34 26 4 10 05 31 21. Diversity of Students Name of the Course Year-wise Enrolment B.Sc. (Hons.) Electronics 68 (2014-15) B.Tech. Electronics 41 (2013-14) B.Sc. (Hons.) Electronics 51 (2012-13) B.Sc. (Hons.) Electronics 59 (2011-12) B.Sc.(Hons.)Electronics 53 (2010-11) Gen OBC SC ST 2 PW D 0 WA P 0 Sports Quota 1 21 37 7 20 11 6 1 0 2 1 42 5 2 1 1 0 0 39 11 7 0 1 0 1 43 4 5 1 0 0 0 22. Student progression Against % enrolled UG to PG 90-95% The college does not offer courses PG to M.Phil. NA other than the undergraduate PG to Ph.D. NA courses of the Delhi University. Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral NA Employed through central placement cell university of Delhi 2% Student progression Entrepreneurship/Self-employment 5% 23. Details of Infrastructural facilities • The Electronics Laboratory is well equipped with the latest state-of-the art instruments such as o Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes &Digital Storage Oscilloscopes (100MHz), o CRO demonstration kits, Pulse Generators, o Function Generators, o PowerMeter, o Analog and Digital I.C.tester , o LCR Q- tester, 8 o 085 and 8086 Microprocessor kits with assembler and dissembler, o Microcontroller trainer, o Interfacing modules and cards, o Universal Programmer, o various communication modules experimental kits, o LASER kits, o Antenna trainer kits, o PCB design kits, etc. • LCD projectors are also installed in the laboratory to deliver lectures. • The Department also has well equipped computer laboratory with various simulation software installed to facilitate the students to gain expertise in IT skills. Besides this, the • Faculty provides access of personal books to students time to time. • All students have access to Wi-Fi with their individual login IDs. • All Class rooms as well as laboratories are equipped with ICT facility 24. Financial Assistance to students recommended by Fee concession committee of the college • 2013-14 06 • 2012-13 05 • 2011-12 None 25. Details on student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops /seminar) with external experts • National Workshop on VLSI DESIGNING USING VERILOG CODING (July 2013) in collaboration with JB Tech India. • National workshop on robotics by DUCAT (2013). • Enterprernursip awareness camp for three days ( Jan 2012) • Lecture on ‘Eyes and Hands of Nanotechnology’ by Prof. B.R. Mehta, Department of Physics, IIT Delhi on February 18,2014. • Lecture on ‘Semiconductor Lasers’ by Prof. M.R. Shenoy, Department of Physics, IIT Delhi on February 19,2014. 26. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning • Hands-on-training • Live Projects • Project presentations • Teaching by Blogs 27. SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans Strengths: • Well experienced and distinguished faculty of scholars actively involved in organizing various student enrichment programmes and research alongwith regular teaching. • The laboratory is equipped with various latest state-of-the-art instruments. • Various activities such as seminars, workshops, conferences and lectures are organized every year to promote the holistic development of the students. • Students are involved in research through Innovation projects conducted by University of Delhi Weakness: • Less number of computers in the Computer Lab of the Department • Non-AC Computer Lab requires high maintenance. Opportunity: After completion of the course in Electronics, the student can get lucrative pay packages in various esteemed organizations and industries. Besides this, the students can pursue higher studies also. Challenges:To motivate the students to pursue research and higher studies and to enhance their experimental skills. 28. List of Research Publications: Dr. Manoj Kr. Khanna 1 “Quasi two-dimensional analytical model for threshold voltage of a modulation doped field effect transistor”, by Sujata Sen, Manoj Pandey, Manoj K Khanna, R S Gupta.Asia Pacific Microwave Confrence Proceedings, APMC, 2, 705708(1997). 2 “Analytical Modeling of Device Conductances of Lightly Doped Drain (LDD) MOSFETs”, by R.S. Gupta, Ciby Thomas, Subhasis Haldar, Manoj K. Khanna, 21st International Conference on Microelectronics, Published in Proceeding of Microelectronics, .1, 347-350(1997). 3 “Lightly doped drain (LDD) MOSFETs: An optimized model for very high cut off frequencies” , by R.S. Gupta, Ciby Thomas, S. Haldar, M.K. Khanna, & Maneesha, APMC’96, (1996). 4 “Modeling and Analysis of Small Geometry Depletion Mode MOSFETs”, by Subhasis Haldar, M. K Khanna, Ciby Thomas, R.S. Gupta, National Symposium on Physics of Solids and Solid State Devices, (1996). 5 “An Improved Model for Anomalous Threshold Voltage of Short Channel MOSFETs”, by Manoj K. Khanna, Ciby Thomas, S. Haldar, & R.S. Gupta, National Symposium on Physics of Solids and Solid State Devices, (1996). 6 “Above Threshold and Substrate Current Modeling of Lightly Doped Drain MOSFET (LDD)”, by Ciby Thomas, Subhasis Haldar, Manoj K. Khanna, K.K. Gupta, & R.S. Gupta, National Symposium on Physics of Solid State Devices, (1996). 7 “A New Analytical Model for Non-Uniformly Doped Short Channel MOSFET from 2D Potential Distribution”, by Maneesha, Subhasis Haldar, Ciby Thomas, Manoj K. Khanna, and R.S. Gupta, National Symposium on Physics of Solid State Devices, (1996). 8 “Analytical Theory of Two Dimensional Charge Sheet Model of Short Channel MOSFET under Non Linear Charge Control” , by Maneesha, Subhasis Haldar, Manoj K. Khanna & R.S. Gupta, Solid State Electronics, 38, 197-202(1995). 9 “Analytical 2-D modeling for potential distribution and threshold voltage of short channel SOI (Silicon-on-Insulator) MOSFET's”, by Vaneeta Aggarwal, M. K. Khanna, R. Sood, S. Haldar& R.S. Gupta, Solid State Electronics, 37, 15371542(1994). 10 “A device model for an ion-implanted MESFET with half Pearson-IV half Gaussian distribution under post anneal conditions”, bySubhasis Haldar, Manoj K. Khanna, Maneesha, & R.S. Gupta, IEEE Trans Electron Devices, 41, 16741677(1994). 11 “Narrow Gate Effect on Depletion Model IGFET”, Subhasis Haldar, Manoj K. Khanna & R.S. Gupta”, by Solid State Electronics,37,1717-1721(1994). 12 “Temperature Dependent Threshold Voltage Model for a non-uniformly doped Short Channel MOSFET” , by Manoj K. Khanna, Subhasis Haldar & R.S. Gupta, International Journal Electronics, 77,283-290(1994). 13 “Substrate bias dependent threshold voltage model of short channel MOSFETs”, by Manoj K. Khanna, Subhasis Haldar, Maneesha & Rachna Sood, & R.S. Gupta,Solid State Electronics, 36, 661(1993). 14 “Threshold voltage shift in Depletion Model IGFET”, R.S. Gupta”, by Subhasis Haldar, M.K. Khanna & Maneesha, Third International Conference on Solid State and Integrated Circuit Technology, (1992). 15 “Analytical Modeling of an Ion-implanted MOSFET”, by Subhasis Haldar, Maneesha and Manoj K. Khanna & R.S. Gupta, National Seminar Workshop on System Design & Simulation, (1992). 16 “Two Dimensional Charge Sheet Model of Short Channel MOSFET Under Non-Linear Charge Control”, by Maneesha, Subhasis Haldar, Manoj K. Khanna & R.S. Gupta, National Seminar Workshop on System Design & Simulation, (1992). 17 “New Analytical Expression for the Threshold Voltage of Short Channel IGFET”, by Manoj K. Khanna, Subhasis Haldar, Maneesha & R.S. Gupta, National Seminar workshop on system Design & Simulation, (1992). Dr. Geeta Mongia 1 “Crystallization Kinetics in (AgInSb)x(In1-y Sby)1-xFilms used in optical Data storage”, by Geeta Mongia and P.K. Bhatnagar, J. of Material Science of Science, Springer US, 41, 2477-2482. 2 “Study of Crystallization behavior of Ag-In-Sb-Te Phase Change Optical Recording Film”, by Geeta Mongia and P.K. Bhatnagar, J. of Optical Engineering, 42, 148-145(2003). 3 “Optical Properties & Average Flow of Energy in AgInSbTe Film used for Phase Change Optical recording”,by Geeta Mongia and P.K. Bhatnagar, J. Optical Engg., 42, 52-56(2003). 4 “New Quaternary Material for High Speed Phase Change Optical Recording”,by Geeta Mongia and P.K. Bhatnagar, The International Society of Optical Engineering (SPIE), (2002). 5 “Microstructural Analysis of Quaternary Alloy Based Film for Optical Data storage”, by Geeta Mongia and P.K. Bhatnagar, International Conference on Advanced optical data storage, (2003). 6 “Potentiality of AgInSb Phase Change recording material”, by Geeta Mongia and P.K. Bhatnagar, National conference on Thermo physical properties (NCTP2002). 7 “DOW Optical Disk with a New Quaternary System”, by Geeta Mongia and P.K. Bhatnagar, International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD) (2001). Dr Amit Kumar 1. “Self-trapping mechanism in green phosphorescent dye-doped polymer lightemitting diodes”, by DeviderMadhwal, SS Rait, A Verma, A Kumar, P. K. Bhatnagar, P. C. Mathur, K Tada, M. Onoda, PhysicaScripta, 81, 065701 (2010). 2. “Increased luminance of MEH–PPV and PFO based PLEDs by using salmon DNA as an electron blocking layer”, by DevinderMadhwal, S.S. Rait, A. Verma, Amit Kumar, P.K. Bhatnagar, P.C. Mathur, M. Onoda, Journal of Luminescence, 130, 331–333 (2010). 3. “Development and characterization of an efficient bio-white polymer lightemitting diode with red and green phosphorescent dyes as dopants”, by DevinderMadhwal, S. S. Rait, A. Kumar, A. Verma, K. Tada, M. Onoda, P.K.Bhatnagar and P.C.Mathur, Journal of Material Science, 45, 3300 (2010). 4. “Enhanced luminance of MEH-PPV based PLEDs using single walled carbon nanotube composite as an electron transporting layer”, by Inderpreet Singh, DevinderMadhwal, A Verma, A Kumar, S Rait, I Kaur, P.K. Bhatnagar, P.C. Mathur Journal of Luminescence, 130, 2157-2160 (2010). 5. “Improved electrical and optical properties of MEH-PPV light emitting Diodes using Ba buffer layer and porphyrin”, by Amit Kumar, P. K. Bhatnagar, P. C. MathurApplied Surface Science, 252, 3953 (2006). 6. “Development and Characterization polyfluorene based light emitting diodes and their color tuning using forester resonance energy transfer”, by P. C. Mathur, Amit Kumar, P. K. Bhatnagar, 10th Asian conference on solid state ionics, Sri Lanka (12-16 June, 2006). Solid State Ionic, 780-787 (2006). 7. “Optical characterization of Alq3/MEHPPV composite films”, by Amit Kumar, P.K.Bhatnagar, P.C.Mathur, K.Tada, M.Onoda, Journal of Material Science, 40, 3849 (2005). 8. “Temperature and electric field dependences of mobility in light emitting diodes based on poly [2-methoxy-5- (2-ethylhexoxy)-1, 4-phenylene vinylene]”, by Amit Kumar, P. K. Bhatnagar, P. C. Mathur, M. Husain, SandipSengupta, Jayant Kumar, Journal of Applied Physics, 98, 024502 (2005). Dr Manoj K. Tiwari 1. “Electromagnetic mode Density at the Band Gap Edge of One Dimensional Graded Periodic Dielectric Structures”, by Manoj K. Tiwari, et. al., Computer Aided Design forMicrowave and RF Applications, 15 (1), 69-78 (2005). 2. “Effect of Variation of dielectric constant of substrate on Photonic Band Gap in Microwave Region”,by Manoj K. Tiwari, K. K. Gupta, H. C. Gupta &D. C. Dube, Microwave & Optical Tech. Lett., 41, 399-403 (2004). 3. “Photonic Band Gap Studies on Periodic Metallic structure in Microwave Region”, by Manoj K. Tiwari, K. K. Gupta, H. C. Gupta & D. C. Dube, Microwave & Optical Tech. Lett., 36, 483-486 (2002). Dr Jitender Kumar 1. “Study of relaxation dynamics of photogenerated excitons in CuInS2 quantum dots”, by I Singh, S Madan, A Kaur, Jitender Kumar, P K Bhatnagar and P C Mathur, MRS Communications ,4, 1–5 (2014). 2. “A Environment Friendly highly sensitive Ethanol Vapor Sensor based on polymethylmethacrylate: Functionalized-Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Composite”, by A Kaur, I Singh, Jitender Kumar, D Madhwal, P K Bhatnagar. P C mathur, C A Bernardo and M C Paiva, Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine, 5, 1-5 (2013 ). 3. ”Characterization of Quantum Dots of CdSexS1-x using XRD, UV-Vis absorption and Raman Spectroscopy measurements”, by Jitender Kumar,S. Madan, D. Madhwal, I. Singh, P. K. Bhatnagar , P.C.Mathur and S S Islam, International Journal of Nanosciences, 11, 1250015 (2012). 4. “Bulk Hetrojunction formation with induced concentration gradient from a bilayer structure of P3HT:CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots using Inter-Diffusion Process for developing high efficiency stable solar cell”, by S K Dixit, S Madan, D Madhwal, Jitender Kumar, I Singh, C S Bhatia, P K Bhatnagar and P C Mathur, Organic electronics, 13, 533 (2012). 5. “Colour Tuning and Enhanced performance of MEH-PPV based Polymer light Emitting Diodes by using CdSe/ZnS uncapped quantum Dots as dopants”, by S Madan, Jitender Kumar, D.Madhwal, I.Singh,. P K Bharnagar and P C Mathur, Journal of nanophotonics, 5, 053518 (2011). 6. ” Increasing the luminous efficiency of a MEH-PPV based PLED using salmon DNA and single walled carbon Nanotube”, by D. Madhwal, I. Singh, Jitender Kumar, P.K. Bhatnagar and P.C. Mathur, Journal of luminescence 131, 1264-1266 (2011). 7. “Effect of thermal annealing on the efficiency of P3HT:PCBM bulk heterojunction solar cells”’ by I. Singh, D. Madhwal, Jitender Kumar, S. Rait, C. Bhatnagar, I. Kaur, L.M. Bharadwaj, P.K. Bhatnagar and P.C. Mathur, Journal of Nanophotonics, 5, 053504 (2011). 8. “Improvement in the luminoue efficiency of MEH-PPV Based light emitting diodes using zinc oxide nanorodes grown by the electrochemical technique on ITO substract “’ by R B Gupta, Jitender Kumar, D Madhwal, I Singh, I Kaur, L M Bhardwaj, S Nagpal, P K Bhatnagar and P C Mathur., Physica Scripta 84, 015705, (2011). 9. “Effect of cadmium Vacancies on the optical properties of chemically prepared CdS Quantum Dots”, by S. Madan, Jitender Kumar, I. Singh, D. Madhwal, P. K. Bhatnagar and P.C.Mathur, Physica Scripta, 82 , 045702 (2010),. 10. “Two-Photon absorption in Quantum Dots of CdSxSe1-x using open aperture Z-scan and Femto-second laser”, by Jitender Kumar, A. Verma, P. K. Pandey, P. K. Bhatnagar, P. C. Mathur, M. Bhatnagar, W. Liu and S.H.Tang, NANO, 4, 2329 (2009). 11. “Study of optical absorption and Photoluminescence of Quantum Dots of CdS formed in Borosilicate Glass matrix”, by Jitender Kumar, A. Verma, P. K. Pandey, P. K. Bhatnagar, P. C. Mathur, W. Liu and S.H.Tang, Physica Scripta, 79, 065601 (2009). 12. “Compositional Effect on the Optical Absorption and Photoluminescence of CdSXSe1-XQuantum Dots Embedded in Borosilicate Glasses”, by Jitender Kumar, A. Verma, P. K. Pandey, P. K. Bhatnagar, P. C. Mathur, M. Bhatnagar, W. Liu and S.H.Tang, International Journal of Nanosciences, 8, 403 (2009). 13. “Development of Low Size Dispersion, High Volume Fraction and Strong Quantum confine CdSxSe1-x Quantum Dots Embedded in Borosilicate Glass Matrix and Study of their Optical Properties”, by A. Verma, P. K. Pandey, S. Nagpal, P. K. Bhatnagar P. C. Mathur and Jitender Kumar, Advanced materials Research, 31, 161-163 (2008). 14. “Growth Dynamics of II-VI Compound Semiconductor Quantum Dots Embedded in Borosilicate Glass Matrix” , by A.Verma, P. K. Pandey, Jitender Kumar, S. Nagpal, P. K. Bhatnagar and P. C. Mathur, International Journal of Nanoscience, 7, 1-10 (2008). Dr. Inderbir Kaur 1. “Study of Photoconductivity in TBP doped n-type hydrogenated amorphous silicon using Argon as Carrier gas”,by R.M. Mehra, Inderbir Kaur, P.C. Mathur and P.C. Taylor, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 227-230, 243-247 (1998). 2. “Effect of Heavy Doping on Dark Conductivity of TBP Doped n-type a-Si:H”, by R. Mehra, Inderbir Kaur and P.C. Mathur, Solid State Phenomena,55, 180182 (1997). 3. “Tailoring Refractive Index of a-Si:H by TBP (C4H11P) doping”, R.M. Mehra, Inderbir Kaur, Jasmina and P.C. Mathur, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 209, 188-192 (1997). 4. “Physics of Device Grade Amorphous Silicon”, by P.C. Mathur Inderbir Kaur, Jasmina and R.M. Mehra, Material Science Forum,223-224,221-228(1996). 5. “Dark and Photoconductivity of TBP doped n-type a -Si:H”, by R.M. Mehra, Gurinder, Inderbir Kaur, Jasmina, Amit Pundir and P.C. Mathur, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 164-166, 517-520 (1993). Dr. Avneesh Mittal 1. “High Speed Measurement and Control of Temperature through Multitasking/ Multithreading using VB-5.0.”, byDheeraj Kesharwani, Avneesh Mittal, Vijay Sharma, Priyanka Jain, T. K. Saxena, Int. J. of Computing, Intelligent and Communication Technologies, 2, 1-4, (2013). 2. “Adaptive Tuning of PID Controller for a Nonlinear Constant Temperature Water Bath under Set Point Disturbances using GANFC”, byAvneesh Mittal, Avinashi Kapoor, T. K. Saxena, J. Automation & Systems Engineering, 7-4, 143-163(2013). 3. “Genetic Algorithm Based Incremental PID Temperature Controller For Long Dead Time Nonlinear Bath”, by Avneesh Mittal, Avinashi Kapoor, T. K. Saxena, Int. J. of Engineering & Science Research, 2, 449-467, (2012). 4. “Genetic Algorithm Based Tuning of Fixed Bias PID Controller for a Nonlinear Constant Temperature Water Bath under Load Disturbances”, by Avneesh Mittal, Avinashi Kapoor, T. K. Saxena, J. Automation & Systems Engineering, 6-2 , 96-109 (2012). 5. “Design and Development of Advanced Cross Assembler for 8085 Microprocessor”, by Shashank Bansal, Avneesh Mittal, Vijay Sharma, O. P. Sharma and T. K. Saxena, Int. J. of Computer Applications, 0975-8887, 11-13 (2012). SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : Dr. Manoj Kr. Khanna 2. Designation & Department :Associate Professor, Department of Electronics, 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution ? Give details along with proof. 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof.Yes (Annexure I) b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body ?If yes, submit proof. Yes 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. Yes 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotech logy, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. No 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. Yes 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. Yes 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. Yes (Annexure II) 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. Yes 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) Yes (Annexure III) b. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper)Yes c. Monographs written Nil d. Chapter written in books Nil e. Books edited Nil f. Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) Nil g. Index of your publications h. Impact factor i. h- index 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. No 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. Assigned the group projects to the students so that they can learn to work cooperatively and collaboratively. Emphasized on the use of multimedia technologies to develop the logical thinking and creativity in the students. Focused on problem based learning to enhance critical and analytical thinking of the students. Encouraged E-learning activities. • • • • 14. 15. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. No Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. No 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. No 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : a) for your own College Yes (Annexure IV) b) for any other organization ? No Give details with proofs. 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. Yes 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. Yes 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? Annexure I • Member Academic Council, University of Delhi for the year 2004-2006, 20062008. Annexure II • Attended a five day workshop on “SPSS software & its Applications” from 17 to 21 December 2012 at Computer Centre, University of Delhi. • Attended a one-day workshop on “Training on Expeyes Design Kit” on January 28, 2012 held at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences. • Attended a “Indo-European Conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education” held at Conference Center, University of Delhi, on 6th and 7th May, 2010. • Attended a workshop on “Quality Matters” under UK India Education and Research Initiative (UKERI) in Delhi University from 8th to 12th March 2010. Annexure III • “Threshold voltage shift in Depletion Model IGFET”, R.S. Gupta”, by Subhasis Haldar, M.K. Khanna & Maneesha, Third International Conference on Solid State and Integrated Circuit Technology, (1992). • “Lightly doped drain (LDD) MOSFETs: An optimized model for very high cut off frequencies” , by R.S. Gupta, Ciby Thomas, S. Haldar, M.K. Khanna, & Maneesha, APMC’96, (1996). • “Analytical Modeling of Device Conductances of Lightly Doped Drain (LDD) MOSFETs”, by R.S. Gupta, Ciby Thomas, Subhasis Haldar, Manoj K. Khanna, 21st International Conference on Microelectronics, to be held in Nis, Yugoslavia, (1997), Published in Proceeding of Microelectronics, 1, 347-350(1997). • “Quasi two-dimensional analytical model for threshold voltage of a modulation doped field effect transistor”, by Sujata Sen, Manoj Pandey, Manoj K Khanna, R S Gupta.Asia Pacific Microwave Confrence Proceedings, APMC, 2, 705-708(1997) • “Substrate bias dependent threshold voltage model of short channel MOSFETs”, by Manoj K. Khanna, Subhasis Haldar, Maneesha & Rachna Sood, & R.S. Gupta,Solid State Electronics, 36, 661(1993). • “Analytical 2-D modeling for potential distribution and threshold voltage of short channel SOI (Silicon-on-Insulator) MOSFET's”, by Vaneeta Aggarwal, M. K. Khanna, R. Sood, S. Haldar& R.S. Gupta, Solid State Electronics, 37, 15371542(1994). • “A device model for an ion-implanted MESFET with half Pearson-IV half Gaussian distribution under post anneal conditions”, bySubhasis Haldar, Manoj K. Khanna, Maneesha, & R.S. Gupta, IEEE Trans Electron Devices, 41, 1674-1677(1994). Annexure IV • Co-Coordinator of workshop on “Experiments and Research Applications with National Instrument LabVIEW”held during February 2-3, 2012 at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences. • Vice-Chairman of NATIONAL WORKSHOP ON VLSI DESIGNING USING VERILOG CODING on 16-18July2013 at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences. • Organized National Conference on Sustainable management of E-Waste on Dec 1415, 2010 at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences as co-coordinator. • Organized a National Seminar on “Management of waste from Electronic and other Renewable Energies” on January 29-30 2010, at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences as co-coordinator Dr. Manoj K. Khanna SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher :DR. GEETA MONGIA 2. Designation & Department :AssociateProfessor, Department of Electronics 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution ? Give details along with proof. • 4. Member of the Faculty of Inter Disciplinary and Applied Sciences, University of Delhi (FIAS) a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. • Member of the Faculty of Inter Disciplinary and Applied Sciences, University of Delhi (FIAS) b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body? If yes, submit proof. • • 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. • • • 6. Member of Semiconductor Society of India. Member of The Indian Science Congress Association ; Membership Number L26364 Three week refresher course in Physics & Electronics at CPDHE, University of Delhi from Oct 03, 2001-Oct 23, 2001. Three week refresher course in Computer Science at academic Staff College, JamiaMillia Islamia from Dec 14,2005-Jan 03,2006. Four week orientation course in Natural Sciences conducted by Jawaharlal Nehru University from Nov.11, 2002-Dec 06, 2002. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. • • • • 7. Participated in ‘International roundtable on environmentally sound management of electronic waste’ held on Dec. 15-16,2009, organized by IndoGermen Environment programme ASEM & GTZ. Participated in workshop on ROBOTICS organized by CETPA Infotech pvt. Ltd. Held on Nov. 05, 2014 at BCAS Dwarka Participated in Faculty Development Programme on “SPSS and Research Methodology” held on June 5-6, 2014 at FORE School of Management, New Delhi Attended ICT workshop for capacity Building if Delhi University faculty organized by ILLL, university of Delhi from March 8 to March 11, 2010. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. No 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. • • • • • “Algae : Power plants of Future”, in UGC sponsored national conference on Recent trends in Instrumentation and Electronics ( RTIE-2015), Jan. 5-6,2015 held at Shaheed Rajguru college of Applied Sciences for women, University of Delhi, New Delhi. “Bio-electricity production using Algae- A Brighter Road Ahead…”in UGC sponsored National Conference on Striving and Thriving towards diffusion of student-driven research in science and technology for inspired learning, October 16-17, 2014 at Mahraja Agrasen College, University of Delhi, New Delhi “Bio-Photovoltaics (BPV) : Harnessing Green Energy for Future Technologies” in National Conference on Nanotechnology and Renewable Energy ( NCNRE14),April 28-29, 2014 organized by Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, JamiaMillia Islamia, New Delhi “New Quaternary Material for High Speed Phase Change Optical Recording” The International Society of Optical Engineering (SPIE) July 7-11, 2002. “Microstructural Analysis of Quaternary Alloy Based Film for Optical Data storage” International Conference on Advanced optical data storage 25-31 Jan 2003 at San Jose USA. • • 9. “Potentiality of AgInSb Phase Change recording material” National conference on Thermo physical properties (NCTP-2002). September 19-21, 2002, at Jaipur. DOW Optical Disk with a New Quaternary System” International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD) December 11-15-2001. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. • • • • • • • • • Participated in Faculty Development Programme on “SPSS and Research Methodology” held on June 5-6, 2014 at FORE School of Management, New Delhi Attended workshop on “Experiments and Research Applications with National Instrument LabVIEW” held during February 2-3, 2012 at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences. Attended a one-day workshop on “Training on Expeyes Design Kit” on January 28, 2012 held at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences. Attended the INDO-JAPAN Conference on ‘Frontier Nanomaterials for Energy (FNE-2012) held during January 9-11, 2012 at School of Engineering and Technology, Sharda University, Greater Noida,Uttar Pradesh, India. Attended ICT workshop for capacity Building if Delhi Universty faculty organized by ILLL, university of Delhi from March 8 to March 11, 2010. Attended International Roundtable on Environmentally Sound Management of Electronic Waste, organized, organized by GTZ-ASESM from December15 to December16, 2009. Participated & Presented papers in conferences listed below: “Bio-electricity production using Algae- A Brighter Road Ahead…”in UGC sponsored National Conference on Striving and Thriving towards diffusion of student-driven research in science and technology for inspired learning, October 16-17, 2014 at Mahraja Agrasen College, University of Delhi, New Delhi “Bio-Photovoltaics (BPV) : Harnessing Green Energy for Future Technologies” in National Conference on Nanotechnology and Renewable Energy ( NCNRE14),April 28-29, 2014 organized by Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, JamiaMillia Islamia, New Delhi “New Quaternary Material for High Speed Phase Change Optical Recording” The International Society of Optical Engineering (SPIE) July 7-11, 2002. • • • 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. • 11. “Microstructural Analysis of Quaternary Alloy Based Film for Optical Data storage” International Conference on Advanced optical data storage 25-31 Jan 2003 at San Jose USA. “Potentiality of AgInSb Phase Change recording material” National conference on Thermo physical properties (NCTP-2002). September 19-21, 2002, at Jaipur. DOW Optical Disk with a New Quaternary System” International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD) December 11-15-2001. “Low Cost Electricity Generation using Bio-Photovoltaic Technology- a Green Energy Initiative” Code : BCAS-201 ( Rs. 5.50 lakh). This project is under DU Innovation project scheme. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a) List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) • “Crystallization Kinetics in (AgInSb)x(In1-y Sby)1-x Films used in optical Data storage”, J. of Material Science of Science, Springer US, vol. 41, no. 8, pp. 2477-2482. • “Study of Crystallization behavior of Ag-In-Sb-Te Phase Change Optical Recording Film” J. of Optical Engineering Published January 203. PP vol 42 No. 1, PP 148-150. • “Optical Properties and Average Flow of Energy in AgInSbTe Film used for Phase Change Optical Recording”, J. Optical Engg. Published Nov. 2003.Vol 42. No. 11, PP 52-56. b) List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) No c) Monographs written No d) Chapter written in books No e) Books edited No f) Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) “Experiments based on Analog and Digital Electronics” Published by I.K.International Publishing House pvt. Ltd. ISBN No. : 978-93-81141-72-4 g) Index of your publications h) Impact factor : i) h- index : 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. No 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. • • • 14. Teaching through ICT tools & group Projects to give a hands on experience of the subject Presentations by students on regular basis to develop their presentation skills, confidence in self-study and building research capability Arranged Seminars / workshops on regular basis to keep students abreast of latest innovations in the industry and to provide an insight into industry’s mindset Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof NO Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof • • Conferred with ‘Best Teacher Award’ from Department of Higher Education, Govt. of NCT Delhi ,2013-14. Awarded a certificate of excellence by Lions Club Delhi 15. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. No 16. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : a) for your own College?Yes • Coordinator of National Workshop on “VLSI designing using Verilog coding”. This was held in collaboration with JBT Tech India (VLSI Design Solutions and Project Training Company) held during July 16-18, 2013 at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences. • Member organizing committee of “National Conference on E-Waste Sustainability: Needs and Solutions for its Management. It was held on March 7-8, 2013, at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences. This workshop was in collaboration with GIZ-IGEP (Indo German Environment Partnership). • Co-Coordinator of workshop on “Experiments and Research Applications with National Instrument LabVIEW” held during February 2-3, 2012 at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences • Organized “National Seminar On “Management Of Waste From Electronics And Renewable Energies” on 29 January 2010. Played key role as one of the two primary coordinators for this event This seminar was organized keeping in mind that there is an imperative need to address on national level the uncertainties regarding “when, where, and how” to manage, reuse and dispose hazardous, harmful E-waste. The objective of the seminar was to overcome the limited awareness regarding e-waste disposal methods generated from Electronics and renewable energy resources. • Organized National Conference on “Sustainable Management of E-Waste” on our Campus from 14th to 15th December, 2010. Played key role as one of the two primary coordinators for this event. Helped organize funding, speakers, promotion, conducting of event etc. The Conference had lot of participation from faculty from different universities, Industry and students. • Acted as one of the Resource Person in the Inspire science camp from July 5 to July 9 , 2010 b) For any other organization ? Give details with proofs.No 17. 18. 19. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. No Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof.No Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? Dr. GEETA MONGIA SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher :Dr.Inderbir Kaur 2. Designation & Department :AssociateProfessor, Department of Electronics 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution ? Give details along with proof. Yes, Attached 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. No b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body ?If yes, submit proof. Yes Member of Semiconductor Society of India. Membership number is 201309652 5. 6. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. A Three week refresher course in Computer Science at academic Staff College, JamiaMillia Islamia from Dec.07, 2006-Dec.28, 2006. B Three week refresher course in Computer Science at academic Staff College, JamiaMillia Islamia from Dec.14, 2005-Jan 03, 2006. C Four week orientation course conducted by CPDHE, University of Delhi from March 3 to April 1, 2003. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. • Participated in Faculty Development Programme on “SPSS and Research Methodology” held on June 5-6, 2014 at FORE School of Management, New Delhi • Attended ICT workshop for capacity Building if Delhi University faculty organized by ILLL, university of Delhi from March 8 to March 11, 2010. 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. No 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. • Presented a paper (POSTER) entitled ‘Bio-Photovoltaics (BPV) : Harnessing Green Energy for Future Technologies’ in National Conference on Nanotechnology and Renewable Energy ( NCNRE-14),April 28-29, 2014 organized by Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, JamiaMillia Islamia, New Delhi • Presented a paper in 17th international Conference on Amorphous and microcrystalline semiconductors Science and Technology Held at Budapest (Hungary) from August 25 to August 29, 1997 titled “Study of Photoconductivity in TBP doped n-type hydrogenated amorphous silicon using Argon as Carrier gas”. The proceedings of the conference were published in the Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. • Participated in Faculty Development Programme on “SPSS and Research Methodology” held on June 5-6, 2014 at FORE School of Management, New Delhi • Participated and Presented a paper (POSTER) entitled ‘Bio-Photovoltaics (BPV) : Harnessing Green Energy for Future Technologies’ in National Conference on Nanotechnology and Renewable Energy ( NCNRE-14),April 28-29, 2014 organized by Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, JamiaMillia Islamia, New Delhi • Attended a one-day workshop on “Training on Expeyes Design Kit” on January 28, 2012 held at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences. • Attended the INDO-JAPAN Conference on ‘Frontier Nanomaterials for Energy (FNE-2012) held during January 9-11, 2012 at School of Engineering and Technology, Sharda University, Greater Noida,Uttar Pradesh, India. • Attended ICT workshop for capacity Building if Delhi Universty faculty organized by ILLL, university of Delhi from March 8 to March 11, 2010. • Attended International Roundtable on Environmentally Sound Management of Electronic Waste, organized, organized by GTZ-ASESM from December15 to December16, 2009. • Attended IEEE Sustainability Conference 2009, held on November 28, 2009, at HMR Institute of Technology and Management Delhi • Attended the short course on “Spice Models for Advanced VLSI Circuit Simulation (SMAVCS)” from Dec. 11-12, 2005, organized by Department of Electronics Science, University of Delhi, South Campus, New Delhi, INDIA. • Participated and presented a paper in 17th international Conference on Amorphous and microcrystalline semiconductors Science and Technology Held at Budapest (Hungary) from August 25 to August 29, 1997. 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. Presently working on Researchproject titled 'Low Cost Electricity Generation using Bio-Photovoltaic Technology- a Green Energy Initiative'. This project is a joint venture of Department of Electronics and Department of Microbiology of Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences. The project is funded by University of Delhi. 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) 5 b. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) No c. Monographs written No d. Chapter written in books No e. Books edited No f. Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher)No g. Index of your publications h. Impact factor : 1.716 i. h- index : 53 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. No 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. • Presentations by students on regular basis to develop their presentation skills, confidence in self-study and building research capability • Periodic Career Counseling with students to ensure proper career development and planning • Arranged Seminars / workshops on regular basis to keep students abreast of latest innovations in the industry and to provide an insight into industry’s mindset 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof.No 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof No. 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : a) for your own College Yes • Coordinator of National Workshop on “VLSI designing using Verilog coding”. This was held in collaboration with JBT Tech India (VLSI Design Solutions and Project Training Company) held during July 1618, 2013 at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences. Played key role as one of the two coordinators. • Member organizing committee of “National Conference on E-Waste Sustainability: Needs and Solutions for its Management. It was held on March 7-8, 2013, at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences. This workshop was in collaboration with GIZ-IGEP (Indo German Environment Partnership). • Co-Coordinator of workshop on “Experiments and Research Applications with National Instrument LabVIEW” held during February 2-3, 2012 at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences. • Organized “National Seminar On “Management Of Waste From Electronics And Renewable Energies” on 29 January 2010. Played key role as one of the two primary coordinators for this event This seminar was organized keeping in mind that there is an imperative need to address on national level the uncertainties regarding “when, where, and how” to manage, reuse and dispose hazardous, harmful E-waste. The objective of the seminar was to overcome the limited awareness regarding e-waste disposal methods generated from Electronics and renewable energy resources. • Organized National Conference on “Sustainable Management of EWaste” on our Campus from 14th to 15th December, 2010. Played key role as one of the two primary coordinators for this event. Helped organize funding, speakers, promotion, conducting of event etc. The Conference had lot of participation from faculty from different universities, Industry and students. • Acted as one of the Resource Person in the inspire science camp from July 5 to July 9 , 2010 b) for any other organization ? Give details with proofs. NO 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. NO 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof.NO 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? ` Dr. Inderbir Kaur SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : Dr. Avneesh Mittal 2. Designation & Department :Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution? Give details along with proof. Yes, Department of Electronics Science, University of Delhi. Annexure I. 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. Yes, (Committee of Courses, ) Annexure II b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body?If yes, submit proof. Life member Instrument Society of India,L.M# 1528 Annexure III 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. a) Refresher Course: • A 3 week UGC-ASC Sponsored Refresher Course in Physics and Electronics at CPDHE-ILLL, University of Delhi held during January 9-30, 2008. Annexure IV • A 3 week UGC-ASC Sponsored Refresher Course in Physics and Electronics at CPDHE, University of Delhi held during January 5-24, 2004. Annexure V b) Orientation Course: • A 4 week UGC-ASC Sponsored Orientation Course at Rajdhani College, University of Delhi conducted by CPDHE University of Delhi held during December 19, 2005 to January 16, 2006. Annexure VI 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. Yes, Annexure VII 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. NO 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. Yes, Annexure VIII 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. Yes, Annexure VIII 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. NO 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) FIVE, Annexure VIII b. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) c. Monographs written d. Chapter written in books e. Books edited f. Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) g. Index of your publications h. Impact factor i. h- index 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. NO 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. PPT Presentation, Video lectures Believing in Learning by doing, hands on training, teaching by assignments, projects and OHP presentations (ppts) including web available video lectures were including in the teaching approach. 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. Yes, Best Technical Paper, Appendix VIII point C/II/2012. 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. NO 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. NO 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : c) for your own College YES, Annexure IX d) for any other organization ? Give details with proofs. 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. NO 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. NO 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? Worked as guest lecturer for M.Tech.(Microwaves Electronics), MCA, and M.Sc.(Electronics) University of Delhi.Annexure X. Annexure VII List of workshop/ short term courses/ training programmes attended • • • • • Workshop on Information Literacy & Competency, Organized by University Library System, University of Delhi on February 23, 2010. ICT Workshop for Capacity Building “ILLL Workshop (Tier II)” from 8th – 11st March 2010 organized by Institute of Life Long Learning, University of Delhi, at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences. Short course on “Spice Models for Advanced VLSI Circuit Simulation (SMAVCS)”, organized by Department of Electronic Science, University of Delhi South Campus during December 11-12, 2005. Workshop on “Embedded Systems Design” Organized by Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College, University of Delhi during December 14-15 2006. A Workshop on Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). Organized by Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences at at Institute of Informatics and Communication, University of Delhi South Campus, Delhi on September 6, 2014. Annexure IX List of conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops organized for own college • • National Seminar of Management of Ewaste “National Conference on Sustainable Management of e-waste” from 14th – 15th December 2010 as co-convener. Dr. Avneesh Mittal SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : Dr AMIT KUMAR 2. Designation & Department : Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution? Give details along with proof. NO a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. NO 4. b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body? If yes, submit proof.NO 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organized by you along with details. Yes Orientation Programme held at Center for Professional Development in Higher Education (CPDHE), (UGC-ASC) University of Delhi from June 25 July 21, 2012 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. Yes (Annexure 1) 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof.NO 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper.NO 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. Yes (Annexure 1) 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. Yes 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a) List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) Yes, Attached (Annexure 2) b) List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) None c) Monographs written None d) Chapter written in books None e) Books edited None f) Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) None g) Index of your publications h) Impact factor : 14.01 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. No 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. Hands on training, teaching by doing projects and projectors (ppts). 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof.No 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : Yes • • • c) for your own College: Coordinator of three days Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp held from 04TH – 06TH January 2012. Member of organizing committee of two days Workshop on Experiments & Research Application with National Instruments LabVIEW” from 2ND – 3RD February 2012. Member of organizing committee of three days National Workshop on VLSI designing using VERILOG Coding” from 16TH – 18TH July 2013. d) for any other organization ? None Give details with proofs. 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. No 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. No 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? None Annexure 1 List of conferences and workshop attended • “National Workshop on VLSI Designing using VERILOG coding” from 16TH – 18TH July 2013 at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, Delhi. • “Orientation program on Information Technology” at CPDHE (23rd -25th May 2013) • “Workshop on Foundation Course Information Technology” from 12TH – 14TH June 2013 at CPDHE, University of Delhi, Delhi. • “Joint academic Lecture workshop on History, Aspects and Prospects of Electronics in India” from 12TH – 13TH October 2012 at University of Delhi South Campus, Delhi. • “Workshop on Experiments & Research Application with National Instruments LabVIEW” from 2ND – 3RD February 2012 at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, Delhi. • “Workshop on Training on ExpEYES design Kit” on 28TH January 2012 at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, Delhi. • “Workshop on Scilab and its Applications” from 10th – 11th March 2011 passing the on-line test conducted during the workshop at Acharya Narendra Dev College, Delhi. • “National Conference on Sustainable Management of e-waste” from 14th – 15th December 2010 at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, Delhi. • “ILLL Workshop (Tier II)” from 26th – 31st July 2010 organized by Institute of Life Long Learning (University of Delhi) at Sri Aurobindo College, Delhi. • “National Seminar on Management of Waste from Electronics & Renewable Energies” from 29th – 30th January 2010 at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, Delhi. • “National Seminar and Workshop on Integrating Multiple Technologies to support teaching and learning” from 24th – 26th September 2009 at Institute of Informatics and Communication, University of Delhi South Campus, Delhi. Annexure 2 List of Publications • “Self-trapping mechanism in green phosphorescent dye-doped polymer lightemitting diodes” by Devider Madhwal, SS Rait, A Verma, A Kumar P. K. Bhatnagar, P. C. Mathur, K Tada, M. Onoda, Physica Scripta 81, 065701 (2010). • “Increased luminance of MEH–PPV and PFO based PLEDs by using salmon DNA as an electron blocking layer” Devinder Madhwal, S.S. Rait, A. Verma, Amit Kumar, P.K. Bhatnagar, P.C. Mathur, M. Onoda, Journal of Luminescence 130, 331–333 (2010). • “Development and characterization of an efficient bio-white polymer light-emitting diode with red and green phosphorescent dyes as dopants”, by Devinder Madhwal, S. S. Rait, A. Kumar, A. Verma, K. Tada, M. Onoda, P.K.Bhatnagar and P.C.Mathur, Journal of Material Science, 45, 3300 (2010). • “Enhanced luminance of MEH-PPV based PLEDs using single walled carbon nanotube composite as an electron transporting layer”, Inderpreet Singh, Devinder Madhwal, A Verma, A Kumar, S Rait, I Kaur, P.K. Bhatnagar, P.C. Mathur Journal of Luminescence 130, 2157-2160 (2010). • “Improved electrical and optical properties of MEH-PPV light emitting Diodes using Ba buffer layer and porphyrin” by Amit Kumar, P. K. Bhatnagar, P. C. Mathur Applied Surface Science 252, 3953 (2006). • “Optical characterization of Alq3/MEHPPV composite films” by Amit Kumar, P.K.Bhatnagar, P.C.Mathur, K.Tada, M.Onoda, Journal of Material Science 40, 3849 (2005). • “Temperature and electric field dependences of mobility in light emitting diodes based on poly [2-methoxy-5- (2-ethylhexoxy)-1, 4-phenylene vinylene]” by Amit Kumar, P. K. Bhatnagar, P. C. Mathur, M. Husain, Sandip Sengupta, Jayant Kumar, Journal of Applied Physics 98, 024502 (2005). DR.AMIT KUMAR SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : DR MANOJ KUMAR TIWARI 2. Designation & Department : ASSISTANT PROFESSOR 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution ? Give details along with proof. YES- Annexure I 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. N. A. b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body ?If yes, submit proof. Yes (i). The Indian Science Congress Association L20927 Life Member Number- (ii). The Indian Society for Technical EducationLM46210 Life Member Number- (iii). National Book Trust- Life Member Number-DEL/IND/6958 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. AttendedParticipated in the UGC-Sponsored Orientation Programme (OR-72) at Centre for Professional Development in Higher Education, University of Delhi from 17th Dec, 2012 to 14th Jan, 2013. 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. Annexure II 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. Yes - Annexure III 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. Yes - Annexure IV 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. Yes-Innovation Project 2012-13: Dr. Manoj K Tiwari, Dr. Ramesh Kataria and Dr. Partha Sarthy Pal awarded innovation project entitled “Determine the speciation of some selected heavy metals from E-wastes and their impact on ground water” of Rs. 10 Lakh (Rs Ten Lakh Only) from University of Delhi. 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) Annexure V b. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) c. Monographs written d. Chapter written in books e. Books edited- Edited Proceeding of Business meet on “Identification and Removal of Barriers to Biomass Power Generation” 4th Feb., 2009. 1. 2. f. Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) Engineering Physics I (UPTU) Paragon International Publication House, Delhi. ISBN-978-81-89253-45-5 Engineering Physics II(UPTU) Delhi. Paragon International Publication House, ISBN-978-81-89253-55-4 3. Electromagnetics (English) 4. Relativity and Statistical Physics (English) Relativity and Statistical Physics (Hindi) Solid State and Nuclear Physics (English) Solid State Electronics (English) 5. 6. 7. g. h. i. Index of your publications Impact factor h- index Krishna Publication House, Meerut, ISBN-978-81-8283-321-0 Krishna Publication House, Meerut, ISBN-978-81-8283-540-5 Krishna Publication House, Meerut, ISBN-978-81-8283-516-0 Krishna Publication House, Meerut, ISBN-978-81-8283-541-2 Krishna Publication House, Meerut, ISBN-978-81-8283-542-9 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. NA 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. 17. 18. 19. 20. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : a) for your own College Annexure VI b) for any other organization ? Give details with proofs. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? Administrative AssignmentsAnnexure VII Dr. M.K. Tiwari SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : DR JITENDER KUMAR 2. Designation & Department : Assistant Professor, Dept of Electronics 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution ? Give details along with proof. Yes , Attached 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body ? If yes, submit proof. The Indian Science Cong. (L26741), Semiconductor Society of India (201503671) 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. Yes Attended 3 days orientation program on Information Technology at CPDHE (23rd -25th May 2013) (certificate attached- Annexure I) 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. Yes , Transdisciplinary workshop for foundation Course (7th-13th, May 2014) at CPDHE(certificate attached- Annexure II) 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper.Yes , Attached (Annexure III) 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof.Yes (i) attended workshop on neural networks and its implementationms using MATLAB at BVIMR (2014). (certificate attached- Annexure IV) (ii) attended seminar on Matlab and Simulink academic tour 2013 at Cluster Innovation Center (CIC) (2013) (certificate attached- Annexure V) 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) Yes , Attached (Annaxure VI) List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) Monographs written Chapter written in books Books edited Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) Index of your publications Impact factor : mentioned in publication list h- index: mentioned in publication list 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. Hands on training, Teaching by doing projects, using blogs and projectors (ppts). 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. Yes, SRF from CSIR 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. 16. 17. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : Yes a) for your own College: (1) Workshop by DUCAT on robotics (2) National conferences on: (i)Sustainable management of E waste (2010) (member) (ii)E-waste and sustainability needs and solutions for its management (2013) (member) (certificate attached- Annexure V II) b) for any other organization ? Give details with proofs. 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? Yes, Participated in Gyanodaya Educational Tour from 11 March to 19 March 2014 organised by DU Annexure I List of papers presented in Conferences [1] Jitender kumar, s. Madan, I. Singh, A. Kaur, P K Bhatnagar and P C mathur, “Effect of confinement on electronic structure and electron phonon interaction in CdSSe Quantum dots” IWPSD 2013, 10-13 Dec, 2013, Amity University. [2] A Kaur, Jitender Kumar, I Singh, D Madhwal, A Kumari, N Prasad, P K Bhatnagra and P C Mathur “Nanostructure Graphene and chemically functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotube based gas sensors”Indo-Canadian Symposium on Nano science and technology Feb 20-22, 2013. [3] A. Kumari, N. Prasad, Jitender Kumar, D Madhwal, P K Bhatnagar and P C Mathur “To study the effect of annealing on the optical properties of graphene oxide” IWPSD Nagpur 2011. [4] S K Dixit, D madhwal, Jitender Kumar, I Singh , P K Bhatnagar and P C Mathur “Fabrication and characterisation of P3HT-PCBM Quantum dot based solar cell” IWPSD Nagpur 2011. [5] Jitender Kumar, A. Verma, P. K. Pandey, P. K. Bhatnagar, P. C. Mathur, W. Liu and S.H. Tang “Below Gap Absorption and Photoluminescence due to Trap Centers Generated at the Interface of CdS Quantum Dots Embedded in Borosilicate Glasses” “The Asian Conference on Solid State Ionics” (ACSSI-2008, 9th - 13th June) Coimbatore(page 887-894) [6] Jitender Kumar, I.P. Singh, J. Singh, S. S. Singh, C. Bhatnagar and V. K. Jain “Development of Low Cost Carbon Nanotube Based Alcohol Sensor” ICMAT 2009 Symposium H. [7] P. C. Mathur, P. K. Bhatnagar, Jitender Kumar, A. Verma, P. K. Pandey, W. Liu and S.H. Tang “Optical Absorption, Photoluminescence and Third Order Two- Photon Nonlinear Absorption Coefficient Studies in Quantum Dots of CdSxSe1-x Grown in Borosilicate Glass Matrix” ICMAT 2009 symposium O [8] A. Verma, P. K. Pandey, S. Nagpal P. K. Bhatnagar P. C. Mathur and Jitender Kumar “Development of Low Size Dispersion, High Volume Fraction and Strong Quantum confined CdSxSe1-x Quantum Dots Embedded in Borosilicate Glass Matrix and Study of their optical Properties” ICMAT 2007, Singapore. [9] S. Madan, Jitender Kumar, I. Singh, D. Madhwal, P. K. Bhatnagar and P.C.Mathur, International Conference on Nanosensors and Technology (ICNST -2010), Chandigarh, India, Oct 28-30. [10] S. Madan, Jitender Kumar, I. Singh, D. Madhwal, P. K. Bhatnagar and P.C.Mathur, synthesis and characterization of II-VI compound semiconductor quantum dots for enhancing the electroluminiscence of polymer based light emitting diodes, ICMAT2011, Symposium EE. [11] P.C.Mathur, P. K. Bhatnagar, S. Madan, I. Singh, Jitender Kumar, and S.K.Dixit “Fourth Generation Green Hybrid Conducting Polymer-Quantum Dot-Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Solar Cells of High Efficiency and Stability” 17th Asian Symposium on Ecotechnology (ASET-2010), 11-13th Nov Unajuki, Japan. Annexure II List of Publications [1]. I singh, S Madan, A Kaur, Jitender Kumar, P K Bhatnagar andf P C Mathur “Study of relaxation dynamics of photogenerated excitons in CuInS2 quantum dots ,MRS Communications 4, 1–5, (2014). [2]. A Kaur, I Singh, Jitender Kumar, D Madhwal, P K Bhatnagar. P C mathur, C A Bernardo and M C Paiva “A Environment Friendly highly sensitive Ethanol Vapor Sensor based on polymethylmethacrylate: Functionalized-Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Composite” Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine, Vol 5 page 1-5 (2013 ). [3]. Jitender Kumar,S. Madan, D. Madhwal, I. Singh, P. K. Bhatnagar , P.C.Mathur and S S Islam”Characterization of Quantum Dots of CdSexS1-x using XRD, UV-Vis absorption and Raman Spectroscopy measurements, International Journal of Nanosciences, 11, 1250015, (2012). h index:12 [4]. S K Dixit, S Madan, D Madhwal, Jitender Kumar, I Singh, C S Bhatia, P K Bhatnagar and P C Mathur.Bulk Hetrojunction formation with induced concentration gradient from a bilayer structure of P3HT:CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots using Inter-Diffusion Process for developing high efficiency stable solar cell, Organic electronics, 13, 533, (2012). Impact factor: 3.929 [5]. S Madan, Jitender Kumar, D.Madhwal, I.Singh,. P K Bharnagar and P C Mathur”Colour Tuning and Enhanced performance of MEH-PPV based Polymer light Emitting Diodes by using CdSe/ZnS uncapped quantum Dots as dopants” Journal of nanophotonics ,5, 053518,2011. Impact factor: 1.652, h index:19 [6]. D. Madhwal, I. Singh, Jitender Kumar, P.K. Bhatnagar and P.C. Mathur” Increasing the luminous efficiency of a MEH-PPV based PLED using salmon DNA and single walled carbon Nanotube” Journal of luminescence 131, 1264-1266, 2011. Impact factor: 2.367, h index :81 [7]. I. Singh, D. Madhwal, Jitender Kumar, S. Rait, C. Bhatnagar, I. Kaur, L.M. Bharadwaj, P.K. Bhatnagar and P.C. Mathur. Effect of thermal annealing on the efficiency of P3HT:PCBM bulk heterojunction solar cells. Journal of Nanophotonics, 5, 053504, 2011. Impact factor: 1.652, h index:19 [8]. R B Gupta, Jitender Kumar, D Madhwal, I Singh, I Kaur, L M Bhardwaj, S Nagpal, P K Bhatnagar and P C Mathur. Improvement in the luminoue efficiency of MEHPPV Based light emitting diodes using zinc oxide nanorodes grown by the electrochemical technique on ITO substract, physica scripta84, 015705, 2011. Impact factor: 1.296, h index: 42 [9]. S. Madan, Jitender Kumar, I. Singh, D. Madhwal, P. K. Bhatnagar and P.C.Mathur “Effect of cadmium Vacancies on the optical properties of chemically prepared CdS Quantum Dots” Physica Scripta, vol 82 (2010), 045702. Impact factor: 1.296, h index: 42 [10]. Jitender Kumar, A. Verma, P. K. Pandey, P. K. Bhatnagar, P. C. Mathur, M. Bhatnagar, W. Liu and S.H.Tang “Two-Photon absorption in Quantum Dots of CdSxSe1-x using open aperture Z-scan and Femto-second laser” NANO,Vol 4, 2329, 2009.Impact factor: 1.26 [11]. Jitender Kumar, A. Verma, P. K. Pandey, P. K. Bhatnagar, P. C. Mathur, W. Liu and S.H.Tang “Study of optical absorption and Photoluminescence of Quantum Dots of CdS formed in Borosilicate Glass matrix” Physica Scripta, Vol 79, 065601, 2009. . Impact factor: 1.296, h index: 42 [12]. Jitender Kumar, A. Verma, P. K. Pandey, P. K. Bhatnagar, P. C. Mathur, M. Bhatnagar, W. Liu and S.H.Tang” Compositional Effect on the Optical Absorption and Photoluminescence of CdSXSe1-XQuantum Dots Embedded in Borosilicate Glasses”International Journal of Nanosciences, Vol 8, 403, 2009. h index:12 [13]. A. Verma, P. K. Pandey, S. Nagpal, P. K. Bhatnagar P. C. Mathur and Jitender Kumar “Development of Low Size Dispersion, High Volume Fraction and Strong Quantum confine CdSxSe1-x Quantum Dots Embedded in Borosilicate Glass Matrix and Study of their Optical Properties, Advanced materials Research, Vol 31 (2008) pp 161-163. h index:12 [14]. A.Verma, P. K. Pandey, Jitender Kumar, S. Nagpal, P. K. Bhatnagar and P. C. Mathur “Growth Dynamics of II-VI Compound Semiconductor Quantum Dots Embedded in Borosilicate Glass Matrix” (International Journal of Nanoscience) vol 7 no 2 & 3 (2008) page 1-10. h index:12 DR JITENDER KUMAR SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : Ms. Shweta Gupta 2. Designation & Department :Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution? Give details along with proof. Yes. Annexure I 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. No b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body?If yes, submit proof. No 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. Not attended yet. 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. No 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. No 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. No 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. Yes • Attended National Workshop on Basic Optics, Fiber Optics and Optical Communication organized by Maharaja Agrasen College, University of Delhi and National Academy of Sciences, INDIA(NASI), Delhi Chapter held during March 810,2014. • 11. Attended Joint Academies lecture Workshop on History, Aspects and Prospects of Electronics in India organized by Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi, The National Academy of Sciences, India, Allahabad, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College, University of Delhi and IEEE EDS Delhi Chapter, New Delhi held during October12-13,2012. Attended ICT Workshop for Capacity Building of Delhi University Faculty organized by Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi held during March 8-11,2010. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. No Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) b. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) c. Monographs written d. Chapter written in books e. Books edited f. Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) g. Index of your publications h. Impact factor i. h- index 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. No 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. • 10. • • • • Emphasized on the use of multimedia technologies to develop the logical thinking and creativity in the students. Assigned the group projects to the students so that they can learn to work cooperatively and collaboratively. Focused on problem based learning to enhance critical and analytical thinking of the students. Encouraged E-learning activities. 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. No 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. No 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. No 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : c) for your own College. Yes d) for any other organization? No Give details with proofs. • • • • • • Member of Organizing Committee of National Workshop on ’VLSI designing using VERILOG coding’ held on 16-18 July’2013 at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, University of Delhi. Member of Organizing Committee of National Workshop on ’E-Waste Sustainability: Needs and solutions for its management’ held on 7-8 March’2013 at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, University of Delhi. Member of Organizing Committee of workshop on’ Experiments and Research Applications with National Instruments LABVIEW’ held on 2-3 February’2012 at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, University of Delhi. Coordinator of workshop on’ Training on ExpEYES Design kit’ held on 28th January’2012 at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, University of Delhi. Member of Organizing Committee of National Conference on ‘Sustainable Management of E-waste’ to be held on 14th-15thDec’2010 at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, University of Delhi. Member of Organizing Committee of National Seminar on ‘Management of Waste from Electronics and Renewable energies’ held on 29th-30thJan’2010 at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, University of Delhi. 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. No 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. No 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? Shweta Gupta SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher Ms. Aarti Malyan 2. Designation & Department : Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics, 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution ? Give details along with proof. 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. No b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body ? If yes, submit proof. No 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. Nil 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotech logy, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. No 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. No 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. No 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. No 10. Have you undertaken Major/Mi r Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. No 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) Nil b. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper)Nil c. Monographs written Nil d. Chapter written in books Nil e. Books edited Nil f. Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) Nil g. Index of your publications Nil h. Impact factorNil i. h- index Nil 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. No 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. Nil 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. No 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. No 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : a) for your own College ? No b) for any other organization ?No Give details with proofs. 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. No 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. No 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify?No Aarti Malyan SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : TUHINA MUKHERJEE 2. Designation & Department : Assistant Professor, Dept. of English 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution ? Give details along with proof. NO 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. NO b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body ?If yes, submit proof. NO 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. AttendedTwo days Workshop on Foundation Course on 18 and 19 January 2014. [Enclosure no. 1] 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotech logy, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. NO 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. NO 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. NO 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. NO 10. Have you undertaken Major/Mi r Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. NO 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: NIL a. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) b. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) c. Mo graphs written d. Chapter written in books e. Books edited f. Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) g. Index of your publications h. Impact factor i. h- index 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. NO 13. Specify any in vative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. Interactive Sessions, Activity based classes (role plays, speech, debates, group discussions, seminar presentations, etc.) and use of Audio and Video aids. 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. NO 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. Received Director’s Medal for securing highest marks in M.A.(English) and B.A.(Hons.) from DAYALBAGH EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE (DEEMED UNIVERSITY) [ Enclosure no. 2] 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. NO 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : NO c) for your own College d) for any other organization ? Give details with proofs. 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. NO 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. NO 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? NO Enclosures: 1. Certificate for attending workshop on Foundation Course. 2. Certificates (two) awarded for securing highest marks in M.A.(English) and B.A.(Hons.). Tuhina Mukherjee Departments of Food Technology 1. Name of the department : Food Technology 2. Year of Establishment 3. Names of Programmes / Courses offered : 1995 : UG, B.Sc (H) Food Technology,B.Tech Food Technology 4. Names of Interdisciplinary courses and the departments/units involvedAll students study various interdisciplinary courses. 5. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system (programme wise) : Semester 6. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments N.A 7. Any other Course offered by the department like Short-term course,Diploma,Certificate. • 8. “Better Process Control school for Low acid canned and acidified foods”held on1-5 March 2011 in collaboration with (US FDA),India Office. • “ Better Process Control school for Low acid foods” at Negumbo,Srilanka held on November 21- 23 , 2011 in collaboration with (US FDA),India Office. • Short term course on Food Safety(2007-2008) • Short term course on Medical Nutrition Therapy (2007-2009) • Short term course on Packaging Technology (2010-11) Details of courses/programmes discontinued (if any) with reasons FYUP has been discontinued in academic session 2014-15 as per university directives. 9. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization, (D.Sc./D.Litt. /Ph.D. / M. Phil. etc.,) Name Qualificatio Designatio Nature Specializati No.of No. n n Of Post on Years Ph.D. of Students of Experie guided for nce the last 4 years Dr.Rizwana Ph.D Associate Permanent Food 18 Co-guide Professor Technology Years for 1 11 student months Dr.Vandita Ph.D Gupta Associate Permanent Professor Dr.Shalini Ph.D Sehgal Associate Food 18 Nil Science and Years 7 Permanent Professor Nutrition months Food 17years MSc. -2 Microbiolog , 2 PGDFSQM y and Food months -1 Safety Dr.Eram S Ph.D Rao Associate Permanent Professor Dr.Meenakshi Ph.D, Assistant Garg Diploma in Professor Permanent Packaging Ms Dipti Sharma M.Sc Assistant Food Co- guide Science and Years for Nutrition student Food Processing and Packaging Adhoc Professor 19 8 Years MSc.-3 11 months 1 Food Technology Year,3 months 10. Student -Teacher Ratio (program wise): 12:1 11. Number of laboratory staff :03 permanent, 1 Contractual Sl.no Name Designation 1 Mr.Pramod Shukla Laboratory Assistant 2 Ms.Savita Devi Laboratory Assistant 3 Mr.Amit Dagar Laboratory Assistant 4 Mr.Tarun Lab Attendant Nil MD 12. Number of faculty with completed/ongoing Projects Sl.no Name of faculty No. of Projects Funding agency Amount Sanctioned 1 Dr.Rizwana 04 University of 10 lacs ,5.5 lacs Delhi MOFPI DBT 2 Dr.Vandita 01 DBT 06 University 68.78 Lacs 23 Lacs 23 Lacs Gupta 3 Dr.Shalini Sehgal Delhi MFHW WHO MOFPI DBT 4 Dr.Eram S Rao of 10 lacs, 5 lacs 03 University 2Lacs 3lacs 68.78 Lacs 23 Lacs of 3.5 lacs Delhi MOFPI DBT 5 Dr.Meenakshi Garg 05 University Delhi UGC 68.78 Lacs 23 Lacs of 23 lacs,5.0 lacs MOFPI 09 Lacs DBT 68.78 Lacs 23 Lacs 13. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc. and total grants received: • • Creation of Infrastructural Facilities including Extension Services under Scheme For Human Resource Development” (2009-10) funded by MOFPI,GOI, Rs 68.78 lacs UGC Project-9 Lacs • Grant from DBT-23 Lacs ,(2014-15)The Food Technology department has been granted “Star Status” by DBT 14. Publications: Sl.no Name of the Journal Faculty 1 Dr.Rizwana 2 2 Dr.Shalini 8 Sehgal 3 Books Books (Author) (Edited) Chapter in Conference Books Proceedings 2 units 1 book - 11 01 04 01 3 manuals Dr.Eram S Rao 4 books 01 3 manuals 4 Dr.Meenakshi 9 7 Garg 5 Ms.Dipti 3 Sharma 6 Ms.Sadhana 2 (under publication) 1 Sharma ∗ b) Papers presented/Accepted in conferences 3 15. Areas of consultancy and income generated: 16. Faculty as members in f) National committees- 3 g) University committees-4 17. Student projects : Most of the students undergo training/Projects as per the curriculum 18. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty and studentsBest Teacher award to Dr.Shalini Sehgal by Directorate of Higher Education,Govt. of Delhi for the year2011-12 19. List of eminent academicians and scientists/ visitors to the department i. Dr.H.A.B.Parpia Former Director, CFTRI ii. Mr.Daneil Geffin, US FDA iii. Mr. John Roff, President, Institute of Food Technologists, International Body of Food Technologist. iv. Mr. Radhakrishnan, Chief Editor, Indian Food Packer v. Dr.Nagendra.P.Shah,University of Hongkong vi. Dr. Hirotoshi Tamura, Professor of Food Chemistry, Kagawa University. vii. Mr. Jules Jalenques, International Sales, Interscience, France in the college. viii. Dr. R.K. Khandal, Vice Chancellor, Up. Tech. University, Lucknow. ix. Ms. P. Alli Rani, CEO, FHEL, Concor, India. x. Mr. Rakesh Mehra, Head, IQF, Operations, SAFAL. 20.Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding a) National – • “Better Process Control school for Low acid canned and acidified foods”held on1-5 March 2011 in collaboration with (US FDA),India Office. • National Seminar on advancements in packaging, food and social impact , 3 November 2014 b) International “ Better Process Control school for Low acid foods” at Negumbo,Srilanka held on November 21- 23 , 2011 in collaboration with (US FDA),India Office. 21. Student profile programme/course wise:Food Technology Year wise Enrolled enrollm *M *F ent 10-11 14 19 11-12 21 33 12-13 34 37 14-15 26 21 *M=Male F=Female 22. Diversity of Students Year wise (Reserved SC enrolment Candidates) OBC ST 10-11 9 3 11-12 9 5 12-13 20 7 3 13-14 11 5 2 14-15 18 8 2 PWD 1 23. Student progression Student progression UG to PG PG to M.Phil. PG to Ph.D. Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral Employed • Campus selection • Other than campus recruitment Entrepreneurship/Self-employment Against % enrolled (2013) 65.6% 24. Details of Infrastructural facilities a) Library -----b) Internet facilities for Staff & Students -----In department room and Lab c) Class rooms with ICT facility------Pilot plant d) Laboratories-----Two Food Technology labs,OneInstrument room,One Research&Development room,PILOT PLANT 25. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government or other agencies : 01 26. Details on student enrichment programmes :Industrial visits are organized for students 27. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning- Use of ICT- Power Point presentations, Assignments, Projects etc. for better understanding of concepts. 28. SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans Strengths:Dedicated Faculty, Good Infrastructure with respect to labs,Pilot plant and equipments Weakness: Lack of higher education in the discipline in the University of Delhi Opportunity:Food Processing is a priority sector for GOI, and the course offers ample opportunity for students in various segments of this vast subject and sector. Challenges: To move to the next level and to offer Post-Graduate Programs 29. List of Research Publications: Dr.Rizwana • Preparation and Characterization of Cellulose Derived from Rice Husk for Drug Delivery. Advanced Materials Letters, 2013. DOI : 10.5185/amlett.2013. S. K. Shukla, Nidhi, Sudha, Pooja, Namrata, Charu, Akshay, Silvi, Manisha, Rizwana, Anand Bharadvaja and G. C. Dubey. • Efficient Metal removal from bioactive film developed from rice husk, ‘Advanced Material World Congress’ at IZMIR,TURKEY on September 16-19,2013. • Preparation and Characterization Agro-Waste Derived Cellulose Membrane for Biomedical Devices “Emerging Trends in Development of Drugs and Devices”,Department of Chemistry,University of Delhi 21st-23rd January, 2013 • Metal Decontamination from Bioactive Film Development from Rice Husk, “National Conference on Solid State Chemistry and Allied Areas”, Dr H S Gaur University, 15th-17th February 2013, Sagar, MP, OP-6, page 22 • Development of Hard Packaging Materials from Bagasse , “International Conference on Advancement in Polymeric Materials APM-2013”, 1st-3rd March 2013, Lucknow • Development and Efficacy of Rice Husk derived Packaging on the Shelf Life of Eggs, “International Conference on Multifunctional Materials, Energy and Environment” Sharda University from 21-23 August 2013.) Dr.Shalini Sehgal • Sehgal, S.(2008) Practical Manual for the Food Microbiology for PG Diploma in Food Safety and Quality Management , IGNOU .ISBN:978-81-266-3519-1 Sehgal , S. (2013) Microbial Safety of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables ,LAP LAMPERT Academic Publishing , ISBN: 978-3-659-45563-6 • i. Sharma, S. and Prasad, D.N.(1997)”Campylobacter-An Emerging Food Borne Pathogen of Concern” Indian Dairyman, 49(12):11-13. ii. Sharma, S. and Prasad, D.N.(1998)” Role of Impedance Microbiology in the Food Industry.” Indian Dairyman, 50(6); 31-35. iii. Sehgal S., Khandal R.K. , Chaudhry ,U .and Anand,P .(2012)Evaluation of food safety practices in the retail outlets of west Delhi (India).J Food Process Technol/S1: 2157-7110-S1.007-6/Special Issue 2012 iv. Chaudhry ,U., Khandal, R. K., Sehgal,S .and Anand ,P.(2012)Rapid detection and characterization of pathogens present on fresh produce: A paradigm shift from culture plate to molecular biology.J Food Process Technol/S1: 2157-7110S1.007-001/Special Issue 2012 v. Sehgal, S. and Mehta, S. (2014) Identification of Microbial Hazards Associated with the Fresh Produce sold in South Delhi Markets and their Minimization ,International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences Volume 3, Issue 1, 2632. vi. Sharma ,P. Sehgal, S. and Raizada , P.(2014) Assessment of Hygiene and Sanitation at various Pre-schools of Delhi- a Food Safety study, International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences Volume 3, Issue 1, 91-98. vii. Sehgal, S.and Negi, A. (2014):Nanotechnology: Recent and Emerging Applications in Food Industry International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR),Volume 3 Issue 5, 995-1000. viii. Sehgal, S. and Mehta, S. (2014)Use of Antimicrobial Dips for the reduction of surface microbial load of fresh fruits sold in South Delhi Markets, India .International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences Volume3, Issue 6 ,1-11. ABSTRACTS ix. Sharma, S. Aggarwal, PK;, Chand, R.and Chander H. (1994) “Growth and activity of S. thermophilus in presence of BHC in milk.” 24th International Dairy Congress, Australia Pg 140 No.Ec 25. x. Sharma, S.; Chand, R; Chander, H. and Aggarwal P.K. (1994) “Effect of xenobiotics on growth and activity of lactic acid bacteria in milk”. 24th International Dairy Congress, Australia Pg 140 No:Ec 26. xi. Aggarwal, PK; Sharma, S.; Chand, R and Chander, H. (1995) “Determination of maximum levels of lindane not affecting bacteria”. International Dairy Lactic Acid Bacteria (IDLAB) conference, New Zealand. xii. Aggarwal, PK; Sharma, S.; Chand, R and Singh, R.S.(1995) “Effect of DDT, Lindane and Iodophor on S.lactis and L.bulgaricus “.International Dairy Lactic Acid Bacteria (IDLAB) conference, New Zealand. xiii. Sharma, S. and Prasad, D.N.(1996) “Effect of nisin on Pediococcus pentosaceus (1832) as revealed by SEM” XX National Conference of the EMSI, Calcutta No:CPB-22. Pg:74. Dr.Eram.S.Rao 1. Food Quality testing and Evaluation: Sensory Tests and Instrumental Techniques, 2014 .Variety Publishers. 2. Food Quality Evaluation- 2013, Variety Publishers. 3. Food Science: Experiments and Applications I edition -2001, II edition -2011,CBS publisher. 4. Advanced Food Science and Food Engineering A Practical Manual- 2005, reprinted in 2007 5. Principles of Food Science: 2013, An Experimental Manual, Variety Publishers 6. National Health Programmes of India (2008) (edited), chapter on Nutritional Programmes of India, Century Publications authored by Jugal Kishore. 7. E-book on Foods and Nutrition (NISCAIR) 2005 8. Course material for PG programmes in Food Service Management and Food Technology(IGNOU) 2005, 2011 respectively. Dr.Meenakshi Garg 1) Garg M and Varmani S. Nutritional health status of North Indian adults. International Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences. 2014 Apr-Jun. Vol 3 (3): p 118-121.(IF=1.021) 2) Garg M, Sharma S, Varmani S, Sadhu S. Drying kinetics of thin layer pea pods using tray drying. International Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences. 2014 Apr-Jun. Vol 3 (3): p 61-66.(IF=1.021) 3) Varmani S, Panda H, Sadhu S, Garg M. Beta Thalassemia Major and osteoporosis: etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and management. International Journal of Pharmacy and Integrated life Sciences. 2014 Jun. Vol 2(7): p 6478.(IF=1.047) 4) Garg M, Sabharwal P, Dahiya S. Effect of processing on Amylase rich field pea porridge. International Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences. 2014 Jan- Mar. Vol 3 (1): p 38-42.(IF=1.021) 5) Sadhu S, Chakraborty S, Garg M, Varmani S. Polymers in Energy harvesting. International Journal of Engineering Science Invention. 2014 Apr. Vol 3 (4): p15. (IF=1.786) 6) Sadhu S, Soni A, Varmani S, Garg M. Preparation of starch polyvinyal alcohol (PVA) blend using potato and study of its mechanical properties. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science Invention. 2014 Mar. Vol 3 (3): p 33-37.(IF= 1.695) 7) Varmani S and Garg M. Health benefits of Moringa Oleifera: A miracle tree. International Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences. 2014 Apr-Jun. Vol 3 (3): p 111-117)(IF=1.021) 8) Varmani S, Arora H, Garg M, Sadhu S. Iron overload and chelation therapy in beta thalassemia major. International Journal of Pharmacy and Integrated Life Sciences. 2014 Jun. Vol 2(7): p 47-63.(IF=1.047) 9) Varmani S, Mehta K, Garg M, Sadhu S. Diabetes mellitus in beta thalassemia major- pathogenesis and management strategies. International Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences. 2014 Apr-Jun. Vol 3 (3): p 127-131.(IF=1.021) ABSTRACT PUBLICATIONS 1) Soni A, Sadhu S.D, Garg M, Garg A, Handa R, Varmani SG., Kaur B. Preparation of Starch-PVA blend using potato and its mechanical characterization” Journal of Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology. 2012 Dec. vol.3(9); p 97. 2) Chauhan H, Garg M, Varmani S.G, Sadhu S.D. To study the preparationandnutritional quality of multi-cereal bar. Proceedings of ICBPN 2012- International conference held in Kerala on 21-23rd September 2012. 3) Umais S, Garg M, Varmani S.G, Sadhu S.D. Development of multi-cereal protein bar with jaggery. Proceedings of ICBPN 2012- International conference held in Kerala in on 21-23rd September 2012. 4) Dutta A, Jain S, Varmani S.G, Garg M, Sadhu S.D. Preparation of low cost multi cereal nutritive bar. Journal of Food Process Technology. Open access Nov. 2012 vol 3 (10). 5) Negi,T, Garg M, Varmani S.G, Sadhu S. Making of Papaya Papada. Proceedings of 1st international conference on Innovations in Food Processing, Value Chain Management and Food Safety at NIFTEM Kundali Sonepat Haryana on 10-11th Jan. 2013. 6) Sadhu S, Soni A, Garg M, Varmani S.D. Study of mechanical properties of starch-poly vinyl alcohol blend based nanocomposites for food packaging. Presented in APA International Conference in India Habitat Centre, New Delhi held on 19-21st February 2014. 7) Sadhu S.D, Chakraborty S, Garg M, Varmani S.G. A closer look towards the development of energy harvesting sources through polymers. Presented in APM International Conference in Bhubaneswar, Orissa held on 14th -16th February, 2014. 8) Garg M, Varmani S.G. Assessment of nutrition intake and food consumption pattern of North Indian Adults. International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences. 2014 vol 3(suppl.2): 8. 9) Varmani S and Garg M. Dietary assessment of adults using food frequency questionnaire. International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences. 2014 vol 3 (suppl.2): 9. 10) Sabharwal P, Garg M, Dahiya S. Nutritional quality of value added papad from amylase rich flour of field pea. Journal of Food Processing and Technology. 2012.vol 3(10): 28 Ms. DIPTI SHARMA JOURNAL 1. Microbial Contamination of Commonly used Household Spices”, Kuljinder Kaur, DiptiSharma, Shilpa Nagpal and R.S. Kahlon, presented at an international conference at JNU, published in International Journal of Applied Agricultural Research .ISSN 09732683, Vol.7, No. 3 (2012). 2. Understanding Biocolour- A Review, Dipti Sharma, International Journal Of Scientific & Technology Research, Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2014, ISSN 2277-8616 ABSTRACT IN CONFERENCES: 1. Development of enriched cookie by using millet flour, Dipti Sharma, Shilpa Nagpal, Kuljinder kaur, Nitesh Sharma and Amarpal presented paper in National level seminar at HBTI, kanpur from 2-3. March.13 2. Abstract on Study on the various HR Practices in Indian Telecom Industry, Nitesh Sharma , Dipti Sharma and CA Amarpal submitted in International Conference organized by Pacific Academy of Higher Education & Research University, Udaipur from 6-7, April'13 3. Your transactions are under surveillance of Income Tax Department, CA Amarpal, Dipti Sharma and Nitesh Sharma presented in International Conference organized by Pacific Academy of Higher Education & Research University, Udaipur from 6-7, April'13. SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : Dr. Shalini Sehgal 2. Designation & Department :Associate Professor Department of Food Technology Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences University of Delhi, Sector-2, Phase-I Dwarka, New Delhi -110075 (INDIA) 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution? YES for Delhi Univ., IGNOU (for proof refer Annexure 1 a, b, c) i. Committee of Courses and Studies in Home Science for Honours ,Post Graduate and Research Studies 2009-2011 ii. Online Certificate Programme in Food Safety by IGNOU. iii. PG Diploma in ‘Food Safety and Quality Management’ by the School of Agriculture, IGNOU and APEDA. 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? YES (for proof ref. Annexure 1 a, b,c) i. Committee of Courses and Studies in Home Science for Honours ,Post Graduate and Research Studies 2009-2011,DU ii. Member of the expert committee of finalizing design of website and content and details for the Online Certificate Programme in Food Safety by IGNOU. iii. PG Diploma in ‘Food Safety and Quality Management’ by the School of Agriculture, IGNOU and APEDA. b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body ?YES , Life Member ( for proof ref. Annexure 2 a, b, c, d) 1. Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI) 2329-2000 2. Electron Microscopy Society of India (EMSI). LM-145 3. Society of Biological Chemists( 2749) 4. Probiotic Association of India (ID-166) 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. ( for proof ref. Annexure 3 a, b,c) i. Orientation programme conducted by Academic Staff College, Jamia Milia Islamia 4th- 2nd May, 1999. ii. Refresher training at Delhi Milk Scheme (Govt. of India), West Patel Nagar ,11th -30th April,2005. iii. Refresher training at Mother Dairy (Fruit and Vegetable Unit), Mangolpuri, Delhi ,12th April – 2nd May,2006. 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field? YES (for proof ref. Annexure 4 a, b,c,d,e,f,g,h) i. HACCP Implementation course by Johnson Diversey Ltd. held at New Delhi,India,2008 ii. E-learning course on Food Safety Management System: ISO 22000 by Asian Productivity Council held at New Delhi,India,2009 iii. Basic Food Safety and Hygiene course by Johnson Diversey Ltd. held at New Delhi ,India,2009 iv. Food Safety Fundamentals and the New India Regulations by the AIB International held at New Delhi, India,2011 v. Can Seam Analysis training by USFDA held at San Francisco District Laboratory, Alameda , California, USA,2012 vi. Communication and Presentation Skills training by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India held at Goa,2013 vii. Thermal Processing of Foods course held at IIT Kharagpur ,2014 7. Have you been invited as resource Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? YES person in (for proof ref. Annexure 5 a, b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i) i. Refresher training programme for Food Health Authorities organized by Directorate General of Health Services in June 2003 at NIB Delhi on "General Principles of Food Hygiene." ii. Seminar on 'Food Safety and Quality'at IHMCT, Pusa in November, 2004 and presented two papers titled a. Introduction to Food Safety b. Recent Concerns to Food Safety iii. Resource person for the FSSAI trainings on Food Safety and contributed as an expert in the structure and review of Training Manual for the Food Safety Regulators in India by FSSAI, India,2010 iv. Resource Person for Food Technology in the Inspire Science Camp held at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences,2010. v. Resource person for the FSSAI trainings for the Designated Officiers on Food Processing and Food Safety held at NIB, Noida from 5- 9th September,2011. vi. Resource person for the training of PBOR on “Food Quality” and “Testing and Evaluation” at Indian Society of Agribusiness Professionals (ISAP), Delhi in August, 2011. vii. Invited lecture on Relevance of Microbiological Standards at World Standards Day on 17 October 2013 at Faridabad . viii. Resource person for “Upgradation of Food Testing Skills of Food Processing Professionals” under India Africa Forum Summit (IAFS) – II for the scientists from African countries on Food Chemistry,February 22, 2014 at Shriram Institute. 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? YES (for proof ref. Annexure 6 a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,) i. Paper titled: Educational Programme on Food Safety for Street Food Vendors" in workshop on Food Safety and Quality at NIN, Hyderabad, January 2002 . ii. Paper titled Food Safety –Key Issues and Need for a Strategic Approach in National Seminar on “Food Safety and Quality ” organized by GJUST, Hissar in October, 2008. iii. Paper on ‘Food safety and Quality Management Systems’ at the summer school on “Recent advances in analytical techniques and innovative approaches for quality assurance and safety of dairy foods” at NDRI, Karnal , July, 2009. iv. Paper presented at the International Conference and Exhibition on Food Technology and Processing titled” Evaluation of Food Safety Practices in the Retail Outlets of West Delhi (India)” at Hyderabad , 20-22 November,2012. v. Sehgal S , Anand P and Manjusha ,N.(2013) Microbial Hazards Associated With the Vegetables Sold in Retail Market in the National conference for “Redefining Science Teaching: Future of Education” organized by Acharya NarendraDev College, Delhi University on 9th March 2013POSTER PRESENTATION vi. Sharma ,P. and Sehgal, S. (2013) Microbiological assessment of food and water at various Pre-schools of Delhi” paper presented in International conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies, ICACCT2013 held on 16th Nov, 2013 at Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology, Panipat , Haryana , India vii. International Conference on Food Safety Implementation in Delhi, at India Habitat Centre from 19-20th March,2013 in Session 2, "Challenges on Food Safety-Traceability and Product Recall" on 20th March 2013. PANEL DISCUSSION viii. Sharma ,P. and Sehgal, S. (2013) Assessment of Hygiene and Sanitation at various Pre-schools of Delhi- a Food Safety study in International Conference on Food Technology: Impact on Nutrition and Health organized by International Institute of Food and Nutritional Sciences (IIFANS-2013) on 24th Dec, 2013 at JNU Convention Centre, Delhi, India ix. Sehgal, S. and Mehta, S. (2013) Identification of Microbial Hazards Associated with the Fresh Produce sold in South Delhi Markets and their Minimization in International Conference on Food Technology: Impact on Nutrition and Health organized by International Institute of Food and Nutritional Sciences (IIFANS-2013) on 23th Dec, 2013 at JNU Convention Centre, Delhi, India. (Paper awardedSecond Prize in Oral Presentation Category) x. Sharma ,P. Sehgal, S. and Raizada ,P (2014)Personal Hygiene and Sanitation Practices of Food Handlers at various Pre-Schools of Delhi in International Conference on Emerging Food Safety Risks: Challenges for Developing Countriesheld at National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management (NIFTEM) Haryana , India on 10th Jan, 2014 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? YES (for proof ref. Annexure 7 a, b,c,d,e,f,g) i. Workshop on Food Safety and Quality at NIN, Hyderabad, January 2002 ii. Microtech-2K4 and 45th Annual Conference of AMI at NDRI, Karnal (23rd25th November, 2004). iii. Attended a two day training programme for the Faculty to assist restaurants for Food Safety for Common Wealth Games for 2010 conducted by QCI in December, 2009. iv. One day workshop on “Integrated Food Law “at Pondicherry University in September, 2010. v. Two days “National Workshop on Development of Educational framework for Human Resources in Food Safety Sector” on 03-4thNovember ,2011 at FSSAI, New Delhi vi. Academic Congress in the University of Delhi on 6-7th September, 2012. vii. 4th International Summit cum Exhibition on "Food Processing, Agribusiness and Cold Chain" on November 5th,2012 at New Delhi. viii. International Conference on Innovations in Food Processing, Value Chain Management and Food Safety held at NIFTEM, Kundli, Sonepat on 1011thJanuary ,2013. 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. YES(for proof ref. Annexure 8 a, b,c,d) i. Research project on street foods titled "Analysis of potential food safety problems and identification of control strategies at Dilli Haat". Duration 1 year [2001-2002] and funded by WHO and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. ii. Research project titled “Microbiological aspects of fresh fruits and vegetables (including green leafy vegetables) in and around National Capital Region (NCR)’’ funded by WHO, India(2009-2010) iii. Innovative Project BCAS-102 titled “Studies to assess the quality of fruits and vegetables with respect to microbial load and the remedial measures for their control” by the University of Delhi ( 2012-2013) iv. Innovative Project BCAS- 203 titled Public Awareness and Evaluation of Probiotics sold in Delhi by the University of Delhi ( 2013-2014) 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a) List of publications in peer reviewed international and national journals. (for proof ref. Annexure 9a,b,c,d,e,f,g) xiv. Sharma, S. and Prasad, D.N.(1997)”Campylobacter-An Emerging Food Borne Pathogen of Concern” Indian Dairyman, 49(12):11-13. xv. Sharma, S. and Prasad, D.N.(1998)” Role of Impedance Microbiology in the Food Industry.” Indian Dairyman, 50(6); 31-35 xvi. Sehgal, S. and Mehta, S. (2014) Identification of Microbial Hazards Associated with the Fresh Produce sold in South Delhi Markets and their Minimization,International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences Volume 3, Issue 1, 26-32. xvii. Sharma ,P. Sehgal, S. and Raizada , P.(2014) Assessment of Hygiene and Sanitation at various Pre-schools of Delhi- a Food Safety study, International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences Volume 3, Issue 1, 91-98. xviii. Sehgal, S.and Negi, A. (2014):Nanotechnology: Recent and Emerging Applications in Food Industry International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR),Volume 3 Issue 5, 995-1000. xix. Sehgal, S. and Mehta, S. (2014)Use of Antimicrobial Dips for the reduction of surface microbial load of fresh fruits sold in South Delhi Markets, India .International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences Volume3, Issue 6 ,1-11. ABSTRACTS xx. Sehgal S., Khandal R.K. , Chaudhry ,U .and Anand,P .(2012)Evaluation of food safety practices in the retail outlets of west Delhi (India).J Food Process Technol/S1: 2157-7110-S1.007-6/Special Issue 2012 xxi. Chaudhry ,U., Khandal, R. K., Sehgal,S .and Anand ,P.(2012)Rapid detection and characterization of pathogens present on fresh produce: A paradigm shift from culture plate to molecular biology.J Food Process Technol/S1: 2157-7110S1.007-001/Special Issue 2012 b) Chapter written in books . (for proof ref. Annexure 10a,b) Seven units for Online Certificate Programme in Food Safetyby IGNOU. BFN-001 INTRODUCTION TO FOOD SAFETY, ISBN-978-81-266-2974-9 • • • • • • • Unit 1 : Introduction to Food Safety and Quality Management. Unit II : Factors Affecting Food Safety. Unit III : Recent concerns related to Food Safety. Unit IV : Food Spoilage Unit V : Food Processing and Preservation Unit VI : Food Storage and Unit VII Temperature Control. COURSE-MVP001 FUNDAMENTALS OF FOOD MICROBIOLOGY ISBN-978-81-266-3518-4,PGDFSQM, IGNOU 2008 Block1 comprising of four units c) d) • Unit I: Introduction to Food microbiology • Unit II: Food Contamination and Spoilage • Unit III: Food Borne Illnesses • Unit IV: Beneficial Roles of Microbes Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) i. Sehgal, S.(2008) Practical Manual for the Food Microbiology for PG Diploma in Food Safety and Quality Management , IGNOU .ISBN:978-81-266-3519-1 ii. Sehgal , S. (2013) Microbial Safety of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables ,LAP LAMPERT Academic Publishing , ISBN: 9783-659-45563-6 Impact factor- Enclosed( ref. Annexure 11a, b,c,d) 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? NO 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. YES FOOD SAFETY EDUCATION INITIATIVE i. A complete training kit comprising of 14 posters (seven in Hindi and seven in English), leaflets, booklets were designed to help food handlers understand that the basic techniques of hand washing, hygiene, temperature control, proper storage play an important role in maintaining the supply of safe food ii. Virtual Labs: Detection of Microbial Load using Standard Plate Count, Ames test,online manuals on star college website 14. Have you received any Research Award? (for proof ref. Annexure 12) • Recipient of the Best Teacher Award by the Directorate of Higher Education , Government Of Delhi for the year 2011-2012,awarded a citation and a cash prize 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? YES (for proof ref. Annexure 13 a,b) i. USFDA- India Office to conduct Better Process Control School and to attend training at Alameda, California, USA ii. Department of Biotechnology , Ministry of Science and Technology as Star Scheme Coordinator 16. Are you providing consultancy? NO 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops?(for proof ref. Annexure 14 a,b) e) for your own College? YES Name of the Workshop/Conference/Seminars Date / Duration National Seminar on Recent Developments in Polymers 29th October,2009 First “Better Process Control School for Manufacturers of Low Acid Canned and Acidified Foods” in collaboration with US 1st to 5th March, 2011 Food and Drug Administration, India Office Career in Food Safety – An international perspective 17th August, 2011 First international “Better Process Control School for 21st to Manufacturers of Low Acid Canned Foods held at Negumbo, 2011. Srilanka 23rd November, Advances in Microbiological Analysis 23rd January, 2012 Winter School -Training On Comprehensive Understanding 10th December, 2012 to 2nd About Food Quality & Safety Testing at Intertek January, 2013 Bacteriophages of Lactic Acid Bacteria, Foe and Friend in Food 21st March 2011 Production. Basic Microbiological Techniques –I &II 14th and 15th June, 2012 27th and 28th June 2012 Sampling and enumeration of micro-organisms Changing Paradigm of Food Safety 25th July, 2012 and 8th August, 2012 5th July 2013 Exhibition of the training and educational material under the Food Safety Education Initiative 5th July, 2013. f) for any other organization ? YES Member of National Organising Committee of Eighteenth International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis (ISOPOL XVIII) 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? YES(for proof ref. Annexure 15 ) MSc. Degree-Assessment Of Hygiene, Sanitation and Microbiological Quality of food served at Pre-Schools (University of Delhi) 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? YES(for proof ref. Annexure 16 ) IGNOU PGDFSQM -Training Module on HACCP Principles and their Application in Dairy Industry 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? (for proof ref. Annexure 17 a,b,c,d ) • Diploma in Human Resource Management (PGDHRM) from IGNOU. • Coordinator of first short term course in Food Safety in college • Introduced the concept of BPCS in India for first time in collaboration with US Food and Drug Administration, India Office. i. Coordinator of the “Better Process Control School for Manufacturers of Low Acid Canned and Acidified Foods” and conducted BPCS in India and Srilanka. ii. Designed Better Process Control School Website-http://bpcs-bcas.in • Coordinator of the project “Star College Scheme for strengthening of life science and biotechnology education and training at undergraduate level” sanctioned by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science and Technology. i. Generated a grant of Rs. 28 lakhs for food technology department and Star Department Status for Food Technology. ii. • Designed Star College Website http://bcas.du.ac.in/star_index.html NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT – Includes the conceptualization, standardization, development of different products at lab scale, their packaging (designing of labels) and shelf life studies and also their proximate analysis . DR. SHALINI SEHGAL SELF STUDY REPORT 1. 2. 3. Name of the Teacher : Dr Eram S Rao Designation & Department : Technology Associate Professor, Department of Food Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution? Give details along with proof. a. b. c. d. Preparation of curriculum for Masters in Food Technology. (BCAS, DU) Revision and preparation of curriculum for B.Sc. (H) Food Technology Preparation of curriculum for B. Tech in Food Technology. (BCAS, DU) Peer review of course curriculum for PG course in Food science and Processing. (Lady Irwin College, DU) e. Preparation of National curricular on food safety. (Ministry of Health & Family welfare, GOI) f. Coordinator, Curriculum Development for B.Tech& M Tech Food Technology and Management. (NIFTEM) g. Curriculum development for PG diploma in Food Technology, IGNOU 4. a) b) 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. Attended: i. ii. iii. 6. Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. Yes, Committee of Courses of DU Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body? If yes, submit proof. Yes, Life Member- Association of Food Scientist and Technologists of India - (AFST) (I) Orientation Programme- Jamia Milia Islamia Refresher Course- Mother Dairy Refresher Course- Delhi Milk Scheme Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. Programme/Course Attended Duration Conducted by 1. Orientation Course 4 weeks Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi 2. Refresher Course 3 weeks Mother Dairy, New Delhi 3. Refresher Course 3 weeks Delhi Milk Scheme, New Delhi 4. Post Harvest Technology, Cold Chain 2 weeks Management Indo-US Bilateral Workshopcum-Training, Amity Univ, UP 5. E- learning certificate course in Food 1 week Safety Management Systems ISO 22000 Asian Productivity Organization, New Delhi 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. Yes National and International Paper Presentations: The recent ones are listed below: • • • • • • Presented a paper on “ Human Resource and Skill Development of Food Processing Industry” in International Conference on "Development of Backward Regions Through Agriculture & Food Processing : Preparing a Roadmap " at Institute of Professional Studies , University of Allahabad, December 27 - 28, 2012 Presented a T.V talk on “Nutritional Requirements for the Mother and Child.”Teleconferencing for Doctors at IGNOU, New Delhi - 14th Feb, 2013. Presented a paper in 1st International Conference onOccupational & Environmental Healthon 1-2 March 2013, New Delhi, “Occupational Health and Safety concerns of Food Vendors in Delhi” Presented a paper in the National Seminar on "Technology Up-Gradation and Modernization of Food Processing Industries in India" by All India Food Processors’ Association (AIFPA)on 15th March 2013 on “Food Processing Sector in India-current scenario and prospects”. Speaker in a technical panel discussion organized by FSSAI, TERI and Michigan State University in an International Conference on Food Safety Implementation in Delhi, 19-20th March, 2013 on the following topic,"Food Safety in street food and retail", 20th March 2013. National Seminar on “Application of Sensory Science to Food Product Development and Quality Evaluation” on 5th April 2013 on “‘Human Senses in Food Evaluation’ and conducted a training workshop on ‘Application of Sensory Science to Product Development’ organized by the Department of • • • Food Process Engineering , Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, (SHIATS), Allahabad, UP. Resource person in Content development and Training modules on Food Safety and Standards for Food Business Operators and Street vendors for the Department of Food Safety Govt. of Delhi, on 11th Sept, 2013. Expert/ speaker - Nutrition and Life Style Disorders: Emerging issues in youth and adolescents : A National consultative meet, Department of Community Medicine, MAMC, New Delhi on 1st Feb, 2014 Presented a paper on –“Integrating Food Safety Culture: Keeping pace with a rapidly developing Food processing Industry in India” Seminar on ‘Quality of Dairy Products: Technological Intervention’ organized by Indian Dairy Association 22nd Feb’ 14 at New Delhi. 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. Yes 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. Yes Name of the Research Project Position DU Innovation Project - BCAS 208 “Lifestyle Interventions in Stress Principal Investigator Management: A study amongst Delhi Youth” (2013-14) “Creation of Infrastructural Facilities Project Coordinator including Extension Services under Scheme for Human Resource Development” (2009-10) funded by MOFPI,GOI Coordinated Research Project for IRSD ‘Entrepreneurship and Management Development Programme for Women in Bakery, Fruits and Vegetable preservation’ 11. Resource Person – organized by Apeejay Institute of Management Studies, New Delhi (AICTE sponsored) Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) b. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) c. Monographs written d. Chapter written in books e. Books edited f. Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) g. Index of your publications h. Impact factor i. h- index Name Year of Books Publication / Publisher ISBN CBS Publishers and Distributors Pvt Ltd CBS Publishers and Distributors Pvt Ltd Indu Cards and Graphics ISBN: 81239-0747-8 Variety Books Publishers and Distributors ISBN: Variety Books Publishers and Distributors ISBN: Chapter edited/ Units written Dr Eram S Rao 1. Food Science Experiments First Edition2001 and Applications Reprint- 2005 Second Edition- 2011 2. Advanced Food Science First Edition: and Food Engineering- A 2005 Practical Manual ISBN: 978-81-2391693-4 Reprint 2008 3. Food Quality Evaluation First Edition: 2013 4. Principles of Food Science: First Edition: 2013 A Practical Manual 5. E-book on Foods and 2005 Nutrition NISCAIR, CSIR 978-9381156-18-6 978-9381156-22-3 Eight 6. National Health Edition: Programmes of India National Policies and 2010 Legislations related to HealthJ Kishore’s Nutritional Programme s in India Century ISBN: 978- Publications 81-8813220-1 Unit -5 IGNOU for Block 2 : in Food Quality Concept of and quality & Packaging, Management Quality Measureme System -1 nt and 7. Course Material IGNOU – PG Diploma Food Technology Course-4: Food Safety and Management evaluation Unit -6 Sensory Evaluation 8. Course Material IGNOU- M Sc. in for MFN-008 Food Service Management Unit-7 IGNOU- Principles of Sols , Gels 2008 Food Science and Emulsions ISBN: 81-3661937-6 Unit- 8 Properties of Food 9. Food Quality Testing & Evaluation: Sensory Tests & Instrumental Techniques Variety 2014 ISBN: 97893-8115630-8 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. No 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. Use of ICT in teaching. 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. No 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. No 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. No 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : g) for your own College -Yes h) for any other organization ? Yes Give details with proofs. Seminar/ workshop conference/ Year Name of the Institution 1. Food Security, March, 25-26th 2014 Safety and Sustainability. BCAS College 2.NIFTEM Curriculum April, 24-25th 2010 Development workshop MOFPI, GOI 3. NIFTEM, Laboratory June 13-14th 2010 Infrastructural Development Workshop MOFPI, GOI 4. Skill Development and Nov, 2010 Consultancy Seminar cum workshop MOFPI, GOI 5.‘Opportunities in Food 23 September 2010 Processing’ at Bhopal CII-NIFTEM Workshop 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. (Has been the co- guide for MD thesis on “Impact of life skills training on dietary behavior of school adolescents of Delhi” student of Maulana Azad Medical CollegeDept of Preventive and Social Medicine) 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. No 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? Dr Eram S Rao SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : Dr.Rizwana . Designation & Department : Associate Professor, Dept.of Food Technology Bhaskaracharya college of Applied Sciences Sector-2,Dwarka,New Delhi-110075 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution ? Give details along with proof. Revision and preparation of Technology,University of Delhi curriculum for B.Sc. (H) Food Preparation of curriculum for B. Tech in Food Technology,University of Delhi Peer review of course curriculum for PG course in Food science and Processing. (Lady Irwin College, University of Delhi) 4 . a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization?Yes, Committee of Courses,Dept.of Home Science University of Delhi. b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body ?If yes, submit proof. Have been executive member of Association of Food Scientists and Technologists AFST(I),Delhi Chapter Life Member,Indian Meat Science Association(IMSA) 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. Attended Orientation Course conducted by Jamia Milia Islamia Undergone refresher course at Food Research and Analysis Centre(FRAC), NewDelhi Undergone refresher course at Excelsior Industries Ltd, New Delhi Undergone refresher course at Shriram Institute for Industrial Research,New Delhi 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)?Please attach proof. Attended a course for requirements of Food Safety Auditor organized by National Sanitation Foundation(NSF) ,USA Attended Indo-US Bilateral Workshop-cum-Training,(2 weeks) on Post harvest technology,Cold chain Management, at Amity University,U.P 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. • Delivered a lecture as expert resource person on Quality issues in meat and meat products from farm to fork in Two weeks training programme for African Nationals on "Integrated Food Management - Farm to Fork" organized under the aegis of Indian Technical and Economic Program under the aegis of Indo Africa Forum Summit II, organized by NIFTEM during March 2014. • Delivered a lecture on “Food Processing: Principles and Applications to produce good quality food” on 24 February,2014 in Short term Training program on “ Upgradation of Food testing Skills of Food Processing Professionals” under India Africa Forum Summit (IAFS) ,for scientists of African countries organized by Shriram Institute for Industrial Research(SRI) in association with Ministry of External Affairs and Ministry of Food Processing Industries (GOI) • Delivered a lecture on 'Quality issues in meat and poultry processing sector'on 20 March,2013 in Short term Training programme on “Upgradation of Food testing Skills of Food Processing Professionals” under India Africa Forum Summit(IAFS) -II,for scientists of African countries organised by Shriram Institute for Industrial Research(SRI) in association with Ministry of External Affairs and Ministry of Food Processing Industries(GOI) • Delivered a lecture on Preservation of meat to ensure safety and maintain quality in the 7th Short Term Training Program (STTP) on Quality issues in meat and poultry processing sector on 2-4 April 2012 organised by NIFTEM and National Meat and Poultry Processing Board,(Ministry of Food Processing Industries) New Delhi. • Participated as expert in“Krishi Gyan” , Gyan Vani Radio (live discussion) channel on' Enterprenurial avenues in Meat Sector' conducted by School of Agriculture, IGNOU, New Delhi in association with Gyan Vani FM Radio station,on19th,September,2012. • Delivered lectures on 'HACCP' and 'Hygiene,microbiological quality and safety issues associated with processing of meat,poultry and marine products in the Short term training programme on “Upgradation of food processing skills in small and medium enterprises” organised by National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship andManagement(NIFTEM),Kundli and Shriram Institute for Industrial Research on 19-21 September,2011. • Resourse person for the Inspire science camp at Bhaskaracharya college and conducted practical classon Canning of foods. • Participated in the Question Bank preparation for Post-Graduate Diploma in Food Safety Programme of IGNOU School of Agriculture. • Participated as expert in Tele-conferencing sessions for Diploma in Meat Technology Programme of IGNOU School of Agriculture • Participated in a discussion on Delhi University’s community Radio (DUCR 90.4)in two programs (a)Food Processing (b)Animal Products Technology • Delivered a lecture on Food Safety in ‘International Training workshop on Food Safety’ attended by delegates from ASEAN in December 2009,organized by Shriram Institute for Industrial Research,Delhi. 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper.Yes 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof Attended International conference on “Innovations in Food Processing,value chain management and Food Safety held at NIFTEM, Kundli,Sonepat on 10-11th January 2013 Attended Academic Congress of University of Delhi on 6-7 September 2012 Attended National Seminar on ‘Addressing Issues relating to proprietary foods for speedy development of food industry’ conducted by All India Food Preservers Association( A.I.F.P.A.) on 25.5.2012 at New Delhi. Attended One day workshop on “Integrated Food Law” at Pondicherry University in September 2010 Attended a two day Thermal Process Seminar in September 2009,sponsored by APEDA and US FDA. Participated in Panel discussion held by International Livestock and Dairy Expo ( ILDEX) India, in July 2009, at Pragati Maidan,New Delhi. 10.Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. Principal Investigator of the Project BCAS-104 on ‘Development and Study of Alternate Packaging Materials from Agro-wastes and its Application in Food Packaging’, sanctioned by the University of Delhi in 2012. Principal Investigator of the Project BCAS-202 on Agro-Waste Material Management:From Waste to Wealth,Sanctioned by the University of Delhi,November 2013 Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 1 of 495 Team member,“Creation of Infrastructural Facilities including Extension Services under Scheme for Human Resource Development” (2009-10) funded by MOFPI,GOI Team member of “Star College Scheme” sanctioned by the DBT 11.Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) b. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) c. Monographs written d. Chapter written in books e. Books edited f. Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) g. Index of your publications h. Impact factor i. h- index • Preparation and Characterization of Cellulose Derived from Rice Husk for Drug Delivery. Advanced Materials Letters, 2013. DOI : 10.5185/amlett.2013. S. K. Shukla, Nidhi, Sudha, Pooja, Namrata, Charu, Akshay, Silvi, Manisha, Rizwana, Anand Bharadvaja and G. C. Dubey. • Efficient Metal removal from bioactive film developed from rice husk, ‘Advanced Material World Congress’ at IZMIR,TURKEY on September 16-19,2013. • Preparation and Characterization Agro-Waste Derived Cellulose Membrane for Biomedical Devices “Emerging Trends in Development of Drugs and Devices”,Department of Chemistry,University of Delhi21st-23rd January, 2013 • Metal Decontamination from Bioactive Film Development from Rice Husk, “National Conference on Solid State Chemistry and Allied Areas”, Dr H S Gaur University, 15th-17th February 2013, Sagar, MP, OP-6, page 22 • Development of Hard Packaging Materials from Bagasse , “International Conference on Advancement in Polymeric Materials APM-2013”, 1st-3rd March 2013, Lucknow • Development and Efficacy of Rice Husk derived Packaging on the Shelf Life of Eggs, “International Conference on Multifunctional Materials, Energy and Environment” Sharda University from 21-23 August 2013.) Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 2 of 495 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. Nil 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years.Power point presentations,On site guidance during industrial visits. 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof.Nil 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof.Nil 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details.Nil 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : i) for your own College j) for any other organization ? Give details with proofs. Was Assistant Co-ordinator for Diploma Programme in Production of ValueaddedProducts from Fruits and Vegetables,Indira Gandhi National Open University( IGNOU) 2007 Co-Coordinator, and Resource person “Better Process Control school for Low acid canned and acidified foods”held on1-5 March 2011 in collaboration with (US FDA),India Office. Co-Coordinator, and Resource person “Better Process Control school for Low acid foods” at Negumbo,Srilanka held on November 21-23,2011 in collaboration with (US FDA),India Office. Organised career counselling session and meeting of AFST(I),Delhi Chapter President and Office bearers along with renowned members of the association who had an interactive session with the students and faculty on academic and career prospects for Food Technology students on 4 October2013 . Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 3 of 495 Coordinated career counselling session on Packaging attended by Food Technology and Polymer science students conducted by Joint Director and experts from IIP(Indian Institute of Packaging), on 27 March 20114 Resourse person for Short term course on Food Safety at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences. Resourse person for Short term course on Packaging at Bhaskaracharya college of Applied Sciences. 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. Co- guide for Ph.D student 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? Have been the founder member of the Department of Food Technology at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences and have contributed immensely and significantly towards infrastructure development of the Food technology Labs,Pilot plant.Being Teacher-in-charge, also initiated Summer training and Project work of Food Technology students in industries,Labs and R&D organizations. Coordinated the Donation of valuable Food Technology Journals of several years,from the personal collection of Dr.H.A.B. Parpia, former director CFTRI,Mysore to the college library which is widely referred by students and faculty for research work and projects. Dr.Rizwana Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 4 of 495 SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : Dr. Vandita Gupta 2. Designation & Department :Associate professor, Food Technology Department 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution ? Give details along with proof. N.A. 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. Member of Committee of courses from Aug’2013 till date. b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body ?If yes, submit proof.N.A. 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. 1. 3 weeks training at Excelsior Food and Chemical Industries. 2. 3 weeks training at Mother Dairy Attended 4weeks orientation course at Jamia Milia University in August,1998. 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof.N.A. 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper.N.A. 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof.N.A. 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence.N.A. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 5 of 495 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution:N.A. a. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) b. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) c. Monographs written d. Chapter written in books e. Books edited f. Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) g. Index of your publications h. Impact factor i. h- index 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof.N.A. 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years.1. Use of pppt(s) 2) Industrial visits 3) Self made Videos of processing techniques taken at various processing units. 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof.N.A. 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof.N.A. 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details.N.A. 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? :N.A. k) for your own College l) for any other organization ? Give details with proofs. 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. N.A. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 6 of 495 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof.N.A. 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify?N.A. Dr.Vandita Gupta Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 7 of 495 SELF STUDY REPORT (SSR) 1. Name of the Teacher : Dr. Meenakshi Garg 2. Designation & Department : Assistant Professor, Deptt. Of Food Technology 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution ? Give details along with proof. Have been actively involved in the designing and refinement of the syllabi for various papers in three-year semester based and four-year semester based undergraduate program in Food Technology, University of Delhi. 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body ? If yes, submit proof • • • 5 Life Member, AFST(I) membership no. 4/l026/12/DEL Life Member,GCNC-Advancing Green Chemistry 0275/11/98 Life Member, Indian Dietetic Association List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. o Orientation course from CPDHE,DU in 2007 o Winter school(3 wks) fromIARI in 2010 o Refresher course in Research Methoology in 2011 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof Attended training programme in SPSS in 2013 and advance excel in May 2014 organized by DELHI UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTRE, University Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 8 of 495 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. PAPER PRESENTATIONS IN CONFERENCES • Garg M. Received best poster presentationaward. “Assessment of nutrient intake and food consumption pattern of north Indian adults” at 4th international conference on updating food technology: A challenge towards public health nutrition on 7-8 May. 2014 • Garg,M “Nutritional Quality of value added sev from amylase rich flour of chickpea and fieldpea ”. presented at International workshop on Green Initiatives in Energy, Environment and Health held in Delhi. India on 2-3rd December 2013. • Garg M “Drying Characteristics of Pea Pods” presented at International workshop on Dehydration of Food and Agricultural Products: Principles, Practices and Prospects held at NIFTEM, Haryana, India on 25-26th March 2013. • Garg M“Nutritional quality of value added ladoo from amylase rich flour” presented inICBPN 2012 (International conference held in Kerala on 21-23rd September 2012). • Garg M. “Preparation of starch-PVA blend using potato and its mechanical characterisation” presented at International conference on Nano-Technology and Expo 2012 at Philadelphia, USA on 3-5 Dec. 2012 Annexure 1 Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. 9. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 9 of 495 o Principal Investigator for UGC project- titled “Effect of religious fasting on weight loss of Indian adults” from1st August 2012 .(Total cost 9 lakhs). o Principal Investigator for Delhi University Innovation project 2012-13 titled “ Development of low cost nutritious bar and its packaging in sostainable nano bio polymer”. (Total cost10 lakhs). Project being undertaken along with two other faculty members from Department of Polymers and Biomedical Sciences, Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences. There are 10 students in the project from Department of Food Technology, Polymers and Biomedical Sciences who are gaining research expertise and hands-on training through this interdisciplinary project o Principal Investigator for Delhi University Innovation project 2013-14 titled “Development of edible packaged health snack from fruit and vegetable waste and its effect on healthy respondents (Total cost 5 lakhs). Project was undertaken along with two other faculty members from Departments of Biomedical Sciences andPolymer Sciences, Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences. There were 10 students in the project. 10. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: Annexure1 a. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) b. Monographs written c. Chapter written in books d. Books edited e. Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) f. Index of your publications g. Impact factor 1 h. h- index 11. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof.Filed two patents • INDIA – Patent Application No. 471/DEL/2013, Dated – February 19, 2013 entitled “NUTRITIONAL COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR MANUFACTURING THE Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 10 of 495 SAME” • INDIA – Patent Application No. 473/DEL/2013, Dated – February 19, 2013 entitled “COATING COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR PREPARATION THERE OF” 12. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years Interactive presentations, group discussions, Quizzing, group activities, seminars etc. 13. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof 14. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. 15. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. 16. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? a) for your own College Member of organizing committee in Better process control school for manufacture of low acid and acidified foods held on 1-5 March 2011 at Delhi b) for any other organization ? c) Member of organizing committee of International workshop on green initiatives in energy,environment and health”held at Delhi on Dec.2-3,2013 Give details with proofs. 17. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. 18. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. Supervised three M.Sc students DESERTATIONS FOR MSc. STUDENTS Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 11 of 495 • Supervised a thesis on “ To study the weight gain of underweight adolescents” in 2011 • Supervised a thesis on “ Effect of weight reduction on nutritional status of adult women” in 2011 • Supervised a thesis on “Cardio-protective effects of intermittent energy restrictions in premenopausal women” in 2013. 19. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? Conducted three short term course on: • • Medical Nutrition Therapy(2007-2009) Packaging Technology(2010-2011) ANNEXURE 1 PUBLICATIONS 10) Garg M and Varmani S. Nutritional health status of North Indian adults. International Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences. 2014 Apr-Jun. Vol 3 (3): p 118-121.(IF=1.021) 11) Garg M, Sharma S, Varmani S, Sadhu S. Drying kinetics of thin layer pea pods using tray drying. International Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences. 2014 AprJun. Vol 3 (3): p 61-66.(IF=1.021) 12) Varmani S, Panda H, Sadhu S, Garg M. Beta Thalassemia Major and osteoporosis: etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and management. International Journal of Pharmacy and Integrated life Sciences. 2014 Jun. Vol 2(7): p 64-78.(IF=1.047) 13) Garg M, Sabharwal P, Dahiya S. Effect of processing on Amylase rich field pea porridge. International Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences. 2014 Jan- Mar. Vol 3 (1): p 38-42.(IF=1.021) 14) Sadhu S, Chakraborty S, Garg M, Varmani S. Polymers in Energy harvesting. International Journal of Engineering Science Invention. 2014 Apr. Vol 3 (4): p1-5. (IF=1.786) Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 12 of 495 15) Sadhu S, Soni A, Varmani S, Garg M. Preparation of starch polyvinyal alcohol (PVA) blend using potato and study of its mechanical properties. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science Invention. 2014 Mar. Vol 3 (3): p 33-37.(IF= 1.695) 16) Varmani S and Garg M. Health benefits of Moringa Oleifera: A miracle tree. International Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences. 2014 Apr-Jun. Vol 3 (3): p 111-117)(IF=1.021) 17) Varmani S, Arora H, Garg M, Sadhu S. Iron overload and chelation therapy in beta thalassemia major. International Journal of Pharmacy and Integrated Life Sciences. 2014 Jun. Vol 2(7): p 47-63.(IF=1.047) 18) Varmani S, Mehta K, Garg M, Sadhu S. Diabetes mellitus in beta thalassemia major- pathogenesis and management strategies. International Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences. 2014 Apr-Jun. Vol 3 (3): p 127-131.(IF=1.021) PAPERS IN PROCEEDINGS 19) Sadhu S.D, A Soni, Garg M, S.G. Varmani. Study of mechanical properties of starch-poly vinyl alcohol blend based nanocomposites for food packaging. Proceedings of APA International Conference 2014. 20) Sadhu S.D, Raj R, Garg M, Varmani S. G, Biopolymers: A solution to Environmental Hazard. Proceedings of ICPAM International Conference 2014. 21) Sadhu S. D, Mallick K, Garg M, Varmani S G. Atomic force microscopy for characterisation of polymers. Proceedings of ICPAM International Conference 2014. 22) Negi T, Garg M, Varmani S, Sadhu S. Papaya papada. Food Marketing and Technology. 2013 vol 4(5): 20-21. 23) Umais, S., Garg, M, Varmani, S, Sadhu,S. Development of multi-cereal protein bar with jaggery. Proceedings of ICBPN 2012. (International conference held in Kerala on 21-23 September 2012) 24) Gupta M (Garg M) and Dhaiya S. Physico-chemical properties and nutritional composition of field pea (pisum Sativum). Enhancing production of food values of plant. Genetic Option Vol 1. Ed. Behl, R. K and Chhabra. A K. Foods and nutrition security 2003: 170-172. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 13 of 495 25) Gupta M (Garg M) and Dhaiya S. Development and nutritional evaluation of amylase rich flour of chickpea and fieldpea. Journal of Family Ecology. 2002 :Vol.4(1&2)87-88 IN NEWSPAPERS 26) Gupta M (Garg M), Dahiya S. Amylase rich foods of legumes. Haryana Farming 2003; 33(7):20. 27) Gupta M (Garg M). Dahiya S. Dalo me matar ka mehtav. Haryana Kheti. 2003; 33(9):14. 28) Kaur Y, Gupta M (Garg M). Ahaar me reshe ka mehtav. Dainik Nabhchor, Hisar, 6th March 2003:7 29) Kaur,Y, Gupta M (Garg M). Surya ki kirno se uplabdh hone wala vitaminD. Dainik Nabhchor, Hisar, 19th Dec.2002:7 PAPER PRESENTATIONS IN CONFERENCES 1) Garg M. Received best poster presentationaward. “Assessment of nutrient intake and food consumption pattern of north Indian adults” at 4th international conference on updating food technology: A challenge towards public health nutrition on 7-8 May. 2014 2) Garg,M “Nutritional Quality of value added sev from amylase rich flour of chickpea and fieldpea ”. presented at International workshop on Green Initiatives in Energy, Environment and Health held in Delhi. India on 2-3rd December 2013. 3) Garg M “Drying Characteristics of Pea Pods” presented at International workshop on Dehydration of Food and Agricultural Products: Principles, Practices and Prospects held at NIFTEM, Haryana, India on 25-26th March 2013. 4) Garg M“Nutritional quality of value added ladoo from amylase rich flour” presented inICBPN 2012 (International conference held in Kerala on 21-23rd September 2012). 5) Garg M. “Preparation of starch-PVA blend using potato and its mechanical characterisation” presented at International conference on Nano-Technology and Expo 2012 at Philadelphia, USA on 3-5 Dec. 2012 ABSTRACT PUBLICATIONS Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 14 of 495 11) Soni A, Sadhu S.D, Garg M, Garg A, Handa R, Varmani SG., Kaur B. Preparation of Starch-PVA blend using potato and its mechanical characterization” Journal of Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology. 2012 Dec. vol.3(9); p 97. 12) Chauhan H, Garg M, Varmani S.G, Sadhu S.D. To study the preparationandnutritional quality of multi-cereal bar. Proceedings of ICBPN 2012International conference held in Kerala on 21-23rd September 2012. 13) Umais S, Garg M, Varmani S.G, Sadhu S.D. Development of multi-cereal protein bar with jaggery. Proceedings of ICBPN 2012- International conference held in Kerala in on 21-23rd September 2012. 14) Dutta A, Jain S, Varmani S.G, Garg M, Sadhu S.D. Preparation of low cost multi cereal nutritive bar. Journal of Food Process Technology. Open access Nov. 2012 vol 3 (10). 15) Negi,T, Garg M, Varmani S.G, Sadhu S. Making of Papaya Papada. Proceedings of 1st international conference on Innovations in Food Processing, Value Chain Management and Food Safety at NIFTEM Kundali Sonepat Haryana on 10-11th Jan. 2013. 16) Sadhu S, Soni A, Garg M, Varmani S.D. Study of mechanical properties of starchpoly vinyl alcohol blend based nanocomposites for food packaging. Presented in APA International Conference in India Habitat Centre, New Delhi held on 19-21st February 2014. 17) Sadhu S.D, Chakraborty S, Garg M, Varmani S.G. A closer look towards the development of energy harvesting sources through polymers. Presented in APM International Conference in Bhubaneswar, Orissa held on 14th -16th February, 2014. 18) Garg M, Varmani S.G. Assessment of nutrition intake and food consumption pattern of North Indian Adults. International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences. 2014 vol 3(suppl.2): 8. 19) Varmani S and Garg M. Dietary assessment of adults using food frequency questionnaire. International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences. 2014 vol 3 (suppl.2): 9. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 15 of 495 20) Sabharwal P, Garg M, Dahiya S. Nutritional quality of value added papad from amylase rich flour of field pea. Journal of Food Processing and Technology. 2012.vol 3(10): 28 (Meenakshi Garg) Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 16 of 495 SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : Dipti Sharma 2. Designation & Department : Assistant Professor & Food Technology 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution ? Give details along with proof. No 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. No b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body ? If yes, submit proof. Yes • • • Full member of AFST(I) Life Member of Society of Indian Bakers. Life Member of ISTE. 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. No 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. Yes [12] [13] [14] Attended a week long International conference on “New Frontiers in Global Learning and Communications” from 28.12.13- 02.01.14 organised by SRCASW & University of Massachusetts, Boston. Participated in the International author Workshop “How to Write for and Get Published in Journals and Publish Manuscripts” conducted by Springer and Edanz along with Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi on 25.01.13 at IGNOU, Delhi. Member of Organizing committee and Participated in the International conference on“ Innovations in Food Processing, Value Chain Management and Food Safety & Workshop on Food Safety” held at NIFTEM Campus, Kundli, Sonepat from 10-12.01.13. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 17 of 495 [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Attended the Training Programme on "Laboratory Quality Management System as per ISO/IEC 17025:2005" held at NIFTEM Campus, Kundli, Sonepat from 2426 April'12. Attended the Training Programme on "Documentation for Laboratory Quality Management System as per ISO/IEC 17025:2005" held at NIFTEM Campus, Kundli, Sonepat from 24-26 May'12. Actively Participated in organizing the Training Programmes on Packaging of Fresh and Processed Foods (with Indian Institute of Packaging) and Upgradation of Food Processing Skills in Small & Medium Enterprises (with Shriram Institute for Industrial Research) at NIFTEM Campus, Kundli, Sonepat from 19-21 Sept'11. Attended training on Export Procedure and Documentation organized by IIFT. Attended and Participated in the training programme on ‘’Basics of Sensory Evaluation Techniques for Bakery Products’’ held at CFTRI, Mysore from 1516 Nov’10. Completed E-Training module courses on “Biscuit Making Process” from 15.June’10 to 20 Oct’10 organized by Quality & HR of Britannia Industries Ltd. Attended training program on Supervising Food Safety in Biscuit Manufacturing organized by Johnson and Diversey at Britannia Industries Ltd., Delhi held from 28-29 Oct’09. Training on basic fire safety & emergency preparedness and basic life support & first aid skills conducted by USHA FIRE SAFETY EQUIPMENTS (P) LTD. Underwent training organised by MSME & IIP on Packaging for Exports. 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. No 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. 1. Microbial Contamination of Commonly used Household Spices”, Kuljinder Kaur, Dipti Sharma, Shilpa Nagpal and R.S. Kahlon, presented at an international conference at JNU, published in International Journal of Applied Agricultural Research .ISSN 09732683, Vol.7, No. 3 (2012). 2. Development of enriched cookie by using millet flour, Dipti Sharma, Shilpa Nagpal, Kuljinder kaur, Nitesh Sharma and Amarpal presented paper in National level seminar at HBTI, kanpur from 2-3. March.13 Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 18 of 495 3. Abstract on Study on the various HR Practices in Indian Telecom Industry, Nitesh Sharma , Dipti Sharma and CA Amarpal submitted in International Conference organized by Pacific Academy of Higher Education & Research University, Udaipur from 6-7, April'13. 4. Your transactions are under surveillance of Income Tax Department, CA Amarpal, Dipti Sharma and Nitesh Sharma presented in International Conference organized by Pacific Academy of Higher Education & Research University, Udaipur from 6-7, April'13. 5. Understanding Cholesterol, published in Inner Voice, Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences for Women Newsletter- Inner Voice. 6. Understanding Biocolour- A Review, Dipti Sharma, International Journal Of Scientific & Technology Research, Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2014, ISSN 2277-8616 7. Nutritional Change for Rheumatic Diseases- A Review, Dipti Sharma, International Journal Of Scientific & Technology Research Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2014, ISSN 2277-8616 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. Yes 1. AttendedIndia FARM 2 FORK 2013, International Conference cum Exhibition from 29-30th November '13, New Delhi. 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. No 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a) List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) 03 No. b) List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) c) Monographs written Nil d) Chapter written in books Nil e) Books edited Nil f) Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) 02 No. g) Index of your publications h) Impact factor 1.35 i) h- index Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 19 of 495 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. No 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. 21. I use videos/ppt’s related to the subject. So that students can easily retain what they see. 22. I have started playing quiz in the class, 23. Upon completion of each unit, I ask students (3-4) to prepare a set of question and they are allowed to distribute those questions in class. This exercise is to motivate them to study. Students react well to both the strategies. 21. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. No 22. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. Yes c) Certified Internal Auditor for ISO 9001:2000 (from STQC, Noida), d) Certified Internal Auditor for 22000:5000 ( from Moody International, Delhi). e) Received Letter of Appreciation for “The Will and Art of Passionate Working” at Britannia Industries Ltd. by Regional Manufacturing Head. 23. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. No 24. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : [15]. for your own College No, but have planned to conduct in the months to come. [16]. for any other organization ? Yes Give details with proofs. 25. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. No Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 20 of 495 26. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. No 27. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? Ms. Dipti Sharma Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 21 of 495 DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN COMMUNICATION 1. Name of the department: Human Communication 2. Year of Establishment: 1995 3. Names of Programmes / Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.): (a) UG, B.Sc. (H) ________ (2004-2010) (b) Four Year Undergraduate Programme / B. Tech: N.A. 4. Names of Interdisciplinary courses and the departments/units involved: N.A. 5. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system (programme wise): Annual system: 1995-2010 Semester system: 2010-2013 & 2014: To be continued FYUP: 2013-14 6. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: B.A. Sc. (H) Electronics: 1995-2007 B.A. Sc. (H) Instrumentation: 1995-2010 B.A. Sc. (H) Food Technology: 1995-2010 B.Sc. (H) Computer Science: 1995-2012 B.Sc. (H) Polymer Science: 2004-till date Since 2014, the department is also sharing and teaching a paper on “Environmental Sciences” to all the courses of the college. 7. Other Courses offered by the Department. N.A 8. Details of courses/programs discontinued (if any) with reasons After the restructuring and introduction of semester system, the papers were discontinued from the following departments: B.Sc. (H) Instrumentation B. Sc. (H) Electronics B. Sc. (H) Food Technology B. Sc. (H) Computer Science Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 22 of 495 9. Number of Teaching posts:record with the office Department of Sanctioned Filled Professors - - Associate Professors One One Human Communication 10. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation and specialization. No. of Ph.D. / Name Qualification Designation Specialization No. of M. Phil / M. Years of Tech / M. Sc. Experience Students supervised Dr. M.Phil, Ph.D Madhulika Associate Psychology Professor Bajpai 16 years Advisor for one (Joined Ph.D. student college on 20.07.2014) 11. List of senior visiting faculty: NIL 12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled(programme wise) by temporary faculty: N.A. 13. Student -Teacher Ratio (program wise): N.A. 14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff; sanctioned and filled: N.A. S. No Name of the support staff Designation 15. Faculty with successfully completed /ongoing projects from a) University b) National c) International funding agencies and grants received: Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 23 of 495 S. No Name of the Number Faculty of Funding Agency National Amount Sanctioned Projects 1 Dr. Madhulika 01 DU 3,50,000/- Bajpai 16. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc. and total grants received: N.A. 17. Research Centre recognized by the University: NIL 18. Publications: a) Publication per faculty Name of the Publications Books Books Chapters Publication faculty authored edited in books Conference presented in Proceeding Conference in journal Dr. 02 Nil 01 in Paper 02 Madhulika Bajpai 19. Areas of consultancy and income generated: N.A. 20. Faculty as members in h) National committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Boards d) University Committees PFA ANNEXURE I 21. Students projects a) Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental/programme: Besides the curriculum-based projects designed for internal assessment, no separate projects have been undertaken. i) Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution i.e.in Research laboratories/Industry/other agencies: N.A. 22. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty and students: Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 24 of 495 N.A. 23. List of eminent academicians and scientists/ visitors to the department Nil 24. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding N.A. 25. Student profile programme/course wise: N.A. Name of Course/programme (refer question no. 4) Year wise the enrolment Selected Enrolled *M Enrolled *F *M=Male F=Female 26. Diversity of Students: N. A 27. How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defense services, etc.: N. A 28. Student progression (PASS OUT STUDENTS have been requested to send their whereabouts) See Annexure –I for the ones that have been received so far: N.A. Student progression Against % enrolled 29. Details of Infrastructural facilities b) Library b) Internet facilities for Staff & Students c) Class rooms with ICT facility d) Several Psychological tests available in the Department for psychological assessment of students. 30. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 25 of 495 government or other agencies: N.A. 31. Details on student enrichment programmes (special lectures/workshops / seminar) with external experts: N. A. Industrial visits/exposure visits by the students/summer training, winter training S.No. YEAR NAME OF THE INSTITUTE DURATION NUMBER OF STUDENTS Guest Lectures delivered (Name of the Expert, Talk Title): N.A. S. No 32. T YEAR Name of SPEAKER /RESOURCE PERSON the TOPIC OF PRESENTATION e aching methods adopted to improve student learning Various methods have been adopted to make subject teaching interesting for students and get them involved actively rather than just being passive listeners. The focus is onactive learning by the students. Some of the methods used are: lectures, power point presentations, case studies, psychological tests, surveys, quizzes, experiential and ideation exercises. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities: In the capacity of a single teacher department, active participation and contribution is made for the corporate life of the college on various platforms. 33. SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans Strengths: The department has been enabling the students to be ready for the vocational world along with special emphasis on personality development. The formal education and training in Psychology of the faculty member helps students at both personal and professional levels. Also, a social science perspective helps students widen up their horizons. The department actively strives for the holistic growth of the students. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 26 of 495 Weakness:The absence of the main department in the college is quite crippling not only for the professional growth of the faculty but also the students are bereft of learning all that the discipline has to offer. Opportunity: Teaching sub-disciplines of Psychology to science students is a challenging yet at the same time gratifying exercise. Creating awareness about issues beyond curriculum to our students is believed to be a step forward in nation building. The college is also committed to bring in Psychology as the discipline course, which will be extremely beneficial for the growth of the department and faculty. Challenges: Psychology being interdisciplinary in nature has lots to offer to the pupil of college who could benefit immensely from the knowledge offered by the discipline. But, in the absence of a major in Psychology and limiting presence of the department in the gone years in other departments has made the existence more difficult. 34. List of Research Publications: PFA Annexure II ANNEXURE I 1 National committee: Founder Member: Aastha-Foundation for Development Life Member: Work Psychology and Human Resource Forum. Life Member: Indian Career Development Association. Life Member: Indian Association of Positive Psycholgy Member: Career Women. Member: Unique Psychological Services. Member: Indian Psychologists. Member: Indian association of Holistic Psychology and Welfare. 2 International Committees: Life Member & Consultant: International Institute of Stress Management and Allied Sciences. 3 Editorial Boards: Article Editor for Sage Open 4) University Committees: Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 27 of 495 o College Academic Coordinator for English Language Proficiency Course (ELPC) run by ILLL, University of Delhi, 2009. o Paper setter and examiner of several theory papers, University of Delhi o Member of Moderation Committee, University of Delhi. ANNEXURE II List of Research Publications: One of the authors for the e-content development program for UGC e-pathshala projectforPost graduate in Psychology (2014). Madhulika Bajpai, "Communication", in Social Psychology, ed. N. K. Chadha. (McMillan Publishers, India, 2012) 235-268. Madhulika Bajpai, "Close Relationships: Interdependent, Romantic and Marital Relationships", in Social Psychology, ed. N. K. Chadha. (McMillan Publishers, India, 2012) 366-408. Bajpai, M. and Chadha, N. K., “Psycho-social Determinants of Marital Discord and Satisfaction in Changing Times: Hope Floats”, Journal of Positive Psychology. 1(2012): 47-65. Co-Editor, Encyclopedia of Psychology (2005). Vol. I & II. Shri Sai Printographers. ISBN: 8187798-55-6. Bajpai, M. and Sen, A.K. (1999). Mental Handicap: The Changing Perspective, Social Science International, 15(1), 52-66. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 28 of 495 SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher:Dr. Madhulika Bajpai 2. Designation & Communication 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution ? Give details along with proof. N. A. 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof: N. A. b) 5. Department:Associate Professor, Department of Human Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body?If yes, submit proof.Yes. AnnexureI List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organized by you along with details. PFA Annexure II Have you participated in training programs organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof.PFA Annexure III 6. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof.PFA AnnexureIV 7. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper.PFA Annexure V 8. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof.PFA AnnexureVI 9. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. Principal Investigator of a University of Delhi Innovation Project (2013-14), titled, “Lifestyle Interventions in Stress Management: A Study Among Delhi Youth. Its an interdisciplinary project being carried out with the faculty members of Mathematics and Food Technology. It also has a participation of ten undergraduate students form the college. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 29 of 495 10. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper): None b. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper)02 c. Monographs written Nil d. Chapter written in books: 02 e. Books edited: 01 f. Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher): N.A. g. Index of your publications N.A. h. Impact factor N.A. i. h- index N.A, 11. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof.N.A. 12. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. ¾ Role Plays ¾ Surveys ¾ Product development ¾ Psychological assessment tools ¾ Case studies 13. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof.N.A. 14. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof.N.A. 15. Are you providing consultancy? Give details.N. A. 16. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : m) for your own College: N.A. n) for any other organization ?YES,PFA AnnexureVII Give details with proofs. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 30 of 495 17. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. N.A. 18. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof.N.A. 19. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? Have conducted several workshops and lectures for different set of students outside college. I always try to find innovative ways to make students learn their concepts and also come up with new ways of appraisal and assessment for my students through projects and assignments. Have worked as a consultant psychologist for several NGOs in the past. Also, often appear on television news channels to provide a psychologists’ perspective to various issues concerning mankind. ANNEXURE I 1 National committees: Founder Member: Aastha-Foundation for Development Life Member: Work Psychology and Human Resource Forum. Life Member: Indian Career Development Association. Life Member: Indian Association of Positive Psycholgy Member: Career Women. Member: Unique Psychological Services. Member: Indian Psychologists. Member: Indian association of Holistic Psychology and Welfare. 2 International Committees: Life Member & Consultant: International Institute of Stress Management and Allied Sciences. 3 Editorial Boards: Article Editor for Sage Open 4) University Committees: o College Academic Coordinator for English Language Proficiency Course (ELPC) run by ILLL, University of Delhi, 2009. o Paper setter and examiner of several theory papers, University of Delhi o Member of Moderation Committee, University of Delhi. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 31 of 495 ANNEXURE II List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organized along with details: 1. Orientation Course: Participated in the 64th Orientation Course organized by Jamia Milia Islamia University from 8th July-5th August, 2003. 2. Refresher Courses: ¾ Participated in a 3-week refresher course in Psychology organized by CPDHE, University of Delhi from 3rd -24th November, 2003. ¾ b) Participated in a 3-week refresher course in Computer Applications organized by CPDHE, University of Delhi from 24th April-13th May, 2006. ¾ Participated in a 3-week refresher course in Computer Applications organized by CPDHE, University of Delhi from 20th September-11th October, 2007. ¾ Participated in a 3-week refresher course in Psychology organized by CPDHE, University of Delhi from 26th November -18th December, 2008. ANNEXURE III Training Programs attended ¾ Participated in a 10-day workshoponResearch Methodologysponsored by ICSSR and Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension, University of Delhi from 20th -29thSeptember, 2008. ¾ Attended in a 05-day training courseonStatistical Package for Social Sciences organized by Delhi University Computer Centre from15th -19thJune, 2009. ANNEXURE IV Invited resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies: Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 32 of 495 ¾ Nominated member as a Consultant Psychologist, Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board-Interview Board, February-March-June, 2014. ¾ Delivered a talk as aResource Person and Co-chaired a sessionin a National Seminar on “Media Mediated Realities and its Impact on Psycho-social Well-being” held on 13th April, 2013 at B. R. Ambedkar College, University of Delhi ¾ Keynote Speaker (Gender and Youth) in an International Seminar organized by World Organization of Student and Youth (WOSY) on the theme of "Youth and Nation Building",2-3 February, 2013, Hyderabad. ¾ Delivered a lecture as a Resource Person on, "Managing Marital Relations", for the Refresher Course organized by CPDHE, University of Delhi on “Psychology, Counselling and Social Work” 18th September, 2012. ¾ Conducted a module on "Organizational Behavior" for the students Lead Speaker in the International Conference on “Stress: Paradigm shift in Technology and Allied Sciences” organized by IISMAS and IIHMR, Delhi on December 27th -28th, 2011.enrolled for Postgraduate Diploma in Health and Hospital Management at IIHMR, Delhi in August, 2012. ¾ Nominated member as a Consultant Psychologist, NTPC Interview Board, June, 2012. ¾ Conducted a training program on “Stress Management and Work Life Balance” at st Haridwar on 30-31 August, 2010 for middle level managers of Ambuja Cement organized by Ramesh Chand Institute of Management. ¾ Felicitator for the Inter-personal Relationships and Effective Communication module of the Self- Development workshop organized by Jesus and Mary College, University of Delhi from 9th- 10th April, 2011. ¾ Core member for developing the courseware and conducting sessions during 60 hours course on “Personality Development” at Institute of Life Long Learning, University of Delhi from 31st January-08th March, 2009. ¾ Oberver for CBSE Medical Examination, 2002. ¾ Invited Memebr for Video Lecture Series fr Distance Education, Indian institute of Mass Coomunication, 2006 Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 33 of 495 ANNEXURE V AND VI ¾ “Psycho-Social Determinants of Marital Discord: An Indian Study”, paper presented in International Congress of Applied Psychology, 8-13th July, 2014, ,Paris France. ¾ “Traditional Indian Life Style Interventions: An Antidote for Occupational Stress”, paper presented in International Congress of Applied Psychology, 8-13th July, 2014, ,Paris France. ¾ “Psycho-Social Determinants of Marital Discord: An Indian Study” Paper presented in a National Seminar on Social Change in Contemporary India: Psychological Dimensions and Social Response, 21-22nd , March, 2014. ¾ Attended an International Conference on "The Colors of Career Development" organized by India Career Development Association in association with National Career Development Association, USA, R/S Foundation, USA and ManavRachna International University held at MRIU, Faridabad between March, 27-29, 2013. ¾ Attended an International seminar on "Indian Culture, Psychology and the Global Civilization: Emerging Perspectives" organized by Department of Psychology, University of Delhi held at Delhi University Conference Centre between March, 22- 25, 2013. ¾ Presented a paper on "Positive Health: Prevention is better than cure" in a National Conference on Career Development:Preparing for the Road Ahead". Organized by India Career Development Association, 26-27, May, 2012, Delhi. ¾ Presented a paper on “Psycho-Social Determinants of Marital Discord and Satisfaction in Changing Times: Hope Floats...” in an International Conference on “Psychology in Contemporary Context: A Positivistic Approach”, May 2011. ¾ Presented a paper on “Workplace Stress and its Management” in a National Conference on “Developing Work Force- Life Span Approach to Career, 13-14 March, 2009. ¾ “Occupational Stress and its Management”, paper presented in a National Conference on “Life Span Development: A Multi-dimensional perspective”, held from 5-6 November, 2005, Delhi University, Delhi. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 34 of 495 ANNEXURE VII organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops ¾ Conference Convener of a National Conference organized by India Career Development Association (ICDA) and Indian Association of Positive Psychology (IAPP) on “ Career Development” Preparing for the Road Ahead” held from 26-27th May, 2012, Delhi University, Delhi. ¾ Organizing Secretary of a National Conference organized by Aastha-Foundation for Development and Welfare on “Life Span Development: A Multi-dimensional perspective”, held from 5-6 November, 2005, Delhi University, Delhi. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 35 of 495 DEPARMENT OF INSTRUMENTATION 1. Name of the department : INSTRUMENTATION 2. Year of Establishment 3. Names of Programmes / Courses offered: : 1995 B.A.Sc. (H) Instrumentation (1995-2010), B.Sc. (H) Instrumentation (2011 onwards) Four Year Undergraduate Programme/B.Tech (Instrumentation) (One Batch only from 2013) 4. Names of Interdisciplinary papers and the departments: All students of the department study various interdisciplinary papers. 5. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system (programme wise) : Annual system: 2004-2010 Semester system: 2010 onwards till date 6. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments Took theory and practical in course offered by Department of Electronics 7. Any other Courses (Short term/Diploma etc. )offered by the Department. Offered a Short-Term Course for the students titled “Embedded Systems” in the college between Sept to Dec 2011. 8. Details of courses/programs discontinued (if any) with reasons: FYUP startedfrom 2013-14 and has been discontinued in academic session 2014-15 as per University of Delhi directives. 9. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation and specialization. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 36 of 495 Name Qualification Designatio n Nature Post of Specialization Dr. Geeta M.Sc., Associate Permanent Bhatt M.Phil, Ph.D Professor Gas Sensors, (University of Material Science 19 Years Mumbai) (Semiconductor thin Electronic No. of years of experienc e waste, No. of Ph.D./M.Ph il./M.Sc./M. Tech students supervised NIL films) Ms. Gurkiran M.Sc., M. Assistant Kaur Tech (Thapar Professor Instrumentation University) Control Ms. Shweta M.Sc. Assistant Dua (Jamia Professor Adhoc Adhoc NIL Electronic Bioelectronics Instrumentation & & 06 Years 02 Year 06 Months NIL Hamdard) Dr. Anil M.Sc., Ph.D Kumar (Dept. Assistant Adhoc Electronics & NIL Integrated Optics 02 Year 01 Months Adhoc Electronics 01 Year NIL 11 Months Adhoc Electronics 01 Year NIL 07 Months Adhoc Electronics 01 Year NIL 07 Months of Professor Electronic Science, DU) Mr. Pawan M.Sc. Assistant Kumar (Dept. of Professor Electronic Science, DU) Mr. Manoj M.Sc. Assistant Kumar (Dept. of Professor Electronic Science, DU) Mr. Rakesh M.Sc. Assistant (Dept. of Professor Electronic Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 37 of 495 Science, DU) Ms. Shakti M.Sc., Assistant Sharma M.Tech Professor Adhoc Electronics & 06 Years NIL & 06 Years NIL Communication (IP University) M.Sc. (K.U. Assistant Mr. Anil Dutt K)M.Tech. (P.U.) Adhoc Electronics Professor Instrumentation 10. Student -Teacher Ratio (program wise): 18:1 11. Details of Laboratory staff:: S. No Name Designation 1. Mr. Vikas Wadhwa Laboratory Assistant 2. Mr. Ashok Chikara Laboratory Assistant 3. Mr. Manesh 4. Mr. Avdesh Tyagi Laboratory Attendant (Adhoc) Laboratory Attendant (Adhoc) 12. Faculty with successfully completed / ongoing projects from a) University b) National c) International funding agencies and grants received: S. No 1 Name of the Number Faculty National (Investigator) Projects Dr. Geeta Bhatt 02 Project of Funding Agency Amount Sanctioned University of Delhi Code: Rs 10,00000 and Rs 5,00000 BCAS101 Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 38 of 495 (completed), BCAS 206 13. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc. and total grants received: NIL 14. Publications: (a) Name of the Publications Books Books Chapters Publication faculty authored edited in books Conference in journal in Proceeding Dr. Geeta 03 01 nil nil 03 Ms. Gurkiran 01 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil Bhatt Kaur Dr. Anil 04 Kumar (b) Name of Faculty Paper presented/Accepted in Conference Dr. Geeta Bhatt 04 Dr. Anil Kumar 01 15. Faculty as members in j) National committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Boards d) University Committees: Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 39 of 495 (d) University Committees S. No. Name of Committee Name of Faculty 1. Committee of Courses, Department of Dr. Geeta Bhatt Electronic Science, University of Delhi. 2. Member of Disciplinary the Faculty and Applied of Inter- Dr. Geeta Bhatt Sciences, University of Delhi since April 2013. 3. Participated in the interaction with Peer Dr. Geeta Bhatt Team from National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) for quality assurance from the Academic Staff College of University of Delhi May 2012. 16. Students projects : All students have undertaken projects as part of their curriculum. Students of B.Sc.(H) Instrumentation, 3rd Year, 2013-14, have their names as inventors in a patent (filed). Patent Application Number: 1666/DEL/2014 Title of Invention: Method and apparatus for detection of moisture in wound bed using near field communication. Inventor(s): Prachi Chhatwal, Aakash Sharma 17. Awards/ Recognitions received by the department: Dr. Geeta Bhatt : Honoured with Best Teacher Award for the year 2014-15. Mr. Abhinav Abhishek (student): Awarded with POSCO Asia Fellowship under MOU signed with University of Delhi. 18. List of eminent academicians and scientists/ visitors to the department o Sh. Gauhar Raza, NISCAIR o Ms. Lakshmi Raghupathy, Advisor MAIT, Former Director, Ministry of Environment & Forests o Dr. Dieter Mutz, Director, German International Cooperation (GIZ )- Advisory Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 40 of 495 Service for Environmental Management(ASEM) o Dr. Sandip Chatterjee, Additional Director, Department of Electronics and Information Technology, Govt. of India o Mr. J.S. Kamyotra, Member Secretary, Central Pollution Control Board o Dr. Ashish Chaturvedi, Senior Technical Advisor, Indo German Environment Partnership o Mr. Pranshu Singhal, Head, Sustainability, Nokia India Pvt. Ltd o Prof. Sachin Maheshwari, Head, Department of Manufacturing Processes & Automation Engineering, Netaji Subhash Institute of Technology, Delhi o Mr. Vinay Thapliyal, Technical Lead, ST Microelectronics India Pvt Ltd o Prof. Avinashi Kapoor, Dept. Of Electronic Science, South Campus, University of Delhi. o Mr. Sushil Chandra, Scientist ‘F’ & Head, Biomedical Engineering Department, INMAS, DRDO, New Delhi o Mr. Saleem Javed, Associate Professor and Principal Co-ordinator, M.Sc Bioelectronics and Instrumentation, Jamia Hamdard University, Delhi o Mr. Promit Biswas, Senior Project Officer in the Department of Gastro Intestinal Surgery, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Delhi o Mr. Sanjeev Kumar, Secretary, Department of Environment & Forest, Govt. of N.C.T. of Delhi o Mr. Satish Sinha, Associate Director, Toxic Link o Mr. Anwar Shirpurwala, Executive Director, Manufacturers Association of Information Technology o Ms. Shilpi Kapur, Fellow, The Energy Research Institute (TERI) o Mr. B. Vinod Babu, Scientist D, Hazardous Waste Management Division Central Pollution Control Board o Dr. Sandip Chatterjee, Scientist E, Department of Electronics and Information Technology, Govt. of India o Prof. R.S Gupta, (Retd.) Department of Electronic Science, UDSC, University of Delhi o Dr. K.N Chaturvedi, Ex Secretary, Ministry of Law, Govt. of India o Dr. Bibek Bandyopadhyay, Scientist, Advisor, Solar Energy Centre, Govt. of India Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 41 of 495 o Mr. Praveen Bhargava, Director, R&D Attero Recycling Pvt. Ltd. o Dr. M. Dwarkanath, Department of Environment, Govt. of NCT Delhi o Mr. Ravinder Gupta, General Manager, CRIS, Indian Railways o Mr. Amit Jain, Managing Director, (India Operations), IRG Systems South Asia Pvt. Ltd. o Mr. Pankaj Sahni, Chief Technology Officer, India Today Group o Prof. Karmeshu, Department of Computer & System Sciences, JNU, Delhi o Dr. Krishna Kumar, Senior Director, DIT, Govt. of India o Prof Vijaya Verma, Advisor, Ambedkar University, Delhi o Mr. Dharmendra, Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Wildlife and Forest, Govt. of NCT of Delhi o Ms. Saroj, Director, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India o Mr. P Subhash, SIMS Recycling Solutions o Mr. Avinash Dixit, Member, Governing Body, Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, University of Delhi o Mr. Prem Prakash, Eco Safe Manager, HCL 19. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding d) National S.No. Name of Workshop/Conference/Seminar 1. the Date / Source of Funding Duration National Conference on E-Waste 7-8 Sustainability Needs and Solutions for March, Its Management in Joint Collaboration 2013 with GIZ-IGEP (Indo-German Environment Partnership) Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges GIZ- IGEP (Indo German Environment Partnership), Department of Environment and Forest Govt. of NCT of Delhi, UGC Page 42 of 495 2. National Conference on Sustainable December Management of E-Waste 14-15, 2010 Department of Environment, Forest and Wildlife, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, UGC, CSIR, MOEF. 3. National Seminar on Management of 29-30 Waste from Electronics and Renewable January Energies 2010 DIT, MOEF, UGC, Sybase, Epson, Silicon Electronics, Osaw India, Tata AIG Life, Narsingh Dass and Company Limited e) International : NIL 20. Student profile programme/course wise: (from office) Academic Year Total students Enrolled Enrolled *M Enrolled *F B.A.Sc (H) Instrumentation 2010-11 52 37 15 B.Sc (H) Instrumentation 2011-12 48 37 11 B.Sc (H) Instrumentation 2012-13 62 55 07 FYUP-Instrumentation 2013-14 108 100 08 B.Sc (H) Instrumentation 2014-15 47 43 04 Name of the Course *M=Male F=Female 21. Diversity of Students Name of the Course Year wise enrolment Reserved candidates OB C Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges SC ST PwD Page 43 of 495 B.A.Sc(H) Instrumentation 2010-11 02 03 02 00 B.Sc(H) Instrumentation 2011-12 07 03 00 00 B.Sc(H) Instrumentation 2012-13 19 07 00 01 B.Tech Instrumentation 2013-14 28 19 02 00 14 07 01 00 (FYUP) B.Sc(H) Instrumentation 2014-15 *Give international students details if any: 22. Student progression (PASS OUT STUDENTS have been requested to send their whereabouts) Against % enrolled Student progression UG to PG PG to M.Phil. PG to Ph.D. Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral Employed • Campus selection • Other than campus recruitment Entrepreneurship/Self-employment 23. Details of Infrastructural facilities Collection of books available for the reference. LAN Internet and Wi-Fi facilities for Staff & Students. Class rooms with ICT facility Laboratories: ANNEXURE - II 24. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government or other agencies Financial Year No. Of Students 2011-12 01 (from college) 2012-13 01 (POSCO Asia fellowship) Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 44 of 495 2013-14 06 (from college) + 01(POSCO Asia fellowship) + 02 (financial assistance from VC’s student fund) 25. Details on student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) with external experts Industrial visits/exposure by the students/summer training, winter training S.No. YEAR NAME OF THE INSTITUTE DURATION NUMBER OF STUDENTS 1. 2014 University Science Instrumentation 1 Day Centre (USIC), University of Delhi 25 2 2014 Schimadzu Analytical (India) Pvt. 1 Day Ltd. 35 3. 2013 HEICO Hydraulic & Engineering 1 Day Instruments, Naraina Industrial Area, New Delhi 30 4. 2008 University Science Instrumentation 1 Day Centre, JNU, Delhi 20 Workshops and other student activities S. No. Activity During 1. Two day workshop on “Line Follower Robotics” in March 2014 collaboration with EFY Group (publishers of Electronics for You magazine). 2. Technical Festival “AAGAAZ” to unravel the January 2013 underlying creativity of the students. 3. Two day workshop on “Experiments and Research February 2012 Applications with National Instruments Lab VIEW”. 4. Student-Alumni Interaction presided over by Deputy October 2012 Dean, Student’s Welfare, University of Delhi. Guest Lectures delivered (Name of the Expert, Talk Title) Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 45 of 495 S. No YEAR Name of SPEAKER /RESOURCE PERSON 1 2014 Prof. S. Maheshwari Head, Dept. Manufacturing Processes Automation Engineering, NSIT 2 2013 the TOPIC OF PRESENTATION Robotics of & Mr. Vinay Thapliyal MEMS (Motion Sensor) Technical Lead, ST Microelectronics India Pvt. Ltd. 3 2013 Dr. Dieter Mutz E-Waste Management Director, German International Cooperation (GIZ )Advisory Service for Environmental Management(ASEM) 4 2012 Mr. Promit Biswas Senior Project Officer, Dept. of Gastro Intestinal Surgery, AIIMS 5 2012 Prof. Avinashi Kapoor Biomedical Instrumentation Indigenization and its Student Orientation Jt. Dean Student Welfare, Dept. of Electronic Science, Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 46 of 495 University of Delhi 6 2012 Dr. Saleem Javed Associate Professor, Jamia Hamdard University, New Delhi 7 2011 Mr. Sushil Chandra As part of Career Counselling Lecture Series Biomedical Instrumentation Scientist ‘F’ & Head, Biomedical Engineering Department, INMAS, DRDO, New Delhi 8 2010 Dr. K.N Chaturvedi Ex Secretary, Ministry of Law, Govt. of India 9 2010 Managing E-Waste in India: Options and Legal Strategy Policy Dr. Bibek Solar Energy-way Forward Bandyopadhyay Scientist, Advisor, Solar Energy Centre, Govt. of India Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 47 of 495 10 2010 Prof. Avinashi Kapoor Journey from Silicon to Black Silicon Head, Dept. Of Electronic Science, South Campus, University ofDelhi. 11 2010 Mr. Praveen Bhargava Director, R&D Attero Recycling Pvt. Ltd. International and Indian Scenario of EWaste Management 26. T e a 12 2010 c Associate Toxic Link h i 13 n 14 2010 Mr. Amit Jain E-waste Management, Emerging Drivers & Areas of Research/Technology Managing Director, Development (India Operations), IRG Systems South Asia Pvt. Ltd. 15 2010 Mr. Ravinder Gupta h o d s General Manager, CRIS, Indian Railways a d o 16 p t e Director, Dr. Ashish Informal Sector in E-Waste Management ChaturvediSenior Technical Advisor, Indo German Environment Partnership m t Rebooting the System 2010 g e Mr. Satish Sinha 2010 Mr. Pankaj Sahni Indian Railway Scenario E-waste Management E-Waste: The New Age Challenge Chief Technology Officer, India Today Group d Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 48 of 495 to improve student learning • • • • • • • Power Point Presentations, Lab Manuals prepared for various subjects. Getting students to work in groups. Individual attention to student while teaching. Presentations are taken from individual as well as groups of students for confidence boosting. Projects related with the subject are given to the students to enhance their learning capabilities. Use of visual aids such as pictures, diagrams, flowcharts and films to complement lectures. Simulations are carried out along with the experiment to understand the theoretical and practical aspect of the subject. 27. SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans Strengths: • • • • Well qualified and committed faculty actively involved in research activities along with regular teaching. Exposure of students and faculty of college to industry benchmark, cutting edge technology, latest trends and areas of interest in research, opportunities, challenges etc. through workshop, guest lecturer by stalwarts of the relevant fields. Laboratory equipped with DSO, Function Generators, multimeters, advanced microprocessor and microcontroller kits, electrical, industrial, biomedical and analytical machines available to the student. Dedicated and experienced supporting staff. Weakness: • Lack of Post Graduate degree in Instrumentation in University of Delhi. Opportunity: • In house research, exploration can be carried in the laboratories itself where simulation based experimentation and exploration can be performed before the actual experiments are carried out. Challenges: • Development of skills & knowledge desired by the industries to help students in achieving their professional goals by providing necessary resources. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 49 of 495 • • To help students in each step of the way by providing the resources to build a successful future in the field of research, industries etc. Designing and improvisation of the present curriculum such that it bridges the gap between academia and industry by incorporating inputs from the industry experts also. 28. List of Research Publications: Annexure-A List of Publications Dr. Geeta Bhatt 1. Awareness of Environmental Hazards among Mobile users in Delhi region and the potential heavy metal concentration in National Conference on E-WASTE SUSTAINABILITY: NEEDS AND SOLUTIONS FOR ITS MANAGEMENT, M a r c h 7 - 8 , 2 0 1 3, joint collaboration of Indo-German Environment Partnership (IGEP) and Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, University of Delhi. 2. ‘Mobile phones: An analysis of the potential e-waste’ in the National Conference on ‘Sustainable Management of E-Waste’ held on 14-15 December 2010 at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences. 2. “Indian women at the helm of changing world economy” at the International Conference on Knowledge Management for Sustainable Development jointly organized by Asian Institute of Technology Alumni Association Nepal (AITAAN) and Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok, Thailand; from 10-12 December 2009 in Kathmandu, Nepal. 4. ‘Electrical Conduction in thin insulating films synthesized by oxygen-nitrogen reactive ion-implantation in silicon’, 2nd National Conference Mathematical Techniques: Emerging Paradigms for Electronics and IT Industries (MATEIT), September 26-28, 2008 -321-324 -2008. 5. ‘Study of structure and electrical characteristics of silicon oxynitride layers synthesized by dual ion implantation in silicon and their annealing behaviour’; ECS Transactions, 8(1)117-123 (2007), The Electrochemical Society. Presented in International Conference on Semiconductor Technology for Ultra Large Integrated Circuits and Thin Film Transistors, July 29 - August 3, 2007, Italy. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 50 of 495 6. ‘Investigation of Defects in reactive ion-implanted silicon’; Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B(NIMB) 222(2004)75-80. 7. ’Synthesis of Silicon Oxynitride layers by dual ion-implantation and their annealing behaviour’; Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B(NIMB) 212 (2003) 451-457. Proceedings of International Conference on Atomic collisions in solids (ICACS 20), Puri, India. 8. FTIR studies on dual ion implantation synthesis of silicon oxynitride layers DAE SSP Symposium, Punjab University, Chandigarh, India, Dec 26-30,2002. Dr. Anil Kumar Publications in International Journals/Conferences 1. Integrated optic TE/TM pass polarizers using resonant coupling between ITO thin film lossy modes and dielectric waveguide modes Optics Communications, Elsevier, 291 (2013) 247-252 2. Analysis of surface and guided wave plasmon polariton modes in insulator–metal– insulator planar plasmonic waveguides Optics Communications, Elsevier, 285 (2012) 1123–1127 3. High extinction ratio metal–insulator–semiconductor waveguide surface Plasmon polariton polarizer Optics Communications, Elsevier, 284 (2011) 1815–1821 4. Enhancement in Optical Absorption of Plasmonic Solar Cells The Open Renewable Energy Journal, 2013, 6, 1-6 5. Planar Dielectric Waveguides with Dual Resonance Nature ITO Claddings and their Applications First Indo-Canadian Symposium on Nano-Science and Technology, Feb. 20-21, 2013, NIE Mysore-08. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 51 of 495 6. Preparation of Mg-doped ZnO nanoparticles by Sol-gel method and their Optical & structural properties Sanjeev Kumar, Anil Kumar, Fouran Singh and Avinashi Kapoor, ISDRS 2013, December 11-13. 2013 Ms. Gurkiran Kaur 1. Design of a Fuzzy Logic Controller for an Energy Efficient Small Integrated Solar Photo Voltaic – Solar Water Distillation System Journal of Multi Disciplinary Engine Annexure II Laboratories in Department of Instrumentation 1. Bio medical Instrumentation Lab. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Ultrasound trainer ECG Trainer Heart Rate Monitor Pacemaker Spirometer Blood Pressure Measurement Respiration Rate Monitor 2. Electronics & Instrumentation Lab. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. DC Regulated Power Suplly Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) Function Generator Analog Meters Digital Multimeters Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO) Transformers Different Values of Resistances/Capacitors/Inductors Stepper Motor DC Motor Speed Control of DC Motor AC Servo Motor Electrical i. j. k. l. 3. Industrial Instrumentation Lab. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges a. Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) b. Circular Chart Recorder c. Differential Pressure Measurement Trainer (DPT) d. Dead Weight Tester Page 52 of 495 e. f. g. h. 4. Microprocessor Laboratory a. b. c. d. e. 5. Analytical Instrumentation Lab. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Orifice trainer Ulatrasonic Flow Meter Electromagnetic Flow Meter Ratio Controller 8085 Microprocessor Kits 8086 Microprocessor Kits 8051 Microcontroller Kits Interfacing ICs 8255, 8253, 8251 Modules: Traffic light, Temperature Controller, Elevator Simulator, Stepper Motor, Matrix Keyboard f. A/D, D/A Converters Spectrophotometer Analytical Weighing Balance pH Meter Colorimeter Flame photometer Karl Fisher Titrator Magnetic Stirrer with Hot Plate Page 53 of 495 SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : DR. GEETA BHATT 2. Designation & Department : ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, INSTRUMENTATION 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution? Give details along with proof. 1. INVITED MEMBER, COMMITTEE OF COURSES, DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONIC SCIENCE, UNIVERSITY OF DELHI 2. Member of the Faculty of Inter Disciplinary and Applied Sciences, University of Delhi since April 2013. 3. Participated in the interaction with Peer Team from National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) for quality assurance from the Academic Staff College of University of Delhi May 2012. 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. 1. Member of the Academic Council of University of Delhi, 2015 onwards 2. Invited Member, Committee of Courses, Department of Electronic Science, University of Delhi 3. Member of the Faculty of Inter Disciplinary and Applied Sciences, University of Delhi since April 2013. b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body? If yes, submit proof. N.A 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. 1. UGC sponsored Orientation Course from 8Dec2005 - 4Jan 2006 organized by Centre for Professional Development in Higher Education ( CPDHE), University of Delhi 2. UGC sponsored Refresher Course in Physics and Electronics from 9 – 30 Jan2008 organized by CPDHE, University of Delhi 3. UGC sponsored Refresher Course in Computer Applications from 10 -30 Sept 2008 organized by CPDHE, University of Delhi 4. UGC sponsored Refresher Course in Environmental Studies from 23 Feb- 17 March 2009 organized by CPDHE, University of Delhi Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 54 of 495 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. Attended a five day Short term course on ‘Modelling and Simulation using MATLAB’ at National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, Chandigarh from 14-18 Jan2013. 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. Delivered an invited talk titled ‘Electronic waste: Price of wiring the world’ at National Conference on “Bioelectronics & Biomedical Technology” at Jamia Hamdard University Jan 29-30 2013, New Delhi. 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. 1. ”Awareness of Environmental Hazards among Mobile users in Delhi region and the potential heavy metal concentration in National Conference on E-WASTE SUSTAINABILITY: NEEDS AND SOLUTIONS FOR ITS MANAGEMENT, M a r c h 7 - 8 , 2 0 1 3, joint collaboration of Indo-German Environment Partnership (IGEP) and Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, University of Delhi. 2. ‘Mobile phones: An analysis of the potential e-waste’ in the National Conference on ‘Sustainable Management of E-Waste’ held on 14-15 December 2010 at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences 3. “Indian women at the helm of changing world economy” at the International Conference on Knowledge Management for Sustainable Development jointly organized by Asian Institute of Technology Alumni Association Nepal (AITAAN) and Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok, Thailand; from 10-12 December 2009 in Kathmandu, Nepal. 4. ‘Electrical Conduction in thin insulating films synthesized by oxygen-nitrogen reactive ion-implantation in silicon’,2nd National Conference Mathematical Techniques: Emerging Paradigms for Electronics and IT Industries (MATEIT),September 26-28, 2008 -321-324 -2008. 5. ‘Study of structure and electrical characteristics of silicon oxynitride layers synthesized by dual ion implantation in silicon and their annealing behaviour’; ECS Transactions, 8(1)117-123 (2007), The Electrochemical Society. Presented in International Conference on Semiconductor Technology for Ultra Large Integrated Circuits and Thin Film Transistors, July 29 - August 3 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 55 of 495 1. Attended a 12 Week Department of Science and Technology (DST) program called “ Foundation Program for Scientists and Technologists” between Nov2014- Feb2015. 2. Attended one day National Instruments Basic Workshop on LabVIEW on 13 April 2012. 3. Attended a Workshop on ExpEYES (Experiments for Young Engineers and Scientists) held at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences in collaboration with Inter University Accelerator Centre(IUAC), held on 28th January, 2012. 4. Participated in the International Conference on Knowledge Management for Sustainable Development jointly organized by Asian Institute of Technology Alumni Association Nepal (AITAAN) and Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok, Thailand; from 10-12 December 2009 in Kathmandu, Nepal and presented a paper titled “Indian women at the helm of changing world economy”. 5. Participated in the International Roundtable for Environmentally Sound Management of End-of Life Electronics held in New Delhi on the 15-16, December, 2009; organized by Advisory Services in Environmental Management (ASEM) and Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) 6. Attended a Seminar and Workshop on "Integrating Multiple Technologies to Support Teaching and Learning” organized by the Society of United Learning (SOUL), Department of Electronics, Maharaja Agrasen College in collaboration with Institute of Informatics and Communication, UDSC from 24-26 September 2009 at University of Delhi South Campus. 7. Participated in IInd National Conference Mathematical Techniques: Emerging Paradigms for Electronics and IT Industries (MATEIT), September 26-28, 2008, at Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College(University of Delhi) 8. Participated in National Seminar on ‘Globalisation & Women, its Impacts, Challenges, Opportunities’ on 26-27 July2008 at Osmania University, Hyderabad. 9. Workshop on ‘Ladies Excellence and Aptitude Program’ from 17-21 Jan 2011, organized by IMTR, Goa and sponsored by Department of Science and Technology (DST). Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 56 of 495 10. Participated inInternational Conference on Semiconductor Technology for Ultra Large Integrated Circuits and Thin Film Transistors held from July 29 - August 3,2007 at, Ciocco Hotel and Conference Center, Barga (Tuscany), Italy. 11. Participated in Inter-college Workshop on Embedded Systems Design; 14-15 Dec,2006, at Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College (University of Delhi). 12. Attended a short course on ‘Spice Models for Advanced VLSI Circuit Simulation; 11-12 Dec, 2005 at Department of Electronic Science, University of Delhi. 13. Participated in a workshop on Device-grade Material Development using Ion Beams; 3-4 Nov, 2003, organized by Nuclear Science Centre and Department of Physics, University of Mumbai. 14. Participated in 20th International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids; 19-24 Jan 2003, Puri, India. 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. Interdisciplinary and Students Research Project (Funded by Innovation Project for Colleges, University of Delhi) 1. Study of Rise in Consumption of the Mobile phones/Electronic Gadgets in Delhi region and Material Analysis projecting potential Electronic Waste and their impact on Environment, Code: BCAS 101 (Rs. 10.00 lakh) 2. Study of Rise in Consumption of the Mobile phones/Electronic Gadgets in Delhi region and Material Analysis projecting potential Electronic Waste and their impact on Environment, Code: BCAS 206 (Rs.5.50 lakh) 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) 1. ‘Electrical Conduction in thin insulating films synthesized by oxygennitrogen reactive ion-implantation in silicon’,2nd National Conference Mathematical Techniques: Emerging Paradigms for Electronics and IT Industries (MATEIT),September 26-28, 2008 -321-324 -2008. 2. ‘Study of structure and electrical characteristics of silicon oxynitride layers synthesized by dual ion implantation in silicon and their annealing behaviour’;ECS Transactions, 8(1)117-123 (2007), The Electrochemical Society. Presented inInternational Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Conference on Semiconductor Page 57 of 495 Technology for Ultra Large Integrated Circuits and Thin Film Transistors, July 29 - August 3, 2007, Italy. 3. ‘Investigation of Defects in reactive ion-implanted silicon’; Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B(NIMB) 222(2004)75-80. 4. ’Synthesis of Silicon Oxynitride layers by dual ion-implantation and their annealing behaviour’; Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B(NIMB) 212 (2003) 451-457. Proceedings of International Conference on Atomic collisions in solids (ICACS 20), Puri, India. b. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) c. Monographs written d. Chapter written in books e. Books edited f. Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) “Experiments based on Analog and Digital Electronics”; Published by I.K International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. ISBN : 978-93-81141-72-4 g. Index of your publications--- 11 h. Impact factor----1.266 i. h- index—1, 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. N.A 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. Teaching through ICT tools has been incorporated in teaching methods. Group discussions followed by presentation on each topic helps in overcoming the points missed out by the students. Projects are also made in groups by the students to give a hands on experience related to theoretical concepts. 14. 15. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. N.A Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 58 of 495 Best Teachers Award from Department of Higher Education, Delhi Government, 2014-15 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. N.A 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : a) For your own College 1. Organized a Two day workshop on Line Follower Robotics in joint collaboration with Electronics For You Group held on 11-12 March 2014 in the capacity of Convenor. 2. Organized a Two day National workshop onVLSI Designing using VERILOG codingin collaboration with JBTechIndia held on July16-18, 2013 in the capacity of member of organizing committee. 3. Organized National Conference on E-Waste Sustainability: Needs and Solutions for its Management, M a r c h 7 - 8, 2 0 1 3 in joint collaboration with IndoGerman Environment Partnership (IGEP) at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, in the capacity of Convenor. 4. Organized a Workshop titled “Experiments & Research Applications with National Instruments Labveiw” held at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences between 2-3 February 2012; in collaboration with Trident Tec Labs, in the capacity of Coordinator of the workshop. 5. Organized a Short-Term Course for the students titled “Embedded Systems” in the college between Sept to Dec 2011 as course coordinator. 6. Participated as a Resource person, Co-coordinator and member of the organizing committee to hold DST sponsored workshop ‘INSPIRE’, for promotion of science among school students, held at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences in 2010 and 2011. 7. Organized National Conference on ‘Sustainable Management of E- Waste’ held on 14-15 December 2010atBhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, in the capacity of Coordinator. 8. Organized National Seminar on ‘Management of Waste from Electronics and Renewable Energies’ held on 29th to 30th January, 2010atBhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, in the capacity of Coordinator. 9. Organized National Seminar on Recent Trends in Polymers on 29October 2009 as a member, organizing Committee. b) For any other organization? N.A Give details with proofs. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 59 of 495 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. N.A 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. NO 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? Dr. Geeata Bhatt Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 60 of 495 SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : GURKIRAN KAUR 2. Designation & Department : ASSISTANT PROFESSOR 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution? Give details along with proof. N/A 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. N/A b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body?If yes, submit proof. Life Member ISTE (Indian Society for Technical Education), Membership No. LM 76882 5. 6. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organized by you along with details. • Completed short term course on “Applications of Solar Energy and Photovoltaics” from Centre of Energy Studies IIT Delhi under the sponsorship of Quality Improvement Programme AICTE Govt. of India • Completed Faculty Development Programme on “Image Processing, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition” from NIT Delhi. • Completed Faculty Development Programmeon “Advanced Communication Techniques” from NIT Delhi. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. • Completed Certificate Course in Technical Consulting from Consultancy Development Centre (Autonomous Institution of DSIR), Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt of India • Completed six weeks Foundation Program under Infosys Campus Connect Program from 01 January 2008 to 17 February 2008. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 61 of 495 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. N/A 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. N/A 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. i) Workshop on Training on ExpEYES Design Kit at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences during January 2012 ii) Joint Academies Lecture Workshop on History, Aspects and Prospects of Electronics in India held during October 12-13, 2012 at University of Delhi South Campus 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. Student Research Projects i) Research Project on “Upgradation of Design for Testability (DFT) Analysis Flow” in System on Chips (SOCs) at ST Microelectronics Pvt Ltd. carried out as requirement for the award of degree of M.E Electronic Instrumentation & Control ii) Project on Development of Semi Auto Analyser using Microcontroller PIC 16F877Afor biochemical investigations at Logotech India Pvt Ltd carried out as requirement for the award of degree of M.Sc Instrumentation. 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) K.K Sharma, Gurkiran Kaur and Ruchi Sharma, “Design of a Fuzzy Logic Controller for an Energy Efficient Small Integrated Solar Photo Voltaic – Solar Water Distillation System”, Journal of Multi Disciplinary Engineering Technologies Vol.4 No.1 July-December, 2009 ISSN -09741771 Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 62 of 495 b. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) c. Monographs written d. Chapter written in books e. Books edited f. Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) g. Index of your publications h. Impact factor i. h- index 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. N/A 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. 20. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. 21. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. 22. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. 23. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : a) for your own College i) Member for Workshop on “Line Follower Robotics” 11-12 March 2014 at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, Delhi University ii) Member for National Conference on “E-Waste Sustainability: Needs And Solutions for its Management”, March 7-8 2013 at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, Delhi University iii) Co-Convenor for Technical festival “AAGAAZ 2013” organised by Department of Instrumentation, Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, Delhi University. iv) Member for workshop on “Experiments & Research Applications with National Instruments LabView”, 2-3 February 2012 at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, Delhi University Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 63 of 495 v) b) Member for “Inspire Science Camp” at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, Delhi University for any other organization ? Give details with proofs. Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, GGSIPU, New Delhi i) Convenor for Technical Festival “GENESIS” at Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering during 1-2 February 2010 ii) Core Member ISO Committee of college, conducted internal audits for Electrical, Computer Science and Horticulture maintainence Departments iii) Editor of Souvenir for Genesis 2010 24. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. N/A 25. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. N/A 26. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? Ms. Gurkiran Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 64 of 495 SELF STUDY REPORT (SSR) 1. Name of the Teacher : Ms. Shweta Dua 2. Designation & Department : Assistant Professor, Dept. of Instrumentation 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University /Institution ? Give details along with proof. No 4. a) Have you been a member of the academic Council/Faculty/Committee of courses/ Department research council /Board of Research studies of the University of Delhi or any other Organization? If yes, submit proof. No b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body? if yes, submit proof. No 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organized by you along with details. Nil 6. Have you participated in training programs organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. No 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. No 9. Have you participated /attended the Workshops/Seminars/ Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. Yes • Attended the workshop on 'Fundamentals of GC with GC Solution Workstation' heldat Schimadzu Analytical (India)Pvt. Ltd. • Participated the National Workshop on ‘VLSI Designing using VERILOG coding’ held at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences • Participated the workshop on ‘Uncertainty in Measurements, Optical Profiler and Low level DC Resistance & Current Measurements for Nanometrology’ held at CSIR-NPL,New Delhi 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. No Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 65 of 495 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution : a) List of Publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) Nil b) List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) Nil c) Monographs written - Nil d) Chapter written in books – Written 9 chapters on ‘Engineering Mathematics’ which is a DC-I subject offered by B.Tech Instrumentation for Institute of Life Long Learning (ILLL), South Campus which provides e-learning material for the students e) Books edited- Nil f) Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher)- Nil g) Index of your publications- Nil h) Impact factor- Nil i) h-index - Nil 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. No 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. No 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/National/International level? Give details with proof. No 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. No 17. Have you organized conferences/Seminars/Workshops? : a) for your own college - Yes • Organized a two day National Conference on ‘E-waste Sustainability: Needs and Solutions for is management’ in joint collaboration with GIZ-IGEP • Organized a two day workshop on ‘Line Follower Robotics’ in joint collaboration with EFY (Publishers of Electronics for You Magazine) b) For any other organization ? No Give details with proofs. 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/Ph.D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. No Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 66 of 495 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. No 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify. Worked as Project Assistant in the project entitled ‘Development of Nanometrology for Nanotechnology Ms. Shweta Date: Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Signature & Name Page 67 of 495 SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : Dr.Anil Kumar 2. Designation & Department : Assistant Professor, Instrumentation. 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution? Give details along with proof. No 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. No b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body?If yes, submit proof. No 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. No 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. No 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. No 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. Yes 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. Yes Participated in the VHDL workshop organized by JB Tech India. 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. No Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 68 of 495 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a. 1. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) Integrated optic TE/TM pass polarizers using resonant coupling between ITO thin film lossy modes and dielectric waveguide modes Optics Communications, Elsevier, 291 (2013) 247-252 2. Analysis of surface and guided wave plasmon polariton modes in insulator– metal–insulator planar plasmonic waveguides Optics Communications, Elsevier, 285 (2012) 1123–1127 3. High extinction ratio metal–insulator–semiconductor waveguide surface Plasmon polariton polarizer Optics Communications, Elsevier, 284 (2011) 1815–1821 4. Enhancement in Optical Absorption of Plasmonic Solar Cells The Open Renewable Energy Journal, 2013, 6, 1-6 5. Planar Dielectric Waveguides with Dual Resonance Nature ITO Claddings and their Applications First Indo-Canadian Symposium on Nano-Science and Technology, Feb. 20-21, 2013, NIE Mysore-08. 6. Preparation of Mg-doped ZnO nanoparticles by Sol-gel method and their Optical & structural properties Sanjeev Kumar, Anil Kumar, Fouran Singh and Avinashi Kapoor, ISDRS 2013, December 11-13. 2013 b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) …..NA Monographs written …..NA Chapter written in books …..NA Books edited…..NA Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher)…..NA Index of your publications---- 14 Impact factor---- 1.438 h- index---- 1 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. No 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 69 of 495 • • • Topics that I teach in the class room, I always used to make them more clear to the students by performing the related practicals in the laboratory. I used to judge every student by taking tests frequently, so that I can help them by other means. I also incorporate learning methods like group discussions and projects. 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. No 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. No 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : p) for your own College • “National Conference on E-Waste Sustainability Needs and Solutions for ItsManagement” contributed as member in organizing committee during March 2013. • Two day workshop on “Line Follower Robotics”in collaboration with EFY Group (publishers of Electronics for You magazine) , contributed as Co-Convener of the workshop. • Two day workshop on “Wireless Robotics”in collaboration with Techienest , contributed as Co-Convener of the workshop. • • q) for any other organization ? Give details with proofs. 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. No 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. No Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 70 of 495 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? Dr. Anil Kumar Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 71 of 495 INFORMATION FOR PREPARING THE SELF STUDY REPORT (SSR) 1. Name of the Teacher : MR. PAWAN KUMAR 2. Designation & Department : ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, INSTRUMENTATION 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution? Give details along with proof. N/A 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. N.A b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body? If yes, submit proof. N.A 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. N.A 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. Two months Summer Training at “Solid State Physics Laboratory” (SSPL), DRDO on “STUDY OF MEMS TECHNOLOGY AND FABRICATION OF MICROCHANNEL” in year 2011. 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. N.A Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 72 of 495 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. N.A 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. Participated in VHDL workshop organized by JB Tech India, in year 2013. 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. (i) Post-Graduation Project : “Dispersion of CNT using various surfactants and their Optical Characterization” at Deptt. of Electronic Sciences, South Campus in year 2012. 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) b. Monographs written c. Chapter written in books d. Books edited e. Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) f. Index of your publications g. Impact factor h. h- index 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. N.A 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. (i) Group Discussion is being carried out on regular basis to overcome the doubts/confusions that students have and also the topics that were not attended by student(s). Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 73 of 495 (ii) Surprise Black-Board Presentation on the known topics of concern subject matter on the regular basis is done to overcome the hazitation and developing the communication skills of students. 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. N.A 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. N.A 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. N.A 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : a) for your own College Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, Delhi University vi) Member for Workshop on “ Line Follower Robotics”11-12 March 2014 at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, Delhi University vii) Member for National Conference on“ E-Waste Sustainability: Needs And Solutions for its Management”, 7-8 March 2013 at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, Delhi University for any other organization ? N.A b) Give details with proofs. 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. N.A 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. N.A Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 74 of 495 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? N.A PAWAN KUMAR Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 75 of 495 SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : MANOJ KUMAR 2. Designation & Department : ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, INSTRUMENTATION 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution? Give details along with proof. N.A. 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. N.A. b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body? If yes, submit proof. N.A 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. N.A. 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. N.A. 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. N.A. 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. N.A. 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. N.A 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. N.A. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 76 of 495 11. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: N.A. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) Monographs written Chapter written in books Books edited Books written Index of your publications Impact factor h- index 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. N.A 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. N.A 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. N.A 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. N.A 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. N.A 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : c) for your own College • Organized a Two day workshop on Line Follower Robotics in joint collaboration with Electronics For You Group held on 11-12 March 2014 in the capacity of member. d) for any other organization ? Give details with proofs. N.A. 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. N.A Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 77 of 495 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. N.A 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? N.A Mr. Manoj Kumar Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 78 of 495 SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : RAKESH 2. Designation & Department : ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, INSTRUMENTATION 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution? Give details along with proof. N.A. 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. N.A. b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body? If yes, submit proof. N.A 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. N.A. 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. N.A. 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. N.A. 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. N.A. 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 79 of 495 • Attended a “Mini-Colloquia on Compact Modelling Techniques For Nanoscale Devices And Circuit Analysis”organized by IEEE EDS Delhi Chapter, New Delhi held on March 14-15 2012. 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. N.A. 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: N.A. i. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) j. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) k. Monographs written l. Chapter written in books m. Books edited n. Books written o. Index of your publications p. Impact factor q. h- index 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. N.A 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. N.A. 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. N.A 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. N.A 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. N.A 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : e) for your own College Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 80 of 495 Organized a Two day workshop on “Line Follower Robotics” in joint collaboration with Electronics For You Group held on 11-12 March 2014 as a member of organizing committee. f) for any other organization ? Give details with proofs. N.A. 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. N.A 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. NO Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? N.A. 20. Mr. Rakesh Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 81 of 495 SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : SHAKTI SHARMA 2. Designation & Department : ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, INSTRUMENTATION 21. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution? Give details along with proof. N.A. 22. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. N.A. b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body? If yes, submit proof. Yes, Member of IETE, Mem No: M-223499 3. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. N.A. 4. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. N.A. 5. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. N.A. 6. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. YES • Paper presented in 5th International Conference on “Innovative Trends in Mechanical, Material, Manufacturing, Automobile, Aeronautical Engineering and Applied Physics” (ITMAEAP-2014) organized by “ Krishi Sanskriti” in JNU. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 82 of 495 7. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. NA 8. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. N.A. 9. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: N.A. r. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) s. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) t. Monographs written u. Chapter written in books v. Books edited w. Books written x. Index of your publications y. Impact factor z. h- index 10. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. N.A 11. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. Along with black board teaching, Audio Video aids, presentations, students participation and group discussion approach has been adopted. 12. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. N.A 13. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. N.A 14. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. N.A 15. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 83 of 495 g) for your own College Organized a Two day workshop on “Line Follower Robotics” in joint collaboration with Electronics For You Group held on 11-12 March 2014 as a member of organizing committee. h) for any other organization ? Give details with proofs. N.A. 16. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. N.A 17. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. NO Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? N.A. 18. Ms. Shakti Sharma Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 84 of 495 SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher 2. Designation & Department : Anil Dutt : Assistant Professor, Instrumentation. 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution? Give details along with proof. No 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. No b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body?If yes, submit proof. No 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. No 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. No 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. No 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. No 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. No 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. No 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 85 of 495 a. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. NA b. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) …..NA Monographs written …..NA Chapter written in books …..NA Books edited…..NA Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher)…..NA Index of your publications---- NA Impact factor---- NA h- index---- NA c. d. e. f. g. h. i. 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. No 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. • Using modern teaching aids . • Topics that I teach in the class room, I always used to make them more clear to the students by performing the related practicals in the laboratory. • I used to judge every student by taking tests frequently, so that I can help them by other means. • I also incorporate learning methods like group discussions and projects. 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. No 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. No 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. No 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? :No i) for your own College j) for any other organization ? Give details with proofs. 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. No Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 86 of 495 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. No 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? Mr. Anil Dutt Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 87 of 495 DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS 1. Name of the department :MATHEMATICS 2. Year of Establishment 3. Names of Programmes / Courses offered :1995 : Not Applicable as the Department of Mathematics is an AlliedDepartment. 4. Names of Interdisciplinary courses and the departments involved: The Department took FoundationCourse – ‘Building Mathematical Ability’ of all the eight B.Tech. and B.Sc.(H) courses which were being offered by the college under FYUP. The department now offers various papers to the courses being run in the college. 5. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system (programme wise): Annual system: 1995-2010 Semester system: 2010 onwards 6. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments The Department took Foundation Course – ‘Building Mathematical Ability’ of all the eight B.Tech. and B.Sc.(H) courses which were being offered by the college under FYUP. The department now takes mathematics papers of the various courses being offered by the college. 7. Any other Courses offered by the Department(Short term, Diploma etc.) Nil 8. Details of courses/programs discontinued (if any) with reasons Not Applicable FYUP started from 2013-14 and has been discontinued in academic session 2014-15 as per University of Delhi directives. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 88 of 495 9. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation and specialization. Name Qualification Designation (Nature Specializati No. of years No. of Ph.D. of on of Experience Position) students guided for last 4 years 15 years Dr. Ragini Jindal Dr. Neeru Sharm a Associate Professor M.Sc.(D.U.) Ph.D. (C.C.S.U.) (Permanent) Associate Professor (Permanent) M.Phil.(D.U.), Ph.D. (D.U.) Applied Mechanics Functional Analysis (excluding nil around 2 years 10 months of EOL) 14 years nil 10. Student -Teacher Ratio(program wise): 12:1 11. Details of laboratory staff (technical) Nil 12. Faculty with successfully completed / ongoing projects from a) University b) National c) International funding agencies and grants received: S. No Name of the Number Faculty of Funding Agency University Amount Sanctioned Projects 1 Dr. Ragini Jindal 1 University of Delhi 3.5 lakhs 13. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc. and total grants received: Nil Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 89 of 495 14. (a) Publications: Name of the Publications Books Books Chapters Publication faculty authored edited in books Conference in journal in Proceeding Dr.Ragini 03 Nil Nil Nil 01 Neeru 07 Nil Nil Nil 00 Jindal Dr. Sharma (b) Papers Presented /accepted in Conference: Name of the faculty Paper accepted/ presented in Conference Dr.Ragini Jindal 01 Dr. Neeru Sharma 01 15. Faculty as members in k) National committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Boards d) University Committees : Nil 16. Details of Students projects : a) Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental/programme Students of all courses of the collegehave undertaken projects as part of their paper ‘Building Mathematical Ability’ under FYUP. 17. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty and students Student data available with the main departments of the college. 18. List of eminent academicians and scientists/ visitors to the department As per protocol, invitations are sent out by the main departments. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 90 of 495 19. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding f) National g) International Being an allied Department, it has a supporting role in the college for the same purpose. 20. Details of Infrastructural facilities e) Department: The Department of Mathematics is well equipped with computers, printer and scanner. f) Library: The Department has a good stock of subject related books for students for reference. g) ICT facility: All lecture rooms have lectures-via-projection facility and students have internet access. h) Laboratories: The Department of Mathematics conducts it’s practicals in Department of Computer Science laboratories. These are well equipped laboratories with LCD projectors and mathematical softwares to deliver practical classes. 21. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning Various teaching methodologies apart from lecture are used to improve student learning. These include power point presentations, discussions, projects etc. 22. SWOC analysis of the Department and Future plans Strengths: Dedicated and Committed Faculty Well - equipped laboratory (computer science) Well-equipped Department Excellent Library facilities with latest text books and Reference books Weaknesses: Not being a main department Opportunity: The college is committed to having Mathematics Honours course in the college which will further benefit more students. Challenges: Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 91 of 495 • To impart mathematics education and inculcate interest in students not having mathematics in class XI and XII 23. List of Research Publications: Dr. Ragini Jindal: • • • • Chakraverty,S., Jindal,Ragini and Agarwal,V.K., “Vibration of Non-Homogeneous, Orthotropic Elliptic and Circular Plates With Variable Thickness”, ASME Journal Of Vibration and Acoustics, 129 (2), 2007. Chakraverty,S., Jindal,Ragini and Agarwal,V.K., “Effect of nonhomogeneity on natural frequencies of vibration of plates”, Meccanica,42, 2007. Agarwal, V.K., Chakraverty,S. and Jindal,Ragini, “Axisymmetric Vibrations of Transversely Isotropic annular plates”, The Eighth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 12-15 September 2006. Chakraverty,S. Jindal,Ragini and Agarwal,V.K., “Flexural vibrations of non homogeneous elliptic plates”, Indian Journal of Engineering and Material Sciences”, 12, 2005. Dr. Neeru Sharma: • • • • • • • • A.Gupta, N.Kashayp,”Variations onWeyl type theorems”,International Journal of Contempory Mathematical Sciences, 8(4)(2013) 189-198 S.C.Arora, A.Gupta, N.Kashyap,”On weighted B-Weyl spectrum”, JMI international Journal Math Sci., 1(2)(2012) 8-13 A.Gupta, N.Kashyap,”On the property (Baw)”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,76(5)(2012),625-632. A.Gupta, N.Kashyap,”Weyl type theorems for class A(k) operators”, International Journal of Mathematical Archive 2(7)(2011), 1099-1104. A.Gupta, N.Kashyap, Proeprty (Bw) and Weyl type theorems”, Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications31(2011),1-7 A.Gupta, N.Kashyap, “Generalized a-Weyl’s theorem for direct sums”, MatematickiVesnik 62(4)(2010),265-270. “Generalized Weyl’s theorem for algebraically M-hyponormal operators” in International Conference on “Operator theory and related areas” University of Delhi, Delhi, January 9-12,2008. J.Kaushik, N.Kashyap, “Weighted Weyl’s spectrum”, The Mathematics Student 75 , (2006),225-230. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 92 of 495 SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : Dr. Neeru Sharma 2. Designation & Department : Associate Professor 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution? Give details along with proof….. No 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof…… No b) 5. Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body ? If yes, submit proof…… No List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organized by you along with details. Details of R.C./O.C Organized by From To Refresher Course in CPDHE, ILLL, University of 5-10-2009 Mathematical Sciences Delhi, Delhi 26-10-2009 Refresher Course in CPDHE, University of Delhi, 27-09-2006 Mathematical Sciences Delhi 18-10-2006 Refresher Course Mathematics in CPDHE, University of Delhi, 15-12-2003 Delhi 6-01-2004 Orientation Course CPDHE, University of Delhi, 15-04-2005 Delhi Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges 13-05-2005 Page 93 of 495 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof……. No 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof……. No 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. Paper Presentation: Presented a paper titled “Generalized Weyl’s theorem for algebraically M-hyponormal operators” in International Conference on Operator theory and related areas organized by University of Delhi, Delhi, January 9-12,2008. 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. • Attended a workshop on “Foundation Course” in Mathematics organized by University of Delhi, June12-14,2013. • Attended International Conference ”The Legacy of Srinivasa Ramanujan” organized by University of Delhi, Dec17-22,2012. • Attended international conference on “Recent trends in Mathematics and its applications” organized by Jamia Milia Islamia University , March 30-31,2009. • Attended national workshop on “Analysis” organized by University of Delhi, September 27-28,2007. • Attended international conference on the use of Technology in teaching and learning of Mathematics and Biomathematics organized by University of Delhi, Dec 15-19, 2001. • Attended annual conferenceof The Jammu Mathematical Society organized by University of Jammu, February 25-27,2000. 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence……. No 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 94 of 495 Name Papers in Journals Neeru Sharma 07 International/ National a. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) b. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) c. Monographs written………. Nil d. Chapter written in books…. Nil e. Books edited ………….. Nil f. Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher)..Nil g. Index of your publications h. Impact factor i. h- index………2 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof…… No 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof……No 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof…..No 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details….. No 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? …. No k) for your own College l) for any other organization ? Give details with proofs Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 95 of 495 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof….. No 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? List of publications: 1. J.Kaushik,N,Kashyap, “Weighted Weyl’s spectrum”. The Mathematics Students 75(2006) 225-230. 2. A.Gupta, N.Kashyap, “ Generalized a-Weyl’s theorem for direct sums”, Matematicki Vesnik 62(4)(2010),265-270. 3. A.Gupta, N.Kashyap, “Proeprty (Bw) and Weyl type theorems”, Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 3(1)(2011),1-7(IF-1.0434) 4. A.Gupta, N.Kashyap, “Weyl type theorems for class A(k) operators”, International Journal of Mathematical Archive 2(7)(2011), 1099-1104.(SJIF-4.091) 5. A.Gupta, N.Kashyap, “On the property (Baw)”,International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,76(5)(2012),625-632.(IF-2.68) 6. S.C.Arora, A.Gupta, N.Kashyap,”On weighted B-Weyl spectrum”, JMI international Journal Math Sci., 1(2)(2012),1-6 7. A.Gupta, N.Kashayp,”Variations onWeyl type theorems”,International Journal of Contempory Mathematical Sciences, 8(4)(2013) 189-198.(IF-0.165) Dr. Neeru Sharma Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 96 of 495 SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : Dr. Ragini Jindal 2. Designation & Department : Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution? Give details along with proof. No 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. No b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body? If yes, submit proof. No 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organized by you along with details. • • • • 6. Refresher Course: Attended the three weeks refresher course in Mathematics from 27th December, 2004 to 15th January 2005 conducted by CPDHE, Univ. of Delhi. Refresher Course: Attended the three weeks refresher course in Computer Applications from 20th September 2007 to 11th October 2007 conducted by CPDHE, Univ. of Delhi Refresher Course: Attended the three weeks refresher course in Mathematics from 16th February 2001 to 8th March 2001 conducted by CPDHE, Univ. of Delhi Orientation Course: Attended the four week Orientation course from 4th June,2002 to 1st July 2002 conducted by Academic Staff College, JamiaMiliaIslamia. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. • • Attended Workshop ‘Shaping, Teaching and Learning with VLE’ held at South Campus, University of Delhi on 6th September, 2014. Attended Faculty Development Program “Research Methods, SPSS and Thesis Writing” conducted by Global Development Foundation, Delhi on 22nd April 2012. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 97 of 495 • Attended Training Course on Windows 95, Word and PPT organized by Delhi University Computer Centre from 24th April 2000 to 5th May 2000. 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. • 9. 10. Agarwal, V.K., Chakraverty,S. and Jindal,Ragini, “Axisymmetric Vibrations of transversely Isotropic annular plates”, The Eighth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 1215 September 2006. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. • Attended Workshop on Foundation Course organized by CPDHE, University of Delhi, 12th-14th June, 2013. • Attended International Conference ‘The Legacy of SrinivasaRamanujan’ organized by University of Delhi from17-22 December 2012. • Attended International Congress of Mathematicians held at Hyderabad, India from 19th-27th August 2010. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. • Interdisciplinary Project: Principal Investigator for Delhi University funded Innovation project 2014-15 titled “Lifestyle Interventions in Stress Management: a study among Delhi youth”. (Total cost 3. 5 lakhs). Project is being undertaken along with two other faculty members from Department of Human Communication and Department of Food Technology, Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, University of Delhi. 10 students are involved in the project from Department of Computer Science, Electronics, Food Technology and Polymer Science and are gaining research expertise and hands-on training through this Interdisciplinary project. 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 98 of 495 • • Chakraverty,S., Jindal,Ragini and Agarwal,V.K., “Vibration of NonHomogeneous, Orthotropic Elliptic and Circular Plates With Variable Thickness”, ASME Journal Of Vibration and Acoustics, 129 (2), 2007.(IF:1.27) Chakraverty,S., Jindal,Ragini and Agarwal,V.K., “Effect of nonhomogeneity on natural frequencies of vibration of plates”, Meccanica,42, 2007( IF:1.75) b. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) • Chakraverty,S. Jindal,Ragini and Agarwal,V.K., “Flexural vibrations of non homogeneous elliptic plates”, Indian Journal of Engineering and Material Sciences”, 12, 2005.(IF: 0.641) a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Monographs written : No Chapter written in books: No Books edited: No Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher): No Index of your publications Impact factor h- index 2 2. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. 3. No Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. Powerpoint presentations, videos and real life examples from daily newspapers, magazines etc. were used to help students understand the mathematical concepts better. 4. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. No 5. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. No 6. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. No 7. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : a) for your own College: b) for any other organization ? Give details with proofs. No Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 99 of 495 8. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. No 9. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. No 10. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? Dr. Ragini Jindal Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 100 of 495 DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY 1. Name of the department 2. Year of Establishment 3. : Microbiology : 2007 Names of Programmes / Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.) : UG, B.Sc. (H) Microbiology (2007 onwards) FYUP (One batch only) 4. Names of Interdisciplinary courses and the departments/units involved: Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, English,Maths, Computers. All the students study various Interdisciplinary courses. Students who had taken admission under FYUP program studied various Interdisciplinary courses as Foundation courses and IMBH as per DU guidelines 5. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system (programme wise) : Annual system: 2007-2010 Semester system: 2010 continued FYUP: One batch only (2013) 6. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments Nil 7. Any other Courses offered by the Department. Nil 8. Details of courses/programs discontinued (if any) with reasons NIL. FYUP started from year 2013-14 and discontinued in 2014-15 as per University directions. 9. Name Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation and specialization. Qualificatio Designatio n n Nature of Post No. of No. (Permanent/ Years of Ph.D. / M. Adhoc) Experienc Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Specialization e of Phil / M. Tech / M. (Upto Sc. Septembe Students r 2014) supervised Page 101 of 495 Dr. Vijaya Kumar Nalla M.Sc, Assistant M.Phil, Ph.D Professor (J.N.U) Dr. Purnima Anand Permanent Molecular Microbiology M.Sc, Ph.D Assistant (D.U.) Professor Permanent 10 years Environmental & Nil Microbiology 5 months Dr. Ruchi Gulati Marwah M.Sc, Ph.D Assistant (D.U.) Professor Permanent Industrial Microbiology 6 years & 10 months Nil Dr. Pawas Goswami M.Sc, Ph.D Assistant (NDRI, Professor Karnal) Permanent Dairy Microbiology 9 years Dr Tejpal M.Sc, Ph.D Assistant Industrial 5 Years & Dhewa (B.U.) Professor Microbiology 10 months Adhoc 7 years & Nil 1 month Nil 2(M.Sc) 10. Student -Teacher Ratio: 12:1 11. Details of Laboratory staff: S. No Name Permanent/Adhoc Designation 1 Mr. Shankar Bhatt Permanent Lab Assistant 2 Mr. Gagan Anand Permanent Lab Assistant 3 Mr Pratap Singh Permanent Lab Assistant 4 Mr Dev Singh Adhoc Lab Attendant 12. Faculty with successfully completed / ongoing projects from a) University b) National c) International funding agencies and grants received: S. No 1 Name of the Faculty Dr Purnima Anand Number of Funding Agency Amount Projects Sanctioned 2 University of Delhi 10 Lacs 7.5 Lacs Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 102 of 495 2 Dr Ruchi Gulati 2 DST 18.3 Lacs University of Delhi 5.5 Lacs 3 Dr N Vijay Kumar 1 University of Delhi 5.0 Lacs 4 Dr Pawas Goswami 2 ICMR 43.012 Lacs University of Delhi 5.5 Lacs University of Delhi 5.0 Lacs 5 Dr Tejpal Dhewa 1 13. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc. and total grants received: Star College Grant funded from DBT (from December 2010) Total Grant received from DBT = 5 lakhs non-recurring grant and 6.5 lakhs recurring grant till date 14. Publications: a) Publications Name of the Publications Books Books Chapters in Publication* in faculty in journal authored edited books Conference Proceeding/ Presented/ Accepted Dr Purnima Anand 1 Nil Nil 1 10 23 Nil Nil 1 nil 1 Nil 1 1 2 6 2 Nil 6 3 14 Nil Nil 2 2 + 10* Dr Ruchi Gulati Marwah Dr N Vijay Kumar Dr Pawas Goswami Dr Tejpal Dhewa • Including abstracts Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 103 of 495 b) Papers presented/accepted in conference: Name of the faculty Paper presented/ accepted in Conference Dr Purnima Anand 1 Dr Ruchi Gulati Marwah 5 Dr N Vijay Kumar 2 Dr Pawas Goswami 3 Dr Tejpal Dhewa 1 15. Faculty as members in a)National committees b) International Committees c) University Committees d) Editorial Boards Name of Committee Number of Faculty National Nil International Nil University 3 Editorial Board 1 16. Students projects a) Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental/programme Although B.Sc (Hons) Microbiology do not have project work as part of the curriculum, many students undertake projects as per their interest. b) Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside theinstitution i.e.in Research laboratories/Industry/other agencies Approx. 17% students did projects at Delhi University, Mother diary, Bureau of Indian Standards etc in the year 2012 17. Awards/ Recognitions received by the Department • Nil Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 104 of 495 18. List of eminent academicians and scientists/ visitors to the department Some of the important academicians/scientists/visitors to the department are: • • • • • • • • • Dr Giuesppe Torzillo, CNR Institute for Ecosystem studies Professor Kunt Heller of Max Rubner Institute, Kiet, Germany Professor J.S. Virdi, Head, Department of Microbiology, D.U Dr. A.K. Puniya, Principal Scientist, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal Prof. R. K. Saxena, Department of Microbiology, Univ. of Delhi, South Campus Dr Neerja, Yakult Pvt Ltd. Prof. Deepak Pental, former Vice-Chancellor, University of Delhi Prof. A.K.Prasad, Former Head, Deptt of Virology, V.P.Chest Institute Prof. Madhu Khanna, Deptt of Virology, V.P.Chest Institute 19. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding Department of Microbiology organized various Seminars/Conferences/Workshops from various funding agencies as mentioned here under: 1. Organized a one day symposium on “Bioinformatics: an in silico approach to biology” at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences in December, 2008. 2. Organized a one day symposium on “Infectious Diseases: Basic and Applied Research” at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences in February, 2010. (Funded by DBT, UGC and CSIR) 3. Organized a two day symposium on “Infectious Diseases: Advancements in Diagnostics, Therapeutics and Vaccines” at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences on 20th and 21st March, 2014.(Funded by DST). 4. Organized a one day workshop on “Mushroom Cultivation” on 12th August, 2014 under the Star College Scheme, Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. 5. Organized 6 INSPIRE CAMPS (under the DST initiative) for the school students. The faculty members were resource persons and /or part of organizing team. (Funded by DST). 6 Organized a workshop on Viral Cultivation Strategies on 8th September’2014 under the Star College Scheme, Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. 7. Organized one day workshop on “Shaping, teaching and learning with VLE” at University of Delhi, on 6-9-2014, under the Star College Scheme, Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 105 of 495 20. Student profile programme/course wise: (from office) (only last 5 years) Name of Course/programme (refer question no. 4) the Year wise enrolment Total Number of Enrolled students *M * Enrolled Enrolled *F B.Sc (Hons) Microbiology 2010-11 34 14 20 B.Sc (Hons) Microbiology 2011-12 34 9 25 B.Sc (Hons) Microbiology 2012-13 36 12 24 B.Sc (Hons) Microbiology 2013-14 35 19 16 B.Sc (Hons) Microbiology 2014-15 40 18 22 21. Diversity of Students (from office) Name of the Course Year wise enrolment Reserved candidates OBC SC ST PwD B.Sc (Hons) Microbiology 2009-10 2 4 1 0 B.Sc (Hons) Microbiology 2010-11 4 6 2 0 B.Sc (Hons) Microbiology 2011-12 8 3 1 0 B.Sc (Hons) Microbiology 2012-13 7 7 2 0 B.Sc (Hons) Microbiology 2013-14 11 5 1 1 B.Sc (Hons) Microbiology 2014-15 8 5 2 0 No. of students from Abroad: Nil 22. Student progression (PASS OUT STUDENTS have been requested to send their whereabouts) See Annexure –I for the ones that have been received so far: Student progression UG to PG PG to M.Phil. PG to Ph.D. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Against % enrolled Complete data of last five years along with authentic proof is not available (100% students of 2007 batch progressed to PG) Nil Complete data of last five years Page 106 of 495 Against % enrolled along with authentic proof is not available Nil (The first batch has passed out in 2010 and some of them are still performing Ph.D ) Student progression Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral Employed • Campus selection • Other than recruitment Nil campus Nil Entrepreneurship/Selfemployment data is not available Note: Complete data of all the years is not available as of now and the process of getting the e-mail response of pass out students is under progress. Most of our students have progressed to higher studies and are doing their P.G/Ph.D studies at reputed institutions such as University of Delhi, Jamia Millia Islamia, Indian Institute of Science, IIT Mumbai/Rurkee, Banaras Hindu University, TERI University, Kurukshetra University, Kumaon University, Jaipur National University, Sardar Bhagwan Singh PGI of Biomedical Sciences & Research , Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University Jaipur , LNJN National Institute of Criminology & Forensic Science, IP University , Pondicherry University, Goa University, VIT Vellore, University of Himachal Pradesh among others. Note2: Above information is based on feed-back given by passed-out students and/or their friends. Accurate data is not available 23. Details of Infrastructural facilities c) Library: No departmental library is available. Students get required books from College’s central library (data is submitted separately by our librarian) b) Internet facilities for Staff & Students ----- Available through Wi-Fi and Cable c) Class rooms with ICT facility------ Several class rooms & Labs are equipped with Internet and Over head projector facility. d) Laboratories: well equipped labs with advanced research instruments such as: Autoclaving machines Laminar Air flows-vertical and horizontal Binocular and Trinocular Microscopes Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 107 of 495 Microscope Image Projection System PCR machine/Thermal cycler Gel documentation System (Gel-doc) U.V. Visible spectrophotometer Reverse Osmosis based Water Purification system Ice-making machine Gel electrophoresis-vertical/horizontal Apparatus Blotting Apparatus. High speed cooling centrifuges Microbiological Incubators Incubator cum Shakers Water baths Cooling cabinets Deep Freezers Ultra-Sonicator Magnetic stirrer, Vortexer Hot Air Oven Labs are equipped with LCD Projectors for audio-visual demonstrations 24. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government or other agencies 2013-14: 2 students 2012-13: Nil 2011-12: Nil 25. Details on student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) with external experts a) Industrial visits/exposure by the students/summer training, winter training S.No. YEAR NAME OF THE INSTITUTE DURATION NUMBER OF STUDENTS (Approximate) 1. 2009 Bioinformatics Institute of India 2 2009 The Energy (TERI) Research Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges 1day 5 Institute 1 day 3 Page 108 of 495 b) 2 2010 National Diary Research Institute 1 day 60 3 2010 TBI, University of Delhi 1 day 25 4 2011 Ph.D. Chamber Of Commerce And 1 day Industry, PHD House, New Delhi 30 5. 2011 TBI, University of Delhi (South 1 day Campus) 25 6 2012 University of Delhi (for Academic 2 day Congress) 50 7 2012 Industrial Visit to “Yakult” 1 day 30 8 2013 Mother Diary 1 day 30 9 2014 Industrial Visit to “Yakult” 1 day 54 10. 2014 HAIC AGRO RESEARCH AND 1 day DEVELOPMENT CENTRE, SONEPAT for a workshop on Mushroom cultivation 54 11. 2014 A workshop on “Chick Embryo 1 day Inoculation” by experts from V.P.Chest Institute 60 Guest Lectures delivered (Name of the Expert, Talk Title)> S. No YEAR Name of the SPEAKER TOPIC OF PRESENTATION /RESOURCE PERSON 1 2007-08 Dr Giuesppe Torzillo, CNR Institute for Ecosystem studies 2 2009-10 Dr B.D.Malhotra 3 2010-11 Professor Kunt Heller of Bacteriophages of Lactic Acid Bacteria, Max Rubner Institute, Foe and Friend in Food Production. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Micro-algae Technology Prospects of Nanomaterial based Biosensor in Clinical Diagnostics Page 109 of 495 Kiet, Germany > 4 i 2011-12 Professor J.S. Virdi, Emerging water-borne pathogens – The Head, Department of Indian Experience with Yersinia Microbiology, D.U enterocolitica. 2011-12 Dr. A.K. Puniya, Functional foods for improved human Principal Scientist, health. National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal 2012-13 Prof. R. K. Saxena, n c 5 l u d 6e s Department of environmentally Microbiology, University growth. d e 7p n 10 t Dr Neerja, Yakult Pvt. Importance of probiotics Ltd. 2012-13 Prof. Deepak Pental, A lecture on Microbiology & its former Vice-Chancellor, importance University of Delhi 2013-14 Prof. J.S.Virdi, D.U Microbiology- an exciting career ahead” 2013-14 Prof. Deepak Pental, From plant pathogen Interaction to GE crops: How science is converted to technologies. former Vice-Chancellor, a University of Delhi l 11 2014-15 l c r Prof. A.K.Prasad, Former Head, Deptt of Virology, V.P.Chest Institute e t 12 u industrial 2012-13 t m 9e benign South Campus a 8r Biocatalysis: A promising tool for 2014-15 A lecture on Vaccination” “Influenza and its Prof. Madhu Khanna, “Influenza and its pathogenesis” Deptt of Virology, V.P.Chest Institute e s> delivered under star college scheme 26. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 110 of 495 A variety of teaching methods have been innovatively developed and adopted by our faculty. Apart from regular class room lectures they include innovative methods such as power point presentations, seminars delivered by skilled professionals/eminent scientists, virtual labs using multimedia based animations, conducting quizzes among students, short tests, interactive class room discussions, visit to scientific institutes/industries, audiovisual demonstrations, use of models to explain concepts, video recording of a practical etc. A novel method of teaching also involved teaching and assessment using a specially developed soft-ware named “Virtual Learning Environment” which was developed by Institute of Informatics & Computers (ICC), University of Delhi. 27. SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans Strengths: 9 All faculty members are Ph.D holders with specialization in Microbiology 9 Availability of advanced instrumentation facilities 9 Funding from Star College Scheme of Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. 9 Availability of vast number of books and video-audio tutorials 9 Good tie-ups with both academia and industry for student training purposes 9 Laboratory staff is well trained. Weakness: Limitation of space Opportunities: • Having connections with several industries, Research laboratories & Universities gives us ample research opportunities • Increasing scope of microbiology field • Potential of making break-through discoveries in the field • Ample scope of commercialization with the innovative findings • Having tie-ups with universities increases research out-put. • Self-employability of microbiology field like setting up of clinical laboratory and entrepreneurship opportunities. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 111 of 495 Challenges: • To keep up with the ever increasing demand of Microbiology 28. List of Research Publications: Dr Vijaya Kumar Nalla Nalla VK+, Kamthan M+ Ruhela D, Kamthan A, Maiti P, et al. (2014) Characterization of a Putative Spindle Assembly Checkpoint Kinase Mps1, Suggests Its Involvement in Cell Division, Morphogenesis and Oxidative Stress Tolerance in Candida albicans. PLoS ONE 9(7): e101517. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0101517. Impact factor- 3.730; ISSN no. 19326203 Dr Purnima Anand P. Anand, I.Isar, S.Saran and R.K. Saxena (2006). Bioaccumulation of copper by Trichoderma viride, 97: 1018-1025 Dr. Ruchi Gulati Marwah 1. 2. 3. 4. P. Anand, R. K. Saxena, and R Marwah. (2011). A novel downstream process for 1,3propanediol from glycerol-based fermentation. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 90 (4) : 1267-1276. (IF 3.689) R Kaushik, RG Marwah, P Gupta, S Saran, L Saso, VS Parmar and RK Saxena (2010). Optimization of Lipase Production from Aspergillus terreus by Response Surface Methodology and Its Potential for Synthesis of Partial Glycerides Under Solvent Free Conditions. Indian Journal of Microbiology. 50(4) : 456-462. (IF 0.46) MO Fatope, GB Varma, NM Al-Azri, RG Marwah and RS Nair. (2010). Kaurine diterpenoids from Blepharispermum hirtum. Chemistry and Biodiversity. 7 : 1862-1870. (IF 1.8). Fatope, M. O., Marwah, RG, Al Hadhrami, NM, Onifade, AK and Williams, JR. (2009). Identification of the Chemotypes of Ocimum forskolei and Ocimum basilicum by NMR Spectroscopy. Chemistry and Biodiversity 6(6) : 961.(IF 1.8) 5. Marwah, R. G., Fatope M. O., Deadman, M. L., Al-Maqbali, Y. M. and Husband, J. (2007). Musanahol : a new aureonitol-related metabolite from a Chaetomium sp. Tetrahedron 63 : 8174-8180. (IF 2.899) 6. Marwah, R. G., Fatope M. O., Deadman, M. L., Ochei, J. E. and Al-Saidi, S. H. (2007) Antimicrobial activity and the major components of the essential oil of Plectranthus cylindraceus. Journal of Applied Microbiology 103 (4) : 1220-1226 (IF 2.59). 7. Marwah, R. G., Fatope M. O., Al-Mahrooqi R., Varma G. B., Al-Abadi, H. and AlBurtamani S.K.S. (2007) Antioxidant capacity of some edible and wound healing plants in Oman. Food Chemistry 101: 465-470. (IF 3.052) Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 112 of 495 8. Varma G. B., Fatope M. O., Marwah, R. G., Deadman M. E. and Al-Rawahi F. K. (2006) Production of phenylacetic acid derivatives and 4-epiradicinol in culture by Curvularia lunata, Phytochemistry 67 : 1925-1930. (IF 2.780) 9. Suliman, F. O., Fatope M. O., Al-Saidi, S. H., Al-Kindy,S. and Marwah.R. G. (2006) Composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oil of Pluchea arabica. from Oman. Flavour and Fragrance Journal 21 : 469-471. (IF 0.718) 10. Fatope, M. O., Marwah, R. G., Onifade, A. K., Ochei, J. and Al Mahrooqi, Y. (2006) 13C NMR analysis and antifungal and insecticidal activities of Oman Dill Herb Oil. Pharmaceutical Biology 44: 44-49. 11. Gulati, R. Isar. J, Kumar, V., Prasad, A.K., Parmar, V.S. and Saxena, R.K. (2005) Production of a novel alkaline lipase from Fusarium globulosum (FGL) produced using neem oil and its applications. Pure and Applied Chemistry 77 : 251-262 (IF 1.495). 12. Al-Burtamani, S. K. S., Fatope, M. O., Marwah, R. G., Onifade, A. K. and Al-Saidi, S. H. (2005) Chemical composition, antibacterial and antifungal activities of the essential oil of Haplophyllum tuberculatum from Oman. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 96 : 107112. (IF 2.049) 13. Fatope, M. O., Nair, R. S., Marwah,R. G. and Al-Nadhiri, H. H. S. (2004) New sesquiterpenes from Pluchea arabica. Journal of Natural Products 67 (11) : 1925-1928. (IF 2.3) 14. Gulati., R., Arya., P., Malhotra, B., Prasad, A. K., Saxena, R. K., Kumar, J., Watterson, A. C., Parmar, V. S. Novel biocatalytic esterification reactions on fatty acids: Synthesis of sorbitol 1/6-monostearate. (2003). ARKIVOC (iii) 159-170. (IF 1.05) 15. Kidwai, M., Dave, B., Bhushan, K. R., Misra, P., Saxena, R. K., Gupta, R, Gulati, R. and Singh, M. (2002) Deacetylation of cephalosporins by lipase catalysis and microwave assisted transformation on a solid support. Biocatalysis and Biotransformation. 20(5): 377-379. (IF 1.0) 16. Gulati, R., Saxena, R. K. and Gupta, R. (2002) Fermentation waste of Aspergillus terreus : a potential copper biosorbent. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 18(5) : 397-401.(IF 1.262) 17. Gulati R, Bhatacharya A., Prasad, A.K., Gupta R, Parmar, V.S., and Saxena, R.K. (2001) Biocatalytic potential of Fusarium globulosum liapase in selective acetylation / deacetylation reactions and in ester synthesis. Journal of Applied Microbiology 90:1-5. (IF 2.5) 18. Saxena, R. K., Sangeetha, L., Vohra, A., Gupta, R. and Gulati, R. (2001) Induction and mass sporulation in lignin degrading fungus Cereporiopsis subvermispora for its potential usage in pulp and paper industry. Current Science 81(5): 591-594. (IF 0.6) 19. Gulati, R., Saxena, R. K. and Gupta, R. (2000) Fermentation and downstream processing of lipase from Aspergillus terreus. Process Biochemistry 36: 149-155. (IF 2.336) 20. Saxena, R. K., Gupta, R., Saxena, S. and Gulati, R. (2000). Role of fungal enzymes in food processing. In: Applied Mycology and Biotechnology, food and fungi- principles, Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 113 of 495 techniques and process applications-Volume 1 . Elsevier Science Series (eds. G.G. Khachatourians and D.K. Arora). 21. Gulati, R., Saxena, R. K., Gupta, R., Yadav, R. P. and Davidson, W. S. (1999). Parametric optimisation for Aspergillus terreus lipase production and its potential in ester synthesis. Process Biochemistry 35(5) : 459-464. (IF 2.336) 22. Gulati, R.. Saxena, R. K. and Gupta, R. (1997) Fermentation waste of Aspergillus terreus : a promising copper bio-indicator. Current Science 77(10) 1359-1360. (IF 0.6) 23. Saxena, R. K., Ghosh, P. K., Gupta, R., Davidson, W. S., Bradoo, S. and Gulati, R. (1999) Microbial lipases ; potential biocatalysts for the future industry. Current. Science 77(10) : 101-115. (IF 0.6) Gulati, R., Saxena, R. K. and Gupta, R. (1997).A rapid plate assay for screening Lasparaginase producing microorganisms. Letters in Applied Microbiology 24 : 23-26. (IF 1.440) Dr. Pawas Goswami 1. Mishra, V., Goswami, P., Dabur, R. and Prasad, D. N. (2008). Antibiotic susceptibility and in vivo study of selected probiotic strains of Lactobacillus casei. International Journal of Probiotics and Prebiotics. 3(1):15-20. (ISSN 1555-1431) 2. Goswami, P., Grover, S. and Batish, V. K. (2009). Molecular Characterization of Bifidobacteria of Human Origin. International Journal of Probiotics and Prebiotics.4(1):7-14. (ISSN 1555-1431) 3. Singh, S., Goswami, P., Singh, R. and Heller, K. J. (2009). Application of molecular identification tools for Lactobacillus, with a focus on discrimination between closely related species. LWT- Food Science and Technology.42:448-457. (ISSN 0023-6438) (Impact factor 2.545) 4. Sharma, P, Tomar, SK, Goswami, P, Sangwan, V and Singh, R. Antibiotic resistance among commercially available probiotics. Food Research International (2014), 57: 176195 5. Kulkarni, A. and Goswami, P. (2012). Avian Fauna of Summer Hill, Shimla-Himachal Pradesh. The Bioscan 7(1): 61-64.(ISSN 0973-7049) Dr Tejpal Dhewa 1. 2. Anil Kumar Puniya, Tejpal Dhewa et al., 2014 Role of Live Microbial Feed Supplements with Reference to Anaerobic Fungi in Ruminant Productivity Journal of Integrative Agriculture. (Accepted). ISSN: 2095-3119 (Impact factor by JCR (2012): 0.53 ) S. Kumar, Tejpal Dhewa, et al.,2013 New aspects and strategies for methane mitigation from ruminants. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 98 (1), 31-44. DOI 10.1007/s00253-013-5365-0; Print ISSN: 0175-7598; Online ISSN: 1432-0614 (Impact factor 2012: 3.689). Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 114 of 495 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Monica Puniya, KPS Sangu, Aarti Bhardwaj, Sanjay Kumar, Tejpal Dhewa, 2013. Isolation and Characterization of Lactobacillus spp. of Human Origin for Studying their Prevalence. Research and Reviews: A Journal of Dairy Science and Technology, 2 (3), 7-15. ISSN: 2319 – 3409 Aarti Bhardwaj, M. Puniya, K. P. S. Sangu, S. Kumar,T. Dhewa, 2013. Effect of Prebiotics on Growth of the Selected Lactobacilli Culture Isolated from Dairy Products. Research and Reviews: Journal of Dairy Science and Technology,2(2), 1-8. ISSN: 2319 – 3409 M Puniya, KPS Sangu, A Bhardwaj, S Kumar, T. Dhewa, 2012. Isolation and Biochemical Characterization of Potential Probiotic Culture From Dahi. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Dairy Science and Technology, 1 (2), 18-31. ISSN: 2319 – 3409 Puniya M, Sangu KPS, Bhardwaj A, Gupta D, Kumar S, Dhewa T and Pant S. 2012 Probiotic And Functional Attributes of Lactobacillus spp. Isolated From Human Faeces. Journal of Research in Antimicrobials, 1,01-011. Dhewa, T., Pant, S. and Mishra V. 2011 Development of freeze dried synbiotic formulation using a probiotic strain of Lactobacillus plantarum.Journal of Food Science and Technology. DOI 10.1007/s13197-011-0457-2. ISSN 0022-1155(Impact factor (2012): 1.123) Kumar A., Bisht B.S., Joshi V.D., Dhewa T. 2011 Review on Bioremediation of Polluted Environment: A Management Tool. International Journal of Environmental Sciences, 1(6), 1079-1093. Online ISSN: 0976-4402. V Singh, PK Chauhan, R Kanta, T Dhewa, V Kumar 2010 Isolation and characterization of pseudomonas resistant to heavy metals contaminants. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research,3(2), 164-167. ISSN 0976 – 044X Calculated Impact factor (2013):2.191 Dhewa, T., Bajpai, V., Saxena, R.K., Pant, S. Mishra V. 2010 Selection of Lactobacillus strains as potential probiotics on basis of in vitro attributes. International Journal of Probiotics and Prebiotics, 5 (1): 45-52. ISSN 1555-1431 T. Dhewa, V. Bajapi, P. Shrama, P.K. Jain, V. Mishra 2010 Antagonistic Activity of Food and Faecal Lactobacilli against common Enteric-pathogens Biospectra (An International Biannual Refereed Life Sciences, 5(1), 145-148. ISSN: 0973-7057 T Dhewa& N. Goyal, 2009. Effect of Inulin, Honey and Gum Acacia on Growth of Human Faecal Potential Probiotic Lactobacilli. The ICFAI University Journal of Life Sciences 3(3): 29-34. ISSN: 0973-8487 T Dhewa, S Pant, N Goyal & V Mishra, 2009. Studies on Adhesive Properties of Food and Fecal Potential Probiotic Lactobacilli. Journal of Applied Natural Sciences 1(2):138-140. ISSN: 0974-9411 N Goyal, T Dhewa& J P Goyal, 2009. Emergence on extended Spectrum β-Lactamases producing Proteus species in milk and milk products of Doon Valley. Journal of Applied Natural Sciences 1(2):129-131. ISSN: 0974-9411 Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 115 of 495 SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : Dr Ruchi Gulati Marwah 2. Designation & Department :Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution? Give details along with proof. Yes 4. a) b) 5. Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. No Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body? If yes, submit proof. Yes (Society of Biological Chemists) List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. Yes UGC sponsored orientation programme (OR-74) from June 20, 2013 to July 17, 2013. 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. Yes 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. Yes 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. Yes, (Annexure I) 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. Yes 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 116 of 495 i) ii) Principal Investigator for DST- Fast track project titled “Biologically active antimicrobial secondary metabolites from endophytic fungi isolated from vegetable crops” from1st August 2007 till 31stJuly 2010.(Total cost 18.3 lakhs). Principal Investigator for Delhi University Innovation project 2014-15 titled “ Low cost electricity generation using Bio-photovoltaic Technology : a green energy initiative”. (Total cost 5. 5 lakhs). Project being undertaken along with two other faculty members from Department of Electronics, Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences. There are 10 students in the project from Department of Microbiology and Electronics who are gaining research expertise and hands-on training through this interdisciplinary project. 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: Annexure II a. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) : List attached (19) b. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper): 04 c. Monographs written: NIL d. Chapter written in books : One e. Books edited: NIL f. Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher): NIL g. Index of your publications: 881 (citation index; source : Google scholar) h. Impact factor (2012): 39.356 i. h- index:13 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. NO 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. Yes, Video recording of practicals (Antibiotic Sensitivity of bacterial cultures). 21. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. Yes (Details Annexure III) 22. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. No 23. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. No 24. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : m) for your own College : Yes Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 117 of 495 i) National Symposium on “Bioinformatics : an in silico approach to biology” on 5 December, 2008. ii) National symposium on “Infectious diseases : basic and applied research” on 3rd February,2010. iii) National Symposium on Infectious diseases : advancements in diagnosis, therapeutics and vaccines” on 20th and 21st March, 2014 Organised a one day workshop on 8th September on Viral cultivation strategies under the aegis of Star College Scheme of the College iv) n) for any other organization ? Give details with proofs. YES Inspire Science Camps in our college as member of the organising committee and Resource person for the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India as per the following dates : July 5-9, 2010 October 19-23, 2010 December 6-10, 2010 July 12-16, 2011 October 18-22, 2011 25. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. No 26. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. No 27. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? 1. Development of on-line For Institute of Life long Learning, quizzes in Life Sciences University of Delhi Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 118 of 495 Dr. Ruchi Gulati Marwah Annexure I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. National Symposium on “Perspectives in Interfacial Areas of Chemistry and Biology” held at the Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, in 1998. International Symposium on “Trends in Medicinal Chemistry and Biocatalysis” held at Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, in 2000 International Conference on Microbial Biotechnology: Trade and Public Policy held at Department of Microbiology, Osmania University, Hyderabad, in 2000. International Conference on biodiversity and natural products : Chemistry and medical applications, University of Delhi and CSIR, 2004 National Conference on nanotechnology and renewable energy (NCNRE-14), Jamia Milia Islamia University, 2014 Annexure II List of Publications in International peer reviewed journals 24. P. Anand, R. K. Saxena, and R Marwah. (2011). A novel downstream process for 1,3propanediol from glycerol-based fermentation. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 90 (4) : 1267-1276. (IF 3.689) 25. MO Fatope, GB Varma, NM Al-Azri, RG Marwah and RS Nair. (2010). Kaurine diterpenoids from Blepharispermum hirtum. Chemistry and Biodiversity. 7 : 1862-1870. (IF 1.8). 26. Fatope, M. O., Marwah, RG, Al Hadhrami, NM, Onifade, AK and Williams, JR. (2009). Identification of the Chemotypes of Ocimum forskolei and Ocimum basilicum by NMR Spectroscopy. Chemistry and Biodiversity 6(6) : 961.(IF 1.8) 27. Marwah, R. G., Fatope M. O., Deadman, M. L., Al-Maqbali, Y. M. and Husband, J. (2007).Musanahol : a new aureonitol-related metabolite from a Chaetomium sp. Tetrahedron 63 : 8174-8180.(IF 2.899) 28. Marwah, R. G., Fatope M. O., Deadman, M. L., Ochei, J. E. and Al-Saidi, S. H. (2007) Antimicrobial activity and the major components of the essential oil of Plectranthus cylindraceus. Journal of Applied Microbiology 103 (4) : 1220-1226(IF 2.59). 29. Marwah, R. G., Fatope M. O., Al-Mahrooqi R., Varma G. B., Al-Abadi, H. and AlBurtamani S.K.S. (2007) Antioxidant capacity of some edible and wound healing plants in Oman. Food Chemistry 101: 465-470.(IF 3.052) 30. Varma G. B., Fatope M. O., Marwah, R. G., Deadman M. E. and Al-Rawahi F. K. (2006) Production of phenylacetic acid derivatives and 4-epiradicinol in culture by Curvularia lunata, Phytochemistry 67 : 1925-1930.(IF 2.780) 31. Suliman, F. O., Fatope M. O., Al-Saidi, S. H., Al-Kindy,S. and Marwah.R. G. (2006) Composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oil of Pluchea arabica. from Oman. Flavour and Fragrance Journal 21 : 469-471.(IF 0.718) Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 119 of 495 32. Fatope, M. O., Marwah, R. G., Onifade, A. K., Ochei, J. and Al Mahrooqi, Y. (2006) 13C NMR analysis and antifungal and insecticidal activities of Oman Dill Herb Oil. Pharmaceutical Biology 44 : 44-49. 33. Gulati, R. Isar. J, Kumar, V., Prasad, A.K., Parmar, V.S. and Saxena, R.K. (2005) Production of a novel alkaline lipase from Fusarium globulosum (FGL) produced using neem oil and its applications. Pure and Applied Chemistry 77 : 251-262 (IF 1.495). 34. Al-Burtamani, S. K. S., Fatope, M. O., Marwah, R. G., Onifade, A. K. and Al-Saidi, S. H. (2005) Chemical composition, antibacterial and antifungal activities of the essential oil of Haplophyllum tuberculatum from Oman. Journal of Ethnopharmacology96 : 107112.(IF 2.049) 35. Fatope, M. O., Nair, R. S., Marwah,R. G. and Al-Nadhiri, H. H. S. (2004) New sesquiterpenes from Pluchea arabica. Journal of Natural Products 67 (11) : 1925-1928. (IF 2.3) 36. Gulati., R., Arya., P., Malhotra, B., Prasad, A. K., Saxena, R. K., Kumar, J., Watterson, A. C., Parmar, V. S. Novel biocatalytic esterification reactions on fatty acids: Synthesis of sorbitol 1/6-monostearate. (2003). ARKIVOC (iii)159-170.(IF 1.05) 37. Kidwai, M., Dave, B., Bhushan, K. R., Misra, P., Saxena, R. K., Gupta, R, Gulati, R. and Singh, M. (2002) Deacetylation of cephalosporins by lipase catalysis and microwave assisted transformation on a solid support.Biocatalysis and Biotransformation. 20(5): 377-379. (IF 1.0) 38. Gulati, R., Saxena, R. K. and Gupta, R. (2002) Fermentation waste of Aspergillus terreus : a potential copper biosorbent. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 18(5) : 397-401.(IF 1.262) 39. Gulati R, Bhatacharya A., Prasad, A.K., Gupta R, Parmar, V.S., and Saxena, R.K. (2001) Biocatalytic potential of Fusarium globulosum liapase in selective acetylation / deacetylation reactions and in ester synthesis. Journal of Applied Microbiology 90:15.(IF 2.5) 40. Gulati, R., Saxena, R. K. and Gupta, R. (2000) Fermentation and downstream processing of lipase from Aspergillus terreus. Process Biochemistry 36: 149-155.(IF 2.336) 41. Gulati, R., Saxena, R. K., Gupta, R., Yadav, R. P. and Davidson, W. S. (1999). Parametric optimisation for Aspergillus terreus lipase production and its potential in ester synthesis. Process Biochemistry 35(5) : 459-464.(IF 2.336) 42. Gulati, R., Saxena, R. K. and Gupta, R. (1997).A rapid plate assay for screening Lasparaginase producing microorganisms. Letters in Applied Microbiology 24 : 23-26.(IF 1.440) List of Publications in national peer reviewed journals 1. R Kaushik, RG Marwah, P Gupta, S Saran, L Saso, VS Parmar and RK Saxena (2010). Optimization of Lipase Production from Aspergillus terreus by Response Surface Methodology and Its Potential for Synthesis of Partial Glycerides Under Solvent Free Conditions. Indian Journal of Microbiology. 50(4) : 456-462. (IF 0.46) Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 120 of 495 2. 3. 4. Saxena, R. K., Sangeetha, L., Vohra, A., Gupta, R. and Gulati, R. (2001) Induction and mass sporulation in lignin degrading fungus Cereporiopsis subvermispora for its potential usage in pulp and paper industry. Current Science 81(5): 591-594. (IF 0.6) Gulati, R.. Saxena, R. K. and Gupta, R. (1997) Fermentation waste of Aspergillus terreus : a promising copper bio-indicator. Current Science 77(10) 1359-1360. (IF 0.6) Saxena, R. K., Ghosh, P. K., Gupta, R., Davidson, W. S., Bradoo, S. and Gulati, R. (1999) Microbial lipases ; potential biocatalysts for the future industry. Current. Science 77(10) : 101-115. (IF 0.6) Chapter in book 1. Saxena, R. K., Gupta, R., Saxena, S. and Gulati, R. (2000). Role of fungal enzymes in food processing. In: Applied Mycology and Biotechnology, food and fungi- principles, techniques and process applications-Volume 1 . Elsevier Science Series (eds. G.G. Khachatourians and D.K. Arora). Annexure III Awards/medals University medal for obtaining first rank in M. Sc. Microbiology in University of Delhi Consolation award for the poster presented at the National Symposium on “Perspectives in Interfacial Areas of Chemistry and Biology” held at the Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, in 1998. 1. Best poster award at the International Symposium on “Trends in Medicinal Chemistry and Biocatalysis” held at Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, in 2000 2. Best poster award at the International Conference on Microbial Biotechnology: Trade and Public Policy held at Department of Microbiology, Osmania University, Hyderabad, in 2000. (Dr.Ruchi Gulati Marwah) Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 121 of 495 SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : Dr VIJAYA KUMAR NALLA 2. Designation & Department :Assistant Professor, Deptt. Of Microbiology 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution ? Give details along with proof. Yes, Proof Attached 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. Yes, member-committee of courses b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body ?If yes, submit proof. Yes, member of Indian Science Congress Association 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. ¾ One Orientation Course attended at Academic Staff College, Osmania University, Hyderabad-500007 from 2-12-2011 to 31-12-2011. 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. ¾ Participated in “Hands on training programme/workshop on Effective Grant Writing skills & Strategic Management of IPR”, Proof attached 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. No Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 122 of 495 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. • • • A paper titled: “Comparative genomics and genome wide analysis of bidirectional promoters in Candida albicans” at the EMBO Conference series held at Sant Feliu Guixols (Spain) on 15th-20th October 2011. Presented a paper titled “Preparation of a mibiological consortium for efficient treatment of polymer wastes and improving its fertilizer value” in International Congress of AFEESSA-2014 organized at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi on 29th& 30th March, 2014. Participated and presented a paper titled, “Comparative genomics and genome wide analysis of bidirectional promoters in Candida albicans” at 3rd WORLD CONGRESS ON BIOTECHNOLOGY” held at Hyderabad International Convention Centre, Hyderabad, INDIA on Sept 13-15, 2012. 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. • Participated in a workshop titled, “Virtual Learning Environment” organized by Institute of Informatics and Computers, under the Star College Scheme, on 7th Sept.2014. • Participated in the “International Congress on Agriculture, Food Engineering and Environmental Sciences-Sustainable approaches” at J.N.U on 29th& 30th March 2014 • Participated in International Symposium on Infection & Cancer, organized by Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Centre for Biomedical Research (ACBR) from 13th to 16th Feb.2013 • Participated in a workshop titled “Effective Grant Wirting Skills” & Strategic Management of IPR” at India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi on July 04-05,2012. • Participated and presented a paper titled, “Comparative genomics and genome wide analysis of bidirectional promoters in Candida albicans” at 3rd WORLD CONGRESS ON BIOTECHNOLOGY” held at Hyderabad International Convention Centre, Hyderabad, INDIA on Sept 13-15, 2012. 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. ¾ An interdisciplinary research project on “Screening and enrichment of Polymer degrading microbes and their application in environmental engineering” was granted by University of Delhi. 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 123 of 495 a. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) Nalla VK+, Kamthan M+ Ruhela D, Kamthan A, Maiti P, et al. (2014) Characterization of a Putative Spindle Assembly Checkpoint Kinase Mps1, Suggests Its Involvement in Cell Division, Morphogenesis and Oxidative Stress Tolerance in Candida albicans. PLoS ONE 9(7): e101517. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0101517. Impact factor- 3.730; ISSN no. 19326203 b. c. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) None d. e. f. g. Monographs written: None Chapter written in books: None Books edited: Enclosed Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher): Enclosed h. Index of your publications i. Impact factor: 3.7 j. h- index:0 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof.: None 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. Use of Powerpoint Presentations. Teaching through the use of models/experimental approach Held group discussions and presentations among students. 28. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. No 29. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. No 30. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. No 31. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : No Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 124 of 495 o) for your own College p) for any other organization ? Give details with proofs. 32. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. No 33. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. No 34. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? None Vijaya Kumar Nalla Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 125 of 495 SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : Dr. Pawas Goswami 2. Designation & Department : Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution ? Give details along with proof. Yes, BOS and COC of Biotechnology and Microbiology at MDS University, Ajmer, Rajasthan, Member of FYUP syllabus committee for Microbiology. 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. Yes, BOS and COC of Biotechnology and Microbiology at MDS University, Ajmer, Rajasthan b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body? If yes, submit proof. Yes, member of Association of Microbiologists of India. 5. 6. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. • Attended 21 days winter school on ‘Chemical Analysis of Value Added Dairy Products and their Quality Assurance’ at Dairy Chemistry Division, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal from 11th -31st January, 2011. • Attended 28 days orientation program from 1st – 28th May, 2008 held at Academic Staff College, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla. • Attended 10 days ‘Orientation Course for NSS Programme Officers’ from 16th-25th September, 2008 held at HCM Rajasthan State Institute of Public Administration, Jaipur. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. No 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. No 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 126 of 495 9. • Presentation on ‘Genetically Modified Microorganisms: Trends and Awareness’ at The 12th Indian Science Communication Congress with the theme of Risk Communication and Development, held at Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi from 18th December to 20th December 2012. • Presented a paper titled ‘Popularization of Biotechnology: Indian Scenario’ in symposium on Building Knowledge Networks through USP held at University of Sao Paulo, Brazil from 17th October to 20th October 2011 • Presented a paper titled “Identification of Bifidobacteria of human origin by PCR” in international conference “Bioconvergence 2004” held from 18th – 20th November 2004 at Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. • Attended conference on ‘Processed Foods for Nutrition Security’ organized by International Life Sciences Institute – India on 25th April 2014 at Le Meridien, New Delhi. • Presentation on ‘Genetically Modified Microorganisms: Trends and Awareness’ at The 12th Indian Science Communication Congress with the theme of Risk Communication and Development, held at Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi from 18th December to 20th December 2012. • Presented a paper titled ‘Popularization of Biotechnology: Indian Scenario’ in symposium on Building Knowledge Networks through USP held at University of Sao Paulo, Brazil from 17th October to 20th October 2011. • Attended UGC sponsored Workshop on ‘Innovative and Facile Teaching Methods and aids for better Understanding of Science Subjects’ from 23rd-24th March’09, organized by M.D.S. University, Ajmer. • Attended National Workshop on ‘Promoting Excellence in Research’, organized by M.D.S. University, Ajmer from 5-7th November, 2008. • Attended workshop on ‘Sewage Management’, jointly organized by Department of Environmental Studies, M.D.S. University, and District Committee on Environment, Ajmer on 7-8th March, 2008. • Attended 45th Annual Conference of Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI), held from 23-25 Nov, 2004 at NDRI, Karnal • Presented a paper titled “Identification of Bifidobacteria of human origin by PCR” in international conference “Bioconvergence 2004” held from 18th – 20th November 2004 at Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala. Sixth Chandigarh symposium on New Biology (Molecular Medicine) from 19th20th March, 1999 organised by Institute of Microbial Technology and Department of Biotechnology, Panjab University, Chandigarh. • Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 127 of 495 • National symposium on "Role of microbes in the management of environmental pollution" from November 13th-14th 1998 organised by Department of Microbiology, Panjab University, Chandigarh. 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. • Co-Principal Investigator. Genetic Curation of ataxia phenomes for establishment of predictive and rapid diagnostic paradigm. • Co-Principal Investigator in ICMR sponsored project titled ‘Status of antibiotic resistance among commercially available probiotic bacteria.’ • Working on Star college project ‘Isolation of Staphylococcus isolates from the Currency notes in NCR’. 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: 1. 2. 3. 4. a. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) Mishra, V., Goswami, P., Dabur, R. and Prasad, D. N. (2008). Antibiotic susceptibility and in vivo study of selected probiotic strains of Lactobacillus casei. International Journal of Probiotics and Prebiotics. 3(1):15-20. (ISSN 1555-1431) Goswami, P., Grover, S. and Batish, V. K. (2009). Molecular Characterization of Bifidobacteria of Human Origin. International Journal of Probiotics and Prebiotics.4(1):7-14.(ISSN 1555-1431) Singh, S., Goswami, P., Singh, R. and Heller, K. J. (2009). Application of molecular identification tools for Lactobacillus, with a focus on discrimination between closely related species. LWT- Food Science and Technology.42:448-457. (ISSN 0023-6438) (Impact factor 2.545) Sharma, P, Tomar, SK, Goswami, P, Sangwan, V and Singh, R. Antibiotic resistance among commercially available probiotics. Food Research International (2014), 57: 176195 • b. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) Kulkarni, A. and Goswami, P. (2012). Avian Fauna of Summer Hill, ShimlaHimachal Pradesh. The Bioscan7(1): 61-64.(ISSN 0973-7049) c. Monographs written Nil d. Chapter written in books Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 128 of 495 1. Goswami, P., Grover, S. and Batish, V. K. (2004). Identification of Bifidobacteria of human origin by PCR. In Biotechnological Approaches for Sustainable Development. eds. M. S. Reddy and S. Khanna. Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd., pp. 384-395. (ISBN 81-7764-669-9) 2. Singh, S., Goswami, P., Sharma, K. P. and Gaur, R. K. (2010). Microarrays: Concepts and Applications. InRecent Trends in Biotechnology and Microbiology. eds R.K.Gaur, Pradeep Sharma, K.P.Sharma, R.P.Narayan. Manshi Sharma and Rajiv Diwvedi, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 400 Oser Avenue, Suite 1600, Hauppauge, NY 11788(ISBN: 978-1-60876-666-6). 3. Goyal, A., Singh, S. and Goswami, P. (2010).Bistability- A Mechanism to Adapt to the Changing Environment. In Advancement of Biotechnology eds R. K. Gaur, Mangal Singh Rathore, Richa Gaur. Lambert Academic Publication, Dudweiler Landstr.99, 66123 Saarbrücken, Germany(ISBN: 978-3-8433-7145-2) 4. Goswami, P. (2011). Popularization of Biotechnology: Indian Scenario. In Sharing Science eds Manoj K. Patairiya and Maria I. Nogueira. Published by National Council of Science and Technology Communication, University of Sao Paulo and Indian Science Communication Soceity. (ISBN 81-7272-023-8) e. Books edited NIL f. Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) • Tomar, S. K. and Goswami, P.(2008). Analytical Techniques in Food Microbiology. IGNOU-APEDA One Year Post Graduate Diploma Course in Food Safety and Quality Management.(ISBN 978-81-266-3534-4) • Goswami, P. (2010). Bifidobacteria, Molecular Characterization, Bile Salt Hydrolase Gene as Probiotic Marker. VDM Publishing House Ltd.17, Meldrum Str. | BeauBassin | Mauritius Tel / Fax: +230 467-5601(ISBN 978-3-639-30517-3) g. Index of your publications h. Impact factor i. h- index 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. No 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. Extensive use of Powerpoint Presentations. Designed several animations so as to explain about probiotics etc. Started discussions and presentations amongst students on relevant topics. 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. No Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 129 of 495 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. No 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. No 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : No q) for your own College r) for any other organization ? Give details with proofs. 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. No 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. No 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? Submitted several DNA sequences to NCBI – 5. Goswami, P., Grover, S. and Batish, V. K. (2005). Submitted the sequences of bsh gene in Genbank at site www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov with accession numbers DQ309030 and DQ309031. • Chhipa, H., Bhatnagar, M., Goswami, P. and Bhatnagar, A. (2009). Submitted the sequences of 16S rRNA gene of Gram positive cocci in Genbank at site www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov with accession numbers GQ290212-GQ290221. • Sharma, K. P., Paul, A., Goswami, P., John, P. J., Kumar, S and Ahuja, P. S. (2009). Submitted the sequence of tannase gene from Enterobacter sp. KPJ03 in Genbank at site www.ncbi.nilm.nih.gov with accession number GQ268323. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 130 of 495 • John, P, Sharma, K. P. and Goswami, P. (2009). Submitted sequence of 16S rRNA gene of Enterobacter sp. KPJ03 in Genbank at site www.ncbi.nilm.nih.gov with accession number GQ438735. • Chhipa, H., Bhatnagar, M., Goswami, P. and Bhatnagar, A. (2010). Submitted the sequences of 16S rRNA gene of Gram positive cocci in Genbank at sitewww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov with accession numbersHM803960-HM803964. • Bhatnagar, M., Chhipa, H., Goswami, P. and Bhatnagar, A. (2010). Submitted the sequences of 16S rRNA gene of Gram positive cocci in Genbank at sitewww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov with accession numbersHM595364-HM595374. Dr. Pawas Goswami Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 131 of 495 SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher 2. Designation & Department : Assistant Professor 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution? Give details along with proof. 4. : Dr. Purnima Anand i. Member of Curriculum Development Committee for B.Sc. (Hons.) Microbiology Semester syllabus(University of Delhi) ii. Member of Curriculum Development Committee for Four Year Programme (FYUP) in Microbiology syllabus (University of Delhi) a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. No b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body? If yes, submit proof. i. 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. i. 6. Life member of Society of Biological Chemists (India) Attended 97th Orientation Course conducted by UGC-Academic Staff College, Jamia Millia Islamia 15th July 2011-11th Aug 2011 Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. i. Workshop on “Bio resources and Biotechnology in Sustainable Development”, organized by Center for Environmental Management of Degraded Ecosystem (CEMDE), University of Delhi, New Delhi, 23rd January 2006 to 6th February 2006. ii. Development of online quizzes to support problem based learning in Life sciences, organized by Institute of Life Long Learning, University of Delhi, and 13th April, 2009. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 132 of 495 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. i. Resource person in the workshop for teachers of B.Sc. Programme (Life Science),second year LS 206,organized by the Institute of Life Long Learning, University of Delhi and D.S.Kothari Centre for research and Innovation, Miranda House inSeptember,2008. 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. i. Anand P. and Saxena R. K. (1993). Heavy metal tolerance potential of Trichoderma spp. IIIrd Annual Symposium of Indian Women Scientist’ Association (IWSA) Delhi Branch. National Physical Laboratory. (Abst. B1) Pp. 15. 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. i. Participated in One day International symposium on Lignocellulose Biotechnology Consortium on 12th December, 2012. ii. Participated in The Academic Congress titled ‘Enabling the Young: Redefining Education ‘organized by the University of Delhi, September 2012. iii. Participated in the National Symposium on Biotechnology in the Post Genomic Era organized by Department of Biochemical Technology, Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi, April 2009 iv. Participated in the 49th Annual Conference of Association of Microbiologists of India and International symposium on Microbial Biotechnology: Diversity, Genomics and Metagenomics, held in University of Delhi, November 2008. v. Participated in the symposium ‘Nutrition-Challenges Ahead’ organized by the Institute of Home Economics ,New Delhi, February 2004 Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 133 of 495 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. i. Principal Investigator for University of Delhi Innovation project 2012-13 titled “Studies to assess the quality of fruits and vegetables with respect to microbial load and the remedial measures for their control (Total cost 10.0 lakhs). Interdisciplinary Students Research Project ii. Principal Investigator for University of Delhi Innovation project 2014-15 titled Understanding the burden of vitamin B12 and folate Deficiency in young Indians. (Total cost 7. 5 lakhs). Interdisciplinary Students Research Project 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a) . List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) i. Anand P., Isar J., Saran S. and Saxena R. K. (2006) Bioaccumulation of copper by Trichoderma viride. Bio resource Technology 97(8): 1018-1025. b) List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) Nil c) Monographs written : Nil d) Chapter written in books : One i. Saxena R. K., Anand P., Saran S. and Isar J. (2006) Fungal biosorbents: a benign alternative for removal and recovery of heavy metals from waste water. In: Biotechnological Applications of Microorganisms. A technocommercial approach. Eds. D. K. Maheshwari, R. C. Dubey and S. C. Kang. Pp. 359-379. e) Books edited: Nil f) Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher):Nil g) Index of your publications : 86(Google scholar) Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 134 of 495 h) Impact factor:5.6 i) h- index:1 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. No 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years : Lectures by power point presentations Power point presentations by students Development of short e-content by students Group projects 14. 15. 16. 17. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. No Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. No Are you providing consultancy? Give details. No Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : a) for your own College A. Symposia/Lectures organized under the aegis of “Sukshmjeev”, The Microbiology Society i) National symposium on “Bioinformatics: an in silico approach to biology” on 5th December, 2008. ii) National symposium on “Infectious Diseases: Basic and Applied Research” on 3rd February, 2010. iii) Lecture by Dr. Giueseppe Torzillo (Director, CNS Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Italy) titled “Application of Micro-algae technology for food and energy”. iv) Lecture by Dr. B.D. Malhotra (NPL) titled “Prospects of Nano material based biosensors in clinical diagnostics”. v) Lecture by Prof. Ananda M. Chakraborty, University of Illinois, Chicago titled “Superbug and the patent scenario”. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 135 of 495 vi) Lecture by Dr. Benjamin Pushpraj (CNR-ISE), Instituto per lo studio degli ecosisemi, Italy. vii) Lecture by Prof. Kunt Heller, Max Rubner Institute, Kiel, Germany titled “Bacteriophages of lactic acid bacteria-foe and friend in food production. viii) Lecture by Prof. J. S. Virdi, Department of Microbiology, University of Delhi, South Campus, titled “Emerging water-borne pathogens the Indian experience with Yersinia enterocolitica. ix) Lecture by Dr. A. K. Puniya, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, titled “Functional food for human health. x) Lecture by Prof. R. K. Saxena, Department of Microbiology, University of Delhi, South Campus, titled “Biocatalysis : a promising tool for environmentally benign industrial growth”.\ xi) National Symposium on Infectious diseases : advancements in diagnosis, therapeutics and vaccines” on 20th and 21st March, 2014 B. Under Star College Scheme: Hands on training “Shaping,learning and teaching with VLE” jointly organized with Institute of Informatics and communications,University of Delhi South Campus. C. Hands on b) For any other organization? INSPIRE program of DST: a) Organized Six INSPIRE science camps. INSPIRE (Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research) is a program implemented by Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.: • July 2010 • October 2010 • December 2010 • July 2011 • October 2011 • February 2013 Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 136 of 495 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. :No 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof.:No 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? i. Star College Scheme (DBT) COORDINATOR since December 2013. Star College Scheme (DBT) MEMBER 2010-November 2013 ii. Resource person in the INSPIRE camps for demonstrating microbiological practicals to the student attendees. iii. Jury member for first and second national level exhibition and project competition under INSPRE scheme of DST, organized in August, 2011 and October, 2012, respectively. iv. Article Published: 1. Gowri P. M. and Anand P. (1994). The minute metal munchers. Down to Earth. March 1994, Pp. 37. v. Papers/Poster presented in national/international conferences 1. Varma P. and Saxena R. K. (1990). Heavy metal tolerance of filamentous fungi. IVth International Mycological Congress, Regensburg, Germany. (Abst. IG 345/2). 2. Varma P. and Saxena R. K. (1992). Heavy metal tolerance potential of Aspergillus, Penicillium and Trichoderma. 33rd Annual Conference of Association of Microbiologists of India. Goa University. (Abst. BCP 37) Pp. 90. 3. Anand P. and Saxena R. K. (1993). Heavy metal tolerance potential of Trichoderma spp. IIIrd Annual Symposium of Indian Women Scientist’ Association (IWSA) Delhi Branch. National Physical Laboratory. (Abst. B1) Pp. 15. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 137 of 495 4. Anand P., Ahuja P., Gupta R. and Saxena R. K. (1994). Heavy metal accumulation by microorganisms – A new perspective for biotechnology. XVIth International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, New Delhi, India (Abst. P4-102). 5. Anand P. and Saxena R. K. (1994). Effect of copper on morphology of Trichoderma spp. (A2): An ultra-structural study. MICON – INTERNATIONAL – 94. Defence Food Research Laboratory Mysore. (Abst. EMB-14). 6. Anand P., Ahuja P., Saxena R. K. and Gupta R. (1996). T. viride: A potential copper biosorbent and its role in bioremediation. National symposium on current trends in Biochemistry and Biotechnology of fungi. Osmania University, Hyderabad. (Abst. C4). 7. Anand P., Saxena R. K. and Gupta R. (1997). Accumulation of copper by Trichoderma viride and its applications in effluent treatment. 38th Annual Conference of Association of Microbiologists of India, New Delhi. (Abst. EM-2). 8. Khandal R.K., Sehgal S., Anand P. and Chaudhry U. (2012) Rapid Detection And Characterization of Pathogens Present on Fresh Produce: A Paradigm Shift From Culture plate to Molecular Biology. Foodlytica, Hyderabad, India. 9. Khandhal R.K., Sehgal, S., Chaudhary, U. and Anand P. (2012) Evaluation of Food Safety Practices in the Retail Outlets of West Delhi. Foodlytica, Hyderabad. 10. Sehgal S., Anand P. and Manjusha, N. (2013) Microbial Hazards Associated With the Vegetables Sold in Retail Market. National conference for “Redefining Science Teaching: Future of Education” organized by Acharya NarendraDev College, Delhi University Dr. Purnima Aanand Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 138 of 495 SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : Dr. Tejpal Dhewa 2. Designation & Department :Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution? Give details along with proof. No 4. a) b) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. No Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body? If yes, submit proof. Yes (02), proofs enclosed. • Senior Member (100007). Asia-Pacific Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering Society (APCBEES), China. • International Membership (2012-13), World Society of Interdisciplinary of Anti-Aging Medicine, France. 5. List the refresher/orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. Yes, 02 (Attended Staff Development Programs and Winter School), proofs enclosed. Title Year Institution Gene Technology for 14 days, N. C. College of Engineering, Israna Panipat, India. Sponsored by AICTE New Production Enhancement and 2009 Delhi. Sustainability. Recent Advances in Dairy 21 days, Animal Biochemistry Division, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana Nutraceuticals and 2010 Sponsored by Indian Council of Bioinformatics Applications. Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi. 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. Yes. (01); Proof enclosed. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 139 of 495 • 7. Training on “Molecular Taxonomy of Fungi” March 19-24, 2007 at Institute of Engineering & Technology Patiala, Punjab, India. Thaper Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. Yes.(03), Proofs enclosed. • Invited to deliver lecture on “Fermentation Technology” in the International Conference on “New Horizons in Microbial Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Sciences” April 24-25, 2011. Organized by Himachal Institute of Life Sciences in collaboration with State Council for Science Technology & Environment of Govt. of Himachal Pradesh. • Invited talk on “Fermentation Biotechnology” April 07, 2012. Department of Biotechnology, Sharda University, Greater Noida (UP). • Invited talk on Biotechnology: Current Scenario and Options for Higher Education in India, BIOS 2013, October 23, 2013. Department of Biotechnology, Sharda University, Greater Noida (UP). 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. Yes, (01) • Presented a research paper in the international conference SGM 163rd Meeting September 8-11, 2008; Organized at ‘Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. (Proof attached). 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. Yes (12). (List attached) 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. Yes (01), Proof enclosed. • DU Innovation Project BCAS 203 (2013-14). Student research projects, sponsored by University of Delhi, New Delhi. 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper): Author(s) Year Title Journal Anil Kumar Puniya, 2014 Tejpal Dhewa et al., , Role of Live Microbial Feed Journal of Integrative Supplements with Reference to Agriculture. (Accepted). Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 140 of 495 Anaerobic Fungi in Ruminant ISSN: 2095-3119 Productivity Impact factor (2012): 0.53 by JCR S. Kumar, Tejpal 2013 Dhewa, et al., New aspects and strategies for Applied Microbiology and methane mitigation from Biotechnology 98 (1), 31-44. ruminants DOI 10.1007/s00253-0135365-0; Print ISSN: 01757598; Online ISSN: 1432-0614 Impact factor 2012: 3.689 Dhewa, T., Pant, S. 2011 and Mishra V. Development of freeze dried synbiotic formulation using a probiotic strain of Lactobacillus plantarum. Journal of Food Science and Technology. DOI 10.1007/s13197-011-0457-2. ISSN 0022-1155 Impact factor (2012): 1.123 Bisht 2011 V.D., Review on Bioremediation of International Journal of Polluted Environment: A Environmental Sciences, 1(6), Management Tool. 1079-1093. Online ISSN: 0976-4402. V Singh, PK 2010 Chauhan, R Kanta, T Dhewa, V Kumar Isolation and characterization of International Journal of pseudomonas resistant to heavy Pharmaceutical Sciences metals contaminants. Review and Research,3(2), 164-167. ISSN 0976 – 044X Calculated Impact factor (2013):2.191 Dhewa, T., Bajpai, 2010 V., Saxena, R.K., Pant, S. Mishra V. Selection of Lactobacillus International Journal of strains as potential probiotics on Probiotics and Prebiotics, 5 basis of in vitro attributes. (1): 45-52. ISSN 1555-1431 T. Dhewa, V. Bajapi, 2010 P. Shrama, P.K. Jain, V. Mishra Antagonistic Activity of Food Biospectra (An International and Faecal Lactobacilli against Biannual Refereed Life common Enteric-pathogens Sciences, 5(1), 145-148. ISSN: 0973-7057 Kumar A., B.S., Joshi Dhewa T. b. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper): List attached (07) c. Monographs written: NIL d. Chapter written in books: 02 e. Books edited: NIL f. Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher): NIL Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 141 of 495 g. Index of your publications: 77 (Google scholar) h. Impact factor (2012): 5.992; SNIP: 2.494; SJR : 2.164 i. h- index: 03 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. Yes, Filed (02). Patents (Filed) Inventors V Singh, Dhewa, P. Chauhan, Kumar Year T. 2012 K. M. V Singh, T. 2012 Dhewa, et. al., 13. Title Reference No. An Antibacterial 2900/DEL/2012 Formulation (I) India Patent Office, New Delhi; Published in The Patent Office Journal 09/08/2013 An Antibacterial 3399/DEL/2012 Formulation (II) India Patent Office, New Delhi. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. Yes (01), Video recording of a practical (Antibiotic Sensitivity of bacterial cultures). (Proof is enclosed). 21. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. No 22. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. No 23. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. No 24. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : s) for your own College: Yes, (04) • Organised a one day workshop on “Mushroom Cultivation”on 12th August, 2014 under the Star College Scheme, Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 142 of 495 • Organistaion of INSPIRE CAMPS (under the DST initiative) for the school students and also been the Resource Person for demonstration of microbiology practicals during the camps. The dates of the camps were:July 12-16, 2011, February 5-9, 2013.(Funded by DST). • Organised hands on training on “Fermentation Technology” October 7-9, 2009 at Dolphin PG Institute of Biomedical and Natural Sciences, Dehradun (Funded by DST, DBT, & ICMR, New Delhi. • Organised workshop on “Microbial Technology” October 10-11, 2009 at Dolphin PG Institute of Biomedical and Natural Sciences, Dehradun (Funded by DST, DBT, & ICMR, New Delhi. t) for any other organization : No Give details with proofs. No 25. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. No 26. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. No 27. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? Yes. (Communication through e-mail) Activity Detailed description Contribution (s) e-Content Participated Successfully submitted 13 Modules for M. Tech. Food Development (as Content Technology (Food writer) in Microbiology).epgp.inflibnet.ac.in/browse.php?&category=229 University Environmental Microbiology, Soil & Agriculture Microbiology, Grant Commission Industrial Microbiology and Virology Modules are under process. (UGC), New Delhi, e-Pathshala Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 143 of 495 (An MHRD Project under its National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT) e-Content Participated Modules for Virology and Industrial Microbiology papers are Development (as Content under process. writer, ILLL) in University of Delhi, New Delhi (Dr. Tejpal Dhewa) Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 144 of 495 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS 1. 2. 3. Nameofthedepartment : Physics YearofEstablishment : 1995 Names of Programmes / Courses offered: (a) B.Sc. (H) Physics (2007-2012) (b) B.Sc. (H) Physics (2014-2015) 4. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system (Programme wise) : Annual system: 2007-2010 Semester system: 2010 onwards 5. Any other Courses (Short term, diploma etc) offered by the Department (Last 5 years). Nil 6. Details of courses/programs discontinued (if any) with reasons The FYUP started from 2013-14 is discontinued from 2014-15 as per the University directions. 7. Facultyprofilewithname,qualification,designation,specialization, Name Qualification Designation Specialization Experience (years) No.of P h.D. Nature of Students Post held Guided for the last 4 years Dr. Anand Bharadvaja Ph.D. Associate Professor Atomic and 18.5 Nuclear Physics Nil Permanent Dr. Vandana Batra Ph.D. Associate Professor Cosmic Rays and Space 17 Nil Permanent Dr. Meetu Luthra Ph.D Associate Professor Cosmology 16.5 Nil Permanent Dr. Partha .S.Pal Ph.D Assistant Professor Astrophysics 7 Nil Permanent Sh. Vikas Tyagi M.Sc. Assistant Professor G.T. R and QFT 9.5 Nil Permanent Sh. Sandeep Kumar M.Tech. Assistant Professor Nil Permanent Sh. Ramesh Kumar M.Tech. Assistant Professor Solid state 5 electronic materials Applied Optics 5 Nil Permanent Sh. Kavindra Kumar M.Tech. Assistant Professor Computer Science Nil Ad-hoc Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges 5 Page 145 of 495 8. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled(programme wise) by temporary faculty: 10% (Approx) of the classes are being conducted by Ad-Hoc faculty in 2013-2014 9. Student -Teacher Ratio (program wise): 13:1 10. Number of laboratory staff : S. No Name of the support staff Designation Nature of post 1. Mr. R. K. Pandey Lab Assistant Permanent 2. Mr. Anoop Kr Mahawer Lab Assistant Permanent 3. Mr. Giriraj Lab Attendant Ad-hoc 11. Faculty with successfully completed / ongoing projects from National c) International funding agencies and grants received: a) University b) NIL 12. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc. and total grants received: NIL 13. a. Publications: Name of the In Books Books Chapters Publications Faculty Authored edited in books in Conference Journals Proceeding Dr. Anand 09 Bharadvaja - - Nil Nil Dr. Vandana 03 Batra - - Nil Nil Dr. Luthra Meetu 07 - - - Nil Dr. Partha 02 Sarthy Pal - - Nil Sh. Vikas Tyagi - - - - Nil Sh. Sandeep Kumar - - - Nil Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges 01 Page 146 of 495 Sh. Ramesh Kumar - - - Nil Sh. Kavindra 1 Kumar - - 1 Nil b. Paper/abstract accepted-presented in conference Name of the Faculty Papers presented in Conferences Dr. Anand Bharadvaja 10 Dr. Vandana Batra 6 Dr. Meetu Luthra 5 Dr. Partha Sarthy Pal 1 Sh. Kavindra Kumar 1 14. Faculty as members in 15. S. No. Name No. of faculty A National Committees 02 B International Committees 00 C Editorial Boards 00 D University Committees 00 Students projects All the students enrolled during annual system upto 2010 had undergone projects as per curriculum 16. Awards/ Recognitions received by the Departments Nil Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 147 of 495 17. List of eminent academicians and scientists/ visitors to the department 1 Prof. G.C. Dubey, retired scientist from Solid State Physical Laboratory (New Delhi) delivered talk on Nanotechnology and its applications 2009. Seminar on Solar Eclipse by Dr. Pranjal Triwedi and the students of Sri Venkateshwara College, DU Seminar on Nano- Technology organised on 01.11.2010 by Dr. Hiratoshi Kobayashi and Dr. Ashutosh Tiwari from Bio-medical Center, National Institute of Material Sciences, Japan 2 3. Speakers invited in Physics Festival • • • • • • • • 18. 2011-2013 Prof.M.R. Shenoy (IIT D)(Semiconductor laser and its application) Prof. Anurag Sharma (IIT D) (Optical system design) Prof. Patric Das Gupta (DU) (Astronomy) Prof. B. P.Paul (IIT D)(Optical wave Guide) Prof. Deepak Kumar (JNU)(Transition states in thermodynamics) Dr. D.S. Rawal (SSPL , DRDO,) Prof. R. Ravi Shankar.(IIT Kanpur) (General Theory of Relativity) Dr. Amartya Sen Gupta (IIT D) Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding Nil 19. Student profile in B.Sc. (H) Physics: Year wise enrolment 2011-12 Selected 73 Enrolled Males 56 Enrolled Females 17 2012-13 82 63 19 2013-14 40 38 2 20. Diversity of Students (from office) Name of the Reserved candidates Course OBC SC B.Sc. Physics (H) 33 B.Sc. Physics (H) 11 (11M) (22M, 11F) Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges 3 ST PwD Nil Nil Nil Nil (2M, 1F) 4 (3M,1F) Page 148 of 495 *M=Male F=Female 21. Student progression (PASS OUT STUDENTS have been requested to send their whereabouts) Student progression UG to PG Employed • Campus selection • Other than campus recruitment Entrepreneurship/Self-employment Against % Enrolled 85 01 10 04 *As per the information received from students 22. Details of Infrastructural facilities a)The department is provided with internet wi-fi connectivity for students and staff. b The laboratory is well equipped with equipments and other items needed to conduct the practicals efficiently. 23. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government or other agencies S. No. Academic Year Number of students 1 2010-11 NIL 2 2011-12 2 3 2012-13 NIL 4 2013-14 NIL 5 2014-2015 NIL 24. Details on student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) with external experts: NA 25. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning Lectures, power point presentations, seminars, virtual Labs, quizzes, regular short tests, interactive classes, visit to scientific institutes such as Nuclear Science Centre etc. 26. SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 149 of 495 a. • • • b. Strengths Well qualified committed faculty actively involved in research activities along with regular teaching. The course offers students to peruse higher education in pure physics, interdisciplinary and professional courses. This course is of industrial importance and has bright job prospects. Weaknesses • Limited space, infrastructure constraints. • No project or field work for students. c. Opportunities • Provides a suitable platform for students to perform research and other activities. . d. Challenges • To adapt to the challenges and changing scenario in higher education. • To motivate them towards core research and studies. 27. List of Research Publications: 1. Electron-impact study of PO2 using the R-matrix method, Physical Review A87, 062703 (2013), DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevA.87.062703 062703-1-9 Anand Bharadvaja, Savinder Kaur and K L Baluja. (IF:2.93) 2. Electron-impact study of S3 using the R-matrix method, Physical Review A83, 062707 (2011), DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevA.83.062707 062707-1-10, Savinder Kaur, (IF:2.93) Anand Bharadvaja and K L Baluja 3. Preparation and Characterization of Cellulose Derived from Rice Husk for Drug Delivery. Advanced Materials Letters, 2013. DOI : 10.5185/amlett.2013. page 714719, S. K. Shukla, Nidhi, Sudha, Pooja, Namrata, Charu, Akshay, Silvi, Manisha, Rizwana, Anand Bharadvaja and G. C. Dubey, A Tiwary. (IF:1.93) 4. Fabrication of ultra-sensitive optical fiber based humidity sensor using TiO2 thin film.Advanced Materials Letters. 2012, 3(5), 365-370, DOI:10.5185/amlett.2012.5350, S. K. Shukla, Anand Bharadvaja, G. K. Parashar, A. P. Mishra and G. C. Dubey, Ashutosh Tiwari. (IF:1.93) 5. Synthesis and characterization of highly crystalline polyaniline film promising for Humid sensor. Advanced Materials Letters. 2010, 1(2), 129-134. S.K. Shukla, Anand Bharadvaja, Ashutosh Tiwari, G. K. Parashar, G. C. Dubey (IF:1.93) Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 150 of 495 6. Metal decontamination from Chemically Modified Rice Husk Film, Advanced Material Letters Adv. Mat. Lett. 2014 , 5(6), 352-355, DOI10.5185/amlett.2014.1018, S. K. Shukla, Nidhi, Sudha, Pooja, Namrata, Charu, Akshay, Silvi, Manisha, Rizwana, Anand Bharadvaja and G. C. Dubey 7. Electron-impact cross sections of SiH2 using the R-matrix method at low energy Anand Bharadvaja, Savinder Kaur, and K. L. Baluja, Phys. Rev. A 91, 032701, Doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.91.032701 8. High pressure phase transitions in diluted magnetic semiconductors, R.K.Singh,Vandana Batra, Anita Arora and N. K. Gaur, Proc. Solid State Physics Abundance of actinides in cosmic radiation, A Dutta,V Batra,S Biswas, Radiation Measurements, 36,287,2003 (IF : 0.861) 9. Abundance of actinides in cosmic radiation, A Dutta,V Batra,S Biswas, Radiation Measurements, 36,287,2003 (IF : 0.861) 10. Charge fragmentation in cosmic radiation and the question of physical anomalons, A Dutta,V Batra, S Biswas, R Brandt, Kerntechnik,68,219,2003 (IF:0.238) 11. The charge spectrum of ultra heavy cosmic ray ions(Z=68-96) measured onboard LDEF, V Batra, A Dutta, S. Biswas, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics,42,484,2004 (IF:0.854 12. A Program for a problem free Cosmology within a Framework of a Rich Class of ScalarTensor Theories” by Daksh Lohiya, Meetu Sethi,published in Classical and Quantum, Gravity.16:1545-1563, (1999) (I.F 3.32) 13. A Strategy for a realization of a problem free Einstein Hilbert Action along with a problemfee Toy Cosmology: Daksh Lohiya,Meetu Sethi,Gravitation and Cosmology.6:185-193,2000.(I.F. 0.46) 14. On Observational Constraints on Power-Law Cosmologies” by Meetu Sethi, Annu Batra,Daksh Lohiya, published in Phys. Rev. D. D60 :10301,1999. (I.F. 4.558) 15. Linear Coasting in Cosmology and SNe Ia “ by A. Dev, Meetu Sethi and Daksh LohiyaPhys. Letters B, 504, 207 (2001).(I.F. 3.955) Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 151 of 495 16. Phase Diagram of a bosonic ladder with two coupled chains by Meetu SethiLuthra,Tapan Mishra, R.V. Pai, B.P. Das, Phys Rev. B, 78, 165104 (2008).(I.F. 3.691) 17. Signatures of Superfluid-to-Mott Insulator transition in cold bosonic atoms in a one dimensional optical lattice by S. Ramanan,T.Mishra,Meetu SethiLuthra,R.Pai and B.P.Das.Phys. Rev. A,79,013625(2009). (I.F. 2.878) 18. Supersolid and solitonic phases in the one-dimensional extended Bose-Hubbard Model” by T.Mishra, R.V. Pai, S.Ramanan,Meetu Sethi Luthra and B.P.Das,Phys. Rev. A,80,043614 (2009).(I.F. 2.878) 19. Turbulent compressible convection with rotation—penetration above a convection zone, Astrophysics and Space Science, Vol. 314, Issue 1-3, pp. 231-239 (2008) Partha S.Pal, Harinder P. Singh, Kwing L. Chan, M. P. Srivastava 20. Turbulent compressible convection with rotation penetration below a convection zone, Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume 307, Issue 4, pp. 399-407 (2007). Partha S.Pal; Harinder P. Singh; Chan, Kwing L.; M. P. Srivastava. 21. Maximum Lifetime Data Aggregation Problem, Kavindra Kumar, Wireless Sensor Networks, IJESRR, April 2014 Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 152 of 495 SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher 2. Designation & Department : Associate Professor in Physics Department 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution? Give details along with proof. • : Dr. Anand Bharadvaja Yes (Information Technology paper under FYUP, University of Delhi). In past I was also involved, with IGNOU in their curriculum development programme of Physics. 4.a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? No b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body? • 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. • • • • 6. Life Member of National Society of Atomic & Molecular Physics Attended two Refresher Courses conducted by CPDHE, Delhi University in from 3rd – 23rd October 2001 and 5th – 24th January 2004. Attended Orientation Course organized by CPDHE, Delhi University in 2000 Acted as a Course Convenor in a 3 week Refresher Course in the Physics conducted CPDHE, University of Delhi from 12-31 March 2007. Acted as a Course Convenor in a 3 week Refresher Course in the Physics conducted CPDHE, University of Delhi from February 7-26, 2005. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 153 of 495 • 7. Attended the workshop on “Quantum Mechanics: Theory and Applications” being organized on 21-22 November, 2008 by Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College (University of Delhi) and FiDAS. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? • 8. Yes, for the Foundation paper Information and Technology, organized by CPDHE, Delhi University in May- June 2013. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. Details of Papers presented in Conferences: • Preparation and Characterization Agro-Waste Derived Cellulose Membrane for Biomedical Devices“Emerging Trends in Development of Drugs and Devices” , Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, 21st-23rd January, 2013 • Metal Decontamination from Bioactive Film Development from Rice Husk, “National Conference on Solid State Chemistry and Allied Areas”, Dr H S Gaur University, 15th17th February 2013, Sagar, MP, OP-6, page 22, • Development of Hard Packaging Materials from Bagasse, “InternationalConference on Advancement in Polymeric Materials APM-2013”, 1st-3rd March 2013, Lucknow • Efficient Metal removal from bioactive film developed from rice husk, “Advanced Material World Congress” at IZMIR, TURKEY on September 16-19, 2013.) 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. • Development of Hard Packaging Materials from Bagasse, “International Conference on Advancement in Polymeric Materials APM-2013”, 1st-3rd March 2013, Lucknow • Efficient Metal removal from bioactive film developed from rice husk, “Advanced Material World Congress” at IZMIR, TURKEY on September 16-19, 2013.) Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 154 of 495 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. 1. Yes. The Innovation projects sanctioned by University of Delhi in 2012-13 and 20132014. They were interdisciplinary in nature and had 3 Principal Investigators and involved undergraduate students. 11. • Innovation Project BCAS-104 -“Development and Study of Alternate Packaging Materials from Agro Wastes and its Application in Food Packaging” • Innovation Project BCAS- 202-“Agro-Waste Material Management : From Waste to Wealth” Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a. List of representative publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) • Electron-impact study of PO2 using the R-matrix method, Phy Rev A87, 062703 (2013), DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevA.87.062703062703-1-9 Anand Bharadvaja, Savinder Kaur and K L Baluja. • Electron-impact study of S3 using the R-matrix method, Phy Rev A83, 062707 (2011), DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevA.83.062707062707-1-10 Savinder Kaur, Anand Bharadvaja and K L Baluja • Preparation and Characterization of Cellulose Derived from Rice Husk for Drug Delivery.Advanced Materials Letters, 2013. DOI : 10.5185/amlett.2013. page 714-719 S. K. Shukla,Nidhi, Sudha, Pooja, Namrata, Charu, Akshay,Silvi,Manisha, Rizwana, Anand Bharadvaja and G. C. Dubey, A Tiwary. • Fabrication of ultra-sensitive optical fiber based humidity sensor using TiO2 thin film.Advanced Materials Letters. 2012, 3(5), 365-370, DOI:10.5185/amlett.2012.5350 S. K. Shukla, Anand Bharadvaja, G. K. Parashar, A. P. Mishra and G. C. Dubey, Ashutosh Tiwari. Synthesis and characterization of highly crystalline polyaniline film promising for humid sensor. Advanced Materials Letters. 2010, 1(2), 129-134. S.K. Shukla, Anand Bharadvaja, Ashutosh Tiwari, G. K. Parashar, G. C. Dubey Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 155 of 495 • Metal decontamination from Chemically Modified Rice Husk Film”. Advanced Material Letters Adv. Mat. Lett. 2014 , 5(6), 352-355, DOI-10.5185/amlett.2014.1018 S. K. Shukla, Nidhi, Sudha, Pooja, Namrata, Charu, Akshay, Silvi, Manisha, Rizwana, Anand Bharadvaja and G. C. Dubey Advanced Materials Letters Impact factor 1.93 Physical Review A • ISSN no. 0976-3961 Impact factor 2.991 ISSN no. 1094-1622 Electron-impact cross sections of SiH2 using the R-matrix method at low energy Anand Bharadvaja, Savinder Kaur, and K. L. Baluja, Phys. Rev. A 91, 032701, Doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.91.032701 b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals Monographs written : Chapter written in books : Books edited: Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) : Index(citation) of your publications : Impact factor: h- index : 2 NA NA NA NA NA 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? No 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. - Involvement of students in research activities, Use of power point presentations, lectures, Lab Practical and Application based presentations got prepared by students. 14. Have you received any Research Award? No 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Yes. The work presented in National and International Conferences have got appreciation. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 156 of 495 16. Are you providing consultancy? 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? u) for your own College : v) for any other organization ? 2011 No No ICNANO-2011 organised in Delhi University, 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? No 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? . No 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify?NA (Dr Anand Bharadvaja) Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 157 of 495 SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : Dr. Vandana Batra 2. Designation & Department : Associate Professor in Physics Department 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution? No 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? No • Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body? • 5. Life Member (322) –Nuclear Track Society of India List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. 14. Attended Refresher course in Computer Science being organized from Dec. 07 to Dec. 28, 2006 by Academic Staff College, Jamia Millia Islamia , New Delhi. 15. Attended Refresher course in Physics organized from January 27 to February 20,2004 by Academic Staff College, J.N.U., New Delhi. 16. Attended Orientation course being organized from June 04 to July 01, 2002 by Academic Staff College, Jamia Millia Islamia , New Delhi. 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. • Attended ILLL workshop, Tier II, being organized on 8-11 March, 2010 by Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences (University of Delhi). • Attended the workshop on “Quantum Mechanics: Theory and Applications” being organized on 21-22 November, 2008 by Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College (University of Delhi) and FiDAS. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 158 of 495 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? No 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? Details of Papers presented in Conferences: • Flux of ultra heavy cosmic ray ions (Z=68-97) measured onboard LDEF, A Dutta,V Batra,S Biswas, Proc. 21st International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in solids, India, 21-25 Oct.,2002 • Abundance of actinides in cosmic radiation, A Dutta,V Batra,S Biswas, Proc. 21st International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in solids, India, 21-25 Oct.,2002 • The abundance spectrum of cosmic ray ultra heavy ions in near earth space, V Batra, National Conference on “Recent Advances in Science and Technology (NCRAST-2010)”, March 27-28, 2010, Aggarwal College Ballabgarh, Faridabad, Haryana. • Flux of ultra heavy cosmic rays ions onboard LDEF and Halo Diffusion Model, V Batra, A Dutta, S Biswas, Proc. 13th National Symposium on Solid State Nuclear Tracks Detectors and their applications, Hyderabad, 2003 • Relative abundance of ultra heavy ions in space, V Batra, A Dutta, S Biswas,Proc. 12th National Symposium on Solid State Nuclear Tracks Detectors and their applications, Jalandher, 2001 • High pressure phase transitions in diluted magnetic semiconductors, R.K.Singh,Vandana Batra, Anita Arora and N. K. Gaur, Proc. Solid State Physics Symposium, BARC,Bombay,1991 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. • Attended National Conference on “Accelerator and Low Level Radiation Safety (NCALLRS-09)” being organized on 18-20 November, 2009 by Inter-University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 159 of 495 • Attended the conference on “India R&D 2008-Nanotechnology: The science of the Future” being organized on September 5, 2008 by FICCI, New Delhi. 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. No 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: 1. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) 24. Abundance of actinides in cosmic radiation, A Dutta,V Batra,S Biswas, Radiation Measurements, 36,287,2003 (IF : 0.861) f) Charge fragmentation in cosmic radiation and the question of physical anomalons, A Dutta,V Batra, S Biswas, R Brandt, Kerntechnik,68,219,2003 (IF:0.238) g) The charge spectrum of ultra heavy cosmic ray ions(Z=68-96) measured onboard LDEF, V Batra, A Dutta, ,S Biswas, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics,42,484,2004 (IF:0.854) 2. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) NA 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Monographs written :NA Chapter written in books :NA Books edited: NA Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) :NA Index(citation) of your publications : 6 Impact factor: 1.953 h- index :1 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. No 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. Lab Practicals and Application based presentations got prepared by students. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 160 of 495 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. No 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. No 16. Are you providing consultancy? No 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : a) for your own College :As a Convener, Seminar Committee (2004-05) Organized a 2-days academic seminar ‘Tech-Talk’ in college b) For any other organization? No 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? No 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? No 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? NA (Dr Vandana Batra) Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 161 of 495 SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : Dr. Meetu Luthra 2. Designation & Department : Associate Professor,Department of Physics 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution ? Yes, curriculum setting of BIS (Computer Sciemce) 4. a)Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? No b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body ?No. 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details • Attended Orientation course from June 04 to July 01, 2002 at Academic Staff College, Jamia Millia Islamia , New Delhi. • Attemded Refresher course in Physics organized by Department of Physics, Delhi University from March 2010 • Attended Refresher course in Physics organized by Academic Staff college JNU, from 06.02.2012 to 02.03.2012 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? h) Attended XI SERC school on Theoretical High Energy Physics April 96 at Department of Physics, Punjab University. i) Attended Advanced SERC school of HEP February 97 at Centre for Theoretical Physics (CTS) at IISC Bangalore. 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. 1.I have been a resource person for INSPIRE program organized in our college (5-9th July 2010) 2. I was a chairperson for a session in the Young Astronomers meet organized in IIAP.(January 2007) Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 162 of 495 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies?. 1. Presented my work in International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation GR-15, held in IUCAA, Pune , Dec-97 IUCAA-61-97,Dec 1997, 22pp, Fermilab library 2. Presented my work in XII H.E.P. Symposium held at Punjab University,Chandigarh. 3. My work was presented at Inner Space Outer space –II organized at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, July 1999. 4. Presented my work in the 52nd DAE symposium on Solid state Physics held at Mysore in December 2007. 5. Presented my work in the in-house meeting of Indian Institute of Astrophysics in April 2008. 6. Presented my work in Fourth Garuda's Partners meet held in Bangalore in November 2009. 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? 1. Attended an International Conference on Physics Education “World View on Physics Education “ organised by Miranda House in 2005. 2. Attended workshop on Garuda Grid Operation and Administration (GGOA-2008) held at at CDAC- Bangalore. 3. Attended workshop on “Advances in Condensed matter Physics” held at University of Goa in January 2009. 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Specify your Research/Academic contribution. No List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) 1. "A Program for a problem free Cosmology within a Framework of a Rich Class of Scalar Tensor Theories” by Daksh Lohiya, Meetu Sethi,published in Classical and Quantum Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 163 of 495 Gravity.16:1545-1563,1999.(I.F 3.32) 2. “A Strategy for a realization of a problem free Einstein Hilbert Action along with a problem fee Toy Cosmology” by Daksh Lohiya ,Meetu Sethi Gravitation and Cosmology.6:185-193,2000.(I.F. 0.46) 3. “On Observational Constraints on Power-Law Cosmologies” by Meetu Sethi, Annu Batra, Daksh Lohiya, published in Phys. Rev. D. D60 :10301,1999. (I.F. 4.558) 4. “Linear Coasting in Cosmology and SNe Ia “ by A. Dev, Meetu Sethi and Daksh Lohiya Phys. Letters B, 504, 207 (2001).(I.F. 3.955) 5. “ Phase Diagram of a bosonic ladder with two coupled chains” by Meetu Sethi Luthra,Tapan Mishra, R.V. Pai, B.P. Das, Phys Rev. B, 78, 165104 (2008).(I.F. 3.691) 6. “Signatures of Superfluid-to-Mott Insulator transition in cold bosonic atoms in a one dimensional optical lattice” by S. Ramanan,T.Mishra,Meetu Sethi Luthra,R.Pai and B.P.Das.Phys. Rev. A,79,013625(2009). (I.F. 2.878) 7. “Supersolid and solitonic phases in the one-dimensional extended Bose-Hubbard Model” by T.Mishra, R.V. Pai, S.Ramanan,Meetu Sethi Luthra and B.P.Das,Phys. Rev. A,80,043614 (2009).(I.F. 2.878) .List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Monographs written Chapter written in books Books edited Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) Index (citation) of your publications 133 Impact factor h- index 6 11. Have you obtained/filed any patents? No 12. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years.1. To improve the presentation skills of the students they were asked to make powerpoint presentations on specific topics. 2. Apart from lectures based on the curriculum, I tried to incorporate discussion sessions on various new research fields highlighting the application of the Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 164 of 495 concepts they are studying in the class and also introducing the experimental tools used to verify them. 3. Lectures by eminent speakers were also organized time to time to keep the students abreast with the latest research areas. 21. Have you received any Research Award?No. 22. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level?.No 23. Are you providing consultancy? No 24. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : a) b) for your own College- included in the Department form for any other organization ? No 25. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree. No. 26. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? No 27. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? I have pursued postdoctoral research in the area of Quantum phase transition under the guidance of Prof. B.P.Das in the Indian Institute of Astrophysics from 20062009. Dr. Meetu Luthra Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 165 of 495 SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : Vikas Tyagi 2. Designation & Department : Assistant Professor 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution ? Give details along with proof. No 4. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. No b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body ? If yes, submit proof. No, 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. - attended “2nd Special Winter School” at UGC – Academic Staff College, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-110025 from 24th Dec, 2013 to 13th Jan, 2014. 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. No 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. No. 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. No, 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. No. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 166 of 495 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. No. 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) Monographs written Chapter written in books Books edited Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) Index of your publications Impact factor h- index 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. No. 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : j) for your own College k) for any other organization ? No. No. No. No Give details with proofs. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 167 of 495 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. No. 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. No. 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? No. Vikas Tyagi Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 168 of 495 SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : Dr. Partha Sarathy Pal 2. Designation & Department : Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution ? Give details along with proof. Member of the committee for the development of the course content for Physics and Astrophysics FYUP syllabus. (Annexure 1) 4. a) b) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. (NO) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body ? If yes, submit proof. (NO) 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. (1 Orientation – Annexure 2) 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. a) School on Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, International Center for Theroetical Physics, Trieste, Italy, 15-26 October 2007 (Annexure 3) b) International School on Solar Physics, Kodaikanal, Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA), 10–22 December 2006,(Annexure 4) 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. ISRO, Ahmedabad (Annexure 5) 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 169 of 495 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. Innovation Project of University of Delhi BCAS-105: Determine the Speciation of some Selected Heavy Metals from Ewastes and their Impact on Ground Water 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a) 1. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) Turbulent compressible convection with rotation—penetration above a convection zone, 2008 Pal, Partha S.; Singh, Harinder P.; Chan, Kwing L.; Srivastava, M. P. Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume 314, Issue 1-3, pp. 231-239 (Annexure 6) 2. Turbulent compressible convection with rotation penetration below a convection zone, 2007 Pal, Partha S.; Singh, Harinder P.; Chan, Kwing L.; Srivastava, M. P. Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume 307, Issue 4, pp.399-407 b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) (Annexure 7) List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) Monographs written Chapter written in books Books edited Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) Index of your publications Impact factor 1.4 h- index 1.0 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. (NO) 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. Extensive use of IT in teaching. Build computer programs to simulate various equations and phenomena in numerical analysis and optics. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 170 of 495 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. (NO) 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. (NO) 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. (NO) 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : l) for your own College: Training on ExpEYES design kit, BCAS, 2012 (Annexure 8) m) for any other organization ? (NO) Give details with proofs. 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. (NO) 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. (NO) 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? Dr. Partha Sarathy Pal Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 171 of 495 SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : Sandeep Kumar 2. Designation & Department : Assistant Professor 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution? Give details along with proof. No 4. a) b) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. No Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body? If yes, submit proof. No 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organized by you along with details. Attended Refresher course in Basic Sciences (Interdisciplinary) from 12th May, 2014 to 2nd June, 2014 at Academic Staff College (Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi) (Enclosure-1) 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. Yes (Enclosure 2 & 3) 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. No 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. Yes (Enclosure- 4) 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. Yes (Enclosure – 4 & 5) 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. One Minor project Titled “SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF Y1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7+δ HIGH TEMPERATURE SUPERCONDUCTOR” and One Major project “GROWTH AND CHARACTERIZATION OF CARBON NANOTUBES/ZINC OXIDE Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 172 of 495 COMPOSITES” during my M.Tech. (Solid State Electronic Materials) in year 2009 at Department of Physics, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee. (Enclosure 6 & 7) 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a) List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) List attached (Enclosure 8 & 9) b) List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) No c) Monographs written No d) Chapter written in books No e) Books edited No f) Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) No g) Index of your publications No h) Impact factor NA i) h- index No 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. No 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. Used power point presentation for teaching some topics. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. No Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. No Are you providing consultancy? Give details. No Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : n) For your own College. Yes (Enclosure - 10 ) o) For any other organization? No Give details with proofs. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. No Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 173 of 495 Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. No Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? No Sandeep Kumar Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 174 of 495 SELF STUDY REPORT 1. NAME OF THE TEACHER : RAMESH KUMAR 2. DESIGNATION & DEPARTMENT : ASSISTANT PROFESSOR 3. HAVE YOU BEEN A MEMBER OF THE CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DELHI OR ANY OTHER UNIVERSITY/INSTITUTION? GIVE DETAILS ALONG WITH PROOF. NO 4. A) HAVE YOU BEEN A MEMBER OF THE ACADEMIC COUNCIL/FACULTY/COMMITTEE OF COURSES/ DEPARTMENTAL RESEARCH COUNCIL/BOARD OF RESEARCH STUDIES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DELHI OR ANY OTHER ORGANIZATION? IF YES, SUBMIT PROOF. NO B) ARE YOU OR HAVE BEEN A MEMBER OF ANY NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL LEVEL PROFESSIONAL BODY? IF YES, SUBMIT PROOF. NO 5. LIST THE REFRESHER/ORIENTATION COURSES ATTENDED/ORGANIZED BY YOU ALONG ND WITH DETAILS. ATTENDED ORIENTATION COURSE FROM 02 JULY, 2014 TO 31 JULY, 2014 AT UGC ACADEMIC STAFF COLLEGE (UNIVERSITY OF LUCKNOW) (ENCLOSURE-1) 6. HAVE YOU PARTICIPATED IN TRAINING PROGRAMMES ORGANIZED BY DIFFERENT AGENCIES/INSTITUTES IN THE EMERGING AREAS IN YOUR FIELD (SAY BIOTECHNOLOGY, BIOINFORMATICS, STOCK MARKETS, IT ETC.)? PLEASE ATTACH PROOF. YES (ENCLOSURE-2 &3) 7. HAVE YOU BEEN INVITED AS RESOURCE PERSON IN WORKSHOPS/SEMINARS/CONFERENCES ORGANIZED BY EXTERNAL PROFESSIONAL AGENCIES? SUBMIT PROOF. NO 8. HAVE YOU PRESENTED PAPERS IN WORKSHOPS/SEMINARS/CONFERENCES CONDUCTED OR ORGANIZED BY PROFESSIONAL AGENCIES? IF YES, PLEASE ATTACH PROOF AND A COPY OF THE PAPER. NO Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 175 of 495 9. HAVE YOU PARTICIPATED/ATTENDED THE WORKSHOPS/SEMINARS/CONFERENCES ORGANIZED BY EXTERNAL PROFESSIONAL AGENCIES? IF YES, ATTACH PROOF. YES (ENCLOSURE-4) 10. HAVE YOU UNDERTAKEN MAJOR/MINOR RESEARCH PROJECTS? IF YES, SPECIFY WHETHER THEY WERE INDUSTRY SPONSORED OR INTERDISCIPLINARY OR STUDENTS RESEARCH PROJECTS OR ANY OTHER. ATTACH DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE. ONE MAJOR PROJECT “ FULL-FIELD FOURIER-DOMAIN OPTICAL COHERENCE TOMOGRAPHY AND ITS APPLICATON IN CROSS-SECTIONAL IMAGING OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS”, DURING MY M.TECH. (APPLIED OPTICS) IN YEAR 2009 AT DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS, IIT DELHI, NEW DELHI. (ENCLOSURE-5) 11. SPECIFY YOUR RESEARCH/ACADEMIC CONTRIBUTION: a) LIST OF PUBLICATIONS IN PEER REVIEWED INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS. (ATTACH COPY OF FIRST PAGE OF EACH PAPER) NO b) LIST OF PUBLICATIONS IN PEER REVIEWED NATIONAL JOURNALS (ATTACH COPY OF FIRST PAGE OF EACH PAPER) NO c) MONOGRAPHS WRITTEN NO d) CHAPTER WRITTEN IN BOOKS NO e) BOOKS EDITED NO f) BOOKS WRITTEN WITH ISBN/ISSN MEMBERS (GIVE DETAILS OF THE PUBLISHER) NO g) INDEX OF YOUR PUBLICATIONS NO h) IMPACT FACTOR : NO i) H- INDEX: NO 12. HAVE YOU OBTAINED/FILED ANY PATENTS? GIVE PROOF. NO 13. SPECIFY ANY INNOVATIVE TEACHING METHODS/APPROACH YOU MAY HAVE ADOPTED IN THE LAST FOUR YEARS. USED POWER POINT PRESENTATION FOR TEACHING SOME TOPICS. 14. HAVE YOU RECEIVED ANY RESEARCH AWARD? PLEASE GIVE DETAILS WITH PROOF. NO Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 176 of 495 15. HAVE YOU RECEIVED RECOGNITION FROM REPUTED PROFESSIONAL BODIES & AGENCIES OF STATE/ NATIONAL/ INTERNATIONAL LEVEL? GIVE DETAILS WITH PROOF. NO 16. ARE YOU PROVIDING CONSULTANCY? GIVE DETAILS. NO 17. HAVE YOU ORGANIZED CONFERENCES/ SEMINARS/ WORKSHOPS? : NO e) FOR YOUR OWN COLLEGE: NO f) FOR ANY OTHER ORGANIZATION ? NO GIVE DETAILS WITH PROOFS. 19. HAVE YOU PROVIDED RESEARCH GUIDANCE TO STUDENTS DEGREE? IF YES, GIVE DETAILS ALONG WITH PROOF. NO FOR M. PHIL/ PH. D. 20. ARE YOU RECOGNIZED AS SUPERVISOR FOR GUIDING RESEARCH BY THE UNIVERSITY OF DELHI OR ANY OTHER AGENCY? GIVE DETAILS WITH PROOF. NO 21. ANY OTHER CONTRIBUTION TO ACADEMICS/RESEARCH WHICH YOU WOULD LIKE TO SPECIFY? NO RAMESH KUMAR Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 177 of 495 DEPARTMENT OF POLYMER SCIENCE 1. Nameofthedepartment : Polymer Sciences 2. YearofEstablishment : 2004 3. Names of Programmes / Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.) : (a) B.Sc. (H) ________ (2004-2012) (b) B. Tech---------------- (2013-2014) (c) B.Sc. (H) ________ (2014-2015) 4. Names of Interdisciplinary courses and the departments/units involved: Chemistry, Math, Physics, Computer, Students who had taken admission under FYUP program of Polymer Science studied various Interdisciplinary courses as Foundation courses and IMBH as per DU guidelines 5. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system (programme wise) : Annual system: 2004-2010 Semester system: 2010 to be continued 6. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: Computer Sciences, Chemistry, Food Technology, Electronics (prior to 2007) 7. Other Courses offered by the Department. Certificate course on packaging 8. Details of courses/programs discontinued (if any) with reasons NIL. Although restructuring of various courses is being done from time to time as per DU guidelines 9. Numberof Teaching posts: Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 178 of 495 Sanctioned NA Filled NA Professors NA NA 7 6 (Three Permanent and Three Ad-hoc) AssociateProfessors Asst.Professors 10. Facultyprofilewithname,qualification,designation,specialization,(D.Sc./D.Litt./Ph.D./M. Phil.etc.,) Name Qualific Designation ation Dr. S. K. Shukla Ph. D. Specialization No.ofYears of Experience No.of Ph.D. Students guidedforthe Assistant Professor Mr. Sidhharth M. Sc. Assistant Sirohi M.Tech Professor Dr. Susmita Dey Ph. D. Assistant Sadhu Professor Polymer Cheractrizations Polymer Technology Rubber Technology 12 Dr. Krishna Dutt Ph. D. Assistant Professor Polymer Science TC Chemical 3 Dr. Sandeep Kumar Ph. D. Assistant Professor Polymer Composite 1 Dr. Hemlata Ph. D. Assistant Professor Gen. Chemistry 0 l t4 working 1 Students 12 9 1 Students working 11. List of senior visiting faculty: ? 12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled(programme wise) by temporary faculty: 58.2 % (Approx) of the classes are being conducted by Ad-Hoc faculty in 2013-2014 Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 179 of 495 13. Student -Teacher Ratio (program wise): From office 14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff; sanctioned and filled : S. No Name of the support staff Designation 1. Praveen Yadav Lab. Assistant 2. Narendra Grower Lab. Assistant 3. Jay Prakash Lab. Assistant 4. Rajendra Lab. Attendant 15. Faculty with successfully completed / ongoing projects from a) University b) National c) International funding agencies and grants received: S. No Name of the Number Faculty of Funding Agency National Amount Sanctioned Projects 1 Dr. S. K. Shukla 3 UGC & Delhi 17.5 Lac University 2 Dr. S. Dey Sadhu 2 Delhi University 15 Lac 3 Mr. Siddharth 1 Delhi University 5 Lac Sirohi 16. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc. and total grants received: NIL 17. Research Centre recognized by the University: NIL 18. Publications: Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 180 of 495 ∗ a) Publication per faculty Name of the Publications Books Books Chapters Publicationin Paper authored edited in books Conference presented in Proceeding Conference 5 6 35 Nil Nil 5 Dr. Susmita Dey 12 Sadhu 1 Nil 8 Dr. Krishna Dutt Nil Nil 10 3 Nil 4 Nil Nil 2 faculty in journal Dr. S. K. Shukla Mr. Sirohi 35 1 Siddharth 2 Dr. Kumar 17 Sandeep 8 Dr. Hemlata 1 19. Areas of consultancy and income generated: Not Applicable 20. Faculty as members in l) National committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Boards d) University Committees a) Nationalcommittees : 04 Faculty members b)InternationalCommittees : 02 Faculty members c)EditorialBoard: 02 Faculty members d) University Committees : All the members 21. Students projects a) Percentage of students departmental/programme: who have done in-house projects including inter Percentageofstudentswhohavedonein-houseprojects includinginterdepartmental/programme : All second and third year students of B. Sc. Polymer Science fro batch 2004-2007 to batch 2010-2013 ie 07 batches and bathes 2011-14 and 2012-2015 project have done in sumer vacation after IV Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 181 of 495 Semester, made project on the basis of Departmental and industrial R&D Training. The 20% students have been completed project in departments. However, the in-house projects have again been introduced in FYUP m) Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution i.e.in Research laboratories/Industry/other agencies: 80 % students placedforprojectsin R& D organizations, Researchlaboratories and Industries outside the institutions. 22. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty and students • • • Dr. S. K. Shukla: IAMM Scientist award 2011, ISCAS Brong medal award 2011, Ist Prize in best poster award in APM. 2013 Dr. Krishna Dutt:, II :prize, In International conference on “Recycling and reuse of material”, Kottayam, Kerla 2009), Dr. D. S Kothari Post Doctoral Fellowship awarded by UGC in 2012 Dr. Sandeep Kumar IIIrdprize in oral presentation award in international conference APM2010, CIPET Bhubaneswar Orissa, India. 23. List of eminent academicians and scientists/ visitors to the department • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Professor A. K Bhowmik, Center of Rubber Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, West Bengal Professor G. L. Verma, Department of Polymer Science and Applied Chemistry, Delhi Technological University, Delhi. Proessor A. P. Gupta, Department of Polymer Science and Applied Chemistry, Delhi Technological University, Delhi. Prfessor A. K. Gosh, Center of Polymer Science, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Delhi Mr. Siddhartm Mitra, GM, IOCL Green Park, Delhi. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Verma, Vice Precedent, Premear polyfilm, Sahibabad, UP. India Dr. J Jacob,Center of Polymer Science, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Delhi Dr. G. C Dubey, SSPL, New Delhi Professor Aasutosh Tiwari,Linkoping, Sweeden Professor H. Kobiyashi, NIMS, Japan Prof. A. K. Bakshi, Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, Delhi Prof. Monika Datta,Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, Delhi Dr. Kaushik Malik, Department of Applied Chemistry Johnberg University, South Africa. Dr. A. K. Mishra, Department of Applied Chemistry Johnberg University, SouthAfrica. Dr. R. K. Khandal, Director, Sriram College for Industrial Research, Delhi. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 182 of 495 • Professor D. Kumar, Department of Polymer Science and Applied Chemistry, Delhi Technological University, Delhi. 24. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding h) National: : 02 CSIR & UGC Funding i) International : NIL 25. Student profile programme/course wise: (from office) Name of Course/programme (refer question no. 4) Year wise the enrolment Selected Enrolled *M Enrolled *F B. Sc (H) Polymer Science 2010-11 68 48 20 B. Sc (H) Polymer Science 2011-12 86 57 29 B. Sc (H) Polymer Science 2012-13 99 77 22 B. Teach. Polymer Science 2013-14 55 52 3 B. Sc. (H) Polymer Science 2014-2015 70 57 13 *M=Male F=Female 26. Diversity of Students (from office) Year wise Name of the enrolment Course Reserved candidates % of students from same state OBC SC ST PwD B. Sc (H) 2010-11 11 05 00 00 B. Sc (H) 2011-12 20 06 00 00 B. Tech 2012-13 24 10 00 00 B. Sc (H) 2013-14 13 12 02 00 B. Sc (H) 2014-15 22 18 01 00 % of students from other States % of students from abroad 27. How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations such as Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 183 of 495 NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defense services, etc. Anexer-1 28. Student progression (PASS OUT STUDENTS have been requested to send their whereabouts) See Annexure –I for the ones that have been received so far Student progression UG to PG PG to M.Phil. PG to Ph.D. Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral Employed • Campus selection • Other than campus recruitment Entrepreneurship/Self-employment Against % enrolled (approx) 90 5 5 29. Details of Infrastructural facilities d) Library :Du to paucity of Space in the present building we are not in a position to establish Departmental library. However, in the college library there is space for every department/ subject b) Internet facilities for Staff & Students :A part from centralized facility, the Department has also been provided with internet Wi-fi connectivity. c) Class rooms with ICT facility :There is one dedicated class room for the department and other class room are used from the common pool for optimal utilization of resources d) Laboratories: Department of Polymer Science has well equipped laboratories to train the students with synthesis, processing and testing of polymers. The laboratories are having all the latest facilities to meet therequirement of the experiments up to the mark of industrial standards. Apart from the syllabus experiments, students are also trained in handling, maintenance and trouble-shooting of various equipments available in the laboratories. A few of notable equipments are Injection Molding Machine,Compression Molding Machine, Two-Roll Mill, Single Screw Extruder, Universal Testing Machine, ImpactTester, MFI Tester, Flammability Tester, Heat Distortion Temperature &Vicat Softening Point Apparatus,Ubbelohde Viscometers with Temperature Controlled Bath , Abrasion Tester, Hardness Testers, OpacityTester , Carbon Content Measuring Apparatus, Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 184 of 495 UV-Vis spectrometer, FT-IR, Rheometer etc. 30. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government or other agencies Details of fee concession committee report from accounts 31. Details on student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) with external experts: Apart from attending class room lectures, students participate in various conferences, workshops, symposiums & industrial visits. Department of Polymer Science society (known as PEARLS) organizes popularlectures of eminent Professors& Scientists from various institutions to enhance awareness of students towards latest research and developments in the field of polymer science. 1. An industrial visit of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. Panipat polymer manufacturing plant was organized by Department of Polymer Science on 18th March 2014 .B.Tech 1st year students, four faculty members and three lab staff members were part of this visiting group. 2. Polymer science students attended PU Tech 2014th Polyurethane Exhibition and Conference India on March 12-14, 2014 held at India Expo Center, Greater Noida. The exhibition and conference was organized by Indian Polyurethane Association. 3. Three DU Innovation Projects sanctioned to the faculty members of Department of Polymer Science in 2013-14 , these projects are beneficial of students for improving research Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 185 of 495 knowledge of synthesis, processing and testing of polymers. 4. Ten students from all the three years along with faculty members attended the Indian Rubber Conference held in India Habitat Centre on 5th March 2014. 5. Polymer science students attended IPI Technical Seminar on September 14, 2013 held at Gurgaon. The seminar was being organized in association with Ferromatik Milacron India & Total Lubricants. The topic of discussions were • Insight on ferromatikmilacron injection moulding machines • Insight on lubricant industry by total lubricants 6. Polymer science students attended Technical Seminar held on August 22, 2013 at Hotel Country Inn & Suites, Gurgaon. The topic of discussions was • Innovations in moulding simulation technology 7. Premier Polyfilm Ltd. visited campus on June 05, 2013 for placement of polymer science students. Three students of the final year were selected from the campus by Premier Polyfilms. 8. Students of Department went on study tour in Gyanoday III and IV Educational train journey of University of Delhi in 2013 & 2014. 9. Faculty, Department of Polymer Science has published more than 10 research papers in world reputed international journals in 2013-2014 academic year. 10. Faculty, Department of Polymer Science attended many conferences during the 2013-2014 academic year. 11. Students of Department of Polymer Science participated in different cultural and sport activities of college and university. Industrial visits/exposure visits by the students/summer training, winter training Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 186 of 495 S.No. YEAR NAME OF THE INSTITUTE DURATION NUMBER OF STUDENTS 1. 2 3. 4. 5 6. Guest Lectures delivered (Name of the Expert, Talk Title) S. No YEAR Name of SPEAKER /RESOURCE PERSON the TOPIC OF PRESENTATION 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 187 of 495 32. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning Lectures, power point presentations, seminars, virtual Labs, quizzes, regular short tests, interactive classes, visit to scientific institutes such as ICGEB etc. 33. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities 34. SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans a. Strengths • • • • • Well qualified committed faculty actively involved in research activities along with regular teaching. Exposure to students and faculty of the college as well as other institutes to industry technology and production of polymer gods, , latest trends and areas of interest in research, opportunities, challenges, etc. through workshops, guest lectures by stalwarts of the relevant field. Faculty well qualified and competent in the different fields of Polymer Science. Books (References as well as text) by reputed authors and publishers available in the library. References Books for advance study and research also available in the library. b. Weaknesses • Due to lack of space at present, infrastructure constraints extra or spare time availableto the students in the laboratory is limited. • The department lack departmental Library. c. Opportunities • In house research, exploration can be carried in the laboratories itself where synthesis and testing based experimentation and exploration can be performed before the actual experiment are carried out. d. Challenges • In the present world where students are attracted and inclined towards quick and high pay packages, the challenge is to motivate them towards core research and studies. 35. List of Research Publications: 1. Balaram Pani, Sidhharth Sirohi, Manjeet Singh Barwa,Effect of Seasonal Variation on Metal Speciation in Leachate from a Thermal Power Plant Ash Pond: Impact on Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 188 of 495 Ground Waters,International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology 2013,2(10): 2927-2937 2. Balaram Pani, Sidhharth Sirohi, Dhirendra Singh, Studies on the Effects of Various Flame Retardants on Polypropylene American Journal of Polymer Science 2013, 3(4): 63-69 3. S.Sadhu and A. K. Bhowmick: Unique rheological behavior of rubber based nanocomposites.- J.Polym.Sci. Phys., 43, 2005, 1854 4. S.Sadhu and A.K.Bhowmick: Preparation and Characterization of Styrene Butadiene Rubber Based Nanocomposites and Study of their Mechanical Properties, Advanced Engineering Materials 6, 9, 2004, 738. 5. S.Sadhu and A.K.Bhowmick , Preparation and properties of nanocomposites based on acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber, styrene-butadiene rubber, and polybutadiene rubber, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 42, 9, 2004, 1573. 6. S.Sadhu and A.K.Bhowmick , Preparation and properties of styrene-butadiene rubber based nanocomposites: The influence of the structural and processing parameters, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 92, 2, 2004, 698 7. S.Sadhu and A.K.Bhowmick , Effect of Chain Length of Amine & Nature & Loading of Clay on Styrene Butadiene Rubber-Clay Nanocomposites; Rubber Chemistry & Technology, 76,2003, 0860. 8. S.Sadhu and A.K.BhowmickMorphology Study of Rubber Based Nanocomposite by Transmission Electron Microscopy & Atomic Force Microscopy; J. Materials Science,40, 7, 2005,1633. 9. S.Sadhu and A.K.Bhowmick,Effect of Nanoclay on the Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Styrene Butadiene & Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber Vulcanizates, Rubber Chemistry & Technology, 78, 2005, 321. 10. M. Maiti, S. Sadhu and A. K. Bhowmick , Brominated Polyisobutylene-coparamethylstyrene (BIMS) - Clay Nanocomposites: Synthesis & Characterization, J. Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics, 42, 24, 2004, 4489. 11. M. Maiti, S. Sadhu and A. K. Bhowmick,Ethylene-Octene Copolymer (Engage®) – Clay Nanocomposite: Preparation & Characterization, Rubber Chemistry & Technology, 603, 2006, 101. 12. M. Maiti, S. Sadhu and A. K. Bhowmick , Effect of carbon black on properties of rubber nanocomposites, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 96, 2, 2005, 443. 13. S.Sadhu, R.S. Rajiv and A. K. Bhowmick, Thermal degradation of elastomer based nanocomposites, Polymers & Polymer Composites, 16, 5, 2008, 283. 14. R. Sharma , P. Jain , S. Dey Sadhu and B. Kaur, Mechanical and thermal properties of impact modified PBT blends and impact modified PBT Nanocomposites, , J. Polym. Eng., 33, 6, 2013, 489. 15. R.K. Soni, S. Soam, Krishna Dutt, Studies on the Biodegradation of lactic acid terephthalic acid & ethylene glycol terpolymer (polymer degradation and stability, 94. 432-437 (2009). Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 189 of 495 16. R.K. Soni, Krishna Dutt, S. Soam, A. Jain, S. Singh,A Novel Route of Synthesis & Characterization of Terephthalic Dihydrazide (TPD) From Poly Ethylene Terephthalate Waste And It’s Application In PVC Compounding As Plasticizer (J. Appl. Polym. Sc. 113, 1090-1096 (2009) 17. R.K. Soni, S. Singh,Krishna Dutt, Studies on Synthesis and Characterization of NAlkyl Terephthalamide Using Different Amines from Polyethylene Terephthalate Waste (Journal of Appl. Polym. Sc., 115, 3074-3080 (2009), 18. Alock Mittal, R.K. Soni, S. Singh,Krishna Dutt, Scanning electron microscopic studies of polyethylene terephathalate (PET) waste flakes during aminolysis and ammonolysis (Journal of Hazardous Material 178 , 390-396 (2010) 19. R.K. Soni, Harjeet Singh, Krishna Dutt,Pryanka Arora, Effect of dynamic crosslinking on mixing torque behavior and tensile yield behavior of isotactic polypropylene (iPP) / ethylene-propylene diene rubber (EPDM) /nitrile rubber (NBR) elastomeric blends (Journal of polymer research. 17, 411-427 (2010) 20. R.K. Soni, Meenu Teotia, Krishna Dutt,Studies on Synthesis and characterization of a novel acrylic amide oligomer of aminolysed end products generated from PET waste with hydrazine mono hydrate and its photo curing with acrylate monomers ( Journal of applied polymer science 118 (2010) 638-645 ) 21. R.K. Soni, Harjeet Singh, Krishna Dutt, Rubber toughening of polypropylene thermoplastic vulcanizate (TPV) – a review (International Journal of current chemistry. Vol.-2(1),(2011) 65-93 ) 22. Krishna Dutt Chauhan, R.K. Soni, Harjeet Singh, Investigation on the improvement on mechanical and visco elastics properties of isotactic poly propylene (IPP) blend with ethylene-propylene diene rubber (EDPM) and Nitrile rubber (NBR) cure with resole type phenolic resin under dynamic conditions (International Journal of Plastic Tech. Volume 14, Issue 2 (2011), Page 117-141) 23. Krishna Dutt Chauhan, R.K. Soni, Harjeet Singh, Effect of dynamic cross-linking on melt rheological properties of isotactic polypropylene (iPP)/ethylene–propylene diene rubber (EPDM)/nitrile rubber (NBR) elastomeric blends(International Journal of Plastic Tech. Volume 15, Issue 2 (2011), Page 199-221) 24. Krishna Dutt Chauhan, R.K. Soni, Harjeet Singh, Studies on thermal stability and crystallization behavior of ter-blends of isotactic polypropylene / EPDM /NBR rubber( International Journal of Polymeric Materials Vol 61 Issue11(2012) Page 864-881) 25. Krishna Dutt, R.K. Soni, Meenu Teotia, S.P. Sharma and Harjeet Singh,Kinetic Studies on Cure Kinetics of DGEBA (Diglycidyl Ether of Bisphenol-A) with Terephthalamide Hardening System generated from PET waste.(Journal of Research Updates in Polymer Science, Vol 2 Issue 1(March 2013) 57-67) 26. Krishna Dutt and R. K. Soni, Synthesis and characterization of polymeric plasticizer from PET waste and its applications in nitrile rubber and nitrile–PVC blend (Iranian Polymer Journal, July 2013, Volume 22, Issue 7, pp 481-491) 27. Krishna Dutt and R. K. Soni ,Improve the biodegradation of hazardous PET waste by blending with lactic acid based terpolymer (International Journal of Advanced Engineering Applications, 2013, Vol.1, Iss.7, pp.1-7) Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 190 of 495 28. Krishna Dutt, R.K. Soni, A Review on synthesis of value added products from polyethylene terephathalate (PET) waste (Polymer Science, Ser. B, 2013, Vol. 55, iss. 7–8, pp. 430–452.) 29. Krishna Dutt and R. K. Soni, Mannu Chauhan, Ariun Chauhan,Degradation (SEM) study of hazardous PET waste flakes during aminolysis with hydrazine monohydrate (International Journal of Advanced Engineering Applications, 2013, Vol.1, Special Issue.7, pp.5-9) 30. .Krishna DuttR.K. Soni,Synthesis and characterization of bis-amino ethyl terephthalamide from PET waste and its applications as hardener in DGEBA(Int J Plast Tech. DOI 10.1007/s12588-014-9071-2) 31. Krishna Dutt , Anjali Verma, R. K. Soni , Antifungal studies of terephthalic dihydrazide (TPD) generated from PET waste (accepted International Journal of Applied Science) 32. M Hossein Alaei, P Mahajan, M Brieu, D Kondo, S J A Rizvi, Sandeep Kumar, N Bhatnagar (2013) Effect of particle size on thermomechanical properties of particulate polymer composite. Iranian Polymer Journal doi 10.1007/s13726-013-0184-9. 33. Sandeep Kumar, B. K. Satapathy and Amar Patnaik (2012) Thermo-mechanical correlations to erosion performance of short glass-carbon fiber reinforced hybrid vinyl ester resin composites. Computational material science, 60, 250-260. 34. Sandeep Kumar, B. K. Satapathy and Amar Patnaik (2011)Viscoelastic interpretations of erosion performance of short aramid fibre reinforced vinyl ester resin composites. Journal of Materials Science, 46, 7489-7500. 35. Sandeep Kumar, B. K. Satapathy and Amar Patnaik (2011) Thermo-mechanical correlations to erosion performance of short carbon fiber reinforced vinyl ester resin composites. Materials and Design, 32, 2260-2268. 36. Sandeep Kumar, Veena choudhary and Rakesh Kumar (2010) Study on the compatibility of unbleached and bleached bamboo-fiber with LLDPE matrix. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 102, 751-761. 37. Gopala Ram Bhadu, Sandeep Kumar and Veena choudhary. (2010) Rheological, melting and crystallization behavior of an open cage POSS/PTT nanocomposite prepared by melt blending. International Journal of Plastics Technology, 14, 7-23. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 191 of 495 38. Sandeep Kumar and Veena choudhary. Comparative studies on the crystallization behaviour of Poly (ether ketone) (PEK). Indian Chemical Engineer, 51 special issue, 2009, 13-2. 39. Sandeep Kumar and Veena choudhary. (2008) Extraction and bleaching of bamboofiber for reinforcement in LLDPE matrix. International Journal of Plastics Technology, 12, 1003-1020. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 192 of 495 SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : Dr. Saroj Kr Shukla 2. Designation & Department : Assistant Professor in Polymer Science Department 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution? Give details along with proof. • Yes (Information Technology paper under FYUP, University of Delhi). In past I was also involved, with Delhi Technical Education Board in their curriculum development programme. 4. a)Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? No b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body? International Academy of Physical Science, Indian Association of Solid State Chemists and Allied Scientists (ISCAS), Association on Nano Technology (USA) 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. • Attended One Refresher Courses conducted by CPDHE, Delhi University. 6. Attended Two Orientation Course organized by CPDHE, Delhi University. 7. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. • Attended the workshop on “Continuing Education Program” being organized DRDO, India. 8. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? • Yes, by DRDO, Gujrat Forensic University, Sharda University Etc. 9. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 193 of 495 Details of representative papers presented in Conferences: • Preparation and Characterization Agro-Waste Derived Cellulose Membrane for Biomedical Devices“Emerging Trends in Development of Drugs and Devices” , Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, 21st-23rd January, 2013 • Metal Decontamination from Bioactive Film Development from Rice Husk, “National Conference on Solid State Chemistry and Allied Areas”, Dr H S Gaur University, 15th17th February 2013, Sagar, MP, OP-6, page 22, • Development of Hard Packaging Materials from Bagasse, “InternationalConference on Advancement in Polymeric Materials APM-2013”, 1st-3rd March 2013, Lucknow • Efficient Metal removal from bioactive film developed from rice husk, “Advanced Material World Congress” at IZMIR, TURKEY on September 16-19, 2013. 10. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. • “National Conference on Solid State Chemistry and Allied Areas”, Dr H S Gaur University, 15th-17th February 2013, Sagar, • Sector conference: SMS- Bangkok, 26-28 August 2014, Bangkok, Thailand. 11. 12. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Yes. One Minor Project from University Grant Commission and Two Innovation projects sanctioned by University of Delhi in 2012-13 and 2013-2014. They were interdisciplinary in nature and had 3 Principal Investigators and involved undergraduate students. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a. List of representative publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) Preparation and Characterization of Cellulose Derived from Rice Husk for Drug Delivery.Advanced Materials Letters, 2013. DOI : 10.5185/amlett.2013. page 714719.[I.F: 1.93] S. K. Shukla,Nidhi, Sudha, Pooja, Namrata, Charu, Akshay,Silvi,Manisha, Rizwana, Anand Bharadvaja and G. C. Dubey, A Tiwary. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 194 of 495 • Fabrication of ultra-sensitive optical fiber based humidity sensor using TiO2 thin film.Advanced Materials Letters. 2012, 3(5), 365-370, DOI:10.5185/amlett.2012.5350.[I.F: 1.93]. S. K. Shukla, Anand Bharadvaja, G. K. Parashar, A. P. Mishra and G. C. Dubey, Ashutosh Tiwari. • Synthesis and characterization of highly crystalline polyaniline film promising for humid sensor. Advanced Materials Letters. 2010, 1(2), 129-134[I.F: 1.93]. S.K. Shukla, Anand Bharadvaja, Ashutosh Tiwari, G. K. Parashar, G. C. Dubey • Metal decontamination from Chemically Modified Rice Husk Film”. Advanced Material Letters Adv. Mat. Lett. 2014 , 5(6), 352-355, DOI-10.5185/amlett.2014.1018 S. K. Shukla, Nidhi, Sudha, Pooja, Namrata, Charu, Akshay, Silvi, Manisha, Rizwana, Anand Bharadvaja and G. C. Dubey. Self-reporting micellar polymer nanostructures for optical urea biosensing,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 53(2014)8509−8514[I.F: 2.26 ]. S. K. Shukla, O. Parlak, S. K. Shukla, S. Mishra, A. P. F. Turner,A. Tiwari, Synthesis and characterization of polypyrrole grafted cellulose for humidity sensing, International Journal Biological Macromolecules, 62(2013)531-536 [I.F: 3.26] S.K. Shukla. b. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals: Anx-1 c. Monographs written : Eight d. Chapter written in books : One e. Books edited: NA f. Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) : NA g. Index(citation) of your publications : 220 h. Impact factor: i. h- index : 7 13. Have you obtained/filed any patents? 14. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges No Page 195 of 495 Involvement of students in research activities, Use of power point presentations, lectures, Lab Practical and Application based presentations got prepared by students. 15. Have you received any Research Award? 16. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Yes. The work presented in National and International Conferences have got appreciation. 17. Are you providing consultancy? 18. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? a) for your own College : For the departmental Society. b) No No Yes( for any other organization ? Chem-Ind- 2005, ARSD College, ICNANO-2011 organised in Delhi University, 2011, Sector conference: SMS Bangkok-2014, World Material Congress -2013, Turkey. 19. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? No 20. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Sharda University 21. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify?NA (Dr S.K.Shukla) Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 196 of 495 SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : Dr. Susmita Dey Sadhu 2. Designation & Department : Polymer Science 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/ Institution? Give details along with proof. : Designed and restructured the syllabus of B. Tech Polymer Science in four year semester mode in 2013. Designed and restructured the syllabus of B. Sc(H) Polymer Science for the semester mode in 2010-11. • • 4. a) b) 5. • • 6. Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. :No Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body?If yes, submit proof. : No List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details. Successfully completed Orientation Course from JNU. Successfully Completed Refresher Course from JNU in Environmental Sciences in 2011. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof.;NO 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof.: No 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper.: a. Preparation & Characterization of Styrene Butadiene Rubber Based Nanocomposites & Study of their Mechanical Properties; S. Sadhu& Bhowmick A. K, Paper No# 55, 1-5th September 2003, Euromat 2003. Lausanne, Switzerland. b. Preparation & Characterization of Styrene Butadiene Rubber Based Nanocomposites & Study of their Mechanical Properties; S. Sadhu& Bhowmick A. K, Paper No# 55, 1-5th September 2003, Euromat 2003. Lausanne, Switzerland. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 197 of 495 c. A. Soni, S. Dey Sadhu, M. Garg, A. Garg, R. Handa, S.G. Varmani, and B. Kaur “Preparation of Starch-PVA Blend Using Potato and its Mechanical Characterisation” Jr. of Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology . Dec.2012 vol.3: issue 9 ;pg 97. d. S. Dey Sadhu, A. Soni, M. Garg and S. G. Varmani, APA International Conference in India Habitat Centre, New Delhi on 20-21st February 2014 entitled “Study of Mechanical Properties of Starch-Poly Vinyl Alcohol Blend Based Nanocomposites for Food Packaging”. e. S. Dey Sadhu, Rishi Raj, Meenakshi Garg and S. G. Varmani, ICPAM International Conference in Patna, Bihar on 30-31st May 2014 entitled “ Biopolymers: A solution to Environmental Hazard” f. S. Dey Sadhu, Kushagra Mallick, Meenakshi Garg and S. G. Varmani, ICPAM International Conference in Patna, Bihar on 30-31st May 2014 entitled “ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPY FOR CHARACTERIZATION OF POLYMERS” 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof.: No 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. Innovative project sponsored by University of Delhi from 15th May 2012 to 14th May 2013 on “Developmentof Cost-Effective Nutritious Multi-CerealBar and its Sustainable Packaging Using Nano-Biopolymer” (BCAS 103) Innovative Project sponsored by University of Delhi from 15th November 2013 to 14 November 2015 on “To Prepare Edible Packaged, Low Cost Healthy Snack from Fruit and Vegetable Waste And Study Its Effect In Healthy Respondents” (BCAS 205). • • 11. • • • • Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) S.Sadhu and A. K. Bhowmick: Unique rheological behavior of rubber based nanocomposites.- J.Polym.Sci. Phys., 43, 2005, 1854 S.Sadhu and A.K.Bhowmick: Preparation and Characterization of Styrene Butadiene Rubber Based Nanocomposites and Study of their Mechanical Properties, Advanced Engineering Materials 6, 9, 2004, 738 S.Sadhu and A.K.Bhowmick , Preparation and properties of nanocomposites based on acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber, styrene-butadiene rubber, and polybutadiene rubber, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 42, 9, 2004, 1573 S.Sadhu and A.K.Bhowmick , Preparation and properties of styrene-butadiene rubber based nanocomposites: The influence of the structural and processing parameters, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 92, 2, 2004, 698 Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 198 of 495 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • S.Sadhu and A.K.Bhowmick , Effect of Chain Length of Amine & Nature & Loading of Clay on Styrene Butadiene Rubber-Clay Nanocomposites; Rubber Chemistry & Technology, 76,2003, 0860 S.Sadhu and A.K.BhowmickMorphology Study of Rubber Based Nanocomposite by Transmission Electron Microscopy & Atomic Force Microscopy; J. Materials Science,40, 7, 2005,1633. S.Sadhu and A.K.Bhowmick,Effect of Nanoclay on the Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Styrene Butadiene & Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber Vulcanizates, Rubber Chemistry & Technology, 78, 2005, 321. M. Maiti, S. Sadhu and A. K. Bhowmick , Brominated Polyisobutylene-coparamethylstyrene (BIMS) - Clay Nanocomposites: Synthesis & Characterization, J. Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics, 42, 24, 2004, 4489. M. Maiti, S. Sadhu and A. K. Bhowmick,Ethylene-Octene Copolymer (Engage®) – Clay Nanocomposite: Preparation & Characterization, Rubber Chemistry & Technology, 603, 2006, 101. M. Maiti, S. Sadhu and A. K. Bhowmick , Effectof carbon black on properties of rubber nanocomposites, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 96, 2, 2005, 443 S.Sadhu, R.S. Rajiv and A. K. Bhowmick, Thermal degradation of elastomer based nanocomposites, Polymers & Polymer Composites, 16, 5, 2008, 283. R. Sharma , P. Jain , S. Dey Sadhu and B. Kaur, Mechanical and thermal properties of impact modified PBT blends and impact modified PBT Nanocomposites, , J. Polym. Eng., 33, 6, 2013, 489. S. Dey Sadhu, A. Soni, S. G. Varmani and M. Garg; “Preparation of starch- polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) Blend Using Potato and study of Its Mechanical Properties”; International Journal of Pharmaceutical Invention; Vol.3, 2014, Page 33-37. S. Dey Sadhu, A. Soni, S. G. Varmani and M. Garg; Review: Polymers In Energy Harvesting; International Journal of Engineering Science Invention; Volume 3; Issue 4; 2014, page 01-05. Garg M, Sharma S, Varmani S, Sadhu S. Drying kinetics of thin layer pea pods using tray drying. International Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences. 2014 Apr-Jun. Vol 3 (3): p 61-66. Varmani S, Panda H, Sadhu S, Garg M. Beta Thalassemia major and osteoporosis: etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and management. International journal of Pharmacy and Integrated life Sciences. 2014 Jun. Vol 2(7): p 64-78. Varmani S, Arora H, Garg M, Sadhu S. Iron overload and chelation therapy in beta thalassemia major. International journal of Pharmacy and Integrated life Sciences. 2014 Jun. Vol 2(7): p 47-63. Varmani S, Mehta K, Garg M, Sadhu S. Diabetes mellitus in beta thalassemia majorpathogenesis and management stratigies. International Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences. 2014 Apr-Jun. Vol 3 (3): p 127-131. b. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper).: No c. Monographs written . No Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 199 of 495 d. Chapter written in books Contributed a chapter in “Current Topics in Elastomer Reasearch” by A.K. Bhowmick, Taylor and Francis Group, CRC Press; 2008. 12. • • e. Books edited: No f. Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) g. Index of your publications h. Impact factor.22.578 i. h- index :10 Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof.: INDIA – Patent Application No. 471/DEL/2013, Dated – February 19, 2013 entitled ““NUTRITIONALCOMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR MANUFACTURING THE SAME”. INDIA– Patent Application No. 473/DEL/2013, Dated – February 19, 2013 entitled “COATING COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR PREPARATION THEREOF” 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. Received Best Paper Award Honorable Mention for Original Contribution for the paper entitled “Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber Based Nanocomposites: Preparation & Mechanical Properties” from American Chemical Society, Rubber Division, U.S.A., in 2003 • 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. : No 16. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. NA 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : a) for your own College: • Co-ordinator and organizer of the National Seminar on “Advancements in Packaging, Food and Social Impact” to be held at Bhaskarachara College of Applied Sciences, (DU), New Delhi on 3rd Nov. 2014. • Co-ordinator and organizer of the National Seminar on” Innovation in Polymers Towards Sustainability and Growth” to be held at Bhaskarachara College of Applied Sciences, (DU), New Delhi on 2nd-3rd March 2012. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 200 of 495 • • • Co-ordinator and organizer of the National Seminar on “Recent Developments in Polymers” held at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences (DU), New Delhi on 29th October 2009. Member of the organizing committee of the National seminar on “Recycling of the Electronic Wastes” on 29th January 2010 at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences (DU), New Delhi. b) for any other organization ? Give details with proofs. Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference ICPAM Patna, in May 2014. 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. :NO 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. : NO 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? • • • • • • • • • • Active member of ECA in the academic year 2014-15. ECA Convener in 2011-12 Resource person for “INSPIRE” held in Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, New Delhi for several years till 2012. Active member of ECA from 2006-2010 In-charge of Music Club from 2007-08 Organised “Songs of India” in association with Cultural Council, DU in 2011. Organiser of SPIC MACAY program as a part of VIRASSAT 08 and 09 Organiser of Intercollege Annual Fest “SRIJAN” in 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010. As music club in-charge and ECA member Motivating Students to take part in various intra-college and Inter-college activity Preparing and training students for various performances in cultural programs Dr. Susmita Dey Sadhu Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 201 of 495 SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : Mr. Sidhharth Sirohi 2. Designation & Department : Assistant Professor, & Polymer Science 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution? Give details along with proof. Yes 4. a) b) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. Yes Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body ?If yes, submit proof. Yes 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organized by you along with details. Yes 6. Have you participated in training programmers organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. NO 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. No 8. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. Yes 9. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. Yes 10. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. Yes 11. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 202 of 495 a. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) Balaram Pani, Sidhharth Sirohi, Manjeet Singh Barwa,Effect of Seasonal Variation on Metal Speciation in Leachate from a Thermal Power Plant Ash Pond: Impact on Ground Waters,International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology 2013,2(10): 2927-2937 Balaram Pani, Sidhharth Sirohi, Dhirendra Singh, Studies on the Effects of Various Flame Retardants on Polypropylene American Journal of Polymer Science 2013, 3(4): 63-69 Sidhharth Sirohi, Manjeet Jassal, Ashwini K. Agrawal,PVA Nanofibres withNanocapsules of PCM obtained via. RAFT Miniemulsion Polymerization,41st TRS - Textile Research Symposium 2012 (TRS-20112)(1214 Sep.2012) at Guimaraes (Portugal)- International Conference(Full paper published in conference proceedings) b. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Monographs written Chapter written in books Books edited Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) Index of your publications Impact factor h- index 12. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. NO 13. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. No 14. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. No 15. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. No Are you providing consultancy? Give details. No 16. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 203 of 495 17. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : yes c) for your own College Yes d) for any other organization ? Give details with proofs. 18. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. No 19. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. No 20. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? Designed B.Tech/B.Sc.Polymer Science of University of Delhi Mr. Sidhharth Sirohi Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 204 of 495 SELF STUDY REPORT 1. Name of the Teacher : Dr. Krishna Dutt 2. Designation & Department : Polymer Science 3. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/ Institution? Give details along with proof. : Prize distributation committee in sreajen 2013 and 2014 4. a) b) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. :Yes Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body?If yes, submit proof. : Yes, I am Life time member of The Indian Science Congress Association. 5. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended/organised by you along with details.: No 6. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. 7. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. 1. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper.:Comparison of technology available for pet waste recycling (international conference “poly2008”, IIT Delhi 2008) 2. Technology of PET waste recycling (in International conference on “Recycling and reuse of material”, Kottayam, Kerla 2009) 3. Use of aminolyzed product generated from polyethylene terephathalate waste as PVC plasticizer (in International conference on “Macro 2009”, Taipei) Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 205 of 495 4. Studies on the curing kinetics of bis-amino ethyl terephthalamide generated from polyethylene terephathalate waste with DGEBA ( Got II prize, In International conference on “Recycling and reuse of material”, Kottayam, Kerla 2009) 5. Studies on spectroscopic identification of 1, 4-benzene dicarboxamideand its curing kinetics with Di glycideyl ether of Bispheono-A (DGEBA) (in National conference on “greener aspect of electro chemistry” in Jiwaji University 2007) 6. Effect of dynamic cross linking on mechanical, Morphological and viscoelastic properties of Isotactic polypropylene (IPP)/Ethylene-propylene diene rubber (EPDM)/Nitrile rubber (NBR) elastomeric blends (in Indian Science Association, National Seminar, Banglore 2009). 7. Novel Studies on Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Polymeric Plasticizer in PVC and Nitrile rubber from PET Waste by using Zinc Chloride as Catalyst (In International conference on “GTGE 2010”Ch. Charan Singh University Meerut, 2010) 8. Synthesis and characterization of polymeric plasticizer for nitrile rubber and nitrilePVC blend from PET waste, ISCA Haridwar chapter National conference on ‘Inovations in science and technology for inclusive development organized 22 -23 march 2014 by Department of Chemistry, Ch. Charan singh Universty , meerut. 8. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. 9. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. M. Sc. Project Under my Supervision:1. Synthesis of novel hardeners for epoxy resin by utilization of PET-waste:- Submitted by Piyush Kumar for M.Sc degree (2010). 2. Removal of chromium metal from waste water by utilization of PET-waste:- Submitted by Km. Komala for M.Sc degree (2010). 3. To improve the biodegradability of PET-waste by blending of lactic acid based terpolymer: - Submitted by Rahul Kumar for M.Sc degree (2010). Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 206 of 495 4. Synthesis and application of powder plasticizer cum thermal stabilizer for PVC from PET-waste: Submitted by Anita Puri for M.Sc degree (2010). 5. Synthesis of new plasticizer for Nitrile rubber from PET-waste:- Submitted by Sandeep Kumar for M.Sc degree (2010). 10. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a. List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) S. Title of Papers Name of Name of Years IISSN Impac No Authors journal . 1 Studies on the R.K. Soni, polymer Biodegradation of S. Soam, degradati lactic acid Krishna on terephthalic acid Dutt stability Numbe t r factor 94. 432- 0141437 2.77 3910 and (2009) & ethylene glycol terpolymer 2 A Novel Route of R.K. Soni, Journal 113, 1097- Synthesis 1090- 4628 & Krishna Characterization of Dutt, of S. Applied Terephthalic Soam, A. Polymer. Dihydrazide Jain, 1.4 1096 (2009) S. Science (TPD) From Poly Singh Ethylene Terephthalate Waste And It’s Application In PVC Compounding As Plasticizer Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 207 of 495 Studies on R.K. Soni, Journal and S. Singh, of Synthesis Characterization of Krishna N-Alkyl Dutt Terephthalamide Using 115, 1097- 3074- 4628 Applied 3080 Polymer. (2009) 1.4 Science Different Amines from Polyethylene Terephthalate Waste 4 Scanning electron Alock Journal 178 microscopic of 390-396 Mittal, , 0304- 3.925 3894 of R.K. Soni, Hazardou (2010) studies polyethylene S. Singh, s terephathalate Krishna Material waste Dutt (PET) flakes during aminolysis and ammonolysis 5 Effect of dynamic R.K. Soni, Journal 17, 411- 1572- cross-linking of 427 polymer (2010) mixing on Harjeet torque Singh, behavior and Krishna tensile 2.019 8935 research yield Dutt, behavior of Pryanka isotactic Arora polypropylene (iPP) / ethylenepropylene diene rubber (EPDM) /nitrile rubber Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 208 of 495 (NBR) elastomeric blends 6 Studies on R.K. Soni, Journal Synthesis and Meenu characterization Teotia, 118 1097- of (2010) 4628 applied 638-645 of a novel acrylic Krishna polymer amide oligomer of Dutt, science aminolysed 1.4 end products generated from PET waste with hydrazine hydrate mono and its photo curing with acrylate monomers 7 Rubber R.K. Soni, Internatio Vol.- toughening of Harjeet nal 2(1),(20 11) 65- polypropylene Singh, Journal thermoplastic Krishna of current 93 vulcanizate Dutt chemistry (TPV)-a review 8 Investigation on Krishna Internatio Volume 0975- the improvement Dutt nal 14, Issue 072X on Journal 2 mechanical Chauhan, 0.3 and visco elastics R.K. Soni, of Plastic (2011), properties isotactic propylene of Harjeet poly Singh (IPP) Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Tech Page 117141) Page 209 of 495 blend with ethylenepropylene rubber diene (EDPM) and Nitrile rubber (NBR) cure with resole type phenolic resin under dynamic conditions 9 Effect of dynamic Krishna Internatio Volume cross-linking nal 15, Issue 072X Journal 2 melt on Dutt rheological Chauhan, properties 0975- 0.3 of R.K. Soni, of Plastic (2011), isotactic Harjeet polypropylene Singh Tech Page 199-221 (iPP)/ethylene– propylene diene rubber (EPDM)/nitrile rubber (NBR) elastomeric blends 10 Studies thermal on Krishna stability Dutt and crystallization Chauhan, Internatio Vol 61 0091- nal Issue11( Journal 2012) behavior of ter- R.K. Soni, of Page blends of isotactic Harjeet Polymeri 864-881 polypropylene c EPDM / Singh /NBR Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges 1.87 4037 Materials Page 210 of 495 rubber 11 Kinetic Studies on Krishna Journal Vol 2 1929- Cure Kinetics of Dutt, R.K. of Issue DGEBA Research 1(March Updates 2013) in 57-67 Soni, (Diglycidyl Ether Meenu of Bisphenol-A) Teotia, with S.P. Polymer Terephthalamide Sharma Science 0.0 5995 Hardening System and generated from Harjeet PET waste 12 A Singh Review on Krishna synthesis of value Dutt added Polymer and Science, products R. K. Soni Ser. B 2013, 1555- .44 Vol. 55, 6123 iss. 7–8, from polyethylene pp. 430– terephathalate 452 (PET) waste 13 Synthesis and Krishna Dutt characterization of and Polymer polymeric R. K. Soni plasticizer Iranian Journal from hazardous pp 491) the Krishna biodegradation of Dutt Volume 481- nitrile–PVC blend Improve 5265 2013, 7, in nitrile rubber and 14 .936 22, Issue PET waste and its applications 1735- July Internatio 2013, and nal PET R. K. Soni waste by blending Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Journal Vol.1, 2249 - 0.0 8958 Iss.7, of Page 211 of 495 with lactic acid Advance based terpolymer d pp.1-7 Engineeri ng Applicati ons 15 Degradation Internatio 2013, Krishna (SEM) study of Dutt hazardous and nal Vol.1, PET R. K. Journal Special flakes Soni, of Issue.7, during aminolysis Mannu Advance pp.5-9 with d waste hydrazine Chauhan, monohydrate Ariun Engineeri Chauhan, ng 2249 - 0.0 8958 Applicati ons 16 Synthesis and Krishna characterization Internatio DOI Dutt, R.K. nal Journal terephthalamide of Plastic 014- from PET waste Tech its applications as hardener in 0.3 10.1007/ 072X of bis-amino ethyl Soni, and 0975- s125889071-2 DGEBA 17 Antifungal studies Krishna of terephthalic Dutt dihydrazide Anjali Internatio Accepte , nal d 0975- Nil 3761 Journal (TPD) generated Verma, R. of from PET waste K. Soni Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Applied Page 212 of 495 Science b. List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) c. Monographs written d. Chapter written in books e. Books edited f. Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) g. Index of your publications h. Impact factor i. h- index :4 11. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof.: No 12. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. 13. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. Dr. D. S Kothari Post Doc. Fellowship award from The UGC in Feb 2012. 14. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. : No 15. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. NA 16. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : e) for your own College f) for any other organization ? Give details with proofs. No 17. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. :NO Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 213 of 495 18. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. : NO 19. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? Dr. Krishna Dutt Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 214 of 495 Evaluative Report of the LIBRARY a) Name of the Department : Library b) Year of Establishment : 1995 c) Details of courses/programmes discontinued (if any) with reasons: A part of the “Information Technology” foundation course was being taught by the Librarian during 2013-14. It was discontinued due to withdrawal of FYUP by the university. d) Number of Teaching posts : Associate Professor Sanctioned Filled 1 1 e) Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization, (D.Sc./D.Litt. /Ph.D. / M. Phil. Etc.,) Name: Ranjeet Singh Thakur Qualification: Ph.D. (University of Delhi) Designation: Librarian Specialization: Academic and Media Libraries Experience (Years): 16 (in the College) 13 (in Private Sector) f) Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff; sanctioned and filled : Sanctioned Filled Technical 3 3 Administrative 3 1 Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 215 of 495 g) Publications: Name Publications in Conference Chapter Books Citation SNIP journal in index /sjrN Proceedings authored Books Ranjeet Singh Thakur 7 1 h) Income generated: 1 P 0 Library Collects overdue charges from the students. Data for the last 5 years is as belowOverdue Charges Collected (Rs.) i) 2009-2010 48697 2010-2011 44300 2011-2012 68655 2012-2013 94918 2013-2014 70499 Faculty as members in 14.National committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Boards: Managing Editor, ILA Bulletin (2002-04) 10. List of eminent academicians and scientists/ visitors to the department Most of the visitors who visit the college, have visited the Library. Some of these include Prof. V R Mehta, Former VC of DU Mr. Oscar Fernandes, Former Minister GOI Mr. S P Dixit, Former Director Higher Education Govt of NCT of Delhi Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 216 of 495 11. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding: Information Literacy Programmes, Library Orientation Programmes, Book Exhibitions are organised for which funds were provided by the college, if required. Details are as below: Organized and Presented a talk on e_recourses@DU Library for teachers of BCAS on September 21, 2011 Organised three Book Exhibitions and Displays in the months of August and September 2011. (Exhibitors: A B Books, The New Knowledge Tree, Kanishka Books) Presented a talk on Information Literacy Programme for students of Electronics (3rd Year and 4th Semester) on 23/01/12 Presented a talk on Information Literacy Programme for students of Food Technology 1st Year on 15/02/12. 12. Details of Infrastructural facilities The library is housed in a spacious and well-lit threestoried building called Library Block. The lower ground floor houses the book stacks and circulation counter. The upper ground floor has reading room facility for the teachers and staff members. Periodical Section, Reading Room for students and fully air-conditioned Internet Facility are on the first floor. The Library is equipped with CCTV surveillance system with recording facility. Area of the Library: Stacking Length: Reading Room Capacity for: teachers Internet Room Capacity for: Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges 2818.321 Sq Mts 2958 feet 182 students/ 20 Page 217 of 495 13. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities Acted as an Programme Officer of NSS (National Service Scheme) for two years 2009-2010 and 2010-2011. Also acted as member of NSS Committee during 2012-13. Library helps in organising various activities in the library reading room. These include Blood donation camps, Yoga camps, SPIC-MACAY activities, and Exhibition etc. 14. SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans Strengths: Good Collection, Automated Systems of Acquisition, Circulation, Cataloguing, and OPAC Weakness: Inadequate Furniture, Non air-conditioned library, Inadequate internet connectivity. Opportunity: Involve students to make them more oriented towards library. Challenges: Switch to an Open-Source Library Management Software – KOHA, Introduce RFID technology in the library 15. List of Research Publications: Thakur, Ranjeet S. "Citation Analysis: A Tool for Periodical Selection." Indian Textile Journal 99.7 (1989): 78-80. Print. Thakur, Ranjeet S. "Information for Executives' Desk." Library Herald 28.3-4 (1989-1990): 191-93. Print. Thakur, Ranjeet S. "Consumption of Information in a Textile Manufacturing Unit." Advances in Library and Information Science. Vol. 3. Jodhpur: Scientific, 1992. 93-104. Print. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 218 of 495 Thakur, Ranjeet S. "Use of 'PMEST' in an Electronic Media Library." Journal of Library and Information Science 22.1-2 (1997): 102-06. Print. Thakur, Ranjeet S. "Transmission Log and CDS/ISIS." Journal of Library and Information Science 23.2 (1998): 174-78. Print. Kumar, Shailendra, and Ranjeet S. Thakur. "Past, Present and Future of Media Librarianship." Herald of Library Science 44.1-2 (2005): 17. Print. Thakur, Ranjeet S. "A Study of Telecast Media Libraries in India." Library Herald 43.2 (2005): 152-59. Print. Kumar, Shailendra, and Ranjeet S. Thakur. "History of Television and Telecast Media Libraries in India." Herald of Library Science 44.3-4 (2005): 184. Print. Thakur, Ranjeet S. "Fund Allocation Formula: A Case for a College Library." Papers and Proceedings of the National Conference on Financial Management of Library and Information Centres in E-Environment Organised by Delhi Library Association and Indian Agricultural Research Institute Library on 31st May 2009. Financial Management of Library and Information Centres in e-Environment. New Delhi: Delhi Library Association, 2009. 45-55. Print. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 219 of 495 INFORMATION FOR PREPARING THE SELF STUDY REPORT (SSR) 1. Name of the Teacher : RANJEET SINGH THAKUR 2. Designation & Department : LIBRARIAN 15. Have you been a member of the Curriculum Development Committee of the University of Delhi or any other University/Institution? Give details along with proof. Member of the Course Design Committee of Diploma in Library and Information Technology (DLIT) – Course run by the School of Library Science of Delhi Library Association (DLA) 16. a) Have you been a member of the Academic Council/Faculty/Committee of Courses/ Departmental Research Council/Board of Research Studies of the University of Delhi or any other organization? If yes, submit proof. No b) Are you or have been a member of any National/International level Professional body ? If yes, submit proof. Life member of the ILA (Indian Library Association) Life member of the DLA (Delhi Library Association) Secretary, Indian Library Association (2002-04) Managing Editor, ILA Bulletin (2002-04) 17. List the Refresher/Orientation courses attended by you along with details. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 220 of 495 Three weeks Refresher Course in Library and Information Science from UGCJamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi from 23 January 2006 to 15 February ASC, 2006. Four weeks Orientation Course from CPDHE at South Campus, University of Delhi, Delhi from 11 February 2008 to 10 March 2008. Three weeks Refresher Course in Library and Information Science from UGCAligarh Muslim University, Aligarh between 31 October and 21 November ASC, 2008. Three weeks Refresher Course in Library and Information Science from UGCOsmania University, Hyderabad from 17 August 2009 to 05 September ASC, 2009. Three weeks Refresher Course in Library and Information Science from CPDHE, University of Delhi, Delhi from 5 July 2010 to 24 July 2010. 18. Have you participated in training programmes organized by different Agencies/Institutes in the emerging areas in your field (say Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Stock Markets, IT etc.)? Please attach proof. Participated in the Conference on “Our Planet: Humanity, Habitat and Development” organised by Kamala Nehru College (University of Delhi), Delhi on 12th and 13th December 2006. Participated in ICT Workshop for Capacity Building Organised by ILLL- CPDHE, University of Delhi at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, Delhi from 8th March to 11th March 2010. Participated in two day ‘Training of Trainers’ workshop on “Sensitization Youth on Adverse Child Sex Ratio and Combating Sex Selection for Dignity of the Girl Child in Delhi/ NCR”. Sponsored by Counterpart and Organised by Society to Uplift Rural Economy on 28th and 29th 2010. of Urban Enhancing International October Attended the two day National Conference on “E_Waste Sustainability: Need and Solutions for its Management” Organised by Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, University of Delhi in joint collaboration with GIZ-IGEP (Indo-German Environment Partnership) on 7-8 March 2013. 19. Have you been invited as resource person in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? Submit proof. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 221 of 495 Presented a paper as a resource person on “A Study of the Recommendations of NKC Working Group on Libraries” in the National Seminar on National Knowledge Commission’s Recommendations jointly organized by the Department of Higher Education, Government of Karnataka, Banglore University and Centre for Educational and Social Studies held in Bangalore on 19th and 20th September 2007. Delivered lectures on “Role of Libraries” and “Use of ICT in Libraries” to the Librarians of Government Schools in West Zone, Delhi. Lectures were organized by State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) DIET on September 14, 2011 Organized and Presented a talk on e_recourses@DU Library for teachers of BCA on September 21, 2011 Presented a talk on Information Literacy Programme for students of Electronics (3rd Year and 4th Semester) on 23/01/12 Delivered lectures on “Information Literacy”, “eResources”, and “Library Portal” to the Librarians of Government Schools in West Zone, Delhi. Lectures were organized by State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) DIET on September 11, 2012. Delivered lectures on “Developing Library Portal: A Case Study” and “Awareness about Web-based Classification and Cataloguing for School Library” to the government school librarians at Govt. Girls Senior Secondary School, AP Block Shalimar Bagh, Delhi. Lectures were organised by State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) on August 22, 2014. 20. Have you presented papers in Workshops/Seminars/Conferences conducted or organized by professional agencies? If yes, please attach proof and a copy of the paper. Dynamics of Telecast Media Libraries in India. Paper Presented at Session VI of the Conference on “Changing Dimensions of Library and Information Services in India” by Association of Parliamentary Librarians of Asia and Pacific (APLAP) held in New Delhi on 22 January 2005. Presented a paper on “A Study of the Recommendations of NKC Working Group on Libraries” in the National Seminar on National Knowledge Commission’s Recommendations jointly organized by the Department of Higher Education, Government of Karnataka, Banglore University and Centre for Educational and Social Studies held in Bangalore on 19th and 20th September 2007. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 222 of 495 Presented a paper on “Fund Allocation Formula: A Case for a College Library” in the “First National Conference on Financial Management of LICs in eEnvironment” jointly organized by Delhi Library Association and Indian st Agricultural Research Institute Library, New Delhi on 31 May 2009. 21. Have you participated/attended the Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized by External Professional Agencies? If yes, attach proof. Attended 48th All India Conference of Indian Library Association held at NIMHANS Bangalore, from January 23 to 25, 2003 Attended 49th All India Conference of Indian Library Association held at Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, in December 2003 Attended one day seminar on “Automation in College Libraries: Experiences and Problems” organised by the Indian Library Association at Miranda House, University of Delhi on 7th September 2001 Attended the National Seminar on “Relevance of Ranganathan’s Philosophy in Present Era” organised by the Department of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi on 6th August 2009 Attended International Conference on Academic Libraries (ICAL 2009) organised by Delhi University Library System at University of Delhi during October 5-8, 2009 Attended the National Seminar on “Ranganathan’s Vision for Academic Libraries” organised by the Department of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi on 12th August 2010 Participated in two day ‘Training of Trainers’ workshop on “Information Literacy and Competency”. Organised by Delhi University Library System, University of Delhi on 29th and 30th June 2011. Participated in “National Conference on Human Resource Development in Library Services in India – 2013” organised by Society for Library Professionals (SLP) in association with Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi and SLA Asian Chapter held at Institute of Economic Growth on 9 March 2013. 22. Have you undertaken Major/Minor Research Projects? If yes, specify whether they were Industry sponsored or Interdisciplinary or Students Research Projects or any other. Attach documentary evidence. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 223 of 495 23. Specify your Research/Academic contribution: a) b) List of publications in peer reviewed international journals. (attach copy of first page of each paper) List of publications in peer reviewed national journals (attach copy of first page of each paper) Thakur, Ranjeet S. "Citation Analysis: A Tool for Periodical Selection." Indian Textile Journal 99.7 (1989): 78-80. Print. Thakur, Ranjeet S. "Information for Executives' Desk." Library Herald 28.3-4 (19891990): 191-93. Print. Thakur, Ranjeet S. "Use of 'PMEST' in an Electronic Media Library." Journal of Library and Information Science 22.1-2 (1997): 102-06. Print. Thakur, Ranjeet S. "Transmission Log and CDS/ISIS." Journal of Library and Information Science 23.2 (1998): 174-78. Print. Kumar, Shailendra, and Ranjeet S. Thakur. "Past, Present and Future of Media Librarianship." Herald of Library Science 44.1-2 (2005): 17. Print. Thakur, Ranjeet S. "A Study of Telecast Media Libraries in India." Library Herald 43.2 (2005): 152-59. Print. Kumar, Shailendra, and Ranjeet S. Thakur. "History of Television and Telecast Media Libraries in India." Herald of Library Science 44.3-4 (2005): 184. Print. Thakur, Ranjeet S. "Fund Allocation Formula: A Case for a College Library." Papers and Proceedings of the National Conference on Financial Management of Library and Information Centres in E-Environment Organised by Delhi Library Association and Indian Agricultural Research Institute Library on 31st May 2009. Financial Management of Library and Information Centres in e-Environment. New Delhi: Delhi Library Association, 2009. 45-55. Print. c) d) Monographs written Chapter written in books Thakur, Ranjeet S. "Consumption of Information in a Textile Manufacturing Unit." Advances in Library and Information Science. Vol. 3. Jodhpur: Scientific, 1992. 93104. Print. e) f) g) h) i) Books edited Books written with ISBN/ISSN members (give details of the publisher) Index of your publications Impact factor h- index Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 224 of 495 24. Have you obtained/filed any patents? Give proof. 25. Specify any innovative teaching methods/approach you may have adopted in the last four years. Have you received any Research Award? Please give details with proof. Have you received recognition from reputed professional bodies & agencies of State/ National/ International level? Give details with proof. Are you providing consultancy? Give details. Have you organized conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops? : j) for your own College k) for any other organization ? Give details with proofs. Have you provided Research Guidance to students for M. Phil/ Ph. D. Degree? If yes, give details along with proof. Are you recognized as Supervisor for guiding Research by the University of Delhi or any other agency? Give details with proof. Any other contribution to Academics/Research which you would like to specify? Contributed e_contents for two modules of ePGPathshala - An MHRD Project under its National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT) Application of Information Technology in Public Libraries Resource Sharing and Networking Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 225 of 495 Counsellor, IGNOU for Bachelor of Library and Information Science (ICT Fundamentals – BLI 224) and Master of Library and Information Science (Fundamentals of Information and Communication Technologies – MLII 103). Dr. Ranjeet Thakur Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 226 of 495 Extra Curricular Activities (ECA) in various Clubs of the College ECA (2011-14) Activity Report The Extra Curricular Activities (ECA) Committee provides opportunities to all the students of college for their holistic development such that they can explore, develop and enhance their abilities in all spheres of life. According to a famous saying“Education is not mere learning of many facts and figures but training and igniting young minds to think beyond textual knowledge”. The ECA committee achieves this high aim with the help of its various clubs. Academic Session 2013-14: Convener, ECA:Sh. Ramesh Kumar March 13-14, 2014: Annual cultural fest Srijan, organized by the ECA committee. The students from the various colleges have participated. The center of the attraction was band performance. Academic Session 2012-13: Convener, ECA:Sh. Ramesh Kumar February 28 –March 1st 2013: Organized college annual cultural fest Srijan. It was first time in the history of Srijan, more than twenty events were held. Songs of India: Organizedthis event withDelhiUniversity. In this event students from the various colleges of DelhiUniversity participated in folk song in a group. Academic Session 2011-12: Convener, ECA:Susmita Dev Sadhu February 7-8, 2012: Srijan ,lots of events happened like Vad-Vivad, Shringar, Funky Hair, Josh-a-kala, The Burning Beat, Tasveerein, The Ultimate Fusion, Pehchano Kaun, Just Rock, Extempore, F-Walk, Yog Shailey, Rangavali and Geet. There was a huge participation from all the colleges of DU and Other Universities. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 227 of 495 Songs of india: This event was first time introduced in our college. The chief Guest of event was Dr. Monika Dutta. There was a lot of enthusiasm and participation from all the DU colleges. . 1. DEBATE AND QUIZ CLUB The purpose of the Debate Club is to provide an open platform to students to discuss, debate relevant topics,concerns and their duties relating to society etc. This club’s activities engage students which are beneficial to their personal and professional development. Academic Session 2013-14: Convener, Debate and Quiz Club:Dr Tejpal Dhewa • • • • • October 09, 2013: Won 1stPosition in Debate Competition by Akshay K. Jha, B.Sc. (H) Microbiology I year. October 18, 2013: Participated in Inter-college Debate Competition by Varun Rathi, B.Sc. (H) Microbiology I year. January 21, 2014: Won 3rd Position in Inter-college Turncoat Competition byAkshay K. Jha, B.Sc. (H) Microbiology I year. February 25-26, 2014:Participated in National Inter Collegiate Debate Competition by Akshay K. Jha, B.Sc. (H) Microbiology I year. February 25-26, 2014:Participated in National Inter Collegiate Debate Competition by Anuj Sharma, B.Sc. (H) Microbiology III year. Academic Session 2012-13: Convener, Debate and Quiz Club:Dr Tejpal Dhewa • • August 14, 2012: Won 1stPosition in Debate Competition by Tanvi, B.Sc. (H) Microbiology I year; 2nd Position by Varun Rathi, B.Sc. (H) Microbiology I year. September 28, 2012: Won 1stPosition in Debate Competition byVarun Rathi, B.Sc. (H) Microbiology I year. Academic Session 2012-13: Convener, Debate and Quiz Club:Dr Tejpal Dhewa Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 228 of 495 January 06, 2012: Participated in Tantra-Extempore Debate Competition by Anuj Sharma, B.Sc. (H), Microbiology II year. February 03, 2012:Won 3rd Positionin Inter-College Hindi Debate Competition by Praveen Kumar, B.Sc. (H), Biomedical Science I year. February 24, 2012: Won 1stPosition in Extempore Competition by Praveen Kr. Tripathi, B.Sc. (H), Biomedical Science I year. February 07-08, 2012: Won 2nd Positionin VAAD-VIVAAD Competition by Praveen Kumar, B.Sc. (H), Biomedical Science I year. February 07-08, 2012: Won 3rd Positionin Extempore Competition by Praveen Kumar, B.Sc. (H), Biomedical Science I year. ASTRONOMY CLUB The purpose of Astronomy club is to inspire the students with general interest in astronomy and celestials events. Academic Session 2013-14: Convener, Astronomy Club: Dr.Amit Kumar January 22, 2014: Organized a day long astronomical event VYOM, invited talk on “Gravitational Waves”by Prof. Patrik Das Gupta,University of Delhi; including Quiz, Presentations and Debate etc. Academic Session 2012-13: Convener, Astronomy Club:Dr.Amit Kumar Show-cased various documentaries related to astronomical aspect. Organized a quiz competition to make students aware of their knowledge. DRAMATICS AND FINE ARTS CLUB The purpose of the Dramatics and Fine Arts is to make students creative, knowledgeable about educational, social events through performances and workshops. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 229 of 495 Academic Session 2013-14: Convener, Dramatics and Fine Arts:Dr.Prerna Malhotra Won 3rd prize by Dramatics team ‘Darpan’ at Gandhi Bhavan,University of Delhi for “Sarvodaya-Rise of All and 2nd prize at ApeejayCollege,Dwarka. Staged play on the occasion of World Food day at Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences on ‘Sustainability,food safety and security’. Performed plays for various social causes in association with various NGOs like a tribute to Nirbhaya on December 16, 2013. Fine arts club ‘Aakriti’ won 1st prize in poster making competition held at Gandhi Bhawan and Rangoli competition held at Delhi College of arts and commerce by Kaushal Bodwal. Won 1st prize at MaharajaAgarsenCollege; 2nd prize at Zakir Hussain,Shaheed Bhagat Singh and SriAurobindoCollege and 3rd prize at GargiCollege by Nidhi Yadav and Kaushal Bodwal. Won 1st prize by Annu Anmol and Vikas; and 2nd prize by Ritu garg and Kaushal Bodwal at Srijan. Academic Session 2012-13: Convener, Dramatics and Fine Arts:Dr.Prerna Malhotra August 15, 2013: Staged a play in college. October 13, 2012: Staged street play with Women Development Cell of College on theme of ‘Female foeticide’ at ‘Centre for Social Research’ .Dwarka . January 9, 2013:Staged street play with Women Development Cell of College on theme of ‘Female foeticide’ at ‘India Habitat centre’. February 14, 2013: Staged play portraying violence against women at national LawUniversity, Dwarka for One Billion Rising campaign. Won 2nd prize at MERICollege, I.P.University. Won 3rd prize in inter-college cultural festival of DyalSinghEveningCollege. Fine Arts Club : August 15, 2013: Organized Kite making competition on the theme ‘What does Freedom mean in your Life’ and graffiti competition on theme ‘Mera Desh’. Organized a painting competition on ‘Significant Events in Gandhiji’s Life’with Gandhi Study Circle. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 230 of 495 February 20,2013: Organized a sensitization programme on Organ Donation in association with Mohan foundation. Feburary 28-March1, 2013: Organized mela jointly with NSS including activities design hand made cards, bags, bookmarks, painted diyas and different showpieces. Academic Session 2011-12: Convener, Dramatics and Fine Arts:Ms. Poonam Sharma Won 1st prize by street play named DELHI 2010 at ‘UTSAV’- the cultural festival of Sri Ram Centre, Mandi House, New Delhi. August, 2013: Staged play on the theme ‘cancer is preventable and curable’ at competition organized by the Women’ Association, DelhiUniversity. March 13, 2012: Staged a play ‘GUNEHGAAR KAUN HAI’ in the college. FILM CLUB The purpose of Film Club is to increase students’ ability to think, analysis, visualize and able to present his views in an effective way. Academic Session 2013-14: Convener, Film Club:Dr.Parthasarthi Pal March 3, 2014 : Organized a film festival “Pixel 2014” in which the shortlisted films were screened and two films were adjudged as best movies. Selected a short film named “Jamnagar sector 13” for screening in the 2nd Delhi International Film Festival, 2013. Academic Session 2012-13: Convener, Film Club:Dr.Parthasarthi Pal January 30, 2013: Show-cased a short film in college titled “Dark Turn” which was directed, edited and shot by the students. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 231 of 495 LITERARY CLUB The purpose of Literary club is to enhance the writing and verbal skills of students. Academic Session 2013-14: Convener, literary Club:Dr. Prerna Malhotra March 24,2014: Organized the Annual Literary Festival which included invited talks by Prof. Ashutosh Mohan from IndraprasthaUniversity and Dr. Anjana Neira Dev, Gargi college; interactive session on ‘Word Power and Vocabulary Building’etc. Academic Session 2012-13: Convener, literary Club:Dr. Prerna Malhotra September 19, 2012: Conducted a “Creative a Competition on “Writing and Presentation’ including debut event where students wrote on: it is easier to build walls than bridges”. February 20, 2013: Organized a competition on “Create an Ad for a cause” on a very sensitive issue of organ donation. March 22, 2013: Organized inter-college event including activities like language and literary quiz, self composed humorous poetry recitation competition and character play were organized and invited Hindi and English poets associated with SahityaAcademy in Poets ‘meet. MUSIC CLUB The purpose of Music club is to offer a place for students to enhance their talent in the field of music. Academic Session 2013-14: Convener, Music Club :Dr. Prerna Malhotra Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 232 of 495 Secured 2nd position by college rock band in ShyamLalCollege and 3rd position at Dyal singh Festival. College band “Dhriti” was honoured with the best Enterainer Team award in Antardhwani. Won 1st prize by college choir group “Moksha” in inter-college event of choir singing competition in Srijan. Academic Session 2012-13: Convener, Music Club:Ms. Harsupreet Kaur January 17, 2013: organized jointly with ECA committee of college and Culture Council, DelhiUniversity “Songs of India”, an inter-college group song competition. Won 3rd position by College choir in ‘Vande Mataram”, an inter-college group song competition organized by DeenDayalUpadhyayaCollege in collaboration withCulture Council, DelhiUniversity. Won 3rd prize by college rock band in inter-college band competition held in DyalSinghCollege. Academic Session 2011-12: Convener, Music Club:Ms. Bikramjit Kaur August 15, 2012: Performed by the choir group and rock band group in college. Secured 3rd position in “Songs of India”, a choir competition and outstanding performance award in solo instrumental competition, both held during “Antradhavani-2012” a cultural fest of University of Delhi. Won 3rd by College choir in ‘Vande Mataram”, an inter-college group song competition organized by DeenDayalUpadhyayaCollege in collaboration withCulture Council, DelhiUniversity. Won 3rd prize by college rock band in inter-college band competition held in DyalSinghCollege. DANCE CLUB The purpose of dance club is to prepare students to express their talent in the field of Dance. Academic Session 2013-14: Convener, Dance Club: Dr. Renu Baweja Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 233 of 495 Participated in Duet Dance competition in the cultural event organized ITM (Institute of Technology and Management), University, Gurgaon. Participated in group dance competition organized in Delhi College of Arts and Commerce for which they have got certificate of scholarship from THE DANCEWORKX performing arts academy. As per the scholarship, they have been awarded a 3 month academic scholarship at “The Danceloft Project” to train and perform on stage. Organized Duet and Group dance competition during “Srijan” our AnnualInter-college fest. Academic Session 2012-13: Convener, Dance Club: Dr. Renu Baweja • On 12th September Organized an Inter-departmental Dance Quiz in the college premises. • Conducted the audition by an organization UVA Brothers as part of dance talent hunt across various colleges of DelhiUniversity. • Choreographer has been arranged to train the students for the various inter-college dance festivals. • Organized Group dance competition during “Srijan” our AnnualInter-college fest and our college Dance Group secured 3rd position. Academic Session 2011-12: Convener, Dance Club: Dr. Renu Baweja • On 23rd September the club organized a Dance Workshop in the college campus in collaboration with Zenith Dance Institute Pvt. Ltd. • Mirrors were installed on one complete wall, in the Girls Common (Now ECA room), for the dance club and has helped the dance practices immensely. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 234 of 495 • The club also organized Group Dance Competition, Duet Dance Competition and dance performance by the members of Projekt Street dance crew during the College Annual Cultural fest “Srijan” and the college Dance Group secured 3rd position. YOGA CLUB The Yoga Club of the college invited eminent yoga experts from Bhartiya Yog Sansthan and organized the following activities Academic Session 2013-14: Convener, Dance Club: Dr. Shweta Gupta • Organized Intercollegiate Yoga Competition Group dance competition during “Srijan” our AnnualInter-college fest. • Attended a three day National Workshop on ‘Yoga for Youth’ organized by Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga. Academic Session 2012-13: Convener, Dance Club: Dr. Shweta Gupta • Organized Intercollegiate Yoga Competition Group dance competition during “Srijan” our AnnualInter-college fest. • • • January 30,2013 :Demonstrated on‘Sukshmkriya and Laughter Yoga’. February 13, 2013 :Organized a quiz competition. February 8, 2013 :A lecture on ‘Yoga for Youth’ delivered by Sh. Desraj Gupta on duringINSPIRE Science Camp. Following the lecture, there was benefitting demonstration onvarious asana, viz. Bhujangaasan, Pranayam, Anulom-vilom etc. conducted by oureminent guest Sh. Desraj Gupta, General Secretary and Sh. Rai Singh Chauhan,Secretary, Bhartiya Yog Sansthan. September 19, 2012: Demonstrated on “Dhanurasan, Gomukhaasan and Pranayam“. • Academic Session 2011-12: Convener, Dance Club: Dr. Shweta Gupta • • February 8, 2012 : Organized Intercollegiate Yoga Competition Group dance competition during “Srijan” our AnnualInter-college fest. January 18, 2012 :Organizeda one day Yoga Camp. Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 235 of 495 • • September 21, 2011:An informative demonstration on ‘Yog aasanas requisite for tension relief’ was being held. November 2, 2011: Organized a demonstration on ‘Pranayam’ . ECO CLUB The Eco-club aims at creating awareness, providing training, resource material and imparting effective environment education to the students. To promote this various activities were organized by the Eco-club of Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences. Our Motto: “GO GREEN BEFORE GREEN GOES.” Academic Session 2013-14: Convener, Dance Club: Dr. Parvinder Kaur • 5th September, 2014: Organized ADAPT ,an event in concern with increasing pollution jointly with LFT members of Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences .Following were the student activities organized:Adopt a Plant (ADAPT) ,Slogan writing Competition,Poster Making Competition. • “Recycled Notebooks” obtained from Project akshar were given to the prize winners of various events in this year Academic Session 2012-13: Convener, Dance Club: Dr. Parvinder Kaur • • • • • Participated in International ozone day organized by Department of Environment, government of NCT of Delhi and YUVA meet held at TERIUniversity. Organized an orientation program in which Dr. B C Sabata, Sr. Scientific Officer, Ministry of Environment was a Guest speaker and also organized a Quiz to sensitize and aware students towards various environmental topics. Organized a trip to AravalliBiodiversityPark for students. Celebrated “Eco Fest” in the college in which various Competitive events based on different themes and topics like shades of environment protection for graffiti competition, Nature photography, power point presentation on “Ideas of sustainable development” and “Eco friendly practices in campus” for short film competition were organized. Took initiative to work toward the segregation of waste in college campus and in initial steps, dustbins of different colors is placed in college such Green dustbins for Wet waste (Biodegradable) and Red, Yellow and Blue dustbins for Dry waste (nonbiodegradable waste). Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 236 of 495 • • • • • Organized an Awarness Campaign on “disposal of waste” in August in association with Ramy foundation and MCD. September 17,2010: invited talks on “Ozone Protection” by Dr B.C. Sabata, Senior Scientific Officer, Ministry of Environment and V.C. Kalia from IGIG, Mall Road delivered lectures “Microbial Diversity and Genomics in Aid of Mitigating Environmental Pollution”. Attended the workshop by many students on “Ozone and its impact” at the Delhi Secretariat on the occasion of International Ozone Day. March 26, 2011: Observed Earth hour . Organized arainwater harvesting (RWH) seminar and invited Ms. Jyoti Sharma, the President of Forum for Organized Resource Conservation and Enhancement, (FORCE, an NGO). Academic Session 2011-12: Convener, Dance Club: Dr. Parvinder Kaur • • • • September 7, 2011:organized a workshop on “Hands on training on Paper Recycling”. September 21, 2011:celebrated International ozone day in which invited talk by Dr Chirashree Ghosh, Associate Professor, Department of Environmental studies enlightened the students with the importance of Ozone layer Depletion by giving seminar on the topic “Demistifying Ozone: The Good, Bad and the Hole.” This year an effort was made to make herbal garden in the college, for that seeds of herbal plants which includes thyme, chervil, basil, parsely, chives and dill vilmorin were procured and planted. February 15,2012:Organized a competition on “Usage of Recycled Paper”. PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB (Clickerati) Academic Session 2013-14: Convener, Photography Club: Dr Jitender Kumar • Organized a one day workshop on the topic “Orientation to Photography” by Future Forward, Lajpat Nagar which was was followed by a photography exhibition by the club From 30 entries about 15 best photos were selected and put on display Academic Session 2012-13: Convener, Photography Club: Dr Jitender Kumar Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 237 of 495 • • Organized a lecture on the topic” Photography Tips: Elements to capture the winning shot” which was delivered by Dr. Pramod Sagar, Vice- Principal of ShivajiCollege. All technical features covered in photography were discussed by Dr Sagar.The lecture session registered full attendance. The session was followed by a photography exhibition by the club in which the photography talent of the students was showcased. From 45 entries about 20 best photos were selected and put on display. March 1, 2013:Organized an Inter-collegePhotography Competitionon the theme “Colours of Spring” and an “On the Spot” competition on the theme “NAVARASTHE HUMAN EMOTIONS” to capture the spirit and vibrancy of the annual festSRIJAN, 13. Academic Session 2011-12: Convener, Photography Club: Dr Jitender Kumar • • • • August, 2011: Organized a photography competition on the topic “Independence Day”. February 8, 2012:Organized an IntercollegePhotography Competitionon the theme “Dilli Ki Sardi” on and an “On the Spot” competition on the theme“First Day Srijan Photography”to capture the spirit and vibrancy of the annual festSRIJAN, 2012. March 2012: Organized a Seminar on “HUMAN RIGHTS” and “Photography Competition Cum Exhibition” was alsoheld in which students from various colleges participated enthusiastically. Organized a lecture on the topic” Photography Tips: Elements to capture the winning shot” which was delivered by Dr. Pramod Sagar, Vice- Principal of ShivajiCollege. All technical features covered in photography were discussed by Dr Sagar.The lecture session registered full attendance. The session was followed by a photography exhibition by the club in which the photography talent of the students was showcased. From 45 entries about 20 best photos were selected and put on display. Activities of N.S.S Unit of the college 2011-13 2011-12: 1) A blood donation camp was organized in the college on 28th Feb 2012 in collaboration with AIIMS blood bank, New Delhi Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 238 of 495 2012-13: 1) The first event of the year was Blood Donation Camp which was organized in association with AIIMS. Many enthusiastic students came up to donate their blood with more than 100 successful donors registered with the blood bank. Every donor was given a blood bank card and a T-shirt as a souvenir of their noble act. 2) It was followed by Eye Donation Awareness Drive where an on the spot poster making competition was organized on the topic Eye Donation itself. Yet again the event saw a good number of participants. Many of the posters were impressive enough and few were also selected to be put up in various hospitals to raise awareness about this noble cause. At the end of this camp many were inspired to pledge to donate their eyes. 3) The third event and perhaps the most successful one was Clean-a-thon. It was organized in collaboration with Leaders for Tomorrow and Eco-Club. More than 130 students turned up for the event and the whole campus was cleaned up. As an extension of this event the NSS also tried to prim up the college surroundings with the help of the zone’s MCD and DDA officials and were somewhat successful too in their endeavor. 2013-14: 1) Students participated in Commonwealth Day, which is the annual celebration of the Commonwealth of Nations held on the second Monday in March normally attended by HM Queen Elizabeth II, Head of the Commonwealth, with the Commonwealth Secretary-General and Commonwealth High Commissioners in London. In 2013 the Commonwealth Day was celebrated on 11th March with “Opportunity through Enterprise” as this year’s theme. 2) Distribution of Clothes, toys and stationary for slum children was carried out 3) A plantation drive was conducted and more than one hundred saplings were planted in college premises. Some recorded proofs for NSS unit activities: 2012 blood donation camp: Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 239 of 495 Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 240 of 495 Manual for Self-Study - Affiliated Colleges Page 241 of 495
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