Aboriginal Rhythms 1 2 3 4

Aboriginal Rhythms
Computer Activity: Open up Paint or similar drawing program. Create a new page (approximately 700 x 525 pixels). The background color can be any color you wish. Look at this modern
example of an Aboriginal dot painting. Notice the individual dots placed in rows to create lines
that are placed together to create shapes. These lines of dots
create a beautiful visual rhythm that carry the eye across the
work. If you look at the detail, or close-up, you will see the
different colors and color patterns this artst used. Because this
project can be tedious, it is best to think of your basic design
first. Consider designing a motif. A motif is a pattern or design
that gets repeated over and over again in larger works. Wallpaper patterns use motifs. A motif is designed, then it is printed
over and over again onto the wallpaper backing. Look at this
student sample. Can you see the motif? How many times was
the motif copied to complete the project?
Student Sample Digital Dots
Notice the motif has been marked
with a heavy black rectangle so you
van see it. That design is repeated
four times to complete the final
project. This final work has how
many “lines of symmetry”? If you
guessed two, you would be correct.
Look at the horizontal and vertical
dotted red lines. These are the two
lines of symmetry. Now try creating
one of your own. When you are
done, print it, sign it and frame it for
our Art Gallery.
Page 1 of 1 The Principles of Design - Activities: Aboriginal Rhythms